

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Wizards and Witches (Always Open!) [CLOSED]
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5724
#1 Posted: 18:14:03 24/03/2014 | Topic Creator
You are alone in your room, simply doing what you do when a ring comes from you doorbell. You run to the door, seeing nothing but an envelop on the cold ground. You pick it up and open it, curious of its contents. You read it and it says "Meet at the Beverly Mansion at 9." Knowing how people are, you go there, seeing others. A figure steps out of the shadows and smiles warmly. "It is time to begin, " he says as an odd sensation makes you black out. You wake up in a field as a character in your dreams. You are shocked and think of this as a dream, but it isn't. This is real.

Welcome to the world of Wizards and Witches. This is only the start of the Hell you will face.

As you can see, this is almost like SAO and another rpg combined. Maybe some Final Fantasy...? smilie

Normal rp guidelines
You better not freaking power play!
I am the GM, but I might get a moderator or two if this rp dosent fail
No Mary/ Gary Sues
Get permission before killing somebody
Keep romance appropriate
Have fun!

Character Sheet :

Element (if your character has one)):
Faction/ Role (look up some Rpgs and you will find some):

(I will make mine when I see people join...))
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 20:26:27 24/03/2014 by derpyhooves
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#2 Posted: 18:17:54 24/03/2014
[[Soo... we become the character we usually have in dreams? Soo... if I where to join as Alvira, I'd be a bit like myself... and no shapeshifting... I don't realy know... it sounds fun, but I'm not realy convinced on as who to join ;>.>]]
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5724
#3 Posted: 18:22:45 24/03/2014 | Topic Creator
((You can shapeshift! That would be a great power! But of course, you cannot be over powered. That would be the Dark Master's job))
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#4 Posted: 18:24:20 24/03/2014
[[So I can join? As Alvira? *Shining eyes*
And what do you mean with FAction?]]
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5724
#5 Posted: 19:52:59 24/03/2014 | Topic Creator
((Yes. And this Rp has a good look on factions, or roles.

ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8195
#6 Posted: 19:59:41 24/03/2014
Could I be Shadmé, perhaps? ;3
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5724
#7 Posted: 20:01:48 24/03/2014 | Topic Creator
((Of course, Shadmè! smilie))
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#8 Posted: 20:20:47 24/03/2014
((Ah.... I see, I will write my sheet later on, but if anytthin is wrong then tell me))
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5724
#9 Posted: 20:34:07 24/03/2014 | Topic Creator
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#10 Posted: 20:37:58 24/03/2014
((To make sure: Alvira's "Faction" could be, for example, a Mage?))
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5724
#11 Posted: 20:42:02 24/03/2014 | Topic Creator
((Yeah, but I wouldn't pick mage...people always pick it and my one character is going to be a white mage...smilie))
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#12 Posted: 20:44:06 24/03/2014
((So can the character possibly be from a video game? I got a idea....))
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#13 Posted: 20:46:32 24/03/2014
((I then have no idea what fraction Alvira should be.... any Ideas?))
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5724
#14 Posted: 20:51:57 24/03/2014 | Topic Creator
((@Prex: sure! Mine are in an anime...or strictly based on one...))

((@ninjask: look at the rp in the link! There are many options there!))
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#15 Posted: 20:54:16 24/03/2014
((But I cannot make a decision! *Sobs*))
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5724
#16 Posted: 20:59:45 24/03/2014 | Topic Creator
(Maybe some sort of warrior?))
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8195
#17 Posted: 21:03:43 24/03/2014
So we're going by those factions?
Shadmé uses a bow, so she'd be a ranger, right?

Also, how many characters?
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5724
#18 Posted: 21:06:23 24/03/2014 | Topic Creator
((No limit, and yes. I forgot, you can have a Max of two factions too.))
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#19 Posted: 21:09:22 24/03/2014
((Well... Alvira wield a big staff, but can cast water/bloid spells without talking. She wears no armour but often tends to to rather keep it low and play sneaky.
It is so many classes in one!))
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5724
#20 Posted: 21:12:12 24/03/2014 | Topic Creator
((Pick the main two))
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#21 Posted: 21:15:40 24/03/2014
((K, I will do that later! Beye!))
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#22 Posted: 22:01:40 24/03/2014

Name: Marc
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Race: Human
Personality: A bit stubborn, Sometimes tends to be quite clumbsy
Power: No powers from his character, but he does have a sword.
Element (if your character has one)): None :/
History: Marc was an average gaming teenage boy, he was though a exceptional fan of the Fire Emblem series, Shadow Dragon being a particular favorite. He was also known to cosplay, making a costume himself one time. Marc was also known not to be the most tidy person, his room would always be a complete mess. So, when he got transported to this weird place, getting transformed into the character he was turned into was quite a shock for a guy like him.
Weapons: the sword Falchion
Appearance: In the world they where transported to, he looks like Marth. But, out of the game he has short blonde hair, average height for his age, and is usually seen wearing a blue hooded sweater and jeans, with of course earphones in his ears all the time with his IPhone in his pocket playing music.
Faction/ Role (look up some Rpgs and you will find some): Somewhat like Rune knight, but doesn't really use spells too often. Couldn't find a good class for him :/
Other?: Will be adding another character (based off of me) soon.
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5724
#23 Posted: 22:07:03 24/03/2014 | Topic Creator
((Accepted, Prex!))
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#24 Posted: 22:08:02 24/03/2014
((Thanks smilie
I kinda really wanted to RP out a character like this X3
Because Marth is supposed to be a prince afterall.))
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8195
#25 Posted: 22:41:10 24/03/2014
Name: Shadmé
Gender: female
Age: 15
Race: angel
Personality: a loner, friendly to close friends. Likes to use strategy.
Power: can sneak around in the darkness, fast reflexes. Uhh more details in weapons.
Element: considering using her darkness powers from Land of the Elements, but for now nope!
History: she is an angel from Skyworld, but spent her years on Earth learning tactics in the dark. Eventually, she made her way to Skyworld and learned even more with weaponry.
Weapons: A silver and gold bow that can split into a blade.
Appearance: [User Posted Image]
Faction: bow and blade ranger.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3600
#26 Posted: 23:10:06 24/03/2014
Ooc: soooo...Dimentio is in my dream lots...can I use him, perhaps?
My life is complete.
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#27 Posted: 02:38:43 25/03/2014
Name: Elijah "Eli" Jamison
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Race: Human
Personality: He's really shy, usually doesn't interact with people. It takes a while for people to open him up, and when they do, if they're in danger, he'll do anything for them.
Power: He can move really fast, and can appear to step out of nowhere, or come out of trees.
Element (if your character has one)): He has control over the earth.
History: He was orphaned as a little kid, and never saw either of his parents. During his life he was always getting into trouble, and never followed most rules. He still follows important ones, just not every rule.
Weapons: He can create any weapons out of the rocks he creates, though his main ones a sword and shield, a bow, a saxe knife, and he has 5 throwing knives. He also has a pair of twin Katanas.
Appearance: A white male, that usually wears a pair of blue jeans, a black shirt, with a black leather jacket on top. He also has brown hair, and brown eyes. In the game, he is a tall white male, with brown leather tights, a brown tunic, and a green and brown mottled cloak.
Faction/ Role (look up some Rpgs and you will find some): Bow and Blade Ranger, and a Dual Wielding Ranger.
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#28 Posted: 08:58:39 25/03/2014
Name: Alvira
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Race: I always said she was an Oceanian....
Personality: Alvira is very neutral and “changes just like the weather, fast.” She can be very sad at times and at other times she is realy hyper. She most often things before she does something, and will always be carefull of what is going o. She’s knowledgeable but childish at most often times. Often scared of others and acts young for her physical age. Alvira is known for working together with Drubira and pranking on with the classic “ShadowBrother-Trick”.

Drubbar is more like a friendly dragon who cares for any other person, helping them were needed and always out on the look for danger, just to get there and haunt it away. She loves to joke and play. Often just splatting around and derping. However, wen she is serious she can be dangerous, being fast paced in fights. Drubbar has a big temper, but wen you break it…

Drubira is destructive and full of hatred to almost everything, quickly jumping in the fight and hisses to almost everything. She loves to sneak up to people and give them the shivers, often cutting herself off from others and staying away. Drubira has a big hate to all Earth-elementals, as for she finds them cheap.

Albar, just like Drubira, is destructive, and full of hate. She’ll do everything to be alone and growls at everything. She a bit of a drawback and will madly slash her claws if you come too close. She’s territorial and acts like a mother just stole her babies.
Power: Alvira and Drubira share the same way of fighting, although Drubira is faster in her movements, but weaker in accuracy. Alvira on the other hand is a bit slower, but her aim is better and she’s a bit smarter, thinking out plans seconds before she even fires a beam of Ice from her staff. Both Alvira and Drubira can bend water with easy swings and twists of their arms. Alvira, unlike Drubira, can use water to heal others while Drubira uses the powers to destroy and release hate.
Both possess over the same staff that can change into an icicle scythe or just into the Ice-Beam-firing staff. The crystal on the Staff can be detected and the stick can be used as a fighting stick. This stick is created of hardened blood . This blood came from Myra. An Ectaren Drubira hated the most. Once facing Myra, Drubira automatickly takes over the body to attack.

Drubbar and Albar can whip up whirlwinds and tidal waves. They can both slash with their claws but Albar can cover her claws in ice. Their bite is equal to that of a crocodile’s and they wont release until their teath fall off. Drubbar is faster then Albar, but Albar is more brutal in her fighting then Drubbar.
Element: Water
History: So, first up: Drubira got raped by Sigvar(A former evil-person-etc) and sooner Alvira got born while on top of Drubbar. As for how they got all stuck in one body? Drubira, Albar and Drubbar got cursed and they were extracted from thier bodies. Those bodies got destroyed by Vamir, another Shadowbrother who also trapped the three souls at the current 5 year old Alvira, Drubira adding 10 years to Alvira's age. Drubbar added another 5 to that age and Albar another 5 . So Alvira exculy is 5 but physically she is 25... They now continousially switch and everytime they do the shape of thier body changes. Poor Alvira is basickly a host for the three cursed souls. Alvira can extract the souls out of her body by using the amulet, but only for a limitid time and they need each others life force.

Drubira was a young explorer of 19 years old who owned a Dragon named Albar, they were known for famous explorations made to various places where darkness ruled. One day, Albar got taken away by a ShadowBrother named Sigvar, and as a price for Albar’s freedom, Drubira had to do everything Sigvar said to her, for a whole week. Why was never clear to Drubira. At the last day of the week, Sigvar took Drubira- tutored and completely weekend down- Alone. The movements after that changed everything. Drubira, unable to struggle or fight back, got raped, then threw outside with Albar landing above her.
7 months later, after a dangerous escape. Albar and Drubira took in by a lady who deeply cared for them, they could restore their wounds with grace and returned to normal, altho Drubira, after 2 more months, got an intense pain, and exculy brought a child on this world. At first Drubira wasn’t sure if she’d keep it, as it was halfly created by a ShadowBrother, but after a long time she decided to take care for it and called her Alvira.
Alvira, just like her mom Drubira, had a pet Dragon, this Dragon was named Drubbar. It sonn became clear Alvira had the same poteintial as Drubira and trained in the martial arts of the Oceanian’s.
Drubira and Albar soon left Alvira with the lady to go retrieve some stolen items, but on their travel they encountered that one ShadowBrother again… Sigvar. Sigvar, hunger for more, wanted to do the same to Drubira again, but this time Albar wasn’t locked up and defended her master. Sigvar got pissed, and latterly executed Albar in front of Drubira’s eyes. Drubira was fast enough to grab Albar’s soul and added it as a second part to her. From that moment on Drubira could shapeshift into Albar, with Albar and Drubira’s memory mixed together. They defeated Sigvar with ease. Drubira and Albar started to train on wen to use the body as a Dragon, or as an Oceanian mage.
Once home, Drubira told everything to Alvira, who, at that time was 5. But it turned out that the lady taking care of them was a ShadowBrother too, named Zyra. She cursed Alvira and Drubbar to get stuck. Drubbar's soul stuck in Alvira’s body, and atop of that, Drubira and Albar got send into Alvira as well. Now 4 souls are stuck in Alvira’s body, Alvira leeds, with the three others trailing behind her soul… As for the curse, Drubira and Albar seemed to have tracks of being Evil. But it does not matter Alvira.
Appearance: Alvira’s a female human shape shifter who wears a black hood all pulled over her face, her light-blue hair covers the rest of her face nearly entirely. She wears a clear-light blue scarf. She also wears a purple T-shirt with long blue sleeve’s, also wearing red stripes around both arms. She also wears a black cape that’s extended from her hood. The green belt holds her trousers and Purple shirt intact.

Drubbar is the dragon form of Alvira, she sustains the purple shirt as well as the blue tints, hoever, she does not have sleeves and trousers, but the same color of scales and wings, her wing’s skin are deep-navy blue and both have a horn on their thumb. Her hood and cape are gone and her full head is seenable. Her hair still covers her eyes and mostly her entire face. The red striped portrets on Alvira’s clothes have changed into small belts tied around Drubbar’s legs and arms, her claws are also red. The green belt stays in place. Drubbar has a tail that ends in a flat piece with a light blue tip.

Drubira is the Evil Vampire form of Alvira, her clothes are all the same and identical to Alvira’s, hoever, She has grown fangs sticking out of her mouth and her eyes are allways red, There also somehow now is a scar all over her face. Drubira, unlike Alvira, has claws, and walks on two-toed feet. She has a tail sticking out on the back. Her hood is mostly all pulled over her face, only leaving the end of her hair seeable.

Albar Is the Evil Vampire form of Drubbar. Just like Drubbar most things stays the same, only her wings are scarred and ridged, her tail does not end in a flat piece of the tail, but in a pointy crystal. Albar, just like Drubira, has teeth sticking out and her eyes are standard red. The belts around Albar’s arms and legs are covered by pointy spikes.
Faction/ Role Dragon Knight/Sorcerer
Other?: Nah

Not sure if this is gonna fit everything smilie
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5724
#29 Posted: 10:55:18 25/03/2014 | Topic Creator
((@Ricko and Ninjask: Accepted! smilie

@MF: Whatever you want, just no gods! smilie))
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#30 Posted: 10:56:03 25/03/2014
[[that was the longest sheet I've ever written
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#31 Posted: 12:32:02 25/03/2014
((It was. smilie
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3600
#32 Posted: 12:33:37 25/03/2014

Uh oh...My Fandomness is making a giant reapperance ._.

Name: Count Bleck
Gender: Male
Age: Around 30-50...?
Race: Tribe of Darkness
Personality: Very Evil. But very rarely is kind hearted with other people. He likes to finish things quickly in battles, win or lose.
Power: Able to suck things into a different Dimension when his cape is unfolded.
Element: Magic? I dunno N/A
History: Once a sunny day of the Tribe of Darkness, Bleck fell from a cliff one day and met his soon-to-be wife. They were in love, but their tribes separated them, and they never saw each other again. Bleck was enraged and broke into the Tribe of Darkness head quarters and stole the Dark Prognosticus, which granted the reader dark powers, but it would bring them bad luck later. He traveled the world, soon finding a crew to work and plot with. They brought forth the Chaos heart, which opened a giant void in the sky that sucked everything. His plan was stopped, but he never stopped looking for some way to stop suffering in this world from happening.
Weapons: Magical Staff, Dimension-sucking cape.
Appearance:[User Posted Image]
[User Posted Image]

Faction/ Role: Leads his crew and plots what plans to do.
Other?: There are other things, bit I'll surprise you during the RP ;0

Name: Dimentio
Gender: Male
Age: around 16-20
Race: Magicians, and POSSIBLY the Tribe of Darkness
Personality: Sly and evil, always has a plan on mind and not afraid to die completing it.
Power: Able to teleport things to his own designed dimension, where he is OP and easily crush them, flames at the tip of fingers, duplicates, teleportation. And most importantly, to turn into the GIANT OP SUPER DOMENTIO
Element: Magic I dunno
History: Probably a descendant from the creator of Pixls, a fairy type of thing. It is said he is the author of the Dark Prognosticus
Weapons: His magic.
Appearance: Regular Form: [User Posted Image]
Super Dimentio form, after fusing with the Chaos Heart and Luigi...[User Posted Image]
Faction/ Role Servant of Darkness,
Other?: Not spoiling! smilie

Name: Mimi
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Race: Robotic Spiders
Personality: Her cute looks and dashing hair covers up her cruel and violent temper she often shows.
Power: Shift Shaping, shoot rupees from thin air, able to turn into a giant robotic spider.
Element Tech? I dunno
History: ????
Weapons: N/A just magic.
Appearance: [User Posted Image]
Faction/ Role: Servant of Darkness
Other?: smilie

Name: Natasia
Gender: Female
Age: Id say ar
Race: ????
Personality: Often says "Ummmmm" and "K" gets pissed when something doesn't go the way she scheduled it
Power: Hypnotism, some shocking ray, both are used by lifting up her glasses.
Element N/A
History:The story talks about a man searching for a girl he loved who is missing. While he is searching, he discovers a bat in a trap and sets it free. Later that night, while the man is sleeping, a woman whom he has never seen appears to him. In the story, it is said that the bat transformed into that woman and pledged, out of love, eternal loyalty to the man. No one knows what happened to them. It is heavily implied that the man is Lord Blumiere((Count Bleck)), the girl is Timpani, and the bat who transformed into the woman was Nastasia.
Weapons: Glasses.
Appearance: [User Posted Image]
Faction/ Role Right hand woman of Count Bleck
Other?: N/A
My life is complete.
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8195
#33 Posted: 13:04:50 25/03/2014
@derpy I accepted? smilie
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3600
#34 Posted: 13:10:42 25/03/2014
My life is complete.
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8195
#35 Posted: 13:18:58 25/03/2014
Are you using all of those? O.o
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5724
#36 Posted: 22:38:55 25/03/2014 | Topic Creator
((@shadmè : yahhh

And MF, can you try to make some humanoids? Just asking...but you're accepted anyway))
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5724
#37 Posted: 23:09:32 25/03/2014 | Topic Creator
((Sorry for the double post!))

My Characters:

Name: Ryo
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Race: Half Angel
Personality: Kind and sweet. Loves to be with people and is always smoewhat happy.
Power: Ability to manipulate light
Element: Light
History: He was raised by an abusive mother and a father who was never on his toes. He is now in a place with his aunt, but that dosent matter because he is in a game now smilie
Weapons: He has a staff
Appearance: [User Posted Image] (see the one on the right? smilie by the way, his eyes are mint green and his hair is sky blue. His outfit and staff are red, blue, gold, and a base color of white)
Faction: White Mage
Other: Has a sister that got killed by Zakari in the real world.

Name: Zakari (Mr. OP))
Gender: Male
Age: 3000
Race: Demon
Personality: He is a very evil being, full of hatred and anger
Power: He can control all things that associate with the shadows.
Element: Darkness/Death/Blood
History: His being was created long ago from the grudges and sin of the village that he was located
Weapons: His powers and a sword that has a purple handle.
Appearance:[User Posted Image]
Faction: Dark Master
Other: Has a being trapped in his clutches.

Name: Akira (Chase) Ou
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Race: Human
Personality: He is really idolized ...and he never really shows too much emotion.
Power: He can vaguely tell the future
Element: Shadow because of the demon, but none as his normal self.
History: He never left the game. He was always part of it. Just a pawn that the wretched Zakari could use.
Weapons: Throwing knives and whatever Samaria possesses
Appearance:[User Posted Image] Imagine this but with a bit kore of touch...with light armor))
Faction:Thief/ Assassin
Other: He is Zakari's vessel, which means that most times, he isn't himself. He will be how the demon looks like until later in the rp.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 01:00:24 26/03/2014 by derpyhooves
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8195
#38 Posted: 12:32:42 26/03/2014
Hooray! ^.^ When do we begin?
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3600
#39 Posted: 16:31:41 26/03/2014

Can I post some human forms of them? I don't own the pictures tho.
My life is complete.
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5724
#40 Posted: 19:28:13 26/03/2014 | Topic Creator
((Ok. And we will start shortly.))
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#41 Posted: 19:29:51 26/03/2014
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5724
#42 Posted: 19:48:15 26/03/2014 | Topic Creator
((Cant wait...starting now...and ninjask....I hate you!))

It was a stormy night as Ryo heard a knock at the door. He hesitantly opened the door and found a note. He picked it up, put it in his pocket, and went back to his room, taking it out and reading it.

Zakari snnickered as he left a note at a few doors and ran off to the meeting place.
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#43 Posted: 19:53:31 26/03/2014
[[Aww, why? smilie Why U hate me!?

EDIT: oh wait...*coughavatar*]]

As usually, Alvira did notthing but stare at the stars as something knocked on the door, she decided to open it, but... Nobody, nobody but a note... Alvira picked it up, closed the door and went into her room. Reading...
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 19:57:08 26/03/2014 by NINJAsk11
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5724
#44 Posted: 19:57:49 26/03/2014 | Topic Creator
((You know he is miiiinnnneeeeeee))

Ryo read aloud

"Meet at Beverly mansion at nine...." he murmured. He looked at the clock. 8:20. As curious as he was, he got ready.
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#45 Posted: 20:04:35 26/03/2014

Alvira stood up as she grabbed her jacked, and went outside. "Mansion at nine...." She kept on mumblinb to herself, and got lost in toughts as she nearly gets bumbed by a car. "Hey girl! Look out of your buttons!" The car speeded away. Alvira stood there, just in the light of a lantern, she turned around and kept on walking, silently.
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5724
#46 Posted: 20:21:41 26/03/2014 | Topic Creator

It was five minutes to nine as Ryo left. He took a backwater that got hum there on time.

((Btw no character knows another yet))
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#47 Posted: 20:23:22 26/03/2014
[[JUst lol.]]

Alvira comes at the same place as Ryou. She shot a look at the person, then looked away, staring into the darkness, saying notthing but: "Hi."
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5724
#48 Posted: 20:28:45 26/03/2014 | Topic Creator
((We gotta wait for the others))
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#49 Posted: 20:30:05 26/03/2014
[[Yes, I'll do that]]
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#50 Posted: 20:41:07 26/03/2014
Marc curiously walked over to the door as he heard a knock, slowly opening the door after checking outside the window, the teenager had found a mysterious note at the doorstep.
"Beverly mansion? Sounds cool." the boy said to himself with a smile,checking the time on his watch, he'd make it just in time. Leaving a note for his parents, since they weren't home, and he had also gotten his cell phone taken away from him for the week. Reason behind loosing the cell phone was for pulling a prank on the neighbors. He put his coat,boots and gloves on and headed outside. He went over to his blue four-wheeler and turned it on, beginning to drive over to the mansion. Marc was quite curious about what awaited him there.
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
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