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Is Spyro A Dead Franchise?
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8564
#1 Posted: 02:37:16 21/09/2022 | Topic Creator
Tbh I think the Reignited Trilogy wasn't meant to reboot the franchise but instead cash in nostalgia. Spyro wasn't the money maker Crash was and ever since Reignited its been very quiet. So yeah I think Spyro right now is pretty dead. Does that mean there are no more games to be made? maybe? It's hard to tell because Activision only focuses on CoD nowadays. And I also unironically think that a Skylanders Reboot pandering towards nostalgia would make so much money
LeewweewoowheeH Gold Sparx Gems: 2379
#2 Posted: 03:28:09 21/09/2022
sensitive content warning for people here who like spyro no judgement i was not super into the series other then dawn of the dragon YOU DO YOU LOVE WHAT YOU LOVE as long as its not evil

spyros been dead since like 2002 it got dragged around for a couple years with different devs who got confused if they were making a dreamworks film or lord of the rings knockoffs and kicked the big ole buckey in 200-whatever it was 8? when dawn of the dragon .... landed... crash landed really. crash was really not much better but i was def more of a crash fan and it made more money so eh

skylanders was the best thing spyro ever got the chance to do sure the originals were "classics" and "playstation" but as far as i remember they had literally nothing on the other big PS1 titles at the time when Cracktivision got their hands on spyro they totally just used the name to get a foothold of a fanbase and went nuts with the skylanders idea but for real "spyro" had nothing on skylanders it was the big success that came from the series that made people "know the character spyro" acause for real even to me i barely knew what it was to begin with just some weird playstation thing AFAIK.

seeing as Activision is the absolute scum of the earth and it has been thoroughly revealed now i think spyro shot his last breath of fire... spyro and crash were not activision products so i dont have the same amount of built up spite toward them as i do activision created titles but if it brings in even a dollar over at activision i dont approve so if spyro stays under their rights then i sincerely hope spyro is dead! same for skylanders... i think skylanders would def make them a lot of money if they nostalgia tripped back toward it but again LESS MONEY FOR ACTI THE BETTER

still hoping microsoft/microsatan just dissolves them

maybe they sell the rights off to said dead franchises to make a buck off it

doubt there would be many buyers

so pretty much...

spyro potential is equal to and not greater then ZERO

and skylanders could go either way

YO! thanks for the party and the maserati yall rocked my body but now im gone BYE! skylandersfan60
YesterdayFemmey Yellow Sparx Gems: 1221
#3 Posted: 04:34:49 21/09/2022
personally, i don't think that they did intend on taking spyro anywhere after reignited. crash has already had a couple games since, spyro nothing. except cameos. i think if reignited really took off they would have made more, but i don't think they ever expected it would, they were just doing what everyone seems to be doing and getting their nostalgia bait cash (which in and of itself i'm not saying is a bad thing).

frankly, i think spyro has become one if those franchises that no one has any idea what to do with at this point. the genre it has its roots in just doesn't have the reach it used to, and the controversy that resulted from TLoS and skylanders trying to change the formula has made continuing to do so a daunting task, and acti just never had the backbone that sega does with Sonic the hedgehog to just release stuff knowing full well that there is no win against the haters.

skylanders... i could be wrong, but i honestly couldn't see that kicking off as well as it did before. granted, i wasn't a part of the scene so i have no nostalgia for it, but i don't feel like the concept if the toys and whatnot would appeal to the generation that's addicted to smart devices and all things inanimate. maybe if they incorporated AR or used something like QR codes instead of the scanner portal thingies so it feels more modern and like what the kids are into? and the original skylanders having come out in 2011, i guess some of the kids who played it long enough ago to be nostalgic for it may not be quite adults yet, but i do feel like a lot of them would be at age where they're more concerned with where their money's going. especially when you factor in that peer pressure of being a teen and buying toys to play a game in a dead/dying franchise from "when you were a baby."

i feel like we might see smartphone apps and games using the characters Ă  la mega man x dive eventually, because i feel like that's a franchise where they are similarly at a loss for what to do with it.
How many centuries have I spent in this utterly failed life?
sans Gold Sparx Gems: 2264
#4 Posted: 06:54:56 21/09/2022
i hope so.
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7331
#5 Posted: 10:44:43 21/09/2022
I used to think Spyro was more 'famous' than Crash back in the day, but that was just because I preferred the purple dragon.

This may be a super unpopular opinion, but I disliked the Reignited trilogy. Sure, there was a bit of nostalgia when I started it, but the games were...different. It's hard to explain how I felt about them, but they didn't feel or play the way I thought they would.
Take Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled for example. Beenox did an absolutely incredible job recreating the game, I could feel the nostalgia and it felt like I was still playing the PS1 version of the game, just HQ. It was so enjoyable and fun, and Spyro was not enjoyable and fun. The controls felt different, the dragon designs in the first game were awful, the colours in a lot of worlds seemed off (every world seemed to have a sunset-looking colour palette to me), and I'm still mad about what they did to Lofty Castle. Plus, there were quite a few areas where you could tell the game was rushed (which is Activision's fault).

I was hoping Activision was going to do something with Spyro after reignited. Since Crash got two other games, why wouldn't Spyro? From what I remember seeing, Spyro didn't do too well apparently, which I thought was odd because I thought the two playstation mascots were on the same 'famous' page. I also remember seeing a couple of youtube thumbnails about a Spyro 4, but I haven't heard anything else and that was a while ago.

I kinda agree with YesterdayFemmey. No one knows what to do with Spyro anymore. I don't think Activision cares anymore. They don't want to grab a studio to create a new Spyro game because they think it won't bring it any money. And they're right, it probably won't. Or at least, not as much as they want.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 10:50:38 21/09/2022 by Spyro-Gamer
Clank Emerald Sparx Gems: 4373
#6 Posted: 17:37:49 21/09/2022
As much as I would love to see a new game, I worry about how good it would be. Like others have said, the Spyro franchise has gone through so many drastic changes that no one can agree with what they want from the purple dragon anymore. I feel that they would either cling too hard to nostalgia and not innovate, or would try too hard to please everyone and only further remove the series from its own identity. I think it would be best if every Spyro fan kept making their own fan content, that way everyone can be happy with their own idea of him. Maybe someday, and in better hands, it would be a better time for Spyro to shine again.

Spyro is a cool guy though, we met at a barbeque once. He grills a mad hot dog, at least according to Ratchet.
"*runs around like a headless gnorc*" ~Jaggedstar©
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3947
#7 Posted: 15:25:16 22/09/2022
i have permanent spyro brainworms so even if acti or microsoft or whoever has rights to him throws him in the trash he will always live in my heart
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9241
#8 Posted: 15:45:31 22/09/2022
If we don't hear anything new for Spyro by next year, then I guess it was just for a cash grab, which is really unfortunate, cos I think the series has potential to be really good. Also, why would they go to the detail of adding that little "Spyro 4" in the official art book of Crash, and go to the detail of even mentioning it in the book?

Maybe, Spyro 4 has been in development for a while, and then Activision wanted every studio to focus on CoD, and that's what's most likely slowed it down, I do agree, Crash is the more popular which makes sense as to why they've been focusing on him more. But I do feel it's a bit unfair that Crash got a new sequel, and the last we saw of Spyro was a cameo in CTR remake, and that mobile game.

I'm hoping that Microsoft will breathe some life into Spyro again, and even if it's just one more game and that's it, I'll be happy with that.
Crash Bandicoot is over-rated
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3947
#9 Posted: 21:53:17 23/09/2022
its video games its usually a cash grab
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8564
#10 Posted: 23:42:44 23/09/2022 | Topic Creator
Quote: ThunderEgg
its video games its usually a cash grab

People really need to get that video games aren't made for their entertainment. Money comes first
LeewweewoowheeH Gold Sparx Gems: 2379
#11 Posted: 00:22:23 24/09/2022
i thought we all pretty much knew that since like the playstation happened
YO! thanks for the party and the maserati yall rocked my body but now im gone BYE! skylandersfan60
skylandersfan60 Gold Sparx Gems: 2454
#12 Posted: 00:57:01 24/09/2022
I think that's a bit too cynical. The video game industry is infamously grueling, most individual devs and whatnot are in it for passion. While the higher ups at huge companies like Activision, Microsoft , EA, etc are obviously 100% money first, the studios under and outside them I'd say are making games for entertainment first or equally to money. I also don't think we should judge devs for wanting to make money, you cannot pay your employees with passion, though this is not really as applicable to Activision/Microsoft and getting off topic. To get back to the topic, Spyro is very dead. I worry that if there was a Skylanders remake it would end up an NFT thing tbh, like randomly generated Skylanders you can throw in game or something.
LeewweewoowheeH Gold Sparx Gems: 2379
#13 Posted: 01:13:30 24/09/2022
oh well definitely there are PLENTY of people who get into game development because they love it i think the point is really just about the companies and big bosses like you said i feel like the industry IS a disappoint and a shame to the devs (who arent harassing their coworkers) who signed up for their dream job i mostly stick to indie developers if i want to even look at a video game you can find free games on about a thousand times better with clearly more love and passion put into them then these big companies produce now and i can see that much and i dont even play video games (my sister has been binging itch games recently though and you would be surprised what no-named people have put out there)

OMG imagine that NFT skylanders that would probably be what they would try wouldnt it be lol
YO! thanks for the party and the maserati yall rocked my body but now im gone BYE! skylandersfan60
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8564
#14 Posted: 04:30:39 24/09/2022 | Topic Creator
Quote: skylandersfan60
I think that's a bit too cynical. The video game industry is infamously grueling, most individual devs and whatnot are in it for passion. While the higher ups at huge companies like Activision, Microsoft , EA, etc are obviously 100% money first, the studios under and outside them I'd say are making games for entertainment first or equally to money. I also don't think we should judge devs for wanting to make money, you cannot pay your employees with passion, though this is not really as applicable to Activision/Microsoft and getting off topic. To get back to the topic, Spyro is very dead. I worry that if there was a Skylanders remake it would end up an NFT thing tbh, like randomly generated Skylanders you can throw in game or something.

Oh no I agree that companies realized that good games make money and that it's weird to have personal feelings for faceless companies either in a positive or negative way. It's just that some people think that games should only cater towards their feelings. The thing about game devs at aaa level companies is that they cant really make the game they want. They just get told what to code and it's done

It's kinda like marvel movies. They're made to be entertaining second and made to make money first.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:56:34 24/09/2022 by somePerson
LeewweewoowheeH Gold Sparx Gems: 2379
#15 Posted: 04:44:38 24/09/2022
^i didnt even know they tried to make those marvel movies entertaining huh......................... i think its a bit much to say the companies are faceless though kind of puts this false representation that the work environments and cultures there can somehow be excused because of it and when people tend to bring up (like me) something like i hate Activision its the foundation/culture/and work environment of said company we are speaking about and then often the literal face/head of said company that allow these business practices to take place and in this topics case... i think there is a certain level of greed a company can have that should totally be judged absolutely if they made a new spyro game it would make money BUT it wouldnt make ENOUGH money for them because they only want AAA bread winners there should be a balance and these big companies dont have that just moneymoneymoneymoney
YO! thanks for the party and the maserati yall rocked my body but now im gone BYE! skylandersfan60
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3947
#16 Posted: 14:03:59 26/09/2022
yeah i dont think the workers directly working on the game are always doing it for a cash grab. usually the people working directly on games are in a sucky position but want to be there bc of how much they love games. i mean mostly like higher ups enlisting teams to create stuff. the higher ups are where most of my gripes are concerned with

nft skylanders is a good point. i wouldnt want it going in that direction but i could see acti doing that which would suck
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
LeewweewoowheeH Gold Sparx Gems: 2379
#17 Posted: 20:20:33 26/09/2022
^9/10 chance the higher ups in big corporations are corrupt 10/10 chance at least one of them are if their are multiple and this company is as big as these lol
YO! thanks for the party and the maserati yall rocked my body but now im gone BYE! skylandersfan60
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