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Are anime fans funny?
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 9155
#1 Posted: 08:09:02 13/06/2022 | Topic Creator
I was watching a trash taste stream which is a an anime podcast. And they had a you laugh you lose challenge and a lot of the videos sent were unfunny and had to relate to anime. I myself never laugh at anime but grin.

This clip in particular is the suspect

I think it's because of a lot of memes from anime fans have anime forced into the joke so it becomes more of a "haha I get that reference" and not a "haha that's funny". That or an overused joke like the dreaded Jojo fans.

But besides jokes related to anime a lot of the humor relies on tropes like self deprecation that's suppose to be ironic self awareness or misogyny. Both are pretty lazy. I like real memes like chuck Norris memes and nyan cat
skylandersfan60 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3032
#2 Posted: 15:57:45 13/06/2022
I thought similar until engaging in other communities. I've watched ylyl streams from non anime creators and it's the exact same. A lot of people just have a very boring sense of humor. Ylyl streams are mostly garbbo unless it's like a Jerma stream.

I agree about the reference stuff. Internet centric communities tend to love quipy, reference heavy humor. It's one of those things that makes sites like Reddit a chore.
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 9155
#3 Posted: 17:37:10 13/06/2022 | Topic Creator
Quote: Drednaw
i said this before but i'll say it again- anime fans are unfunny, but the jojo fans have one redeeming quality in their taste in music

The thing about JoJo fans and music is that their taste in music is what song a character is named after. And then when you go to the music video of said song the comments are stuff like "OH MY GOD JOJO DIO WRRRRRRERY MUDAMUDAMUDAMUDA".

Quote: skylandersfan60
I thought similar until engaging in other communities. I've watched ylyl streams from non anime creators and it's the exact same. A lot of people just have a very boring sense of humor. Ylyl streams are mostly garbbo unless it's like a Jerma stream.

I agree about the reference stuff. Internet centric communities tend to love quipy, reference heavy humor. It's one of those things that makes sites like Reddit a chore.

Is it just people on the internet with a boring sense of humor? Because on reddit a lot of upvoted comments are references to shows like the office or marvel movie quips. a lot of humor on the internet tends to be meta or self referential with stuff like "Im so depressed xd" or "I'm a loser xd".
LeewweewoowheeH Gold Sparx Gems: 2733
#4 Posted: 09:47:07 17/06/2022
not westerners no
YO! thanks for the party and the maserati yall rocked my body but now im gone BYE! skylandersfan60
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