Many hundreds of miles away, in a small continent that was once being exploited by the Ishulgites, there was a place that made you believe you just went back in time. A valley full of the most magnificent creatures, many which haven't been seen by humans in decades, called this place home. Centaurs, satyrs, sirens, nymphs, gargoyles and even lesser known creatures like onocentaurs, were some of the creatures that inhabited the valley. Pegasuses roamed the area freely, some used by the smaller communities whenever they needed transport. In another part of the valley, farms focused on breeding the critically endangered griffins and hippogriffs were in constant surveillance, with centaurs taking the day shifts while gargoyles took the night one, being the strongest creatures of the valley and thus able to control the wild beasts. Sergeant Farlo called this place home. The waters were protected by magnetic fields and strong currents that made it near impossible to navigate with ship. Only sirens, which were stronger and usually more aggressive than merfolks and didn't associated with humans, could handle these waters. Northern merfolks might be able to navigate them, but they have never tried. Rumors of a kraken living nearby made them think twice, though apparently, sirens could keep the beast under control.
All of these creatures, once persecuted by humans, and then Ishulgites, were safe here. Not only did the near impenetrable waters protected them, but on the island, there was a strong chain of thick foliage and mountains so high, flying over them made the lack of oxygen take over. The continent had small humans villages on the other side, but even if they had wyverns, they couldn't overfly the mountains, nor they could surround the continent. Sergeant Farlo had faith that one day, they would be able to make peace with humans and feel safe around them, but today was not that day. After the attack, it was obvious that greedy humans still posed a severe threat to them, and the valley community, while they were only limited to that place, were happy. Fauns were extinct as far as they knew, and they weren't going to let the same thing happen to them.
Quote: Spyroconvexity“Humm...that is a hard question. Perhaps you could visit Veris every once and awhile? I’m sure he’ll understand.” Neo said. “But conserding Shade he’ll be very happy to see you and Maverick.”
"Yeah. I was thinking about that. Visit him and take him out of the cage from time to time, even if it's not with the same frequency as before. I don't think he's going to like it anyway, but he will have to understand. I mean, I have taken care of him for five years. He can't complain." Angora expressed, having thought about him and others for a long time. Was it wrong to think about herself for once? Latnok would probably call her selfish if he found out, but she didn't care what he thought about anymore.
"And Shady... yeah, he'll be happy alright. He'll squeeze me hard, I know it. I just hope he doesn't disintegrate me with so many licks." Angora said jokingly, after all these years still unable to believe she had two giant dragons caring about her so much, but with Beris, she was willing to bet he would be horribly jealous if he found out about her visit, even though he had no reason to be.
Just then, Angora could hear the gallop of Dahlia's hooves, indicating her and her master's arrival.
"Buenas noches mi querida Dahlia. I will be very busy tomorrow and the day after, and maybe more days after that, but I will still find the time to do this. I know you don't like being among people, but if you want, want me to help me travel around the city?" Maverick asked, with Dahlia mooing quietly in response. She hated roaming around the city, but she made Maverick's trips faster, so she learned to tolerate it for his sake, not to mention she could be with him during those times.