Throughout the day, business in the city proceeded at a breakneck pace, between war preparations and roundups of dissenters. The arena was kept active during this time, giving those who had the time a slight reprieve from the situation. At the very least, there wasn't any shortage of prisoners to throw in there.
For a brief moment, wyverns flew high over the skies of Redwater, dropping containers which opened in the air - dispersing many leaflets. Written on it was the date of the coronation - and an urging of those who doubted this new leader to acknowledge him once he had officially laid his claim.
darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Stuff and Nonsense > Role Play > Baptism by Lightning (legend of Orion. private)
A Guy
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#2001 Posted: 21:08:15 20/03/2020
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Prismatic Sparx
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#2002 Posted: 21:36:03 20/03/2020
Angora was growing restless, and Dahlia wasn't helping matters either. She gave her a brief exercise through the ship, being slightly less uneasy around Darkheart but still naturally cautious. The city however, it looked like it was in a chaotic silence, and while nothing could be seen from there, Angora believed people were quite uneasy, with good reason of course. Dahlia rested in a corner after her exercise, still highly alert. Still waiting for Sere to call her, either to tell her the plan or what he decided about Veris, Angora settled to looking at the port, seeing where most of the laid sailors ran off to. She imagined how bitersweet the moment was. They have just been paid, probably a large sum of money, yet what would they do with it? Where would they stay if the city was likely at war already?
Huntress remained near the ship, going near a fish market to pretend to be browsing. When will Maverick show up? She had a score to settle with him... although her desire to meet him again was out of mere curiosity. How he was still alive? It was impossible! She wanted answers, and even though her beloved city was threatened right now, she already did her part, and feeling like she couldn't do anything else right now, she settled to just think about her own needs for once.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
A Guy
Emerald Sparx
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#2003 Posted: 01:16:13 21/03/2020
When Ilasi felt there was an available opportunity, she decided to seek out Sere to discuss the idea. He remained in his quarters.
Stepping up to the door, she timidly knocked on it. After a few moments, the distinctive sound of Sere's footfalls could be heard approaching, before he opened the door in answer. "Why, hello, Ilasi," Sere greeted. "Thank you for the excellent work you have done on the voyage. Are you here to collect your pay?" "Uh, no I... No, captain, not right now," she nervously answered, forgetting about that detail. "I'm still here until we finish this matter. Rather, I'm here to discuss a potential idea of mine in the fight ahead?" "Really? Please, tell me more..." Sere prodded. He wasn't going to turn down advice from any ally right now - he would, at the very least, consider it.
I'm just... a guy... |
Prismatic Sparx
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#2004 Posted: 06:33:47 21/03/2020
While Ilasi was busy with the captain, Maverick helped Angora with Dahlia.
"Gracias for taking care of her Angorita. I... I am kinda scared about what will happen next, but hey, we managed to triumph over everything the Ishulgites threw against us back in the Archipelago, so why does this time be any different? Besides, we received quite the honor from Orion, so everything should be fine..." Maverick said, although it was more to reassure himself. He despised the idea of battling the Ishulgites again, even more so the idea of death, but if he learned something through his time with his father was that some people were beyond redeemable, and that sometimes, you had to fight for your life. He still had his pirate skills, so he hoped that could be enough, at least until he could master whatever power Orion gave him. Angora paused for a while, remembering the time Maverick was kidnapped, and feared he might be too vulnerable. What's worse, the Ishulgites were likely hating her right now for rejecting them, and they could try hurting Maverick just to get to her. Trolls were already dangerous even without magic, so if they tried anything, Angora was determined to show those insane cultists just how deadly she could be.
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#2005 Posted: 21:48:53 21/03/2020
"So," Ilasi continued, "you know how merfolk are, according to history, the creators of the Scepter?"
"I am aware," Sere answered. "So, my plan is that if, somehow, we find someone who is familiar with the relevant magic, then we can work on a spell that either nullifies its power, or robs Rigel of his ability to wield the artifact," Ilasi proposed. "I think... King Seraos would probably have the connections for such a thing." "Sounds reasonable enough," Sere said in agreement. "Worth trying, anyway. The delivery method for such a spell would likely require a human, keep in mind - merfolk may not be able to get close enough to the ceremony to do such a thing." "That is true," Ilasi conceded. "Well... that's the idea. I don't know if it will help... I just wanted to put it out there, however." "Thank you," Sere said. "If that is all, you are free to go." Ilasi left with Sere's permission. Now that most of the matter of pay had been sorted, he had some other things to worry about - like touching bases with the Guardians. There was a meeting point not too far away from where they were - still a reasonable flight, however. Veris. There was still the matter with Angora to settle. Sere would have to find her...
I'm just... a guy... |
Prismatic Sparx
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#2006 Posted: 22:34:49 21/03/2020
Angora remained on the main deck with Maverick, with the nearby Dahlia napping but moving her ears, still in high alert.
"We take care of each other Maverick. We may have beaten those lunatics several times before, but the stakes are higher now. We're not on an island of few people and much space to maneuver. This is a city now. And of course, they should know by now not to underestimate us. And you Maverick, you take extra care. Remember that I rejected them, and they must be hating me so much right now. They may try to harm you to get to me." Angora warned, voicing her concern. "No te preocupes Angorita. I... I know that talking with them is not enough. I promise I won't lower my guard, and I won't let them manipulate me. Plus we now have Orion's blessings and power to aid us. I still feel so bad that I left you behind for such a long time. I mean, I'm in a relationship right now, but that was no excuse to neglect you. I feel like it's my fault you were manipulated. I owe señor Julien the world for talking you out of it, but above all, defending you from Sere. What a great man!" Maverick said with pride, having been told by Angora at some point on the journey back about what happened in that office. Angora had Veris through that time, but knew not even he had been enough to mellow down the hopelessness and lonelyness she felt back then. Angora already forgave Maverick a long time ago, even though there was nothing to forgive. She wanted to blame Ilasi and her jealousy at the beginning, but knew it was also her own fault for not approaching Maverick more often and refusing to be more open with how she felt through that time.
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A Guy
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#2007 Posted: 00:42:55 22/03/2020
Before long, the conversation between Angora and Maverick would be interrupted by the sudden arrival of Sere. He came in walking with a purpose, having important business to discuss. "Pardon me - but I will need your presence, Angora," he said. "The wyvern pen. We will talk there." Sere wondered what it was Veris was doing right now...
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Prismatic Sparx
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#2008 Posted: 01:13:35 22/03/2020
Angora gulped, and Maverick could see her nervousness when even her ears changed color. Why Veris' pen? Wasn't every business supposed to be discussed at his office? She doubted it was to discuss about the plan, unless he wanted Veris to hear the strategy too? Could be, but doubtful. Angora had expected Sere to discuss such a matter only after the war was over, but clearly he took more priority than she imagined.
"Go Angorita. Follow him. Buena suerte." Maverick wished, smiling at her and wanting to assure her everything would be fine. The only thing that eased her nervousness for a tiny margin besides Maverick's encouragement was the fact that Veris was at least attempting to cope with the possibility of her not coming with him. And why not? He lived without her for a very long time. He would be able to do it again with time. Angora followed Sere as Maverick waved goodbye, wondering if Sere was planning to bring Latnok or Raclaw to be the wyvern's translators or if it will be just them. She prepared to have Veris tackle and lick her as he sometimes did when he was in an overly affectionate mood.
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#2009 Posted: 01:17:36 22/03/2020 | Topic Creator
Shade meanwhile was looking down. He was feeling down being taken away from the only family he has ever known.
Icestorm and Crystal kept watch on deck. Not knowing what else to do sense they nether signed a contract.
SC |
A Guy
Emerald Sparx
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#2010 Posted: 03:19:49 22/03/2020
Sere opened the door to the enclusure, where Veris - who had been dozing off - slowly came to attention. Upon getting his bearings, he stood up more readily.
'Hello, Veris," Sere greeted. "How are you doing?" "I am well. Very well!" Veris answered eagerly, in what Sere would hear as a series of grunts and hisses. Veris' exuberance, however, would relay his feelings soon enough. "Angora! Is she coming with us?" Veris gave a longing look to the troll as he asked. That was also easy enough for Sere to interpret. "Still looking forward to having her around? Well, we have a few details to discuss," he said. "Hopefully, we will reach a suitable agreement." Veris gave a hopeful, expectant expression of pleasure. Of course his human would address the issue! And since Angora was okay with staying along, she was as good as his!
I'm just... a guy... |
Prismatic Sparx
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#2011 Posted: 03:37:10 22/03/2020
Angora wondered why Sere didn't bring Latnok or Raclaw to translate for him. Was it that... he knew of her ability? She never lied to Sere since he never asked, but she still withheld the truth, which could be nearly as bad as lying. She felt like shrinking when Veris said those last words looking at her. It was hard to think he could be a vicious predator when he tried to simulate such puppy dog eyes. None of her attempts to spend less time with him worked. But what was more mysterious is why Sere chose this moment above all to address the matter. She thought he would be too worried about the Ishulgites to even consider it until after they were stopped.
"Sir? Just so you know, I thank you for the opportunity to let me be useful here. I know you didn't want me around, but things worked out after all. It was a long voyage, and I knew Veris needed the care since you were too busy being the captain and on top of that worrying about those dastardly people." Angora commented, meaning every word. She wanted to say much more, but she wasn't going to with Veris present. Deep inside, she was quite upset that Sere chose Veris' pen instead of his office to discuss the wyvern's wishes. It was almost as if Sere wanted to make her nervous on purpose... Back at the main deck, some of the sailors that received payment and stayed on the ship for a while longer bid their farewell to Maverick, indicating how much they were going to miss his contagious personality and heavenly cooking. Men could cook, but they thought it was mostly women territory. Although Maverick being part faun might have something to do with everything about him. Maverick for once, was glad he came. While he could not deny the horrors they faced, all the deaths they witnessed, he didn't regret the trip. Shade being the king's dragon now made him wish they could've stayed at sea longer. He could keep an eye on him, even if they couldn't talk.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
A Guy
Emerald Sparx
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#2012 Posted: 03:50:36 22/03/2020
"Thank you for the work you have done," Sere replied as he led the way out. "It would seem that Veris is still very pleased with you. So... I am planning to draft an offer of employment to last beyond these events. We can decide on terms a bit later - but for now, please keep it under consideration." Sere had been wanting to do some deliberation that day, but decided he didn't have the luxury to do so when he still had many other things to do. to think that he had gone from almost killing Angora to this - it was truly something amazing.
I'm just... a guy... |
Prismatic Sparx
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#2013 Posted: 04:08:37 22/03/2020
Angora was severely disappointed to hear Sere telling her to consider it. She was hoping he would outright rejected her so that Veris would be upset with him and not her. Sere was practically the one who raised him, so if he was going to be less angry with someone, it was going to be him. With her however, she wondered. Angora simply nodded, being out of words. What else could she say? Not only was he asking her to do the exhausting work of taking care of Veris. Sere was also literally asking her to consider living in Guardian base, full of people that were probably going to hate her for the mere fact of being a troll, and as Maverick pointed out, a place that likely had many other wyverns, that weren't going to be as friendly as Veris was for sure. Even he was aggressive towards her the first time they met, and would've killed her if Sere hadn't stopped him.
Sere was likely going to be busy the rest of the day, since he didn't even spared the time to discuss the matter in detail. So that was it then. Their conversation was simply a heads up. While Angora wanted to be more worried about the Ishulgites, this particular decision was something that was going to affect the rest of her life after they were stopped at last, and that was if she survived in the first place. She didn't even dare to look at Veris. She could already imagine him being happy beyond words at the fact that Sere was already considering having her around, and that the decision was up to her...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
A Guy
Emerald Sparx
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#2014 Posted: 20:38:09 22/03/2020
'Well, then, Veris, let's be off," Sere ordered. "We're going to meet up with some of our fellow Guardians. I know we haven't had the chance to see them in a while."
Veris nodded, following along as Sere led him outside the pen - lowering himself to allow Sere to mount once they were outside. Sere quickly took his spot, and Veris flew off with Sere's guidance. The meeting hub was in a relatively remote area - a little bit out of the current established borders of Aellinon. Sere preferred having only essential business take place directly within a country's borders - or at least the most strictly controlled parts of the country - for exactly reasons like this. As Veris flew - eager to blow off a bunch of pent-up energy - he remained very positively charged by the thought of Angora staying around after everything was considered. His human was okay with it, and so was she - so it would happen, of course!
I'm just... a guy... |
Prismatic Sparx
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#2015 Posted: 21:14:52 22/03/2020
Angora followed them to see them off, already sensing Veris' happiness. He must be given he hasn't flown in a while. Or maybe because he really believed she was staying. Likely a combination of both. Maverick waved them goodbye, even though both had their back to him and didn't see it. He then approached Angora.
"Well then Angorita, how did it go? Vamonos. You can tell me all about it along the way. Not sure about you, but I could use some food that isn't mine. Let's go to a restaurant and talk all about it." Maverick suggested, a restaurant sounding like a great place to be right about now. Angora couldn't stand a minute more in that infernal ship. As they walked, Angora told Maverick everything, though there wasn't much to tell. "Well, to put it in perspective, Sere wants me to consider it. He talked about employment once all this ugliness was over, and of course, all so that Veris could hear. Not only that means Sere is willing to have me, but also fills that wyvern with even more hope. I just can't say to him I don't want to go. He was angry once when I mentioned him the possibility of not going because Sere wouldn't want me. Imagine if I told him I don't want to go. No matter the reasons I give him as to why it's such a bad idea, the big dummy simply refuses to see reason." Angora vented, knowing that no matter the valid argument she brought, Veris still wanted her around, and he already made it clear that he wants the deal to be forever. As they reached a good enough looking restaurant, Maverick was getting quite concerned. Not only about what Angora told him, but seemingly how she appeared to be so afraid of someone that was her friend. "Well Angorita, have you tried to be honest with him? I mean, he is a friend, no? Even if he gets angry, he has to understand why you don't want to go. I mean, if the other Guardians are how señor Sere and señor Latnok were to you, it's not a nice environment to work at, not to mention the possibility of other wyverns there, and that is assuming señor Sere is not the only one with one." Maverick pointed out, understanding why Angora was so against the idea. The wyverns were probably kept apart from each other and very locked up, but it still didn't change the fact that, while it was going to be likely a stable, well paid job, the environment wasn't going to be the best one. As they entered the restaurant, their conversation made them unaware they were being followed...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:16:13 22/03/2020 by Felines
A Guy
Emerald Sparx
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#2016 Posted: 23:45:23 22/03/2020
Though the flight took some time, Sere and Veris eventually made it to one of the many meeting hubs - a spot rather out of the way, near Aelinon's border, lying within a vegetated valley. Fortunately, the nature of the area rendered patrols rather futile; he was not accosted by eithe rallies or enemies, and did not have to fight anyone.
Veris forced his way to a landing through some branches into a clearer spot on the ground. Lying forward was a small cliff with an unassuming rock face. Sere, dismounting Veris, stepped forward, placing a hand on the edge and channeling some magic. The rock face shifted, revealing an entrance large enough for Veris to crawl through. Sere led the way, keeping up a light in order to allow Veris to see the area as he followed. No doubt the others would be on their way to check who it was that just arrived; Sere made sure his footfalls were loud enough to be distinctly heard, not wanting any sort of misunderstanding.
I'm just... a guy... |
Prismatic Sparx
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#2017 Posted: 00:18:39 23/03/2020
As Angora and Maverick watched the menu, Maverick remembered he didn't tell Ilasi about where he was going.
"Don't you worry. She will wait for you." Angora assured, figuring Ilasi wasn't going anywhere until he was with her. Maverick decided to stay there and settled to apologizing to her after he finds her. He already spent much time with her. It was time for some alone time with Angora, who truly needed it. He didn't like leaving Dahlia either, but she was still napping when they left, and opened her eyes briefly when they left, so she knew they were gone. The three former pirates arrived at the main deck shortly before they left, so they could always keep an eye on her. The three men weren't under contract, so they doubted they were going to get paid for their services. Now that they reached land, they were at a loss on what to do next, especially with the threat looming... After much time thinking, Angora and Maverick could finally choose their platter. After ordering, Maverick finally spoke. "So Angorita. Quite the battle we got ahead, although I get why you are more worried about Veris. It's a lifetime decision I suppose? But... why are you so afraid to tell him the truth? I mean, he is your friend, and quite a smart wyvern. Very gluttonous no doubt, but he wouldn't have bonded with you so much if he wasn't so kind." Maverick said, thinking Angora would have to ponder the question, but she answered quickly. "It's just that... well, bonding and smarts aside, I think Veris is... a little selfish too. I don't think he quite realizes it though. No matter how many valid arguments I throw against him, he always has a response and doesn't want to see beyond. He insists I must go with him, and assumes that, since we're friends, I want to go too. Not only was he angry when I told him the possibility of not going, he has also admitted to be jealous whenever I'm with you and Shady." Angora explained, with Maverick understanding even more why was she worried. He then wondered something. "Wait Angorita, you don't think... he can hurt us? I mean, me? Or you?" Maverick asked, knowing Shade had to be out given the circumstances and the fact he probably wouldn't be able to beat him in a battle. "I... honestly don't know." Angora answered sincerely, wondering if Veris, while prone to mini tantrums, could be capable of some violent retaliation as well if he didn't have his way. After a while, the food arrived. Maverick and Angora talked some more. They wondered what Sere's plan with the Ishulgites would be, but Veris sometimes kept popping into the subject again. Some tables behind them, the same mysterious person was watching them. She wasn't using her hood, so her face could be seen, but all Angora and Maverick saw was a woman, which offended her quite a lot...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
A Guy
Emerald Sparx
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#2018 Posted: 21:05:20 23/03/2020
As Sere was headed out to muster some of the Guardians for the operation, Laszur slowly woke up. He had to report to Seraos the events of the trip, at least more formally compared to his prior summation. Putting on his gear, he left without much of a word to anyone.
As he maneuvered through the city, he could see the tension worn on many faces. People needed to feel safe again - and that wouldn't be the case until this whole deal was done with. He was ready to do his part. He wasn't quite sure of this Mischief person - she always did seem quite jumpy - but if she was going to do the job, she would need help, and it seemed he would be among the most qualified to provide it. Leoquin, in the meantime, looked out at the docks from the ship. They were not bustling nearly as much as they used to. Which made sense. Apparently this Rigel person was using merfolk especially as a scapegoat in order to help unify the population against them... all he could hope was that his own parents didn't end up caught up in that mess somehow.
I'm just... a guy... |
Prismatic Sparx
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#2019 Posted: 21:25:38 23/03/2020
After eating, Maverick and Angora were given some cinnamon cookies courtesy of the house, which the troll adored. It was a recent policy from the restaurant, and it gave Angora plenty of reasons to return. Just as Maverick was about to pay, a young woman intercepted them.
"Don't worry waiter. This one's on me." she said, shocking Maverick and confusing Angora. "Oh it's really no trouble señorita. We have money." Maverick commented, but she shushed him. "I insist." she repeated, and not wanting to be rude, Maverick obliged. He simply shrank his shoulders when Angora looked at him, starting to get suspicious. Why would some random woman offer to pay an entire meal? It was usually the other way around when a man liked a woman... unless this was a reversed case? Although looking at her closely, she seemed familiar for some reason. Angora and Maverick prepared to leave, with the latter shaking hands with the kind woman and thanking her again. "Interesting friend you got there. Oh, but wait... you're the troll that was spared in the arena, right? Great spectacle. Some people still talk about that." Huntress said, maintaining a kind voice. Either Maverick had a really bad memory or was such a ladies man he couldn't recall her face. Angora on the other hand, was certain she has seen her face somewhere, and hated not remembering. With the matter settled, Angora and Maverick returned to the ship, with Huntress having ceased the following... or so it seemed. They exhanged fist bumps with the three fun men, and Maverick hugged Dahlia, who was awake but dozing off. The time was brief, but Maverick truly enjoyed that little moment with Angora, especially since she needed to vent quite badly.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
A Guy
Emerald Sparx
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#2020 Posted: 01:12:12 24/03/2020
Ilasi had to wait for Sere to return - wandering around by herself trying to find the connection she needed would prove an exercise in futility. She had tried to find Maverick earlier, but he seemed to have gone off somewhere. She was left to just pass time until Sere returned - and so she chose to spend it practicing a few spells from the spellbook.
Maverick eventually did return, however, with Angora - they probably went out somewhere together, Ilasi figured. Why didn't Maverick tell her? Did he fear that she wouldn't approve? That might be a matter to discuss later if there were a pattern of some sort. For now, she was glad to have him back. Ilasi soon approached the trio of Maverick, Angora, and Dahlia. Dahlia had been surprisingly quiet while they were gone. "Welcome back, you two!" she said to Maverick and Angora. "Hopefully all went well?"
I'm just... a guy... |
Prismatic Sparx
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#2021 Posted: 01:36:38 24/03/2020
Maverick immediately got up to meet Ilasi's glance.
"Oh, hola Ilasi. Pardon me for leaving like that. We left in kind of a hurry. We wanted to leave the ship for a while and I didn't see you anywhere, so, we... well, left." Maverick explained meekly, figuring it was too rude of his part to leave out of nowhere without much of a notice. "Well, remember that Maverick spent a lifetime on a ship, and then months again in this one, so he wanted dry land badly." Angora explained, having noticed his uneasiness and tried defending him. "We went to a restaurant. The food was... meh, but those cookies..." she began to say, almost salivating. Maverick rolled his eyes and smirked, deciding to give her his cookies. She already ate her batch, but he only ate one. "Oh, no no Maverick. No." Angora began to say, but her arm was already extending without her realizing it, and Maverick placed the bag in her hands. Angora didn't want to take it, but Maverick insisted and signaled with his hand for her to leave and enjoy them. She almost jumped in joy as she left to a corner of the ship to eat them. Maverick didn't know what was cuter. The fact that she, a troll, was selective with food (or perhaps she was just too used to his cooking) or how much she acted like a child when she liked something. At least those cookies will be a great distraction from the stress she felt about Veris. This was a side of her Maverick wished more people could see. "Heh, oh Angorita..." he expressed. "My apologies again for leaving Ilasi. Like she said, we needed some time away from the ship. But also pobre Angorita needed some venting time. I'll... tell you about it later maybe. For now, let's just do something before el capitán... I mean señor Sere arrives." Maverick suggested, having already spent some time with Angora. Now it was Ilasi's turn. He didn't want to burden Ilasi with his or Angora's troubles, especially with the Shade situation, so he decided some bonding time was in order before the big battle.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
A Guy
Emerald Sparx
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#2022 Posted: 03:13:27 24/03/2020
There was something about the sight of Angora making off with cookies like an excited school child that Ilasi couldn't help but adore. There was a bit of softness underneath that hard shell...
But she didn't let it distract her too long. "Oh, no worries, dear," she reassured Maverick - even if she did have a few of her own doubts before he spoke with her. "Was there anything in particular you had in mind? Were you looking to go out... or do something here?" Despite the recent events, there was still much to do in the city - for now, at least, as long as one didn't mind the tense atmosphere. Ilasi thought back to her own parents, and wondered how they were dealing with these events - she had a feeling they wouldn't quite approve of her level of involvement, however. Maybe that would be a visit for when this whole matter was settled.
I'm just... a guy... |
Prismatic Sparx
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#2023 Posted: 07:04:15 24/03/2020
Despite everything, Angora was feeling very happy right now. Not only did she spend a considerable time with Maverick. She was having those amazing cookies all to herself. It still bothered her though that she couldn't remember the woman that paid for their meals. She was certain she has seen her somewhere before. She hated not knowing. The memory would have to come later though. Angora settled to just having the cookies, but after realizing she ate too much, she left some. It wasn't good to have them all at once, and she already ate a batch. She couldn't understand how Veris could eat so much, but being reminded of him just made her groan.
She was about to save the snacks for later when she spotted Raclaw. He seemed to be deep in thought. Seeing the fur dragon made her feel regretful. If it wasn't for his friendship with Latnok, she imagined they could've bonded spectacularly, although she knew she blew many chances when she refused to forgive him for the way he snapped at her when riding him. It was a quite a petty action of her part and she knew it. She didn't see Latnok around, only Chester and Darkheart, so perhaps this was a chance to amend things, even if it was by a tiny margin. "Hey fluffy. Feels weird to be back, huh? Here, you should try these." Angora said, offering him one of the cinnamon cookies. Dragons were more carnivorous than even trolls themselves, so it was hard to tell if he would like it. She really didn't feel like sharing something so delicious, but it was the best peace offering she could give. Quote: A Guy
Maverick scratched his head, admitting that he had no idea what they could do. "Well, a restaurant is out of the question now. Oh, should've saved some of those cookies for you too. They are good, but Angora clearly loved them more." Maverick said, now feeling a bit guilty for not saving her some. He would just have to visit the restaurant again. "I wish I knew of a place you could enjoy, but you know this city far better than I do. Unless of course we go underwater like last time? I enjoyed meeting your parents. Beautiful city that one." Maverick commented, unaware that Ilasi was thinking of her parents at that very moment. He also recalled how her friend kinda flirted with him, but didn't remind her. He also left the lady who invited dinner earlier a secret, knowing how prone to jealousy Ilasi was. He was a clear loss at what to do, especially since Redwater was still a mystery to him, not to mention that exploring the city was likely not the best of options right now under the current circumstances.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
A Guy
Emerald Sparx
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#2024 Posted: 15:54:54 24/03/2020
Though Ilasi was hesitant on the matter, she was willing to acquiesce to Maverick's request. "Sure, underwater sounds good," she said compliantly. "Though... I'd prefer to keep our level of involvement in this whole thing a secret, at least until it's over. Wouldn't want my folks to find something else to be dissatisfied with, after all." She rolled her eyes as she finished the last part.
"Well, I can lead the way. Underwater will likely be a lot more free than over here on land." There would be a bit of time before the night - might as well relax a bit before the most important events.
I'm just... a guy... |
Prismatic Sparx
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#2025 Posted: 16:10:31 24/03/2020
Maverick nodded, exited with the possibility of being underwater again, and promised not to tell her folks about everything. Angora looked like she was talking with Raclaw, so she was fine. He was more worried about Dahlia.
"Say Dahlia, going out for a while. Can I trust you will be alright if I leave you here?" Maverick asked, with Dahlia mooing gently. Even with Darkheart around, she was very docile. He didn't want to leave her in the enclosure again, so Maverick chose to leave her there on the main deck. The ship was big, so it was all a matter of her staying far away from Darkheart and Veris when he arrived. Angora and the three fun men could always watch over her. The trio were playing with Chester, and he trusted them. With the matter settled, Maverick was ready for another date with Ilasi. "Well mi amor. Lead the way." he said, offering her his arm like gentlemen did. He wished there wasn't a battle ahead, but there was no point in worrying nonstop. They might as well enjoy times like these.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Diamond Sparx
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#2026 Posted: 20:05:40 24/03/2020
"Thank-you Angora.," Raclaw responded using his tail artifact to 'hold' the cookie before taking a bite. "Mmm.. not bad. Not bad at all.," he thought out loud finding the sweet treat similar to but better than some snacks that humans liked to offer Canines/Canine-like creatures sometimes. High sugars were usually replaced by something like peanut butter for instance. Or some other 'dog-engineered' flavor. "Yeah-- it feels strange to be back. I was just thinking; thinking about who we all were when we left and who we all are now that we're back again. We've each set out to find different things, some finding it.. and some not. And despite that, some of us found something unexpected; new families have arisen and soon some of us may depart to similar or different destinations. Together. It feels-- it feels different, but good.," the Fur Dragon said with smile as he took another bite. "And of course, we still have our little wars and conflicts to get though. For better or worse.," he then said in a slightly gloomier tone. His ears noticeably dropped at the thought of dealing with *them* yet again. 'When would the conflict end?,' he thought to himself. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:08:09 24/03/2020 by redwes
A Guy
Emerald Sparx
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#2027 Posted: 20:53:15 24/03/2020
As she promised, Ilasi led the way through the streets - the sentries on patrol perhaps giving Maverick an odd glance or two, but otherwise not bothering them. They couldn't stop to interrogate everyone who passed through in order to check their loyalty, after all - and he was with a mermaid, who was almost certainly not willingly siding with the Ishulgites at this moment. When humans made up the majority of Aelinon's fighting force, it was easy to pick scapegoats.
the two would eventually reach one of the many waterway hubs in the city, with a merman or two passing through. Ilasi stepped in and began her transformation, inviting Maverick to come with her as she prepared the bubble for him. Though she used to be nervous about the spell - as safe as it was supposed to be, there was always the concern she had about the bubble failing - she had grown much more confident in it with her repeated experience. At this point, Sere had met up with some of the other Guardians, and was now within the main base. The men all cheerfully welcomed him back, glad to see him in one piece. Some feared him dead, though Adjudicator Bier assured them that Sere was still alive and well. Sere stepped into his old office, seeing Bier running business as usual. "Welcome back, Godfather Sere," Bier said, standing up and saluting - which Sere returned. "Good to be back," Sere responded. "You have no doubt heard of the events happening." "Most certainly," Bier confirmed. "It reeks of manipulation and unscrupulousness." "Well, those Ishulgites, as they're called, just happened to be our primary foe in the endeavor," Sere answered. "We found Julian - he's not quite the same right now. Had to take on hexwood to patch himself up, and is trying to find a safe way to cure himself of it. But enough of that. We have a plan to discuss."
I'm just... a guy... |
Prismatic Sparx
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#2028 Posted: 21:11:11 24/03/2020
Angora rolled eyes, not caring about change. She just wanted things to be the way they were after Darkmatter was defeated, but she knew how impossible that was.
"I sometimes feel like we were cursed. First Darkmatter, now them. And that without counting the personal matters we have all faced." Angora said, deciding not to dwell on her own past to avoid coming off as egocentric or victimize herself. They have all faced different trials, and it was still going. She wanted to talk about what Sere offered her earlier, but decided to leave Raclaw out of it. She has already touched the subject way too many times, and talking about it will probably make Raclaw feel the urge to help her, and she didn't want him to get caught in her problems. Putting the cookies away, not in the mood to share some more, Angora talked again. "But what the heck. We have faced those stupid people too many times already. We... lost lives, yes, but we were still victorious. And what's more, we are part of Orion's group now, with new powers. I just hope the king recognizes our efforts and lets Shade free soon. It's not fair what's happening to him." she said with a frown, still not over the fact that he was taken away to be a battery for some forsaken weapon. She felt like this trip to redeem him was a waste of time. It was all a simple attempt to make him tame. She dreaded to think that Shade's family could be enslaved or killed if Sere told the king about them. They helped them a lot in the archipelago, so if Sere had any honor, he would keep them a secret. Quote: A Guy
Maverick watched in awe, never getting tired of seeing Ilasi's transformation. Changing her beautiful legs for one majestic tail was something he could keep watching every time. He didn't know if it was through biology or magic, but it was nevertheless awesome. He joined his girlfriend underwater once the bubble was protecting him, looking forward to seeing the spectacular city again. He had a wide smile in his face, that almost made him look silly.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:19:24 24/03/2020 by Felines
A Guy
Emerald Sparx
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#2029 Posted: 22:12:46 24/03/2020
Despite any potential qualms Maverick may have had about such a smile, Ilasi found it rather endearing - especially in contrast to his more serious tone in life-or-death scenarios. Creating the bubble, Ilasi guided it along the underwater passageway into the merfolk dwelling area.
The tone down underwater was much different from that on land. Without speaking to the merfolk (many who could be seen as the two passed), one would not imagine there was a civil war to be concerned about. It didn't take long to reach the main habitat; the underwater 'city' within a city. "Well, here we are," Ilasi announced, as she continued to guide the bubble towards the familiar domain of her parents' house. She wish she knew what questions her parents might have in mind; that way she could rehearse answers. But... why should she even feel the need to do such a thing? "Just be prepared for whatever they might ask..."
I'm just... a guy... |
Prismatic Sparx
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#2030 Posted: 22:26:45 24/03/2020
"No the preocupes Ilasi. I won't do anything that embarrasses you or gets you in trouble." Maverick assured, having seen how nervous Ilasi was around her parents. But he did make a pretty good impression the first time, so that should be enough. He only hoped he didn't encountered Ilasi's friend. It was bad enough he had that lady pay for his and Angora's meal. Women still seemed to be attracted to him still, and he knew it made Ilasi too uncomfortable. Not even his mullet was enough to drive them away... or perhaps was part of the problem?
There was no attraction in the other woman though. Without knowing, Huntress still followed Maverick, and watched as he and Ilasi disappeared underwater. The two seemed very close... too close to be a simple friendship. Seriously? That... thing was the boyfriend of a mermaid? A MERMAID? Did his twisted charms attracted even such a noble race? Huntress felt like she should warn the poor lady about his true colors. She looked so innocent and naive. Or perhaps... she should just have some fun with this...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
A Guy
Emerald Sparx
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#2031 Posted: 23:37:55 24/03/2020
"Oh, I'm not prepared for you embarrassing me..." Ilasi replied dryly, as they found the door of her parents' home. Gently, Ilasi gave a knock - with her mother being quick to open the door.
"Well, what a pleasant surprise!" her mother said gleefully. "Please come in - oh, and it's Maverick, as well! Well, don't just float there, come in now!" 'Thank you, Mother," Ilasi answered, coming in and bringing Maverick. Her father was "sitting" - or at least as close to it as one could get in his form - in a seat of some sort made of coral. "Welcome back, you two," he greeted as he got up, swimming closer and taking a quick look at Maverick. "You look a bit stronger than you were when you first got here, young man." Oh, bother... Ilasi thought, wanting to roll her eyes but knowing better than to do so right now. They're already analyzing him again...
I'm just... a guy... |
Prismatic Sparx
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#2032 Posted: 23:50:34 24/03/2020
Maverick felt rather uncomfortable on how much attention he was getting. He almost felt as if Ilasi's parents expected his visit more than their own daughter. They even remembered his name.
"Oh, gracias señor. We got quite the work up at the ship. Quite a long journey, but we're glad to be back." Maverick replied, hiding his own uneasiness. He wished he could say the same for his girlfriend though. His poor girl looked like she wanted to bury her head in the sand. Unable to follow them underwater, Huntress decided not to wait for them, and instead had a new plan. Many of the merfolks didn't question her presence, since despite being human, she has made quite a name for herself when she practically became a motivational speaker for the city, determined not to let her people question dear king Seraos. She went back near the ship. She saw Sere leave, and he didn't seem to be back. The vessel didn't seem guarded, but Huntress nevertheless decided to wait for Sere right there instead of entering the ship unannounced...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
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#2033 Posted: 23:52:52 24/03/2020 | Topic Creator
Meanwhile Icestorm was watching Huntress. He was unsure of her. He was laying down peaking his head around the corner
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A Guy
Emerald Sparx
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#2034 Posted: 00:14:57 25/03/2020
The answer seemed to please Ilasi's father. "Well, you made it - which is more than you can say about a lot of folks out on long journeys. Good on you - I hope you've been taking good care of my daughter."
"Of course he has, Father," Ilasi intervened, "more than you can imagine." she wondered if she should bring up that Maverick saved her life several times - but was afraid that mentioning such a thing would invite more questions. "Well, that's good to hear," her father answered, nodding in approval. "Really good. Have you been paid yet?" "Well, we have a few loose ends to tie up first," Ilasi replied. "Normally, I'd insist that you demand your pay, but the captain is... well, he's obviously pretty well-known among us," her father explained. "Regardless, I'm glad to see you home again, honey. Truth be told, I was rather worried about you." Ilasi's mother gave a sly smile, as she swam around Ilasi and the bubbled Maverick almost tauntingly. "Oh, I knew that our fine young man would make sure nothing would happen to our daughter! Isn't that right, dear?"
I'm just... a guy... |
Prismatic Sparx
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#2035 Posted: 00:38:48 25/03/2020
Despite practically having the approval of Ilasi's folks, something about their behavior made Maverick quite nervous. It was understandable that she was their daughter, but so many questions at the same time was a little too much for him. He was kinda glad Ilasi was answering most of the questions for him, but decided it was time to talk.
"We will get paid soon, but even right now, I still have money from my previous sells, so Ilasi doesn't have to worry about a thing in quite a while. This here, is a hyperspace bag. I can carry almost anything I want without looking full." Maverick indicated, showing his bag, which he often had with him. He knew that so much interrogation was of desire to have their daughter well, so he wanted to give them some peace of mind. Quote: Spyroconvexity
Icestorm's presence didn't go unnoticed by Huntress. Was that... a dragon? Despite her deep hatred for dragons, this creature seemed even smaller than the ridiculous little troll Maverick spent so much time with. It was hard to take this dragon seriously... if it was one. "Hey! You! You can talk, right? Will you be a dear and let me know when Godfather Sere comes back?" Huntress asked, quite glad that someone finally noticed her. She figured that asking if he could talk was rather offensive, but there was no other way to ask. This creature didn't look too intelligent, but if someone like Angora could talk fluently, maybe there were far more like her.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
A Guy
Emerald Sparx
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#2036 Posted: 01:20:45 25/03/2020
Ilasi's father gave a satisfied look - her mother gave a more explicit smile. "Thank you, dearie, for taking good care of her," Ilasi's mother said. "Oh, but please. Let's sit down - or float, in your case, Maverick - and talk a bit. I'm sure there are things you're probably wondering about what happened while you were gone. As long as you're here in Redwater, you should be safe."
Ilasi was grateful for the change of subject... but wasn't quite sure she liked this new subject. "Oh, I've heard enough about what's happened... to know to stay here, that is," Ilasi said, not wanting to sound rude and dismissive. "Besides that, how have things been for you?" "Oh, all the same," her father answered. "Not much happened after the elves went out of the picture, until these crazies showed up. Eh, what can you do though. You know, while you're asking, perhaps there's something you've been meaning to ask too, Maverick?" Ilasi's father turned and gave Maverick an expectant look, figuring it only fair that he got to ask questions about the family as well.
I'm just... a guy... |
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#2037 Posted: 01:24:33 25/03/2020 | Topic Creator
“Who are you?” Icestorm said. He didn’t remember her so he asked. “What do you want with Captain Sere?”
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Prismatic Sparx
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#2038 Posted: 01:36:37 25/03/2020
Huntress was annoyed, starting to convince herself this was likely either a baby dragon or some little species. Probably the latter given how well it could talk.
"That's not important! It's just business. Just please tell me when he arrives. And tell whoever is in charge right now that I'll be coming over once he's there." Huntress explained, trying to be as calm as possible. She hated when somebody didn't mind their own business. It's not like this little creature needed to know why she was there. Quote: A Guy
Maverick gave a soft hmm, being taken by surprise at the sudden question. "Si señor? Oh, it's... well, nothing. Not yet. There's... still a few things that need to be done at the ship. I have my mount there and a few friends that need some help with what to do next, but I look forward to visit more often and get to know your city and culture better, and of course you fine people." he said, trying to have a pleasant conversation, although he decided not to dwell on more details about the ship in case more interrogation came up. "You have a beautiful city. Kinda makes me wish I was born a merman instead." he then added, trying to make a little joke to lighten the mood. He could talk about his friends and his beloved Dahlia, but he could tell Ilasi didn't want to be there too long, not to mention they couldn't linger there for much time either since there was much work to be done later.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:40:17 25/03/2020 by Felines
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#2039 Posted: 01:45:36 25/03/2020 | Topic Creator
Icestorm fully revieled himself as his sword indicated he wasn’t a young dragon. “Not with me around. You aren’t coming on unless the captain says so.” Icestorm said not liking her tone with him. He could sense she didn’t like him.
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Prismatic Sparx
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#2040 Posted: 05:07:41 25/03/2020
Huntress was equally losing her patience with him. Just who does this creature think he is? He thinks he's such a big deal because of a sword. It had to be a dragon if it had this air of grandeur.
"Listen, I already told you, I will wait here. Just tell me when he arrives. Not so hard to do!" Huntress said almost sarcastically, believing she should've waited for someone else to spot her instead of talking to this little beast.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Diamond Sparx
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#2041 Posted: 09:54:24 25/03/2020
Raclaw remained initially silent, gathering his thoughts as he briefly placed a paw on his own collar-- a symbol of ownership. The nigh indestructible (albeit removable) loop of leather stood for his willing ownership and companionship under Latnok. He and Shade both had their 'masters', only he was a willing and equal pet/partner whereas Shade was a prisoner; and the King's dragon at that. He briefly recalled how he once destroyed a hotel room and thought back to Shade's own situation. They had both shown potential to be destructive, only one had done it on a much larger scale -- and had taken lives in the process. Would he had turned out like Shade had he not been tamed, collared, and eventually 'adopted' by his now own best friend? He had shown great potential with his powers; who knew what could've or would've happened had others not interfere in his and his parent's lives? Such questions would never result in more than a 'what if' scenario; there was no undoing what happened to him/his parents to find out. What's done.. was done. For better or worse. "Perhaps in time--," Raclaw began to speak with a heavy heart. "Perhaps in time, the King will've deemed Shady's sentence over and his time served. And once that time comes, no matter what happened, he'll have your and Maverick's efforts to thank for the drago(let) that Shade will've become. Shade may not be free today, but he may one day be given more freedoms. And when that day comes; neither Shade nor the King proper will forget what you did for him. No matter what happens.. don't forget that. Your efforts will not be forgotten. You will not be forgotten.," the collared Fur Dragon then said. He wasn't sure if Shade would ever be truly free again, but perhaps there was a chance. Or at the least, some kind of parole under an accepted custody. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 09:56:20 25/03/2020 by redwes
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#2042 Posted: 14:59:05 25/03/2020 | Topic Creator
“Good just wait there. Can’t trust anyone here.” Icestorm said. “Especially in times like this.”
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Prismatic Sparx
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#2043 Posted: 15:27:29 25/03/2020
Angora rolled her eyes, Raclaw sounding so cheesy, but he wasn't away from the truth, so she accepted the answer and his attempts to make her feel better.
"Well, not all is bad. Maverick made quite a name for himself here with his skills. He also got himself a girlfriend. And I made friends with those three crazy men. For former pirates, it's very easy to get along with them, heh, but of course, they are just three other Mavericks." Angora stated funnily, pointing at Sand Dune, Opium and Random, who were still playing with Chester, further showing Raclaw what she meant. Maverick was also a former pirate, and he and the three men proved that despite their past lives, they were good men. "And... if things go well, the king will in time give Shady his freedom. I mean... Maverick is right. He can't be so bad if he went through all the trouble of finding out I was innocent from the crimes I was accused of. I even gave a false confession in order to save that big idiot. That surely would've been a death sentence for anyone else, but the king actually took the time to find out I lied, and gave the people a chance to spare me... a troll. Of course, it was probably my size that made them take pity... but... it still happened. If it has been another king, they probably would't have cared, and I would've been behemoth food back then." Angora stated after a brief pause, wanting to do like Maverick and see the positive side in this whirlwind of situations. Quote: Spyroconvexity
Huntress resisted the urge to scream, unable to stand this little beast's insolence. She was tempted to get on the ship without anyone's permission just to defy the tiny monster, but despite being a bounty hunter, she was also a lady, and she wasn't going to let a dragon of all disgusting creatures let her lose her cool.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
A Guy
Emerald Sparx
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#2044 Posted: 15:56:55 25/03/2020
Latnok, standing within sight of the deck but mostly sitting back, stood up to observe what seemed to be an encounter after a few minutes. Indeed, it was - Icestorm seemed to be barring passage to a human. Hmm... the woman was small, and seemed oddly familiar...
Probably worth checking out. Strolling over, he moved to interpose himself between the two. "Hey, what seems to be the matter?" he asked calmly. Ilasi's father gave a pleased expression. "Well, being amphibious is all well and good, but you are at the mercy of the weather," he elaborated. "Historically, it's made it damn near impossible to have any meaningful holdings on land - and considering how many useful resources there are, that has left us limited. Of course, cooperation with others have allowed us to complement each other's differences." "But I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to get to know us once you're done!" Ilasi's mother suggested eagerly, motioning to indicate the whole home. "And of course, we look forward to seeing you more - and our lovely future grandchildren, of course! Have you two been worki-" "Oh, dear, mother," Ilasi quickly interrupted, her face growing redder as she did. "Unfortunately, we have to get going soon - guess we'll have to talk another time, have to finish up that job after all. Yes, we've been working hard at the job on the ship we have." She shot Maverick a pleading look, hoping he'd corroborate her excuse.
I'm just... a guy... |
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#2045 Posted: 16:09:51 25/03/2020 | Topic Creator
“This lady is waiting for sere. I told her to wait off the ship. Can’t trust anyone in these times.” Icestorm said backing out of the way. Though Icestorm was just being very cautious he would trust Latnok judgment if he allowed her to come aboard.
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Prismatic Sparx
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#2046 Posted: 16:34:38 25/03/2020
Maverick was glad he was appealing to Ilasi's parents so much, but while he felt ashamed that he didn't know how to respond to their weakness to the elements, the mother didn't make it any better with the talk of grandchildren. They have months of relationship true, but it was too soon to talk about that. Catching Ilasi's cue, he decided to oblige.
"Si! Yes. We have much to catch up on for sure, but right now, there are still things to be done at the ship, including payment of course. Gracias for your hospitality both. We will visit again very soon after we're done with a few more errands." Maverick assured, floating near the door, ready to leave. Ilasi's parents were nice, but a bit too overwhelming, and could understand why Ilasi felt uncomfortable with them often. Quote: A Guy
Huntress felt like she could jump as high as a flea to the side of the ship to strangle Icestorm. She was glad that Latnok arrived. He was a Guardian, people that she didn't like too much either, but at least they were far more tolerable than dragons or whatever Icestorm was. "First of all, I NEVER said I wanted to go to the ship. Wash your ears creatures! I told you from the very beginning I was going to wait right here! All I asked from you is to let me know when Godfather Sere arrives. Is that too much to ask? And you..." Huntress said, addressing to Latnok this time. "I wish you could teach this creature to treat ladies better! All I made was a simple request, a small favor, and look how he talks to me!" she accused, Icestorm assuming she intended to enter the ship uninvited when she made it clear from the start that she would wait for Sere from there and that all she wanted from Icestorm was for him to tell her when he arrived. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 17:01:36 25/03/2020 by Felines
Yellow Sparx
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#2047 Posted: 17:34:36 25/03/2020
Mischief noticed the argument. When Latnok got involved her curiosity overwhelmed her. Quietly approaching to listen, she wondered who this woman was and why she was so irritable. Quietly settling in to eavesdrop she drew her orb and stared into it to watch via the reflection in the gleaming blue surface of the magical gemstone. Clearly the woman was frustrated by Icestorm, and didn't seem too friendly to Latnok either. Eclipse, you know anything about this, uh, lady? No, little one. She seems vaguely familiar, though, perhaps I met an ancestor of hers somewhere? Maybe. I wonder what's up with her? What business did this woman have with the Captain?
Darkheart meanwhile drowsed quietly, lost in thought.
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good. Star the Zoroark at your disservice. |
Diamond Sparx
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#2048 Posted: 19:55:50 25/03/2020
"I have to admit-- you were pretty brave in the face of well.. a behemoth of danger. And it's interesting what chances life gives us.," Raclaw said briefly pausing. "Had it not for Julian's actions in my youth, I would've still been in the hands of the Ishulgites and I would've been used for who knows what purpose. At least under the current king; Shade has a chance and is at least serving the right people. He could certainly be worse off.," he then added. Nearby, Chester continued to play with the three former pirates. Raclaw offered a smile at the interaction. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:56:32 25/03/2020 by redwes
Prismatic Sparx
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#2049 Posted: 20:32:59 25/03/2020
Angora almost giggled when Raclaw said a behemoth of danger. It sounded funny. She shined at the mention of Julien.
"Ah yes. Julien. Very nice human indeed. Very nice. I wish the rest of the Guardians were half as kind as he is." Angora stated, knowing she didn't need to give any names to Raclaw. He probably didn't know how Julien saved her life from Sere, but it was a subject she didn't want to touch either and hoped Raclaw assumed her comment to be from casual conversations. "But yeah, Shady is better off with the king than those stupid Ishulgites. I just wish he didn't intended to use him as a weapon. There's no telling what that thing can do. If only he could just, I don't know, use Shady as a mount or something. He wouldn't mind." Angora said quickly, still hating the idea of Shade powering up a weapon. He gave rides to her and Maverick very often when they travelled together, so being used as a mount was something he didn't care about. But being used as a battery was just way too much, regardless of what he did.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:44:20 25/03/2020 by Felines
A Guy
Emerald Sparx
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#2050 Posted: 21:31:47 25/03/2020
Latnok looked at the stranger, then back at Icestorm, then back at the stranger. "Well, if you're waiting for Godfather Sere, might as well come on board," he said, beckoning her on. "We'll keep an eye on her, Icestorm. Godfather Sere should be back soon." Though Latnok wasn't present to hear the whole engagement, he was more tempted to believe the woman over Icestorm about what happened, given his nature - but he didn't let that reflect in any accusations.
"Oh... that's a shame," Ilasi's mother said, her head slightly down in disappointment. "But don't let us stop you. We appreciate you stopping by. It's more than we were expecting, honestly... well, you two take care now." "Be careful out there," Ilasi's father cautioned. "Make sure you stay... around this part of the country until this whole delusional theocracy setup - or whatever it is they're pushing - is taken care of. Our kind have been made nothing but scapegoats for them to rally a big army around. Oh, I didn't mean to worry you, however. It wouldn't be the first time in history we've had infighting. It usually ends pretty quickly - relative to other places, at least. In the end, we know we're stronger together - the others will realize that in time." Ilasi bade farewell to her parents, before leaving and taking Maverick with her. She was relieved to have a break from them - but did they really not expect her to come back home? Did they really feel that their daughter was content to forget about them? It was one thing for her to have those thoughts from time to time... but hearing her own parents concede such a thing was something else entirely. A sudden pang of guilt seated its way in her gut. As they left, Ilasi's mother looked on, before closing the door. "...was it something we said?" she concernedly suggested. "Well, dear, she at least stopped to visit," her father answered in consolation. "We'll be all right..." He offered her a hug as she spoke. She took the hug for a brief moment before pushing back out. "But you know, Barton... just after..." She fumbled trying to find the words to express her inner conflict. "sometimes I wonder where it all went wrong. She... we never did tell her, did we? That she was the... that the birth... that it left me... stopped us from ever being able to have the family we wanted..." "My dear..." Ilasi's father always struggled himself to find what to say in these moments. Not being able to have another child was something that ha always haunted his wife - and, by extension, him. Instead, they poured everything they had into the child they did have - and tried to push her to be as great as she could be. There were doctors who were hypothetically able to heal her - but such a procedure had a small but appreciable chance of death in her case. Rather than take the gamble, they decided it was more important that their child would certainly have a mother to grow up with. "In the end, we couldn't put that kind of guilt on her," Ilasi's father said. "We made the right choice, dear. No matter what happens, always remember that..."
I'm just... a guy... |
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