- Home port of arcade games (beat’em ups, racers, light gun, fighting games, etc.)
- Mascot platformers
- Cartoon shows based on video games
- Blast-processing
- Violence
- CD
- 3D is better than 2D
- Games like interactive movies
- Sports
- Console version better than the arcade version
- Extreme sports
- Yearly titles
- Boobs
- Stylish hack’n’slash
- Freedom to mess around
- Licensed cars, music, brands, etc.
- Movies based on video games suck
- First Person Shooters
- Online multiplayer
- Arthouse games
- Over-the-shoulder third person shooters
- Brutal hack’n’slash
- High Definition
- Remake
- Motion controls
- Realistic graphics
- QTEs
- Open world
- Zombie mode
- AAA industry
- Mobile games
- Free-to-play
- Digital downloads
- Military shooters
- WRPG renaissance
- Multiple choices
- (Insert genre name) is DEAD!
- (Insert genre name) are the future!
- Innovation
- Sandbox
- Increase of video game prices
- Downloadable content
- Story mode
- On-disc DLC
- Indie games
- Crowdfunding
- Pixel graphics
- Graphics don’t matter
- Horror resurgence
- Pre-order
- Remasters
- Episodic
- Vertical slice
- Always online
- Microtransactions
- Hero-shooter
- Loot boxes
- It’s just cosmetic!
- Games as a service
- Looter-shooter
- Live service
- Multiple special editions
- Crunch development
- Shareholders demanding perpetual growth
- Aggressive monetization
- Road map
(Anything I'm missing, you can add in the comments)