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Shining Light (legend of Orion. Private) [CLOSED]
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1251 Posted: 10:00:22 14/05/2019 | Topic Creator
“I’m sorry about that Kasidra. He can be a little harsh but in the end I am under contract with them.” Icestorm said. “Plus he’s a little grumpy.” He whispered the last part.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1252 Posted: 10:08:34 14/05/2019
With great effort and care, Latnok eventually had a solid meal prepared - some roasted venison, seasoned with an herb from his own personal stash which helped people feel more awake and alert. Now all that remained was to distribute the food - Angora's work in the kitchen admittedly made setting up the dishes easier.
Latnok pushed the cart out onto the deck, calling those on board for a meal. He was soon swarmed by manu crew members looking for breakfast, especially since Latnok seemed to have a new seasoning this time.

Ilasi had no qualms about any of the food, having been able to identify the plant herself from her medicinal knowledge. She gladly began to eat the food - which had an interesting flavor. Not what she was used to, but very good. Ilasi had to slow herself in order to avoid coming off as uncouth.
I'm just... a guy...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 10:14:37 14/05/2019 by A Guy
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1253 Posted: 14:56:23 14/05/2019
As Maverick ate, he made sure to stay quite far away from the children. They were already starting to eye the hair on his arm too much, which was making him extremely uncomfortable. He was kind and tolerable to children, but these two were quite a handful.
"Now now children, it isn't polite to stare." the father reprimanded, coming to Maverick's defense. And as always, the children listened to him. He could eat peacefully, though it was still strange how they were at a table around people that were still strangers to them. He was so god with the hospitality, though it was so rare to see people this nice. The island was so reclusive it had to be part of the reason why they were this way.

"So then, ever thought on staying on the island?" the mermaid asked, making Maverick almost choke.
"Well, we discussed that last night, and while this island is beautiful and peaceful, we decided to see the world." Maverick explained, feeling rather uneasy speaking about it.
"Ok. Do what you want. Just remember you two have a place here. You became quite famous in this town already. It's not like we get visitors every day, even less traveling merchants. The reason why you had such poor sales yesterday was because the people here are so used to their lifestyle and materials, they don't feel like they need anything else. You can sort of call us conformists." the blacksmith said jokingly, with the wife giggling and nodding.
"Thank you for your hospitality señor... and señora. We do plan of visiting again someday." Maverick assured, pleasing the family.
"Just be careful out there sweeties. The waters out there are dangerous, and they seem to be getting worse. We have peace here, but the sea, as well as some parts of this island, can get extremely dangerous. There are also rumors of creatures causing havoc out there, so please excercise some caution." the wife said concerned, with Maverick believing her. Something felt eerie on that island outside of town, and it was no mystery how dangerous the sea was around there. Caution was all they could do indeed. For now, Maverick made sure to be finished with his meal so he and his girlfriend could arrive relatively early and report to the captain. He didn't want Sere to think they were taking too much advantage of the time off he offered them.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1254 Posted: 15:37:35 14/05/2019
Veris graciously accepted the food, making it disappear in seconds. He gave Angora one of his typical contented grins. "Thank you for the food!" he tried to communicate. "I hope my human lets you stay around more!"
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1255 Posted: 15:54:00 14/05/2019
Angora didn't understand the second part, although she believed he was wishing her good luck like she said. She was pretty sure though about the first part.
"You're welcome Veris." she replied, taking longer to finish her breakfast. Unlike the eager wyvern, she took the time to enjoy her food, even if it wasn't Maverick's delicious cooking.

After being done, Angora got up, feeling heavy, although she didn't know if it was because of the food or because of what she was about to do.
"Well, here I go. I... well, I'll try be back soon." Angora said, leaving Veris' enclosure but returning to give him some water, which she had forgotten earlier. Now finally ready to leave, she waved the wyvern goodbye, not making any promises about her return. There was still a matter of what Sere would do to her, and if the exile was still on his mind. She didn't let Veris know about the punishment though despite almost doing so. She didn't want to worry the wyvern so much, even less create tension between him and his master.

Angora walked to Sere's office, not seeing him anywhere on the hallways or on the main deck, so he had to be there. She stood in front of his door.
"Se... Captain? May I come in please?" Angora called in a low voice and with gentle knocks on the door just in case he was asleep or too busy to be bothered. She felt like her heart was in her stomach, but she tried to remain calm. Sere had been agreeable lately, even more so than Latnok, so she found no reason why he would be rough with her this time.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1256 Posted: 16:00:14 14/05/2019
Sere knew who was at the door just by how they knocked. He came over to open the door, already looking down to where Angora would be. "What brings you here?" he asked curiously - though he figured it was either about Veris or Shade, and whatever request she had for the latter would probably be met with a resounding "no."

As much as Ilasi wanted to sit around to enjoy her food while keeping conversation, she knew that they had places to be - specifically, other islands in the archipelago. She ate as fast as she could manage without looking uncultured, before getting up with Maverick. "Thank you so much for your hospitality!" she said. Hopefully we'll get a chance to meet again!"
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1257 Posted: 16:17:15 14/05/2019
"Yes, gracias so much people. We really wish we could visit again someday. Hopefully, things around will be better and less dangerous." Maverick commented, getting uo as well.
"Anytime. You're welcome here. We do hope the same." the blacksmith said, getting up to give Maverick a bag of red pears, embarrassing him.
"It's quite alright. You can take them. You can keep them or share it with the rest of your crewmates. Safe travel you two. We'd give you more, but our food is a little limited." the big man explained, with Maverick not wanting to take the bag because of that reason, but he and the wife insisted.
"Well, gracias." Maverick said, getting ready to leave when the blacksmith looked at Ilasi.
"Sure you don't want an armor little lady? Yesterday's offer still stands you know." the blacksmith asked, wanting to make sure Ilasi has made up her mind about the gift.

Quote: A Guy
Sere knew who was at the door just by how they knocked. He came over to open the door, already looking down to where Angora would be. "What brings you here?" he asked curiously - though he figured it was either about Veris or Shade, and whatever request she had for the latter would probably be met with a resounding "no."

Angora saw Sere's rather stern face, though she didn't let that faze her.
"Captain, sir, I was wondering if... I could be Veris' caretaker for as long as it's needed. I can give him his meals and keep him active with exercises and games." Angora requested meekly but with enough courage to look at Sere in the eyes. She didn't know if he would want details about yesterday, but she was determined to be honest with him if he asked. She didn't think he would refuse though, since he already said yes to the previous times and her doing that job would mean one less task from his already busy schedule. She wanted to ask about Shade too, but she wasn't going to bother with such an obvious subject and an even more obvious answer.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1258 Posted: 16:49:42 14/05/2019
Kasidra turned to Icestorm as he spoke. "It's okay, I didn't actually get into trouble or anything. So long as nothing else happens to upset them, things should be fine," she said. Although, she was somewhat surprised to find out that the dwarf kaiju was under contract with them. So he really wasn't owned at all then, was he? Kasidra wasn't sure how a contract with him worked exactly, but based on what Latnok had said to him, it didn't sound like that contract was still in effect now. Didn't Latnok expect Icestorm to be gone by the end of today?

The tiefling's rumbling stomach would not be ignored, however, as it yet again reminded her of the lack of breakfast so far. Kasidra saw Latnok push the food cart out onto the deck. "Excuse me, I'm going to get myself some breakfast," she said to Icestorm. She walked over to get a plate of venison for herself. Kasidra thought about getting something for Icestorm, too, but if he was expected to leave, then would they allow him to have food meant for the crew? She wasn't sure, so she didn't bring it up. She didn't want to risk getting into trouble.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1259 Posted: 18:08:44 14/05/2019
Latnok watched carefully as the crew members took their food. "We have a good day of work ahead of us," he called out. "Eat up." Latnok saw Kasidra take food, but notably not Angora. Why not? She ate his food yesterday, and wasn't known for skipping meals. He had a sneaking suspicion that it was to slight him; and he had an idea for an experiment to test that hypothesis out. Before that, though, he had to worry about the deal with Icestorm; with how unfit he was for duty on the ship, he would help Sere come to a conclusion on his fate in the crew.

Sere didn't need long at all to give Angora an answer. "Go ahead," he said. "Might as well make yourself useful while you're on this ship. If any of my immediate subordinates have an issue with you, or if you try to undermine our mission again, it will reflect badly on Maverick - who, I should mention, is the only reason you're still here. Now do you have anything else for me?"

Ilasi shook her head lightly. "I don't know what I'd do with armor, anyway," she pointed out. "I use magic. I'm not a trained warrior." Ilasi wondered why the blacksmith insisted on making something for her, though she appreciated the gesture. "Besides, we would be late if we stayed long enough for you to produce it."
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1260 Posted: 19:07:05 14/05/2019
The blacksmith nodded, not wanting to insist anymore.
"It's alright missy. Safe travels." he said, ready to let them go.
"We appreciate the gesture señor. But we have to get going. We don't want to worry out captain." Maverick stated, holding on to Ilasi's hand and finally leaving together. The couple along with their children said various prayers to the adorable duo, with the blacksmith and his wife looking at each other, remembering when they were that young and hopelessly in love. Nothing has changed asides their age and lifestyle.

Quote: A Guy
Sere didn't need long at all to give Angora an answer. "Go ahead," he said. "Might as well make yourself useful while you're on this ship. If any of my immediate subordinates have an issue with you, or if you try to undermine our mission again, it will reflect badly on Maverick - who, I should mention, is the only reason you're still here. Now do you have anything else for me?"

Despite the heavy warning, Angora was pleased with the answer. For once, having faith in his reason paid off.
"I understand sir. Captain. Thanks." she said with a slight smile, determined not to screw things up again.

"Happiness is contagious. Smiles are contagious. Even if you feel totally different inside, showing some joy, even if it's fake, will motivate people to do the same. And if it motivates them, then your pretended feelings will become real." a voice echoed inside her head. It was a younger Maverick, on his monstrous father's ship. Despite the misery he went through, that was the saying that kept him going. Angora never remembered it too well... until now. If somebody accused her of something, it would probably be to slander her or Maverick, since there was no way she intended to do anything else to make things worse. She was going to try... not, not this time. She was going to take that saying by heart and force it upon herself. Doing things right and smiling even if your feelings are others, perhaps that was the only thing that could improve her mood... and her treatment. There was mileages of ways she still had to go before she would get a better treatment though, especially from Latnok, but it was worth a try, even if the goal seemed impossible at the moment.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:54:08 14/05/2019 by Felines
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8830
#1261 Posted: 20:48:36 14/05/2019
As Latnok offered a fresh new take on breakfast with the new seasoning-- Raclaw and Chester would happily make their way up to Latnok and accept the food in the usual matter. "Mmm... Raclaw, do you smell that?," Chester said as he soon smelled the new seasoning. "Roasted venison, seasoned with an new herb?," Raclaw asked as the beloved Guardian presented them their food. The two would no doubt enjoy the new take on the meal very much.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1262 Posted: 20:56:46 14/05/2019
Sere would not be in his office for long. As the sun reached a reasonable point in the sky and the crew had had time for a good breakfast, he marched out of the ship and onto the deck.
Ilasi could spot Sere from far away, as they were approaching the shore - enjoying each other's company after such a unique experience outside of Ilasi's typical dwellings. Her daydreams of the future and its many possibilities - with the one constant of Maverick's company - were interrupted by the real sight in front of them.
With the couple making haste to reach the deck, Sere rang his bell to call for assembly. The crew members began to gather, with Latnok assuming his usual place by Sere, and Ilasi and Maverick making it with enough time to take their places without any issue. Leoquin, being his usual self, lounged around somewhere in the middle.
I'm just... a guy...
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1263 Posted: 21:02:59 14/05/2019
Kasidra was just finishing up her breakfast, when she heard the assembly bell. Recognizing the sound from yesterday, she quickly gathered with the other crew members. This seemed to be a normal, daily occurrence, from her understanding. Kasidra wondered what the captain's speech would be today. Would they finally be leaving the island?
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8830
#1264 Posted: 21:05:53 14/05/2019
Risar, Raclaw, and Chester would quickly take their usual spots near Latnok. Bussiness as usual.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1265 Posted: 21:18:24 14/05/2019
Angora stayed with Veris for a while, giving him the good news.
"Guess what? I'll be your caretaker for as long as it's needed." Angora commented, still pleased on how agreeable Sere has been, even though she knew he only did it to have someone take care of his beloved mount. While she was in the wyvern's enclosure, Angora practiced her magic, or rather her shield. It was still the only spell that she got right. She would occasionally talk with Veris and focus to see if she could unleashed the ability Neo granted her yesterday, but she figured it was too early for that after many failed attempts. She was waiting for Veris to digest his food, but when she was about to take him out, she heard the bell.
"Oh. An announcement. Sorry big guy. You'll have to wait for a little while before I take you out." she said, leaving the enclosure. She knew it wasn't smart to get him out when the deck was overcrowded by every sailor plus Shade on board, so it was better to simply hear the announcement and wait until the sailors scattered again.

Maverick arrived to the ship with Ilasi, having been close enough to hear the bell.
"Looks like we arrived just in time." he commented, as he placed himself in the usual spot to wait for whatever update Sere had to say today.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:19:14 14/05/2019 by Felines
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1266 Posted: 21:41:37 14/05/2019 | Topic Creator
Icestorm soon came along side Kasidra. “I am sorry about yesterday. I just wanted to have a little fun.”
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1267 Posted: 21:55:41 14/05/2019
Sere waited for everyone to assemble before he began. "Good morning, sailors!" he called out in the typical manner. "Today, we are moving out to the nearest island. We do not know what may await us - whether they be pleasant or adverse - so be on your guard. Though I'm sure you all appreciate a chance to rest, I know many of you are eager to set out again - and that is what we will do.
"I must commend the vast majority of you on your loyalty and dedication; pray keep up the good effort. There is one among us who must be separated from us due to incompatibility with the highly disciplined, regimented environment - at least on duty - that we have here and that allows us to be an effective fighting force. Even with the best of intentions, such a person is a liability to us; as such, we will have to leave them behind. It's not fair to any of you to have someone who cannot follow the same rules you do, and cannot be trusted to act as they should.
"We depart soon. On-duty sailors, get with Risar for your next task. The rest of you, business as usual - take it easy until you're called. You are dismissed."
The crew began to scatter in their usual fashion. "Icestorm. To me," Sere commanded.
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1268 Posted: 22:05:02 14/05/2019 | Topic Creator
Icestorm lowered his head and went to Sere. “Yes captain?” He was prepared to receive his punishment if Sere so chooses. He hung his head down low.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1269 Posted: 22:10:01 14/05/2019
Sere had no wrath - instead, he was left with mere disappointment. "It's been months now, Icestorm," he said plainly. "And yet, you still cannot understand the simple concept of discipline and respect. A female - not even a dragon female, mind you - shows up, and you suddenly lose your mind. Do you think I can trust such a person on my crew, who can't maintain order even in a regular, non-combat environment? After what happened with Star? Get your things and leave." Sere didn't seem as if he wanted any discussion on the matter.
I'm just... a guy...
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1270 Posted: 22:14:56 14/05/2019
Kasidra gave a nod of understanding at the captain's words. It seemed like she would have a relatively easy time here for now, at least until she was called for something. Although, she thought back to the captain's words of someone being forced to leave them, as she saw Icestorm approach the captain. After previous events, and seeing how Icestorm had his head lowered, she could tell what was coming next. Kasidra wasn't surprised. Latnok had pretty much already stated as much earlier. She didn't know what the dwarf kaiju would do now, but she didn't think she would see him again after today. It was a shame, but there was nothing she could really do about it. Sure, the flight was fun, but also clearly a risk and against the rules. Kasidra didn't want to get in trouble with her new superiors, so she wasn't going to try to help him, not that she really could, given her position.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1271 Posted: 22:15:14 14/05/2019
Angora couldn't believe what was happening. What did Icestorm do that was so wrong? He was a bit reckless, but he didn't do anything particularly horrible as far as she knew, especially when compared to Star. But she was in hot water enough as it was, so this was a situation she didn't dare to interfere in.

Maverick was seeing the scene, but he couldn't hear what they were talking about. Based on Icestorm's expression, it seemed like he was being scolded white hardly. He never thought it was far worse than that. He tried to get closer to try to listen, and maybe make Icestorm's scolding a bit easier, but he didn't want to look rude, so he didn't get too close, instead trying to read what was going on...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1272 Posted: 22:47:42 14/05/2019 | Topic Creator
“Please sir, I’ve been loyal to this crew sense I joined. Yes I’m scrappy but i can change. Please just one more chance. I promise to change my behavior. I’ll....I’ll do hard labor, I’ll do Daly chores around the ship just give me one more chance to prove myself.” Icestorm Said.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1273 Posted: 22:56:25 14/05/2019
"If you haven't learned the very basics of order and discipline by now, despite the fact that everyone around you seems to understand, then I am not counting on you ever learning such a thing," Sere admonished. "Angora is exactly like you in that regard - and she hasn't learned anything of significance either, and is only being kept around because of a deal. You've had a chance for months, and you've squandered it. You have seen what can happen when people can't follow instructions. On this ship, you have two choices - you will either follow, or make way for those who can. And you have not done the former." After recent events between Star and Angora's incapability to learn the importance of following orders, Sere had run out of patience for the undisciplined behavior he had tolerated for so long.
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1274 Posted: 22:59:18 14/05/2019 | Topic Creator
“Please sir it was only a small mistake. I promise not to let it happen again.” Icestorm said. “Just one chance.”
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1275 Posted: 23:06:39 14/05/2019
"Get off my ship, now," Sere warned. "The chance to fall in line was months ago. Others had a grasp of the very basics from day one - and yet, you still do not. I am done making exceptions. I will break the precedent I have set of tolerating this sort of behavior. Now. Get. Off. My. Ship."
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1276 Posted: 23:08:55 14/05/2019 | Topic Creator
Icestorm looked down. “At least let me say goodbye.”
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1277 Posted: 23:14:20 14/05/2019
"Get off now or you'll be saying goodbye to your own head," Sere threatened, as he grabbed a nearby spear. "At this point, you are a trespasser, and will be treated as such if you don't leave right now."
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1278 Posted: 23:16:13 14/05/2019 | Topic Creator
Icestorm backed away and started to run into the nearby forest crying.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1279 Posted: 23:17:44 14/05/2019
By this time, Maverick had walked close enough to know the gravity of the situation. Angora shook her head, begging him not to interfere, but of course, the ever altruistic Maverick felt the necessity to try and do something.
"Capitán? Permission to talk? Señor?" Maverick asked sincerely, not wanting Sere to take such a drastic decision. He didn't know Icestorm very well, and wasn't aware of the reason for his punishment, but whatever it was, it couldn't be so bad to reach a punishment as harsh as exile, or so he hoped.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1280 Posted: 23:20:54 14/05/2019
With Icestorm finally off the ship, Sere felt much calmer, as he prepared to address Maverick. "Permission granted, within reason of course," he said. Latnok stood by Sere the whole time, unflinching - Sere was his superior, and he himself helped Sere come to the conclusion he made.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1281 Posted: 23:29:59 14/05/2019
Maverick took a deep breath, knowing he had to address his next words carefully in order to avoid his captain from misunderstanding.
"Capitán, before I say anything, can I know what was so horrible that made the little red dragon deserve such a punishment? I can understand being reprimanded if rules are broken, but an exile is a little too... harsh?" Maverick said, the last word almost a whisper. He felt so bad for Icestorm. What could he have possibly had done to deserve this? If it was something big, like murder, Maverick would've understood why Sere would want someone like that out, but Icestorm didn't seem like the type to commit such a crime. What was it with his captain and his apparent obsession to exile almost everyone that breaks rules? In all his cruel and reclusive life, Maverick believed only pirates resorted to such a punishment.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1282 Posted: 23:38:08 14/05/2019
"He had been on the ship for months and is still not compatible with this environment," Sere said forcefully. "Angora is the exact same way. I have been much, much, much more lenient with her than I should have. And for what? Some hope that she will change? Apparently, according to Latnok, she doesn't even seem to be able to grasp the concept of why I might be justified in giving certain orders. She is someone I should have barred from the ship to begin with - and you are the only reason I didn't just tie her to a lightning rod when she acted against me, with complete disregard for the lives of potentially thousands of others down the line because of her own cowardice and short-sightedness.
"You have seen how a lack of discipline gets people killed. I have allowed this culture of disorder to fester for too long in my ship, when it should have been stamped out before it became a problem. I will not tolerate it any further. Icestorm will be an example. My words are meaningless if I do not show that I am willing to take harsh measures. If most people can show things as basic as respect, common sense, and a modicum of discipline on day one, but Icestorm still cannot, he is not worth a place on this ship. I am not going to have another Angora on my hands, where I refuse to take action out of pity or some past experience or some word from a god who would rather make the world his plaything than show responsibility and assign suitable people to a task. I will not have someone who cannot adapt. My word is now undoubtedly clear - you will follow, or you will make way for those who can."
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1283 Posted: 23:59:58 14/05/2019
Maverick felt insulted when Sere said Angora hasn't changed. She may have trouble following orders, but her intentions, actions, and even temper have improved greatly, and Maverick didn't like how the captain refused to see that. And Sere didn't even told him exactly what the offense was, or at least didn't go into details. Plus he just had to involve Angora. What's worse, he even insulted Orion the Galaxy Dragon himself, the creator of the world? What was Sere's problem? Was he really so obsessed with rules and military structure that he didn't care about anything else? About people's emotions? Was he so obsessed with his own views that he would even insult the very deity that gave him the blessing of life?
"Maverick. Let it go. Icestorm will be fine." Angora said telepathically, not wanting Maverick in trouble. He was in hot water too for defending her too much. He didn't want him in trouble again for defending someone he barely even know.

"Ok Capitán. I just wanted to know. Con permiso." he said with a bow, treating him respectfully and without showing any disappointment or anger. He had tons of experience with that. He then disappeared down the stairs, wanting to enter his cabin. Angora looked to the forest where Icestorm disappeared.
"You'll be fine buddy." she said both with her mouth and telepathically, hoping the little kaiju could receive his message so that he would know there was someone that cared. She then grasped the orb hidden within her inner pocket.
"Take care of him Shepherd." Angora whispered, knowing he was Icestorm's only chance now. She would've asked Orion for a miracle, but as always, she didn't want to bother him. Deities like that only acted when the situation was horribly drastic, mostly when the whole world was at stake.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:35:40 15/05/2019 by Felines
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1284 Posted: 00:27:48 15/05/2019 | Topic Creator
Icestorm meanwhile was deep in the forest he soon layed down crying. “I’ve been loyal to them and this is how they repay me?”
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1285 Posted: 00:40:18 15/05/2019
Angora looked towards the forest, almost as if she has heard Icestorm. She was so worried about him. But at least this wasn't a deserted island. Shepherd and his society was there. And there was a town nearby. If Maverick and Ilasi stayed there for the night, it must've meant the people were kind and hospitable. He would be fine as long as he could defend himself from the local wildlife.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1286 Posted: 00:49:42 15/05/2019
Kasidra saw Icestorm fly off towards the forest. While probably not the best part of the island to stay in, due to the creatures here, it wasn't a bad island to be stranded on. She knew that from experience. Granted, she had wanted to leave as soon as possible, but that was because this place wasn't home and she had no place here. The locals were nice, the town had everything one would need, and it was peaceful enough. It was a decent place to stay, if you had no other choice. Kasidra knew he would be okay here, if he just stayed clear of the wildlife, and made himself at home in the town. Although, with his wings and ability to fly, he wouldn't have to stay stranded here like she was, so long as he could handle the storms on his own.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1287 Posted: 00:59:28 15/05/2019
It wouldn't be long before a telepathic voice reached out to Icestorm. "My child... you have been abandoned, forsaken... but know that we know of your plight. We offer family and shelter to the forgotten... a place to call home. Come to the center of the forest, and meet us." The telepathy ceased, at least for the moment.

Sere had suspected that Maverick wanted to say more but changed his mind after seeing Sere's mood. It didn't matter - Maverick still knew his place and showed him respect. The idea that a god would leave the world in the hands of a moody, selfish troll... perhaps the Ishulgites had a point. The world might be a better place without some capricious god making it his plaything.
That would be something to think of later, though. Sere ordered the anchor picked up, and the ship began moving shortly after. Leoquin was up and on navigation duty; Ilasi was on standby; and Latnok would return to training his magic, for the moment at least.
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1288 Posted: 01:10:35 15/05/2019 | Topic Creator
“Huh? W-who is there?” Icestorm said wiping the tears from his face.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1289 Posted: 01:19:42 15/05/2019
Maverick returned to his cabin, not even seeing if Ilasi was following him or if she wanted to talk. When he opened the door, he picked a bottle of Alya's father's milk, which was half full by now. One bottle was too much, so he drank half by half. After finishing up the second half, Maverick broke the bottle with his fist, bleeding a bit. It was something that happened many times with his drinks whenever he returned to his cabin on his father's ship. This was the first time he has done so after Armon's death.
"Estúpido Maverick. Why can't you be more helpful? Why can't Sere be a little more gentle? Is the world suppose to be that cruel?" he said to himself, hiding his face on his hands to hide his crying. He thought that when his father died, he would never have to go through these kinds of heartaches, but they have been happening constantly. He could barely help Angora, and now, he couldn't help anybody else.

Somewhere else, Angora had been looking at the forest. But as soon as the ship was on the move again, she started thinking; should she keep Icestorm company and accept Shepherd's offer? Or should she stay on the ship and hope for the best? The ship was already on the move, so she chose the latter. If she ever accepted Shepherd's offer, she was certain that he would somehow find his way to her if she ever chose to join him, no matter how far they were from each other. As the island started getting smaller, Angora continued looking at it... and sobbed heavily. She had to wipe her eyes and nose or she felt like she was going to drown.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1290 Posted: 01:26:17 15/05/2019
The telepathic voice returned in response to Icestorm's question. "Faith will guide you. You must have faith. Meet us in the center of the forest, my child... we have a place for you. Who else would accept you? Would the town really take a hybrid? Come, my child..."
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1291 Posted: 01:27:43 15/05/2019 | Topic Creator
“I....I don’t know anymore.” Icestorm said. He then started to walk to the center of the forest.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1292 Posted: 01:50:41 15/05/2019
While on the deck, Kasidra noticed the troll sobbing heavily. She was facing the forest, where Icestorm had gone. Were he and Angora friends? Was there another reason why the troll might be upset? Kasidra didn't know, but she figured someone should probably comfort her. She didn't see anyone else approaching her, so she decided to volunteer herself. The tiefling didn't know how well this would go, considering she was still new and still effectively a stranger. Still, someone ought to try, right?

Kasidra slowly approached the troll and stood there quietly for a moment. Comforting people wasn't exactly in her skillset, so she wasn't sure of what to say exactly, especially to a stranger. "Well, you're obviously not okay, so care to tell me what's wrong?" she asked Angora. Her voice was quiet, yet her tone sounded fairly neutral.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1293 Posted: 02:05:46 15/05/2019
Throughout Icestorm's trip, nothing would interrupt him. In the center of the forest awaited the being known as Shepherd, his species masked by his clothing. "We feel your despair, child..." he said invitingly.

Ilasi could only watch as Sere meted out punishment. On one hand, Icestorm didn't commit any particularly terrible act, so she could see how then punishment was excessive; on the other hand, the punishment would send a clear message that Sere would actually enforce his standards, so she could see how it was for the greater good. All in all, not knowing Icestorm well, she couldn't form a particular opinion one way or another.
Ilasi knew Maverick enough to know that he was most decidedly not going to be happy; she would come later, but leave him some personal time to vent for the moment. She saw Angora on the deck, but the troll already had company. What to do...
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1294 Posted: 02:13:27 15/05/2019
Angora wiped the remaining of her face, not wanting Kasidra to see her that way. It was so embarrassing to have seen her cool and on a wyvern and then change to such a gloomy state. She wanted to take Maverick's saying by heart, but she also wanted to let out her emotions when she was alone... or at least when she thought she was. She was under the impression nobody but Maverick, Shade and Veris cared about her... maybe Raclaw a bit, but he wouldn't be able to do anything being friends with Latnok, so she didn't expected anyone to approach her. She was quite surprised to see the tiefling would show even an ounce of concern, especially after all the trash Sere said about her. She didn't know if Kasidra heard that, but whether she did or not, she still came.
"Oh... it's... it's nothing. I just... feel a little bad is all. Nothing to it, but thanks for asking." Angora said kindly, pleasantly surprised by Kasidra's iniciative and worry. Regardless on whether she heard what Sere talked about her earlier, she was a new face. A new chance. And she was motivated to show she was a kind troll, unlike most of her kind, and that whatever Sere and Latnok said about her wasn't true, or at least not anymore.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1295 Posted: 02:27:22 15/05/2019
Kasidra stared quietly for a moment. She didn't believe it was nothing and debated on how to approach the issue. Although, the fact of the matter was that she was still a stranger, and not likely to get any real answers out of the troll. "You're welcome," she shrugged. Kasidra was unsure of what else to do or say. Still, was it really even helpful to just leave it there? Would it be intrusive to ask further questions? The tiefling really wasn't sure. Kasidra sighed. "So... Was Icestorm a friend of yours?" she asked. She took a guess at what might be the problem, or gave the troll a distraction if it wasn't.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1296 Posted: 02:50:58 15/05/2019
Angora wondered why Kasidra would be interested in such knowledge, but decided to answer her anyway.
"Well... not exactly. We barely talked, but he was nice. It's hard not to feel sorry for her. I mean, I know he'll be fine, but still. And he didn't treat me... well, he treated me good always." Angora explained calmly, almost saying 'like trash' after that last sentence, but decided not to say it that way or Kasidra would probably want to know the ones she was referring to, and Angora never wanted to touch that subject again. It felt nice talking to someone, even though deep inside she wanted to be alone. But she was usually alone already, so the troll decided to seize this opportunity.

In his cabin, Maverick decided to take a short rest to ease up the emotional pain. He looked at the other bed, where Angora slept, and was starting to miss his dear friend. Perhaps there was still hope for Ilasi to like her. Hanging out with the two of them could maybe, just maybe, help him handle his inner predicament.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#1297 Posted: 02:59:40 15/05/2019
Kasidra gave a slight nod. So Icestorm leaving probably wasn't what upset the troll. So what did? Maybe it didn't matter. Maybe it was none of the tiefling's business. Either way, the dwarf kaiju was the topic of discussion now. "He did seem nice," she said. "He'll be fine on the island, though. The locals should treat him well enough. They're all fairly nice and hospitable. All he really needs to do is avoid the wildlife."
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1298 Posted: 03:05:54 15/05/2019 | Topic Creator
“Wh-Who are you?” Icestorm said stopping in his tracks. “W-will you help me?”
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8830
#1299 Posted: 03:12:21 15/05/2019
Raclaw watched as Icestorm took his final step aboard the Enduring Legacy-- a part of him felt saddened, but also somewhat reassured the island seemed safe enough to those were capable. Icestorm had been rather aloaf up to the precious day and the flight that started his departure off the ship, but he was still a friend. At least this island had a town and people who could look after him, should he seek them. Unknowingly to the Fur Dragon-- another group of people was would soon find the dwarf dragon in their presence; a very familiar if not entirely known group of people in fact.

Raclaw soon noticed Latnok training as well as Angora sobbing. It didn't take long for the newcomer Kasidra to comfort the troll, while he instead decided to distract himself by training with the bonded Guardian. "Hey Latnok--," Raclaw began to say as approached alongside him. He watched as a bolt of force lighting soon struck a boey. Chester watched as well and couldn't help but to blurt out his earlier idea. "Hey Raclaw-- if you're training, we should try our idea!," the little Beagle barked still rather curious despite what had occured. "Well.. it was more Chester's idea and there's no guarantee what would happen.," Raclaw then said. "But that's why we practice, right? To try out new things and to see what works?," Chester quickly responded eager to see the results.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 03:16:17 15/05/2019 by redwes
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1300 Posted: 03:29:00 15/05/2019
Quote: Cynder09
Kasidra gave a slight nod. So Icestorm leaving probably wasn't what upset the troll. So what did? Maybe it didn't matter. Maybe it was none of the tiefling's business. Either way, the dwarf kaiju was the topic of discussion now. "He did seem nice," she said. "He'll be fine on the island, though. The locals should treat him well enough. They're all fairly nice and hospitable. All he really needs to do is avoid the wildlife."

Angora then looked at Kasidra, convinced that her face was much better than before.
"Oh right. You came from there. Almost forgot. Yeah, I guess he'll be fine. And any danger, he can fly away." Angora assured, the only things seen in the sky were those bat squirrels, and they were as harmless as they were dumb. She bet Veris would miss those things... which reminded her, she still needed to take care of him. But Angora didn't want to break this conversation so suddenly,Mao she decided the wyvern could wait a little while.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
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