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Shining Light (legend of Orion. Private) [CLOSED]
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8865
#51 Posted: 21:35:15 13/03/2019
Helen managed to open one eye, weakly looking up. She groaned, utterly exhausted but alive. Spike gasped and held her up, gently (if clumsily) supporting her with his wings. "Helen! You're... Okay!"
She mumbled what was SUPPOSED to be a retort, but came out as a jumble of sounds that didn't really fit together. "Crsimoky…" Her eyes closed as she fell asleep... And started snoring.
Star looked mildly smug. "Good... It worked. She's still exhausted, but alive. Snoring is sometimes from exhaustion, by the way." he told no one in particular.
Though several of the ishiuds fell, many of the soldiers retreated by burrowing. Any pursuit attempt on them would be futile.
Regardless, the job poster seemed to be satisfied. "Thank you for your contribution," he telepathed to the group. "Your reward will be located in the trunk of the tree I will indicate to you now." With his telepathy, he indicated a tree near the area the group entered the wooded area, with a hole in the trunk. One would be able to reach their hand in there - and would find a sum of gold, rather than scales (the Aelinon currency), and much more than would typically be rewarded for handling a similar-sized group of many other creatures.

Raclaw observed as some of the soldiers successfully got away much to their dismay. However-- whoever or whatever had hired them had seemed pleased enough with their performance. 'Why does it always feel like a test when we do deal with these guys?,' his thoughts pondered. Indeed, it almost seemed as if the ishiuds had learned from their previous experience with them. They were able to get them this time, but they would no doubt be stronger, faster, and even more adaptive the next time they saw them. However-- the more immediate concern was that of Helen of Star, both of whom had drained most of their energy in the one fight alone. "Latnok.," Raclaw began to say as he observed them. "I don't think these two are going to make it through the next fight. At least not... without some rest.," he then said as Helen's snoring became very apparent. He looked at the now seemingly cybernetic Star and felt somewhat bad, knowing that his own method of producing an electric shock would've conserved the evolved fox's energy albeit at the cost of himself.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
darknessdawn Yellow Sparx Gems: 1476
#52 Posted: 21:57:47 13/03/2019
Star nodded. "Power's running low, another fight will cause a total shut down. I can recharge on my own, but it takes time." He suddenly looked, rather pointedly, at Raclaw. "But don't beat yourself up over it, Raclaw. This experience gives me valuable information for improving my cybernetics, and I can't resist research opportunities. Besides, I've made a decision: To protect my allies, even if it ends me. Loyalty even if the price is my life. Having a family can certainly drive that in, though."
Darkheart nodded with Star's words before blinking as she processed the last sentence. "Wait, I thought your family died?"
Star allowed himself a grin. "Did you know that after having Nightmare purged from her system, Shade was absolutely beautiful?"
Darkheart's jaw dropped. "You didn't."
Star grinned more, before suddenly becoming somber. "I hope she's fine... I heard her offhandedly mention she was caring for extra Eggs... Now I wonder if she was trying to hint I'd be a father?"
Darkheart looked somewhere between confused and horrified. "Eggs? Aren't you a mammal?"
Now Star looked confused. "Uh, yeah, why?"
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good.
Star the Zoroark at your disservice.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#53 Posted: 00:00:29 14/03/2019
"I didn't decide to keep you alive," Sere said. "I have given you many chances, but if it were up to me, I would have had you killed the moment I found you after you killed all of those people with your own negligence. Others wish to give you a chance - so I will work with them. In the end, I have a duty to the many - pray don't make me choose between them and you." Sere's tone reflected his complete lack of tolerance at this point.

Ilasi's jealousy was actually a sore spot of hers; she didn't want to admit she had any, despite the truth. "Well, uh," she said, I... you know, when Gria was coming on to you like that, you didn't seem to care to stop her... it... well, I... I was just hoping for a little more loyalty!" Ilasi, realizing she was becoming a bit upset thinking about it, decided to calm herself down. "I'm sorry, Maverick. I... I just feel uncomfortable. No one has ever cared for me like you... so I don't know... is there a reason for that? I was a little worried that maybe one day you would stop caring about me the second someone better came around." Ilasi's emotions were completely scrambled, and she struggled to make sense of them. She had really wished Maverick didn't bring the subject up in such a way, especially after how wilingly he accepted Gria's attention.

Latnok gave the two a brief assessment before deciding. "Yeah, you're right," he said plainly. "They will stay behind, and we will need some behind to watch over them. We only need you and myself to handle the gryphon - we can communicate with it with your help, and if that fails, killing a gryphon by myself is nothing to write home about."
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8786
#54 Posted: 00:12:43 14/03/2019 | Topic Creator
Shade looked down. “Sere....I will try harder. I’ll try.” Shade said. He then slowly went back to his corner of the ship. His head hung low and his wings slightly droopy. He then curled up and looked away.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#55 Posted: 02:52:08 14/03/2019
With the behemoth done talking, Angora proceeded to leave, surprised and even happy with how everything turned out. Despite that little bump on the road, the conversation went remarkably well. The behemoth was upset with her misinterpretation earlier, but he was never hostile. What's more, he was even willing to welcome her presence again if she ever returned. That was some terrific progress. While Angora had no doubts the behemoth would kill her if the king ever gave the order or if she committed a crime, for now, the giant was more interested in knowing her than eating her, which was far more than she could've ask for. It filled her with a warming sense of satisfaction.

Now that her business was complete, it was time to find someone who could help her return to the ship, since it was going to take an awfully long if she just walked. When she asked one of the soldiers if there was a carriage she could take, the answer was no. Nevertheless, she was in luck. One of the officers who arrived on Gregor wanted to send a package to the mail, and this was her chance. The officer let her ride behind him in the wyvern that was provided for him, which of course would be much faster than a horse or a carriage. The officer recognized Angora as the troll from the arena many weeks ago. While he wasn't overly enthusiastic about meeting her, he still treated her with much respect and politeness. Up there with the cold Angora remembered the times she flew on Shade's back in dark, cold night like that. How she missed those moments.

The officer went as far as to let Angora near the docks where the Enduring Legacy was when she told him where she wanted to go, which saved her much walking. Leaving the wyvern's back, Angora looked gently at the officer.
"Thank you so ever kindly sir. You have my gratitude. You saved me quite a trip." she said happily, with the officer not responding but nodding, rather surprised on how different Angora was from other trolls, not just in appearance. But he said nothing and left on the wyvern, with Angora walking to the ship to see if there was a chance that Shade was there... and much to her surprise and delight, he was. She had believed he would arrive tomorrow morning, but there he was, in the flesh and finally out of the captivity from those awful Aelinonian soldiers. She was so happy to see him, she didn't even noticed Lazur or Sere nearby. The little troll started to sneak up on him, wanting to give him a little surprise...

Quote: A Guy
Ilasi's jealousy was actually a sore spot of hers; she didn't want to admit she had any, despite the truth. "Well, uh," she said, I... you know, when Gria was coming on to you like that, you didn't seem to care to stop her... it... well, I... I was just hoping for a little more loyalty!" Ilasi, realizing she was becoming a bit upset thinking about it, decided to calm herself down. "I'm sorry, Maverick. I... I just feel uncomfortable. No one has ever cared for me like you... so I don't know... is there a reason for that? I was a little worried that maybe one day you would stop caring about me the second someone better came around." Ilasi's emotions were completely scrambled, and she struggled to make sense of them. She had really wished Maverick didn't bring the subject up in such a way, especially after how wilingly he accepted Gria's attention.

Maverick just shook his head with a smile, realizing how insecure Ilasi was, and strongly suspecting why.
"Loyalty? If someone better came along?" he repeated.
"Ilasi, it doesn't work like that... at least not for me. Come on! You honestly think I would be cruel enough to abandon you just like that? You think I'll be unfaithful to you because of the attention I get? Your friend just wanted to touch my arm. Not every human has this high volume of hair, so it's nothing new for me, and you know me. I didn't want to be rude. I want to be honest like you, so I'll admit I do love some attention once in a while, but just because another women comes along doesn't mean I'll ditch you in the blink of an eye. I'm not that kind of man. Now come on darling, don't feel jealous. You're my only girl, no matter who else comes along." Maverick assured, wanting to reach Ilasi's hands to grab them, but he was afraid to burst the bubble. While he spoke from the heart, he was nevertheless nervous on how Ilasi would react. He was starting to wish the merman would return with the locket so he could but an end to this rather awkward conversation.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8786
#56 Posted: 03:11:23 14/03/2019 | Topic Creator
As Angora got closer to Shade she would see he was hiding his face with his wing. He hadn’t yet noticed her yet.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#57 Posted: 03:26:26 14/03/2019
Angora knew that the only reason why Shade would cover his face with his wing was for two reasons, either to avoid the bright light of the sun or to hide sadness. It was obvious that the former was out of the question, so the reason was clear. She would be expecting him to be happy to finally be free from Aelinon's particular activity, though if he was feeling that was, she was convinced Sere had something to do with it. Or Latnok if he had shown up. It didn't matter anymore. She was there, and it wasn't the first time she managed to make him feel better. She lifted his wing to be in front of his face.
"Lookie who's there. The bad troll is going to get you..." Angora said playfully, moving forward very slowly pretending she was about to attack him. Unlike her friend, she was in a terrific mood, and didn't even care if Shade became too affectionate. Whether it was a slobbery lick or a back breaking hug, she was willing to tolerate wherever it took to make him feel better...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8786
#58 Posted: 03:38:09 14/03/2019 | Topic Creator
“A-Angora? Is that really you?” Shade said he then lifted his wing up only to see her trying to play with him. His mood changed from sad to happy. “It is you!” He suddenly playfully but gently grabbed her with his paw and gave her a big ol lick. “Oh I’m missed you so much! I’m so glad to see you again!”
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#59 Posted: 03:55:35 14/03/2019
Just as Angora expected, Shade's mood improved considerably, and right on cue, he displayed the kind of affection she disliked. While she was willing to tolerate it, she couldn't help but feel mildly annoyed as always.
"Of course it's me you yutz! Whom did you expect? The tooth fairy?" Angora asked teasingly, trying to gently get off his grip. But as usual, Shade's grasp, while not enough to hurt her, it was still strong enough to prevent her escape. She couldn't even begin to imagine how horrible his treatment in under Aelinonian guards were, but Shade was final,y happy now, and what was even better, he didn't seem angry at all about her leaving him there to his luck for that while.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8786
#60 Posted: 03:58:27 14/03/2019 | Topic Creator
“How did you manage to get back on here?” Shade said.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#61 Posted: 04:21:53 14/03/2019
"Well, since the ship didn't depart immediately, I went to look around, to see what the city had to offer and such. Night came before I knew it, but luckily, one of the soldiers brought me back through wyvern ride. Wanted to see if you were back, and here you are, as am I." Angora explained calmly, deciding to tell Shade about her little self mission with the behemoth some other time. She was feeling happy, and didn't want to worry Shade or hear him scold her for the danger she put herself into. For now, she was all his that night, and after everything they've been through, they deserved this reunion.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8865
#62 Posted: 05:32:16 14/03/2019
Star nodded. "Power's running low, another fight will cause a total shut down. I can recharge on my own, but it takes time." He suddenly looked, rather pointedly, at Raclaw. "But don't beat yourself up over it, Raclaw. This experience gives me valuable information for improving my cybernetics, and I can't resist research opportunities. Besides, I've made a decision: To protect my allies, even if it ends me. Loyalty even if the price is my life. Having a family can certainly drive that in, though."
Latnok gave the two a brief assessment before deciding. "Yeah, you're right," he said plainly. "They will stay behind, and we will need some behind to watch over them. We only need you and myself to handle the gryphon - we can communicate with it with your help, and if that fails, killing a gryphon by myself is nothing to write home about."

"I'm afraid he's right-- you won't be able to withstand another fight and we don't know if more of those creatures will return to this area. Chester--," Raclaw began to say looking at Halen, Star, and the others. He knew the others wouldn't want to abandon the fight so soon. "Chester, you should stay behind as well. You'll be safer here than near the nest of a gryphon.," he then said leaving the others to assume the possible fate of a Beagle entering the territory of a possibly feral gryphon. "But-- I. I understand.," Chester barked with a nod. He knew the risk was very real for someone of his size.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:37:43 14/03/2019 by redwes
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#63 Posted: 08:53:26 14/03/2019
Angora coming on board didn't escape the notice of either Laszur or Sere. Laszur had his orders - he would soon appear before Angora and Shade to enforce them.
"By order of the king, you are to remain separated from the dragon until further notice," he forcefully told Angora. "We have strong reason to believe that your presence is causing a negative effect on the creature's discipline. He must learn to be obedient - regardless of who he is with." Laszur was firm and uncompromising in his speech - he was not going to entertain any complaints.

Though Leoquin didn't quite want to leave, he would need to get his leg looked at. Though it wasn't painful and didn't make him feel sick, the venom was starting to numb his leg. At the very least, he needed to find some water - perhaps transformation would resolve, or at least lower, the symptoms.
"Okay, we'll leave you to it," Leoquin said. "Do you want me to take the gold, or will you grab it?"
Latnok thought for a moment. "You bring it back with you," he said. "We'll get it sorted later." Latnok wasn't particularly concerned about theft - the gold was much more than he was expecting, and Leoquin seemed more intent on going through the journey than the pay he was getting. "Well, Raclaw, are you ready to head out?"

Maverick's comments about what happened between them served to make Ilasi more upset, though she tried her best to hide it. "Maverick... she asked you if you worked out and if you wanted to have fun with her on the surface. That... that is more than just-"
Soon, the merman returned to the front of the store. The clam-made locket was in his possession, as well as a brass chain to facilitate wearing as a necklace, with brass being one of the more common corrosion-resistant materials. "It's ready," he said, as he came over to the counter, awaiting whoever would approach him.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#64 Posted: 13:11:28 14/03/2019
Despite Ilasi's attempts to hide it, Maverick felt the tension too much.
"Gria didn't know about us. I wasn't gonna..." Maverick started to say, trying to make Ilasi see reason. He was very relieved when the crafting merman returned and interrupted their rather heated conversation.
"Gracias so much señor. This looks amazing! How much do I owe you?" Maverick said, relieved with the interruption but afraid Ilasi would retain the conversation once the merman left. She was such a jealous and insecure mermaid he didn't know what else he could say to prevent her from having such negative doubts.

Quote: A Guy
Angora coming on board didn't escape the notice of either Laszur or Sere. Laszur had his orders - he would soon appear before Angora and Shade to enforce them.
"By order of the king, you are to remain separated from the dragon until further notice," he forcefully told Angora. "We have strong reason to believe that your presence is causing a negative effect on the creature's discipline. He must learn to be obedient - regardless of who he is with." Laszur was firm and uncompromising in his speech - he was not going to entertain any complaints.

Angora had been so exited to see the much larger Shade that she didn't notice the other two passengers on the ship. Sere was understandable, but what was that stupid galud doing there?
"Negative effect? How can that be? I just improve his mood. A dragon in a good mood is bound to be more obedient and disciplined, no?" Angora explained in a very calm mood, thankfully avoiding being rude, but deep inside very upset about what Laszur just told her. She had been so happy to have Shade on that voyage that it was extremely disappointing to know Seraos would be cruel enough to prevent them from being together even when they were in the same place. She felt as if the world itself was always conspiring to make sure they were never together.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#65 Posted: 13:35:25 14/03/2019
"That'll be 20 scales, please," the merman said. Ilasi was somewhat miffed at Maverick seemingly not quite understanding the implication of him accepting such attention from Gria without protest, but figured that maybe she wasn't communicating her frustrations well enough. It almost seemed likr hr was still open to another relationship and was trying to feel out opportunities.

Laszur remained resolute, almost robotic, in his approach. "The creature has grown dependent on you," he said. "He has outbursts when you are not present. We must break that. He must learn to maintain discipline and obedience, regardless of who he is with. I will enforce my orders by any means necessary. If he had such discipline before, he never would have killed hundreds of civilians when you left him for a while. We wouldn't have valuable officers committing suicide as a direct result of his actions, like we had this morning. I will enforce my orders by any means necessary. Now, you are to separate." Laszur drew the spear from his back, signaling that he was completely serious.
I'm just... a guy...
darknessdawn Yellow Sparx Gems: 1476
#66 Posted: 14:01:29 14/03/2019
Star was startled by Chester's bark, and attempted to jump, with the only result being that he tipped over. "GAH!" Like the kitsune of legend, a dog's bark frightened him on an instinctive level. He looked up at Chester and attempted to scowl without looking any more ridiculous than he did now. "Well, now I know what kind of creature you are. Canid, distinctly leaning towards 'dog'. Because of course you are." He quietly curled up, wrapping himself in his cloak and relaxing.
Spike volunteered "I'll stay behind. I'm the only one who can control Helen's temper, as you saw earlier."
Darkheart appeared from the shadows, more poking her head out than anything. "Uh, should I stay too?" She wasn't really sure whether she wanted to stay or go.
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good.
Star the Zoroark at your disservice.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#67 Posted: 14:23:10 14/03/2019
Angora listened calmly to Laszur's explanation. She was rather shocked to hear that an officer deprived himself of life. Shade's actions were causing harm even long after the destruction happened. As much as she hated to admit it, she knew this despicable galud was making sense. She wasn't always going to be there to bail him out. Shade had to learn to be without her, even if she was nearby.
"Fine sir. Have it your way..." Angora said indifferently, knowing that Aelinon and the Guardians were sickenly used to have things their way. She knew that no matter how much she tried to convince them otherwise, they would have their way as always. They were too stubborn.

With his grasp still holding on tightly, Angora knew it wasn't going to be easy for Shade to go their separate ways yet again. This has been the shortest reunion ever.
"Alright Shady. You can let go now... and for Heaven's sake beast, behave yourself. The sooner you are 'disciplined', the shorter the separation." Angora said firmly, saying those last words after the ellipsis telepathically. Shade was stubborn himself, and as Laszur just said, he had become too dependent on her. It was an infuriating situation, but Angora preferred to not have contact with Shade but still see him than having him far away in captivity.

Quote: A Guy
"That'll be 20 scales, please," the merman said. Ilasi was somewhat miffed at Maverick seemingly not quite understanding the implication of him accepting such attention from Gria without protest, but figured that maybe she wasn't communicating her frustrations well enough. It almost seemed like he was still open to another relationship and was trying to feel out opportunities.

It was a little expensive, but Maverick paid. He then presented the new locket to Ilasi quite nervously.
"Well now, this is pretty... right? We can... decide what to do with the pearl once we find a restaurant. It'll be easy to get ideas after a good meal." Maverick said, trying to avoid the previous subject like the plague. Ilasi seemed so adamant in believing Maverick will abandon her as soon as he found someone 'better'. It made Maverick sad Ilasi would think that way.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#68 Posted: 18:10:06 14/03/2019
Latnok felt somewhat happy to fight alongside Darkheart again. Though they were merely acquaintances, they supported each other in the past and were on a mission together. "You are free to come with us," Latnok invited. "Keep in mind that we'll try to communicate with the gryphon before engaging it. With Raclaw's communication abilities and my knowledge on beast handling, we've managed to make things work out peacefully a few times." This would likely be a stark contrast from the more martial status Darkheart had seen Latnok take in the past.

Though Ilasi's doubts weren't assuaged, she was willing to put the situation to the side for now. She just wished she could find a way to have Maverick feel what she felt. "That sounds good.. I know a decent place around here," she said more calmly. "Nothing too fancy, but it'll do. They probably won't be expecting a service visitor."
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#69 Posted: 18:19:17 14/03/2019
Maverick gave a small sigh, noticing that Ilasi may still feel rather uncomfortable but glad that she was avoiding the previous subject. He followed her, wanting to eat already, but as he waited for his girlfriend to find a place, instead of thinking on how to transform the pearl, he instead got thinking on how Angora and Ilasi could interact with each other. It was quite clear to him they didn't have the best of relationships yet, and he did recall a time when Ilasi suggested to him he should just leave the poor troll behind and think about himself. It wasn't something he had taken by heart. He had to find a way to make them get along much better, but the less they know of his involvement, then better...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8865
#70 Posted: 19:35:49 14/03/2019
Chester whined a little upon Star's reaction to him and backed up-- clearly seeing that the fox-like Star was afraid of him. "You'll have to forgive him.. Chester means no harm. He's a friend and a good loyal companion. Please look after him until we return.," Raclaw briefly said lowering his ears before looking at Darkheart. "If you're ready Darkheart-- we'll take off. Latnok and I have found that we work well together. Our abilities and our skill sets complement each other and.. and we are now closer than ever before.," he then said with a smile offering a subtle tail hug on his part.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:39:32 14/03/2019 by redwes
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8786
#71 Posted: 20:25:44 14/03/2019 | Topic Creator
Shade held onto Angora for a moment longer and nuzzled her. He knew she was right though and felt best not to argue. He then looked at Zaszur. “Just so you know my out burst only happened because of others not listening to me.” Shade said. “I know my body but do you? No!” Shade said calmly. “Well at least I know you’re on the ship Angora. Even though I can’t see you.”

Icestorm was nearby and heard the part about discipline. “Captain remember what....” he paused for a moment and remembered Zera said to all of them to keep her secret for now. “Never mind.” He wanted to say what Zera said about shade being untrained.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#72 Posted: 20:29:49 14/03/2019
"I will make one thing clear. You are in no position to expect anyone to listen to you, Laszur said sternly. "You will learn complete and total obedience. We will accept no excuse from you. The moment either I or your captain deem such a thing to be infeasible, your life ends. Do I make myself clear?" Much like before, Laszur wasn't going to even entertain the notion of anything going against the orders he was given.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#73 Posted: 20:47:47 14/03/2019
Angora said nothing, and simply glared at Shade while passively waiting for him to be ready to release her. For less comments like that she has gotten into trouble herself. It wasn't smart of Shade to seem defiant, even if it wasn't his intention. She knew it wil be painful for him if he tried to order around, or do something as simple as a sincere warning. She shook her head in disappointment, wanting Shade to know how upset he was with his attitude. She knew this was unfair, but he had to learn to put up with it no matter what. The more he complained, the harder it would be for him, and the longer the agony...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8786
#74 Posted: 20:53:20 14/03/2019 | Topic Creator
Shade grumbled. “Fine. But can I at least spend one night with Angora? Then I promise I will try to follow your and Sere command.” Shade said. “That is the one thing I ask. Nothing more nothing less.”

Icestorm came up to Laszur. “Sir? It can’t hurt for one night. Even the toughest amongst us will crack under pressure if we don’t have at lease one break. He’s been through a lot from the story’s I’ve heard about him before Redwater. No need to make him suffer more than he already has.”
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#75 Posted: 21:04:49 14/03/2019
Laszur thought for only a second before coming to a quick decision. "You will have this one night to adapt," he said. "I will hold you to your word. I would advise you that lying to an officer acting in the line of duty has harsh punishments. I will be watching you tonight - don't try anything unscrupulous. One last essential step." Laszur withdrew his spear before he pulled out one of the remote control devices provided by Sere.
"Collar, end drain." The draining effect on Shade's collar imposed earlier on him ceased, and Laszur returned the remote to its position on his person.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#76 Posted: 21:14:01 14/03/2019
Angora wanted to slap Shade for his suggestion, if her arms weren't caught in his grasp. She was both shocked and relieved when Laszur agreed to his terms. It was clearly unexpected. She looked at Icestorm and briefly nodded in thanks, believing his suggestion helped the galud be more reasonable. She waited for Laszur to leave before looking at Shade.
"Well you big lug, looks like you'll have your way this once. Just don't get use to it. I won't be afraid to punish you myself if you're a bad dragolet." Angora said with a naughty grin, though she was half serious in her warning. One night was better than nothing. But now that Shade finally had his way, Angora knew she would practically be imprisoned now if Shade wanted to take advantage of this miraculous break.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
cyndego Platinum Sparx Gems: 6382
#77 Posted: 21:17:38 14/03/2019
”Well thats all I need to know about you for now. Well I have something that will give some proof (Dex nodded to one of his men looking at the situation, the man quickly came and put something to Huntresses hand. It was a silver coin which had a golden dagger mark in the center). (Dex took out from his bag the golden dagger which was the mark of the leader of the league before and now the of the guild). That coin tells to all of our members that you are our ally, this dagger is the mark of the leader just so you know what the dagger is in that coin for. If you want a proof about me not working for Blue try to show that to his brotherhood members, but i would say you should not do that especially if you are alone with many of them.” Dex took a little break and continued ”So then weakness I would say low physical strenght for a dragon. Intrest killing and seeing everybody who is not with him to suffer.... he really likes screams of pain. Attacks water anything with it, turning it to ice or boiling hot. He always likes to say he is the master of the water, and all I have seen he really can do almost anything you can think of with it. Never go against him close to large amount of water..... he will win in that situation everytime. Right now I have no idea what he wants. Usually his after me and my faction to kill, but now he seems to want something else. He probably was spying me and after you worked with me he took an intrest. One possibility is that he wants to make an example from you, about what happens to everybody working with us....” Dex said ending the speech. He started to look around, he was sure Blue had them under sight there, which of course would lead to him knowing quickly what had happen here
Cogito, ergo sum.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8786
#78 Posted: 21:20:47 14/03/2019 | Topic Creator
“Don’t worry I just want to spend time with you after being away.” Shade said. “Angora do you know what the machine they put me in is going to be used for?”

Icestorm noded and walked away continuing his walk around the ship.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#79 Posted: 21:51:32 14/03/2019
Huntress nodded with everything Dex was saying, putting the coin in a small pouch around her belt. She listened intently to her every word, not surprised to learn how evil Blue was. He was a dragon after all, so it was to be expected.
"Ok then. So, you're certain he's after me then, but you don't know why. He's strong in a body of water, which means that the only chance to defeat him is a desert, or maybe a bunker or something where there's no water or humidity." Huntress examined, deciding to trust Dex this once but still not lowering her guard despite his attempt to prove he was on her side.
"There's one thing that eludes me though. Who are those three men on the lake? And the wolf man that visited me? He told me that you sent him, but if you really aren't working for that Blue, then that must mean he was trying to put me against you. Not surprised if he works with the dragon after all if he went as far as to threaten my life..." Huntress analyzed, but it was a theory that was going to be true only if Dex was being truthful right now. Now it was all a matter of discovering who those three men were. If they were indeed rebels against Blue or if they were working with the dragon himself to drift her away from her objective.

Quote: Spyroconvexity
“Don’t worry I just want to spend time with you after being away.” Shade said. “Angora do you know what the machine they put me in is going to be used for?”

Angora wanted to spend the night calmly and free of unpleasant subjects. But she knew it was only a matter of time before that subject was brought up.
"I know about a machine. Sere told me, but not even he knows what it does exactly. Although according to him, it's meant to use you... or just your powers of course. I wouldn't be surprised though. Clearly the king wants your strength, which is why he has wanted you to keep you alive all this time. Don't forget, they're at the risk of a war. They want to use all the resources they can't, and since you have proven to be too unstable, they want to use your powers some other way." Angora theorized, not knowing what was the exact truth behind that machine, but for what other reason could it be but to turn it into a weapon against the Silvianesti? She didn't know if Shade was going to be used as a battery, or just a brainwashed creature, but whatever it did, it clearly wasn't good. It was a great stroke of luck that Shade was away from Aelinonian activity and thus that machine as well, but she knew that after his 'training' here was over, he would just be returned to Aelinon's control. Since the cruel Sere refused to help them, her last hope was the stranger from the archipelago...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8786
#80 Posted: 22:03:51 14/03/2019 | Topic Creator
“I had a feeling. Those fools don’t know how unstable my powers are and how hard I work to control them.” Shade said but at lease I know you’ll be on this trip. Just like old times.”
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#81 Posted: 22:20:36 14/03/2019
Angora nodded with a rather neutral face, knowing how much Shade hated them and what they have made him go through.
"I know Shade. But you still have to learn to control yourself and listen to them. I have learn to bear with it, so why can't you? I know it's unfair, but why can't you just learn to tolerate it already? The more defiant you seem, the more they'll want to hurt you and the more misery you'll bring to yourself! You're sabotaging your own freedom! I just don't understand you dragolet! You said you'd be able to control yourself after the blood moon, and look where we are! We're the same or worse than before! Why Shade? Why can't you leave all that stupid stubbornness behind? Why do you have to be so defiant?" Angora asked roughly, not bothering to hide her anger and not even calling Shade by his nickname once. While his recent outburst had been a good thing due to causing him to be on the ship right now, it nevertheless stained his image even further. She knew Sere had been more than patient already, but knowing that Guardian and his own protégé, she had no doubts they would consider going as far as killing Shade even against the king's orders if they've had enough.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#82 Posted: 22:21:45 14/03/2019
Ilasi continued leading Maverick - there were may merfolk looking at him as he passed by, both because he himself was unusual and because terrestrial creatures visiting their dwellings was unusual. As she did, she became somewhat calmer - she was still very upset that Maverick didn't seem to understand exactly why his interaction with Gria got such a response from her, but she was going to try to distract herself.
Ilasi eventually led Maverick to a rather bland structure - "The Anemone" was etched into the facade. As they opened the door, they would see a few other merfolk eating.
Ilasi instructed Maverick to take a seat. The menu was before them. Now, what would she order...
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8786
#83 Posted: 22:26:50 14/03/2019 | Topic Creator
Quote: Felines
Angora nodded with a rather neutral face, knowing how much Shade hated them and what they have made him go through.
"I know Shade. But you still have to learn to control yourself and listen to them. I have learn to bear with it, so why can't you? I know it's unfair, but why can't you just learn to tolerate it already? The more defiant you seem, the more they'll want to hurt you and the more misery you'll bring to yourself! You're sabotaging your own freedom! I just don't understand you dragolet! You said you'd be able to control yourself after the blood moon, and look where we are! We're the same or worse than before! Why Shade? Why can't you leave all that stupid stubbornness behind? Why do you have to be so defiant?" Angora asked roughly, not bothering to hide her anger and not even calling Shade by his nickname once. While his recent outburst had been a good thing due to causing him to be on the ship right now, it nevertheless stained his image even further. She knew Sere had been more than patient already, but knowing that Guardian and his own protégé, she had no doubts they would consider going as far as killing Shade even against the king's orders if they've had enough.

“I....I don’t know. I don’t know any more.” Shade said.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#84 Posted: 22:50:40 14/03/2019
At this point, Angora was even tempted to tell Shade about his mother, and how she was leaving the responsibility to her. If Zera could project herself the way she did that morning on the ship, then clearly she was seeing what her own son had to go through, and how powerless she was to stop it. But knowing that would just add salt to the wound, she kept the secret.
"Well it doesn't matter anymore. I may not be able to interact with you starting tomorrow, but at least we'll be near each other. You've seen how I changed Shady. It's not that hard to be patient! If you can't control yourself, well, we might as well serve ourselves willingly to a hungry behemoth. It's bound to happen if you keep on this same road." Angora stated melancholically, getting so tired of Shade's behavior. If he wasn't being defiant, he was just pitying himself, bringing himself lower and dragging her and sometimes Maverick along.

Quote: A Guy
Ilasi continued leading Maverick - there were may merfolk looking at him as he passed by, both because he himself was unusual and because terrestrial creatures visiting their dwellings was unusual. As she did, she became somewhat calmer - she was still very upset that Maverick didn't seem to understand exactly why his interaction with Gria got such a response from her, but she was going to try to distract herself.
Ilasi eventually led Maverick to a rather bland structure - "The Anemone" was etched into the facade. As they opened the door, they would see a few other merfolk eating.
Ilasi instructed Maverick to take a seat. The menu was before them. Now, what would she order...

Maverick looked at the menu, and was fascinated by the variety of fish. He had left red meat and poultry all together, but he did enjoy the ocassional sea food.
""Hmm, I think I'll go formal and have the lobster. I wonder if any of these algae can be consumed by earth people..." he pondered as he decided what to have with the lobster. Since the crustacean was already from that world, perhaps it'll be cheaper there than it was on land.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#85 Posted: 23:20:52 14/03/2019
Ilasi also looked at the menu, being somewhat familiar with it but jogging her memory. "I think you would like the manatee's pelt," she suggested. "I mean the algae additive, not... the actual manatee. It tends to go great with crustaceans and bivalves. Hey, I'll even try it with you." Ilasi put down her menu, having made up her mind.
A waitress soon swam over, with a sense of urgency. "Welcome to The Anemone!" she said bright and cheerfully. "Is there anything I can get you? Are you ready to order, or do you need more time?"
"I'm ready to order. How about you, Maverick?" Ilasi asked eagerly. The waitress wasn't at all bad-looking - Ilasi only hoped that she didn't try anything.
"Oh, uh, a fair warning," the waitress began, as she put her magical notepad down to focus on Maverick. "We... don't serve drinks here."

Laszur continued to walk the ship. Starting tomorrow, he would change into a uniform that wouldn't be out of place with the sailors on the ship - he was here for a specific mission, not to enforce Aelinonian laws in Sere's crew. His hearing being somewhat sharp, he had managed to overhear several pieces of Angora and Shade's conversation. He would keep that knowledge to himself for now - he could use it as leverage later if he needed to.
I'm just... a guy...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:47:03 14/03/2019 by A Guy
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#86 Posted: 00:07:21 15/03/2019
Maverick chuckled quietly at her last sentence. Of course, it was obvious they wouldn't serve liquids while you were already underwater. The drink would just float away. He was in that bubble, so that wouldn't happen, but then again, not many earth dwellers visited he imagined.
"I'll have the lobster. Not sure what to accompany with that, so just give me anything you think I'll like." Maverick said, giving the waitress freedom to give him whatever she believed suited him. If he wanted something to drink, he imagine he could just ask Ilasi for some of her purified water samples if he needed something to wash down the food.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8786
#87 Posted: 00:14:30 15/03/2019 | Topic Creator
Shade looked at Angora. “I’ll try. I will try for you and Maverick. I promise not to be defiant. I know they are trying to protect others and help but sometimes I just can’t help it.” He then gently nudged Angora and loosened his grip on her so she can move freely.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#88 Posted: 00:17:33 15/03/2019
"Oh, yes, I almost forgot!" Ilasi added right as Maverick finished. "We'll both be having manatee's pelt on our dishes."
The waitress brought her notepad up once more and diligently noted the request. With the ordering complete, she removed the menus from the table, to bring the order to the chef.
To pass the time while they waited, Ilasi considered what topics they could discuss. "Are you surprised by some of the things we have down here?" Ilasi asked Maverick sincerely. "We've studied and utilized magic to allow us to replicate many things that we would otherwise only be able to use on the surface. Like paper and ink. That began around the time we were integrating more with humans after the Great Liberation War, if I remember my history class correctly..."
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#89 Posted: 00:40:02 15/03/2019
Maverick proceeded to answer immediately.
"I must say it is all very impressive indeed. I feel like I've entered another dimension. Your people truly have some magnificent abilities. Makes me wish I could have a little magic of my own. Fauns were alchemists and potion makers, but that's not exactly magic, and well, not all humans have the ability." he commented, believing he had no chance in trying even a single spell.
"But it's alright. I just enjoy seeing." he quickly added, not wanting Ilasi to mistakenly believe he was sad about the matter.

Quote: Spyroconvexity
Shade looked at Angora. “I’ll try. I will try for you and Maverick. I promise not to be defiant. I know they are trying to protect others and help but sometimes I just can’t help it.” He then gently nudged Angora and loosened his grip on her so she can move freely.

Angora simply shook her head, tired of false promises.
"Trying is not good enough anymore Shade. You have to do it! Come on, why is it so hard? If you're not being defiant, you're simply taking pity on yourself. It just won't do! Please, don't try anymore, just do it! Maverick and I have already tried so hard to help you, but how can we keep doing that if you aren't helping yourself? Do you have any idea how much people hate us for wanting to help you? What else needs to happen before you'll finally have control?" Angora asked, trying very hard to contain her real frustration. Despite the loosened grip, Shade still holding her helped contain her anger.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:48:54 15/03/2019 by Felines
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8786
#90 Posted: 00:59:53 15/03/2019 | Topic Creator
“Angora I promise this time. Truly I do.”
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#91 Posted: 01:09:19 15/03/2019
Maverick's comments brightened Ilasi's spirits, replacing her bland expression with a slight smile. "If it weren't for our mutual cooperation with humans, we probably wouldn't be nearly as developed," she said reassuringly. "Much of our adapted equipment is a result of humans introducing them to us, and many have contributed to their development. Humans and mermen - here in Aelinon, we are family. A family that transcends species. We are all committed to our survival. And that's what matters."
The waitress would soon return, pushing along two bubbles - each with the respective patron's meal. "Here you go. Please enjoy," she said with enthusiasm. "Is there anything else you two need, or are you okay for now?"
Ilasi shrugged. "I'm fine for now," she said.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#92 Posted: 01:16:29 15/03/2019
"Me too." Maverick replied himself, already looking forward to the meal.
"That was fast. Great service. Magic I suppose? Anyway, it's cool how much societies can adapt and evolve. I wish I could've had a life like that. Not much to socialize when you live in a ship about ninety five percent of your life full of rude, smelly... you know what's." Maverick commented, not wanting to mention the awful word, especially in case somebody was eavesdropping. He wanted Ilasi to understand how lucky she was despite everything. He was aware of her frustration with her parents, but at least she had them both and they seemed concerned about her well being, which was far more than he had.

Quote: Spyroconvexity
“Angora I promise this time. Truly I do.”

Angora simply closed her eyes and crossed her arms, Shade disappointing her so many times she didn't know if it was worth believing him this time. But she didn't let him know how she felt and decided to take his word as it was.
"Ok Shady. Ok. Feel lucky for this little break. For tonight, I belong to you. I'm at your complete mercy." She said with a raised eyebrow, getting ready for anything. Her only hope was for Shade to take advantage of this one in a million break and be truthful to his promise for once. For now, she was willing to tolerate anything from him, whether it was rough play or some annoying affection. If he managed to be happy and improve his mood for tonight, he'll be more ready and willing to accept whatever trial awaited him after tomorrow.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8786
#93 Posted: 01:34:02 15/03/2019 | Topic Creator
Shade smiled and playfully pushed her off his paw. He looked away as if nothing happened
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#94 Posted: 01:48:04 15/03/2019
With the dismissal, the mermaid waitress left, to move on to another table. Ilasi pulled the oyster out of her bubble, which remained in place, as she grabbed the utensils to eat her oyster with.
"There aren't really plates here... so you'll have to keep the food in the bubble, hold it, or put it on the table to eat it properly," she said. Ilasi's oyster and Maverick's lobster had come similarly prepared to how they would be on the surface - the notable difference was the slightly gray film covering the meals.
Ilasi didn't know how to handle the subject of pirates; it wasn't something she was able to empathize with. "Well... as we were talking about, that life is gone now. We have the future to look forward to. You and I. We can take care of each other. We'll never be living the lives we were before." Ilasi's voice sounded increasingly hopeful and optimistic (contrary to her usual pessimistic tendencies) as she spoke - she could look forward to the future for once, instead of just working and hoping she'd get somewhere one day.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#95 Posted: 01:54:16 15/03/2019
Maverick found it a little hard to use a bubble instead of a plate, but he was so hungry, he managed to adapt quite quickly to this kind of serving. He took a mouthful before speaking.
"Well true that. That's how life is. Once you get a second chance, you need to enjoy every moment of it. Look how fortunate we are. When I met you in that lake, I didn't think I've see you again, yet here we are, making the most of it. Not sure what you would want to do after our job in the Enduring Legacy is done, but we have miles of possibilities." Maverick said with enthusiast, wanting the job to be over already, but at the same time believing a ship was the best place for his friends to get along. He didn't mention Angora or Shade, but he had faith that Ilasi would learn to accept them in due time.

Quote: Spyroconvexity
Shade smiled and playfully pushed her off his paw. He looked away as if nothing happened

Angora turned her back on him with half closed eye.
"Oh no you don't. Not this time Mr. Annoyance." she said, unresponsive to his teasing. She didn't care about whatever negative thing Laszur or Sere thought or said about their relationship. If they couldn't see Shade just wanted to be playfully and have peace, then certainly had no hope. She knew Shade was much to blame for his stubbornness, but likewise they were at fault as well, for never trying to adopt a more lenient demeanor in their training. She could understand structure and discipline, but what they did most of the time was just plain cruelty, especially when they used the collar's commands.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:25:40 15/03/2019 by Felines
darknessdawn Yellow Sparx Gems: 1476
#96 Posted: 01:56:08 15/03/2019
Quote: A Guy
Latnok felt somewhat happy to fight alongside Darkheart again. Though they were merely acquaintances, they supported each other in the past and were on a mission together. "You are free to come with us," Latnok invited. "Keep in mind that we'll try to communicate with the gryphon before engaging it. With Raclaw's communication abilities and my knowledge on beast handling, we've managed to make things work out peacefully a few times." This would likely be a stark contrast from the more martial status Darkheart had seen Latnok take in the past.

Though Ilasi's doubts weren't assuaged, she was willing to put the situation to the side for now. She just wished she could find a way to have Maverick feel what she felt. "That sounds good.. I know a decent place around here," she said more calmly. "Nothing too fancy, but it'll do. They probably won't be expecting a service visitor."

Quote: redwes
Chester whined a little upon Star's reaction to him and backed up-- clearly seeing that the fox-like Star was afraid of him. "You'll have to forgive him.. Chester means no harm. He's a friend and a good loyal companion. Please look after him until we return.," Raclaw briefly said lowering his ears before looking at Darkheart. "If you're ready Darkheart-- we'll take off. Latnok and I have found that we work well together. Our abilities and our skill sets complement each other and.. and we are now closer than ever before.," he then said with a smile offering a subtle tail hug on his part.

Darkheart nodded in response. Star, meanwhile, shrugged sheepishly without leaving the comfort of his cloak. "Meh. I'm not mad, more embarrassed."
Darkheart intertwined her tail with Raclaw's, noting "You're right. On both counts." She released his tail, having turned a comical shade of pink.
Spike waved a wing before perching on Helen and beginning to hum.
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good.
Star the Zoroark at your disservice.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8786
#97 Posted: 01:59:42 15/03/2019 | Topic Creator
Shade nudged her again with his muzzle playfully pushing her. He then looked away again.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#98 Posted: 02:19:07 15/03/2019
Angora simply lied on her back and looked at the stars, still ignoring him... until she looked up at him, stick her tongue out and then looked at the stars again, ignoring Shade again. She knew that if there was something worse than being poked around, was being ignored. She was waiting for either Shade to be more insistent or do something a little more constructive.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8786
#99 Posted: 02:30:40 15/03/2019 | Topic Creator
Shade smirked then licked her playfully. “Oh ignoring me Humm?”
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#100 Posted: 02:50:12 15/03/2019
As always, a lick was always enough to annoy Angora quite considerably.
"Lick me again and I'll pull that ugly, forked tongue." she said with a mixed tone of playfulness and challenge. She would need a bath after this play session, but she was determined the joy this night as much as she could. Who know how long they would have to wait once tomorrow came. Deep inside, Angora was still furious about Shade's mother not coming to reclaim him and leaving everything to her, but it was her loss. Shade was really a nice creature despite all that stubbornness and instability.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
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