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Legend of Orion: Rising Hope (open) [CLOSED]
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#151 Posted: 09:32:52 26/10/2018 | Topic Creator
Shades stomach growled a little. “Hehe I guess I am a little hungry.” He said. “But yah remembering what happened when I interfere I just decided to stay back.”
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#152 Posted: 09:43:59 26/10/2018
It didn't take long for Ilasi to notice Maverick stationing himself at their previous meeting spot. He must be all right now... Seeing as he was likely waiting for her, she headed over to his side.
"Hello, Maverick," she said rather sheepishly, her hands behind her back. She didn't know whether she should acknowledge what had happened or not. She decided that she would wait for Maverick to bring it up.

"Well, that's great," Latnok said. "That advice just may save your life one day. Maybe. For now, just keep practicing when you can, I guess. Leoquin has more than proven his worth so far."
"Thank you, Mr. Latnok, sir," Leoquin said gleefully, still unsure of how to address Latnok.
"Please. You can just call me Latnok. Save the honorifics for the captain."
"Got it... Latnok," Leoquin said. "That's going to take some getting used to..."
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#153 Posted: 15:06:38 26/10/2018
"Hola Ilasi. Good evening." Maverick said with a smile, though not as goofy as his usual ones.
"Chilly night, isn't it?" he said as he rubbed his arms, the hair and mullet moving with the wind. He was feeling much better, but he still wanted to avoid talking about today's events if possible.

Quote: Spyroconvexity
Shades stomach growled a little. “Hehe I guess I am a little hungry.” He said. “But yah remembering what happened when I interfere I just decided to stay back.”

"Right Shady. Keep it up and you'll see you have a better life." Angora assured, knowing Shade could contain himself if he only tried. If he continued succeeding and contain his needs to interfere at everything, like he did when Leoquin insulted them, then his behavior could extend to even his powers. Magic and elemental powers were heavily linked to his emotions, and if he could control that, he'll be alright.

Angora proceeded to rest on Shade's snout, but could see from that altitude Maverick and Ilasi talking. She still couldn't stand the mermaid, so she turned the other way around, facing Shade's scary, yellowish eyes. It was still better than looking at that scene. She could hear, but not listen to what they were saying. Their conversation sounded more like mumbling, her being too far away to hear what they were saying. Not that it mattered. She promised herself she wouldn't interfere with Maverick's life, and she intended to go along with it.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#154 Posted: 15:49:15 26/10/2018
"Well, I don't mind the cold. Too much, anyway," Ilasi said. "Once it gets freezing, then it starts bothering me. So... You were going to show me something about navigation today?" Ilasi managed to produce a smile as she spoke, wishing to lighten the mood. "It can be a lesson, just like the ones that..."
Ilasi's smile disappeared. Seriously? Did I have nothing better to say? Reminding Maverick of Latnok was the last thing they needed tonight. "...that I was thinking of," she finished, trying to salvage the line.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#155 Posted: 16:34:55 26/10/2018
"Want to learn to navigate more? No problem. I guess things look different from a ship than underwater." Maverick said, not knowing if Ilasi spent more time in the water from her previous jobs or if she had spend time on land like before, though he figured this was probably her first time on a ship.
"Look, the stars are the best navigation tools you can have if you don't have a compass. Some people lead themselves by the wind, but as you know, it always changes direction. Oh look look look, those stars. It's called the Ursa Minor, or Little Dipper. People always call it differently, but I always called it the Small Frying Pan when I was little." Maverick said with a little chuckle, being quite enthusiastic about the subject.
"At the end of the handle, that's Polaris, the North Star. If you draw a straight line below it, you can see a bigger Frying Pan. That's the Ursa Mayor, or the Big Dipper. However you want to call it." Maverick instructed, feeling like a happy teacher and not taking notice of Ilasi's earlier uneasiness at bringing yesterday's subject up.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#156 Posted: 18:08:07 26/10/2018
"Ah, I see what you're talking about." As Maverick spoke, Ilasi made a mental note of the stars he was referring to. The shapes, while not perfectly clear, could be identified with some focus - it may become more intuitive to her as she grew familiar with them.
There was more she wanted to know, however. "What about those tools that Leoquin uses? The compass, map, sextant - what does he need all of those for?" Did Maverick have such tools? She didn't recall seeing him with them - but she, of course, wasn't always there when he was doing his job.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#157 Posted: 18:26:10 26/10/2018
"Oh, well with a compass is much easier to navigate. They can point you to a direction without needing the stars." Maverick said as he got his own, trusty compass.
"See? The needle always points to the north, so it's only a matter of knowing where the rest of the directions are. Now as for the sextant, it helps you draw a straight line between Polaris and the two adjacent stars that, you can say form the base of the big Frying pan." Maverick said politely, showing Ilasi the stars.
"The stars are not always easy to identify, but Polaris is the brightest one of them all, so if you can locate it, the rest is easy. I always use my arm, but of course, a sextant is more trustworthy need to find the other stars. You can say the stars are the world's most precise map." Maverick said, easily caught in the lecture. He was loving this time with Ilasi.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 9196
#158 Posted: 21:18:40 26/10/2018
Quote: A Guy
"Well, that's great," Latnok said. "That advice just may save your life one day. Maybe. For now, just keep practicing when you can, I guess. Leoquin has more than proven his worth so far."
"Thank you, Mr. Latnok, sir," Leoquin said gleefully, still unsure of how to address Latnok.
"Please. You can just call me Latnok. Save the honorifics for the captain."
"Got it... Latnok," Leoquin said. "That's going to take some getting used to..."

"Don't worry.. he's honestly pretty lax about it. And Latnok's right, what you've taught me will no doubt help me-- especially out here on sea. I thank you again for that; we both thank-you.," Raclaw said reassuring Leoquin with a nod. Chester gave a bark, quickly interpreted and translated by the fur dragon. "Hehe.. Chester here thanks you as well," he then said as the little Beagle playfully climbed up his tail-- onto his back, and on top of his head. It was very similar to an act the little dog had before and something that Raclaw seemed to have no grips over. It was clear that the three shared a very unique bond; Beagle to Fur Dragon to Guardian. "And that's the plan--every little bit of practice helps. With time, I may become even more proficient. At least now-- I'm capable and that's what matters.," the bigger fluffier Raclaw added looking at Latnok. Once again, the Guardians had helped him; having managed to find a very capable crew with two very capable merpeople.

Elsewhere on the deck-- Risar was relaxing and enjoying the fresh air; having had to watch both Maverick and the prisoner for much longer then what should have been necessary. He had seem a little bit of Raclaw swimming and was impressed-- his furry crewmate had managed to get past his fear twice in one day. Bored, he decided to approach the small group-- having much respect for all parties involved. "Impressive swimming out there-- Risar seen better, but good for a beginner.," the large Minotaur said. "Oh uh-- thanks. You too with that cannonball you did earlier.," Raclaw responded with a gentle smile. Unlike Leoquin, Risar was well aware that Raclaw was technically a free dragon. He didn't know the exact details concerning the fur dragon, but knew that Latnok was very lucky to have a dragon like Raclaw choose and befriend him. It was bond similar to one he had experienced with his old master, except one that was completely of Raclaw's own choosing and free will. It was also a bond that thus far-- had been very beneficial to all parties involved.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 21:30:08 26/10/2018 by redwes
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#159 Posted: 23:47:38 26/10/2018 | Topic Creator
“You wanna go for a walk?” Shade said. He gave a playfull snort at her.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#160 Posted: 23:56:22 26/10/2018
Ilasi observed as Maverick pointd out the many details of the sky. They all seemed like they would be pretty difficult to memorize - but someone who did that sort of thing often would probably know. Swimming underwater, many merfolk would use the underwater terrain to guide them; on a boat trip, however, such a thing would no doubt prove impractical.
"You're pretty knowledgeable, Maverick... you know? Just..." Ilasi had to think of how to best phrase her thoughts to make them come off with as little offense as possible; however, she had to at least try something, or so she thought.
"Just think of what you could do if you went out on your own, you know? I'm sure there are many places which would value what you have to offer. You wouldn't answer to anyone you didn't want to answer to. just... think about that."

Latnok was glad to see Risar joining the rest of them - he seemed to be off on his own for most of the day, though it was no doubt in no small part because of the prisoners he had been dealing with. "Hey, Risar, how's it been?" Latnok asked.
"You know, Latnok," Leoquin said, still struggling with the unfamiliarity of the concept. "I hear you guys are pretty strong for humans. I've always wondered if you could take Risar in an arm wrestle."
"Yeah... let's not do that. The last thing I need to do as second-in-command is embarrass myself," Latnok said. "At most, I'd be able to force him to earn his win."
The talk about strength made Latnok think - back to Maverick's previous comment. Compassion? Latnok had explained to Maverick before, in Orcford - power came at a price. It always did. For his power, he sacrificed much of his humanity. Compassion and the like was meaningless to him now - he was driven. He was not his own person anymore. He was a weapon, for use towards a goal. They would do well to remember that. When he did show kindness, it was always towards a greater goal - such as teaching others. With Raclaw, though - there was something more than just typical camaraderie between allies. There was... a legitimate sort of friendship. How would this affect him in the long run?
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#161 Posted: 00:25:20 27/10/2018
Quote: Spyroconvexity
“You wanna go for a walk?” Shade said. He gave a playfull snort at her.

"Heh, I don't think we'll be able to walk much. And I doubt they'll let you off the ship, especially infected like that." Angora said with some sadness, knowing how much Shade missed his freedom.
"I know this is hard Shady, but you made great progress today. You resisted that urge to defend Maverick, and look how the situation turned out. Everything was fine in the end. You see Shady? You need to have faith in us. And in yourself. You have to understand we don't need saving all the time. Believe in us, and in yourself, and have patience. You'll see. If you behave and try to improve yourself, you'll have your freedom back." Angora assured, hugging his snout. It was unbelievable how much their relationship has evolved.

Quote: A Guy
Ilasi observed as Maverick pointd out the many details of the sky. They all seemed like they would be pretty difficult to memorize - but someone who did that sort of thing often would probably know. Swimming underwater, many merfolk would use the underwater terrain to guide them; on a boat trip, however, such a thing would no doubt prove impractical.
"You're pretty knowledgeable, Maverick... you know? Just..." Ilasi had to think of how to best phrase her thoughts to make them come off with as little offense as possible; however, she had to at least try something, or so she thought.
"Just think of what you could do if you went out on your own, you know? I'm sure there are many places which would value what you have to offer. You wouldn't answer to anyone you didn't want to answer to. just... think about that."

Maverick heard what Ilasi said very carefully, and didn't take him too much time to figure out where she was going with this.
"I was alone Ilasi. After my father's ship sunk and Lydia took me to dry land, I became a traveling merchant. I went to many places, met many different kinds of people and creatures, faced all kinds of dangers and climates, and learned many different skills. But as I travelled, I was all alone... for seven years. My father, as much as a monster he was, he and the crew had been my family for so much time. I enjoyed my traveling merchant life... but... it became awfully lonely after some time. Until... well, you can guess the rest." Maverick said as he gave a quick glance to Shade and Angora further behind them.

But after a few seconds, to avoid an awkward silence, Maverick spoke again.
"I know what you're thinking. You think Shade and Angora are holding me back. But that's not it at all Milady. I don't know what you've been hearing, but it's my decision to travel with them. Mine alone. I know you think they aren't the best company, but they became my family with time. A much better family than my father or his crew ever were. I know you can't see it now, but I have faith that everything will get better for us, and you will someday know how I feel. I know that... well at least with Angora... I know she offended you Ilasi, and I'm really sorry. Angorita... she's so bitter and hardcore, she tends to offend without realizing it. If... if you ever manage to forgive her, get to know her better... and you'll understand many things." Maverick said sincerely and with great kindness, wanting Ilasi to understand beyond a shadow of a doubt that nobody but him was holding him back. He wanted Ilasi to take a chance to get to know his troll friend better and leave the senseless animosity behind once and for all.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#162 Posted: 00:30:19 27/10/2018 | Topic Creator
Shade smiled and gently purred. “Thank you Angora. I think your training does better than the guardians way.”
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 9196
#163 Posted: 00:42:09 27/10/2018
Quote: A Guy
Latnok was glad to see Risar joining the rest of them - he seemed to be off on his own for most of the day, though it was no doubt in no small part because of the prisoners he had been dealing with. "Hey, Risar, how's it been?" Latnok asked.
"You know, Latnok," Leoquin said, still struggling with the unfamiliarity of the concept. "I hear you guys are pretty strong for humans. I've always wondered if you could take Risar in an arm wrestle."
"Yeah... let's not do that. The last thing I need to do as second-in-command is embarrass myself," Latnok said. "At most, I'd be able to force him to earn his win."
The talk about strength made Latnok think - back to Maverick's previous comment. Compassion? Latnok had explained to Maverick before, in Orcford - power came at a price. It always did. For his power, he sacrificed much of his humanity. Compassion and the like was meaningless to him now - he was driven. He was not his own person anymore. He was a weapon, for use towards a goal. They would do well to remember that. When he did show kindness, it was always towards a greater goal - such as teaching others. With Raclaw, though - there was something more than just typical camaraderie between allies. There was... a legitimate sort of friendship. How would this affect him in the long run?

"Risar was strongest of breathon-- chosen for his strength among other attributes.," the large minotaur said with a bit of grin-- revealing just a little bit more of his past and seeming somewhat proud of the fact. He recalled what little he knew of his two brothers, triplets in fact. His old master had once revealed to him why he had chosen him and that his two breathon were of a 'lesser' quality. At birth, an enslaved minotaur was implanted with a nose ring of varying quality, corresponding to the quality of the 'cattle' itself. For those familiar with the practise, his golden nose ring indicated that he was a minotaur of exceptional quality and the broken chain would have indicated that he had escaped at some point. "I've heard rumors that one of the sailors tried to arm wrestle with you-- some of the crew still haven't forgotten about it.," Raclaw said referring to both the rumors as well as the crew's surface thoughts. "Risar has heard rumors about you too-- glad to see that your sea legs are finally starting to grow in.," the minotaur responded with a slight grin finding that particular rumor somewhat entertaining. "Don't remind me-- I am well aware of the rumors, as you can imagine for someone in my position.," Raclaw responded back referring to his telepathy. Chester was just listening and chilling on stop of Raclaw's head; the little dog just ended up looking more adorable in the process. "Look on the bright side-- everyone throws up at least once in their life. And for someone as new to all this as you are, you have very much proven yourself.," Damon chimed in on Raclaw's behalf audible to Latnok as well.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:44:18 27/10/2018 by redwes
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#164 Posted: 00:47:05 27/10/2018
Quote: Spyroconvexity
Shade smiled and gently purred. “Thank you Angora. I think your training does better than the guardians way.”

"Well thanks Shady. Just... don't tell the Guardians that. It'll be our little secret." Angora said with a whisper and her index over her mouth. Knowing those two, she knew the proud Sere and Latnok would probably take offense over something as silly as that.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#165 Posted: 00:54:15 27/10/2018
So that was it. Maverick was a willing slave - and nothing would change that. Ilasi gave Maverick a disappointed, defeated look. "i see that... there would be no changing your mind then," she managed to say, dejectedly. "...I'm sorry. I'm sorry I even brought the subject up. If you don't mind me, I'll take my leave now..." Ilasi turned around slowly, starting to leave.

"Well, fortunately for me, I didn't need the sea to develop my sea legs," Latnok said. "I've been lucky enough that my training and experience in various combat-related matters has adapted reasonably well to the sea. Constantly keeping your balance - that's one thing you get used to from our training, and that readily applies to the ship as well."
"Sounds like you're going places, Raclaw!" Leoquin said. "Now, about my fee...
"...just kidding," he finished as Latnok gave him an incredulous look. "My pleasure. Maybe you can teach me something eventually. As long as it doesn't involve arm wrestling a minotaur, anyway."
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#166 Posted: 01:02:06 27/10/2018
Quote: A Guy
So that was it. Maverick was a willing slave - and nothing would change that. Ilasi gave Maverick a disappointed, defeated look. "i see that... there would be no changing your mind then," she managed to say, dejectedly. "...I'm sorry. I'm sorry I even brought the subject up. If you don't mind me, I'll take my leave now..." Ilasi turned around slowly, starting to leave.

Maverick flinched at her behavior. He was willing to avoid running away this time and to amend for his mistakes, but he couldn't understand why she was acting this way. It was very unlike the Ilasi he knew. He touched her shoulder to make her stop.
"Wait Ilasi. Don't go. Why are you leaving already? What did I do? Did I say something that offended you? I'm sorry. Are you still upset about what happened at Orcford? I know I can't undo that, but at least let me try. Por favor." Maverick begged, unable to comprehend what went wrong. They bonded so greatly in the water earlier, and they're conversation was doing fine until now. Why Ilasi suddenly changed her demeanor? Maverick didn't have a clue.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#167 Posted: 01:27:41 27/10/2018
Ilasi stopped for a few seconds and heard Maverick out, before lowering his arm as she turned around.
"Maverick, I... it's not about Orcford. Well... not completely, anyway. Orcford was just... a symptom. That's it. Angora - she's your primary concern. How... How do I put what I'm trying to say? If you have a cup that's full, you can't fill it anymore. Everyone who isn't Angora would just be along for the ride. You are... wanting." Ilasi wanted to put what she had to say gently - there really was no way she figured she could do so, however.
"You lack the assertiveness, the self-sufficiency that you should have. Regardless of your choice - you have become a willing slave. Can't you see?" Ilasi turned her head away, as she began to shed tears while speaking - her voice became more hoarse, though she tried to hide it.
"Well, don't let me stop you. Go spend time with her. Don't just play pretend with me - pretending to care, while worshiping someone who does nothing but hate everyone who isn't her two friends. I'm probably disgusting her by talking with you right now. Go ahead - you're better off not bothering with me. Ask her. She'll tell you as much." Ilasi began leaving once again, feeling a heavy mix of disappointment and indignation.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#168 Posted: 01:41:07 27/10/2018
Maverick couldn't help but cry along with her. Was Angora such a big problem to her? Was Ilasi blatantly suggesting that he should abandon her so he could move along?
"Slave? Worshipping? Ilasi, you got it all wrong! Didn't I tell you yesterday? Angora wants me to leave her so I can move on with my life... but I... I just can't! I abandoned her Ilasi! I couldn't leave with her when she left my father's ship! I... couldn't face my father. That's why she is that way! It's all my fault! I'm trying to amend for my mistake, but also to give her the family she never had!" Maverick explained sniffling, starting to understand what was going on.
"I was a coward back then... as I was in Orcford! I just couldn't face you! I'm trying to atone for my mistakes Ilasi, but I'm doing things all wrong again. Everything I do is wrong! I got Angora into this ship where she's hated and humiliated, and now I'm offending you and making you feel bad! I can never do anything right! I try... but... señor Latnok was right about me! I'm far from being a man!" Maverick finally said, all broken, the sniffling taking away his voice at that moment. He couldn't hold on the tears. He hid his face under his shirt, unable to stand the shameful humiliation anymore.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 9196
#169 Posted: 01:42:33 27/10/2018
"Well, fortunately for me, I didn't need the sea to develop my sea legs," Latnok said. "I've been lucky enough that my training and experience in various combat-related matters has adapted reasonably well to the sea. Constantly keeping your balance - that's one thing you get used to from our training, and that readily applies to the ship as well."
"Sounds like you're going places, Raclaw!" Leoquin said. "Now, about my fee...
"...just kidding," he finished as Latnok gave him an incredulous look. "My pleasure. Maybe you can teach me something eventually. As long as it doesn't involve arm wrestling a minotaur, anyway."

"I'm sure we'll find something-- the Guardians are an skilled and talented bunch of people. If it wasn't for Latnok, I would be in a completely different place right now.," Raclaw said with a smile. It was true-- Latnok had introduced him to the Guardians, had allowed for him to be 'freed' via Adjudicator Vellune unlocking his collar, and had allowed him to tell his side of the story to Godfather Sere; whom had so gracefully listened and agreed to help him to the best of the Guardians' abilities. If it wasn't for Raclaw, they wouldn't even be on their current journey and he was extremely grateful for that.
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 01:46:12 27/10/2018 by redwes
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#170 Posted: 01:57:44 27/10/2018
Ilasi stopped in her tracks once again. Her intention had been to explain to Maverick why she felt how she did - she just ended up attacking him, however. She was overcome with a massive sense of guilt as she turned around, very unsure of what to say.
"Maverick, I... you're not a bad man. Not at all. Your goal.. it's noble. That isn't enough, however. There's more to life than just atoning. You are your own person - not someone else's. I believe you accused Latnok earlier today of dwelling on the past - but I think you should also leave the past behind. I just..." Ilasi was at a loss for what to say afterward. She didn't want to atack Maverick when he was already down - but what should she do?

"We're skilled because we dedicate ourselves to it," Latnok said. "Power always has a price. TO us, it's dedication - we sacrifice everything about a normal life - all of the experiences normal people have - for our power. In the grand scheme of things, I think it is worth it. Power gives me the ability to change the world for the better. I once was a boy without a purpose - now I have one. And honestly? I'm satisfied. What I sacrificed - that is a life that other people can live for me."
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#171 Posted: 02:11:01 27/10/2018 | Topic Creator
Shade nodded. “Let’s go for a little walk around the ship. I need to stretch my legs.”
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#172 Posted: 02:13:53 27/10/2018
Angora knew there was no convincing him, so she wanted to make sure he didn't cause any fear.
"Oh alright. But just a little throttle. And just with this side. Almost everybody is asleep right now, so small steps alright? Come on." Angora said as she rested on his head to see his path. She wanted him to take small steps to avoid the planks of the ship from making too much sound. From above, she could see Ilasi and Maverick talking, but couldn't hear them or see exactly what was going on. However, she wasn't going to say anything and pretended they weren't there.

Quote: A Guy
Ilasi stopped in her tracks once again. Her intention had been to explain to Maverick why she felt how she did - she just ended up attacking him, however. She was overcome with a massive sense of guilt as she turned around, very unsure of what to say.
"Maverick, I... you're not a bad man. Not at all. Your goal.. it's noble. That isn't enough, however. There's more to life than just atoning. You are your own person - not someone else's. I believe you accused Latnok earlier today of dwelling on the past - but I think you should also leave the past behind. I just..." Ilasi was at a loss for what to say afterward. She didn't want to atack Maverick when he was already down - but what should she do?

Maverick cleaned his face with his shirt, not wanting Ilasi to see him so teary eyed. When he heard her stopping, he decided to speak himself.
"I just don't want to atone Ilasi. I want to be a good person. I want to help those who are never helped. I want to atone for my mistakes so I can have some peace of mind. I want... to love, and be loved. That little girl Alya, she really likes me. Do you know how good that feels? My father always caused tremendous fear everywhere he went. And when people knew my connection to him, they immediately feared me too. Do you know how that feels? All the horrors I saw him cause? You know how it is to be feared and have people both hate you for that?" Maverick explained, his last still haunting him severely.
"I just want to be a good man Ilasi. I may not be as cool and strict as señor Latnok, but... I don't want to be feared either Ilasi. No more. I want to help others, no matter the suffering I face. I don't want to be hated anymore, or make anyone feel bad... but... I still have much to learn..." Maverick said gloomily, looking at Ilasi directly in the eyes when saying those words, but then immediately lowering his head in shame. When he talked, he sounded nothing like a man. He resembled more a scared little boy with too many insecurities.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 02:19:29 27/10/2018 by Felines
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#173 Posted: 02:27:13 27/10/2018
Ilasi was unable to maintain eye contact herself, being racked by conflicting emotions. "Maverick... You are a good man. It's just... You have to know how to be selfish sometimes. You... just make sure to consider yourself, and how your decisions affect you." Consider others besides your two friends, as well, she thought, though she didn't verbalize any of it. She had already been harsh enough, and felt incredibly guilty that the conversation had come to this. She would just avoid the subject entirely next time - if there was a next time.
I'm just... a guy...
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 9196
#174 Posted: 02:34:39 27/10/2018
Quote: A Guy
"We're skilled because we dedicate ourselves to it," Latnok said. "Power always has a price. TO us, it's dedication - we sacrifice everything about a normal life - all of the experiences normal people have - for our power. In the grand scheme of things, I think it is worth it. Power gives me the ability to change the world for the better. I once was a boy without a purpose - now I have one. And honestly? I'm satisfied. What I sacrificed - that is a life that other people can live for me."

"You have sacrificed, but you've also gained. Through the Guardians... you have gained family and have changed lives-- mine included.," Raclaw said with a confidant smile looking at Latnok. "You may have sacrificed, but you don't have to be alone doing it--," the fur dragon then started to before getting interrupted by a bark on Chester's part. "The Guardians-- the Guardians have manipulated and changed my life for the better. It's no secret and without that manipulation, I wouldn't be where I am today. For the first time, I am traveling the seas and experiencing wonders that I would've never experienced otherwise. Without the Guardians and without you Lantok-- that would've never been possible. And just as you had helped me and continue to do so, I am here to do the same. And Chester too.," he then concluded further confirming the feelings he felt for the Guardian. Unknowingly, his tail had moved to a position that was almost wrapping around the Guardian. Indeed-- he truly felt something just as Latnok was starting to experience true emotion for the first time in a long long time.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#175 Posted: 02:45:03 27/10/2018
Quote: A Guy
Ilasi was unable to maintain eye contact herself, being racked by conflicting emotions. "Maverick... You are a good man. It's just... You have to know how to be selfish sometimes. You... just make sure to consider yourself, and how your decisions affect you." Consider others besides your two friends, as well, she thought, though she didn't verbalize any of it. She had already been harsh enough, and felt incredibly guilty that the conversation had come to this. She would just avoid the subject entirely next time - if there was a next time.

After much sorrow, Maverick managed to give her a little smile at last. She didn't know if she really meant selfishness or if she wanted to use another word, but he more or less understood what she meant.
"Well, I haven't made many good decisions, I know that. I've tried to make the most of my new life after my father's ship sunk, but... well, like I said, I still have much to learn." Maverick repeated, knowing that whatever he was doing, it was really hurting Ilasi.
"I hope... you can forgive me someday Ilasi. For messing up so many things so badly. Made so many mistakes. For hurting you. I'm not... worthy of you or your love anymore, yet here yo are speaking to me. I don't deserve someone as pure as you, but maybe one day, when I can finally be a better man and hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me, then maybe I can finally earn that right. If not... well, I'll still be happy. Happy that we could still be friends. And happy... to have met you." Maverick said with another smile and a nod, being humble and genuine. He then fell silent and remained there in that spot to feel the chilly wind and hear the calming sound of the salty water, not wanting to leave. If somebody had to leave first, he wanted it to be Ilasi. He already left rudely yesterday and didn't want to repeat such insensitive move again.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#176 Posted: 09:28:32 27/10/2018 | Topic Creator
Shade did as he was told and tryed his best to take light steps. He looked up to the stars. “You ever think I’ll find my kind?”
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#177 Posted: 09:35:23 27/10/2018
Ilasi was speechless - if her emotions were causing turmoil before, it was nothing compared to what she was feeling now after Maverick's confession. "Maverick... It's not... I think you have the wrong idea about me. I... I just wanted... I don't think love is a prize, to be won. What I think... I don't know how to say it. If your devotion is to Angora, then how could you ever find..." Ilasi couldn't finish verbalizing what she was thinking - her boice became more hoarse as she spoke, straining to get words out.
"You're a good man, Maverick. There are... other issues. I'm sorry. There are just some things that I don't want to accept... Some things I would just get in the way of." Ilasi slowly began leaving once more. What was said was said. She wasn't going to interfere in his caring for Angora.

Latnok gave a genuine smile as Raclaw spoke - allowing his dragon friend to embrace him, something no one has done since... Latnok couldn't recall. He didn't even recall his own mother ever hugging him.
"Well, we have a job to do. I don't know if we'll find your parents out there - but we sure as hell will try. You know, I never really had a family - at most, I had a caretaker. I don't know what it's like - but regardless, I think you deserve one."
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#178 Posted: 15:03:35 27/10/2018
Very soon, Maverick was starting to get the picture. Ilasi felt like she was below Angora in terms of attention. He had suspected that maybe Ilasi didn't like his relationship with Angora, but now it seemed it was much deeper than that.
"Devotion to Angora? Ilasi, you think that's what's really the problem? I may care for her, but that doesn't mean my love and kindness can't extend to others. I care for Angora cause... she has nobody else, and because... I betrayed her and I want to make up for the time I made her waste. She has Shade, but she can't face his current problems alone. They do mean a lot to me, but I can still care for others as much you know. My devotion is not so limited..." Maverick assured, knowing now Ilasi couldn't fully accept this loyalty. She has been so hurt by Angora that maybe she still was unable to forgive her in particular, although Maverick wanted to try and help the both of them have a better relationship. Maverick wanted to say something else, but he didn't want to risk Ilasi misunderstanding and making her feel worse than she already was.

Quote: Spyroconvexity
Shade did as he was told and tryed his best to take light steps. He looked up to the stars. “You ever think I’ll find my kind?”

Angora had to ponder his question for a while, wanting to come up with a proper answer.
"Well, you say you come from space. Space is huge, so maybe there are a few of your kind out there. I... I can't guarantee you'll find one given how big space is, but if you do, I know you'll be happy. And if... well, you'll still have me. And Maverick." Angora said, rather hesitant with that last word. Angora was always thinking about her hybrid friend, and knew how much he was suffering because of them. How much he was trying to give them a better life despite all the horrible oddyseys and hatred from the world.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#179 Posted: 18:09:50 27/10/2018
Ilasi shook her head, her doubts not yet disappearing. "You say you're not limited, but, if it came to it... it's clear who you would choose. Everything you do now is for her or Shade. Your guilt will keep you as her subject. And... and I don't just want to be an afterthought. I... I'm sorry, Maverick. I cannot do this." Ilasi let her head down, being unable to look Maverick in the eyes as she spoke.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#180 Posted: 19:28:37 27/10/2018
Maverick was at a loss for words. Ilasi had this crazy idea that he was swayed by Angora. Just what kind of idea were they brainwashing into her to have such thoughts? After a while of silence, he knew exactly what to say.
"Remember the first time we met Ilasi? When you had to clean that lake? Angora was reclutant I know, but in the end, she decided to help after all instead of sitting around. I'm not only trying to take care of her. I'm trying to show her the right way. Even under all her bitterness and harshness, she is a good being. And come on, whoever heard of a good troll?" Maverick said with a small chuckle, even he having heard of how horrible many trolls were.

But before Ilasi could say anything about his comment, he felt the need to state something else.
"I don't know what else to do Ilasi. No matter what I do, or what decision I take, I always end up disappointing someone. What would you want me to do? I'm trying the best I can... but it's never enough." Maverick said sadly, becoming almost as gloomy as her. He didn't want Ilasi to feel bad or disappointed, but he also didn't want to leave Shade or Angora behind. Wasn't there a way to please everyone he knew and cared about?
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#181 Posted: 21:58:16 27/10/2018 | Topic Creator
Shade smiled at her and sat down. He was deep in thought looking at the stars. “To be honest I don’t remember arriving here. I’ve been here for thousands of years. I remember walking up in a crater with snow, ice, and trees all around broken or knocked down.”
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#182 Posted: 23:06:48 27/10/2018
Ilasi's gaze remained shifted away from Maverick, as she felt rather bad for the turn the conversation had taken. "It just seems that we're not compatible, Maverick," Ilasi said dejectedly. "Our goals in life - they're conflicting. I've sought to make my own way in life - moving where I need to go, doing what I need to do. You... you're beholden to someone else. Like an anchored ship. As long as that is the case, we will never truly... go anywhere. I need flexibility... and pleasant company. It can't work. I'm sorry, Maverick..."
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#183 Posted: 23:28:25 27/10/2018
Maverick's throat practically sunk, almost looking like he was being choked. In his first attempt to speak, he nearly coughed from the despair, but after breathing in deeply, he managed to talk at last.
"I understand Ilasi. It's alright. I get it. I've... never been lucky in love... but... it doesn't bother me anymore. My life is too complicated. I know that now. At least... I'm glad I'll still be able to meet people like you. We can still be friends. Today in the water, I really enjoyed myself. I had so much fun. So gracias. Thank you for the wonderful time." Maverick said, looking at her again and wanting to make sure she understood he didn't hold anything against her, and that he respected her decision. He then rested his arms on the ship's sides, continuing to gaze silently at the water, giving a forced smile. Upon closer inspection, it could be seen that his lip was trembling. Maverick wanted so badly to cry, but managed to resist for Ilasi's sake.

Quote: Spyroconvexity
Shade smiled at her and sat down. He was deep in thought looking at the stars. “To be honest I don’t remember arriving here. I’ve been here for thousands of years. I remember walking up in a crater with snow, ice, and trees all around broken or knocked down.”

"Thousands?" Angora said shockingly, hearing about Shade being from space, but never about him being so many years old. But then again, he was a type of dragon, and they were known to live many centuries, so an ordinary creature's lifespan was practically like that of an insect for them.
Well, you've waited this long, so point of losing hope now." Angora encouraged, cheering him on. It was still a mystery to her what kind of bizzare creature Shade was, but he was one full of loyalty and gratitude if he chose to follow this insignificant little troll all around their world.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#184 Posted: 00:05:57 28/10/2018
"I'm... glad you... enjoyed yourself..." Ilasi very barely managed to force out. Though she knew she shouldn't feel that way, she felt a sense of betrayal. There Maverick was - and Angora - the troll who despised her over a misunderstanding after overreacting to a comment she made - would forever be the most important thing in his life. All this, despite what she thought could have been...
The night had been ruined for Ilasi. She left to head to her room, where she would do whatever she needed to in order to experience catharsis from her many emotions.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#185 Posted: 00:33:01 28/10/2018
Maverick continued to gaze at the water, and when he turned around to see why Ilasi went so quiet, he could see that she already left. With nobody around to see him, Maverick finally released the waterfall of tears that he has been waiting to let out. Unable to stand even his own reflection, Maverick hid his face under his shirt again, as it got soaked with his own tears. When he was done, he was a complete mess. His hair was in all directions,mand his eyes were terribly swollen.

Combing himself and rubbing his eyes, Maverick tried to regain his composure as best as he could. Feeling lonely and still depressed, he watched Shade walking with Angora, and went to them.
"Hey guys... mind if I... walk with you?" Maverick asked, but Angora knew that Shade wasn't going to have any objections to that.
"You kidding? That's an unquestionable question." Angora said jokingly, giving him a gentle smile, one that he definitely needed. She had noticed how messy he looked, but whatever happened, she wanted to avoid talking about it.
"I've been thinking... I think I will take Alya's offer and sleep in her house tonight. Not... in the mood to sleep alone in the ship, you know? I can sleep with Dahlia of course, but I can leave that for when the ship is on the move." Maverick said, believing that the love and care of a child is just what he needed to get out of this painful sorrow. Angora nodded, agreeing with him.
"Well, do whatever you want tonight Maverick. Whatever you need. You deserve it. You've been such a wonderful guy to us. When the world turns it's back on us, you're always there, cause your heart is too big. You deserve all the happiness in the world. We can never, ever thank you enough for what you've done for us." Angora said with the most sincere warmth and kindness ther was quite rare in her. Maverick has become a precious and irreplaceable friend for her. As she said her last words, she raised her voice a little, hoping Ilasi was still nearby to hear her. She had no doubt that whatever conversation took place between them, Ilasi made him feel this way. Whether it was on purpose or not, it didn't matter. Maverick didn't deserve to feel this way.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#186 Posted: 00:55:15 28/10/2018 | Topic Creator
Shade nodded. “Yes thousands of years. You see a lot in that time.” He said. He then saw Maverick and heard his question. “You can if you want.” Shade said. “You deserve it.” He said with a smile.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 9196
#187 Posted: 00:56:48 28/10/2018
Quote: A Guy
Latnok gave a genuine smile as Raclaw spoke - allowing his dragon friend to embrace him, something no one has done since... Latnok couldn't recall. He didn't even recall his own mother ever hugging him.
"Well, we have a job to do. I don't know if we'll find your parents out there - but we sure as hell will try. You know, I never really had a family - at most, I had a caretaker. I don't know what it's like - but regardless, I think you deserve one."

"Thank you-- I truly appreciate that. I've only technically had own.. err caretakers, but I considered them family. Even if they hadn't raised a fur dragon before and didn't.. couldn't help me develop my abilities, they did everything they could to both support me and ensure that I had a comfortable existence. It wasn't until I left the farm that I truly developed my abilities as they stand now, but I will always appreciate everything that they did for me and.. and I will never forget them. I don't know either if we'll find my true parents, but I know that you and the Guardians will do everything in your power to find them. And I know that you won't give up.," Raclaw responded gently embracing Latnok with his tail. 'And even if you don't-- you'll have me.. and Latnok!,' Chester barked audible to Latnok as a happy bark. "And yes-- we'll have you.," Raclaw responded in common nuzzling the little Beagle who climbed on top of his head. "Family-- been ages since I've seen mine, but I'll do everything in my power to help you find yours Raclaw.," the voice of Damon could be heard audible to both Latnok and Raclaw. "Thank-you Damon.," the fur dragon said over the links actually somewhat gratefully for the entity's continued presence. Risar looked at the small group, as if deciding rather or not to say something. "I can sense your hesitancy-- it's alright Risar. You can say whatever you're thinking.," Raclaw then said as if to reassure the otherwise proud minotaur.

"Risar-- Risar had family. Two brothers, unknown parents. Born to a slave, raised into enslavement-- separated at birth, graded for quality, and marked as such. Risar exceptional quality, strength, intelligence-- marked with gold. Breathon less so-- silver for average, copper.. copper for mediocre quality. Brother with silver-- possibly alive; possibly fighter or bodyguard. Bother with copper-- less likely; pure labor or exotic meat. Never knew names. Only know what was told by Master-- promised more information, but escaped before such information was told.," the large minotaur then said with what sounded like a hint of sadness, something that was unusual for him. Perhaps he been simply hiding those emotions under a false proudness or perhaps he had simply buried those emotions. Raclaw looked at Risar with look of sympathy, being able to read those emotions more than ether Latnok or Leoquin ever could. Some of the normally unseen emotions escaped over the links and could be felt by Latnok as well, thanks to his and Raclaw's continually strengthened bond.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#188 Posted: 14:03:14 28/10/2018
After a while of walking together, Angora couldn't take any more of Maverick's gloom.
"So... I saw you talking with Ilasi. That went well, didn't it?" Angora said sarcastically, but all Maverick could do was sniffle to avoid sobbing uncontrollably again.
"Yes... well... that isn't going anywhere... I... I screw it up..." Maverick said as he began to explain how most of the conversation took place. Angora was undignified with what she was hearing.
"I know you don't like her Angorita... but..." Maverick then began to say after he was done with the explanation, but Angora intercepted him as she slide off Shade's neck to be on ground level with Maverick.
"Now hold it Maverick. I never said I didn't like her! Sure, I was mad at her for what happened in Redwater, but... I have been thinking very hard about that day, and it was bound to happen sooner or later. Everything that ever comes out of my mouth is always wrong and bad! If she hadn't told on me that day, somebody else would've have." Angora expressed, frowning hard. She felt like everybody was overly sensible, and that Sere has been waiting for an excuse like back then to throw her off the ship and offend her like Latnok has done.

"It doesn't matter now. Ilasi hates me." Maverick said after a brief pause with a lowered head, still holding up the tears, but the upset Angora knew exactly what was going on based on Maverick's explaination.
"She doesn't hate you Maverick. She hates me. If she can't stand that you care about me and that your heart is bigger than anyone else's, then she sure as hell doesn't deserve you. I may not know much about love Maverick, but what I do know is that it's unconditional. Ilasi can't accept you the way you are, or that you are trying something noble with us? Then that's not true love. True love is accepting you and your noble ideals no matter what. If Ilasi wants you to chance, there's no real love there Maverick. If she needs you to be different and change your devotions and ideals in order to love and accept you, then she's not the girl for you. If somebody loves you for real, they accept you for who you are, not for who you can become or supposedly should be." Angora said sincerely, shocking Maverick. When has she become so deep in the matters of love? This was a side not even he has seen before. As Angora said those words, she really hoped the mermaid was nearby to listen to their conversation. In the troll's opinion, what Ilasi did was quite despicable. Hurting a wonderful man like Maverick just because she can't accept who he is right now is quite a horrible thing to do in her eyes.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#189 Posted: 15:22:12 28/10/2018
"Escape?" Leoquin interjected. Everything he heard suggested that Risar really liked his master - he didn't figure that escape was the reason Risar was no longer in servitude. "I thought you were having so much fun..."
"Things are often a little more complicated than that," Latnok said. "Relationships aren't one-dimensional - from everything I know, anyway. They are very often multi-faceted. Someone can get along with someone else while still having a major issue with other things pertaining to them. Deal breakers, if you will. The main difference is whether the issues outweigh the positives. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that Risar valued his freedom more than any relationship with his master... what do I know, though? They have never been anything I attached significant value to on anything more than a professional level."
Leoquin could only think of those he used to know - and the situations regarding them. Maybe one day, he would be with them again - for now, however, he only had one way to go. He wasn't going to waste this opportunity, however - he had the chance to forge new relationships. And, for the most part, the company was rather enjoyable... Even the Scourge of Redwater, the nasty troll, and her human toy haven't been too bothersome as of late.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#190 Posted: 20:32:22 28/10/2018
"Go Maverick. Go to Alya. I'm usually not fond of children, but she's a nice kid. Very sharp. And not so annoying." Angora said, dropping off some of her façade. Maverick couldn't help but smile at her, knowing that she was still trying to maintain her harsh personality to hide the fact that Alya was a child she really liked.
"Thank you Angorita. I'll return first thing in the morning. Maybe we can do something fun before starting our chores. Play a board game or something?" Maverick suggested, with Angora nodding and gently shooing him off, telling him that he will let Latnok or Sere know where he was in the surprising case they needed him for something. Maverick didn't need to pack anything from his room, but he still went downstairs to say goodbye to Dahlia before he went to Alya's house.

Now that he was gone, Angora and Shade were alone again, and the little troll once again climbed to his head.
"Well, I hope we stay on the island for a little while longer. That little girl is really making things better for him. It's what he needs in a ship where everyone hates us. I understand you and me... in some way, but him? Nobody is purer than him. I can't believe that mermaid didn't give him a chance, but hey, if that's the way she wants it, then so be it. It's her loss. I know there's a lucky girl out there for Maverick that doesn't know the fortune awaiting her." Angora said to Shade, now upset at Ilasi for an entirely different reason. But this time, her anger didn't last long. She started to groom Shade's head as she talked to him, wanting to forget about what Maverick told her and feel happy for him for deciding to spend the night with someone as sweet and gentle as that little girl that stole even her hardcore heart.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 9196
#191 Posted: 21:05:09 28/10/2018
Quote: A Guy
"Escape?" Leoquin interjected. Everything he heard suggested that Risar really liked his master - he didn't figure that escape was the reason Risar was no longer in servitude. "I thought you were having so much fun..."
"Things are often a little more complicated than that," Latnok said. "Relationships aren't one-dimensional - from everything I know, anyway. They are very often multi-faceted. Someone can get along with someone else while still having a major issue with other things pertaining to them. Deal breakers, if you will. The main difference is whether the issues outweigh the positives. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that Risar valued his freedom more than any relationship with his master... what do I know, though? They have never been anything I attached significant value to on anything more than a professional level."
Leoquin could only think of those he used to know - and the situations regarding them. Maybe one day, he would be with them again - for now, however, he only had one way to go. He wasn't going to waste this opportunity, however - he had the chance to forge new relationships. And, for the most part, the company was rather enjoyable... Even the Scourge of Redwater, the nasty troll, and her human toy haven't been too bothersome as of late.

"Risar had many fun experiences-- learned, faught, trained, tasted, traveled. Risar like master, but Risar also curious-- had encounter with merchant ship. Second-in-command was Minotaur like Risar, but free. Ship took many stranglers and trained as crew; had long discussion with free Minotaur while the Captain and Master negotiated. Free Minotaur offered to talk to captain about buying me-- about buying my freedom. Merchant ship stayed in town for many days; Risar thought long and hard about it. Risar raised by Master, Risar love Master-- but Risar would be forever property. Something less.," the slightly emotional minotaur started to explain. Perhaps Latnok was on was on to something. It was unlike Risar to reveal so much, but something in the ongoing conversation had triggered it. Perhaps the growing bond between Latnok and Raclaw had remained him of his upbringing.

"Risar eventually accepted, made contact with merchant, and arranged last minute deal. Captain intrigued, but Master refused. Wanted to keep me-- wanted me to stay. Master trusted me-- was able to convince I had changed my mind, gave me day to self as sign of loyalty. Master also cautious-- Risar chained at night as required by city law concerning cat.. owned minotaurs. Risar break chain, sneak off in middle of night, and escape to merchant ship. Free minotaur waited, welcomed Risar, joined crew for many months.," the large minotaur then concluded looking at Leoquin. It seemed that they both were right and that it has taken a particular encounter with a free minotaur to inspire him to break of his old life. Raclaw looked at Risar and could understand the minotaur's perspective-- from beginning to end. Like Risar, he was both 'raised' and 'owned' by an human. And like Risar, he greatly loved his caretakers/owners while having a very comfortable life indeed. The key difference was that he had been 'freed'-- while Risar was almost freed but ended up assorting to escape. "Risar-- thank you for telling us. And Leoquin, Latnok is right.," Raclaw started to reveal.

"Although my situation doesn't quite compare of that of Risar's... I know what's like to be curious and to want freedom. I had a very comfortable life-- I had two humans who loved me like a son, I had food, and I had shelter. Every week, we used to go to the nearby village. It was there that Julian was staying, but the village kids were also quite fond of me. Every week, we played a sport whose name I cannot remember involving a large ball and a net. I grew to love it and I grew to love my life, but.. but there was always something more. There was always this desire to go off on my own and to experience life on my own terms. My adoptive parents, my owners, my caretakers, whatever you want to call them-- I loved them deeply, but they could see my desire. Even when I couldn't directly communicate it with them due to a slight language barrier, they could see that I wanted more. I was only 16 when Julian sedu-released me and, unknown to me at the time, placed Damon within my collar. I stayed nearby and I visited often for many months, but eventually I went farther and farther off on my own. I'm still somewhat new to this world, but I would've never experienced it had I not gone off and had I not answered the call that eventually led me to Latnok.," Raclaw then said revealing many of his deeper emotions concerning his past the entails of his later years. It was clear that just like Risar and his master-- Raclaw had loved his caretakers deeply, just as he was now developing a very strong bond with the Guardian known as Latnok. Only time would tell where this new bond would take the fur dragon. Chester remained nearby and merely listened for the time being.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:08:09 28/10/2018 by redwes
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#192 Posted: 22:20:44 28/10/2018 | Topic Creator
Shade eventually layed down and started to gently purr and Angora groomed his head feathers. “That’s feels good.”
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#193 Posted: 22:37:19 28/10/2018
As the others spoke at length, Leoquin listened quite attentively - the stories were, at the very least, interesting, and could be very important later on.
"You know, I never thought about it that way," Leoquin said. "Throwing your whole life up in the air like that, out of curiosity - can't say it's my thing, but it seems pretty complicated. I'm glad that your decisions seemed to have paid off in the end... I think? I don't know, that's what it sounds like. Anyway, there's still so much of the world to see - we're doing it on this dangerous journey right now, but maybe one day, we can do it under more relaxing circumstances." Leoquin was hesitant to offer any more - his own story would be something he shared in time, as he became more comfortable with the others. For now, he only told it on a need-to-know basis, and no one needed to know.
"Relaxation? Yeah, I won't have that luxury," Latnok said. "Not long enough for any sort of world journey, anyway... maybe not yet." Over their link, Latnok could empathize with Raclaw as he recalled his own experience - empathize with emotions he never really had the luxury of feeling. Of living in a calm environment, with others who loved you...
"Well, that's something to think about later. For now, we should probably start getting some rest. I'll get the night watch ready. Sound like a plan?"

Back at her room, Ilasi was completely worn out between her crying and screaming (albeit with her vocalizations being suppressed by a pillow.) Why did things have to be this way? Maverick seemed like such a good guy... but someone would always come first, and Ilasi knew that she probably wouldn't be the one. The same troll who, despite her kindness before, had been extremely rude to her after she didn't take kindly to a seemingly rude statement made by her...
Maybe she was just wasting her time. Such a man - it was clear he had no idea what he was doing. He had become so obsessed with his guilt and his idea of atonement that he had completely thrown reason out the window. Maybe this was for the best...
I'm just... a guy...
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 9196
#194 Posted: 23:26:42 28/10/2018
"It does-- we've all had a long day. Some rest will do us some good.," Raclaw said with a nod. Besides Raclaw and Latnok, Chester too could feel the tension and emotion in the air-- it didn't take telepathy for an animal like Chester to feel the raw emotion pumping through his friends and crewmates. He actually did something quite unusual and briefly rubbed up against Risar, as if to sympathise with the formally owned minotaur. His story would've been much shorter, but he had still 'escaped' from his former masters/owners and had been found by Raclaw. If it wasn't for his new furry friend, he would be in an entirely different place-- and likely would've been eaten. As Chester rubbed up against him, the minotaur patted the little Beagle-- showing just a little bit of his normally unseen soft side. Hearing Raclaw's story reminded him of part of their reason for the journey and he briefly wondered if he would ever find either of his two presumably still enslaved brothers. He had less hope for the unnamed brother in copper, but still had lingering hope that he might one day find the one marked in silver. The three brothers had been born with a unique 'birthmark', normally unseen with his armor, and he could presumily use it to identify either of his brethren. Finding one of his brothers would be like finding a needle in a haystack-- a very difficult but not impossible task.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#195 Posted: 23:27:08 28/10/2018
Maverick remained with Dahlia for a while, the dirt buffalo managing to console him without saying a word, as always. He didn't know if she could understand her, but he still liked to talk with her.
"You know Dahlia. Maybe... just maybe... Angorita is right. Why should I change myself? Why should I stop caring for her? Ilasi refuses to give her a chance. If only she knew how wrong she is about her. Why should I stop being myself? I'm not really such a bad man, am I? Is it really so horrible to care about someone like Angorita? Even you like her, don't you?" Maverick asked, with the dirt buffalo moving her head in a way Maverick could've sworn was a nod. He had a broken heart, but it wasn't the first time he was unlucky in love, so he was certain the pain would go away with time.

Quote: Spyroconvexity
Shade eventually layed down and started to gently purr and Angora groomed his head feathers. “That’s feels good.”

Angora smiled at him, pleased that she could do something to him while he was in this despicable captivity. As Shade smiled too, she could see the sharp teeth protundinb from his snout.
"Heh heh, remember that time when I was obsessed with getting one of your teeth? Bow was I stupidly childish back then." Angora remembered, feeling ridiculous about how infantile she acted back then. Even though she still thought Latnok had no right to take it away from her, she admitted that fighting over something like that had been immature and unecessary.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#196 Posted: 00:11:21 29/10/2018 | Topic Creator
“Hehe yah you even tryed knocking it out of me a few times when I acted up.”
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#197 Posted: 00:15:31 29/10/2018
"It was those times when I poked you with a stick just to annoy you, even though you could've harmed me very easily. Heh, I wasn't very smart back then, was I? You even threatened me a few times and I still kept at it." Angora said, chuckling with the memory. They have both come a long way since then.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 9196
#198 Posted: 00:15:56 29/10/2018
"Oh-- Leoquin!," Raclaw said thinking about his past, his collar, and the merman's shock/awe at his disappearing act earlier in the water. "Before I forget and since we're all here in anyway, you should understand how some the abilities I've shown work. Do you remember how I disappeared earlier in the water. Well-- Latnok was right when he said that it wasn't entirely what it seemed. My powers are strictly telepathy-based with some enhancements on the collar's part. I can't just disappear into thin air, but I can do something very similar-- strictly from an individual or several individuals' perspective.," he then said before repeating the same trick but this time only on Leoquin. As repeated the 'hide' command in his mind and tricked Leoquin's mind-- he moved behind the merman and undid his handy work. "Behind you!," he said seemingly drawing from more his playful side.

"You see-- you have to remember that the key to my abilities is my telepathy. Without that telepathy, I wouldn't be able to pull this off. And without the collar, I wouldn't be able to pull it off completely. This ability is the combination of two things. The first is the telepathy-- that is mental manipulation. As someone with my unique telepathic abilities, I am able to trick the mind into seeing something it normally wouldn't. So now I'm here and then I'm just--." Raclaw started to explain 'disappearing' again to Leoquin's visual senses. "With just this alone-- you can't see me, but everyone else can. Unless I include them as well--" with the next line, he would disappear to everyone in the small group. "Now none of you can see me, but you can still hear me.," the mischievous Raclaw then said running around the others and causing the wood under their feet to creek. "Now this is where the collar into play. All it takes is one verbal or internal command-- and you can no longer see, hear, smell, or otherwise detect me. With some exceptions on Latnok's part that is, though that requires another command altogether.," he finally explained triggering the command itself and becoming completely silent. Undoing the mind manipulation; he then stood in front of Leoquin and 'spoke' now visible to all but completely inaudible. He gave a smile before undoing it completely and speaking out loud once again. "And that is how it's done. Sorry-- had a little too much fun on your behalf.," he concluded waiting for any reactions.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:24:14 29/10/2018 by redwes
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#199 Posted: 00:30:56 29/10/2018
As Raclaw played around with Leoquin, he smiled like a giddy child at a fair. "Wow, that's amazing! So you don't actually disappear - but you make it look like you do? That's actually very clever! Though... is there any way to have it work against someone you don't know is there?"
"Well, about that..." Latnok said. "We haven't gotten to test it thoroughly yet, but Raclaw and I can combine some of our abilities. Between awareness of the area around us, and knowledge about what's coming soon, we should be able to prepare for any enemy that would otherwise catch us off guard... say, Leoquin, you were the deadliest one of us the other day - how do you feel about having killed a few hundred people?" Latnok asked as nonchalantly as he could, going on a tangent.
"Eh... part of the job," Leoquin said. "I know they'd do the same to me. Why, do you think I'm having doubts about the job?"
"No, I'm not saying that. It's just that some people... well, some people get haunted by that sort of thing - feel incredible guilt. Just let me know if anything's wrong."
"I'll keep that in mind," Leoquin said. "Thanks for the concern. Please - I have every intention of following through with the job. I'm not like that furball who can't stand the sight of anything bad. Someone has to win - and I sure intend it to be whatever side I'm on."
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#200 Posted: 00:55:09 29/10/2018
After spending some time with his beloved mount, Maverick kissed the dirt buffalo's forehead and bid her goodbye. He was so exited at the prospect of visiting the gentle Alya and her nice folks that he passed the talking Angora and Shade and gave them a quick and simple hand wave as he left, wanting to be there and avoiding interrupting their current conversation. He then walked over the gangplank, leaving the ship behind. Alya's farm was less than a mile away, but it was still a heavy walk with all the interceptions of that little town and the chaos that still remained from the cleaning they had to do from the pirates.

When Maverick arrived, the little girl received her with the biggest of hugs, quickly figuring out that he was there to stay for the night. There was no other reason why he would arrive that late.
"Mavi! You came! Look mommy! Look who's here!" the exited girl said, jumping up and down.
"Why good evening young man. We're having some carrot soup. Want some?" the woman asked kindly, she too liking Maverick. She usually knew better than to trust strangers, but Maverick had a very comforting aura.
"Why yes. Thank you señora." Maverick said kindly, taking her offer. He could eat something warm tonight.
"Hey, where's Angora?" Alya asked.
"She's taking care of the black dragon. The one you met?" Maverick answered honestly, with her face beaming. It must be a cool job taking care of someone like Shade, even more so being friends with a dragon so big and scary. Soon the father joined their meal, also treating Maverick politely, although he wasn't as trusting or pleasant as the mother, although Maverick didn't care. This was a very nice family and he was glad to be there with them even if it was for just that night.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
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