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Legend of Orion: Dark Times (open) [CLOSED]
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1051 Posted: 06:23:32 02/09/2018
"Shade would be held at one of the larger prisons designed for creatures of his size," Latnok said. "It would be right on the other side of Orcford River. I'll lead you there. You know, this place has so many accommodations for other races, whether it be the pubs or the prisons. Speaking of prisons, that's the one thing I like about this place - the law has no leniency for criminals
"None of the races like those kinds of people - not humans, not mermen, definitely not galuds. People actively enjoy watching them get punished. There is, of course, the Redwater arena, which you know about - there are, however, some other events occasionally. Some pirates once strayed too close to Redwater - mermen destroyed their ship, then had the survivors brought to a pier on Redwater where they were fed to sharks they called in, an event for all to see. Definitely not something you would like - but it goes to show how much people like seeing the law be enforced around here.
"That is not something I would wish you to be on the receiving end of. I can't emphasize this enough - make sure that Shade doesn't act before thinking next time. As excited as he is to protect Angora, he may end up getting her - or you - killed instead. Speaking of Shade - if you want to know what qualifies as a "beast master", it's quite simple. Senior wyvern riders and senior wyvern trainers in the Aelinon military fall under that qualification. Technically, so do the merfolk who raise sharks and whatnot to follow their orders, but that's... mostly a sea thing. Based on our connection, they can also identify some of us as having the qualification. Experienced wyvern trainers and wyvern riders - like Godfather Sere - would fall under it. Those who capture and manage creatures in the training grounds, such as myself, would also fall under that qualification, as does whoever oversees the program - training is one of the programs falling under Adjudicator Bier, so he had to get that qualification before getting his position. There are several other organizations that Aelinon would recognize, but I am not familiar with them off the top of my head. Besides that, if you're shown to be an animal whisperer or something along those lines, you can be recognized by Aelinon as a beast master. If you are looking to expedite the process of Shade being able to fly, I would recommend finding a travel partner with the qualification and having them attend you." Latnok, completely sidetracked by his explanation, didn't even notice that they were approaching the prison.

"I appreciate the apology," Veris said "Ultimately, Latnok did not trust you, and my human would be remiss in his duties if he were not to take that distrust into consideration. I always hoped that you two would stop fighting... but at least we have gone our separate ways now, and that will no longer be a problem for any of us." Veris, despite his speech, seemed rather happy with his situation at the moment.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1052 Posted: 06:45:09 02/09/2018
Maverick flinched at the mention of pirates. Seems like he really was lucky not to have ended up like that particular group... but then wondered if the merfolks that killed, or at least dragged the crew away were Aelinonians. They had to be if Ilasi knew Lydia. Was it possible that she was saving him from that awful fate? It didn't matter now, for he had left that cruel, dishonest life way behind.
"I can understand about the law, but I think it's very sadistic the way people here enforce it. Killing while a multitude watch? Don't you find that just a little too cruel? Can't you just do something to make sure the criminal never returns to their ways again? Or if they can't redeem themselves, at least give them a quick, painless death. There's no need to humiliate them in their last hours like that. I'm sorry if I sound like I'm judging, but I think forfeiting a life like that is just too gruesome. And can you just imagine the misunderstanding there have been? We were lucky cause we had people like you vouching for us." Maverick pointed out, expressing his opinion and using his previous predicament as an example. Without doing anything wrong, he spent an entire week locked up in a dark, empty cell like a criminal, and even though he didn't waste his time, it still had been a lousy experience.

"Yeah, I know, but still, things could've gone so much better back then." Angora expressed with regret, believing that if she had been less bitter, or if Latnok hadn't been so racist, they wouldn't have had to fight so much back then. But not wanting to talk ably about Lantok and wanting to avoid reviving the experience, she changed the subject.
"Anyway, I need to get to Shade soon. I promise I will bring you as much food as I can when I come visit you. I would offer myself, but I'm afraid I wouldn't fill you up at all." Angora joked, knowing that Veris would never change his ways about food. Even though she had been worried a lot about him in the past when traveling to the main group, she could see now that he was happy with Sere and that there was no need for him to change his life.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8830
#1053 Posted: 12:27:54 02/09/2018
As Veris and Angora conversed, Raclaw was glad to hear them come to an understanding-- something that he unfortunately didn't quite get the chance to do himself. He was also pleased to hear just how happy Veris was with his current life. The always hungry Wyvern wanted nothing more than food, shelter, and attention-- and the Guardians provided all those things in droves. Having stayed with the Guardians himself, he could see why a Wyvern such as Veris would want such a life.

He had even found himself developing a growing bond with Latnak-- something that had been there since the very beginning and had only grown with time. And it wasn't just Latnok ether-- Godfather Sere had proved more than helpful in his quest to find his past and the Guardians were even providing him with things he otherwise wouldn't have access to, such as the modified green gem that now adorned his collar. He was prepared to end the brief telepathic link whenever Angora was ready to leave.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:42:58 02/09/2018 by redwes
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1054 Posted: 13:13:48 02/09/2018 | Topic Creator
Shade meanwhile awaited the arrival of his companions. He paced back and forth. He wanted to be free of this place. But as he did a flicker of dark energy came off him. He stopped and cringed in a little pain. Another flicker came off him and he winced in pain.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1055 Posted: 13:57:03 02/09/2018
Before he knew it, Maverick had arrived to the large prison where Shade was being kept. He was so distracted with his conversation with Latnok that he lost track of time. He suddenly wondered where Angora was right now, but figured she must still be waiting in the courthouse. Right now, all he wanted was to take Shade away from that inhuman place. He could only imagine how happy he would be to see him and Anglora again. They were a family, and nobody had broken them apart until last week...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1056 Posted: 14:25:14 02/09/2018
"It is what it is," Latnok said. "If you ask me, people who would do that sort of thing deserve whatever they can get. I feel no pity for those who would attack innocent people. Those kinds of people are monsters, just like the ones I'm trained to put down. But then again... like I said, I've changed. I'm long past the point where I'm concerned about that sort of thing. My only consideration is doing my job, and that job involves protecting innocent people. Once you cross that line, I don't care what happens to you."
As the group came to the prison, several of the men stationed there gave their greetings. One of the men, a mage who wore a more decorated outfit, met the two. "So you, hairy human... you're Maverick? Your dragon has been waiting here quite eagerly for you," he said. Meanwhile, several of the men dropped off a bowl of raw fish and a bowl of water in front of Shade.

"Thank you, I would really appreciate that," Veris said. "You take care of yourself out there. It would be nice to see you again! Raclaw... it seems that we're done. You should let my human know so we can leave."
I'm just... a guy...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:25:36 02/09/2018 by A Guy
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1057 Posted: 14:37:06 02/09/2018
"Time for me to leave too. I need to pick up Shade. Who knows what an awful night he spent." Angora said, realizing she stick into this conversation for too long. She would really want to talk to Veris more, but she couldn't prolong this.
"Well then... eh... see you another time." Angora suddenly said as she turned around to leave realizing just how weird it felt talking to this wyvern. She waved at Raclaw and Sere quickly, thanking them for everything.

"So long. It was nice seeing you two again." she said politely to the older Guardian and the fluffy dragon, as she tried to find her way out of the courthouse swiftly. She didn't want to be caught in another lick, really despising how hard it was to clean herself afterwards, even if the action was a simple display of affection.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 14:41:01 02/09/2018 by Felines
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1058 Posted: 14:42:53 02/09/2018 | Topic Creator
Shade winced more in pain. “Gah!” He collapsed to the ground. A kind of dark energy was coming off him. “H-help me!” He reached out to one of the guards.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1059 Posted: 14:49:23 02/09/2018
Maverick walked to the prison with Latnok, about to reply to his rather bitter comment, but right now, he just wanted to see Shade. He hasn't seen him in exactly a week, so he really missed him. However, something felt very wrong there, and it wasn't just the prison atmosphere.
"Excuse me. Can I have my dragon back?" he asked one of the guards, thinking that something awful was being done to him in there. He wanted to get him out of there fast...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1060 Posted: 14:52:55 02/09/2018
"Your dragon has been waiting here for you," the mage said. "Feel free to take him back at any time." In the meantime, the guards, unsure of exactly what was happening, backed away from Shade, keeping their weapons trained on him.
"You best cut that out," said one of the guards. "If you hurt anyone, your owner is dead."
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1061 Posted: 14:55:44 02/09/2018
Maverick entered the prison with the mage, eager to see Shade again, but he was feeling very uneasy. He wanted to give Shade the big hug he promised him, but he wasn't certain just how much being restrained had affected him...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1062 Posted: 14:58:08 02/09/2018 | Topic Creator
“Gah! I-i can’t!” He said trying hard to resist the dark power. “H-help me!” He was squirming and wincing in pain. The energy slightly melting the ground beneath his paws.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:59:32 02/09/2018 by Spyroconvexity
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1063 Posted: 15:05:37 02/09/2018
Finally reaching to where Shade was being held, Maverick watched with horror what was going on. It was similar to when he had the nightmare, only much, much worse. Not the meeting he was expecting.
"Oscurito? Oscurito! What's wrong my friend? Is it another nightmare? Por favor my friend! Why are you feeling this way? You're free now! I've come to take you out of that place! No more torturing! No more prisons, please!" Maverick begged as he saw the pain he was enduring. Despite knowing what this mysterious power was doing, Maverick took a chance and hugged the enormous dragon's snout gently without fear, desperately trying to calm him down.
"No more nightmares Oscurito. You will have your family back." Maverick said as he continued to hug the teeth infected mouth, wanting him to understand that he didn't need to have nightmares anymore...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1064 Posted: 15:09:09 02/09/2018 | Topic Creator
Shade looked at him. “The darkness! It’s the darkness!” Shade said. Just as suddenly as it appeared it went away. He then collapsed to the ground. The ground beneath him smoking a little.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1065 Posted: 15:15:06 02/09/2018
Latnok looked on as the event unfolded, with the guards remaining uneasy. "Are we sure that we should just let this thing wander around?!" one of the guards asked.
"Shade! Please... I would prefer not to have to activate the collar again," Latnok said. "I need you to stop doing things like this. It threatens the soldiers and the population here, and this place doesn't like that one bit. Plus, Maverick's life is on the line - you hurt anyone, and it's his head they're having. Please..."
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1066 Posted: 15:16:15 02/09/2018
Now Maverick was really scared. He has heard the story about Shade having been evil and the darkness that once dwell within him in his travels with Shade and Angora, but he had thought that was history after Darkmatter was destroyed.
"We need to get you help." Maverick concluded, as he asked the mage to bring him something that could restrain dark magic.
"Please, tell me you have something like this. Believe me, our dragon is a good lad, but... I think something's trying to take hold of him." Maverick explained sadly, realizing that his nightmares and this pattern of hostility must be something else working behind the scenes. Angora was usually the one who could control Shade, so Maverick realized as he looked around how lucky he was that he could do it himself this time.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1067 Posted: 15:33:45 02/09/2018
"Well," the mage said, "I don't. Dark magic isn't something I have much experience with, myself. The closest thing I have to help something like that would be a fungus which sucks all of the magic out of its host - this would render your dragon friend incapable of firebreathing and will keep him in a constant state of lethargy, however. What I do know is that there are some galuds here who practice dark magic - you will not see many running about during the day, however, as they're mostly nocturnal. Perhaps your Guardian friend has something?"
"The collar he's wearing," Latnok said. "It comes with quite a few restrictions, however. It would mean that he's incapable of moving far from me - which is the last thing these two would want, I'm sure."
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1068 Posted: 15:40:41 02/09/2018
Maverick was pacing back and forth, nervous and having no idea what to do. He and Angora had worked so hard to prove Shade was harmless, and now he was close to make everyone mistake them as liars. Even worse, Maberick was the one threatened with death, when he wasn't even his or nobody's owner.
"Do... do what you have to señor Latnok. The safety of the people is priority. I had thought Shade's corruption was gone when Angora killed that thing months ago... but..." he stopped, almost crying. At that very moment, after escaping Veris' licks, Angora had a guard escorting her to Shade's prison, urging him to arrive. She had the closest bond with Shade, and could feel something was very wrong. We're those prison guards doing bad things to him? Or was it something else? She had this very awful feeling...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1069 Posted: 15:53:08 02/09/2018 | Topic Creator
Shade started to come to. “Gah! My head!” He looked around at everyone. “What is everyone looking at me?” Shade said.
cyndego Platinum Sparx Gems: 6382
#1070 Posted: 16:03:10 02/09/2018
Dex had had pretty easy days "This feeling is great. You know that you are safe, and have to do nothing . This kind of life I could live everyday." He was walking around the Base. After some time one of the guardians came to him "Fox there is somebody who wants to see you". "Who is it" Dex said. "We dont know and we will not let him in so you should go and see him, he was prepared enough to have heat protection to get here." The guardian said. Dex nodded and walked to the enterance

Dex knew immediatly who it was. It was one of the Messengers from league headquarters. Dex knew something was not normal because usually they did not bring anything but Jobs, and Dex had told that he was in a long job here and would tell if the job ended. "What is this about. I told I would not take other Jobs now and I have paid my membership payments." Dex said clearly not happy to see this man. "Its not about that. We have got a letter for you...... and its from the brotherhood" The man said.
"What? Well Thats not something I have wanted. Or asked for. And if you think Thats somekind of membership thing Why would they send it to the league" Dex said. "Well Thats what makes this weird. You know we dont open letters for our members and just send those to members. But this one came through blackmarket and they told it was from the brotherhood. We wanted to make sure that if you need us to do something we are here." The man said. "It is just a letter. I will contact you if I need something done about it" Dex said and the man nodded and left.

Dex took the letter and walked to his room. "Blue now this is going too long. Sending letters like somekind of friend, lets see what you have to say then". Dex then oppened the letter and realised it was from Sapphire. He had almost forgot about their first meeting, but seeing the letter was from Sapphire he took a long look at his necklace. "She really learned to write just to send this" Dex thought he then put the letter with his other stuff and walked out. His mind was a Mess again like after his first meeting with Sapphire.
Cogito, ergo sum.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:05:34 02/09/2018 by cyndego
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1071 Posted: 16:19:18 02/09/2018
Quote: Spyroconvexity
Shade started to come to. “Gah! My head!” He looked around at everyone. “What is everyone looking at me?” Shade said.

As Angora was at the entrance of the prison, Maverick was still with Shade. He looked at him sadly.
"This Oscurito..." he pointed at the rather melted floor. His shirt was somewhat damaged too, but he didn't noticed.
"I don't understand wha's wrong. We thought that darkness was gone, but..." he then didn't know what else to say, feeling helpless on how to help him...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1072 Posted: 16:22:50 02/09/2018 | Topic Creator
Shade looked at the floor and slowly backed away. “No Not again. Not again! I won’t let this happen again!”
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1073 Posted: 19:02:06 02/09/2018
"We won't Oscurito! Listen señor Latnok, por favor, tell us what to do. Please! He has had this terrible nightmares for a while now, and now look what is happening! Por favor! What can we do to make this darkness go away?" Maverick begged, feeling so helpless right now. A few seconds later, he could hear Angora storming off into the prison.

"Hey Maverick. I knew I was going to find you here..." Angora said as she entered Shade's prison, only to meet with the disaster for around him. This seemed painfully familiar.
"What's this? What is going on in here? What did they do to you Shady? What is all this? Who did this to you!?" Angora demanded to know, believing that he was either tortured or corrupted. She wouldn't be surprised if it was the latter. Did the guards put some sort of dark magic in him to prove the court wrong and they could sabotage their innocence? She believed them capable of such a thing...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1074 Posted: 19:10:58 02/09/2018 | Topic Creator
“ me.” Shade said.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1075 Posted: 19:17:13 02/09/2018
"If you want me to keep Shade under control, he's going to have to stay within range of me, or he will be paralyzed," Latnok said, recalling the function of the collar Shade was wearing. "That means that you will lose him. Unfortunately, it seems like Shade just cannot live without having some sort of restraint exerted over him, or he will hurt people."
"We have done nothing except keep him here, troll" the mage said to Angora. "Maybe you should be explaining to us why he is acting like this? Or is there something you weren't telling the court when you said you could keep him under control? Is this something I will need to report?"
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1076 Posted: 19:24:10 02/09/2018 | Topic Creator
“Look I was once under the influence of an entity called Darkmatter. It wasn’t until they along with the Galaxy Dragon Orion freed me from its influence. I thought I was free until I began to get terrible nightmares and a unknown deep power deep in me awoken. I don’t know how to control it without training.”
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1077 Posted: 19:31:55 02/09/2018
Angora remembered something Captain Wayson said in court about Maverick, and knew what to say.
"He was once possessed by something. Darkmatter is what they called him, as Shady just told you. It made him... wild. But I can assure you we managed to stop him. Shady was living with us for month with no incidents, and what a coincidence it is that the very day he is locked up in here, he started to act this way again." Angora said in a eerily calm voice, recognizing the man before her as a Mage. The clothes gave him away immediately. But Maverick knew what she was trying to do, and became terrified.
"Angorita! Not now, por favor! Can't you see our Shady needs help? Señor Latnok, please! Por favor, we have to do something to get this darkness out of him. We... we will do what you ask us. We will go to your base too if necessary. If there's no other choice... then we'll restrain him for as long as it's needed until you can find a way to get that thing out of him forever and he can continue on with his life." Maverick begged, the Guardians being his only chance. He knew Angora wasn't going to like going to their place, and Shade being restrained, but the whole ordeal has gotten seriously. They survived a storm only to get into another one.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:33:20 02/09/2018 by Felines
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1078 Posted: 19:38:14 02/09/2018
"What a coincidence, indeed," said the mage. "What a coincidence that the very day we have to keep him here as a result of his own actions, he decides to rebel against us. Knowing what we do now, I'll have you know that it is fully within my power to have this thing put down for the danger it now poses to us." As the mage spoke, the ballista once again aimed at Shade.
"Sir, I don't believe that will be necessary," Latnok said. "The device he wears allows me to suppress his power, and paralyzes him if he moves too far away from me. Observe. Collar, activate." With that, the collar, once again, resumed the suppression it once performed on Shade, draining power.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1079 Posted: 19:46:46 02/09/2018
Angora couldn't believe the mage could be this stupid. Didn't he realized she was blaming him for his new corruption? Being a mage, he could've been capable of putting a spell on Shade to make him wild and thus make the judge reconsider his decision. However, Maverick had spent plenty of time with Angora. He knew her well, and read her intentions. He grasped her shoulder and shook her head,my egging her not to say anything. He knew how much she would hate coming with Latnok to the base, but they got no choice.
"Angorita. We need this. I know you don't want to, but we need to go to the Guardian's base and figure this out." Maverick pleaded, looking at Latnok when he was done. He was begging for a miracle.
"Please! How do you know they won't take the easy way out and kill him?" Angora commented, glancing slyly at Latnok.
"They wouldn't do that. Shade is family. They know how much he means to us. I know they will find a way, even if it takes a while." Maverick assured her, needing her to have faith, as he was trying to do right now. He knew it was insanity to release Shade with them in those conditions, so he knew he needed restraints, even if he hated having his friend's freedom obstructed like that.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8830
#1080 Posted: 19:55:01 02/09/2018
As soon as Angora decided it was time and Veris announced they were done-- Raclaw immediately cut the temporary link set-up between Angora and the others involved. "Godfather Sere, we're ready. I believe we're just waiting for--," he said cutting himself off as something began to happen. Just then, he felt something over the links and his eyes briefly glowed black. "No.. No... Not this again!.," he said out loud as the corruption began to influence him. He almost lost his balance, but quickly set-up a temporary mental defense and regained his posture again-- his eyes once again returning to their normal shade of green. "Quick Sere! We need to get to Shade-- something is wrong!," he said in a very serious tone looking at the Godfather.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 19:58:25 02/09/2018 by redwes
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1081 Posted: 20:05:48 02/09/2018
Sere, noting Raclaw's demeanor which had mirrored what he had experienced during the journey, immediately understood. "Veris, we need to move quickly," he ordered, as Veris came down to allow Sere to mount him.
"What's happening?" Veris asked Raclaw innocently. Once Sere was properly secured, Veris took off.
I'm just... a guy...
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8830
#1082 Posted: 20:12:39 02/09/2018
Raclaw immediately took off flying alongside Veris, trusting Sere to lead them where they needed to go. "It's something that you hopefully won't ever have to deal with now you're linked to us. Long story short-- Shade has a darkness deep within him. We thought we had cured it after defeating Darkmatter in the last journey, but now it's come back again.," he briefly explained to Veris.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1083 Posted: 20:13:31 02/09/2018
Angora really despised the idea, but knew Maverick was making too much sense. She didn't like the laws and structures of Aelinon, so training and helping Shade there was out of the question. The Guardians didn't have the best methods either, but they were at least less worse than the Aelinonians.
"Well fine! Fine! We'll go to the... Guardian's base and help him there. But I don't trust them one bit. I want to be with Shady all the step of the way!" Angora pointed out to both Maverick and Latnok, that condition being the only way she would agreed. Shade already suffered too much, and she didn't want to make it worse, not especially after she had promised him that everything would be alright.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1084 Posted: 20:24:25 02/09/2018
Latnok shook his head. "Yeah, about that... we're already due to leave Redwater soon. Taking Shade back? That'll ruin our plans. I suggest you take him somewhere far away and try to fix his issues there with the power of friendship or whatever it is you've used to make Shade lick your boots so hard. You don't want to go? That's fine. I don't want to waste my time helping out some ingrate with something that's not my problem. At the end of the day, we're no longer on the hook for his behavior - you are. You said you can control him, and if you don't, well..." As cruel as it was, Latnok figured that the group currently had their own plans - they couldn't afford to keep themselves tied down just for the sake of one creature who couldn't control himself.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1085 Posted: 20:39:58 02/09/2018
Maverick looked very sad and extremely disappointed. Latnok was more heartless that he thought. Just minutes earlier, they were talking just fine, sharing very delicate information. Latnok was even kind enough to give him a scroll that would help Angora. But right now, in the blink of an eye, all the kindness have vanished and he was turning his back on them. The little troll however, wasn't surprised.
"See the problem of having too much faith in people like him Maverick? When will you understand that we're all alone in the world?" Angora said depressingly, not liking when Maverick, who was so innocent and good hearted, was let down like this. Having no one else to turn to, she addressed to the mage.
"Sir, if you can please find it in your heart to let us have something that will completely restrain our dragon? Then, show us the closest way out of Aelinon. We will train him far away from your lands." Angora said with a downed spirit, feeling just as disappointed as Maverick. She had thought that the two of them being away from each other would've make him change, but turns out he was worse than before...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1086 Posted: 20:48:50 02/09/2018 | Topic Creator
“Please I want this darkness gone for good! I’m tired of having these outbursts of uncontrollable power. It feels like Darkmatter but this power feels different like it’s apart of me.” Shade said. “This power I felt long before Darkmatter came to me.” He looked at his paw and a small blue flame appeared in it.

Suddenly a white crystal grew from the ground and a life size figure of Orion appeared. “It isn’t darkness that’s within him. It is his own power which was increased tenfold after Darkmatter. He needs training to control it.”
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1087 Posted: 20:51:49 02/09/2018
"As I've suggested," the mage said, "I can plant fungal spores in your dragon's skin, growing a fungus which will leave him completely docile and drained, incapable of using magic in any sort of way. Though it will not be an easy journey, you should be able to make it out of our lands just by heading out the way you came in. Any resources other than that are not within my power to give."
"Figures..." Latnok said. "The very first thing you do when you see me after so long is to complain and antagonize, and you're surprised when people don't want to help you... let that be a valuable life lesson to you. You won't find many people who are going to go out of their way to help someone who doesn't appreciate it, especially when it isn't their problem."
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1088 Posted: 21:06:32 02/09/2018
The almost crying Maverick went to Orion with the intention of hugging him, but realized he wasn't really there. He completely ignored both the mage and Latnok.
"His power? Then that's good news! It's not some dark corruption after all." the hairy man said, rubbing his eyes. He should've known he could always count on this celestial dragon when everybody else seemed to turn their backs on them.

Angora was rather happy to see him again, even though she didn't showed it. She bowed to him, grateful that he provided them with the information they needed.
"Thank you for telling us about that Orion. We will do everything we can to help him." Angora assured, never expecting to see the deity again. But now that he was here, she wanted to ask him a favor. Before that, he looked at the mage.
"I thank you for your help. But first..." she then turned to the Galaxy dragon.
"Do you think you can transport us far away from here so we can begin the training? I don't want to be a burden for this man." she asked, knowing that right now, Orion was the only one of their side. She didn't want to resort to that fungus that would make her dear friend practically a brain dead creature with little to no will. She also ignored Latnok.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:15:31 02/09/2018 by Felines
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1089 Posted: 21:22:58 02/09/2018 | Topic Creator
“Very well.” They began to glow and soon they arrived just outside the land. “I give you good luck.” Back at the dungeon Orion turned to the mage. “You there. Who is in charge? I wish to speak with them.”
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8830
#1090 Posted: 21:32:18 02/09/2018
Just then-- Raclaw, Veris, and Sere arrived at the prison. As they landed, Raclaw could feel the connection of the link cut off again and he could no longer feel the presence of Shade-- or whatever version of the darkness had springed up again. "I don't feel him anymore. Come on-- let's go inside.," Raclaw quickly said hoping that something worse didn't happen. 'Please be okay Shade.,' he thought as he walked in alongside Sere and allowed the Godfather to do the talking.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1091 Posted: 21:36:12 02/09/2018
Angora looked around her, seeing that they had materialized in a field that was nothing like the one they had visited before. Now this looked like a natural place. They were up a hill, and a little far from them was a lake full of many aquatic birds. This didn't looked like Aelinon territory. In the week she came to memorize the maps from the land when Maverick was imprisoned, and there was nothing that resembled this place.
"We made it Maverick! Heh, better late than never, eh? Orion could've helped us at the trial. But I guess he knew we would be alright and waited to lend us his help during this particular time." the troll said with a little smile, finally glad to be out of that sadism infected land and be able to be in a free territory full of nothing but nature. No more prisons. No more Aelinon. She then noticed Orion let Shade's restrains, but she figured it was just to be on the safe side. Angora was set on removing them once the dragolet was certain he could control his growing power.

Maverick however, was looking at the map he got at the courthouse, which he picked when talking to Latnok, and he could see that there was indeed no place in it that resembled this one. They were outside of Aelinon territory. Neither he nor Anglra knew where they were, but the troll was happy. But Maverick's disappointment was still weighing on him, and he was depressed about something else besides Latnok's refusal to help.
"Ilasi, I'm so sorry. I guess... we'll have to get to know each other another time." Maverick whispered depressingly, not wanting to imagine how upset and disappointed the mermaid would be when she found out he left Aelinon after he told her he was going to try staying there longer.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1092 Posted: 21:41:34 02/09/2018
"That would be myself," said the mage. "What do you need? There aren't any prisoners here for you, as far as I know. In fact, just what are you?"
"That's the galaxy dragon, Orion," Latnok said. "Pretty powerful creature, I wouldn't play around with him if I were you."
"With such power," the mage said, "he is the one who needs to be careful. The Void Breaker is no doubt getting the residual energy. His presence near our border will no doubt be known far within the land."
Just then, Sere, Raclaw, and Veris arrived, with Sere immediately identifying Orion. "Orion, what brings you here?" Sere asked. "Is the creature not truly dead, like we had thought it would be?"
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1093 Posted: 21:53:28 02/09/2018
Finally with the peace they so much desired, Angora started to pat Shade on the neck, wanting to make sure he would calm down.
"Easy there big guy. Look look. Orion transported us far away from that dreadful place. We are finally and truly free. Whatever horrible thing those men did to you, it's over now. That power... it's yours. It's not Darkmatter controlling you. It's you. You're growing, and so is your power. You have to keep telling yourself that you're the owner of your power, not the other way around." Angora spoke gently to his ears, feeling how tense he was.

Maverick was instead looking at the horizon, thinking about too many things. Latnok's refusal, Ilasi's future disappointment. It was all too much. He was now wondering why Orion decided to help them now and what before. What was he doing there? He then remembered the galuds mentioning a weapon that could kill even powerful creatures like him. If Orion was indeed the Galaxy dragon, won't destroying him also destroy the world? We're those people really that mad with power? These were all thoughts that suddenly came to his mind and were driving him crazy...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1094 Posted: 22:05:09 02/09/2018 | Topic Creator
Shade took a deep breath. “Thank you Angora.” He then nuzzled her.

“The Void breaker has no power over me. I do not fear it.” Orion said. “I need to speak with your king. This war has gotten out of hand that I can no longer ignor it. As well as the Void Breaker. I will not tolerate my world being destroyed by senseless violence and death to innocent creatures as well as the land.”
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:06:10 02/09/2018 by Spyroconvexity
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1095 Posted: 22:17:22 02/09/2018
"Well, Mr. Galaxy Dragon, one does not just get an audience with the king," the mage said. "You can send your requests through the proper channels, and then he will get back to you after a few months at the appointed time if he deems your request worth entertaining. Which, considering this is a war to protect ourselves from any further interference, it most definitely will not. This war is to protect our existence - there will never be peace with those barbarians. We have tried, only to be stabbed in the back whenever it was convenient for them. What we do is right - it has kept us alive this long, despite how many have tried to destroy us.
"Now, if you still wish to submit this foolish request, go through the border of Orcford and head to the town hall - on foot, as you are not permitted to fly in our territory until you have been cleared. The request will be routed up, until it reaches the appropriate party.
"But know this - just as you do not fear us, we do not fear you. Our weapon both destroys and protects - it is a shield and a sword."
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1096 Posted: 22:17:58 02/09/2018
Quote: Spyroconvexity
Shade took a deep breath. “Thank you Angora.” He then nuzzled her.

With the display of affection, Angora removed his restraints, not caring how risky it was. She was nearly completely certain that the mage did something that made Shade's power grow exponentially so it could overwhelm him. Probably done have an excuse for killing him, and maybe her and Maverick as well.
"Come on big guy. We're free now. We won't go to that awful place again. We'll be far away from those evil people and their awful laws. They wanted to restrain your flight, but now it won't be so anymore. We have this peaceful place to ourselves. Here, we can train, help you control your power... and your temper! Can't forget that one." Angora said jokingly, as she playfully poked his snout similarly to how she poked him with the stick when they were part of the main group. Angora felt happy now... but Maverick didn't. He felt like they left too many things pending at Aelinon. What was going to happen to the Galaxy dragon? What would Ilasi think? But most of all, what was all that Redwater talk? What did Latnok meant about that place? Now he was beginning to think that the Guardians didn't come there to help him and his family. They had some sort of mission there it seemed. We're they helped just because they were coincidentally there the moment of their trial? Angora's comment about the three of them being alone in the world haunted him. They thankfully had Orion, but was he enough?
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1097 Posted: 22:34:42 02/09/2018 | Topic Creator
“You do not command me mortal. Do not test me. Send word to your king. The Galaxy Dragon Orion wishes for a meeting. I will not wait any longer.” Orion said clearly annoyed. “This has gone on long enough.”

Shade smiled and laughed a little. He gave a playfull lick to her face.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8830
#1098 Posted: 22:41:45 02/09/2018
Raclaw remained quiet as they quickly arrived, not wanting to get between Orion and the Aelinon authorities. He hoped that either side wouldn't overreact and start an unnecessary conflict. "Wait--," he then said looking at the empty cell. "Where is shade? I felt him before we arrived but lost him as soon as we landed.," Raclaw said looking at Latnok and the others. He also noticed that nether Angora and Mav were there. 'Had they left already?,' he thought to himself. He knew that the trio couldn't get too far on foot-- especially with a grounded possibly now corrupted Shade.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 22:45:37 02/09/2018 by redwes
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#1099 Posted: 22:41:54 02/09/2018
"And I just do not care," the mage said. "I am not going to waste my time on something that will not happen. If you want an audience with the king, it is out of my hands - I have told you how to get one, and that is the procedure you will need to follow. I cannot expedite it for you."
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1100 Posted: 22:46:51 02/09/2018
Quote: Spyroconvexity
Shade smiled and laughed a little. He gave a playful lick to her face.

Angora was taken by surprised. Shade's display of affection were always through nuzzling and hugs, but this was the first time he went for a lick. First Veris and now him, although this time, she wasn't annoyed. She was open to the possibility of getting used to it.
"There, you see? You're fine now. Those bad men are gone." Angora said as she kicked his restrains away. Shade was completely free now. It was then than she looked at the distant Maverick, looking at the horizon.
"Hey fawn boy! Come here! Come on! We have our Shady back! You should be happy!" Angora called, with Maverick coming slowly and sadly.
"Aww, those stupid guards didn't treat you well, did they? Damn those monsters! Imprisoning someone as sweet and good hearted as you for a whole week for supposedly orchestrating an attack! It's deplorable! I hope they get what's coming to them someday." Angora said furiously, but then her anger disappeared and gently pulled Maverick closer to Shade. He hasn't seen him for a whole week after all, so she wanted all three of them to recover the lost time.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
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