

13 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Race to lock
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9532
#101 Posted: 23:21:37 01/07/2018
Aww. Is it doing that [User Posted Image] thing again?

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8451
#102 Posted: 23:29:37 01/07/2018
I can see the image just fine.

undeadmaster Gold Sparx Gems: 2126
#103 Posted: 05:48:24 02/07/2018
Huh. I just got [user posted image].
I probably won't be back for like a year.
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9532
#104 Posted: 15:52:52 02/07/2018
Hm. Let me try reposting it again...
Again, seizure warning I guess.
[User Posted Image]
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5711
#105 Posted: 01:56:48 04/07/2018
That looks cool smilie
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090
#106 Posted: 06:29:19 04/07/2018
Oh look page 3
KrystalLBX Emerald Sparx Gems: 3271
#107 Posted: 17:08:28 04/07/2018 | Topic Creator
Gotta move faster then sanic the nedgepog!
Pokemon Shiny Hunter
Gastrodon Fangirl
Currently dating someone
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8451
#108 Posted: 20:03:50 04/07/2018
but right now this is moving super super slowly
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9532
#109 Posted: 20:41:34 04/07/2018
Heh. Better than my last attempt at rebooting this game. It didn't even make it past 2 posts.
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
darkwolf Diamond Sparx Gems: 7605
#110 Posted: 00:22:18 05/07/2018
gotta go fast
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5711
#111 Posted: 05:34:46 05/07/2018

I'm out of things to post

well at least that's one post closer to the end anyway
undeadmaster Gold Sparx Gems: 2126
#112 Posted: 15:54:40 05/07/2018
Post more...
I probably won't be back for like a year.
KrystalLBX Emerald Sparx Gems: 3271
#113 Posted: 23:10:42 05/07/2018 | Topic Creator
Gotta keep going!!
Pokemon Shiny Hunter
Gastrodon Fangirl
Currently dating someone
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9532
#114 Posted: 23:24:06 05/07/2018
zs re5r5uy t7poouin fgc 3ik,5tjm nuy

(Let's try typing with my fists!)
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
undeadmaster Gold Sparx Gems: 2126
#115 Posted: 04:56:54 06/07/2018
Hey look! Another post!
I probably won't be back for like a year.
KrystalLBX Emerald Sparx Gems: 3271
#116 Posted: 04:38:13 07/07/2018 | Topic Creator
Yall are stupid
Pokemon Shiny Hunter
Gastrodon Fangirl
Currently dating someone
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5711
#117 Posted: 09:55:45 07/07/2018
what did we do
Doomdrao Platinum Sparx Gems: 6918
#118 Posted: 18:41:40 07/07/2018
What DIDN'T we do?
I'd wait a fresh minuteMe, To a Co-Worker about Greggs Bakery Steak Bakes
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8451
#119 Posted: 00:41:48 08/07/2018
[User Posted Image]
- - -
undeadmaster Gold Sparx Gems: 2126
#120 Posted: 01:48:39 08/07/2018
We didn't do everything.
I probably won't be back for like a year.
Gengar Guy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1448
#121 Posted: 03:19:26 08/07/2018
Page claim comments are like First comments in Youtube.

A horrible trend that needs to die.
I always come back. Discord: .spectrespecs
KrystalLBX Emerald Sparx Gems: 3271
#122 Posted: 15:47:57 08/07/2018 | Topic Creator
Let's make Brookies!!

What's the recipie again?
Pokemon Shiny Hunter
Gastrodon Fangirl
Currently dating someone
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9532
#123 Posted: 18:08:36 08/07/2018
Never heard of Brookies in my life.
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
undeadmaster Gold Sparx Gems: 2126
#124 Posted: 02:45:13 09/07/2018
What?? Brookies are amazing!
I probably won't be back for like a year.
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5711
#125 Posted: 12:34:40 15/07/2018
I'm back, to bring this to life again.
KrystalLBX Emerald Sparx Gems: 3271
#126 Posted: 21:01:43 16/07/2018 | Topic Creator
Quote: Skyhunter
Never heard of Brookies in my life.

oh Sky
[User Posted Image]
Pokemon Shiny Hunter
Gastrodon Fangirl
Currently dating someone
undeadmaster Gold Sparx Gems: 2126
#127 Posted: 01:21:24 18/07/2018
What happened guys? It's been over a week! Where have you all been??
I probably won't be back for like a year.
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8451
#128 Posted: 02:50:11 18/07/2018
but the last post was yesterday...
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9532
#129 Posted: 15:13:12 18/07/2018
nuu i've dishonored my family D:
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
undeadmaster Gold Sparx Gems: 2126
#130 Posted: 03:29:48 21/07/2018
I probably won't be back for like a year.
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8451
#131 Posted: 03:33:37 21/07/2018
why not
KrystalLBX Emerald Sparx Gems: 3271
#132 Posted: 15:06:57 27/07/2018 | Topic Creator
Pokemon Shiny Hunter
Gastrodon Fangirl
Currently dating someone
undeadmaster Gold Sparx Gems: 2126
#133 Posted: 20:23:22 02/08/2018
I've been gone for so long... It's gonna happen again so keep posting without me.
I probably won't be back for like a year.
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8451
#134 Posted: 21:23:31 02/08/2018
I'm here as often as I can be.
darkwolf Diamond Sparx Gems: 7605
#135 Posted: 09:17:33 03/08/2018
I'm the only one online right now.
undeadmaster Gold Sparx Gems: 2126
#136 Posted: 01:33:36 04/08/2018
Quote: spyro and sonic
I'm here as often as I can be.

I'm not
I probably won't be back for like a year.
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8451
#137 Posted: 07:36:11 05/08/2018
[User Posted Image]
- - -
KrystalLBX Emerald Sparx Gems: 3271
#138 Posted: 17:43:50 14/08/2018 | Topic Creator
Pokemon Shiny Hunter
Gastrodon Fangirl
Currently dating someone
Buchi Ripto Gems: 445
#139 Posted: 13:30:12 22/08/2018
Hurry up.
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8451
#140 Posted: 08:46:19 02/09/2018
exefile Yellow Sparx Gems: 1783
#141 Posted: 09:41:44 02/09/2018
Ok keep moving I have 100+ sentences I could put in an instant and I would if I was allowed to double post.
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5711
#142 Posted: 06:06:53 15/09/2018

spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8451
#143 Posted: 06:26:46 15/09/2018
[User Posted Image]
- - -
exefile Yellow Sparx Gems: 1783
#144 Posted: 06:28:57 15/09/2018
"Could you pick up some raisins from the onion store?"
"Right after you pick up a brain off the floor."
"R u implying what I think ur implying?"
"Nope, because you can't think at all."
"Guess your right..."
"I just said you can't think how could you guess".

"Stop questioning me smilie"
"Stop answering me"
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5711
#145 Posted: 08:45:03 15/09/2018
Quote: spyro and sonic
[User Posted Image]
- - -

Is that Ty's mouth to the side or is that just more fur?
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8451
#146 Posted: 08:57:37 15/09/2018
Quote: crystalhero37
Quote: spyro and sonic
[User Posted Image]
- - -

Is that Ty's mouth to the side or is that just more fur?

it's his mouth. it's actually on both sides of his face if you could see both sides.
exefile Yellow Sparx Gems: 1783
#147 Posted: 09:03:29 15/09/2018
"Look at the tadpole"
"I don't see a tadpole"
"I was talking to the grass you insignificant rubber band seller"
"Oh, now I see the tadpole"
"See, I told you"
"I hate you"
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5711
#148 Posted: 09:14:39 15/09/2018
Quote: spyro and sonic
it's his mouth. it's actually on both sides of his face if you could see both sides.

Oh right! Kinda scary to think about lol.

Reminds me of this;

[User Posted Image]
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 8282
#149 Posted: 01:02:47 17/09/2018
i love these topics
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
exefile Yellow Sparx Gems: 1783
#150 Posted: 07:11:32 17/09/2018
"My men will ruin your town"
"Yes, be scared!"
"It's really happening..."
"You know what never mind I'll send my men to kill exclusively you"
"lol, I said it backwards"
"It's not okay to be gay"

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