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AmbushFan Blue Sparx Gems: 919
#15451 Posted: 12:15:51 26/01/2018
It's not so much a matter of not being able to upload it (I can), right now by biggest problem is that I'm worried about publicity. I'm worried that hardly anyone will play it. Not only will it only be playable on the 3DS (no purchase needed though, so basically F2P), but on a crappy tool that hardly anyone knows about already. I've certainly got no ideas on how I could "advertise" this. It certainly won't be AAA, but some acknowledgement would be nice.

There's a small chance it may gain following. A small chance. But that's all I have, so I should hold on to that hope. That somehow, someway, people notice my creation. I guess that'd be enough.

No reason to lose hope. I can take my time. After all, I've got Confictura uploaded in the meantime. Honestly... I was hoping someone would notice that, and that it would help me get the publicity I wanted. I should stop thinking about popularity. But if I did, what reason would I have then? This isn't easy. I'm not getting paid, so popularity is really the only thing I can get from this. And that isn't even important.

...Why? Maybe I don't have a reason after all. Maybe I should give up for good. How long have I been thinking of giving up? I have no reason to, but no reason not to either.

Think popularity really is the only reason to, at this point, despite how selfish it is. And if I was any good with publicity, maybe I could get just that. But I have no friends to help spread the word, hardly any means of advertising myself, and I wouldn't even know how to anyway. Mostly because I don't have much faith in Ghost Story myself. When my only motivation is selfish, doesn't matter much, and has a high chance of not even happening, that's not quite much of a "motivation" at all. So GS would just end up bland, uninspired, and littered with bad writing and design choices. Because I have little motivation that is actually motivation.


Quote: AmbushFan
1. Theatre of Pain
2. The Holy Grail
3. Valhalla
4. Battlefield
5. Grand Parade
6. Mirror Mirror
7. The Throne
8. Wait For an Answer
9. Sadly Sings Destiny
10. The Bard's Song: The Hobbit

I would put Time Stands Still (At The Iron Hill) on this list, but I feel like I haven't listened to it enough yet. Otherwise, here's a Top 10 of my favourite Blind Guardian songs. Meaning Theatre of Pain would be one of my favourite songs altogether.

Don't fear your last step
from the Theatre of Pain

Listening to Beyond The Red Mirror now. It's awesome, just like the other two BG albums I own, proving why they're one of my favourite bands alongside Lost Horizon and Timeless Miracle.

Also, think Grand Parade and The Throne should be switched on this list. Grand Parade is definitely better, and Mirror Mirror is between. Mirror Mirror is by far their most famous song however. Among fans, it seems like And Then There Was Silence is the most popular, but I don't care much for it. I think it pales in comparison to other epics like Highlander (The One) and Keeper of the Seven Keys. Still pretty good, but I think Blind Guardian can fit that much epic into shorter songs like Battlefield instead, so longer songs don't change a lot.

Of course, Highlander (The One) is my favourite epic, and my favourite song overall. 12 minutes long, and it's pretty much a song definition of epic.
No fate. Only the power of will.
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#15452 Posted: 13:41:54 26/01/2018
Well, I only got 6 hours of sleep. Thanks, brain!
emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5398
#15453 Posted: 16:27:50 26/01/2018
Quote: Drawdler
Wow, my favorite Wii U game is getting ported to Switch!

The HD port of Diddy Kong Racing looks great!
AmbushFan Blue Sparx Gems: 919
#15454 Posted: 16:31:46 26/01/2018
"Light will not shine today. He will be defeated."

Both parts of this quote are great, but when put together, they don't make sense. It implies that Light is the villain. Light isn't even shown or mentioned, only implied to exist. Void, [Spoiler], and [Spoiler] are the only gods shown ingame, although Frost was originally intended to be shown too. Technically more gods are shown, but they are not THE gods, more similar to replicas than the actual beings.

I imagine Light as a villain. I have an idea for his personality and character already. However, I'm not planning to show this in the Ghost Story. Light is only an idea for a villain and will likely remain that way. I've also got ideas for how Hana's character could work, even though she is never shown either. Her personality is a lot closer to her namesake than Mika.

I have a lot of ideas that won't be shown. Well, at least I'll never need to worry about sequels, if this ever warrants that. I doubt it.

Back to the original subject: yeah, that's a good quote for the "prologue". Having Xandria wake up and whine about her nightmare doesn't set it up well. Putting in a few quotes that make no sense at first is better, as it makes the player curious throughout the game. What do the quotes mean? Who says them?


Ghost Story isn't a fantasy epic. In a way, it is, but not your usual "quest across faraway lands as you fight the dark lord" kind. It's more about taking perspective from a bystander (Xandria) and their motley crew who just... try. Try to beat the dark lord. No quests or anything, the entire game is spread out through only one day and five main locations. Certainly not "epic" in any sense.

There's plenty of lore about Void's genocide, Hana and Mika's friendship, the creation of Earth, etc., but none of that takes place within the game. It's quite uneventful given the context. Just compare the basic plotline to the big RPGs like Zelda, and it's more or less a normal everyday situation than a "the world is in peril" kind of thing. Ironically, at the very beginning of Ghost Story, the villain actually succeeds in his plan. So the world has already fallen and you've all been ****ed.

The whole plot makes itself up as it goes along rather than having an already-defined start and end. The player never knows what to expect next. Heck, the main characters don't know if it's even possible to defeat Void (who has already won). They just... try. Try to see what is best - for the most part, I think they're just trying to survive the apocalypse for as long as possible. As I said, they don't even expect to defeat him at first. So what happens? That's a twist, kind of. Like most of the game is quite unexpected.


Just realized Lucina is 20 levels away from reaching the cap in FEW. And I still can't beat these damned Shadow Eliminations!
No fate. Only the power of will.
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#15455 Posted: 03:47:58 27/01/2018
willspyro Ripto Gems: 5862
#15456 Posted: 03:55:37 27/01/2018
Gen III sucks because there's too much water and hoenn just sucks.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#15457 Posted: 04:30:48 27/01/2018
meanwhile my alpha sapphire playthrough is doing good

i accidentally overleveled my torchic while grinding for a slakoth in petalburg woods
AmbushFan Blue Sparx Gems: 919
#15458 Posted: 07:59:14 27/01/2018
A Gormiti toys-to-life game would be kinda cool. Like, with all Gormiti playable, ever. Not just the Lords. Imagine that.

Shame that TTL is dying, not that Gormiti would even make something like this anyway. I wouldn't even care if it wasn't all Gormiti, just each of the main Lords and one or two other Gormiti from the Tribe would be just as cool. Magmion and Deepdownfear would be fun to play as. IDC about Lavion or any of the other Lords, just give me Magmion and Deepdownfear and I'm set.

...Seriously, a Gormiti TTL game really would be awesome. Just imagine it.
No fate. Only the power of will.
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#15459 Posted: 15:00:43 27/01/2018
NECA is revealing a new Godzilla figure at Toy Fair so now I'm hyped.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
AmbushFan Blue Sparx Gems: 919
#15460 Posted: 17:24:24 27/01/2018
Just bought The Silmarillion and Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Got interesting in The Silmarillion after hearing songs from Nightfall in Middle-Earth, XC2 because I never got a chance to play the other games and was interested in seeing what it's like.

I also got the complete Dark Tower series for Christmas too. No idea when I'll ever get round to reading them, honestly I'm not so interested in reading anymore. I don't like Stephen King much either. But I'm interested in fantasy epics, which DT seems to be. I think King's style of writing suits that kind of story well, it's just ones like The Shining that I found it really jarring.

Hopefully will start XC2 soon. Still got a few more battles I want to complete on FEW, especially this goddamn Shadow Elimination, then I can finally move forward and unlock Lyn. Lucina is level 100 now, not much left until the cap. Others on my main team are level 87, Marth and Robin (my backups) are somewhere between 40-70 each.


The campfire scene is easily going to be the most obvious GuP reference, even though it's mostly unintended. I wanted a kind of reminiscence scene, with the four characters coming together to share stories, thoughts, etc. before they decide what to do next. Through this scene, it leads to a kind of "singalong", which is when the obvious GuP reference comes in. Not too obvious, it won't seem jarring to anyone who doesn't know the anime, they'll just pass it as a normal scene.

It sounds a lot weirder than it actually is. I'm hoping it won't be executed as horribly as it sounds here. First of all, it isn't a "singalong" in the normal sense, I don't like that musical crap. Squarepantis Atlantis, for example, is my least favourite Spongebob episode. I'm not having any of that in GS. I just want some reminiscence, with little focus on anything but that. GuP reference will be obvious to fans though.

The entire scene was actually intended as a reference to Blind Guardian instead of GuP. One of many, though this is one of the few that is actually intended. I like the fact that it will more likely remind others of GuP - this shows that I'm being subtle about my influences rather than shoving them in the player's face. Still, having GuP references at all is still wrong on several levels, and the overall tone of the game is very different from how I imagine GuP.

But, I'm no veteran. I'm not experienced in making games. I don't have to worry much about this. After all, as I said, they're more similar to influences than actual references. Few will actually recognize these.

Then again, GuP is out of place. But I needed names, I needed items, so I chose the first things to come to my mind and kept with them. It won't matter much.


I like the idea of having a bonus chapter. When? Maybe 3.5 or 4.5, when Void is ****ing **** up. Have the (as of now) unnamed fire spirit challenge him in front of his minions, in Argent or one of Seraph's other surrounding towns. That'll do well.

What should I call the fire spirit? Dunno. I'll think of this... maybe Hansi, but I don't like the idea of making every spirit's name a reference or pun. Mika, Hana, Hansi... compared to characters like Eve and Dei, you can definitely see that their names are uninspired. Maybe I should change Mika and Hana's names too.

But what? What should I call them? Not just the spirits, the other three main characters have bad names too. Or at least close to. Spirits should be my main concern, however.


All the gods are insane in some way. It was part of Void's reasoning for his genocide, that all the gods were becoming incapable of guarding the Earth. He believed he could change that, but he was equally insane for believing genocide as the answer.

Hana is pretty much the only one capable of keeping order, yet she's just a spirit. She's... well, she's Hana. One of the most badass characters in GS who gets killed instantly and has the most insignificant role in the entire lore, but despite this, she's still by far the best. Even Mika can barely do her job. If Hana was in their motley crew instead of Mika, Void would be defeated a lot easier. And then the story would be a lot more boring too.

I think one of the best parts of GS will be seeing how this motley crew actually tries to get anything done. They're semi-incompetent and are fighting a god.

...I should hurry up and get on with it already.
No fate. Only the power of will.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#15461 Posted: 19:45:28 27/01/2018
i can't believe there's brandon rogers lore now
AmbushFan Blue Sparx Gems: 919
#15462 Posted: 20:41:15 27/01/2018
I'm hoping that the "zombie scene" will be by far the most disturbing scene in Ghost Story. Although it's not a horror game, it's scenes like this which I think best show the overall dark thematics within the story. The basic concept for the scene has so much horror potential, it'd be a shame to waste it just to sugarcoat the game. Insane gods, genocide, apocalypse... there's no reason to even try sugarcoating it. So I won't. I'll make this scene as ****ed up as possible, just as it should.

I'm expecting this scene to be the one that sticks around in players' minds. And give them nightmares, if I do well enough. As I said, the game already has dark thematics, but it's brushed aside for the most part. It's this scene where **** gets real. Up until now, you've just been going along, and then suddenly... this. Perfectly ****ed up, like comic relief but in reverse (horrifying moment in an otherwise relatively-dark game?).

So I'll try my best to bring it to it's full potential. As I said, this is likely to be the most memorable scene, so I should do my best. It's either sugarcoat it and turn it into a mediocre scene, or make it realistic and turn it into borderline nightmare fuel. I'll go borderline nightmare fuel. It is best.

Compared to the campfire scene and the many other, more lighthearted scenes, I'm sure those will be the scenes they wished they remember. But there are some things that cannot be unseen, and those are the ones that will be remembered, whether they like it or not. Perhaps it is not best to think sadistically like this, but I'd rather be remembered than not.
No fate. Only the power of will.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10269
#15463 Posted: 20:43:06 27/01/2018
Oh, Neopets set up a fun art contest with a story theme, I'm going to start to draw that right away and leave the other stuff I was going to do for next week.

Oh. Flight Rising had to move the monthly context a week early.

(What I need is never what I want)
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#15464 Posted: 17:04:11 28/01/2018
The thread was closed and I'm just here asking who is Shadman
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10269
#15465 Posted: 17:32:15 28/01/2018
Quote: Crash10
The thread was closed and I'm just here asking who is Shadman

I'll put it in simple terms to not get too NSFW.

[User Posted Image]

There's also older, weirder memes from before he started taunting AHIT fans, but I don't want to look through KYM for that
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 17:34:01 28/01/2018 by Bifrost
Bryman04 Gold Sparx Gems: 2116
#15466 Posted: 18:08:23 28/01/2018
Please can we not bring up that scum piece of disgusting **** up? Crash10 I'm not trying to hurt your feelings or insult you, but the best thing we can do is not give such an individual attention by any means, and attention is what they want.
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5569
#15467 Posted: 20:04:59 28/01/2018
I'm not sure who that guy is, but I feel like if I searched him the FBI will come knocking at my door.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
Bryman04 Gold Sparx Gems: 2116
#15468 Posted: 20:19:24 28/01/2018
Quote: StormDragon21
I'm not sure who that guy is, but I feel like if I searched him the FBI will come knocking at my door.

I mean, you're really not far off, with the stuff he draws
AmbushFan Blue Sparx Gems: 919
#15469 Posted: 20:27:07 28/01/2018
From what I understand, he's just some kink artist? What's so bad about that?

Sure, it might be ****ed up kinks (I'm not sure what he draws), but there is plenty of worse stuff out there.
No fate. Only the power of will.
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#15470 Posted: 20:29:05 28/01/2018
Shadman the madman.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
AmbushFan Blue Sparx Gems: 919
#15471 Posted: 20:40:25 28/01/2018
I'm not gonna judge others' kinks. After all, I'm sure many would consider mine weird too - that's a pretty basic rule of kinks, that they're almost always going to be seen as weird by other people.
No fate. Only the power of will.
Bryman04 Gold Sparx Gems: 2116
#15472 Posted: 21:07:12 28/01/2018
Shad does cartoon child porn
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 21:09:24 28/01/2018 by Bryman04
King-Pen Krazy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1907
#15473 Posted: 21:28:48 28/01/2018
Quote: Bryman04
Shad does cartoon child porn

*Loads shotgun*

Alright then
Rise and Shine Ursine
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#15474 Posted: 22:18:28 28/01/2018

i see
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10269
#15475 Posted: 22:21:45 28/01/2018
Yeah, I thought the comic was more than enough explanation. He also revels in how people hate his... themes, so when he teased he'd draw Hat Kid, half were foaming at the mouth and half were getting the popcorn ready. And just as Bryman said, the more you discuss how you hate it, the happier he's getting because there's no such thing as bad publicity.
(What I need is never what I want)
AmbushFan Blue Sparx Gems: 919
#15476 Posted: 22:22:08 28/01/2018
I can think of many things to say right now, but I don't want to start an argument. So I'll post this instead:

Also, Magmion looks badass:

[User Posted Image]
No fate. Only the power of will.
King-Pen Krazy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1907
#15477 Posted: 23:57:30 28/01/2018
Nice weather we have here isn't it
Rise and Shine Ursine
AmbushFan Blue Sparx Gems: 919
#15478 Posted: 00:03:33 29/01/2018
I wonder if song lyrics could technically count as gore? I heard this song that gave a relatively graphic description of the murder of Little Red Riding Hood once. There's also that song about giving dead people blowjobs, too.
No fate. Only the power of will.
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#15479 Posted: 00:22:22 29/01/2018
Quote: Bryman04
Shad does cartoon child porn

If he's loving in the USA, that might be against the law. If he lived in Japan it wouldn't be a problem at all. Drawings of child porn are actually pretty common there. Not saying that I like his stuff or that you should think it's normal and acceptable, just saying how he might be messing with the laws.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#15480 Posted: 02:53:58 29/01/2018
i don't know much about the shadman, but i happened to accidentally stumble upon one of his comics.

i have.... many questions.
King-Pen Krazy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1907
#15481 Posted: 03:19:38 29/01/2018
Watching Doki Doki Literature Club

Am I on drugs or is this normal?

Rise and Shine Ursine
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:21:40 29/01/2018 by King-Pen Krazy
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#15482 Posted: 03:21:53 29/01/2018
Quote: King-Pen Krazy
Watching Doki Doki Literature Club

Am I on drugs or is this normal?


Who’s playthrough?
King-Pen Krazy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1907
#15483 Posted: 12:15:14 29/01/2018
Quote: TheToyNerd
Quote: King-Pen Krazy
Watching Doki Doki Literature Club

Am I on drugs or is this normal?


Who’s playthrough?


I just got through part 1

The Innocent Meter has exploded after the arguement
Rise and Shine Ursine
AmbushFan Blue Sparx Gems: 919
#15484 Posted: 12:45:02 29/01/2018
I am lost in the Black Chamber
There's no way to turn back
It takes me down forevermore
And death would be so sweet
I'm possessed by the old creature
Who had planned all
To take my soul
Too late for me

In my hands
It liest I thought
But I failed
Now he's in me

My soul is lost
In his Black Chamber

I'm gone


15 hours in, I wonder how long the whole thing would take? Doubt it could be done in a day... but it's worth a try. What am I, a coward? Seems that way. I'm far from brave or diligent, sadly.
No fate. Only the power of will.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#15485 Posted: 16:51:09 29/01/2018
god my head hurts
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#15486 Posted: 17:42:29 29/01/2018
I just had the most bizarre experience

I was in Spanish class and our teacher was giving back our graded homework from last week. On the homework, there was a small essay portion at the end. She took half off my homework because apparently me and another girl had written the literal exact same essay, word for word. There were like two words that were different, but we even had the same grammatical mistakes and everything. We did not share our essays with each other, we just ****ing happened to write nearly verbatim the exact same essay.
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:43:03 29/01/2018 by 84skylanderdude
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#15487 Posted: 18:18:24 29/01/2018
This is still one of my absolute favorite topics I've made on the forum:

i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
AmbushFan Blue Sparx Gems: 919
#15488 Posted: 18:32:47 29/01/2018
I feel uncomfortable whenever I remember the main character of Ghost Story is a little girl (about 7-9 years old). It's an odd narrative choice, but hopefully it will be an interesting one if I can pull it off right. After all, I've already planned a fair share of disturbing scenes, so having a little girl as the main character shouldn't change much. In a way, it just adds to the overall uncomfortable atmosphere of the game. I'd be surprised (and disappointed in myself) if players didn't feel uncomfortable at any point. The zombie scene in particular, I want to make that as graphic and disturbing as possible.

IIRC Xandria was originally going to be a bit older, more of a generic teen. However, when I was planning the first scene, that went out the window. I just can't see how it could of worked if she were a teen - or several scenes, for that matter. I just hope this choice works as well as I hope.
No fate. Only the power of will.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#15489 Posted: 18:49:55 29/01/2018
i had the most ****ed up dream last night, in which all the following events happened within one sequence-

>a 6 year old child held a lil pump themed birthday party, in which competitive ass-eating was a sport
>my sister got pregnant like... five times and wanted to birth all the children at once
>they were making a live action bionicle movie and morgan freeman narrated the opening sequence
>they were also making bionicle-like figures of nintendo ARMS and helix was the first one getting made
King-Pen Krazy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1907
#15490 Posted: 18:57:16 29/01/2018
Quote: ZapNorris
i had the most ****ed up dream last night, in which all the following events happened within one sequence-

>a 6 year old child held a lil pump themed birthday party, in which competitive ass-eating was a sport
>my sister got pregnant like... five times and wanted to birth all the children at once
>they were making a live action bionicle movie and morgan freeman narrated the opening sequence
>they were also making bionicle-like figures of nintendo ARMS and helix was the first one getting made


Rise and Shine Ursine
AmbushFan Blue Sparx Gems: 919
#15491 Posted: 18:58:45 29/01/2018
Everyone is having weird but cool dreams about real-life Pokemon or robots or whatever, and I just consider myself lucky if I don't have to watch someone get killed again. Some of them have been particularly graphic or disturbing too.
No fate. Only the power of will.
King-Pen Krazy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1907
#15492 Posted: 00:12:48 30/01/2018
Thinking of watching Another, just wondering if there is an easy way to access
Rise and Shine Ursine
pankakesparx456 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7795
#15493 Posted: 00:37:33 30/01/2018
"skrattar du förlorar du" means I love you in Swedish and I think that's the most beautiful thing you can possibly tell a person
Cool cool.
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5569
#15494 Posted: 02:58:27 30/01/2018
My current weird dream was a guy following me around talking about how he was going to poison me. And then he liked Pokémon, and we became friends.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#15495 Posted: 03:45:49 30/01/2018
so that new pacific rim trailer huh

okay so a big part of the first one was how the kaiju's blood was toxic, and that's why gypsy danger didn't use the sword until they were in space that one time

but in the uprising trailer they have NO REGARD for the toxic blood because you can SEE IT SPILLING EVERYWHERE IN A GODDAMN CITY THAT KILLS PEOPLE JOHN BOYEGA
emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5398
#15496 Posted: 19:09:56 30/01/2018
They released an update video on Octopath and OH MY GOD THIS IS MORE AMAZING
KeybasHedKey Ripto Gems: 1862
#15497 Posted: 21:05:17 30/01/2018
I got Spoofy... I mean Spotify I know it's free and you don't need an pay for it only for it's premium service.
Dark Lord Platinum Sparx Gems: 7365
#15498 Posted: 01:13:49 31/01/2018
can somebody tell me what i'm doing
Like fallen snow, I lay on the ground and wait for my turn to fade away, no matter how unique I seem. It's my gift to you... A true sacrifice...
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