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Your favourite playstation games
Dragon96 Green Sparx Gems: 133
#1 Posted: 10:26:22 14/01/2018 | Topic Creator
Besides Spyro what are your favourite playstation games?
Blackholes_Wolf Ripto Gems: 10760
#2 Posted: 20:28:08 17/01/2018
bloodborne and shadow of the colossus

i have terrible taste
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#3 Posted: 20:34:42 17/01/2018
Halo: The Master Chief Collection

Dumb joke is dumb. Uhhh, I haven’t really played many PlayStation games, so I guess I’ll say Street Fighter V until further notice?
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:50:51 18/01/2018 by TheToyNerd
alicecarp Prismatic Sparx Gems: 13074
#4 Posted: 08:31:44 18/01/2018
Crash Bandicoot, Kingdom Hearts, Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, Croc.
Dragon Lover Emerald Sparx Gems: 4690
#5 Posted: 15:31:00 18/01/2018
Metal Gear Solid, of course... lest the forums forget I'm the series's biggest fan smilie
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9634
#6 Posted: 15:45:46 18/01/2018
Tomb Raider, Ratchet & Clank, Jak & Daxter, Grand Theft Auto, Uncharted.

And there's a few obscure ones like:

- Toy Story 2
- Gun
- Bully
- Ty the Tasmanian Tiger (the first one)

And there's also franchises that I want to get into:

- Resident Evil
- Metal Gear
- Silent Hill
- ICO, Shadow of the Colossus
- Devil May Cry
- Resistance

There's probably some that I've missed out on.
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3728
#7 Posted: 19:06:10 18/01/2018
Kingdom Hearts, Persona
My life is complete.
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 9117
#8 Posted: 21:49:38 18/01/2018
persona if that counts :/ kingdom hearts is pretty cool but it kinda lost steam after we got kingdom hearts 3, 4, 5, mobile, and 1+1.1+1.2 collection. :/ infamous is pretty cool too
Dragon96 Green Sparx Gems: 133
#9 Posted: 22:31:34 18/01/2018 | Topic Creator
Besides Spyro my favourite Playstation games are Medievil and all the Crash Bandicoot games
kardonis Platinum Sparx Gems: 6366
#10 Posted: 22:44:07 18/01/2018
Kingdom Hearts
Dark Cloud
Ty the tasmanian tiger
Ratchet and Clank

probably missing a ton, but those are the ones that stand out to me the most.
I used to be THE Bowser, now I'm just an awkward girl
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:18:02 19/01/2018 by kardonis
Beemo Emerald Sparx Gems: 3284
#11 Posted: 00:43:29 19/01/2018
Ratchet and Clank
Jak and Daxter
Drakan: The Ancients' Gates
Looney Tunes: Space Race
KrystalLBX Emerald Sparx Gems: 3271
#12 Posted: 01:50:42 19/01/2018
Quote: kardonis
Kingdom Hearts
Dark Cloud
Ty the tasmanian tiger
Ratchet and Clank

probably missing a ton, but those are the ones that stand out to me the most.

why are we so much alike o.o first Chaotic and now these 3 games?!

Shadow of the Colossus, the first Madagascar game, and the Buzz Jr. monkey and robot party games (more stress inducing then Mario Party)
Pokemon Shiny Hunter
Gastrodon Fangirl
Currently dating someone
icedragon333 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6076
#13 Posted: 10:18:45 26/01/2018
Shadow of the Colossus and Ratchet and Clank
StevemacQ Platinum Sparx Gems: 6533
#14 Posted: 01:03:19 29/01/2018
Tekken 2
CTR: Crash Team Racing
Tekken Tag Tournament
Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
Ratchet & Clank 3
Ridge Racer (PSP)
Canis Canem Edit
SoulCalibur II
Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Virtua Fighter 5
Persona 3 FES
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Final Fantasy IX
Gravity Rush
The Last of Us
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD Remix
Yakuza 5
NieR Automata
Needz more eh-mo-shuns.
Blackholes_Wolf Ripto Gems: 10760
#15 Posted: 17:18:58 31/01/2018
Quote: Drawdler
To be honest, I don't think I have any. To me much of it just looks like Triple-A mush or 3D platformers that are just decent but people have tons of nostalgia for. I guess by default it would be Spyro 1 but that was 20 years ago and PlayStation these days has nothing I would buy the system for. Bloodborne looks neat, I'd like to play Persona someday (but I'll do it on my PS3 thanks), I'm curious about the earlier Xeno games and I want to play JoJo games but I could pass everything else that's actually exclusive and not also on PC. Also a shoutout to Gravity Rush as that did used to intrigue me a lot and is visually really cool but kinda looks boring to play to me. I was excited for N. Sane Trilogy but it ended up being a huge disappointment when I played it with my sister. I can't really think of other stuff that doesn't fit in the other categories or isn't also on PC, aside from Horizon (which does look great, just Zelda scratches the itch for me now), cos iirc Automata is on PC and... That's it, PlayStation this generation and the last has been boring, it's not like Generation 5 anymore when they were still getting a whole lot of exclusives in the form of those 3D platformers I mentioned (which I wouldn't buy the system for, but they were there).

Truth is that at this point XBox and PlayStation gaming has become so inconvinient with how expensive the consoles are, all the forced lengthy installations and free space needed that PC gaming is truly more convinient these days. I don't perfectly agree with Rich from ReviewTechUSA on a ton of things but I definitely do with his video on how pointless and inconvinient home console gaming has become. Just playing a game on one of these things takes ages now and none of them look worth all the hassle that comes with modern console gaming. I know I'm getting off-topic but it baffles me that now having to install your games even when you have a physical copy has become the norm for consoles and people seem OK with this. I'm sure I'm in a minority but it just kills the convinience of home console gaming for me with how slow those installations can be and how now you have to be sure you have considerable free space to even play a game in the first place.

wtf who cares, i just wanna play bloodborne
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:21:15 31/01/2018 by Blackholes_Wolf
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#16 Posted: 18:04:03 31/01/2018
Fallout 4
Crash Bandicoot

That's about it for right now.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3498
#17 Posted: 22:09:02 31/01/2018
Spyro 2
Spyro 3
Ratchet and Clank was p good
Crash series
Uncharted is fun but I wouldnt say a favorite
Digimon Cyber Sleuth
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Blackholes_Wolf Ripto Gems: 10760
#18 Posted: 00:28:51 01/02/2018
wtf what third world country u live in, i got a xbone for £110
Blackholes_Wolf Ripto Gems: 10760
#19 Posted: 00:35:34 01/02/2018
no wonder ur internet is god awful
TheFlyingSeal Diamond Sparx Gems: 8731
#20 Posted: 00:41:00 01/02/2018
Quote: Drawdler
Quote: Blackholes_Wolf
Quote: Drawdler
To be honest, I don't think I have any. To me much of it just looks like Triple-A mush or 3D platformers that are just decent but people have tons of nostalgia for. I guess by default it would be Spyro 1 but that was 20 years ago and PlayStation these days has nothing I would buy the system for. Bloodborne looks neat, I'd like to play Persona someday (but I'll do it on my PS3 thanks), I'm curious about the earlier Xeno games and I want to play JoJo games but I could pass everything else that's actually exclusive and not also on PC. Also a shoutout to Gravity Rush as that did used to intrigue me a lot and is visually really cool but kinda looks boring to play to me. I was excited for N. Sane Trilogy but it ended up being a huge disappointment when I played it with my sister. I can't really think of other stuff that doesn't fit in the other categories or isn't also on PC, aside from Horizon (which does look great, just Zelda scratches the itch for me now), cos iirc Automata is on PC and... That's it, PlayStation this generation and the last has been boring, it's not like Generation 5 anymore when they were still getting a whole lot of exclusives in the form of those 3D platformers I mentioned (which I wouldn't buy the system for, but they were there).

Truth is that at this point XBox and PlayStation gaming has become so inconvinient with how expensive the consoles are, all the forced lengthy installations and free space needed that PC gaming is truly more convinient these days. I don't perfectly agree with Rich from ReviewTechUSA on a ton of things but I definitely do with his video on how pointless and inconvinient home console gaming has become. Just playing a game on one of these things takes ages now and none of them look worth all the hassle that comes with modern console gaming. I know I'm getting off-topic but it baffles me that now having to install your games even when you have a physical copy has become the norm for consoles and people seem OK with this. I'm sure I'm in a minority but it just kills the convinience of home console gaming for me with how slow those installations can be and how now you have to be sure you have considerable free space to even play a game in the first place.

wtf who cares, i just wanna play bloodborne

I do when it brings so many hassles into the experience and adds even more expense on top of $400+ (Over here, but iirc it's closer to $500) consoles. The way I see it is paying more for more hassle. Either way I still look at modern PS' lineup putting that aside and I see barely anything that's actually exclusive that's intriguing. Most of the best actual exclusives on their consoles are from decades ago, to be honest. A lot of it is on PC which is just a better console now, and no I'm not saying that as some hurdur PC Master Race thing, I hate that kind of mob and I want a more convinient and simple gaming option to exist. But consoles aren't that anymore, Nintendo notwithstanding, that's only what they used to be. PCs install **** way faster, offer more freedom, and have almost completely ditched physical media as opposed to PS4/XOne's having them there when you still have to install them and waste space thus rendering the point of physical media moot.

Even the Switch isn't free of this. It will never stop bothering me that Bayonetta 1 needs to be downloaded... cos yeah I'm not shilling out howevermanyhundred scalpers want for Climax Edition. And you know how disappointing it was to wait an hor for DOOM to download **** onto my Switch just to work, on Christmas Day? It took longer than I've spent actually playing the thing so far.

It also makes the sorry state of game preservation even worse and that's a whole other rant.

Sorry if you're just being sarcastic or really don't give a **** but this is something that makes me angry and yet another set of modern inconviniences. If I grew up with this kind of thing happening on Nintendo systems I would never have gotten into video games.

Make a topic about it if you're so angry instead of posting in a topic that's literally just listing what your favorite PS games are. Like, come on.
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