Quote: MugoUrth
2: The ones who like it but see the flaws the game has.
@Mugo- I'm in category number two, Yooka-Laylee is a good game, but it does have it's share of problems, but I've got hope that patches, additional features, and DLC will bring the game to a better status.
Quote: MugoUrth
And seriously, if I can PROVE that bias against games staring non-humans is absolutely a thing, will you guys stop being ***es toward me?
Pls, let's not start another argument. I'm warning you, you're only starting an unnecessary drama, and I don't want to see more hostility directed at you and arguments on the forum again.
@AdamGregory I feel like Yooka-Laylee was never pitched to be the 3D Shovel Knight, and that is perfectly fine, but I completely understand the sentiments expressed by you and others. Yooka-Laylee was the "Rare-vival" that it lived up to be: an colorful N64 inspired 3D Platformer that is brought into the market of Witcher 3, GTA and Call of Duty. That obviously has it's share of problems that needs to be addressed and better improved with a future sequel. So people offering constructive criticism in a calm, appropriate manner are appreciated by me. Those who ***** and crap on the very idea that it has the audacity be a 3D Platformer collect-a-thon and is a dead genre, and those who use foul language and shame people for liking Yooka-Laylee, not so much. This isn't directed at an anyone of this forum, mind you- just people I see on reddit, etc.
Speaking of a 3D Shovel Knight, Yacht Club has shown interest, so there's that! If I actually see a 3D Platforming Shovel Knight, lord knows how excited I'll be!