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Skylander Theories?
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#1 Posted: 00:53:10 12/05/2017 | Topic Creator
I've always wanted to come up with a really good, in-depth conspiracy theory to go along with Skylanders, but that can be kind of hard since the games are very explicit and don't leave many things to the imagination. Still, are there any ideas that anyone has about possible theories to go with the Skylanders universe? Mine are below.

Buzz is either Flynn's father or Flynn himself from another time/dimension
This can be supported by the many similarities they bare - the facts that they both loudly exclaim their catchphrases that contain the word BOOM, they both deeply love enchiladas, Captain Cluck's Fried Chicken and flying, and how multiple other characters remark how they are alike. Also, Flynn mentions in Trap Team that he never knew his father, but says he was a trainer of the Trap Team. That could be Buzz. However, Buzz could also be the same person as Flynn who's older and from another realm. Source for theory reasons -

That's all I have for now. My ultimate goal is to make a really good theory about Kaos' Father, but that's for another day.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
Wishblade Emerald Sparx Gems: 3262
#2 Posted: 01:45:28 12/05/2017
Interesting. A story of how Flynn lost his leg, please anyone?

Reminds me, I'm disappointed that the story of how Eon and Aurora are related never developed in Imaginators. I'm trying to think of a theory... kinda tired...

What if Aurora was Eon's daughter? Then who is her mother? Omg, what if Kaossandra was? And then Kaos and Aurora were siblings, and... (gasp) Eon was Kaos' father?

Gotta do some research: I think there is a family portrait in Skylanders Giants, Kaos' Castle chapter. I must take a closer look.
Any last wishes?
SoulfulWolf Platinum Sparx Gems: 5989
#3 Posted: 02:10:08 12/05/2017
Quote: Wishblade
Interesting. A story of how Flynn lost his leg, please anyone?

Reminds me, I'm disappointed that the story of how Eon and Aurora are related never developed in Imaginators. I'm trying to think of a theory... kinda tired...

What if Aurora was Eon's daughter? Then who is her mother? Omg, what if Kaossandra was? And then Kaos and Aurora were siblings, and... (gasp) Eon was Kaos' father?

Gotta do some research: I think there is a family portrait in Skylanders Giants, Kaos' Castle chapter. I must take a closer look.

While I love the idea of Eon being Kaos's father, I'm pretty sure Aurora is canonically Eon's NIECE. Eon's an uncle, which means Eon has a brother, or sister...


Aurora's backstory (as proof), copy pasted directly from the official skylander's website, right from her character page:

Aurora is the niece of Master Eon. For years, he tried to keep her identity a secret so that she would remain safe from harm.

But as she grew older, Aurora wanted nothing more than to become a Skylander, but Eon would not permit it. So without telling him, she wore a disguise and studied swordplay and combat arts under the name “Boss Blades McSlashinator.” Soon, everyone was talking about this new mysterious hero and her amazing abilities. Even Master Eon was notably impressed, but when he learned the skilled fighter was none other than his own niece, he once again refused her entry into the Skylanders team. However, before she could protest Eon smiled and told her it was because he was immediately promoting her to his Sensei program, where she would train the Swashbuckler Class under her true name and identity. Although he did later admit that “Boss Blades McSlashinator” sounded pretty cool.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 02:12:28 12/05/2017 by SoulfulWolf
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#4 Posted: 12:23:16 12/05/2017 | Topic Creator
I'm probably gonna do a theory about how Eon could be related to Kaos, whether he's his father, grandfather or maybe even his future self. But I need evidence, and that will be hard to find.

Or I might do a theory about how Kaos is half-human half whatever Blastermind's species is. It'll be based on their similar appearances and that fact they both used mind powers.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
omer1698 Gold Sparx Gems: 2258
#5 Posted: 13:26:49 12/05/2017
i am working on some theories about the relationship between earth and skylands.

as we all know, most of the creatures in skylands are basically creatures from our mythology and folklore. dragons, fairies, werewolves, trolls, mermaids all those creatures has appeared in our lagends and myths. i belive that lore wise, all those creatures are originally from skylandsadn they were using the power of the portals to get to anywhere in the universe, that inculde our world. mabey the skylandians came to our world so many times that they eventually branded themselves as the mythological creatures and gods we know now. those trips eventually stopped becuse the portal masters thought that those trpis are abusing the power of the portals, so they casted a spell that prevented from any creatures to use the portal without the promission of the portal masters (what we do with the skylands is technichly a permission for the skylanders to go back to skylands). but saddly some of the creatures were left behind, now they stuck on our world for the rest of their lives, infact we know them as the loch ness monster, bigfoot, chupacabra and the rest of the cryptids.some of the creatures are still remembered but after a long time some of the creatures descriptions got some "modifications", the skylands cyclops are now knows as a large man eating one eyed giants, dragons are greedy and evil beasts, yetis are just a normal apes with only two hands etc...
" i am thou, thou art i"
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 14:11:25 12/05/2017 by omer1698
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#6 Posted: 13:57:04 12/05/2017
I have some i'll post soon
AdamGregory03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
#7 Posted: 14:10:34 12/05/2017
I did have a theory that Skylands is actually an alternate Earth that split apart and that all of the more humanoid races (like Goldlings and Torch's race) are just humans who evolved to live in more harsh environments. And other stuff like how dragons could've evolved from lizards. But, there's not much to actually back that up.
Golden Queen did nothing wrong and she is best evil waifu.
Check this out! Please?
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:10:52 12/05/2017 by AdamGregory03
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#8 Posted: 15:08:04 12/05/2017
Okay, here we go.

Blaster-Tron is actually not a robot, per say- he's an advanced space-suit created by Chill Bill to survive the future, which was then set as an automatic sentry once Chill Bill was caught. There's not much backing this up other than similarities in their trap team weapons and artwork poses.

Tae Kwon Crow has OCD. This is backed up by connections to the conditions in his backstory. This one is actually the second most likely to be canonical.

Cursed Tiki Temple is an allegory for TFB's current state with activision, and Bob is a self-insert of the studio itself.

Mysticat is a transitioning f-to-m. Due to skylands' advanced technology/science/magic and ****, the transition is actually nearly complete. His voice still needs some pitch-work, however.
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#9 Posted: 17:38:55 12/05/2017
Really like your theory, omer, kinda reminds me of the way Invizimals were explained.

Love yours about Blaster-Tron as well, Zap, but I have a question: trolls generally seem to not have an extremely advanced technology by themselves, so how did he accessed such a futuristic one?
Also, they both have a propulsion system of some kind, so that counts as well.

My only proper theory so far is the one regarding the way Skylanders are summoned, which I've already talked about in the past.
Basically, every Skylander is brought back to Skylands the very first time you place his/her on the Portal but then he/she stays there permanently, and placing the figure again simply teleports him/her where the Portal Master needs help.

This would explain how the Skylanders keep going with their lives in the comics, CGI trailers and TV series, along with the Storytellers.
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:39:38 12/05/2017 by Drek95
emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5398
#10 Posted: 22:15:15 12/05/2017
When you go to the Tower of Time in SSF, you are actually going back in time. The place was then remodeled after many years into Time Town from TT. This would explain why we have two clocks that control all time in Skylands. Now, Tower of Time had Kangarats, which are native to Cloudbreak Islands. But they aren't there in Time Town. My theory on that is that either the Tower was moved for safety reasons (supported by the fact that the place looks completely different in the SSC racetrack) or the Kangarats are going extinct (when was the last time you saw a Kangarat?)
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8457
#11 Posted: 22:29:38 12/05/2017
Quote: emeraldzoroark
When you go to the Tower of Time in SSF, you are actually going back in time. The place was then remodeled after many years into Time Town from TT. This would explain why we have two clocks that control all time in Skylands. Now, Tower of Time had Kangarats, which are native to Cloudbreak Islands. But they aren't there in Time Town. My theory on that is that either the Tower was moved for safety reasons (supported by the fact that the place looks completely different in the SSC racetrack) or the Kangarats are going extinct (when was the last time you saw a Kangarat?)

ToT and TT have different purposes. ToT basically keeps the balance of time, while TT is merely used to time travel.
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#12 Posted: 23:46:31 12/05/2017 | Topic Creator
Kaos' Father is/was the same species as Blastermind
Kaos has extreme resemblances to the Magic Trap Master, such as the markings over their eyes, their mind powers, their short height and more. However, Kaos also bears more human traits than Blastermind, like a nose, teeth, fingernails and human skin. So my prediction is that Kaos' Father was the same species as Blastermind, and Kaos is a mix of human (from his mother) and that other species (from his father). This also explains why Kaos has both powers from The Darkness and Mind Magic. The Darkness obviously came from his mother. The Mind Magic then most likely came from his father, and with Blastermind having mind powers, that makes sense.

The events of the Nightmare Express Adventure Pack were not completely fabricated by Flynn
A minor one, but probably my most likely theory. This story had to happen at some point in the past otherwise there's no way the Skylanders could have encountered and trapped Trolling Thunder and Lob Goblin. I mean, how on Earth would we be trapping them and then playing as them in different levels if they only existed in a story written by Flynn? My guess is that the events of TNE did actually happen at one point beforehand, an in his autobiography Flynn is just writing it in a more biased way. To sum it up, you are basically playing through the adventure that actually happened, but Flynn is narrating it his own way in the background - in the way that he is writing about it in his book.

Rebel Lob Goblin is the Mirror of Mystery counterpart of regular Lob Goblin
Another small one that I like. Rebel Lob Goblin never had to be captured, and while some of you may just think, "Yeah, that's because he was a variant preloaded in a trap," there could be more. What if he never had to be trapped because he was never bad to begin with? Also look at Rebel Lob Goblin's color scheme. There's a friendly goblin you meet in the MOM level, and the color of his clothing is very similar to that of RLG. Another point to consider - his name. He's called a "Rebel," but why? Maybe because since he's from the MOM and now he's fighting in Skylands Prime, he's attacking his own kind (since they're evil). Thus, he earns the name Rebel, because he fights his own kind for the side of good.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:28:10 17/05/2017 by Chompy-King257
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#13 Posted: 22:52:41 24/05/2017
Really cool theories, Chompy-King!

Just want correct a couple things: Blastermind's powers actually come from the psionic crystals on his helmet, so it's unlikely other members of his species would have them.
Also, he actually has fingernails too.
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#14 Posted: 00:49:00 25/05/2017 | Topic Creator
Quote: Drek95
Really cool theories, Chompy-King!

Just want correct a couple things: Blastermind's powers actually come from the psionic crystals on his helmet, so it's unlikely other members of his species would have them.
Also, he actually has fingernails too.

Huh, I never noticed the fingernails.

About the first thing, that's actually part of my theory. I think that the aliens are all born with the mind powers within them - they just need a source of power to awaken them. The crystals brought Blastermind's powers forward, and the Mind Magic gave Kaos his.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#15 Posted: 01:09:04 25/05/2017
Quote: Chompy-King257
Quote: Drek95
Really cool theories, Chompy-King!

Just want correct a couple things: Blastermind's powers actually come from the psionic crystals on his helmet, so it's unlikely other members of his species would have them.
Also, he actually has fingernails too.

Huh, I never noticed the fingernails.

About the first thing, that's actually part of my theory. I think that the aliens are all born with the mind powers within them - they just need a source of power to awaken them. The crystals brought Blastermind's powers forward, and the Mind Magic gave Kaos his.

The fact is Blastermind is never referred to as an alien (unless that's part of your theory too), and his backstory says the crystals bestowed their powers on him, rather than amplify or awaken innate abilities.

Still, we know very little about him and his species, and the resemblance with Kaos is undenyable.
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#16 Posted: 01:10:18 25/05/2017 | Topic Creator
Quote: Drek95
Quote: Chompy-King257
Quote: Drek95
Really cool theories, Chompy-King!

Just want correct a couple things: Blastermind's powers actually come from the psionic crystals on his helmet, so it's unlikely other members of his species would have them.
Also, he actually has fingernails too.

Huh, I never noticed the fingernails.

About the first thing, that's actually part of my theory. I think that the aliens are all born with the mind powers within them - they just need a source of power to awaken them. The crystals brought Blastermind's powers forward, and the Mind Magic gave Kaos his.

The fact is Blastermind is never referred to as an alien (unless that's part of your theory too), and his backstory says the crystals bestowed their powers on him, rather than amplify or awaken innate abilities.

Still, we know very little about him and his species, and the resemblance with Kaos is undenyable.

I didn't mean he's an alien per se, it was just a term I used for the sake of the thing.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
King-Pen Krazy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1907
#17 Posted: 18:27:44 27/05/2017
I think Countdown might be one of the people who created the core of light, or the one who made the tech element(Whatever they are called)
Mainly due to the fact that He was frozen in ice and has pretty much forgotten anything. There is also the fact that he doesn't even remember how long he was in there. So it's possible that while in the snow, he blew himself up repeatedly to keep himself from freezing, which is why he can't remember dag nabbit
Rise and Shine Ursine
Enderking90 Red Sparx Gems: 89
#18 Posted: 07:52:03 07/06/2017
Let's crack a few simple ones real quick.....

Bouncer is a member of the peaceful Arkeyans
So yeah, Arkeyans came in two variants, hostile and peaceful
roboto ball was a sport by Arkeyans that was played by the peaceful kind, but the peaceful kind eventually disappeared
Bouncer is a large robot that played roboto ball, additionally, his prototype version was a "dark Arkeyan"

Ancients are liars
The skylands was made by malefor at the end of dawn of the dragon, not by the ancients, it could be that they stabilised the world further, but they didn't make the world.
Unless the Ancient split to form all the ancients?

What are the eviliser crystals?
First, let's tackle the fact the eviliser crystals turn skylanders into their dark variants, as we know, but..... How come it looks exactly like dark spyro when he got a dose of malefor's energy? This is rather strange, isn't it?...
And their ability to power up Arkeyans is also quite interesting....

Well, wanna hear hat I believe is the case? The crystallised darkness are relics from the time Malefor was using the Ancient, who is not an ancient we see in skylander game, to rebirth the world, which then resulted in skylands coming to existence.
I believe the Crystallised darkness are the crystals made by malefor's powers to fuel the Ancient...

This would explain a lot, no? The crystals i believe they are are made by the dark powers of a an extremely powerful and mighty dragon, the same powers that made spyro in to the dark spyro in the first place, as well as the crystals have shown to be able to bring energy to a large golem, the Ancient.
Crystallised*** darkness are dark crystals that turn skylanders into dark variants and have powered Arkeyans, essentially mechanical golems.

One thing, a bit more far fetched, is that Malefor has shown ability to corrupt other beings, as well as the eviliser crystals can evilise other beings.

Also, The Ancients revitalise the magic of skylands on a volcano, the Ancient crawls trough a volcano to the earth's core to form the skylands.
Coincidence? I think not!

What is imaginite?...
I believe imaginite is traptanium that has trapped imagination inside of it.

The first "trap master?"
One of the swap force members, trap shadow used to be a great trapper, using his see trough, crystal-esc traps.... If that doesn't sound like traptanium***, then I'm not classifying myself as a dark portal master

There's a few theories of my own.
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#19 Posted: 01:07:44 08/06/2017 | Topic Creator
For a while I've been trying to create a theory about Kaos' mental state - but I don't know exactly what it would be like.

I also have some scrappy theory that the Skylanders are still under Brain's control, but it could easily be proven false if I simply missed a little plot detail - after Dragon Temple, why are the Skylanders not under control anymore, but the Mabu at Lair of Kaos still are?
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
King-Pen Krazy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1907
#20 Posted: 02:19:48 08/06/2017
I also have another theory about the fact that blaster-tron is actually dead
It's weird
Rise and Shine Ursine
Burning Gnorc Emerald Sparx Gems: 3463
#21 Posted: 11:31:13 08/06/2017
Quote: Chompy-King257
For a while I've been trying to create a theory about Kaos' mental state - but I don't know exactly what it would be like.

I also have some scrappy theory that the Skylanders are still under Brain's control, but it could easily be proven false if I simply missed a little plot detail - after Dragon Temple, why are the Skylanders not under control anymore, but the Mabu at Lair of Kaos still are?

Proximity? They were real close to the actual source of the mind magic, so it wouldn't surprise me if it overpowered the dragon magic, if only for briefly afterwards.
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#22 Posted: 12:12:35 08/06/2017 | Topic Creator
Quote: Burning Gnorc
Quote: Chompy-King257
For a while I've been trying to create a theory about Kaos' mental state - but I don't know exactly what it would be like.

I also have some scrappy theory that the Skylanders are still under Brain's control, but it could easily be proven false if I simply missed a little plot detail - after Dragon Temple, why are the Skylanders not under control anymore, but the Mabu at Lair of Kaos still are?

Proximity? They were real close to the actual source of the mind magic, so it wouldn't surprise me if it overpowered the dragon magic, if only for briefly afterwards.

Interesting theory. Could be an explanation.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
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