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Random Thought Topic [STICKY]
Project_Unnamed Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10825
#9701 Posted: 17:51:49 19/01/2017
Oh goodie, my knee is being a total jerk right now. Well, I just have to exercise it more and get through the pain with good old painkillers. Well, weekend is coming so I'll get to rest more than enough. So yeah, there you are.

That was my random thought of the day. Carry on being random, people...
I might give you more opinions... for a small fee of course.
Sboy13 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3339
#9702 Posted: 18:44:04 19/01/2017
"Snuggie Tails swallow your kids up inside their favorite animals! A great gift for vore fans!"
Purple dragon.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#9703 Posted: 20:06:37 19/01/2017
^1. Kilts
2. Why would world peace change your mind on clothing?
mega spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3957
#9704 Posted: 23:49:21 19/01/2017
Did everyone else become a wizard and can now make blank posts? How do you do that?
Alydol Ripto Gems: 1330
#9705 Posted: 01:45:31 20/01/2017
Sesame Street used to be good used to
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#9706 Posted: 01:47:05 20/01/2017
Quote: Alydol
Sesame Street used to be good used to

Sesame Street is a show for little toddlers, of course you'd think it was better when you were younger. That's like saying Diapers used to be cool!
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#9707 Posted: 03:17:30 20/01/2017
Because you raised a philosophical question of the ages, I did quick skimming on Wikipedia and it seems to suggest that dresses (and similar clothing like gowns and frocks) were unisex for the longest time.

I have no idea where or at what point men started to move away from them.
Bryman04 Gold Sparx Gems: 2116
#9708 Posted: 03:22:04 20/01/2017
Quote: CAV
Because you raised a philosophical question of the ages, I did quick skimming on Wikipedia and it seems to suggest that dresses (and similar clothing like gowns and frocks) were unisex for the longest time.

I have no idea where or at what point men started to move away from them.

Maybe they got tired of their jannets dangling in the breeze? Idk.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:22:32 20/01/2017 by Bryman04
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#9709 Posted: 03:32:03 20/01/2017
Maybe it's was because girls are gay
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 9117
#9710 Posted: 03:39:43 20/01/2017
hi jcw
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#9711 Posted: 03:46:01 20/01/2017
Quote: Drawdler
Woah, I guess I'm behind my time. /smileshrug Thanks for sharing that info.

Yeah man get with it already. It's the 16th century.
mega spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3957
#9712 Posted: 04:12:42 20/01/2017
Important info: Because of one stupid comment I made in a twitch chat, 55 people have now tweeted "chafing ass nipple @joel_vinesauce" with no context.
Alydol Ripto Gems: 1330
#9713 Posted: 05:38:01 20/01/2017
Quote: TheToyNerd
Quote: Alydol
Sesame Street used to be good used to

Sesame Street is a show for little toddlers, of course you'd think it was better when you were younger. That's like saying Diapers used to be cool!

I'm not saying I liked it more as a child, I'm saying that it was better before Henson died. It's quite clear that you've never watched classic Sesame Street, parts of it were actually quite funny. I really don't believe that classic Sesame Street would really appeal to today's toddlers. Things such as a few hour long phone call due to cookie monster interfering with Ernie and Bert's phone call, Grover being a salesman selling generally unusable things, and Bert dressing for something (I don't really remember what it was) causing Ernie to believe that Bert isn't really Bert to quote "going to call The Missing Bert Bureau". I don't believe they would really appeal to children of a young age because I don't think that they understand that humor. The sketches with characters such as Ernie and Bert used to be actually funny, but because Jim Henson died, it has been a show purely for young children appealing to ages three and four rather than a show that appeals to adults too. It is not like saying diapers used to be cool, it's more of the equivalent of saying that "Disney when Walt was alive was better" rather than saying I miss liking diapers. Saying used to be cool it doesn't mean I used to find it cool, nothing in Sesame Street since the death of Henson is actually funny.

This is an example of one, and it's one of the best, if you watched it, God bless you.
darkwolf Diamond Sparx Gems: 7596
#9714 Posted: 17:22:53 20/01/2017
President Donald ****ing Trump

.................. gonna be an interesting four years
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#9715 Posted: 19:09:09 20/01/2017
So is he still going to tweet from @realdonaldtrump, or is he going to use the @POTUS handle?
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
#9716 Posted: 20:07:16 20/01/2017
such a loving husband

(my local news networks called this guy an "loving husband"...i really don't get why.. )
looks like ive got some things to do...
Alydol Ripto Gems: 1330
#9717 Posted: 20:42:29 20/01/2017
Quote: darkwolf
President Donald ****ing Trump

.................. gonna be an interesting four years

*eight years
Dark Lord Platinum Sparx Gems: 7372
#9718 Posted: 20:43:29 20/01/2017
Next time one of you... Organics enter Taco Bell, then please try to speak like the more superior and intellectual, the not as fragile, HK-47. Call the In(F)erior grade meats within the walls of the establishment meatbags instead... by In(F)erior grade meat, I mean the squishy ones that are cooking the "delicacies" that Humans seems to so much "enjoy".

or, you know, don't enter taco bell, that's fine too.

also this is a joke, pls be nice to people thank u.
Like fallen snow, I lay on the ground and wait for my turn to fade away, no matter how unique I seem. It's my gift to you... A true sacrifice...
ThroneOfMalefor Platinum Sparx Gems: 5528
#9719 Posted: 20:47:42 20/01/2017
Quote: Alydol
Quote: darkwolf
President Donald ****ing Trump

.................. gonna be an interesting four years

*eight years

*two years
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#9720 Posted: 20:49:51 20/01/2017
Quote: ThroneOfMalefor
Quote: Alydol
Quote: darkwolf
President Donald ****ing Trump

.................. gonna be an interesting four years

*eight years

*two years

*1 year
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
#9721 Posted: 20:50:01 20/01/2017
Quote: ThroneOfMalefor
Quote: Alydol
Quote: darkwolf
President Donald ****ing Trump

.................. gonna be an interesting four years

*eight years

*two years

[User Posted Image]

looks like ive got some things to do...
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#9722 Posted: 20:51:36 20/01/2017
Quote: Chompy-King257
Quote: ThroneOfMalefor
Quote: Alydol

*eight years

*two years

*1 year

CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#9723 Posted: 20:55:32 20/01/2017
Quote: Alydol
Quote: darkwolf
President Donald ****ing Trump

.................. gonna be an interesting four years

*eight years

Please do not make assumptions that he's automatically going to be re-elected. He could be, but if his performance isn't up to snuff and he goes up against an actual opponent it'll be unlikely.
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
#9724 Posted: 21:03:16 20/01/2017
Quote: CAV
Quote: Alydol
Quote: darkwolf
President Donald ****ing Trump

.................. gonna be an interesting four years

*eight years

Please do not make assumptions that he's automatically going to be re-elected. He could be, but if his performance isn't up to snuff and he goes up against an actual opponent it'll be unlikely.

also don't make assumptions that he's going to be impeached. >.>'
looks like ive got some things to do...
ThroneOfMalefor Platinum Sparx Gems: 5528
#9725 Posted: 21:06:22 20/01/2017
Quote: parisruelz12
Quote: CAV
Quote: Alydol

*eight years

Please do not make assumptions that he's automatically going to be re-elected. He could be, but if his performance isn't up to snuff and he goes up against an actual opponent it'll be unlikely.

also don't make assumptions that he's going to be impeached. >.>'

literally what
Wreckingball13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#9726 Posted: 21:09:17 20/01/2017
Quote: parisruelz12
Quote: CAV
Quote: Alydol

*eight years

Please do not make assumptions that he's automatically going to be re-elected. He could be, but if his performance isn't up to snuff and he goes up against an actual opponent it'll be unlikely.

also don't make assumptions that he's going to be impeached. >.>'

We weren't >.> We were assuming he was gonna be assassinated duh
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#9727 Posted: 21:33:00 20/01/2017
Quote: TheToyNerd
Quote: parisruelz12
Quote: CAV

Please do not make assumptions that he's automatically going to be re-elected. He could be, but if his performance isn't up to snuff and he goes up against an actual opponent it'll be unlikely.

also don't make assumptions that he's going to be impeached. >.>'

That is what's called a joke my dear!

By that logic is Alydol's comment also a joke?
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#9728 Posted: 21:58:43 20/01/2017
Quote: CAV
Quote: TheToyNerd
Quote: parisruelz12

also don't make assumptions that he's going to be impeached. >.>'

That is what's called a joke my dear!

By that logic is Alydol's comment also a joke?

Sorry, I can't read. I thought she was responding to a different comment. My bad!
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#9729 Posted: 22:50:48 20/01/2017
Quote: Alydol
Quote: CAV
Quote: TheToyNerd

That is what's called a joke my dear!

By that logic is Alydol's comment also a joke?

By that logic is your existence a joke?

Cause that was necessary!
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#9730 Posted: 22:52:23 20/01/2017
Quote: Wreckingball13
Quote: parisruelz12
Quote: CAV

Please do not make assumptions that he's automatically going to be re-elected. He could be, but if his performance isn't up to snuff and he goes up against an actual opponent it'll be unlikely.

also don't make assumptions that he's going to be impeached. >.>'

We weren't >.> We were assuming he was gonna be assassinated duh

If he's assassinated we're even more ****ed.
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
#9731 Posted: 22:56:48 20/01/2017
Quote: Alydol
Quote: CAV
Quote: TheToyNerd

That is what's called a joke my dear!

By that logic is Alydol's comment also a joke?

By that logic is your existence a joke?

Alydol, you are This close to pushing me over my limit.

Don't do that again.
looks like ive got some things to do...
Alydol Ripto Gems: 1330
#9732 Posted: 23:45:23 20/01/2017
Quote: parisruelz12
Quote: Alydol
Quote: CAV

By that logic is Alydol's comment also a joke?

By that logic is your existence a joke?

Alydol, you are This close to pushing me over my limit.

Don't do that again.

I was joking when I said "By that logic is your existence a joke?"
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
#9733 Posted: 23:46:10 20/01/2017
Quote: Alydol
Quote: parisruelz12
Quote: Alydol

By that logic is your existence a joke?

Alydol, you are This close to pushing me over my limit.

Don't do that again.

I was joking when I said "By that logic is your existence a joke?"

And some people take those kinds of jokes seriously.
looks like ive got some things to do...
Alydol Ripto Gems: 1330
#9734 Posted: 19:59:15 21/01/2017
I've been spending my day watching some Fuller House and after that going to watch an old Muppet Show episode. Then I'm going to go for a half hour walk. And that's it.
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
#9735 Posted: 21:06:45 21/01/2017
me last year: guys im not ready for geometry
school: lol ok *puts me in geometry*
school: ok ok *puts me geometry.*

god i hate this ****ing school sometimes
looks like ive got some things to do...
Samius Hunter Gems: 9530
#9736 Posted: 21:13:15 21/01/2017
Quote: parisruelz12
me last year: guys im not ready for geometry
school: lol ok *puts me in geometry*
school: ok ok *puts me geometry.*

god i hate this ****ing school sometimes

What's wrong with geometry?
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
#9737 Posted: 21:18:52 21/01/2017
Quote: Samius
Quote: parisruelz12
me last year: guys im not ready for geometry
school: lol ok *puts me in geometry*
school: ok ok *puts me geometry.*

god i hate this ****ing school sometimes

What's wrong with geometry?

nothing, i just wasn't prepared for it. i was in pre-algebra in the 10th grade(yes, im a moron, i know.) , and these people really find it necessary to bump me all the way to geometry, even though i clearly wasn't prepared for it.

surprise, surprise i only got a D in geo last year.
looks like ive got some things to do...
pankakesparx456 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7795
#9738 Posted: 00:33:00 22/01/2017
I watched Monsters Inc the other day and I feel so ashamed at myself because I actually expected the theme in the beginning to turn super distorted.

Monsters Inc memes have either ruined me or enlightened me and I don't know how to feel about that
Cool cool.
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#9739 Posted: 14:24:10 22/01/2017
So today I found the entire Shin Godzilla movie for free online with no downloads or anything.
Is that piracy?

Also, I just realized in the Lorax that the people of Thneedville straight up kill O'Hare because he has a different opinion then them. That's gotta be anarchy or something, right?
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 20:15:02 22/01/2017 by Samius
Project_Unnamed Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10825
#9740 Posted: 16:04:32 22/01/2017
First my knee, then my shoulder and then my back, next week at work will be interesting to say at least. Well, pain medication, exercise and stretching will take me to somewhere, I presume. Well there you are…

That was my random thought of the day. Carry on being random, people…
I might give you more opinions... for a small fee of course.
Samius Hunter Gems: 9530
#9741 Posted: 20:15:56 22/01/2017
Quote: Chompy-King257
So today I found the entire Shin Godzilla movie for free online with no downloads or anything
Is that piracy?

Also, I just realized in the Lorax that the people of Thneedville straight up kill O'Hare because he has a different opinion then them. That's gotta be anarchy or something, right?

Distributing copyrighted media is illegal without a license from the copyright holder. Talking about it is fine, but don't post links to sites.
gillgrunt987 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7887
#9742 Posted: 20:19:39 22/01/2017
[User Posted Image]
I can survive scalding hot coffee and being whipped for 24 hours a day. Digestive biscuits or riot.
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#9743 Posted: 21:32:35 22/01/2017
Quote: Samius
Quote: Chompy-King257
So today I found the entire Shin Godzilla movie for free online with no downloads or anything
Is that piracy?

Also, I just realized in the Lorax that the people of Thneedville straight up kill O'Hare because he has a different opinion then them. That's gotta be anarchy or something, right?

Distributing copyrighted media is illegal without a license from the copyright holder. Talking about it is fine, but don't post links to sites.

I see. Thank you.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
Alydol Ripto Gems: 1330
#9744 Posted: 21:46:54 22/01/2017
Only thing hated more than rats? Me, Alydol, the user who has never quit.
kardonis Platinum Sparx Gems: 6366
#9745 Posted: 22:31:43 22/01/2017
Quote: gillgrunt987
[User Posted Image]

Those better be gunlances, not lances.
I used to be THE Bowser, now I'm just an awkward girl
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