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Another purple dragon egg?
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#1 Posted: 08:46:06 14/11/2016 | Topic Creator
I posted this on another forum, thought I post this here too.

In Episode 1, when Eon was taking care of a baby Spyro, there is another purple dragon egg seen at the bottom. Could this a clue?

[User Posted Image]
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#2 Posted: 11:06:13 14/11/2016
HUH!? That's super interesting.
omer1698 Gold Sparx Gems: 2258
#3 Posted: 12:13:56 14/11/2016
" i am thou, thou art i"
AdamGregory03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
#4 Posted: 13:43:04 14/11/2016
Betting it's probably Cynder since she's confirmed for Season 2, which probably means siblings confirmed.
Golden Queen did nothing wrong and she is best evil waifu.
Check this out! Please?
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#5 Posted: 14:38:59 14/11/2016
Quote: AdamGregory03
Betting it's probably Cynder since she's confirmed for Season 2, which probably means siblings confirmed.

But there was no other egg on the same place as Spyro's one. Maybe Eon just found another one somewhere.
spyrocrash Platinum Sparx Gems: 5012
#6 Posted: 16:11:01 14/11/2016
Maybe Eon patched Spyro's egg back together with magic?
comm_shepard Green Sparx Gems: 327
#7 Posted: 16:22:39 14/11/2016
is that cynder, because she's will be in S02 ??
"Snapshot is Commander snephard!!, I mean, Commander Snepard " KomoWalker
Komo Walker For Skylanders 7
KingMed Gold Sparx Gems: 2456
#8 Posted: 17:51:12 14/11/2016
I don't want them to be siblings that's gross ... I want her to be his love interest and change him and show him how to care about others more than he cares about himself

Including Cynder would probably mean introducing malefore to the show ... I really want it to be like the comic Malefore somehow rembers fighting Spyro in another life but Spyro says that he haven't fought him . It would be cool if they included the elder dragons and say something like Spyro and Cynder were given another chance but there memories were erased
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:56:14 14/11/2016 by KingMed
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#9 Posted: 17:53:46 14/11/2016 | Topic Creator
Quote: KingMed
I don't want them to be siblings that's gross ... I want her to be his love interest and change him and show him how to care about others more than he cares about himself

Are you sure you watched the full season, King? Because Spyro has become less egotistical near the end of Season 1.

I wouldn't mind if Eric made Spyro and Cynder siblings in Academy. He made Golden Queen the girlfriend of Wolfgang.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
KingMed Gold Sparx Gems: 2456
#10 Posted: 17:58:10 14/11/2016
Quote: Aura24
Quote: KingMed
I don't want them to be siblings that's gross ... I want her to be his love interest and change him and show him how to care about others more than he cares about himself

Are you sure you watched the full season, King? Because Spyro has become less egotistical near the end of Season 1.

I wouldn't mind if Eric made Spyro and Cynder siblings in Academy. He made Golden Queen the girlfriend of Wolfgang.

I have watched it ... sorry aura I was probably caught up in my own fantasies lol
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:04:12 14/11/2016 by KingMed
omer1698 Gold Sparx Gems: 2258
#11 Posted: 18:40:31 14/11/2016
didnt eric said that spyro and cynder love will not happen?

i myself was calculated how will be spyro love intreast and i came to the conclusion that if he will have love intrest it will be whirlwind.
" i am thou, thou art i"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:42:20 14/11/2016 by omer1698
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#12 Posted: 22:25:16 14/11/2016 | Topic Creator
Quote: Crash10
Quote: AdamGregory03
Betting it's probably Cynder since she's confirmed for Season 2, which probably means siblings confirmed.

But there was no other egg on the same place as Spyro's one. Maybe Eon just found another one somewhere.

Adopted sister possibility? smilie
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#13 Posted: 22:58:22 14/11/2016
Maybe all purple dragons are relatives. Pft.

But wait, Cynder wasn't from the same species as Spyro, right? Hm... That's something to think about.
AdamGregory03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
#14 Posted: 23:06:58 14/11/2016
inb4 It means absolutely nothing and we're all overthinking this.
Golden Queen did nothing wrong and she is best evil waifu.
Check this out! Please?
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#15 Posted: 23:07:00 14/11/2016 | Topic Creator
No, Cynder is violet colored. While Spyro's backstory states that he's from a rare line of magical purple dragons.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#16 Posted: 23:27:48 14/11/2016
Yup. That's why it's odd if she came from the same type of egg as Spyro.

Maybe the writers can chance some of her things.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:28:15 14/11/2016 by Crash10
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#17 Posted: 22:43:06 15/11/2016
Maybe Eon takes up paper mache in his spare time? >.>
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
KeybasHedKey Ripto Gems: 1862
#18 Posted: 02:13:42 16/11/2016
I don´t think it´s Cynder. Because she isn´t a purple dragon and I don´t think they make her one in the show´s canon.
KingMed Gold Sparx Gems: 2456
#19 Posted: 17:41:37 16/11/2016
That can't be Cynder's egg because
1.she isn't in the academy with them.
2.we can't say that she still hasn't hatched from her egg...because she's supposed to be the same age as. Spyro.
3.the comics and her back story stated that she was under malefore's control and that she was manipulated by him...and Eric said that they won't change back stories too much.
4.I rember him saying that they are going to reference the legend of Spyro...probably in season 2 IDK.
5.refrencing old Spyro games mean....Cynder under malefore's control and I really want sparx and the elder dragons to be back.
omer1698 Gold Sparx Gems: 2258
#20 Posted: 17:45:23 16/11/2016
mabey they will mention melafor but i dont think they will bring spark or the elder dragon.
" i am thou, thou art i"
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10672
#21 Posted: 17:58:02 16/11/2016
1. You don't know. Several Skylanders are in the Book who have yet to appear in the show.
2. Flashback. He's a baby still.
3. Alternate canon.
4. ???? no he hasn't
5. Your opinion.

Unless the staff spills the beans we'll just have to wait,unless she shows up in the New Years' Eve special.
(What I need is never what I want)
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8739
#22 Posted: 18:00:43 16/11/2016
I just pray to God they don't have Spyro and Cynder get together....
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
omer1698 Gold Sparx Gems: 2258
#23 Posted: 19:14:56 16/11/2016
Quote: HeyitsHotDog
I just pray to God they don't have Spyro and Cynder get together....

i'm preety sure i heard that spyro and cynder is not goin happen.
i myself belive that if spyro will have a love intrest it will be whirlwind.
" i am thou, thou art i"
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#24 Posted: 19:36:11 16/11/2016
Quote: omer1698
Quote: HeyitsHotDog
I just pray to God they don't have Spyro and Cynder get together....

i'm preety sure i heard that spyro and cynder is not goin happen.
i myself belive that if spyro will have a love intrest it will be whirlwind.

How about no one have a ship in the show and we focus on a strong narrative and witty humor
omer1698 Gold Sparx Gems: 2258
#25 Posted: 19:38:07 16/11/2016
fine, wiht or wihtout shipping lets just be happy we are goin to see cynder in the secand season.
" i am thou, thou art i"
Kevin16 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4524
#26 Posted: 20:16:55 16/11/2016
What if this egg is just placed there due to an error and they forget to remove it? idk xD
what even is this site anymore lmao
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8739
#27 Posted: 20:17:58 16/11/2016
Quote: Kevin16
What if this egg is just placed there due to an error and they forget to remove it? idk xD

TBH I think this might be it >.<;
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
AdamGregory03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
#28 Posted: 20:18:02 16/11/2016
Leave shipping to the fanbases, I always say.
Golden Queen did nothing wrong and she is best evil waifu.
Check this out! Please?
KeybasHedKey Ripto Gems: 1862
#29 Posted: 20:28:43 16/11/2016
Cynder is a Violet Dragon, not the Rare Purple Dragon. It´s unknown how she looked before she was corrupted by Malefor. But what if there´s two Purple dragons, they would go with a new character. That would be cool to see another Purple Dragon besides Spyro and Malefor.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:41:10 16/11/2016 by KeybasHedKey
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