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Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#7801 Posted: 17:34:20 04/08/2016
You know that there's something happening when almost everyone at your school is playing Pokémon Go and even the teachers know what the game is about.

Sadly I can't enter on the trend...
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10672
#7802 Posted: 17:50:17 04/08/2016
I just accepted it when I first saw the finished product and was like "these graphics, so not compatible with my phone? No battling other than Gyms?" and knew I could just get a main series game that has several times the content.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:50:32 04/08/2016 by Bifrost
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#7803 Posted: 17:58:46 04/08/2016
It's funny how Pokémon everywhere now. I even saw a freaking motel advertisement making a sex joke with Pikachu. I could show it but the joke only works in Portuguese.

I bet it's becoming bigger than in the 1990's. Nintendo has the best opportunity ever to advertise Sun & Moon.
huge dotd freak Emerald Sparx Gems: 3354
#7804 Posted: 17:59:02 04/08/2016
So I'm at my neurologist and I'm in the waiting room by these old people and the dude points at me, and whispers to his wife " She looks ridiculous, someone ought to shoot her". And He keeps looking up drom his magazine and giving me glances
Do you not like my mouth words?
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10672
#7805 Posted: 18:04:28 04/08/2016
Well you could just tell them that an indirect threat is still a threat, because they're asking for someone to do harm upon you.

Well, Pokémon Go restarted pokémania and probably will undo it as soon as they introduce more gens and get "too complicated', even if swiping your thumb every time you see a weird animal is the simplest the games can get
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:05:26 04/08/2016 by Bifrost
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#7806 Posted: 18:07:55 04/08/2016
I actually see that Nintendo can push activity in the game again if from time to time (like some months), they release a new generation.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#7807 Posted: 00:05:40 05/08/2016
Quote: Bifrost
Well, Pokémon Go restarted pokémania and probably will undo it as soon as they introduce more gens and get "too complicated', even if swiping your thumb every time you see a weird animal is the simplest the games can get

I'm not so sure. The prospect of having more pokemon to collect without the hassle of other things in the games may keep the game alive for a decent time.

I would certainly be playing more if it wasn't just Gen I. I would also be playing more if it was my own phone rather than a phone I was lent to play it.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10672
#7808 Posted: 00:16:02 05/08/2016
I know that the fans probably want more gens and more stuff, I would if I liked the game; but the people who are making it big are the genwunners who can't agree on the existence of over 151 pogeymans. Some people straight up said the novelty will wear off once they introduce Gen II so they'll stop playing. Maybe a good chunk will give the next gens a second chance and stay, but there are the dumber people out there.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 00:16:59 05/08/2016 by Bifrost
Thunderdragon14 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8322
#7809 Posted: 01:58:18 05/08/2016
windows xp mode is a joke
Quote: Alydol
go back to whining about your fish
undeadmaster Gold Sparx Gems: 2126
#7810 Posted: 02:40:20 05/08/2016
Error: Your post is too short. It must contain at least 5 characters.
I probably won't be back for like a year.
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#7811 Posted: 03:07:48 05/08/2016
I hate most adult animation. There are a few good shows like Rick & Morty, Archer and BoJack Horseman but the rest is all garbage. No substance OR style! Just bad animation and crude "humor" (which is just an excuse to swear and make tons of dumb sex/poop jokes). Everyone's trying to be South Park and Family Guy without realizing what makes those shows work (or not work in the case of FG). Here's a thought, why don't you put goddamn EFFORT into your animation?! I swear to god if I see one more adult cartoon with crappy doodles for their art style I will throw a puppy off a river! I mean... is it really that hard to get a decent artstyle going? If I wanted to see a toddler's scribbles, I would go back to the daycare I volunteer at.

Violence, Sex and Potty Humor do not a great show make! Decent Writing, Voice Acting and Animation makes a good cartoon no matter the target audience.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#7812 Posted: 03:12:55 05/08/2016
Quote: TheToyNerd
I hate most adult animation. There are a few good shows like Rick & Morty, Archer and BoJack Horseman but the rest is all garbage. No substance OR style! Just bad animation and crude "humor" (which is just an excuse to swear and make tons of dumb sex/poop jokes). Everyone's trying to be South Park and Family Guy without realizing what makes those shows work (or not work in the case of FG). Here's a thought, why don't you put goddamn EFFORT into your animation?! I swear to god if I see one more adult cartoon with crappy doodles for their art style I will throw a puppy off a river! I mean... is it really that hard to get a decent artstyle going? If I wanted to see a toddler's scribbles, I would go back to the daycare I volunteer at.

Violence, Sex and Potty Humor do not a great show make! Decent Writing, Voice Acting and Animation makes a good cartoon no matter the target audience.

To add to this, ever notice that the vast majority of western adult animated films are raunchy crass humor that tries really hard to prove that it's not for kids? This has been a thing since before Sausage Party (which to be fair, I understand why it's doing it after hearing all the stories of parents taking their kids to see Deadpool).

Other than 9, I can't think of any animated movies rated PG-13 or R that just told a story straight out, rather than be a comedy.
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#7813 Posted: 03:16:13 05/08/2016
Quote: CAV
Quote: TheToyNerd
I hate most adult animation. There are a few good shows like Rick & Morty, Archer and BoJack Horseman but the rest is all garbage. No substance OR style! Just bad animation and crude "humor" (which is just an excuse to swear and make tons of dumb sex/poop jokes). Everyone's trying to be South Park and Family Guy without realizing what makes those shows work (or not work in the case of FG). Here's a thought, why don't you put goddamn EFFORT into your animation?! I swear to god if I see one more adult cartoon with crappy doodles for their art style I will throw a puppy off a river! I mean... is it really that hard to get a decent artstyle going? If I wanted to see a toddler's scribbles, I would go back to the daycare I volunteer at.

Violence, Sex and Potty Humor do not a great show make! Decent Writing, Voice Acting and Animation makes a good cartoon no matter the target audience.

To add to this, ever notice that the vast majority of western adult animated films are raunchy crass humor that tries really hard to prove that it's not for kids? This has been a thing since before Sausage Party (which to be fair, I understand why it's doing it after hearing all the stories of parents taking their kids to see Deadpool).

Other than 9, I can't think of any animated movies rated PG-13 or R that just told a story straight out, rather than be a comedy.

Bryman04 Gold Sparx Gems: 2116
#7814 Posted: 03:21:33 05/08/2016
Quote: TheToyNerd
I hate most adult animation. There are a few good shows like Rick & Morty, Archer and BoJack Horseman but the rest is all garbage. No substance OR style! Just bad animation and crude "humor" (which is just an excuse to swear and make tons of dumb sex/poop jokes). Everyone's trying to be South Park and Family Guy without realizing what makes those shows work (or not work in the case of FG). Here's a thought, why don't you put goddamn EFFORT into your animation?! I swear to god if I see one more adult cartoon with crappy doodles for their art style I will throw a puppy off a river! I mean... is it really that hard to get a decent artstyle going? If I wanted to see a toddler's scribbles, I would go back to the daycare I volunteer at.

Violence, Sex and Potty Humor do not a great show make! Decent Writing, Voice Acting and Animation makes a good cartoon no matter the target audience.

Quote: CAV
Quote: TheToyNerd
I hate most adult animation. There are a few good shows like Rick & Morty, Archer and BoJack Horseman but the rest is all garbage. No substance OR style! Just bad animation and crude "humor" (which is just an excuse to swear and make tons of dumb sex/poop jokes). Everyone's trying to be South Park and Family Guy without realizing what makes those shows work (or not work in the case of FG). Here's a thought, why don't you put goddamn EFFORT into your animation?! I swear to god if I see one more adult cartoon with crappy doodles for their art style I will throw a puppy off a river! I mean... is it really that hard to get a decent artstyle going? If I wanted to see a toddler's scribbles, I would go back to the daycare I volunteer at.

Violence, Sex and Potty Humor do not a great show make! Decent Writing, Voice Acting and Animation makes a good cartoon no matter the target audience.

To add to this, ever notice that the vast majority of western adult animated films are raunchy crass humor that tries really hard to prove that it's not for kids? This has been a thing since before Sausage Party (which to be fair, I understand why it's doing it after hearing all the stories of parents taking their kids to see Deadpool).

Other than 9, I can't think of any animated movies rated PG-13 or R that just told a story straight out, rather than be a comedy.

Quote: TheToyNerd
Quote: CAV
Quote: TheToyNerd
I hate most adult animation. There are a few good shows like Rick & Morty, Archer and BoJack Horseman but the rest is all garbage. No substance OR style! Just bad animation and crude "humor" (which is just an excuse to swear and make tons of dumb sex/poop jokes). Everyone's trying to be South Park and Family Guy without realizing what makes those shows work (or not work in the case of FG). Here's a thought, why don't you put goddamn EFFORT into your animation?! I swear to god if I see one more adult cartoon with crappy doodles for their art style I will throw a puppy off a river! I mean... is it really that hard to get a decent artstyle going? If I wanted to see a toddler's scribbles, I would go back to the daycare I volunteer at.

Violence, Sex and Potty Humor do not a great show make! Decent Writing, Voice Acting and Animation makes a good cartoon no matter the target audience.

To add to this, ever notice that the vast majority of western adult animated films are raunchy crass humor that tries really hard to prove that it's not for kids? This has been a thing since before Sausage Party (which to be fair, I understand why it's doing it after hearing all the stories of parents taking their kids to see Deadpool).

Other than 9, I can't think of any animated movies rated PG-13 or R that just told a story straight out, rather than be a comedy.


I agree with all of the above.

I mean look at Brad Neely's Harg Nallin' Sclopio Peepio, all I see are crude doodles with no substance.

I mean, I have seen good Adult Animation with good substance, it's just so hard to come by.
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#7815 Posted: 03:28:47 05/08/2016
I don't mind a show being crass or crude at all. In fact, I love South Park! It's a good example of the greatness that adult animation can achieve. I'm just sick of all its knockoffs that use their crappy art skills as a crutch (Ex. Squidbillies, Mr. Pickles, 12 Oz Mouse, etc.)! I'm so glad Rick and Morty is so popular right now. It's a refreshing show that deserves all the praise and attention it's getting.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#7816 Posted: 03:33:37 05/08/2016
i want to hug dragonite
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#7817 Posted: 03:34:54 05/08/2016
Quote: ZapNorris
i want to hug dragonite

Here ya go!
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#7818 Posted: 03:36:48 05/08/2016
Quote: TheToyNerd
Quote: ZapNorris
i want to hug dragonite

Here ya go!

CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#7819 Posted: 04:03:51 05/08/2016
None of that is to say that films like that are all entirely bad (or that Sausage Party will be bad). It just seems odd that outside of the rare anime film there's very little serious animated drama films.
mega spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3957
#7820 Posted: 05:33:32 05/08/2016
[User Posted Image]

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Wreckingball13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#7821 Posted: 11:43:56 05/08/2016
Wew lad Suicide Squad was terrible
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#7822 Posted: 23:08:22 05/08/2016
Watching the opening ceremony of the Olympics because yes. Anyone else?
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10672
#7823 Posted: 23:57:04 05/08/2016
Quote: Crash10
Watching the opening ceremony of the Olympics because yes. Anyone else?

If you mean "bored to death by people who can't speak english properly" then yes.
The start was nice then they just decided to get really childish.
Also who let Regina Casé talk for the love of god that speech was even more childish
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 23:57:51 05/08/2016 by Bifrost
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#7824 Posted: 00:03:41 06/08/2016
Quote: Bifrost
Quote: Crash10
Watching the opening ceremony of the Olympics because yes. Anyone else?

If you mean "bored to death by people who can't speak english properly" then yes.
The start was nice then they just decided to get really childish.
Also who let Regina Casé talk for the love of god that speech was even more childish

Oh, her speech and the funk out of nothing was very funny.

For sure there will be memes. She will become a world meme.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10672
#7825 Posted: 00:04:28 06/08/2016
Not as much as people spelling Earth as Eerf in the enviroment speeches.
(What I need is never what I want)
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#7826 Posted: 00:17:24 06/08/2016
Why the French girl speaking the countries' names is fun?
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#7827 Posted: 00:19:58 06/08/2016
NBC not only runs the ceremony on delay (we're just at the rain forest part), and not only talks over parts of it like we're morons, but they even went into a commercial break right after the countdown and first fireworks.

Four years ago they got into deep **** because of this kind of crap and they still haven't learned. And worst of all they region lock the whole thing so I can't look at BBC streams or anything without a proxy.

EDIT: Just went to commercial during the rain forest. I hate this company.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 00:26:08 06/08/2016 by CAV
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#7828 Posted: 00:31:11 06/08/2016
Eh, that's bad.

And oh my gosh some countries have beautiful people.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10672
#7829 Posted: 00:32:52 06/08/2016
Oh don't worry our commentary is also ****. Never had the feeling to restart the Cala Boca Galvao meme again like him describing EVERYTHING that's happening, then proceeding to straight up spoil what's going to happen several minutes before the fact (and being like "omg this is the best part guise" like a 10 year old). Was quite surprised to switch to a lesser quality channel and seeing the commentary be actual trivia about the current thing.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:33:30 06/08/2016 by Bifrost
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#7830 Posted: 00:37:19 06/08/2016
I watch it on Fox Sports.

And WE BLESSED AMERICA. They came with a whole army.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:39:07 06/08/2016 by Crash10
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#7831 Posted: 01:50:08 06/08/2016
That time you see a flame at your kitchen...

No really, it really happened to me just now. I house was almost burned. Fortunately it was solved fast.

Tough it's a bit hard to breath after the big amount of black smoke and the kitchen is all black because of that.

Just throwing this because it's comic.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:26:06 06/08/2016 by Crash10
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#7832 Posted: 01:55:54 06/08/2016
Quote: Bifrost
Oh don't worry our commentary is also ****. Never had the feeling to restart the Cala Boca Galvao meme again like him describing EVERYTHING that's happening, then proceeding to straight up spoil what's going to happen several minutes before the fact (and being like "omg this is the best part guise" like a 10 year old). Was quite surprised to switch to a lesser quality channel and seeing the commentary be actual trivia about the current thing.

At least you have that option. In the US NBC is the lone provider because they paid $2 billion for the exclusive rights going as far as 2020 if not further.

The only way to see coverage from someone else is to use a proxy.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10672
#7833 Posted: 02:00:57 06/08/2016
Remember when the olympic rings were formed by weed

Oh yeah, we have that for events not on our country. Though there's the usual Record vs Globo network spat and the former actually has Winter Olympics rights, and it's pretty hilarious to see them handle it a dozen times better(though probably because it's easier). Not that I like Record,but compliments where they deserve.
(What I need is never what I want)
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#7834 Posted: 02:35:32 06/08/2016
Only on the Internet can you find something as mind boggling as a Transphobic Lesbian! Ahhhh, I love this site.
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4790
#7835 Posted: 02:36:24 06/08/2016
Quote: TheToyNerd
Only on the Internet can you find something as mind boggling as a Transphobic Lesbian! Ahhhh, I love this site.

This site is pretty amazing, but it consumes your soul.
Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
#7836 Posted: 02:42:01 06/08/2016
Quote: TheToyNerd
Only on the Internet can you find something as mind boggling as a Transphobic Lesbian! Ahhhh, I love this site.

Please only keep it to the topic it's in. We don't need drama everywhere else.

looks like ive got some things to do...
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#7837 Posted: 02:43:04 06/08/2016
Quote: parisruelz12
Quote: TheToyNerd
Only on the Internet can you find something as mind boggling as a Transphobic Lesbian! Ahhhh, I love this site.

Please only keep it to the topic it's in. We don't need drama everywhere else.


Sorry! Don't mean to cause any trouble.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10672
#7838 Posted: 02:58:33 06/08/2016
Alright, it was worth it just to see the athelete that would light the pyre. I don't really care about the Olympics,but the first one I watched was the one with that marathon incident that almost ruined his career; it makes me feel old that only now he's getting what he deserves but kinda happy too.
(What I need is never what I want)
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#7839 Posted: 17:20:10 06/08/2016

Copy-paste the Bee Movie script into this, put the voice at Will (old man) and turn the speech rate and voice shaping at the lowest setting. Then hit play and turn the volume on your computer all the way up. You'll thank me later.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:51:00 06/08/2016 by Chompy-King257
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#7840 Posted: 19:26:34 06/08/2016
i almost bought 3 copies of bee movie at target
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3728
#7841 Posted: 22:18:00 06/08/2016
MagicFizz is very bored and this is his last weekend before hell.

Please help MagicFizz.
My life is complete.
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3728
#7842 Posted: 00:09:40 07/08/2016
I just called my grandmother a meme and she was so happy
My life is complete.
Thunderdragon14 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8322
#7843 Posted: 00:20:19 07/08/2016
Quote: MagicFizz
I just called my grandmother a meme and she was so happy

i wish i was called a meme
Quote: Alydol
go back to whining about your fish
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10672
#7844 Posted: 00:33:03 07/08/2016
First time watching Vinny's streams live that's not a special case where I need to be up at like 2 in the morning. I need to stop pausing it to do other stuff it's so hard to remember it's live for once.
(What I need is never what I want)
Bryman04 Gold Sparx Gems: 2116
#7845 Posted: 02:14:32 07/08/2016
Is it strange how I think Birdo Studio (creator of Rio Olympics 2016 Mascot) could make Cartoon Network Cartoons?

Look at the front page!

I dunno, just thought it was interesting....

EDIT: What do you know?

Edited 2 times - Last edited at 02:37:34 07/08/2016 by Bryman04
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#7846 Posted: 03:03:13 07/08/2016
it's the nut shack
Wreckingball13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#7847 Posted: 03:32:19 07/08/2016
Just saw the Lumineers in concert and they were good.
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#7848 Posted: 04:09:12 07/08/2016
Uh, mega spyro, sorry, but I think you meant to post that in Personal Thoughts. ^ ^;
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
mega spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3957
#7849 Posted: 04:14:26 07/08/2016
Yes I did, but this site sucks so hard o my iPad I can't even get onto the right page.
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