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Where is 'Regular' Thrillipede?!!
lordexodus Gold Sparx Gems: 2508
#1 Posted: 21:14:08 08/06/2016 | Topic Creator
The Topic Title says it all!

Is he even released in U.S. stores yet?!
Need accurate & evident release info on Skylanders Imaginators...
BoneGrunt Green Sparx Gems: 447
#2 Posted: 21:43:22 08/06/2016
Supposedly, yes. I don't know if he just hasn't reached stores yet, but I just hope he actually gets released...
fairyland Emerald Sparx Gems: 3800
#3 Posted: 21:46:13 08/06/2016
Your best bet is to buy one off ebay for about double the price. It's not likely to get a restock at any store or any online retailer. It will probably jump up to mythic prices like the rare late releases from Trap Team. Pretty much it's doing exactly what I had expected. There are lots of scalpers out there that buys up late release toys to flip like this. His vehicle is likely to do the same thing as well.
Stay Cool!
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#4 Posted: 23:00:33 08/06/2016
It was all a dream. You took the blue pill.
GamerZack7 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1709
#5 Posted: 00:24:06 09/06/2016
smilie wasn't even released here in the first place (well, except for his Easter Buggy version), meaning that eBay is pretty much my only option (or would've been if I hadn't picked up Eggcited). Still, I knew he'd be the hardest one to find in retail anywhere in the world. smilie
smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie | *smilie* | smiliesmilie*smilie*smiliesmilie | smilie | smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
*Currently absent*
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#6 Posted: 00:34:35 09/06/2016
In all seriousness.

seeing as he's sold out on TRU's website, and appears to have not hit the US at all..

I.. i hate to say this....


yawn traps 2.0 confirmed?

*coughs up blood*
4inCreation Gold Sparx Gems: 2989
#7 Posted: 00:38:11 09/06/2016
Did they remove Thrillipede from TRU's website?

Also, the ebay listings for $29 are not double the price. It would cost about $21 to order Thrills from TRU right now if they had any.
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 16:02:03 18/07/2016 by 4inCreation
Street50 Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#8 Posted: 00:56:24 09/06/2016
I got him from toysrus but i guess i should start checking to see if they still have anymore.

Walmart and the gamestops hasn't been getting anything new since the release that came with Roller Brawl and by the looks of things won't see any change with them until imaginators.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:57:24 09/06/2016 by Street50
SoulfulWolf Platinum Sparx Gems: 6320
#9 Posted: 00:58:37 09/06/2016
Quote: 4inCreation
Did they remove Thrillipede from TRU's website?

I think I smell GM78 approaching...

Also, the ebay listings for $29 are not double the price. It would cost about $21 to order Thrills from TRU right now if they had any.

They did remove Regular Thrillipede from TRU's website. He was up there from Pre-Order up until June 7th. Taken down after being out of stock a few days June 8th. I know as I was stalking the page in hopes of buying him through restock.
4inCreation Gold Sparx Gems: 2989
#10 Posted: 01:19:15 09/06/2016
Quote: SoulfulWolf
Quote: 4inCreation
Did they remove Thrillipede from TRU's website?

I think I smell GM78 approaching...

Also, the ebay listings for $29 are not double the price. It would cost about $21 to order Thrills from TRU right now if they had any.

They did remove Regular Thrillipede from TRU's website. He was up there from Pre-Order up until June 7th. Taken down after being out of stock a few days June 8th. I know as I was stalking the page in hopes of buying him through restock.

I wonder if TRU had some crazy early release deal...
Wishblade Emerald Sparx Gems: 3262
#11 Posted: 01:19:58 09/06/2016
Really? I've been checking sites and all I've seen it's the eggcited one.
Any last wishes?
4inCreation Gold Sparx Gems: 2989
#12 Posted: 01:24:19 09/06/2016
Here's the link I have in my history:
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 01:26:41 09/06/2016 by 4inCreation
KiDFass65 Gold Sparx Gems: 2922
#13 Posted: 01:52:00 09/06/2016
Not only is this frustrating, it's downright poor business. What would drive anyone to invest in something you are not able to purchase all the pieces? buy a chess set, oh, I'm sorry, you can't buy the Queen piece - and it's still price. Really?!? Way to keep loyalty.
SlayerX11 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3488
#14 Posted: 04:43:45 09/06/2016
I thought somewhere it was said TRU was getting him first and other places in June? Or did i dream that up?
Tigorus Emerald Sparx Gems: 3589
#15 Posted: 05:54:53 09/06/2016
Yeah this is kind of a mystery. Gamestop doesn't even have him in their database (the regular version). It's kind of bizarre that they would release him like this. If T.R.U. got him as an exclusive first they should have ensured stock to provide said exclusive....seems dumb.
Tamez Blue Sparx Gems: 901
#16 Posted: 06:10:46 09/06/2016
At first I was annoyed by this too, because I wanted all drivers to match their car's paint jobs .
But the Easter version reminds me of cascarones, and I got him really cheap, so I've come to terms with it.
My favorite Skylanders from each game: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
ChillStealthElf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1864
#17 Posted: 07:17:38 09/06/2016
I've never been a fan of variants ( with a few exceptions like the Famicom ROB amiibo, which I actually prefer over the NES ROB ), so it does bug me that I haven't seen hide nor hair of Thrillipede or Buzz Wing ( tbh, I haven't even seen Eggcited Thrilipede. Don't WANT that version, but just thought I'd mention it ). Oddly, my Wal-Mart is the only store I have access to that got the sky & land racing packs smilie
Luluque Red Sparx Gems: 87
#18 Posted: 13:49:32 09/06/2016
He was pretty rare here @ Canada.
A friend of mine found 2 copies and bought me one. Lucky me !
I already had the easter one, but, I wanted the original.
“I think I've discovered the secret of life -- you just hang around until you get used to it.”
― Charles M. Schulz
fairyland Emerald Sparx Gems: 3800
#19 Posted: 14:01:33 09/06/2016
Quote: 4inCreation
Also, the ebay listings for $29 are not double the price. It would cost about $21 to order Thrills from TRU right now if they had any.

Technically speaking, I said "about double" and the MSRP is what people typically use as the number in matters such as this. TRU's $13.99 for example times two is about the current eBay price for this right now. Personally I would not doubt it going up to $50 by this time next month if there are no further releases to any stores. That's why $30ish right now is very fair as you probably won't find one for any cheaper.

I think he'll end up on the mythic level and will be much higher than an Echo or a Scratch NIP. Could end up being around the Spotlight and Blackout NIP level, but I feel closer to the current Dark and Light Element Expansion Pack NIP price levels are more realistic. He's released so late that no one even cares and it's doubtful many were made or shipped. Yet I sense he'll be in good demand by enough people that forgot to get one which will raise his price pretty high. His vehicle probably will end up at about half his price as I saw a lot of those at my TRU and it doesn't seem that popular.

Of course a random batch of a few hundred figures per store could ruin what I said, but it's not very likely he'll end up like that and investment wise he's a pretty safe bet if you can find one for under $30. A certain buy if you were to able find one on the shelf on the next couple weeks at Gamestop. Gamestop is the only other seller likely to get one (and they will probably only get one or two per location), as Target/Best Buy/Walmart isn't very likely at all to get any at their B&M retail locations at this late date.

Just saying as a toy dealer of some 25 years experience here. I know that the situation sucks and all that, but that's how these things are. They really shouldn't have pushed him off into a late wave like this. In fact as there were so few figures this year, they should have only had 3 or 4 waves. I really question their reasoning as to why they done a wave for basically one figure and his vehicle, as it doesn't make any sense to me.

That reminds me, we never did get a single release Stealth Elf as promised, did we? I was expecting one to go with the Thrillipede release for my NIP waifu collection. She'd be in a similar short supply situation because no one would really want one, other than the hardcore collectors and she's end up being a little pricey as well, like a normal packaged Punk Shock (vs. a non-Easter one).
Stay Cool!
CountMoneyBone Platinum Sparx Gems: 5173
#20 Posted: 15:20:38 09/06/2016
there was only 20 figures to buy this year, and if this is what happening. the trap team traps was just the beginning... i fear it might get worse with the imaginators that have over 40 items to buy.
Ha! HA, sage ich.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:21:01 09/06/2016 by CountMoneyBone
4inCreation Gold Sparx Gems: 2989
#21 Posted: 16:00:43 09/06/2016
Quote: fairyland
Quote: 4inCreation
Also, the ebay listings for $29 are not double the price. It would cost about $21 to order Thrills from TRU right now if they had any.

Technically speaking, I said "about double" and the MSRP is what people typically use as the number in matters such as this. TRU's $13.99 for example times two is about the current eBay price for this right now. Personally I would not doubt it going up to $50 by this time next month if there are no further releases to any stores. That's why $30ish right now is very fair as you probably won't find one for any cheaper.

That reminds me, we never did get a single release Stealth Elf as promised, did we? I was expecting one to go with the Thrillipede release for my NIP waifu collection. She'd be in a similar short supply situation because no one would really want one, other than the hardcore collectors and she's end up being a little pricey as well, like a normal packaged Punk Shock (vs. a non-Easter one).

I was just referring to the minimum price everyone had to pay to order from TRU, since he hasn't really hit the shelf yet.

The only image I saw for a Stealth Elf single was for "Sure Shot Stealth Elf" and the artwork on the package was reversed to go with the quick photoshop job. I think it might have been marketing speculation.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 16:09:18 09/06/2016 by 4inCreation
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#22 Posted: 23:42:45 09/06/2016
Quoting my thoughts from another topic:

Quote: Chompy-King257
I would just order the dang thing on the TRU website - that is, if it was there. It's not on Amazon, either. I'm calling my Toys R Us everyday. If he's not out by July, I'm ordering from online.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
Street50 Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#23 Posted: 13:21:22 16/06/2016
I did get him at toysrus and all but it's pretty bad for the parents and worse then the traps situation because I know Thrillipede was actually probably the most wanted supercharger. But unlike every other character nobody could just walk into any store and buy him.
But i feel with the traps you didn't need to buy a different style for it to work for it's purpose.
TFB need to rethink now how they can put the waves out better so something like Thrillapede and the Yawn Traps don't happen again.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 13:34:36 16/06/2016 by Street50
agkoolaid Yellow Sparx Gems: 1006
#24 Posted: 20:23:35 16/06/2016
Nothing to worry about yet. Remember Lightcore Hex? When did people pick that one up?
Darksteelforge Blue Sparx Gems: 692
#25 Posted: 20:22:11 17/06/2016
Thrillipede normal is now available is in toy stores in the Netherlands.
276 Skylanders. 6630 Heroic Challenges completed. So Cali now you have seen every different skylander complete all heroic challenges.
OimakKamio Yellow Sparx Gems: 1643
#26 Posted: 15:14:33 18/06/2016
I can't find Thrillipede or Buzz Wing the last 2 I need besides chase Variants
Lioned33 PS4
BoneGrunt Green Sparx Gems: 447
#27 Posted: 01:50:50 19/06/2016
Still no sighting of him (or Buzz Wing) in my area.
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#28 Posted: 02:49:09 19/06/2016
Question for those in the UK: Is Thrillipede out in stores yet?
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
yelvy Gold Sparx Gems: 2450
#29 Posted: 09:08:59 19/06/2016
Haven't seen him, no.
ExcitonKnight Gold Sparx Gems: 2870
#30 Posted: 14:13:22 19/06/2016
I think I saw him at one point at a TRU a few weeks back, but either way, I know for a fact I saw Buzz Wing at that same point in time.
Merry Christmas ya filthy animal
trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#31 Posted: 14:40:49 19/06/2016
He is hanging on my wall all 4 of them I bought from Amazon.UK.... So I found mine good luck to everyone else. Cheers
TheBladesFan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1485
#32 Posted: 21:50:30 19/06/2016
Easy to find in the UK. I see them everywhere. I feel sorry for you guys, as you have to feel the pain we've felt many times before.
Skylander Count: SSA 52/54 SG 61/66 SSF ??/?? STT ??/?? SSC 51/65 SI 6/??
skylandsfan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5657
#33 Posted: 23:16:30 19/06/2016
Just in case...
[User Posted Image]
My life will not be complete until I own Sun Dragon
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#34 Posted: 03:11:22 20/06/2016
Quote: skylandsfan
Just in case...
[User Posted Image]

bugs and yawns in heaven.

almost sounds like a mother song.
trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#35 Posted: 03:10:13 21/06/2016
I found him online From Amazon UK see below.
[User Posted Image]
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#36 Posted: 03:49:45 21/06/2016
gonna order one on friday
GamerZack7 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1709
#37 Posted: 04:34:01 21/06/2016
Quote: trixster68
I found him online From Amazon UK see below.

Whoa, so there are Thrillipede out in the wild...sweet! However, it'd be unwise of me to order one from Amazon UK for a number of reasons, so I'll make do with my Bug Bunny Thrillipede.
smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie | *smilie* | smiliesmilie*smilie*smiliesmilie | smilie | smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
*Currently absent*
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#38 Posted: 19:55:24 24/06/2016
Bionichute Yellow Sparx Gems: 1889
#39 Posted: 01:33:23 25/06/2016
Guess I'm just gonna have to get the ugly ass Easter version in order to complete my Superchargers collection.
// Check out my Skylanders game idea!
SlayerX11 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3488
#40 Posted: 03:24:08 25/06/2016
Well i waited like a dummy, even thou i knew this would happen. Abt $53 for two from uk ugh.
trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#41 Posted: 04:03:16 25/06/2016
Quote: SlayerX11
Well i waited like a dummy, even thou i knew this would happen. Abt $53 for two from uk ugh.

I hope you bought them. I just checked and they are sold out. Here we go again Yawn trap any one?
TrapShadowFan Emerald Sparx Gems: 3511
#42 Posted: 04:06:42 25/06/2016
Thrillipede is the child of Doom Stone and the Life Yawn Trap; he was abundant like smilie at first (albeit online), but has almost disappeared off the face of the earth now.
Insane01 Gold Sparx Gems: 2038
#43 Posted: 04:22:50 25/06/2016
I ordered one from EBay for $28.
This is the second strike against Activision. First, they drop the ball by not releasing the Yawn traps in the US. Now, the "Thrillipede Incident".
I'm already bummed Disney pulled the plug for Infinity, especially with some of the stuff that has been leaked, such as concept 3d image for the Doctor Strange figure and, just recently revealed, a concept 3D image for a Spider-Gwen figure. Yes, that's right. Google or Bing it.
" Am I the mad one or are you?"
then, again, "we're all mad here
TrapShadowFan Emerald Sparx Gems: 3511
#44 Posted: 04:26:16 25/06/2016
I bet this year my favorite character is gonna be a late release again. This time I'll just have to say "Darn, guess I'm not getting that one" smilie

At least I got lucky with Thrillipede this year, but I don't know if I'll get that lucky next year...
Bionichute Yellow Sparx Gems: 1889
#45 Posted: 20:56:57 25/06/2016
Unlike Yawn Traps, though, Thrillipede as a character is still mostly available, even if it is a gross color.
// Check out my Skylanders game idea!
SlayerX11 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3488
#46 Posted: 01:21:35 05/07/2016
Quote: trixster68
Quote: SlayerX11
Well i waited like a dummy, even thou i knew this would happen. Abt $53 for two from uk ugh.

I hope you bought them. I just checked and they are sold out. Here we go again Yawn trap any one?

Put in, but says backordered. Im not holding my breath. Yawn traps is what sort of killed me collecting a sealed set. I had a sealed/boxed of everything up till last year.
trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#47 Posted: 01:25:31 05/07/2016
Well mine is in a box passing customs and it should be here in a few days. Thanks Amazon.UK
PortalMasterJ Gold Sparx Gems: 2528
#48 Posted: 19:55:11 06/07/2016
So should I get the thrillipede and buzzwing on eBay for 56.95, or should I wait a little while longer?
It's time for adventures of the Skylanders!
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#49 Posted: 19:57:07 06/07/2016
Getting Thrillipede from ebay today.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
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