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Windumup Emerald Sparx Gems: 3217
#6101 Posted: 02:22:12 27/03/2016
Quote: Seiki
Quote: Windumup
Quote: parisruelz12

Why do you need a girlfriend so badly? Not getting on you, legit curious.

I'm not about that single life smilie I would rather have a head on my shoulder and not watch movies/tv shows/anime alone.

A word of advice. Don't try so hard to seek one out. It is only likely to lead to unstable relationships that last but a moment. Take time, let things happen naturally to find someone you are truly compatible with. Someone who you may truly fall in love and have a life with.

I understand not wanting to be alone, trust me, I do. I'm an only child who's dad was always more interested in what on TV than in me and who's mother was always either at work or asleep. Friends didn't invite me over to their houses, so any time outside of school was spent alone in my room. It sucked, but of course I found ways to ignore the loneliness and not let it get to me. But constantly trying to actively seek someone out to avoid it isn't going to help and may lead to finding the wrong kind of people in an act of desperation. I didn't have my first relationship until I was 19, and that wasn't even intentional, more a happy accident. Even then, I still have yet to meet him face to face and still spend a lot of time alone in my room when I'm not at school.

If you're so worried about being alone, then find ways to distract yourself. Let a relationship come naturally when the time is right and when you meet the right person.


And in my experience I have to ALWAYS be the one who asks first, I never had a girlfriend where I am the one being asked out (ok ONE girl asked me, but I had less then zero feelings for her. She was not my type at all, and not even cute).
If there is a girl out there looking for me, she hasn't met me or is too nervous to ask.
Ugh I wish my body wasn't a mess
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
#6102 Posted: 02:24:05 27/03/2016
Quote: Windumup
Quote: Seiki
Quote: Windumup

I'm not about that single life smilie I would rather have a head on my shoulder and not watch movies/tv shows/anime alone.

A word of advice. Don't try so hard to seek one out. It is only likely to lead to unstable relationships that last but a moment. Take time, let things happen naturally to find someone you are truly compatible with. Someone who you may truly fall in love and have a life with.

I understand not wanting to be alone, trust me, I do. I'm an only child who's dad was always more interested in what on TV than in me and who's mother was always either at work or asleep. Friends didn't invite me over to their houses, so any time outside of school was spent alone in my room. It sucked, but of course I found ways to ignore the loneliness and not let it get to me. But constantly trying to actively seek someone out to avoid it isn't going to help and may lead to finding the wrong kind of people in an act of desperation. I didn't have my first relationship until I was 19, and that wasn't even intentional, more a happy accident. Even then, I still have yet to meet him face to face and still spend a lot of time alone in my room when I'm not at school.

If you're so worried about being alone, then find ways to distract yourself. Let a relationship come naturally when the time is right and when you meet the right person.


And in my experience I have to ALWAYS be the one who asks first, I never had a girlfriend where I am the one being asked out (ok ONE girl asked me, but I had less then zero feelings for her. She was not my type at all, and not even cute).
If there is a girl out there looking for me, she hasn't met me or is too nervous to ask.


The point
looks like ive got some things to do...
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6100
#6103 Posted: 02:28:52 27/03/2016
Quote: Windumup
Quote: Seiki
Quote: Windumup

I'm not about that single life smilie I would rather have a head on my shoulder and not watch movies/tv shows/anime alone.

A word of advice. Don't try so hard to seek one out. It is only likely to lead to unstable relationships that last but a moment. Take time, let things happen naturally to find someone you are truly compatible with. Someone who you may truly fall in love and have a life with.

I understand not wanting to be alone, trust me, I do. I'm an only child who's dad was always more interested in what on TV than in me and who's mother was always either at work or asleep. Friends didn't invite me over to their houses, so any time outside of school was spent alone in my room. It sucked, but of course I found ways to ignore the loneliness and not let it get to me. But constantly trying to actively seek someone out to avoid it isn't going to help and may lead to finding the wrong kind of people in an act of desperation. I didn't have my first relationship until I was 19, and that wasn't even intentional, more a happy accident. Even then, I still have yet to meet him face to face and still spend a lot of time alone in my room when I'm not at school.

If you're so worried about being alone, then find ways to distract yourself. Let a relationship come naturally when the time is right and when you meet the right person.


And in my experience I have to ALWAYS be the one who asks first, I never had a girlfriend where I am the one being asked out (ok ONE girl asked me, but I had less then zero feelings for her. She was not my type at all, and not even cute).
If there is a girl out there looking for me, she hasn't met me or is too nervous to ask.

I'm not saying you should let the girl come to you and have her ask you out. Merely take time and ensure you find the right one before either of you ask each other out. Just talk to people and meet people. Go about your life as normal and don't worry about a relationship. If you meet someone that you end up having feelings for, then ask her out after you make sure of those feelings. Just because you aren't seeking, doesn't mean you can't find.
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
Windumup Emerald Sparx Gems: 3217
#6104 Posted: 02:34:05 27/03/2016
Quote: Seiki
Quote: Windumup
Quote: Seiki

A word of advice. Don't try so hard to seek one out. It is only likely to lead to unstable relationships that last but a moment. Take time, let things happen naturally to find someone you are truly compatible with. Someone who you may truly fall in love and have a life with.

I understand not wanting to be alone, trust me, I do. I'm an only child who's dad was always more interested in what on TV than in me and who's mother was always either at work or asleep. Friends didn't invite me over to their houses, so any time outside of school was spent alone in my room. It sucked, but of course I found ways to ignore the loneliness and not let it get to me. But constantly trying to actively seek someone out to avoid it isn't going to help and may lead to finding the wrong kind of people in an act of desperation. I didn't have my first relationship until I was 19, and that wasn't even intentional, more a happy accident. Even then, I still have yet to meet him face to face and still spend a lot of time alone in my room when I'm not at school.

If you're so worried about being alone, then find ways to distract yourself. Let a relationship come naturally when the time is right and when you meet the right person.


And in my experience I have to ALWAYS be the one who asks first, I never had a girlfriend where I am the one being asked out (ok ONE girl asked me, but I had less then zero feelings for her. She was not my type at all, and not even cute).
If there is a girl out there looking for me, she hasn't met me or is too nervous to ask.

I'm not saying you should let the girl come to you and have her ask you out. Merely take time and ensure you find the right one before either of you ask each other out. Just talk to people and meet people. Go about your life as normal and don't worry about a relationship. If you meet someone that you end up having feelings for, then ask her out after you make sure of those feelings. Just because you aren't seeking, doesn't mean you can't find.

Even if I find a girl I like, there will ALWAYS be some kind of complication
Ugh I wish my body wasn't a mess
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6100
#6105 Posted: 02:41:48 27/03/2016
Quote: Windumup
Quote: Seiki
Quote: Windumup


And in my experience I have to ALWAYS be the one who asks first, I never had a girlfriend where I am the one being asked out (ok ONE girl asked me, but I had less then zero feelings for her. She was not my type at all, and not even cute).
If there is a girl out there looking for me, she hasn't met me or is too nervous to ask.

I'm not saying you should let the girl come to you and have her ask you out. Merely take time and ensure you find the right one before either of you ask each other out. Just talk to people and meet people. Go about your life as normal and don't worry about a relationship. If you meet someone that you end up having feelings for, then ask her out after you make sure of those feelings. Just because you aren't seeking, doesn't mean you can't find.

Even if I find a girl I like, there will ALWAYS be some kind of complication

Life is full of complications. I'm dating a guy who's 6 years years younger than me. We not only have to worry about the usual judgement from people of it being 2 guys in a relationship, but I also have the issue of people calling me a pedophile for being with him. Something that has happened from people on this site. But you don't let these things deter you. It may make things hurt a little, but you still pick yourself up and keep going. If she says no, then pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and move on. Wait until the right one comes along who will say yes.

Life is never easy and never will be. You have to get through the hard times before you can reach the good.
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
Kitty Platinum Sparx Gems: 5106
#6106 Posted: 13:14:51 27/03/2016
Quote: Windumup
And in my experience I have to ALWAYS be the one who asks first, I never had a girlfriend where I am the one being asked out (ok ONE girl asked me, but I had less then zero feelings for her. She was not my type at all, and not even cute).

Are you ****ing serious?
I can not think of a more douchey way to talk about someone who had feelings for you.
If she heard the way you're talking about her, it would most likely be devastating.

Quote: Windumup
and not even cute

What a nasty thing to say.
It's difficult to take anything you have to say seriously. It seems like you have self esteem issues, but it's hard to have ANY sympathy for you when you yourself are so judgmental.
It probably took that girl a lot of courage to ask you out. At least give her the respect to not insult her on her looks. Jesus Christ.

All hail Windumup, and how dare this girl who isn't even cute have the AUDACITY to put her heart on the line to ask you out.
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3571
#6107 Posted: 13:28:36 27/03/2016
Quote: Kitty
Quote: Windumup
And in my experience I have to ALWAYS be the one who asks first, I never had a girlfriend where I am the one being asked out (ok ONE girl asked me, but I had less then zero feelings for her. She was not my type at all, and not even cute).

Are you ****ing serious?
I can not think of a more douchey way to talk about someone who had feelings for you.
If she heard the way you're talking about her, it would most likely be devastating.

Quote: Windumup
and not even cute

What a nasty thing to say.
It's difficult to take anything you have to say seriously. It seems like you have self esteem issues, but it's hard to have ANY sympathy for you when you yourself are so judgmental.
It probably took that girl a lot of courage to ask you out. At least give her the respect to not insult her on her looks. Jesus Christ.

All hail Windumup, and how dare this girl who isn't even cute have the AUDACITY to put her heart on the line to ask you out.


My life is complete.
Windumup Emerald Sparx Gems: 3217
#6108 Posted: 15:37:37 27/03/2016
Quote: Kitty
Quote: Windumup
And in my experience I have to ALWAYS be the one who asks first, I never had a girlfriend where I am the one being asked out (ok ONE girl asked me, but I had less then zero feelings for her. She was not my type at all, and not even cute).

Are you ****ing serious?
I can not think of a more douchey way to talk about someone who had feelings for you.
If she heard the way you're talking about her, it would most likely be devastating.

Quote: Windumup
and not even cute

What a nasty thing to say.
It's difficult to take anything you have to say seriously. It seems like you have self esteem issues, but it's hard to have ANY sympathy for you when you yourself are so judgmental.
It probably took that girl a lot of courage to ask you out. At least give her the respect to not insult her on her looks. Jesus Christ.

All hail Windumup, and how dare this girl who isn't even cute have the AUDACITY to put her heart on the line to ask you out.

She didn't even ask me until I asked "I heard rumors you have a crush on me?" which she then asked. So I still kind of asked. Not to be mean but there is a thing as NOT LIKING SOMEONE
She was not my type at all and seeing we have NEVER had a conversation before then, I doubt she even knew I was a girl. I don't know what her sexuality and/or romantic orientation but I am pretty sure she is straight, or maybe bi/pan (I honestly don't care, we aren't even friends). Either way I had no feelings back so I had to play the villain
Ugh I wish my body wasn't a mess
Kitty Platinum Sparx Gems: 5106
#6109 Posted: 16:29:08 27/03/2016
Quote: Windumup
Quote: Kitty
Quote: Windumup
And in my experience I have to ALWAYS be the one who asks first, I never had a girlfriend where I am the one being asked out (ok ONE girl asked me, but I had less then zero feelings for her. She was not my type at all, and not even cute).

Are you ****ing serious?
I can not think of a more douchey way to talk about someone who had feelings for you.
If she heard the way you're talking about her, it would most likely be devastating.

Quote: Windumup
and not even cute

What a nasty thing to say.
It's difficult to take anything you have to say seriously. It seems like you have self esteem issues, but it's hard to have ANY sympathy for you when you yourself are so judgmental.
It probably took that girl a lot of courage to ask you out. At least give her the respect to not insult her on her looks. Jesus Christ.

All hail Windumup, and how dare this girl who isn't even cute have the AUDACITY to put her heart on the line to ask you out.

She didn't even ask me until I asked "I heard rumors you have a crush on me?" which she then asked. So I still kind of asked. Not to be mean but there is a thing as NOT LIKING SOMEONE
She was not my type at all and seeing we have NEVER had a conversation before then, I doubt she even knew I was a girl. I don't know what her sexuality and/or romantic orientation but I am pretty sure she is straight, or maybe bi/pan (I honestly don't care, we aren't even friends). Either way I had no feelings back so I had to play the villain

Um, where did I say that you were obligated to like her back?

Of course you don't have to, but you also don't have to be rude and insult her. No one should be ridiculed based on their looks.
It's hurtful and disrespectful, and you should know better.
Batzooka119 Ripto Gems: 720
#6110 Posted: 18:15:36 27/03/2016
When you realize your favorite shirt you've had for over 3 months is see through.
Badwolfmichael Gold Sparx Gems: 2511
#6111 Posted: 18:25:20 27/03/2016
Found this when reading reviews for GoldenEye:

[User Posted Image]
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6253
#6112 Posted: 19:16:13 27/03/2016
Quote: Windumup
She didn't even ask me until I asked "I heard rumors you have a crush on me?" which she then asked. So I still kind of asked. Not to be mean but there is a thing as NOT LIKING SOMEONE
She was not my type at all and seeing we have NEVER had a conversation before then, I doubt she even knew I was a girl. I don't know what her sexuality and/or romantic orientation but I am pretty sure she is straight, or maybe bi/pan (I honestly don't care, we aren't even friends). Either way I had no feelings back so I had to play the villain

It's fine if you don't have feelings for someone and don't think you'll mesh well, and it's perfectly fine to have preferences for looks (most everyone has them whether they want to admit it or not). But there's a way to handle these things and it usually goes by not outright telling them these things.

I sincerely hope you didn't actually tell her she wasn't cute to her face.
Windumup Emerald Sparx Gems: 3217
#6113 Posted: 02:27:40 28/03/2016
Quote: CAV
Quote: Windumup
She didn't even ask me until I asked "I heard rumors you have a crush on me?" which she then asked. So I still kind of asked. Not to be mean but there is a thing as NOT LIKING SOMEONE
She was not my type at all and seeing we have NEVER had a conversation before then, I doubt she even knew I was a girl. I don't know what her sexuality and/or romantic orientation but I am pretty sure she is straight, or maybe bi/pan (I honestly don't care, we aren't even friends). Either way I had no feelings back so I had to play the villain

It's fine if you don't have feelings for someone and don't think you'll mesh well, and it's perfectly fine to have preferences for looks (most everyone has them whether they want to admit it or not). But there's a way to handle these things and it usually goes by not outright telling them these things.

I sincerely hope you didn't actually tell her she wasn't cute to her face.

I let her down easy
Ugh I wish my body wasn't a mess
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6253
#6114 Posted: 04:14:34 28/03/2016
That doesn't tell me that you didn't tell her she was ugly.
Windumup Emerald Sparx Gems: 3217
#6115 Posted: 12:54:41 28/03/2016
Quote: CAV
That doesn't tell me that you didn't tell her she was ugly.

I basically just told her "The feelings aren't mutual", I didn't tell her she was ugly or not cute, I just told her that I do not feel the same.
Ugh I wish my body wasn't a mess
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6253
#6116 Posted: 13:26:23 28/03/2016
Ok thank you.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7098
#6117 Posted: 13:55:09 28/03/2016
Quote: I-Brawler
why is there so much color splash hate man

Because literally nobody asked for a sequel to Sticker Star.

This video is the most polite way to explain the problems with Colour Splash even existing, and it's pretty much perfect at conveying the message.

"My memories will be part of the sky."
xXBeavcoonXx Gold Sparx Gems: 2628
#6118 Posted: 14:03:56 28/03/2016
Quote: Kitty
Quote: Windumup
Quote: Kitty

Are you ****ing serious?
I can not think of a more douchey way to talk about someone who had feelings for you.
If she heard the way you're talking about her, it would most likely be devastating.

What a nasty thing to say.
It's difficult to take anything you have to say seriously. It seems like you have self esteem issues, but it's hard to have ANY sympathy for you when you yourself are so judgmental.
It probably took that girl a lot of courage to ask you out. At least give her the respect to not insult her on her looks. Jesus Christ.

All hail Windumup, and how dare this girl who isn't even cute have the AUDACITY to put her heart on the line to ask you out.

She didn't even ask me until I asked "I heard rumors you have a crush on me?" which she then asked. So I still kind of asked. Not to be mean but there is a thing as NOT LIKING SOMEONE
She was not my type at all and seeing we have NEVER had a conversation before then, I doubt she even knew I was a girl. I don't know what her sexuality and/or romantic orientation but I am pretty sure she is straight, or maybe bi/pan (I honestly don't care, we aren't even friends). Either way I had no feelings back so I had to play the villain

Um, where did I say that you were obligated to like her back?

Of course you don't have to, but you also don't have to be rude and insult her. No one should be ridiculed based on their looks.
It's hurtful and disrespectful, and you should know better.

o m f g amen kitty
now its time to get funky
gillgrunt987 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7475
#6119 Posted: 16:37:10 28/03/2016
Eventful week on Darkspyro it seems.

Friday 1st April- April Fools Event
Sunday 3rd April- New Sparx Rank
Now to Sunday- Some trends and stuff and nonsense happens

how fun.
I can survive scalding hot coffee and being whipped for 24 hours a day. Digestive biscuits or riot.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6253
#6120 Posted: 01:41:58 29/03/2016
Never On Time, the first single to Birdbrains is now released.

I'm trying a bunch of new mixing techniques to allow a deeper and more varied sound seeing how tracks will be a lot more busy this time around and we can't have everything crowded in the same spot. Hope you all enjoy and look forward to what's in store this summer. It won't be ambient to say the least.

[User Posted Image]
The number is a bit inflated but it still shatters the old record.
Windumup Emerald Sparx Gems: 3217
#6121 Posted: 01:49:26 29/03/2016
Was my first time shaving my legs (TMI I know) and I cut myself >.< now my leg is bloody. Smooth, but bloody.

Kinda have to get them smooth for an upcoming thing at my school
Ugh I wish my body wasn't a mess
Wreckingball13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#6122 Posted: 02:11:41 29/03/2016
Quote: CAV
Never On Time, the first single to Birdbrains is now released.

I'm trying a bunch of new mixing techniques to allow a deeper and more varied sound seeing how tracks will be a lot more busy this time around and we can't have everything crowded in the same spot. Hope you all enjoy and look forward to what's in store this summer. It won't be ambient to say the least.

[User Posted Image]
The number is a bit inflated but it still shatters the old record.

That was great <3
Badwolfmichael Gold Sparx Gems: 2511
#6123 Posted: 02:45:18 29/03/2016
[User Posted Image]
- - -
Windumup Emerald Sparx Gems: 3217
#6124 Posted: 02:59:49 29/03/2016
[User Posted Image]
This plus my above post should explain why I am so excited

if it doesn't, here is the full version.
My school is having cheerleader try outs for the spring smilie! Shaving my legs as they currently aren't ready for the outfit. Now in before my AWFUL MOTHER says no at my last chance at being an actual cheerleader.
Ugh I wish my body wasn't a mess
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8332
#6125 Posted: 03:01:59 29/03/2016
Quote: Windumup
[User Posted Image]
This plus my above post should explain why I am so excited

if it doesn't, here is the full version.
My school is having cheerleader try outs for the spring smilie! Shaving my legs as they currently aren't ready for the outfit. Now in before my AWFUL MOTHER says no at my last chance at being an actual cheerleader.

Just curious, but....would you try to wear the female outfits or just go with the male ones?
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
Wreckingball13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#6126 Posted: 03:05:38 29/03/2016
Quote: Windumup
[User Posted Image]
This plus my above post should explain why I am so excited

if it doesn't, here is the full version.
My school is having cheerleader try outs for the spring smilie! Shaving my legs as they currently aren't ready for the outfit. Now in before my AWFUL MOTHER says no at my last chance at being an actual cheerleader.

Hope you make it on the team
Windumup Emerald Sparx Gems: 3217
#6127 Posted: 03:07:48 29/03/2016
Quote: HeyitsHotDog
Quote: Windumup
[User Posted Image]
This plus my above post should explain why I am so excited

if it doesn't, here is the full version.
My school is having cheerleader try outs for the spring smilie! Shaving my legs as they currently aren't ready for the outfit. Now in before my AWFUL MOTHER says no at my last chance at being an actual cheerleader.

Just curious, but....would you try to wear the female outfits or just go with the male ones?

Try to wear the female ones
Ugh I wish my body wasn't a mess
mega spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3847
#6128 Posted: 03:08:24 29/03/2016
I don't know what I should spend my money on (horrible problem, I know. I rarely have as much money as I do now, so I don't have this problem often smilie) So I made this thing
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8332
#6129 Posted: 03:14:30 29/03/2016
Quote: Windumup
Quote: HeyitsHotDog
Quote: Windumup
[User Posted Image]
This plus my above post should explain why I am so excited

if it doesn't, here is the full version.
My school is having cheerleader try outs for the spring smilie! Shaving my legs as they currently aren't ready for the outfit. Now in before my AWFUL MOTHER says no at my last chance at being an actual cheerleader.

Just curious, but....would you try to wear the female outfits or just go with the male ones?

Try to wear the female ones

Good luck with.....all of it.
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
xXBeavcoonXx Gold Sparx Gems: 2628
#6130 Posted: 03:52:14 29/03/2016
Quote: Windumup
Quote: HeyitsHotDog
Quote: Windumup
[User Posted Image]
This plus my above post should explain why I am so excited

if it doesn't, here is the full version.
My school is having cheerleader try outs for the spring smilie! Shaving my legs as they currently aren't ready for the outfit. Now in before my AWFUL MOTHER says no at my last chance at being an actual cheerleader.

Just curious, but....would you try to wear the female outfits or just go with the male ones?

Try to wear the female ones

I'm gonna be honest. I aint gonna bash you for whats in your head. But seeing as how, though maybe not on the inside, you still essentially have the build of, well, a dude. So I think you hae a very slim chance of wearing the female outfit. Good luck though.
now its time to get funky
Kitty Platinum Sparx Gems: 5106
#6131 Posted: 11:59:27 29/03/2016
Found free cords for the Playstation at my college yesterday.

[User Posted Image]
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6100
#6132 Posted: 13:18:40 29/03/2016
Quote: xXBeavcoonXx
Quote: Windumup
Quote: HeyitsHotDog

Just curious, but....would you try to wear the female outfits or just go with the male ones?

Try to wear the female ones

I'm gonna be honest. I aint gonna bash you for whats in your head. But seeing as how, though maybe not on the inside, you still essentially have the build of, well, a dude. So I think you hae a very slim chance of wearing the female outfit. Good luck though.

Kinda agree. I don't mean this as an insult or anything, but given your current male body, I don't know that the school will allow it. Good luck with trying, but be prepared for people other than your mother to tell you no.
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3328
#6133 Posted: 00:13:40 30/03/2016
i hate that if i had range i might be good

and the songs i can sing i cant even sing well

Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Badwolfmichael Gold Sparx Gems: 2511
#6134 Posted: 03:15:49 30/03/2016
[User Posted Image]
- - -
TTD Hunter Gems: 6299
#6135 Posted: 09:11:04 30/03/2016
Quote: Badwolfmichael
[User Posted Image]
- - -

[User Posted Image]
RaymanTwilight Blue Sparx Gems: 947
#6136 Posted: 09:29:04 30/03/2016
tbh i think this is now my favorite twitter account

[User Posted Image]
thumper Ripto Gems: 3519
#6137 Posted: 11:12:18 30/03/2016
[User Posted Image]

. . .
I-Brawler Emerald Sparx Gems: 3565
#6138 Posted: 13:20:23 30/03/2016
am now scarfs trash
you never saw me
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10126
#6139 Posted: 17:27:32 30/03/2016
How many threads are getting closed for derailing instead of punishing who keeps derailing them? There's the 'off-topic' report option right there, I stopped using it altogether since it doesn't seem like it matters outside of All-purpose and specialized threads(News,etc).
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:28:19 30/03/2016 by Bifrost
RaymanTwilight Blue Sparx Gems: 947
#6140 Posted: 19:35:54 30/03/2016
Why does my mom insist on having the news on all day when it's literally just Trump's gross face the entire time Jesus christ
Iceclaw Hunter Gems: 10076
#6141 Posted: 21:56:06 30/03/2016
I cannot stand the Jerry Springer show
Twinkies and 2hus
Windumup Emerald Sparx Gems: 3217
#6142 Posted: 00:38:21 31/03/2016!
If I could edit the title, I would. smilie just read further down on the page
Ugh I wish my body wasn't a mess
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
#6143 Posted: 01:23:44 31/03/2016
Quote: Windumup!
If I could edit the title, I would. :( just read further down on the page

..Not to sound rude or anything..but have you done gymnastics at all? Cheerleading is really intense. Even if you're on JV, if your school has a JV team. :|
looks like ive got some things to do...
huge dotd freak Emerald Sparx Gems: 3354
#6144 Posted: 15:40:37 31/03/2016
Greg Cipes liked a tweet of mine and I actually squealed a tiny bit
Do you not like my mouth words?
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10126
#6145 Posted: 19:40:34 31/03/2016
I'm thinking of changing the stuff I did for April Fools for more accurate pictures but I know if I don't half-ass it the sight won't be as funny
(What I need is never what I want)
darkwolf Platinum Sparx Gems: 7201
#6146 Posted: 23:54:46 31/03/2016
Quote: whirlwind fan

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