Doesn't sound good. :/ I think most people's don't like the gimmick of SC.
darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders: SuperChargers > Layoff hits Activision because of weak Skylanders (and guitar hero) sales
Emerald Sparx
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#1 Posted: 19:25:53 15/02/2016 | Topic Creator
"If I had any humanity left, I would have been crushed by the guilt by now." |
Prismatic Sparx
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#2 Posted: 19:38:10 15/02/2016
Except for the layoff part, already known. But being Minnesota seems like TFB and VV weren't affected, pretty sure they're elsewhere. Now darn, cutting costs on the new TNMT won't do it good.
SO I'LL GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT (What I need is never what I want) |
Platinum Sparx
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#3 Posted: 21:14:45 15/02/2016
this was expected they never learn, i have said it many times. they should have cut back on the figurine releases, live and learn activisions you fools!
Ha! HA, sage ich. |
Gold Sparx
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#4 Posted: 21:56:49 15/02/2016
Ohhhh, bad news. It seems SC is hurting the franchise.
Life sucks...and then you die. |
Platinum Sparx
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#5 Posted: 21:58:55 15/02/2016
We are all so doomed...
Until Sky6 comes.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!" |
Gold Sparx
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#6 Posted: 22:05:19 15/02/2016
Life sucks...and then you die. |
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565 |
#7 Posted: 22:51:10 15/02/2016
This thread title is very misleading.
Platinum Sparx
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#8 Posted: 00:57:12 16/02/2016
skylanders6 will be the savior, i have no doubt about that. tfb know how to make a good game.
Ha! HA, sage ich. |
Gold Sparx
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#9 Posted: 00:58:24 16/02/2016
Everyone thinks mobile games will save them. I think they would be better served....serving customers they have.
What I find interesting is that AFTER screwing customers over (the loyalists) by removing the cards from the figures they think we will go to the store like sheeple and buy Battlecast. The truly casual gamer will have to save them there, because I'm voting with my dollars on that stupid move. |
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 01:02:43 16/02/2016 by TakeYourLemons
Platinum Sparx
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#10 Posted: 01:06:49 16/02/2016
Quote: TakeYourLemons
i have been voting with my wallets, through the whole skylanders supercharger affair. i am not alone doing that, and we see by the activision sales it had a impact. when it comes to the mobile garbage i am doing the same there too. the message is send activisions way, greed dont pay off....
Ha! HA, sage ich. |
Gold Sparx
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#11 Posted: 01:15:14 16/02/2016
Well, business job is to generate sales and please don't call it greed. I've no problem with them being successful, but they have to "bring it". I'm personally disappointed in how they lost their technical edge with this capabilities notwithstanding. I'm also guessing simple fatigue because the traditional customer won't be handing over obscene amounts of money for this game anymore, especially if they aren't giving REALLY GOOD reasons for doing so. They failed in that regard for this game. The honeymoon phase is over, now they have to work to keep us.
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 01:18:01 16/02/2016 by TakeYourLemons
Gold Sparx
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#12 Posted: 03:56:09 16/02/2016
I'm really worried about what the vehicles will be demoted to in Sky6, considering they're more expensive than a skylander itself, it better not function as a crappy magic item or something along those lines.
Merry Christmas ya filthy animal |
Emerald Sparx
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#13 Posted: 04:24:58 16/02/2016
Quote: TakeYourLemons
^This so much. Also activision screwing loyal customers with no stickers or cards whatsoever in the starter packs, that is just an @$$4013 move. We, as extreme collectors, will not be buying any battlecast cards, unless it's literally pennies in the clearance bin.
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defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158 |
#14 Posted: 04:48:43 16/02/2016
You guys are worrying about cards and stickers and leaving out the elephant in the room. The fact that collecting this year requires SEVEN Starter Packs including a chase variant in some. Sure they are dirt cheap on Amazon now, but no one knew that back in September.
And no, it is greed, not good business. A good business model involves planning long term to keep customers buying your stuff. A greedy model just considers shoveling as much as you can in the current quarter, who cares if customers feel screwed and revolt or retailers are stuck with product they have to put on clearance. They made so many huge mistakes this year, a year when they really needed to make sure the customers felt good about their brand when the competition had gotten its act together. |
mega spyro
Emerald Sparx
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#15 Posted: 05:48:43 16/02/2016
Quote: defpally
DK and Bowser combo packs? Spitfire and Hot streak singles?
Dead |
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158 |
#16 Posted: 06:55:19 16/02/2016
Quote: mega spyro
Again, information we did not have and they did not provide us. I mean it is great you can pick up the PS4 Dark Starter for $30 and the WiiU one for $35 right now, but I'd hardly give Activision any credit for that one. And they definitely don't get any credit for offering alternatives they gave no impression would ever exist. I mean they could have made a small note when the game was coming out that said "Starter Pack figures will be available individually early next year". But they didn't do that, because they wanted people to buy multiple starter packs for them. They intentional held back information to wring more money out of people. Short term money that made a whole bunch of fans angry, not a good long term plan. In contrast, Disney flat out told fans "Boba Fett will be in an individual pack early next year for those that do not want to buy the big jumbo pack" before the game was even released. It's no wonder one franchise is on the rise and another is on the decline. |
Emerald Sparx
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#17 Posted: 08:49:18 16/02/2016
Quote: defpally
Quote: defpally
I absolutely have to agree, here. I think there is a line between wanting to earn money and being greedy.
The worst thing is that I'm strongly convinced all of that was absolutely intended, not a mistake. Well, I hope this year was a very important lesson because I doubt they would survive another mess like this.
”Gulp, lunch time!” Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154 |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 08:53:39 16/02/2016 by Drek95
Yellow Sparx
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#18 Posted: 12:39:36 16/02/2016
It's true. Despite some cool technical gameplay innovations and improvements, SuperChargers -- as an overall whole product, including its distribution, pricing, game product, and marketing/packaging choices -- is the first Skylanders entry to receive a universal "meh" reception from veteran fans.
Some people disliked SwapForce (including me), but others LOVED it. Some people liked TrapTeam (including me), but some others were not enthused. When it comes to SuperChargers, the reactions tend to range from "worst Skylanders game yet" to "it's OK". If there is one silver lining on the SuperChargers experience, it is that Activision and its developer partners now know that (as Lemons nicely stated) "the honeymoon is over" for Skylanders. From now on, they'll need to produce games, packaging/marketing, and distribution that meets the customers' expectations for their price point. Otherwise, sales volume will fall short of the business' goals again, just like SuperChargers. With the semi-obvious caveat that no game is perfect, I think it's safe to say that if Activision cares about recovering consumer trust (and therefore spending), the following lessons should be learned from SuperChargers: 1. Producing too many different Starter Pack variations = stupid move. Hard to say exactly where the "too many" line is on this, but safe to say SuperChargers went (way) over that line at launch. 2. Producing too many Alt Deco variants = lackluster move. SOME Alt Deco are a good thing (especially for tempting retailers with regional exclusivity agreements), but too many is dumb. Again, I'm not sure how many is "too many"; I can only say that it seems SuperChargers crossed that line. 3. Too much focus on the annual gimmick is alienating customers. Giants and SwapForce worked (marvelously!) because the gimmick was built-in to (some of) the characters/figurines one might buy in support of those games. But (especially) Traps and now Vehicles have moved the last two Sky games too far away from focus on the Skylanders themselves. 4. Toys-to-Life competitors are undermining Skylanders by exposing the franchise's most obvious (and well-known) weakness -- the secretive and poorly communicated release schedule for figurines and accessories. I can not imagine that Activision is not aware of this issue at this point. So, they either have a REALLY good (unknown?) reason for continuing this distribution model, or someone at Activision is just REALLY stubborn about not changing their distribution model/paradigm. Either way, if competitors continue to outshine Skylanders in this area, then it will become more problematic.
"Who was harmed here---some six year olds who went to bed crying because there's no Enchanted Trap Shadow?" |
Prismatic Sparx
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#19 Posted: 13:06:45 16/02/2016
Since people are mashing the panic button elsewhere(looking at you r/skylanders) looked up where the offices are - TFB is in Novato,California; VV is in Menands, NY, though their kid testing center is in Albany. If Acti is doing layoffs in a certain section on Minnesota, it's nothing to worry about unless it's where the illustration company whose name I never remember is.
(disclaimer; not living in the US and probably with zero idea of how far those actually are) That isn't to say they're out of the woods yet,but I mean the chances of them randomly getting rid of good devs to put in people who have lower standards for salary are low for now.
SO I'LL GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT (What I need is never what I want) |
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 13:08:41 16/02/2016 by Bifrost
Platinum Sparx
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#20 Posted: 13:48:21 16/02/2016
Quote: defpally
Quote: defpally
110% spot on.
Ha! HA, sage ich. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 13:50:50 16/02/2016 by CountMoneyBone
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158 |
#21 Posted: 13:56:51 16/02/2016
Quote: BahamutBreaker
This so needs to be highlighted. The way Skylanders releases work wouldn't bother me nearly as much if they didn't have 3 competitors doing 1000% better. Even Nintendo (who massively underestimates demand early) could at least tell people they day figures were going to arrive in stores (minus wave 2b, which they kinda messed up). Activision's reason is money. They like to take advantage of people not knowing when/if things are coming out so they scoop up things now because no one knows if you will be able to get xxx figure in a couple months. They also like exclusive money, which is pretty much the only time a store will give a reliable date. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 13:58:21 16/02/2016 by defpally
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565 |
#22 Posted: 14:02:02 16/02/2016
Quote: mega spyro
On one hand, we somewhat knew ahead of time that Spitfire and Hot Streak singles were coming. On the other hand, even knowing that, you still need to buy seven starters in order to collect them all. Dark Nintendo Wii Starter Dark Nintendo Wii U Starter Dark Non-Nintendo Starter Regular Nintendo Wii U Starter Regular Wii or 3DS Starter A next-gen 'Gold' Starteer The iOS Starter with a Special Hot Streak. After all that, you still would need to buy a regular Hot Streak single (you'd get a Spitfire in two of those packs) and have 10 overlapping figures. While I am all-for giving customers more options and releasing the Starters as solo figures, it would have been nice to have a heads up that it was an option. With the existing two-packs, that would have knocked us down to only needing five starters (six for me, as I'd still want the 3DS game itself). If the rumors that the Dark figures are going to get a solo release Are true, it would cut it down to two starters (the iOS and a 'Gold' starter. Four for me, as I'd still want a Wii U and a 3DS game). |
Platinum Sparx
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#23 Posted: 14:08:15 16/02/2016
Quote: BahamutBreaker
i am not sure activision learned anything, because they said “Casual Audience Has Not yet Emerged on Next-Gen Consoles”. the ps4 have sold 40 million alone, then you have the xbone,wiiu,3ds,wii etc. so they are pretty much putting the blame on the customers, and not their wrong doings. they have also got rid of the guitar hero game now, so that aint coming back again for a guitar hero2 for the nextgen consoles. but activision will keep on going with the skylanders6, they have clearly come to far to quit on that one. because if they shut it down now, they will lose even more money. as i see it if skylanders6 dont meet their sky high predictions of income. they will dump it, and when they do they will do so half way. i expect it will be very hard to get the last few skylanders6 figurines. so be prepared for that to happen.
Ha! HA, sage ich. |
Prismatic Sparx
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#24 Posted: 14:20:18 16/02/2016
They could shut down Skylanders or parts of it(merch, the show,battlecast etc) if they really wanted to, we'd have seen that if SC actually hurt on sales instead of just missing the mark; they're not losing money,just missing out on making more. But of course,it's so much easier to spell doom and gloom, doesn't take effort just entitlement.
SO I'LL GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT (What I need is never what I want) |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:23:36 16/02/2016 by Bifrost
Diamond Sparx
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#25 Posted: 14:27:38 16/02/2016
It doesn't seem that SSC hurt any sales they just (as Bifrost said) just missed the mark.
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that |
Platinum Sparx
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#26 Posted: 14:30:31 16/02/2016
they dont shut down skylanders6 when they are pretty much half there, they have also contracts with the chinese factories. so they cant just shut it down over night, after all skylanders isnt just a software product. even if they dont get what they expect of income from skylanders6. they will be even worse if they dont go through with it. its much easier to shut it down when they have the game out and their next marketing results is in. but clearly as usually you dont know anything about what you are talking about.
Ha! HA, sage ich. |
Prismatic Sparx
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#27 Posted: 14:33:06 16/02/2016
Guitar Hero says hi, and that you know even less what you're talking about.
That said,even if things were looking back, they'd have to keep the TV show for at least half a season. You don't hire Tarantino and just remove the test project.
SO I'LL GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT (What I need is never what I want) |
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 14:38:14 16/02/2016 by Bifrost
Platinum Sparx
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#28 Posted: 14:44:31 16/02/2016
Quote: HeyitsHotDog
they didnt only miss the mark they did blew themselves out of the marked with their greed and arrogance. activision did really think they had a call of duty on their hands here sale wise. so they didnt bother to change, they just took it to the next level of greed instead. with price hike, more stuff to buy and even microtransactions... so what we see happen, was that the competition pulled the carpet from under activisions feet and nearly squeezed them out. and what is their reply to this.... “Casual Audience Has Not yet Emerged on Next-Gen Consoles”. as i said earlier there is 40million ps4 sold and you have the xbone,wiiu,3ds too... no its not the casual aduience casing their failed sales expectation. its their own greed and totally unrealistic expectations. when there is competition you cant sit on your butt and do the same without even improving yourself. Quote: Bifrost
straight from activision... Quote:
Ha! HA, sage ich. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:11:22 16/02/2016 by TTD
Rosencrantz Red Sparx Gems: 39 |
#29 Posted: 17:16:46 16/02/2016
Speaking not as a Skylanders collector, but as a gamer parent with young kids and what I call collector's disease, I think the issues are less the starter packs and more the now known lack of value and support for existing purchases. We have been buying a ton of Skylanders stuff since Giants and now have about 100 Skylanders. My kids actually loved trap team but only for the traps. They didn't like any of the trap team characters and played almost exclusively with Snap Shot the whole game. They LOVED catching and playing with the villains. But that was also the game where even the kids were really frustrated. There was no point playing much with older characters because they couldn't open or unlock anything anymore. Only TT characters. The lack of information and communication regarding releases, stock, secret "zones", Kaos Trap availability, etc, meant they were just frustrated as much as they were enjoying the traps.
But where they flew through TT in a binge of playing, SC has sat pretty much unplayed. Part of that is the shoddy vehicle controls. But part of it is just the lack of fun right now. Aside from wanting DI or Lego Dimensions (which I refuse to spend money on more TTL games), they stopped asking for new Skylanders because they know I refuse to buy them because the price keeps getting jacked up every game. And with the crap Canadian dollar, it is tough to justify spending $45 for a racing pack, or close to $40 for a single character and matching vehicle. Especially since it is about 110% likely they will be pointless in the next game. I just can't do it anymore. I didn't mind collecting a bit in the past because it was fun for me and the kids, but also because everything was supported from one game to the next. But that isn't so much the case anymore other than in the slightest most "token" ways. Traps? Mostly pointless. Trap Team? Just regular characters now that I bought for premium prices like Giants or the Cars. Swappers still swap, but swap zones are zone. And past magic items don't really do anything anymore either. So the inevitable questions comes up. Why keep supporting the series? I bought Superchargers in hopes of getting more value from my collection. But it didn't really do that. I appreciate the expectation of minimal purchases...but the game is designed to almost discourage playing with old figures. So now I look at the collection I have bought, and it makes me a little sad because it just sits there taking up space and doesn't get used like it used to up until a year or so ago. I want to buy more of the SC figs as they look great from a design perspective and the vehicles do look "cool", but I can't justify the high cost and knowing they will be wasted once the game is done is a tough sell. And so why even stick with Skylanders at all then? I'm just assuming the next game will have another "gimmick" in an attempt to sell more overpriced figures that are so heavily focused on, past characters may not even be in the game at all. It's tough. Maybe it is inevitable in this genre. But I also have said in a previous post that there is plenty that could be done to bring more value to gamers, families and the toys themselves that simple isn't being done. So it is hard for me to feel too badly about this news. |
Yellow Sparx
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#30 Posted: 19:39:35 16/02/2016
Beautifully put Rosencrantz, the lack of support (FULL support) for older figures is definitely disheartening. It's not like these figures are free, we've invested in them and yet by next game they're mostly tossed aside. Instead of rewarding consumers they have dropped us and I've actually heard people defend them with "well not every person owns XYZ", so? They can make additional content or, an even cheaper solution, have multiple ways to open something (don't have a Giant? Then take a longer and blander route to get it!).
Yellow Sparx
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#31 Posted: 15:59:31 19/02/2016
Quote: Rosencrantz
I think you said it beautifully, especially with the good examples. As for this topic I don't think most people know that in Game Art and Animation studios though layoffs happen every 6 months or so. When reading the article the people says they aren't even SURE where they happened and they are speculating. Games are huge projects and if you aren't a big name tec, artist or programmer you get let go. However they will probably be called back at one of the other parts of the studio. And GOOD if they did let people go over skylanders. Unfortunately lack of local or major multiplayer in the later games is really becoming a bust for me. Like many have stated very good ideas and even some good rants, the core and things many people loved from the first two games is gone. Each game has brought something I loved to it. I have never beaten a skylander game myself but my nephew who I share/buy for has and he hasn't wanted to even try superchargers. I loved playing with him or battling against him. My boyfriend and I are both artists so we have little precious time together, and while we LOVE the toys, we can't continue to buy the games if we'll never get to play them and experience them together. In all honesty I kind of wish Skylanders would go the LBP route with multiplayer. Opening gates with multiple friends playing together, and no need for 40+ new skylanders: But still having a choice to get new ones. And i might be alone here...BUT BRING ON THE VARIANTS.
Check out my boyfriends Skylander ARTWORK |
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814 |
#32 Posted: 23:24:57 09/03/2016
How about just one starter pack, no Dark Edition, no Skymiibo, same figures in all versions, 1 variant per e!ement, 40 figures, no gimmicks. Just go back to basics, go back to Spyro's Adventure in a lot of ways. That will please fans.
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there. |
Emerald Sparx
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#33 Posted: 23:29:49 09/03/2016
Quote: Pokemon2
That's what I hope for. If they want to innovate they can do it inside the game. I'm not saying they should never create Gimmicklanders or gimmick figures again but simply take a break to come up with a truly mind-blowing concept.
”Gulp, lunch time!” Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154 |
BOOMCAKE Blue Sparx Gems: 970 |
#34 Posted: 12:25:07 10/03/2016
Quote: Pokemon2
Or they should really start practiced individual basic starter packs in the next game. For example: You can choose a starter packs with fire, earth and undead skylanders figures or a starter pack with water, air and life skylanders figures. Card gaming companies are doing for years and works pretty well. |
Emerald Sparx
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#35 Posted: 12:49:29 10/03/2016
That would be interesting (even if it would probably be incredibly hard for me to decide) but only if all the Starter Pack Skylanders got a single release at one point.
”Gulp, lunch time!” Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154 |
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158 |
#36 Posted: 12:56:02 10/03/2016
Quote: Drek95
I think they need to go damage control this year. Of course they need a hook/gimmick, but it needs to not be essential in a way that makes it so only those figures are really useful. They need 10 new figures for the gimmick and stop there. Only holiday variants and Legendaries, if any. People need to think "hey, maybe I can go one more year since it isn't that bad this time ...", then get hooked by a great game again. Of course, it is Activision and TfB's year, so of course that won't happen. We'll get Dark editions, more Skymiibos, variants out the wazoo, tons of figures, reposes to languish on shelves and a retread game and come January it will all be on clearance and they will be putting the franchise "on hold". |
Emerald Sparx
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#37 Posted: 14:25:40 10/03/2016
Yeah, they won't do that. I mean, in my eyes they should have done Legendaries only all these years. One thing I like about Dimensions and Infinity, is we won't see variants of the same character. I think Cap may be the first in three years worth of games.
I think they need to ditch the gimmick and bring back what made past games fun, while allowing people to buy new characters, but their old characters are just as viable. They've alienated customers, though. Shown their true colors this year. I doubt they will listen to anyone but themselves, though, and it will be what it will be.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28 |
Diamond Sparx
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#38 Posted: 14:30:57 10/03/2016
I'm pretty sure Black Suit Spiderman is just variant of regular Spider Man.
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that |
Yellow Sparx
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#39 Posted: 22:02:07 10/03/2016
Quote: Pokemon2
As much as we want innovation for the games on the inside without the figures, let's face it their whole point of this is to make as much money as they can so they will keep doing gimmicks to draw people in. Well it looks like it finally blew up in their faces and now they have to work at it. They should go back to basics and make the game itself the gimmick and make all the collections valuable. Problem is they can't pack that much gameplay of 5 other games, 4 of which have had gimmicks beyond figures to where it doesn't force people to go back and buy old figs per game. It's just their structure to only do minimum to the next game with what the new game offers. With them making the wii game different like the 3ds version maybe they'll take their mistakes and try to do that. I just see lower waves of figures like this. Them wrapping up just about releases by now. The other problem is their release schedule because they want you to buy the starters for a high price and basically gamble on if the game is successful or not, and in most cases after this I highly doubt people will be biting the bullet for a 75 buck game later in the year. I just wouldn't no matter what versions they're offering since clearly this year was a year of bargains due to so much competition, and for the consumer that was a great thing if most vehicles and figs were half or less paid for.
Taking that last ride through the sunset on skylanders. Hopefully a return of more classic spyro gameplay in the horizon. |
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565 |
#40 Posted: 23:42:43 10/03/2016
Didn't infinity have an entire line of "Crystal" variants?
Yellow Sparx
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#41 Posted: 23:50:00 10/03/2016
Quote: UncleBob
the first game starters did and then crystal mickey
Taking that last ride through the sunset on skylanders. Hopefully a return of more classic spyro gameplay in the horizon. |
Gold Sparx
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#42 Posted: 02:23:05 11/03/2016
God Bless them if they want to pull a bait and switch this year defpally. We all knew when we heard "only 20 figures and vehicles" that it wasn't going to happen. With all of the stupid chase and in-game variants we aren't that far off from last year's total. All I know is, I'm not going "all in" next year. One of each figure, done. If they EARN it with the game to inspire me to purchase more AND they actually provide good utility, then fine. But it's not automatic.
Rosencrantz: Good thoughtful post on where you are on the franchise. Ultimately, with the exception of the non-skylander gimmicks, they have provided full support for the characters. It's always been the case that the "in game gimmick" goes away in future games, but the characters work. In terms of value, that's about all Activision can do. I mean, it's 300 characters and counting. And I believe that's the problem. It's a top heavy game. We all have too many characters to really justify buying more characters. And by inventing more "1 and out gimmicks", they are actually both providing an incentive for the game and dis-enfranchising customers when they find their purchases aren't 100% honored in the next one. You have to admire the fact that the majority of the toys are being supported, despite the flaws. But at the end of the day, most of the in-game content from the game they originate is lost, so it's a bitter pill. Add to that the fact that we are all languishing in plastic makes us totally apathetic about the experience. To those that point out "most customers don't buy them all", fine....but even in Rosencrantz instance buying only 1/3 it's still a top heavy / mismatched experience. Providing a thoughtful game outsidew of a serial chapter romp may go a long way here, but they're too busy churning them out like Chef Pepper Jack's assistant. Your point about toy availability is spot on. If the experience doesn't frustrate you, how about not getting something you want because they don't communicate availability or make it difficult or impossible to obtain in your area while competitors do it with ease? To your point, they aren't addressing this properly, and in effect have dig their own grave. |
Edited 5 times - Last edited at 02:38:26 11/03/2016 by TakeYourLemons
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565 |
#43 Posted: 11:21:19 11/03/2016
Quote: TakeYourLemons
Errr.. Last year, we had Trap Masters, cores, Minis, expansion packs and traps... I don't have the exact numbers in front of me, but it sure seems like I've bought less this year... |
Prismatic Sparx
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#44 Posted: 12:33:13 11/03/2016
There was less even counting variants. ~40 guys just on the main TT lineup, not counting variants, chase, Minis or Traps.
SO I'LL GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT (What I need is never what I want) |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:33:32 11/03/2016 by Bifrost
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#45 Posted: 12:53:39 11/03/2016
Quote: HeyitsHotDog
Not anymore, they give him a new moveset.
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defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158 |
#46 Posted: 12:53:53 11/03/2016
Quote: UncleBob
We have bought less, but it balances out because they are more expensive this year. Minis, cores and traps had a significantly lower price point than the average figure this year. Vehicles are $1 more than Trap Masters, cores are $2-3 more, racing packs are $5 more than normal adventure packs (yes light/dark was the same since they had premium figures). And without looking, it sure does seem like they amped up the variants this time to compensate. |
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565 |
#47 Posted: 12:58:07 11/03/2016
Just pulled my Spreadsheet up - TT added 197 figures in my collection (includes Traps, magic items, etc. - Only one chase variant).
SSC is at 98 figures for me (Add in at least five before all is said and done - no chase variants for me this game, sadly). For reference, SSA added 79. Giants added 124. SWAP Force added 115. So, once all is said and done, SSC will have added the least amount of figures to my collection since Spyro's Adventure. |
Gold Sparx
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#48 Posted: 15:37:13 11/03/2016
Quote: UncleBob
Thanks for the technical data, but total figure wise if you're "collecting them all" and it's not that far off. If you include traps themselves then yeah I was speaking more for the figures and whatnot. What's the number if you take out the traps? I agree with defpally that the cost increase allows them to maintain a certain sales level with LESS effort. |
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 15:42:16 11/03/2016 by TakeYourLemons
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565 |
#49 Posted: 16:11:50 11/03/2016
115, taking Traps out.
Emerald Sparx
![]() |
#50 Posted: 17:02:19 11/03/2016
It needs to be a combination of things.
1) Drop back to original pricing. The price has inched up so much that I don't think people really consider them because of it. 2) No new gimmick. Just build out what exists. Release some more giants, which is redundant since the Trap Masters are as big as Giants. Also, some more Swap Force wouldn't be bad. 3) Bring back the original cards!!!! Bad move changing these. 4) No starter packs. Release a game and the figures separate. They've proven it can be done when the Skyiimbos were released in their own packages. |
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