Quote: Chompy-King257Wait, I am a total noob when it comes to updates, so can someone answer a couple question for me, please?
- Is 1.06 free?
- Do I have to have previous updates to get the one I want, 1.06?
- Is is worth giving up the epic Persephone Money Glitch for?
- And now - the most noobiest question of all...how do I actually install an update on my Wii U?
1. All patches are free
2. No, I don't think you have to. I think you can just update straight to the latest patch.
3. I don't know, I think it was something like 12k you can get in 3 minutes, so if you want to give that up, then it's worth it, but that part is really up to you.
4. It should just pop up saying "A new software update is available, would you like to update this title?" or something like that.