"I will go to the keas first. They will take care of the news." Barloc said, not in the mood to go to every corner of the Haven to announce the same thing over and over again. Before Sybil could tell him how the bird's meeting worked, he already took off.
"Fine. It's already noon. The afternoon orcas should be here soon. Rose, you stay here and see if you can call Cairo or Jet and tell them about this. I'll go to the rock pillar and call too." Sybil said, walking to the familiar pillar. She was walking much better than earlier, though her muscles still ached in some corners. As she walked, she only hoped that the orcas heard her and Rose calling. She didn't want them to take them away without hearing what they had to say first.
darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Stuff and Nonsense > Role Play > The Haven Chronicles (The Missing s fourth act)
Prismatic Sparx
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#301 Posted: 02:10:23 27/11/2015 | Topic Creator
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#302 Posted: 02:21:12 27/11/2015
Rose noded and went to call the afternoon orcas.
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Prismatic Sparx
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#303 Posted: 02:37:53 27/11/2015 | Topic Creator
Cairo was nearby, and much like the young orca from earlier, he didn't attacked Rose, and instead approached her gently to see what she wanted.
"Good afternoon little miss. Do you need something in particular? I'm waiting for Sayan, but if he doesn't show up, well, you'll have to do." Cairo warned, being in a particularly intense playful mood that day. Barloc went to the kea's tree and talked to Mambo. It was very shocking news to him and didn't want to believe it, but that was Barloc. He would never make a joke. Knowing that it was urgent, Mambo gathered the flock and reunited at the marine bird's home, creating a nasty uproar when the news were told. "Well, my work here is done. Time to leave this sickening place." Barloc monologues, flying away to his home to continue the same task of gathering food for the unfortunate event.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Diamond Sparx
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#304 Posted: 02:43:38 27/11/2015
Quote: Felines
As Sayan was being tossed around, one particularly good throw gave him a bit of airtime and allowed the leopard to see it was already past noon. "Uh... I hate to break the game up, but I think it's already time for the afternoon watch.," he warned not wanting to get the young orca in trouble. He was unaware of any of the recent events. |
Prismatic Sparx
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#305 Posted: 02:51:01 27/11/2015 | Topic Creator
The young female saw the sun, and realized he was right. It was time for Sayan to return.
"Aw man! It was too soon. If those stupid boys didn't made me lose time..." she said with a grudge, remembering how the pair made her lose Sayan earlier. "Oh well. Better not get into trouble then. Come. I'll give you a ride this time." she said kindly, swimming below him and carrying to shore. She imagined that he was tired of being dragged by a mouth and that a ride was a much more acceptable way of traveling. The bird's meeting was coming to an abrupt end, and Yodel, who also assisted, left earlier. "My my. A drought at Hunted island. And they think it could happen here? This is quite a predicament. I wonder how dear Sybil will deal with this one." Yodel said with some satisfaction, figuring that if the drought was severe enough, it would force her to leave his home, though he didn't ignore the possibility that he will probably need to migrate if the food became too scarce.
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#306 Posted: 02:55:54 27/11/2015
"Play time would have to wait. Tell Jet a drought is starting to happen. We need to prepare for the coming months." Rose said.
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Prismatic Sparx
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#307 Posted: 03:04:58 27/11/2015 | Topic Creator
Cairo shook his head with some disbelief.
"A drought? Are you certain?" he asked, finding it hard to believe. "But... how can it be? If there was a drought, there would be a decrease of fish in the ocean." Cairo noticed, failing to realize that indeed the number of both fish and seals were decreasing, but him and the pod were so used to the abundance that both the Haven and Hunted island waters provided, that nobody took the time to notice that something was going very wrong.
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#308 Posted: 03:08:03 27/11/2015
"Look the grass is getting dryer." She picked up some grass and is crunched. "It hasn't rained in over a month."
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Diamond Sparx
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#309 Posted: 03:09:29 27/11/2015
Quote: Felines
As Sayan and the young orca approached, he saw Cairo already there meeting with Rose. He also thought he possibly saw Sybil on top of the rock pillar-- calling out? 'I hope nothing's wrong.,' he thought finding it peculiar. "Thank-you for the game and sorry it didn't quite go as planned.," he said once he was safely ashore. He looked forward to future encounters with the young orca and found them pleasantly fun to talk to. |
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 03:12:48 27/11/2015 by redwes
Prismatic Sparx
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#310 Posted: 03:11:20 27/11/2015 | Topic Creator
"Oh Sayan. I'm so glad you're here!" Sybil said, interrupting his conversation with the orca.
"Listen. This is very serious. Barloc said that a drought is beginning to happen at Hunted island. And that it will probably happen ere as well." Sybil said, breathing hard. It was hard to face the truth, but even though it wasn't as noticeable as in Hunted island, the flora was getting dryer there at the Haven too. Quote: Spyroconvexity
"But.. there was a drizzle last night... wasn't there?" Cairo pointed out, though that rain only lasted about five minutes and evaporated in the morning. A drought was very, very bad news indeed. The orcas were so used to the abundance and increase of skill that the game have provided that they have been hunting and eating for pleasure rather than necessity. If a drought came to them, that would mean that they will have to leave the Haven unprotected to migrate, or starve...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:13:58 27/11/2015 by Felines
Diamond Sparx
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#311 Posted: 03:18:27 27/11/2015
"A drought? ..Are you sure?," Sayan asked in a serious tone and in slight disbelief. He knew it was a possibility and had noticed the lack of rain, but didn't want it to be true.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:19:39 27/11/2015 by redwes
Gold Sparx
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#312 Posted: 03:25:59 27/11/2015
Crocux over heard this and said "a drought? That doesn't sound good. What can i do to help with the situation?"
I am the Ultimate Dragon first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open |
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#313 Posted: 03:27:51 27/11/2015
"It wasn't enough to give enough." Rose said. "Lisson I'm counting on you to tell the rest of the pod."
SC |
Prismatic Sparx
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#314 Posted: 03:34:24 27/11/2015 | Topic Creator
"But... what can be done?" Cairo asked, really not knowing what to do. Droughts usually made animals leave to better places, but he didn't want to leave the residents. But the pod... Jet had to get them out of there if it becomes severe.
Quote: ShadeTheDragon
"There must be another way. We can't leave the Haven. It will leave the mongooses to reclaim it and make things worse. We can store food... but..." she then said, knowing that at least she could store berries and fruits with Whirlpool's help, but meat and fish spoiled easily.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Gold Sparx
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#315 Posted: 03:45:55 27/11/2015
Crocux grew angry at this "excuse me? Are you bad mouthing monguses? They're a respectable and intellagent spiecies that diserve respect. Jacks best friend was a monguse. You have lost all of my respect."
I am the Ultimate Dragon first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open |
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#316 Posted: 03:48:31 27/11/2015
"You haven't meet Sholeh. She started the first war with the Haven." Rose said.
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Prismatic Sparx
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#317 Posted: 03:50:54 27/11/2015 | Topic Creator
Sybil was very unaware of that Jack fact, and it upset her how vital information like that was kept from her until now.
"Well forgive me, but mongooses at this island caused a lot of trouble for the birds here. They were becoming too numerous and they were eating up all of the birds eggs, nearly exterminating them. Now Sholeh is the only one allowed here, even if what Rose said is true!" Sybil explained, trying to be as calm as possible. "But enough about that. There is something more important going on here. I don't care if you respect me or not, but I have a responsibility to attend to. We must find a way to prepare for the drought before it impacts!" Sybil then said, practically ignoring Crocux now. She then looked at the snowy mountain and wondered...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:52:27 27/11/2015 by Felines
Gold Sparx
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#318 Posted: 04:44:38 27/11/2015
Crocux shook his head saying "those i have no respect for are my enemies. I will spare you for now but you better watch your back or you may just become my lunch." and stormed off going over to Shilise and Sozen saying to Shilise "come on Shi. We aren't staying here. Sozen mind taking me to your place. I need some distance from Sybil."
I am the Ultimate Dragon first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open |
Prismatic Sparx
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#319 Posted: 05:15:01 27/11/2015 | Topic Creator
"All of this because I said the truth about mongooses?" Sybil said, both furious and terrified at his threat. First Shadow and now Crocux. Just when she believed she was befriending him. But trying to keep her focus on the current task, she looked at the snowy mountain.
"Rose... you and Sayan eat fish and meat, but for you to gather that without getting spoiled, you must store it at the mountain, where it will be cold and well stored." Sybil then said, remembering that cold prevented organic material from getting putrid. "I'll just... send a bird to keep an eye on Crocux." Sybil then said after a short pause, knowing that Rose and Sayan were probably extremely worried about her now. Just when she thought a drought couldn't be any worse, now she may have made an enemy out of the ungrateful Crocux, all because of a simple, truthful comment.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Emerald Sparx
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#320 Posted: 18:33:51 27/11/2015
I know nothing about this drought as I have returned to my tree and curled up alone. I do not feel like coming out at all. Within the darkness of my home, some tears stream down my cheeks and as I lay down. The elephant brothers hear of this drought and shake their heads. Before their older brother died, as a badger he made just what they needed. A sanctuary underground with food and water. If this drought came to pass upon Haven, they were ready. However as they hear Crocux's threat they remain close to Sybil. Sensing her fear and worry, they speak. "Don't worry about that Saltwater Croc, we will protect you, Miss Sybil. Also do not be too worried about the drought, don't you remember what..., Ivor made before he passed away, tears stream down their faces as they mention their older brother. He made an underground sanctuary with an underground spring with plentiful fish, fruits and berries growing within the caverns." |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:18:41 27/11/2015 by Wyrstel
Prismatic Sparx
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#321 Posted: 18:53:17 27/11/2015 | Topic Creator
OOC: Do you have proof of that food storing? A previous post or something? Cause if you just made that up, then you are simply minimizing the conflict that will make the RP more interesting. You can't solve a problem out of nowhere like that.
"Where did you guys come from?" Sybil asked startled, but then she decided no to give it importance. She was getting use to many of the Haven residents appearing all of the sudden after not hearing from them for a long time. "Never mind that. Listen. We need to store food at the cold right now. Sayan also saves food sometimes, but if it's stored underground or something, it will just spoil fast." Sybil pointed out, knowing that they needed to work right away. "Rose, Sayan, see how many fish you can get, or pigeons you can catch. Whatever you need. I will go to the forest right now and find the warblers." Sybil said, heading into the forest. She was glad the elephants were willing to protect her, but they couldn't follow her into that part of the forest since their size could tear the trees. As she walked, she was praying for Crocux to be far away, since he sounded serious with his threat.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
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#322 Posted: 18:54:39 27/11/2015
"You're right the cold will keep our meat cool." Rose said.
SC |
Prismatic Sparx
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#323 Posted: 19:07:31 27/11/2015 | Topic Creator
Sybil watched the trees, looking for any warbler that might be around. But many of them were still at the meeting, and the ony one available, much to Sybil's annoyance, was Yodel.
"Did you need anything, miss Sybil" Yodel asked mockingly, to Sybil's anger. "Not from you." Sybil said rudely, not wanting anything to do with him. "Aw come on. I love to tease you, but have you forgotten that I am still at your services?" Yodel said slyly, and he did have a point. The forest was very quiet. Even the keas were at the meeting, and Sybil wasn't sure for how long they were going to be away, and since it was an urgent matter, Yodel had to do. "Fine then. All I ask if for you to keep a close eye on Crocux. That saltwater crocodile that arrived a few days ago?" she said briefly, not giving him the reason as to why. He didn't question it though, and Yodel obeyed. "So it's a spying then, eh? Don't mind if I do. I could use the entertainment." Yodel said, flying away. He has seen the crocodile, but he wanted to see him more up close. He didn't ask why Sybil wanted him under surveillance, but he imagined that it was because she was intimidated by him.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Gold Sparx
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#324 Posted: 19:20:58 27/11/2015
Ooc: uh sc i'm waiting for sozen.
I am the Ultimate Dragon first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open |
Prismatic Sparx
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#325 Posted: 19:27:42 27/11/2015 | Topic Creator
OOC: I'll just continue on. Hmm, is Jack there too?
Soon, Yodel discovered the whereabouts of the crocodile. He was at some distance from the wetland, talking with none other than the notorious Sozen, and a really strange, small bird. Since there was no tree to hide, Yodel landed near a big flock of pigeons that were on the ground, not minding him and having grown use to Sozen's presence.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Gold Sparx
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#326 Posted: 19:33:55 27/11/2015
Ooc: um last i checked Jack was still playing with an orca.
I am the Ultimate Dragon first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open |
Prismatic Sparx
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#327 Posted: 19:44:32 27/11/2015 | Topic Creator
OOC: Oh right. Forgot that.
While the tension was building on at the Haven, many orcas were still completely unaware on what was going on. Argon, the orca playing with Jack, was very bad in telling the time, so even though it was twenty minutes past noon, he was still thrashing and shaking him harshly around. He would have stayed with the chimp for much longer... until Ellen came to him. "Argon, what do you think you're doing? It's way past noon? Return the chimp to the island and then come. Cairo has requested a meeting." Ellen scolded, with Argon very reclutantly swimming with Jack to shore and placing him on the sand, following Ellen as soon as he freed him. He was so disappointed and embarrassed with the scold, he forgot to thank Jack for the good time.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Gold Sparx
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#328 Posted: 20:05:25 27/11/2015
Jack smiled at him as he left. He had fun. When he saw Rose he went over to them and said "so, what did i miss?"
I am the Ultimate Dragon first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:36:22 27/11/2015 by ShadeTheDragon
Prismatic Sparx
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#329 Posted: 20:13:02 27/11/2015 | Topic Creator
OOC: Sybil is in the forest at the moment. Rose is at the beach. Decide which one of them he found.
Meanwhile, Sybil returned to her tree, contemplating the fruits and berries that grew in the brushes and trees around. She tasted them, and while they were still good, they had lost a bit of the sweet flavor. The drought was coming at a very slow pace, but there was no doubt that it was coming. She wondered on how the orcas were going to handle the news, since they have gotten so use to the game that not playing anymore was probably going to accept them, not to mention that they would probably had to migrate for food. There was no way they could store food, considering how much they needed and how many of them were.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Emerald Sparx
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#330 Posted: 20:22:19 27/11/2015
The small falcon lands inside their tree, minutes later with a large fish clutched in his talons. His deep sapphire blue eyes gleam in the light as he speak. His wings are folded and a small smile is visible on his face. "Hey, there, Sybil. Do you need any help? I have some food if you want some," he says motioning to the fish in the talons. |
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#331 Posted: 20:35:29 27/11/2015
"I think it's time for me to go." Sozen said.
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Prismatic Sparx
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#332 Posted: 20:38:02 27/11/2015 | Topic Creator
Quote: Wyrstel
Sybil was grateful for the fish, but didn't accept it. "No Jaerl. You haven't heard, but there is a drought coming this way. We must store food up the snowy mountain and spare as much as we can." Sybil explained, desperate for the future. First a war, now a drought. They only had one month of peace, or at least when the orcas were not involve. But now, she had something even worse coming. She wondered why those kind of things kept happening to her.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Gold Sparx
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#333 Posted: 20:42:10 27/11/2015
"well i hope you have room for company beacuse i'm moving in" said Crocux. Shilise grew worried "crocux, what did you do?" he liiked at her and said "it isn't what i did it's what Sybil said. Sozen mind leading the way? I don't know how to go to your place."
I am the Ultimate Dragon first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open |
Prismatic Sparx
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#334 Posted: 20:48:52 27/11/2015 | Topic Creator
Sybil was ready to begin storing some food. She was in much better shape than before, though there was still a while before she could fully recover from all the torture she went through with the orcas yesterday and that morning. As she was deciding on how she would travel to the mountain with as much food as she could, she remembered what Barloc said about containers, and wondered if Whirlpool could teach her his technique so that they could avoid climbing up that difficult mountain so much.
Cairo managed to reunite the vast majority of the orcas, except for Jet and a few others. That was a very important meeting, so everybody had to participate.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Diamond Sparx
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#335 Posted: 20:58:14 27/11/2015
Quote: ShadeTheDragon
Sayan, who remained by the tiger, looked at Jack with a serious look. "I'm afraid a drought is coming. Food and rain are about to get very very scarce.," he said. |
Prismatic Sparx
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#336 Posted: 21:04:04 27/11/2015 | Topic Creator
Sybil was on her way to the beach to meet Whirlpool, when she reached it, he became unease at Jack's presence. He was best friends with Crocux after all, plus he liked mongooses, so that made things worse. She needed to get to the water nevertheless, so she just went past the group, acting indifferent to Jack.
"Don't mind me Sayan. Just waiting on an orca." Sybil explained to the leopard, deciding to wait for one rather than call.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Gold Sparx
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#337 Posted: 21:06:10 27/11/2015
Jack paniked saying "a drought!? Man this stinks. If only that old man were here, now he would be a big help right now. Were's Sybil at?" he saw Sybil showed up he said "never mind." he went over to her saying "what's this i hear about a drought? And were's Crocux, he's normally here right now?"
I am the Ultimate Dragon first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:09:19 27/11/2015 by ShadeTheDragon
Prismatic Sparx
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#338 Posted: 21:46:05 27/11/2015 | Topic Creator
Sybil shrunk her ears, as if that name hurt her eardrums. She took a quick glance at Jack and realized he was all wet and messy, so that meant that he had just return from a game and didn't know what happened.
"He... your friend think I'm his enemy now..." was all Sybil said, not even wanting to mention his threat. She then wondered in fear if Jack was going to hate her too if he found out what sparkled that hatred...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Gold Sparx
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#339 Posted: 21:56:20 27/11/2015
Jack sighed saying "i know Crocux well enough to know that he probably thretind you. So what happened that made him hate you."
I am the Ultimate Dragon first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open |
Prismatic Sparx
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#340 Posted: 22:00:19 27/11/2015 | Topic Creator
Sybil knew that if she didn't tell him, Crocux will, and that he would probably twist her tale to make her seem bad, so she decided to tell him herself.
"I just told him that mongooses use to cause trouble here at the Haven. I didn't know he had such a fondness for mongooses. They may have been your friends back where you guys lived, but here, things were different. They were a threat." Sybil explained calmly yet nervously, hoping that the chimp had more sense than the crocodile.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Gold Sparx
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#341 Posted: 22:25:22 27/11/2015
Jack nodded "well we inly knew one mongoose, knew being the key term their. And really we alway found him to have been very clevar and resorseful. If they were a threat here i can understand that. I love to cause trouble, that's why i got along with him so much. I need to know though, how did you go about telling him that? Because if you made it sound like mongooses are nothing but crimanals then he would see you as unfair and unjust. And he hates it when soneone is like that, ever."
I am the Ultimate Dragon first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open |
Prismatic Sparx
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#342 Posted: 22:37:51 27/11/2015 | Topic Creator
"Well, I only told him the truth. Mongooses here were quite naughty. I don't mean to judge anyone, but it's the truth." Sybil said upset, getting annoyed at that unpleasant conversation.
"And after I received him here! I welcomed Crocux, and look how he treated me! He said that he was going to spare me now, but..." she then said, not wanting to continue. She didn't want to imagine what will happen if she ever found him again.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Gold Sparx
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#343 Posted: 22:48:28 27/11/2015
Jack gave a scared look saying "oh you probably should have suger coated it because the last time he got that angry, ughhh it wasnt a pritty ending. I can try to calm him down but i don't think i can't do well without the old mans help. This is really bad."
I am the Ultimate Dragon first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open |
Prismatic Sparx
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#344 Posted: 23:03:45 27/11/2015 | Topic Creator
That didn't help Sybil at all. If Jack who was his friend couldn't calm Crocux down, then she was now certain that her life was in danger.
"Well how the heck was I suppose to know that he would take my commentary so badly!?" she said furiously, really regretting welcoming Crocux to the Haven. "Man I have such bad luck with reptiles!" she then said bitterly, still remembering Shadow and all the close calls she had with him. But that was a crocodile, who was bigger and was living there. "What should I do?" she asked Jack, hating the idea that she would have to walk her own Haven with a creature roaming around that meant her harm.
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#345 Posted: 00:42:17 28/11/2015
ooc: slow down a little guys. Can I have a recap?
SC |
Prismatic Sparx
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#346 Posted: 00:47:34 28/11/2015 | Topic Creator
OOC: Sorry. Yes, it's a bit fast. Well, Sybil is currently talking to Jack at the beach, with Rose and Sayan listening at the conversation, while Crocux is requesting to move in with Sozen for a while since Sybil upset him.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
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#347 Posted: 01:16:57 28/11/2015
Quote: ShadeTheDragon
"I live high in the mountains. It's very rugged and cold. Very harsh for a crocodile." Sozen said.
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Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:36:18 28/11/2015 by Spyroconvexity
Platinum Sparx
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#348 Posted: 01:24:34 28/11/2015
(Okay ... about time I joined this, finally found someone who I could use. And I've been talking with Felines about joining so things should be alright with my character and such.)
Name: Avius Gender: male Species: barn owl Appearance: ![]() Personality: He has amnesia, for the most part, though what little personality he knows himself to have includes him being friendly and curious, though he also has moments of carefulness and such. (This is by no means his permanent personality, it's likely to change and evolve as time goes on.) Goal: To recover his memories and discover why he is here.
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo! Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol. |
Prismatic Sparx
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#349 Posted: 01:29:22 28/11/2015 | Topic Creator
OOC: That's great theuone. Though you must say how will he reach the Haven. Or if he's already there, you need to say how he arrived.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Platinum Sparx
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#350 Posted: 01:35:15 28/11/2015
(Oh, I was going to have him mysteriously wake up in the Haven.)
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo! Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol. |
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