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Everything we know about Skylanders: SuperChargers (20/09/2015) [STICKY] [CLOSED]
TakeYourLemons Gold Sparx Gems: 2350
#4751 Posted: 04:08:27 30/08/2015
Quote: 84skylanderdude
6. I think it mostly doesn't feel like one because they've only been showcasing racing and vehicle segments. The on foot gameplay which is actually a giant chuck of the game will still feel like a Skylanders game.

Actually, we don't know what the mix is. In one very early interview, it was suggested by the interviewer that the mix was about 50/50...which is kinda huge. It's not a few sidebar things...if what he's saying is right literally HALF the game is the gimmick. Chew on that one.

Quote: juarmo
I actually don't care about cards, but not having them is a constant reminder that I bought a fig secondhand... Now it won't be. Now I'll NEVER have reservations about doing so!

I'm glad this works out for you, but someone has to buy these new without the card at a 30% price increase. If everyone really voted with their wallet I'd guess you'll also have a harder time finding these used. The odds are overwhelmingly against me with that statement...just saying...if the decision doesn't benefit the wave 1 purchaser you may be forced to buy new at $13 instead of used at $5. You just may be hoping the cards are back in before long smilie I'm pretty sure Activision doesn't care about making secondary buyers feel good...they should care about the person that buys the figure directly from the sellers who buy it from them. I hope this statement gets sent this year.
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 04:13:15 30/08/2015 by TakeYourLemons
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#4752 Posted: 04:17:54 30/08/2015
Quote: TakeYourLemons
Quote: 84skylanderdude
6. I think it mostly doesn't feel like one because they've only been showcasing racing and vehicle segments. The on foot gameplay which is actually a giant chuck of the game will still feel like a Skylanders game.

Actually, we don't know what the mix is. In one very early interview, it was suggested by the interviewer that the mix was about 50/50...which is kinda huge. It's not a few sidebar things...if what he's saying is right literally HALF the game is the gimmick. Chew on that one.

I think that was just an easy answer they gave at the time. 50/50? From what we've seen of levels, that 50/50 only comes into play when you count in the extra side vehicle segments. Regular non-secret gameplay is most likely gonna be more like... 80/20?
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
TakeYourLemons Gold Sparx Gems: 2350
#4753 Posted: 04:46:09 30/08/2015
50/50 makes sense, otherwise it's going to be super hard to justify 20 vehicles x 15 = $300 for 20% of a game that's only 13 levels. Btw, the number of figures never justify the content, although this game is probably going to be better than all 4 previous games simply from a number perspective.

But, as I said, very early interview...no confirmation...pure speculation. We'll find out in 20 days.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:46:34 30/08/2015 by TakeYourLemons
juarmo Blue Sparx Gems: 749
#4754 Posted: 06:16:16 30/08/2015
Quote: Bifrost
Quote: Sleepy0429
Has regular on foot PVP been announced?

No PVP at all even hinted at. I'm already with the mindset that we're not getting any

Change that mindset... It shows a pessimistic attitude and a close-minded definition of PvP. From where I'm standing, they've already announced PvP. They've highlighted PvP at a convention.
Remember guys, there are TWO kinds of PvP in this world: Those that are Direct combat, and those that are Indirect competition. Keep in mind that racing falls firmly under the latter group.

It's not the way you wanted PvP, it's not the way anyone would expect it, but its there.
You can take it in stride or you can complain about it; I don't care. Oh, and you can bet the next gimmick will be on foot, and there's no way we'll be restricted to Co-Op online...

Skylanders is Skylanders regardless of genre. It doesn't need to be a hack and slash to be Skylanders. The fact that the tablet games AREN't Hack and Slash or platformers, the fact that they can take away one sub genre (RPG) and replace it with another one (racing), these all point to one thing: Skylanders is about the magic of bringing toys to life to save an alternate reality. Skylanders is the gateway into gaming for young children, and it should not be restricted to introducing them to a single kind of game.

It still has the same spirit in the vehicle segments. It still has the same mood, wackiness, etc. it still feels like Skylanders to me. If any franchise should transcend genre, it ought to be Skylanders.
Speaking of which, the NFC chips don't record which upgrades a character possesses; just which upgrades are possessed on which skill tree. The fact that Mega-Ram Spyro has Fireslam! when used in Giants, but goes back to the S3 wow-pow in SWAP force proves this.

And difficulty scaling is the reason there's no cap boost? Seriously? What the heck is the point of difficulty settings, anyway?
Now I'm scarred. The final boss CAN'T end up like SF... It was too easy. It's not difficult to dodge everything thrown at you when it's thrown at you one of two at a time. Even on normal, Ultimate Kaos was harder than Super Evil Kaos on nightmare. The final boss was cake in SF on nightmare. I actually had more trouble with his mom and mesmerelda. The most unfair moment in SF was in Fantasm forest, when I was up against two tech geargolems that tore through my army like wet tissue, but Cloudbreak Core was dissapointingly easy... Actually those tech geargolems were more unfair than Ultimate Kaos on nightmare in TT. At least when i died, I was given a chance to react to what was about to put down my next Skylander. But with the twin tech geargolems in trap team, i nearly ran out of figures trying to kill ONE of them so I could dodge the other. I at least lasted half a minute per Skylander against Ultimate Kaos on Nightmare in Trap Team.., those things got through as many characters in less time with less health between the two... And for the most part, they took out Skylanders without taking ANY damage themselves. I spent more time switching than playing... The most enjoyable part was how ludicrous it was. Both me and my bro were laughing hysterically.

Quote: TakeYourLemons
Quote: 84skylanderdude
6. I think it mostly doesn't feel like one because they've only been showcasing racing and vehicle segments. The on foot gameplay which is actually a giant chuck of the game will still feel like a Skylanders game.

Actually, we don't know what the mix is. In one very early interview, it was suggested by the interviewer that the mix was about 50/50...which is kinda huge. It's not a few sidebar things...if what he's saying is right literally HALF the game is the gimmick. Chew on that one.

Quote: juarmo
I actually don't care about cards, but not having them is a constant reminder that I bought a fig secondhand... Now it won't be. Now I'll NEVER have reservations about doing so!

I'm glad this works out for you, but someone has to buy these new without the card at a 30% price increase. If everyone really voted with their wallet I'd guess you'll also have a harder time finding these used. The odds are overwhelmingly against me with that statement...just saying...if the decision doesn't benefit the wave 1 purchaser you may be forced to buy new at $13 instead of used at $5. You just may be hoping the cards are back in before long smilie I'm pretty sure Activision doesn't care about making secondary buyers feel good...they should care about the person that buys the figure directly from the sellers who buy it from them. I hope this statement gets sent this year.

You misunderstand. I'm still going to buy them new when I can, I just no longer have ANY reservations about buying them used. Do you KNOW how hard it is to find/afford SEALED ones of older Skylanders JUST so I can have the cards that I don't really care about? It feels like having a gun to my head... Buy it new, or you'll have a CONSTANT reminder that you bought something used... It's degrading to poor people...

If it doesn't benefit the wave 1 purchaser and they don't sell, I'll be able to buy them brand new at clearance prices, so I'm still not gonna be paying the full 13$ either way. But you're making a lot of assumptions about my lifestyle and the way I spend my money; I paid a scalper 90$ for the original legendary 3-pack back when it was worth that much... I'm not afraid to spend a large sum of money for what I want. Sure, my economic status continues to deteriorate... But I assure you that saving money isn't as much of a concern to me so much as availability is...
Because I CAN'T afford to get them all the first time around, and sometimes I can't find the ones I want... But I want most of them EVENTUALLY... I don't need a reason to have to buy them sealed, to satisfy some compulsive urge.
Acti set me free from said urge... They won't be getting ANY less money from me, I have most of the older figures that were on my want list... So now, I'm focusing on getting as MANY supercharged pairs as I can.
My dream in life is to steamroll Skylanders Imaginators on Nightmare difficulty with only a Level 60 Sir Hoodington with maximum Fire Elemental Power
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 08:40:41 30/08/2015 by TTD
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#4755 Posted: 09:49:16 30/08/2015
Quote: Bionichute
No, sounds like you guys are really just upset about cards for some reason.

Also I don't think you guys entirely understand how much money getting rid of the cards saves. The code sheets are basic, white and black pieces of paper with the only unique thing being a basic font code, and stickers, which are ridiculously easy to print at such a small scale like that. Meanwhile, cards are made of cardboard, and have completely unique color printing on them, which makes them much harder to print, especially when they're so limited.

All of the money that went into cards is going into a completely new game, new cards with new artwork, and an actual reason to buy cards. Cards have been updated, and the old ones are obsolete now. Deal with it.

Yet they felt free to bump the price.

Why exactly am I paying 3$ more for?
Yeah, sure.
Oh what a dumb idiot I am!

It's because of the engines!
I keep forgetting that...

Less things, less pricy.
More things, pricier.
It's as easy as that.

And juarmo I won't feed the pig in any way because I will buy what I want from a person which already gave his/her money to Activision instead of giving them mine too.
No way I'm not going to buy the game or the figures/vehicles I like but I can no doubt not buy what I'm not interested in (and would frankly like to not see anymore).
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 09:52:08 30/08/2015 by Drek95
TTD Hunter Gems: 6345
#4756 Posted: 11:14:58 30/08/2015 | Topic Creator
More 3DS gameplay
Deja Vu Platinum Sparx Gems: 5468
#4757 Posted: 11:24:58 30/08/2015
Nothing really new, at least we've got some Sea gameplay.
AdamGregory03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
#4758 Posted: 12:23:08 30/08/2015
Quote: Drek95
Quote: Bionichute
No, sounds like you guys are really just upset about cards for some reason.

Also I don't think you guys entirely understand how much money getting rid of the cards saves. The code sheets are basic, white and black pieces of paper with the only unique thing being a basic font code, and stickers, which are ridiculously easy to print at such a small scale like that. Meanwhile, cards are made of cardboard, and have completely unique color printing on them, which makes them much harder to print, especially when they're so limited.

All of the money that went into cards is going into a completely new game, new cards with new artwork, and an actual reason to buy cards. Cards have been updated, and the old ones are obsolete now. Deal with it.

Yet they felt free to bump the price.

Why exactly am I paying 3$ more for?
Yeah, sure.
Oh what a dumb idiot I am!

It's because of the engines!
I keep forgetting that...

Less things, less pricy.
More things, pricier.
It's as easy as that.

And juarmo I won't feed the pig in any way because I will buy what I want from a person which already gave his/her money to Activision instead of giving them mine too.
No way I'm not going to buy the game or the figures/vehicles I like but I can no doubt not buy what I'm not interested in (and would frankly like to not see anymore).

Well, Drek, you could always not buy the game.

Then I guess that'd make you a genius!

I mean, never minding the fact that the Superchargers are a dollar cheaper than the Trap Masters, and never minding the fact that this game looks worth the money, and the fact that you don't have to spend money on characters and vehicles if you don't want to, and the fact that you've literally been complaining about something since the game's been revealed!

Oh, but don't worry, Drek. I know. You're still excited for this game. smilie
Golden Queen did nothing wrong and she is best evil waifu.
Check this out! Please?
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10269
#4759 Posted: 12:41:10 30/08/2015
Guys you literally filled a page to talk about the cards and the decisions please stay on topic.Remember, keep it to a few small exchanges.

But one entire event going for... Nothing!(ok,maybe very hard to distinguish Sea gameplay) At the least the two girls seemed to have done some research to know it's not just about the Amiibolanders, but if you look at the table,they didn't even bother to put in Jet Stream and Stealth Stinger and other characters/vehicles shown in Gamescon,not even poor Fiesta around since E3. Except for someone scrolling around the menu for artworks, I don't think we're getting anything.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:41:29 30/08/2015 by Bifrost
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#4760 Posted: 12:52:52 30/08/2015
Quote: AdamGregory03
Quote: Drek95
Quote: Bionichute
No, sounds like you guys are really just upset about cards for some reason.

Also I don't think you guys entirely understand how much money getting rid of the cards saves. The code sheets are basic, white and black pieces of paper with the only unique thing being a basic font code, and stickers, which are ridiculously easy to print at such a small scale like that. Meanwhile, cards are made of cardboard, and have completely unique color printing on them, which makes them much harder to print, especially when they're so limited.

All of the money that went into cards is going into a completely new game, new cards with new artwork, and an actual reason to buy cards. Cards have been updated, and the old ones are obsolete now. Deal with it.

Yet they felt free to bump the price.

Why exactly am I paying 3$ more for?
Yeah, sure.
Oh what a dumb idiot I am!

It's because of the engines!
I keep forgetting that...

Less things, less pricy.
More things, pricier.
It's as easy as that.

And juarmo I won't feed the pig in any way because I will buy what I want from a person which already gave his/her money to Activision instead of giving them mine too.
No way I'm not going to buy the game or the figures/vehicles I like but I can no doubt not buy what I'm not interested in (and would frankly like to not see anymore).

Well, Drek, you could always not buy the game.

Then I guess that'd make you a genius!

I mean, never minding the fact that the Superchargers are a dollar cheaper than the Trap Masters, and never minding the fact that this game looks worth the money, and the fact that you don't have to spend money on characters and vehicles if you don't want to, and the fact that you've literally been complaining about something since the game's been revealed!

Oh, but don't worry, Drek. I know. You're still excited for this game. smilie

Of course I am and of course I will buy it!
It looks awesome and so do the new characters and vehicles!

But I can as well criticize what I don't like (and what I plain hate) if I give my motivations and don't simply whine for the sake of it.
Trap Masters still had cards for example. smilie
And since I personally consider SuperChargers to be more similar to Cores rather than Gimmicklanders I'm not that fond of the "let's bump the price because there are less of them" idea.

But Bifrost is right, we should create another topic if we want to keep discussing about that.
On-topic, I believe that image isn't exactly new TTD but I'm not sure it was posted here either.

We at least got a good look at Dive-Clops' toy form in that video.
He definitely looks much better "in person" than he does in the packaging shots we got of him.

3DS tracks might not be terrain specific (I can kinda see some obstacles in the upper part) but maybe they do get some changes to accomodate other kind of vehicles, like replacing the water with some floating platforms.
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10269
#4761 Posted: 12:55:57 30/08/2015
I think Dive-Clops' back looks too pearlized there, but then again, he isn't my cup of tea to begin with. I'd have liked a more detailed diving tank(more than this actual model, I mean).
(What I need is never what I want)
Blink182Bouncer Yellow Sparx Gems: 1659
#4762 Posted: 13:09:55 30/08/2015
Quote: TakeYourLemons
Quote: 84skylanderdude
6. I think it mostly doesn't feel like one because they've only been showcasing racing and vehicle segments. The on foot gameplay which is actually a giant chuck of the game will still feel like a Skylanders game.

Actually, we don't know what the mix is. In one very early interview, it was suggested by the interviewer that the mix was about 50/50...which is kinda huge. It's not a few sidebar things...if what he's saying is right literally HALF the game is the gimmick. Chew on that one.

Quote: juarmo
I actually don't care about cards, but not having them is a constant reminder that I bought a fig secondhand... Now it won't be. Now I'll NEVER have reservations about doing so!

I'm glad this works out for you, but someone has to buy these new without the card at a 30% price increase. If everyone really voted with their wallet I'd guess you'll also have a harder time finding these used. The odds are overwhelmingly against me with that statement...just saying...if the decision doesn't benefit the wave 1 purchaser you may be forced to buy new at $13 instead of used at $5. You just may be hoping the cards are back in before long smilie I'm pretty sure Activision doesn't care about making secondary buyers feel good...they should care about the person that buys the figure directly from the sellers who buy it from them. I hope this statement gets sent this year.

I'm pretty sure someone at E3 said there is only one Land Vehicle section per level, which, as you already know, are the mandatory ones.
Still Waiting For Legendary Tom DeLonge To Come In The Blink-182 Triple Pack.
GigaCamo Emerald Sparx Gems: 4288
#4763 Posted: 13:14:41 30/08/2015
Quote: TTD
More 3DS gameplay

I do agree with what they are saying. Mario Kart is one of my least favorite racing series BECAUSE of the items. I always feels my luck with the items is crap. I'm in 1st and always get bombarded with unfair items. This makes skilled MK players lose easily due to a beginner getting that one item. I like in this game how everything balances out more than MK. But that's just my opinion.
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#4764 Posted: 14:46:22 30/08/2015
Quote: Blink182Bouncer
Quote: TakeYourLemons
Quote: 84skylanderdude
6. I think it mostly doesn't feel like one because they've only been showcasing racing and vehicle segments. The on foot gameplay which is actually a giant chuck of the game will still feel like a Skylanders game.

Actually, we don't know what the mix is. In one very early interview, it was suggested by the interviewer that the mix was about 50/50...which is kinda huge. It's not a few sidebar things...if what he's saying is right literally HALF the game is the gimmick. Chew on that one.

Quote: juarmo
I actually don't care about cards, but not having them is a constant reminder that I bought a fig secondhand... Now it won't be. Now I'll NEVER have reservations about doing so!

I'm glad this works out for you, but someone has to buy these new without the card at a 30% price increase. If everyone really voted with their wallet I'd guess you'll also have a harder time finding these used. The odds are overwhelmingly against me with that statement...just saying...if the decision doesn't benefit the wave 1 purchaser you may be forced to buy new at $13 instead of used at $5. You just may be hoping the cards are back in before long smilie I'm pretty sure Activision doesn't care about making secondary buyers feel good...they should care about the person that buys the figure directly from the sellers who buy it from them. I hope this statement gets sent this year.

I'm pretty sure someone at E3 said there is only one Land Vehicle section per level, which, as you already know, are the mandatory ones.

If that's true then the on foot to racing ratio is gonna be MUCH higher than 50/50.
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10269
#4765 Posted: 14:50:05 30/08/2015
Foot to racing is 50/50 because there are three vehicle sections to split that 50 from - but keep in mind this was for story mode,not minigames or extra activities like online.

Rift into Overdrive is coming out this wednesday! Because of the nature of the graphic novel, I'll probably post previews here as well as the book thread if Aura doesn't beat me to it :U You guys can question if extending the prequel to a comic is right or not all day,but I'm more excited to see David take the kid gloves off again after the Malefor arc since he clearly can go a bit further in the comics than in the games. If we can't go back on the decision now,better enjoy the first time we're getting a graphic novel.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:51:32 30/08/2015 by Bifrost
TTD Hunter Gems: 6345
#4766 Posted: 14:54:17 30/08/2015 | Topic Creator
I think it's best to wait until the game releases before debating about the on-foot and vehicle ratio as there is no concrete evidence to back up any statistic.
skylandsfan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5477
#4767 Posted: 15:21:39 30/08/2015
Somewhat better photo of Thrillipede:
[User Posted Image] https://instagram.com/p/7Aw77XE-Vk/
My life will not be complete until I own Sun Dragon
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10269
#4768 Posted: 15:24:05 30/08/2015
...Still don't like him,but you can see his outfit much better now,it's an aviator jacket and goggles.Buzz Wing looks awesome but considering the Supercharged version being a goofy looking bumblebee plane I'll stick to Jet Stream's mods,thank you very much.

Hopefully someone'll get a clear picture of Splat like that...?
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:26:14 30/08/2015 by Bifrost
GigaCamo Emerald Sparx Gems: 4288
#4769 Posted: 15:25:01 30/08/2015
Quote: skylandsfan
Somewhat better photo of Thrillipede:
[User Posted Image] https://instagram.com/p/7Aw77XE-Vk/

The Buzz Wing looks great! It is my favorite viechle by far!
skylandsfan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5477
#4770 Posted: 15:28:28 30/08/2015
Quote: Bifrost
...Still don't like him,but you can see his outfit much better now,it's an aviator jacket and goggles.Buzz Wing looks awesome but considering the Supercharged version being a goofy looking bumblebee plane I'll stick to Jet Stream's mods,thank you very much.

Hopefully someone'll get a clear picture of Splat like that...?

He said he's going back in a few minutes to get a pic of her. He also said she has a bubble wand.
My life will not be complete until I own Sun Dragon
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10269
#4771 Posted: 15:31:32 30/08/2015
Bubbles...? Hm,that explains the Stand-creating bubble that Splatter Splasher shoots out in one of the trailers. Splat makes more sense thinking of bubbles instead of paint.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:31:47 30/08/2015 by Bifrost
AdamGregory03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
#4772 Posted: 15:32:09 30/08/2015
Yeah, I agree with everyone else. Buzz Wing looks awesome.

Thrillipede... Meh.

But I'm still waiting to see some of his gameplay. Can't judge a book by it's cover, ya know.
Golden Queen did nothing wrong and she is best evil waifu.
Check this out! Please?
fairyland Emerald Sparx Gems: 3800
#4773 Posted: 15:32:38 30/08/2015
Quote: skylandsfan
Somewhat better photo of Thrillipede. (Edited)

Somewhat better image of Splat please. LOL
Stay Cool!
Muffin Man Platinum Sparx Gems: 5511
#4774 Posted: 15:35:28 30/08/2015
So both Magic skylanders have a bubble theme this year? Interesting. I wonder why they didn't try giving all the other elements a shared theme.
Boop me if you see this.
Bionichute Yellow Sparx Gems: 1889
#4775 Posted: 15:45:09 30/08/2015
Thrillipede doesn't look much like a centipede, but I still like that we have the first entirely bug themed character in Skylanders.
//forum.darkspyro.net/spyro/viewposts.php?topic=129460 Check out my Skylanders game idea!
GigaCamo Emerald Sparx Gems: 4288
#4776 Posted: 15:49:11 30/08/2015
Anyone notice Thrillipede is holding something in two of his hands? I think he might be a projectile character.
diddy50 Gold Sparx Gems: 2554
#4777 Posted: 15:49:59 30/08/2015
What is thrillipede holding?
Blink182Bouncer Yellow Sparx Gems: 1659
#4778 Posted: 15:50:34 30/08/2015
We have this: http://pixelkin.org/2015/08/30...rst-impression/
Still Waiting For Legendary Tom DeLonge To Come In The Blink-182 Triple Pack.
Bionichute Yellow Sparx Gems: 1889
#4779 Posted: 15:55:17 30/08/2015
Quote: diddy50
What is thrillipede holding?

//forum.darkspyro.net/spyro/viewposts.php?topic=129460 Check out my Skylanders game idea!
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10269
#4780 Posted: 15:58:47 30/08/2015
Quote: Bionichute
Quote: diddy50
What is thrillipede holding?


They look more like golden acorns or... By some weird chance, cashews. Dunno,they just seem curved like the fruit.

Quote: Blink182Bouncer

Ooh, had no idea that there was an article along with the video.
(What I need is never what I want)
Deja Vu Platinum Sparx Gems: 5468
#4781 Posted: 16:03:16 30/08/2015
Splat, I need her! It's the only way to see a good pic of her before the website update... by the way, I'm really loosing my patience.
Bionichute Yellow Sparx Gems: 1889
#4782 Posted: 16:08:14 30/08/2015
Quote: Bifrost
Quote: Bionichute
Quote: diddy50
What is thrillipede holding?


They look more like golden acorns or... By some weird chance, cashews. Dunno,they just seem curved like the fruit.

Oh, they're definitely based on something like that, but judging by the way he's holding them, and the fact that you can see the pins, they are definitely some type of grenade.
//forum.darkspyro.net/spyro/viewposts.php?topic=129460 Check out my Skylanders game idea!
GigaCamo Emerald Sparx Gems: 4288
#4783 Posted: 16:10:13 30/08/2015
I personaly hope for gameplay of the Tomb Buggy and the Buzz Wing.
Deja Vu Platinum Sparx Gems: 5468
#4784 Posted: 16:44:51 30/08/2015
So we won't see Splat today... now I'm mad! FOR GOD'S SAKE, WHY DOES THE WEBSITE TAKE SO LONG!?!?!?!
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10269
#4785 Posted: 16:55:41 30/08/2015
Instagram Giveaway is a Dark Edition Starter Pack, just comment with your favorite Dark Edition Skylander. US residents 13+, so probably a big part of the board is out on this one.
(What I need is never what I want)
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#4786 Posted: 16:58:54 30/08/2015
Quote: Bifrost
Instagram Giveaway is a Dark Edition Starter Pack, just comment with your favorite Dark Edition Skylander. US residents 13+, so probably a big part of the board is out on this one.

Younger people, people not in the US, people without an Intagram... Yup, a lot of people not in this one.
TTD Hunter Gems: 6345
#4787 Posted: 16:59:15 30/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Please stop whining about the website update, it's not gonna make it come sooner, just be patient.
GinjaNinja Gold Sparx Gems: 2604
#4788 Posted: 17:10:07 30/08/2015
I love Thrillipede and Buzz Wing. Some of my favorites this year. Can't wait to see an HD picture of him.
TakeYourLemons Gold Sparx Gems: 2350
#4789 Posted: 17:19:34 30/08/2015
^Yeah, and the lack of information is kinda nice. I'm fine with some mysteries in the roster.

Quote: juarmo
Change that mindset... It shows a pessimistic attitude and a close-minded definition of PvP. From where I'm standing, they've already announced PvP. They've highlighted PvP at a convention.
Remember guys, there are TWO kinds of PvP in this world: Those that are Direct combat, and those that are Indirect competition. Keep in mind that racing falls firmly under the latter group.

Thanks for the clarification, but I'm easily 90% sure Skyfan old timers meant PvP battle mode--you know, since that's what we got for the first three times in the entry. A major delivery item I think most fan wanted was PvP online battle mode. Heck, I'd be happy if just PvP battle mode was simply returning at this point.

I don't want each game to be the exact same--I'm kinda glad we got battle mode removed last time, but if it is not in this game then it will EASILY be on the top of feature requests for #6. Kinda sad that innovation is being reduced to having features we already love coming back. Quests/Heroics are another area that game me a ton of replayability too.
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 17:24:18 30/08/2015 by TakeYourLemons
Luminous35 Gold Sparx Gems: 2457
#4790 Posted: 17:23:13 30/08/2015
Dark Edition Giveaway? I don't need that! I'm already getting it smilie

Gosh no Astroblast or Splat? Or Whatever else is on the package... BIG BUBBLE POP FIZZ??? Ugh! Oh well. Just gotta wait... Wait for the Website Update... Lol i rhymed Anyway I suspect it's gonna come sometime this week. So I'll sit back... And wait...
smilie smilie STARCAST FOR PRESIDENT OF MY SEXUALITY smilie smilie
smilie smilie Professor Jet-Vac? I don’t feel so good. smilie smilie
TakeYourLemons Gold Sparx Gems: 2350
#4791 Posted: 17:25:22 30/08/2015
Skylanders website has always been effectively useless. I don't see that changing anytime soon.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10269
#4792 Posted: 17:29:20 30/08/2015
Useless? We get all the unrevealed backstories,artwork,extra HD screenshots that might hint at new levels, and gameplay because at this point they'll never have enough until release. It's all the content we need, the opposite of useless.

But if it doesn't update,we just gotta try to get the most out of what we have. But we aren't having much this PAX Prime.
(What I need is never what I want)
TakeYourLemons Gold Sparx Gems: 2350
#4793 Posted: 17:31:38 30/08/2015
^ Well, usually AFTER they get the web site updated I've already gotten my information from other sources. I'm sure it provides value...to someone.

Quote: TTD
More 3DS gameplay

Review seemed fair. The types of thing I saw on the previous 3DS gameplay video was nailed on their assessment. Items didn't seem to have a huge impact, and the characters weren't all that huddled.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:32:25 30/08/2015 by TakeYourLemons
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10269
#4794 Posted: 17:32:28 30/08/2015
Rift into Overdrive previews are UP!

Spoiler everything,please. I'm still reading so none for me for a bit :U

Great idea guys,let's move the Core of Light to our under-defended school where we allow pretty much everyone.At least this explains why the landmass was extended,the HQ was moved here literally.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:37:23 30/08/2015 by Bifrost
Luminous35 Gold Sparx Gems: 2457
#4795 Posted: 17:34:56 30/08/2015
TIME TO READ!! smilie

So excited!

Edit: That didn't really explain anything

BESIDES THE FACT THAT POP FIZZ IS GETTING A LEGENDARY smilie Jk smilie But the next few chapters might explain how Kaos escapes... And the Core of Light is there? Since when?Anyway, Pretty good so far! Just want to know more.
smilie smilie STARCAST FOR PRESIDENT OF MY SEXUALITY smilie smilie
smilie smilie Professor Jet-Vac? I don’t feel so good. smilie smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:39:06 30/08/2015 by Luminous35
Bionichute Yellow Sparx Gems: 1889
#4796 Posted: 17:38:59 30/08/2015
Boy that last panel.

Looks like they are gonna explain how Kaos got freed.
//forum.darkspyro.net/spyro/viewposts.php?topic=129460 Check out my Skylanders game idea!
Luminous35 Gold Sparx Gems: 2457
#4797 Posted: 17:40:30 30/08/2015

The last page... GLUMSHANKS???!!!!!
smilie smilie STARCAST FOR PRESIDENT OF MY SEXUALITY smilie smilie
smilie smilie Professor Jet-Vac? I don’t feel so good. smilie smilie
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#4798 Posted: 17:40:52 30/08/2015
Quote: Bifrost
Bubbles...? Hm,that explains the Stand-creating bubble that Splatter Splasher shoots out in one of the trailers. Splat makes more sense thinking of bubbles instead of paint.

Well... I absolutely never thought about bubbles but the "orb" at the end of her staff always looked more like a circle rather than a sphere.
It does makes sense but would have sincerely preferred paint based skills.

We'll see what she'll be able to do though. smilie

Quote: Bionichute
Thrillipede doesn't look much like a centipede, but I still like that we have the first entirely bug themed character in Skylanders.

Ahem... Swarm and Dune Bug...? smilie

Anyway I agree with those who say Thrillipede is holding two granades in two of his arms but am still wondering how he'll use them.
And most of all what will make him Life related except for the green color and the fact he is a bug unless maybe his granades are actually fruits as Bifrost suggested.
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10269
#4799 Posted: 17:41:46 30/08/2015
Trigger Happy also lied entirely about having "calmed down" after some Academy classes like he said all the way back in Issue 5. Unless he thinks it's good enough if he didn't kill the Mabu in that game booth.
(What I need is never what I want)
Luminous35 Gold Sparx Gems: 2457
#4800 Posted: 17:43:55 30/08/2015
Wait, Splat shoots... BUBBLES? Uh now her name makes no sense. What even...
smilie smilie STARCAST FOR PRESIDENT OF MY SEXUALITY smilie smilie
smilie smilie Professor Jet-Vac? I don’t feel so good. smilie smilie
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