darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders: Trap Team > Maximum Health for All Skylanders?
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zookinator Platinum Sparx Gems: 5726 |
#1 Posted: 13:07:28 16/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Hi all, I'm in the middle of an important project for me. I am designing another board game around Skylanders, and am slowly whittling down the mechanics. But, I need to have the health that each of the Skylanders have at level 20, as my game revolves heavily on their health. U din't need it for variants like minis or reposes, or recolors either. Just the base forms. If someone can help, please do.
Alphawolf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1692 |
#2 Posted: 00:57:01 17/08/2015
i found some info on a wiki but it dosent seem right, i remember knightlight having alot more hp than that. but they didnt have a single page with all of there hp just individual pages with info on each of them.
http://skylanders.wikia.com/wiki/Trap_Masters |
Skylander3112 Gold Sparx Gems: 2128 |
#3 Posted: 02:15:48 17/08/2015
Why not wait until SuperChargers come out as they HP amounts might change
Czar Mania Ripto Gems: 353 |
#4 Posted: 02:42:13 17/08/2015
Good luck with the hp debacle,when you compare charecters that can be played in both swap force and trap team you will see huge changes in hp. Who knows if superchargers will raise the level cap or not but as stated above it may be best to wait for super chargers to be released also as far as getting a complete listing of all charecters hp may be a challenge may have to resort to maxing out your own and asking others for help for ones you don't have good luck.
TakeYourLemons Gold Sparx Gems: 2350 |
#5 Posted: 03:57:20 17/08/2015
This has never been a consistent thing; it gets retooled on each game release. Up through swap force I'd say we had an excellent handle on it. With the removal of heroics and quests it's become a reason not to even have a topic such as this. With Bonus Missions being reintroduced in SC, we may have a reason to discuss it on a more detailed level again.
wreckingballbob Emerald Sparx Gems: 4565 |
#6 Posted: 08:35:34 17/08/2015
Spyro's Adventure
Spyro 560 Trigger Happy 400 Gill Grunt 540 Eruptor 580 Chop Chop 600 Bash 620 Stump Smash 680 Prism Break 580 Voodood 580 Wrecking Ball 540 Stealth Elf 540 Sonic Boom 560 Boomer 460 Zap 520 Hex 540 Double Trouble 500 Cynder 520 Dino-Rang 600 Ghost Roaster 560 Flameslinger 500 Drill Segeant 580 Terrafin 620 Whirlwind 540 Drobot 580 Ignitor 480 Warnado 620 Lightning Rod 580 Slam Bam 620 Zook 520 Camo 600 Sunburn 560 Wham-Shell 600 Giants Spyro 716 Trigger Happy 511 Gill Grunt 690 Eruptor 741 Chop Chop 767 Bash 792 Stump Smash 869 Prism Break 741 Voodood 741 Wrecking Ball 690 Stealth Elf 690 Sonic Boom 716 Boomer 588 Zap 665 Hex 690 Double Trouble 639 Cynder 665 Dino-Rang 767 Ghost Roaster 716 Flameslinger 639 Drill Segeant 741 Terrafin 792 Whirlwind 690 Drobot 741 Ignitor 613 Warnado 792 Lightning Rod 741 Slam Bam 792 Zook 665 Camo 767 Sunburn 716 Wham-Shell 767 Tree Rex 1099 Jet-Vac 613 Pop Fizz 690 Bouncer 1099 Chill N/A 665 Fright Rider 690 Crusher 1201 Swarm 1022 Sprocket 613 Flashwing 665 Hot Head 1099 Shroomboom 665 Thumpback 1175 Hot Dog 639 Eye-Brawl 1099 Ninjini 1048 Swap Force Spyro 1075 Trigger Happy 835 Gill Grunt 1045 Eruptor 1105 Chop Chop 1135 Bash 1165 Stump Smash 1255 Prism Break 1105 Voodood 1105 Wrecking Ball 1045 Stealth Elf 1045 Sonic Boom 1075 Boomer 925 Zap 1015 Hex 1045 Double Trouble 985 Cynder 1015 Dino-Rang 1135 Ghost Roaster 1075 Flameslinger 985 Drill Segeant 1105 Terrafin 1165 Whirlwind 1045 Drobot 1105 Ignitor 955 Warnado 1165 Lightning Rod 1105 Slam Bam 1165 Zook 1015 Camo 1135 Sunburn 1075 Wham-Shell 1135 Tree Rex 1525 Jet-Vac 955 Pop Fizz 1045 Bouncer 1525 Chill 1015 Fright Rider 1045 Crusher 1645 Swarm 1435 Sprocket 955 Flashwing 1015 Hot Head 1525 Shroomboom 1015 Thumpback 1615 Hot Dog 985 Eye-Brawl 1525 Ninjini 1465 Wash Buckler 1145 Blast Zone 1105 Pop Thorn 1075 Bumble Blast 1195 Hoot Loop 985 Magna Charge 1075 Rattle Shake 1075 Free Ranger 1075 Countdown 1105 Roller Brawl 1015 Zoo Lou 1105 Slobber Tooth 1135 Fire Kraken 1015 Grilla Drilla 1105 Night Shift 835 Boom Jet 1015 Scorp 1015 Rip Tide 1135 Star Strike 1015 Grim Creeper 985 Stink Bomb 1045 Spy Rise 1045 Rubble Rouser 1200 Wind-Up 985 Dune Bug 1015 Smolderdash 1075 Fryno 1235 Punk Shock 1045 Trap Shadow 1110 Freeze Blade 1075 Scratch 1015 Doom Stone 1075 Trap Team Spyro 871 Trigger Happy 622 Gill Grunt 840 Eruptor 902 Chop Chop 933 Bash 964 Stump Smash 1058 Prism Break 902 Voodood 902 Wrecking Ball 840 Stealth Elf 840 Sonic Boom 871 Boomer 716 Zap 809 Hex 840 Double Trouble 778 Cynder 809 Dino-Rang 933 Ghost Roaster 871 Flameslinger 778 Drill Segeant 902 Terrafin 964 Whirlwind 840 Drobot 902 Ignitor 747 Warnado 964 Lightning Rod 902 Slam Bam 964 Zook 809 Camo 933 Sunburn 871 Wham-Shell 933 Tree Rex 1337 Jet-Vac 747 Pop Fizz 840 Bouncer 1337 Chill 809 Fright Rider 840 Crusher 1462 Swarm 1244 Sprocket 747 Flashwing 809 Hot Head 1337 Shroomboom 809 Thumpback 1431 Hot Dog 778 Eye-Brawl 1337 Ninjini 1275 Wash Buckler 965 Blast Zone 902 Pop Thorn 871 Bumble Blast 995 Hoot Loop 778 Magna Charge 871 Rattle Shake 871 Free Ranger 871 Countdown 902 Roller Brawl 809 Zoo Lou 902 Slobber Tooth 933 Fire Kraken 809 Grilla Drilla 809 Night Shift 622 Boom Jet 809 Scorp 809 Rip Tide 933 Star Strike 933 Grim Creeper 778 Stink Bomb 840 Spy Rise 840 Rubble Rouser 996 Wind-Up 778 Dune Bug 809 Smolderdash 871 Fryno 1126 Punk Shock 840 Trap Shadow 905 Freeze Blade 871 Scratch 809 Doom Stone 871 Gusto 1244 Chopper 778 Funny Bone 840 Torch 716 Deja Vu 653 Snap Shot 902 Food Fight 809 Wildfire 1026 Krypt King 933 Fist Bump 871 Blastermind 747 Tuff Luck 964 Bushwhack 902 Lob-Star 747 Head Rush 1058 Jawbreaker 1058 Blades 871 Tread Head 840 Wallop 933 Ka-Boom 778 Cobra Cadabra 902 Trail Blazer 840 Knight Light 1337 Knight Mare 1089 High Five 840 Bat Spin 747 Thunderbolt 1275 Short Cut 871 Echo 840 Rocky Roll 840 Spotlight 840 Blackout 809 Gearshift 933 Enigma 964 Flip Wreck 933 Fling Kong 747
5.7. |
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 08:58:54 17/08/2015 by wreckingballbob
zookinator Platinum Sparx Gems: 5726 |
#7 Posted: 12:14:38 17/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Thanks WreckingBallBob. This will come in handy.
Anyway, I only really need the maximum health of the Skylanders once they're levelled up to 20, which I have all of mine there, I just didn't have the time to check them all. Not until today, but thanks to WreckingBallBob, I've got it. Oh, Alphawolf, I was actually considering using the Skylanders Wiki, but I don't think the health levels are accurate. That needs to be changed. |
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10537 |
#8 Posted: 12:19:12 17/08/2015
A looot of stats are innacurate or outdated there in the wiki, but who's there is free to do research to correct them. I'll do no good myself with just ~20 skylanders that I don't always bother to level fully, however.
SO I'LL GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT (What I need is never what I want) |
Skylander3112 Gold Sparx Gems: 2128 |
#9 Posted: 13:32:13 17/08/2015
Are the healths in SSF without the legendary treasures' power up?
zookinator Platinum Sparx Gems: 5726 |
#10 Posted: 18:18:16 17/08/2015 | Topic Creator
I don't think so, they're higher than TT's max health for the Skylanders. TT doesn't have any Health-Boosting items really.
wreckingballbob Emerald Sparx Gems: 4565 |
#11 Posted: 09:31:11 18/08/2015
Quote: zookinator
It isn't including Legendary treasure health boosts but it does include quest health boost of 75HP.
5.7. |
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