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Battle for the Haven (The Missing s third act) [CLOSED]
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#1101 Posted: 21:12:40 23/06/2015
Ivor looks sadly as Sybil leaves. Turning to face Rose and Sayan, he speaks. His eyes pleading for them to do this one thing for him.

"Could you two bring me to Sybil, I need to do something before I go, he says, tears streaming down his cheeks. It is true that Hunted has some casualties, but only two, the cockatoos are the ones to feel the hurt of the loss, but Haven and Hunted both will suffer from his. Ivor cares dearly for the young serval and if there is one thing he can do before he goes, he wants to be there for her to the last.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1102 Posted: 01:59:45 24/06/2015 | Topic Creator
Sybil remained near Yodel's tree. If Voracivenom was there, she either didn't noticed him or ignored him. Her mind was just so full of anger. There was no one who could possibly convince her to back away from her recent decision. That being said, she was suddenly reminded of Sholeh. She was still imprisoned, and Sybil was sure that she was going to cause trouble again once she was freed. Being firm with her stubborn and cruel new rule, she was reminded of Cairo's hatred for the mongoose. If Yodel wasn't going to arrive now, she left his tree once again to find the orca. She was sure Cairo was going to happy with what she was about to offer.

And about Sholeh, at that precise moment, she was lying down, playing with a lizard. Everything was quiet. Sholeh knew that the war was over, but all she could think of is when she was going to be released of those infernal binds. She has been there more than a month, and she was even thinking of never steal eggs again if it meant going through that imprisonment again. But more than that, she was very regretful of accepting Rose's kind offer of having her live there. Living in the Outback was better than being tied up at her own home.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#1103 Posted: 21:15:13 28/06/2015
At the den, Odette was irritated at her neighbors' meddling. The younger male she didn't have much of a problem with, but the older one, Dolton, always seemed to want to agitate them one way or another. Their conversation escalated to another argument while the young dingo sat by AJ, hopefully to be able to comfort him.
"When is the boss gonna get rid of that rat for you? It's been a whole month, you'd think that he'd do something about it--"
"He's not a rat, Dolton! We've established that he's a margay!"
"He's a Haven rat."
"Why did you even come here? To harass me, like every other time?!"
"I just wanted to see how the little rat's doing. See if he caught the heat sickness yet or got his throat ripped out by a hawk--"
"Just get out!"
"What, I can't be up-to-date with things?!"
While they continued to yell at each other, the young male brought his snout down to the margay's ear to whisper. "If you want, I can take you out the back entrance and let you hang out at my place. I know that this must be hard for you to deal with."


Voracivenom was dozing off until her heard Sybil's paws crunch the leaves inside Yodel's tree hole. He attempted to greet her, but she never responded. She didn't even look at him when he noted her dark, weary demeanor. Something was very, very wrong. His alarm increased when she abruptly left again, and followed after her, calling her name.
"Mistress! Mistress, please, answer me! This isn't like you at all, what happened? Is it an emergency! Please, wait!"
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#1104 Posted: 21:25:08 28/06/2015
"That sounds good to me, um... Daddy, I say shyly, nuzzling him back. It is very hard to deal with, but you and Mommy, make it less so. Umm, is it alright if I call you, what I just called you. It's just that is what I feel that, you have been to me all this time. Maybe you, Chica and Odette can get to know one another and I can have two mommies or mothers, and a daddy," I say, blushing as I call him daddy again.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 21:50:57 28/06/2015 by Wyrstel
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#1105 Posted: 21:47:40 28/06/2015
OOC: The other male is the one who's talking to him. Odette and Dolton are still arguing. smilie
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1106 Posted: 00:23:58 29/06/2015 | Topic Creator
Quote: Waaksian
At the den, Odette was irritated at her neighbors' meddling. The younger male she didn't have much of a problem with, but the older one, Dolton, always seemed to want to agitate them one way or another. Their conversation escalated to another argument while the young dingo sat by AJ, hopefully to be able to comfort him.
"When is the boss gonna get rid of that rat for you? It's been a whole month, you'd think that he'd do something about it--"
"He's not a rat, Dolton! We've established that he's a margay!"
"He's a Haven rat."
"Why did you even come here? To harass me, like every other time?!"
"I just wanted to see how the little rat's doing. See if he caught the heat sickness yet or got his throat ripped out by a hawk--"
"Just get out!"
"What, I can't be up-to-date with things?!"
While they continued to yell at each other, the young male brought his snout down to the margay's ear to whisper. "If you want, I can take you out the back entrance and let you hang out at my place. I know that this must be hard for you to deal with."

Outside the den, Yodel could't see a thing, but the arguing was so loud, he could hear it. He heard when one of them said margay, concluding his search. So the vultures were right. AJ was there. So all his suffering and humiliation was going to pay off. But one dingo ear he could catch a glimpse of gave away what he feared. Dingos were holding the pitiful margay captive, and it wasn't going to be easy to get him out. He would have to wait until the pack went hunting to release him, so he would probably had to wait until night...

Quote: Waaksian
Voracivenom was dozing off until her heard Sybil's paws crunch the leaves inside Yodel's tree hole. He attempted to greet her, but she never responded. She didn't even look at him when he noted her dark, weary demeanor. Something was very, very wrong. His alarm increased when she abruptly left again, and followed after her, calling her name.
"Mistress! Mistress, please, answer me! This isn't like you at all, what happened? Is it an emergency! Please, wait!"

Sybil turned to face him.
"Oh Voracivenom, you're here. I thought you were at Yodel's tree." she answered, not realizing she was followed.
"You don't need to worry about anything. The war is over, ain't it? There is nothing to be wary of. I'm just going to do a little... cleaning." Sybil said politely, yet a bit creepy. She then left, but keeping a watchful eye around. She didn't want anyone to follow her, especially Voracivenom. He could mess everything up if he told Rose what she was up to...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1107 Posted: 00:21:38 05/07/2015
Sozen looked away when Rose started to cry.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1108 Posted: 01:00:29 05/07/2015 | Topic Creator
While everybody was lamenting Ivor's loss, Sybil had other things in mind. Fearing that Voracivenom could be following her, she made a few detours to keep him off her trace. Afterwards, she headed to the beach and called for Cairo, who came very quickly since he was nearby.
"Miss, so nice to see you again. The recovering is going great." he said, evidently in a good mood and unaware of the news. But when he saw Sybil, he knew something was definitely wrong.
"Cairo... we just lost somebody to the war. The badger... Ivor." Sybil told, ruining Cairo's good mood.
"I'm too soft Cairo. I have realized that now. If I could have ordered Shadow killed the many times I had the chance, this cursed war would have never happened! But no more Cairo. Whoever threatens the peace and lives of the Haven, he or she won't be banished or imprisoned anymore." Sybil said with a pause, really scaring Cairo.
"Right now, there is but only one being who still remains that could remain a threat. And I just know how much you want her. Sybil concluded, with Cairo knowing who was she referring to. It was true. Cairo wanted Sholeh so badly before, but Sybil suggesting that was not like her at all. That wasn't the Sybil he knew. All that felt wrong...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1109 Posted: 01:12:18 05/07/2015
Rose huged Ivor one last time before leaving. She was devistated and hurt.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1110 Posted: 02:02:36 05/07/2015 | Topic Creator
Cairo stood there, knowing that the war has really affected his beloved Sybil. She would have never suggested anything like that in the past. When he raised his head to try to console her, she was already gone. What now? Was she going to bring Sholeh to him? He hated the mongoose, but he loved Rose, and knew that if she has allowed her to live at the Haven was because she had faith. Or was it too much innocence? It was so hard to think on what was the best thing to do when the time came...

Sholeh was lying down with her belly up. She was feeling very lazy. Many times she has tried to break those binds that was obstructing her freedom, but after countless times trying, she had given up. She had no choice but to wait for Rose to think when was the right time to free her. She only hoped that she hasn't forgotten about her. If only she knew what was going to be brought upon her, she would have doubled her efforts to get away...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#1111 Posted: 02:13:14 05/07/2015
Ooc: Is it to late to join this? If not, I will make a charater soon
Quote: Carmelita Fox
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1112 Posted: 02:37:13 05/07/2015 | Topic Creator
OOC: No. It's never too late smilie
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#1113 Posted: 02:40:49 05/07/2015
Ooc: So, uh, can we only do birds?
Quote: Carmelita Fox
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1114 Posted: 02:45:30 05/07/2015 | Topic Creator
OOC: What do you mean only birds? The rules are any animal, as long as it's one that it has barely been seen by people, very endangered and/or overly hunted. Those are the rules.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#1115 Posted: 02:51:37 05/07/2015
Ooc: Oh I saw a lot of people doing birds, just thought it was an only bird charater rp
Quote: Carmelita Fox
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1116 Posted: 02:58:50 05/07/2015 | Topic Creator
OOC: Well, now you know. If you have seen many birds it's because the great majority of them are the native ones. They are secondary characters, but extremely important. They are the messengers and guardians, In fact, whatever character you create should have been informed about the Haven either by a seagull, pelican or warbler smilie
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#1117 Posted: 03:08:04 05/07/2015
Name: Tak
Gender: Male
Species: Red Fox
Personality: Brave, daring
Goal: To be one of the sneakiest animals

I'll edit this to make it better, and jump into the rp tomorrow when I'm not so tired
Quote: Carmelita Fox
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:34:47 08/07/2015 by PwnageFTW
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1118 Posted: 04:31:27 05/07/2015 | Topic Creator
OOC: Excellent. It is accepted. Now all that's left is Take arriving to either the Haven or Hunted island. You can control the orca taking him and even give it a name if you want to. Be aware though that there was recently a war, so your character may take a while to be received.

As Sholeh was enjoying the quiet of that afternoon when she received the unexpected visit of Sybil.
"Hey now, it's good to know somebody knows I still exist." she ironically said, with Sybil trying very hard not to look upset.
"Sholeh, Rose has been devastated by the war. It will take a while for her to recover, and then I remembered how much faith she has in you. Since you have been here for too long now and we can use all the help we can get... I'm setting you free." Sybil lied, in hopes of luring her to the trap. She was usually very bad at lying and Sholeh knew that, but her heart was so corrupted with hatred that it sounded very convincing.

"Finally! I mean, thank you. I've learned my lesson now. Now can you please release me?" Sholeh said desperately, and while Sybil untied her, she wanted to make one thing clear.
"Now then, I didn't started the war, so if I help, it will be when I feel like it." she said rudely, but Sybil didn't listened to her. She didn't want to forcefully bring Sholeh to the beach and struggle with her on an end of a rope, so she was going to try to earn her trust a little first and find the perfect moment to bring her to Cairo and end her threat once and for all.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1119 Posted: 14:44:24 05/07/2015
Rose climbed out of Sybil's tree and began walking to the beach with her head down.

Sozen followed Rose to make sure she was fine. "I will never allow this war to happen again or allow another innocent life to be killed." Sozen thought to himself.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:53:50 05/07/2015 by Spyroconvexity
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1120 Posted: 04:38:15 06/07/2015 | Topic Creator
"By the way, if you do help, I suggest the beach. Many of the marine birds could use the help." Sybil said cautiously, but failed to realize Sholeh was much smarter than that.
"Sure... but like I told you, I will do it on my own time." she said, heading to the other direction. Everybody around the Haven needed help, so why the beach specifically? She wondered if it was because that's where most of the attacks took place. Either way, there was no way she was going near that water after her nasty experience with Cairo. She was determined to never let anybody force her there. Sybil was going to keep a close eye on the mongoose for the next hours, and if she didn't go there within the time limit, she was going to pester her until she did so.

At Hunted island, things were still moving. A proper burial was given to the two fallen cockatoos, so all that was left was a bit of more cleaning and then try to resume their normal lives as best they could. It was very silent there, but Barloc was furious. There was no telling what was going on in that unstable, angry mind of his.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1121 Posted: 12:34:36 06/07/2015
Soon Rose reached the beach. She sat down and had her head down. She was crying.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1122 Posted: 17:20:25 06/07/2015 | Topic Creator
Since Cairo was waiting at the beach, he saw Rose. First Sybil is not herself, and now Rose was crying? Just what was going on? Cairo was convinced there were no fatalities on the Haven, so he didn't think it was that.
"Aw come on little Rose. What is going on? The war is over, ain't it? I know the aftermath is a disaster, but we'll clean up everything and things will be back to normal." he said kindly, wishing Sybl didn't arrive at that moment. He thought he was going to bring the mongoose right now when that wasn't her plan at all.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1123 Posted: 18:06:26 06/07/2015
Rose looked up at Cairo. "Ivor........he's....he's dead!" Rose huged his nose still crying
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1124 Posted: 18:24:27 06/07/2015 | Topic Creator
Cairo was about to say something to console her, but he was unable to. He was so confident that's nobody has died in the war, now what was he suppose to say?
"Ivor... you don't mean that badger who always popped out of nowhere?" he asked, remembering the badger but sometimes forgetting his name. He was of great help to Sybil when Shadow and Sholeh were pursuing her a month ago, and he has been very grateful for that. He couldn't believe he was gone. He was sure Ivor would take the battle underground, yet again, Komodo dragons could dig too. Did they got him that way? The former orca leader was both disappointed and angry that the battle had it's death toll after all. No wonder Sybil seemed so upset. He couldn't say anything to console Rose, so he simply remained there for her, hoping that was enough to make her feel better.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1125 Posted: 18:57:02 06/07/2015
"Shadow will pay for this!" Rose said.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1126 Posted: 19:00:36 06/07/2015 | Topic Creator
Cairo couldn't believe what he was hearing. First Sybil was feeling a heavy grudge and now Rose? Before he could take one chance at what he wanted to do, he concentrated on the Shadow subject too.
"Well, isn,t he imprisoned in a hole? That could be enough... couldn't it?" he said, believing that starvation will get him at the end. He was unaware of the unexpected visit of a certain giant bird that did things his way in that matter.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1127 Posted: 19:02:48 06/07/2015
"Sybil said that our recent guest called Sozen freed him and took him back home." Rose said.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1128 Posted: 19:44:36 06/07/2015 | Topic Creator
Cairo shook his head a bit before realizing what Rose just said.
"Sozen? Wait wait wait, who the heck is Sozen!? And who does he think he is freeing that disastrous murderer!?" Cairo asked furiously, wondering who this Sozen fellow was to be able to do things against Sybil's wishes. With Shadow free, he believed there was the risk of another war, and Cairo was not happy at all.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1129 Posted: 20:28:13 06/07/2015
"I'm Sozen." He said flying up.

"Don't worry Cairo Sozen is on our side. He warned Shadow that if he returns he will be killed." Rose said.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1130 Posted: 21:00:26 06/07/2015 | Topic Creator
Even with the warning, Cairo was not convinced. He just met Sozen, and already didn't like him. He was so angry at him, he didn't even take the time to notice how abnormally large he was for an eagle.
"Well, warning or not, you had no right to take him away just like that! Beasts like Shadow never learn! Do you have any idea how many chances of redemption miss Sybil gave him and he threw them all away? But of course, you didn't suffer any loss from this infernal war!" Cairo scolded seriously, having a similar disposition to Sybil in that sense. Sozen was a stranger to the land, and he had absolutely no right to take such outrageous action out of the blue.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1131 Posted: 21:32:16 06/07/2015
"I am rightful protector of the islands lad and I expect you to show me respect." Sozen said as statistic electricity came off him.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1132 Posted: 22:24:32 06/07/2015 | Topic Creator
Cairo noticed the sparks, but dismissed it as a trick of the sun. He was instead too angry with what Sozen just said.
"Excuse me? Who appointed you with such title? How dare you call yourself like that? Releasing Shadow, the one who caused so much death and suffering... is that protection to you!?" Cairo rebuffed furiously, now really disliking Sozen more than ever. He didn't seem like somebody whom Sybil would invite to the Haven, so he suspected he was just a jerk looking to be an authority.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1133 Posted: 22:43:13 06/07/2015
"Watch your toung before I give you a zap of power." Sozen said. "I only wish others to stay on their islands."
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1134 Posted: 23:12:57 06/07/2015 | Topic Creator
His threat only convinced Cairo more that he was a bossy control freak. Then he remembered something when he saw the sparks again. From all the orcas, only one of the brothers ever caught a glimpse of a flying creature creating electricity. Was it possible that it was sitting right in front of him? There couldn't be any other explanation. With water being able to conduct electricity, if Sozen gave a shock, it would be painful, so Cairo used a calmer voice to speak, yet it was still stern;

"And I wish the same... but some creatures just lose their right to freedom when they threat everyone and everything around them, don't you think? Now with Shadow free, he may resume his attack on the Haven someday, and who knows? He may also even try to find a way to kill you in order to avoid your threat." Cairo said in order to make him think. Like Sybil, he hated the idea to have someone like Sozen take decisions on his own. Releasing Shadow was simply preposterous.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1135 Posted: 23:27:07 06/07/2015
"I think Shadow won't come back. I gave him a little zap before I left." Sozen said.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1136 Posted: 23:40:11 06/07/2015 | Topic Creator
"You think?" Cairo said sarcastically, still not convinced. Sybil has threaten him too, yet the war still happened, but of course, it wasn't the same being threatened by a tiny civet than by a freaky eagle. Still, Cairo wanted to find a way to make him feel guilty and leave.
"How noticeable it is that you didn't went through Sybil and poor little Rose's experience." he said, adding Rose in order to make it sound like he cared a bit too much for Sybil alone. He then swam towards the young tiger and brought her on top of him.
"Well you listen well, I'm the only protector this Haven needs! And now because of you, poor little Rose and the rest of the Haven residents will live in the fear of Shadow striking again!" Cairo said furiously, determined to show Sozen his deep dislike of him.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8818
#1137 Posted: 01:07:42 07/07/2015
Sayan, whom stayed with Ivor a little longer before catching up with Rose, watched from the nearby trees. 'This Sozen... he thinks he runs this place?.' he thought slightly annoyed himself. With everything they had gone through, how could he just take charge just now only after the fact? He was intimidated by the giant beast and had previously kept his distance.

"Sozen-- may I have a word with you?," he said now showing himself and with a serious tone.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 01:10:24 07/07/2015 by redwes
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1138 Posted: 01:36:40 07/07/2015
"I have been here way before Sybil came here and have been the three islands guardian for many years before she showed up." Sozen said. He turned to Sayan. "What is it?"
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8818
#1139 Posted: 01:49:54 07/07/2015
"Look-- I know you've been here a long while and that you think you can take charge again, but you'll have to give them time. Sybil, Rose, Cairo... this island has no one ruler or protector. You have may been the protector before, but you were gone and we.. we have managed to hold up more-or-less on our own. And.. and we've had our losses.," Sayan said briefly looking at Rose and thinking of Ivor. "You can't just come back and demand respect nor can you become the one protector again. This island has us, the hunted island has the cockatoos, and even Shadow is even protecting his kind in his own twisted way. We all have our ways, but we try to work together our of mutual friendship and trust. We didn't demand respect-- but we slowly gained it and learned to trust one another. You'll have to give it time-- integrate yourself into the community and let us gain your trust naturally. I've.. I've been afraid to talk to you, but the trust will come from me and from everyone.," he finished afraid of how Sozen would react.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1140 Posted: 01:58:29 07/07/2015
Sozen looked at Cairo then Rose. "You'e right. I was gone when Sybil came and I was off somewhere."
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8818
#1141 Posted: 02:19:47 07/07/2015
"Precisely.," Sayan gently said with a nod. "I.. we will accept you, but with time and as one part of a bigger community. You can again help to protect the islands, but we need time to grieve and time to know you.," he then said being as gentle as he could with his wording.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1142 Posted: 03:12:06 07/07/2015
"Sybil took care of the islands for me." Sozen said.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1143 Posted: 05:28:02 07/07/2015 | Topic Creator
Cairo, who remained quiet during that moment to see what Sayan had to say, was glad that he was on his side... sort of. When he saw that Sayan was finished, he finally spoke again.
"Indeed she has. Sybil has only needed me to keep this sacred place in shape. As small and seemingly weak as she appears, she has thrived, without you." Cairo said sternly, feeling that he had the support of both Rose and Sayan.
"This war has just demonstrated that we are strong. Sure, we had our death toll, but it was to be expected from a war. And the deaths may be more thanks to you, that... if Shadow ignores your warning. Let it play on your conscience if he breaks the promise." Cairo warned, and since he didn't want to hear Sozen anymore, he left, with Rose and all. He hasn't forgotten about her, but he still swam away, believing that the ride should do her good.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1144 Posted: 11:00:12 07/07/2015
"Thank you Cairo I needed to get out of there." Rose said.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1145 Posted: 16:36:28 07/07/2015 | Topic Creator
Cairo heightened his head and grinned, proud of himself. He also had to get away from that irritable eagle. The sound of the wind and waves was very therapeutic, and Cairo was sure that would do even better for cute little Rose. He then was suddenly reminded of his task with Sybil, but that would have to wait until later.

Luckily for him, Sybil wasn't bringing Sholeh with her. She was waiting for Sholeh to take on her offer to help the birds on the beach so that Cairo may get to her, but of course, Sholeh wasn't that stupid. She wasn't going to that shore knowing how much Cairo hated her. Although Sholeh though that Sybil (with her big heart) forbade him to hurt her, she didn't want to take any chances. Instead, she went to Warren's new home and waited for him there. He always looked for food at that hour, but once he returned, she was going to scold him severely for abandoning her all those days.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1146 Posted: 21:19:21 07/07/2015
"I always love serfing. I wish Ivore was still here." Rose said.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1147 Posted: 21:24:59 07/07/2015 | Topic Creator
Cairo didn't really know what to say to that, so he kept swimming. After a long pause, he talked;
"Hey, I know he's gone, but at least he fought for what he believed in, protecting his friendsand his home. There's nothing more honorable than that." he assured, trying to raise her spirit. He was waiting for the perfect moment to discuss about a certain threat still at large. Rose just expressed a few minutes ago that she was willing to make Shadow pay dearly for what he has done, so that could be his moment...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:26:02 07/07/2015 by Felines
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1148 Posted: 22:06:31 07/07/2015
"I will never allow another danger like Shadow to threaten the island again!" Rose said. "But we should remember Ivore like I did Sybil."
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#1149 Posted: 22:41:56 07/07/2015 | Topic Creator
"Of course miss Rose. If you need help, let me know." he said kindly, when he decided that it was the perfect opportunity to take to heart what she said first.
"You know Rose, there are still a few threats at the island. You can... you know... let me... take care of it? After all, we can't take any more chances. The poor mistress did too many times with that scaly menace." Cairo pointed out, hoping Rose understood what he was taking about so that everything could go according to plan.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#1150 Posted: 23:21:51 07/07/2015
"I will allow you to handle dangers to the island. If that danger is a native I want to see them first." Rose said.
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