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Royal Double Trouble Just $10 [CLOSED]
Swag Gold Sparx Gems: 2435
#1 Posted: 20:14:57 09/06/2015 | Topic Creator
For anyone who's been waiting like me on a general release of royal double trouble now is your chance! Over at GameStop (instore) the battlegrounds pack is only $10 new!
I'm Childish
Medicus Gold Sparx Gems: 2405
#2 Posted: 21:21:49 09/06/2015
Is battle grounds still available for the Ipod 4?
Either way, I'm most likely going to buy it since I like Royal Double Trouble and don't really mid having two jet vacs or S2 cynders.
Hello There, Old Friends!
Alphawolf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1692
#3 Posted: 21:36:47 09/06/2015
post a link.
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#4 Posted: 01:13:41 10/06/2015
If you can still find it in stores. It's kinda hard to find now.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:16:59 10/06/2015 by Matteomax
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565
#5 Posted: 01:31:57 10/06/2015
Quote: Matteomax
If you can still find it in stores. It's kinda hard to find now.

They're still out there.

You can get GS store employees to ship items from other stores if they like you. :D
Swag Gold Sparx Gems: 2435
#6 Posted: 01:32:15 10/06/2015 | Topic Creator
in store only right now
I'm Childish
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#7 Posted: 02:24:08 10/06/2015
It's sad how they dropped the price of this, and yet a used Royal Double Trouble literally costs over 4x the price of the actual pack it comes in.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
Dahvoo Emerald Sparx Gems: 3914
#8 Posted: 17:17:58 10/06/2015
These had been sold out for a while. My guess is Gamestop recently uncovered a huge supply of them and just sent a couple to every store and priced them low to get rid of them.

Picked up a set yesterday for a rainy day.
SSA: 37/37; SG: 99/99; SSF: 174/174; STT: 254/254 & 59/59 Traps; SSC: 294/294 & 32/32 Vehicles; SI: 338/339 & 29/34 Crystals. MAX Imaginator Level: 59
DAWNOFWAR Gold Sparx Gems: 2061
#9 Posted: 19:53:52 10/06/2015
Yeah all 5 GameStop stores around me have a least 3 in stock. And had none 6 months ago...
obidawsn Gold Sparx Gems: 2901
#10 Posted: 16:01:08 11/06/2015
I probably would have wanted this, a while back, just for the portal, but ended up getting the traptanium portal when Amazon had the tablet edition of Trap Team for $10. At this point, I don't think I care to spend $10 just to get Royal Double Trouble.
Skylanders fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 3952
#11 Posted: 12:33:13 12/06/2015
well there are none in my area
Yep still around just not posting much anymore
Roger_swe Yellow Sparx Gems: 1776
#12 Posted: 20:55:47 12/06/2015
I would love to get a Royal DT smilie
SSA:37/37, SG:62/62, SSF:75/75, STT:56/56, SSC:66/66, Sidekick,Mini:24/24
AP:8/8, BP:4/4, EP:2/2, RP:4/4, Trophy:4/4, Trap:63/66, Item:33/33, Elite:14/14
GamerDrone Emerald Sparx Gems: 3287
#13 Posted: 21:05:31 12/06/2015
I just picked it up from Gamestop on my way home from work. GS must be trying to clear shelf space. Every store on the website lists it as "Low Stock", which probably means they only have 1 or 2. The GS I bought it from only had one.
4inCreation Gold Sparx Gems: 2989
#14 Posted: 23:42:23 12/06/2015
I agree GamerDrone. RDT has become one of their rarest figures, so it makes sense to promote Skylanders with it, just before SuperChargers.
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565
#15 Posted: 00:10:23 13/06/2015
In spite of the fact I don't even own an iOS device, I bought one of these at full price back in the day (got some sidekicks though... but I already had 'em) and a second a little while back for $30 - mostly for RDT. Jealous of y'all getting it for $10. FYI, I hear the Battlegrounds code that comes with it still works.
fairyland Emerald Sparx Gems: 3800
#16 Posted: 01:56:31 13/06/2015
Thanks OP! I reserved one yesterday and picked it up today. I always wanted the treasure chest but for the longest time on ebay it was a few dollars less than to buy the set. It wasn't worth more than $10 to me really. Also, I never knew about the Royal Double Trouble variant so that was a bonus!

Sadly I doubt I'll ever play this game as I don't own a iOS either. And what do I do with yet ANOTHER spare portal rattleing around the house? I have at least 6 useless ones now. LOL.
Stay Cool!
SlayerX11 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3488
#17 Posted: 04:48:49 13/06/2015
Cool thanks for the info.
DobermanOwner Yellow Sparx Gems: 1013
#18 Posted: 22:28:32 13/06/2015
Thanks for the heads up! I just picked mine up. It came with a nice thick layer of dust too, lol. Anyone know if the code still works?
Collection total: 317/364 figures, 28/31 vehicles, 51/66 traps, 34/35 magic items & bonus levels (not counting Skymiibos)
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565
#19 Posted: 23:53:40 13/06/2015
Quote: UncleBob
FYI, I hear the Battlegrounds code that comes with it still works.

PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#20 Posted: 02:06:26 14/06/2015
What a steal at my local gamestop there is a pre-owned royal double trouble for $40
Quote: Carmelita Fox
TheBladesFan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1485
#21 Posted: 17:43:19 14/06/2015
Hello Activision? Give the UK some RDT love!
Skylander Count: SSA 52/54 SG 61/66 SSF ??/?? STT ??/?? SSC 51/65 SI 6/??
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