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What games actually deserve a remaster? [CLOSED]
zer0dch Ripto Gems: 1916
#1 Posted: 02:14:36 25/05/2015 | Topic Creator
Hey guys, I thought this would be an interesting subject. Game Remasters may not be everyone's favorite thing...but there are some games that definitely need them. I'd like to have a nice conversation about them. I happen to be posting this article on my site, aside from a discussion could I possibly have feedback on my draft/work in progress article? I feel like I need to flesh out my reasons...or provide stronger support. A discussion and possibly some feedback would be really appreciated, if you can get aside from my usual ****posting attitude...

fanboyism ahead

Game remasters are very common nowadays, in fact, it seems like one pops up every month! Recently, Batman Arkham Knight and Arkham City Remasters were announced. The news that those two games getting an remaster got me thinking a little bit. Why would they remaster these titles? Why did Borderlands 2 and For the Sequel need a Remaster? They weren't cutting edge looking games, and they definitely did not push the PlayStation 3 to its full potential. So, what was the point in re-releasing them? They looked fine before, all those games got were some Anti-aliasing, so what gives?


Obviously, that answer was a given. The developers want money, and they want a lot of it. I'm sure the intentions to re-release the game also included the idea to have the game on a brand new shiny console, but...Money is definitely the main reason. However, there are games that actually did deserve to be remastered! For example, Ratchet and Clank, Jak, Ico, Devil May Cry, God of War, and other classic titles that were around the PS2 era! Now, what makes those titles deserve a spot in the HD remaster? These PlayStation 2 games were set in a 4:3 aspect ratio and haven't aged well, that's why they deserved to be remastered in HD. By many unfortunate standards, a lot of people didn't want to go and try some unique PS2 title because it didn't keep them interested. Sadly, the graphical department plays a major role in our society. A lot of people will be turned off by a games art style or looks. However, a lot of gamers have been smarter recently and are more willing to go back to an older title they have not experienced and give it a good chance. A lot of the time, they'll love it!

You know what else should play a role in games deserving an HD Remaster? These games should also be niche titles that weren't given the time of day or did not sell well, but regarded by many as a classic! Unfortunately, that little tidbit is a little unrealistic...given even remastering a game is expensive. A man can dream, can't he?

[User Posted Image]

I'm sure you saw this coming.

Demon's Souls needs a remaster more than other games do. In fact, I would be ecstatic if FromSoftware announced on stage at E3 this year that they were in the process of remastering it for PS4. Nonetheless, I'm definitely not expecting FromSoftware to go back to the cut content and sell that as an expansion or free DLC, that's ridiculous. Anyone who is hoping for's slightly unrealistic. The sixth archstone, The Land of the Giants, is forever gone (unless I am wrong).

I suppose I will start by mentioning a few points as to why the game deserves to be remastered.

Demon's Souls is what started the series.

Not only that, but it also created it's own genre. It created a fleshed out genre, one that made many wanting more. While the games after it in the series are more polished (aside from Dark Souls II), this one game was quite revolutionary and became such a hit because of what it did. In fact, Demon's Souls could be considered one of the games that stopped the game developments of mediocrities and bland shooters.

For anyone that has enjoyed Bloodborne, Dark Souls, or Dark Souls II, there is a chance that they may want to revisit the series roots! The game was greatly recieved and was at the top of the charts for eight months on Play-Asia before it was announced that the game woild be coming to the West. However, that is only possible on PS3. Why not bring the game over to PS4?

Demon's Souls contains insane amounts of quality

Demon's Souls may not be the easiest Souls game to get into because of how dated it may look, or how it looks less polished (compared to say Bloodborne or Dark Souls...but the core game inside of it is oozing with insane atmosphere and fantastic world design. Remember Tower of Latria? The zone with the mindflayers, haunting chourus, and creepy over all design? I myself have beat the game several times, and I still tremble going into that area. I'm spooked each time! In fact, the majority of the areas in the game are creepy, dark, and just crazy filled with intense atmosphere. Not only that, but the gameplay and core mechanics play out fantastic. It is also the game that started its own genre, after all. The only reason the casual consumer would not want to go back to the game may be because the game looks muddy, dated, and uninteresting to them (which is unfortunate.) Sony and FromSoftware...remaster the game and upres the game! The game holds up very well against the games of today, prove to those who ignored the game. Maybe some Anti-Aliasing and native 1080/60 and updated textures? As perfect as the game already is, the game would definitely benefit from a remaster. It's artistically very well crafted, but there have been comments made in the past that it looks like a PS2 game.

Give Demon's Souls another chance on PlayStation 4

The game did phenomenally well for a niche title, but a lot of people may have ignored it. Heck, Sony ignored it (and eventually admitted it was one of their hugest mistakes). Let's see the game skyrocket. Let's give those people who didn't own a PS3 and give them the opportunity to play it on their brand new shiny PS4. With all the positive press the game received, and how its still titled possibly the best Souls game, I believe more people should play it. I'm not saying it should go to other consoles, considering Sony owns the IP and it will never leave PlayStation, but a port to the PS4 would do no harm, would it?


Yes, I'll admit in this game is certainly broken. However, its quite fun! Whether you take it seriously, or play for a laugh, you can't deny its fun. Whether you're a magic user, casting miracles to reawaken or apply magic weapon, or a bold knight with tons of endurance and dexterity, its quite fun! The demons souls community was quite a unique little hub of people. With online being dead, give those who missed out a chance. The multiplayer is certainly not like any other game.

To tie things up, I highly think Demon's Souls is in need of a remaster. It's one of those games that started its own series and became a huge hit. It's incredibly well done and really doesn't have any flaws, however, the casual gamer may be a little too hesitant to go back to it based on their concerns of it not aging well in the graphical department. If FromSoftware were to put out a remaster for PS4, I'm pretty sure it would do very well in sales and more people would be willing to give it a chance considering the success of the later games.


Thanks for reading that if you did. And thanks if you can give me some feedback. I'm not the greatest writer and I freally feel like I need to expand on my reasons.

What are some other games deserving of a remaster?
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:15:48 25/05/2015 by zer0dch
skylandersspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3872
#2 Posted: 02:19:01 25/05/2015
Sonic heroes and Spider man 2
Uh Uh Uh! You didn't say the magic word!
zer0dch Ripto Gems: 1916
#3 Posted: 02:23:36 25/05/2015 | Topic Creator
Quote: skylandersspyro
Sonic heroes and Spider man 2

For what reasons? They weren't really solid games to begin with...
skylandersspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3872
#4 Posted: 02:27:31 25/05/2015
Quote: zer0dch
Quote: skylandersspyro
Sonic heroes and Spider man 2

For what reasons? They weren't really solid games to begin with...

They were well liked back in 2004 but it needs an update.
Uh Uh Uh! You didn't say the magic word!
zer0dch Ripto Gems: 1916
#5 Posted: 02:29:06 25/05/2015 | Topic Creator
Quote: skylandersspyro
Quote: zer0dch
Quote: skylandersspyro
Sonic heroes and Spider man 2

For what reasons? They weren't really solid games to begin with...

They were well liked back in 2004 but it needs an update.

I'm not quite sure what update would render the game to be well received unless Sonic Team redid the game from the ground up and changed mechanics...but then it wouldn't be Sonic Hero's anymore.

Spider Man 2 isn't likely to see an HD remaster due to licensing issues.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 02:31:26 25/05/2015 by zer0dch
StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769
#6 Posted: 02:29:19 25/05/2015
I'd say VERY iconic and important games are the ones deserving of remasters.

Now, since I threw the words iconic and important out there, let me clarify what I mean by them.

By "games that are iconic", I'm referring to games that became really ingrained in our society, and ones that have pretty recognizable characters. The ones you mentioned above are good examples of this. Some other recent examples would be Halo: Master Chief Collection and any of the recent Legend of Zelda remasters for 3DS and Wii U (although, as much as I adore Majora's Mask, they really only should have remastered Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker). These games are widely known, even by people who don't really play video games.

By "games that are important", I'm referring to games that were game changers (bah dum tss) and were pretty revolutionary or EXTREMELY well received. The Last of Us deserved a remaster because of how good it was. It tested the PS4's limits and had a great story. It was probably only remastered for the money, but it was pretty deserving of one. Xenoblade Chronicles is another good example of this. Granted, it really should have been ported to the Wii U instead of 3DS to use its better graphics, it was still widely regarded as one of the best RPGs in a long time, especially on a Nintendo console.

In my opinion, the Arkham series or The Handsome Jack Collection didn't really deserve their remasters. The Arkham series remaster is really only to hype up Arkham Knight, and the Handsome Jack Collection, according to 2K, was really only to test the waters to see if people would buy a Borderlands 3 for consoles.
zer0dch Ripto Gems: 1916
#7 Posted: 02:34:22 25/05/2015 | Topic Creator
Quote: StriderSwag
I'd say VERY iconic and important games are the ones deserving of remasters.

Now, since I threw the words iconic and important out there, let me clarify what I mean by them.

By "games that are iconic", I'm referring to games that became really ingrained in our society, and ones that have pretty recognizable characters. The ones you mentioned above are good examples of this. Some other recent examples would be Halo: Master Chief Collection and any of the recent Legend of Zelda remasters for 3DS and Wii U (although, as much as I adore Majora's Mask, they really only should have remastered Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker). These games are widely known, even by people who don't really play video games.

By "games that are important", I'm referring to games that were game changers (bah dum tss) and were pretty revolutionary or EXTREMELY well received. The Last of Us deserved a remaster because of how good it was. It tested the PS4's limits and had a great story. It was probably only remastered for the money, but it was pretty deserving of one. Xenoblade Chronicles is another good example of this. Granted, it really should have been ported to the Wii U instead of 3DS to use its better graphics, it was still widely regarded as one of the best RPGs in a long time, especially on a Nintendo console.

In my opinion, the Arkham series or The Handsome Jack Collection didn't really deserve their remasters. The Arkham series remaster is really only to hype up Arkham Knight, and the Handsome Jack Collection, according to 2K, was really only to test the waters to see if people would buy a Borderlands 3 for consoles.

Good input. However, I'd argue that Majora's Mask did deserve the remaster. It came out very late on the N64's life cycle, it was pretty much the N64's swan song. It was pretty iconic itself, too.
StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769
#8 Posted: 02:37:53 25/05/2015
Quote: zer0dch
Quote: StriderSwag
I'd say VERY iconic and important games are the ones deserving of remasters.

Now, since I threw the words iconic and important out there, let me clarify what I mean by them.

By "games that are iconic", I'm referring to games that became really ingrained in our society, and ones that have pretty recognizable characters. The ones you mentioned above are good examples of this. Some other recent examples would be Halo: Master Chief Collection and any of the recent Legend of Zelda remasters for 3DS and Wii U (although, as much as I adore Majora's Mask, they really only should have remastered Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker). These games are widely known, even by people who don't really play video games.

By "games that are important", I'm referring to games that were game changers (bah dum tss) and were pretty revolutionary or EXTREMELY well received. The Last of Us deserved a remaster because of how good it was. It tested the PS4's limits and had a great story. It was probably only remastered for the money, but it was pretty deserving of one. Xenoblade Chronicles is another good example of this. Granted, it really should have been ported to the Wii U instead of 3DS to use its better graphics, it was still widely regarded as one of the best RPGs in a long time, especially on a Nintendo console.

In my opinion, the Arkham series or The Handsome Jack Collection didn't really deserve their remasters. The Arkham series remaster is really only to hype up Arkham Knight, and the Handsome Jack Collection, according to 2K, was really only to test the waters to see if people would buy a Borderlands 3 for consoles.

Good input. However, I'd argue that Majora's Mask did deserve the remaster. It came out very late on the N64's life cycle, it was pretty much the N64's swan song. It was pretty iconic itself, too.

That's actually a really good point.
I guess I was just thinking that MM wasn't as iconic as other Zelda games, but in retrospect its probably more iconic than the original on the NES.
zer0dch Ripto Gems: 1916
#9 Posted: 02:42:39 25/05/2015 | Topic Creator
Quote: StriderSwag
Quote: zer0dch
Quote: StriderSwag
I'd say VERY iconic and important games are the ones deserving of remasters.

Now, since I threw the words iconic and important out there, let me clarify what I mean by them.

By "games that are iconic", I'm referring to games that became really ingrained in our society, and ones that have pretty recognizable characters. The ones you mentioned above are good examples of this. Some other recent examples would be Halo: Master Chief Collection and any of the recent Legend of Zelda remasters for 3DS and Wii U (although, as much as I adore Majora's Mask, they really only should have remastered Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker). These games are widely known, even by people who don't really play video games.

By "games that are important", I'm referring to games that were game changers (bah dum tss) and were pretty revolutionary or EXTREMELY well received. The Last of Us deserved a remaster because of how good it was. It tested the PS4's limits and had a great story. It was probably only remastered for the money, but it was pretty deserving of one. Xenoblade Chronicles is another good example of this. Granted, it really should have been ported to the Wii U instead of 3DS to use its better graphics, it was still widely regarded as one of the best RPGs in a long time, especially on a Nintendo console.

In my opinion, the Arkham series or The Handsome Jack Collection didn't really deserve their remasters. The Arkham series remaster is really only to hype up Arkham Knight, and the Handsome Jack Collection, according to 2K, was really only to test the waters to see if people would buy a Borderlands 3 for consoles.

Good input. However, I'd argue that Majora's Mask did deserve the remaster. It came out very late on the N64's life cycle, it was pretty much the N64's swan song. It was pretty iconic itself, too.

That's actually a really good point.
I guess I was just thinking that MM wasn't as iconic as other Zelda games, but in retrospect its probably more iconic than the original on the NES.

I wouldn't go that far...
WilltheWizard Yellow Sparx Gems: 1779
#10 Posted: 02:44:07 25/05/2015
I am sorry, I guess this doesn't really count cause I am a huge fan. But, there is a GIANT fanbase for us, and honestly, we just want another game of the series. We will take anything at this point.

Spread those positive vibes
skylandersspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3872
#11 Posted: 02:45:25 25/05/2015
Quote: WilltheWizard
I am sorry, I guess this doesn't really count cause I am a huge fan. But, there is a GIANT fanbase for us, and honestly, we just want another game of the series. We will take anything at this point.


Sadly not happening
Uh Uh Uh! You didn't say the magic word!
StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769
#12 Posted: 02:45:54 25/05/2015
Quote: zer0dch
Quote: StriderSwag
Quote: zer0dch

Good input. However, I'd argue that Majora's Mask did deserve the remaster. It came out very late on the N64's life cycle, it was pretty much the N64's swan song. It was pretty iconic itself, too.

That's actually a really good point.
I guess I was just thinking that MM wasn't as iconic as other Zelda games, but in retrospect its probably more iconic than the original on the NES.

I wouldn't go that far...

Okay, maybe that is a bit of a stretch. But it sure as hell is more iconic than most, i.e. Skyward Sword, Spirit Tracks, Minish Cap.

Quote: WilltheWizard
I am sorry, I guess this doesn't really count cause I am a huge fan. But, there is a GIANT fanbase for us, and honestly, we just want another game of the series. We will take anything at this point.


Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:49:25 25/05/2015 by StriderSwag
zer0dch Ripto Gems: 1916
#13 Posted: 02:47:55 25/05/2015 | Topic Creator
If you're talking about Mega Man, a port of the X/Original collection isn't happening. Capcom can make a lot more money by selling each title individually on the PSN/XBL/WiiU/Steam stores. A new Mega Man game will hopefully happen...eventually.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:48:42 25/05/2015 by zer0dch
Sleepy0429 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3217
#14 Posted: 03:53:14 25/05/2015
Sonic Adventure duo due to there amazing fandom. Would be nice to see some of the most popular Sonic games get remastered.
dark52 let me change my username you coward
zer0dch Ripto Gems: 1916
#15 Posted: 04:03:59 25/05/2015 | Topic Creator
Quote: Sleepy0429
Sonic Adventure duo due to there amazing fandom. Would be nice to see some of the most popular Sonic games get remastered.

They were already remastered.
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8532
#16 Posted: 04:07:36 25/05/2015
Bully using the GTA V system.
Tigorus Emerald Sparx Gems: 3589
#17 Posted: 04:17:47 25/05/2015
Super Metroid
Final Fantasy 7
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
zer0dch Ripto Gems: 1916
#18 Posted: 04:19:51 25/05/2015 | Topic Creator
If you guys could actually give a reason...that would be appreciative.
valskeletor Yellow Sparx Gems: 1155
#19 Posted: 04:29:33 25/05/2015
all of the earlier metal gear solid games

it's a really hard series to understand without all the entries and it can be kind of a pain to play the msx2/ps1/ps2/psp ones. there's a new one (and hopefully final one) coming out in september and now would be a perfect time to replay the other ones to get yourself back into the plot (or start out).
terranakari Green Sparx Gems: 468
#20 Posted: 04:58:28 25/05/2015
Final Fantasy 7... If you need me to give a reason you need to crawl out of your hole, lol.
We finally have all the skylanders from SA and SG! Still working on SSF & STT.

Proud Skylander Mom! To our little skyfamily. <3
zer0dch Ripto Gems: 1916
#21 Posted: 05:04:24 25/05/2015 | Topic Creator
Quote: terranakari
Final Fantasy 7... If you need me to give a reason you need to crawl out of your hole, lol.

Yeah, the game has aged poorly. It's damn near unplayable now.
TacoMakerSkys Platinum Sparx Gems: 5652
#22 Posted: 05:43:28 25/05/2015
Quote: Sleepy0429
Sonic Adventure duo due to there amazing fandom. Would be nice to see some of the most popular Sonic games get remastered.

Yeah we have HD Remasters of them already.
words. letters. filler.
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#23 Posted: 11:27:20 25/05/2015
Super Mario Sunshine 2
Sleepy0429 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3217
#24 Posted: 12:03:09 25/05/2015
Quote: TacoMakerSkys
Quote: Sleepy0429
Sonic Adventure duo due to there amazing fandom. Would be nice to see some of the most popular Sonic games get remastered.

Yeah we have HD Remasters of them already.

Those area ustylus the the gam,cube models with a bit higher graphics.
dark52 let me change my username you coward
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#25 Posted: 12:40:48 25/05/2015
Final Fantasy 7. It's pretty much unplayable now due to being extremely outdated. I still can't believe this hasn't even happened yet. It's claimed as one of the best FF games by many and is also one of the most popular, and Cloud has always been an iconic FF character (even though prefer I Zack and other FF characters). I just don't get what's stopping Square Enix from doing it, considering it will more than likely sell like hot cakes and will more than likely bump up their industry since they've been apparently really struggling lately and fully relying on FFXV to be a hit. Although I guess this is pretty much completely remaking a game rather than simple remastering on graphics lol, since they would have to start from scratch with FF7 because of how outdated the game is. However I've heard that apparently Square Enix may reconsider remaking FF7 if they make a FF game that's better than it...? Hopefully FFXV does just that, since it's looking pretty promising and Square Enix is really trying their best to make it perfect.

I also want Okamiden to basically get remade for the Wii U. It has a brilliant storyline and also has great characters which I honestly think are a better cast than the original Okami (Kurow and Kagu I'm looking at you two). Unfortunately because it was on the DS it was limited in what it could actually do, and hence many places from the original Okami was cut out. The gameplay, RPG elements and combat system also seemed to be limited because of the limitations on the DS as well. I also feel that the helper could have helped out more gameplay and combat wise rather than just attacking the opponents every now and then (Kurow's music notes hardly hit anyone most of the time for me). All this can be improved on the Wii U, and the game can even be longer because of no limitations and have that extra world that was completely cut out from the game (the snow one. Forgot what it was called. And Oki could be in it too). Graphics, character models and the music can also be improved too. I still really enjoyed it though despite the limitations, but I just know that it has the potential to be a much better game that can compare to it's prequel.
My only issue though is that I seriously cannot go through that ending again, especially not in Wii U graphics on a bigger screen because I will completely lose it. As it is I refuse to go through it again on the DS, and every time I get even close to the ending I'm like 'NOPE NOPE NOPE *restarts game*'
Another main issue is the fact that I don't even have a WiiU lmao. I guess it can get remastered for the New 3DS, since I doubt that it would have limitations on that one.

I also wouldn't mind seeing Twilight Princess getting a remaster in HD graphics, since it would look pretty darn amazing. But since we've already had that TWW remake this probably can't happen now, since we've already had quite a fair bit of Zelda remakes now. I guess it could happen later on in like, 2020 when all these Zelda remakes die off.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7098
#26 Posted: 12:43:25 25/05/2015
Both Super Mario Galaxy games:

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[User Posted Image]
[User Posted Image]
[User Posted Image]
[User Posted Image]

Playing them at 1080p in Dolphin already makes them look amazing, just throw in some enchanced lighting effects and use models from the Wii U Mario games for the main characters and such and you're golden. Would only take a couple of months to make. Wind Waker HD took six months to make.

Skyward Sword too:
[User Posted Image]
[User Posted Image]
[User Posted Image]
[User Posted Image]

Oh, and Sonic Colours remaster for Wii U with 1080p, 60FPS would also be amazing.

The storybook Sonic games would also be really cool in HD.

In general, I think the best games for HD remasters are bright, colourful games with a surreal art style. HD makes the colours pop-out even more, and since the textures generally are not over-detailed, they are easy to improve too. The character models in games like Super Mario Galaxy, Skyward Sword, and Sonic Colours still hold up pretty well even if they want to just re-use them. Super Mario Galaxy and Sonic Colours could easily use models from HD games in their series (Mario Kart 8 and Sonic Unleashed, for example).

Unless it's stuff like "PS3 to PS4" remasters, I think realistic games are not suitable for a remaster. Taking a realistic PS2 game or below and remastering it often makes it look worse, because all of the textures look really washed out. I think those kind of games need actual remakes (e.g. like how MGS1 got a remake for the GameCube, or like what was done with the Zelda 3DS remakes).
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 12:54:28 25/05/2015 by sonicbrawler182
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5378
#27 Posted: 12:54:39 25/05/2015
The original 3 Crash Bandicoot games seriously deserve a remaster. All 3 games had beautiful graphics for the time, I'd love to see them in 1080p with even more realistic graphics (and an actual Save system for Crash 1).
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8532
#28 Posted: 14:39:39 25/05/2015
Persona 1-4 because **** the Vita. And imagine the current gen anime cutscenes ^.^
skylandersspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3872
#29 Posted: 16:00:21 25/05/2015
Quote: sonicbrawler182

Theres a rumor that Sonic colors is getting a remaster for Wii U
Uh Uh Uh! You didn't say the magic word!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:00:08 25/05/2015 by Matteomax
StevemacQ Platinum Sparx Gems: 6533
#30 Posted: 18:44:38 25/05/2015
Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, Super Mario Galaxy 1 are fairly obvious but I'd like to see that PS2 game Rogue Galaxy, a game i missed out on, making a return.
Needz more eh-mo-shuns.
pankakesparx456 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7795
#31 Posted: 20:37:13 25/05/2015
I wouldn't mind seeing Sonic Heroes get remastered. I think the game had a lot going for it but it was brought down by its seriously long levels, dumb story, and slippery controls, and it's one of the worst Sonic games i've played because of it. If they remade the game with shorter levels, a slightly better story, and a better control scheme, then Sonic Heroes would be solid.

I also wouldn't mind seeing the first Assassin's Creed game be remastered with the franchises' new mechanics and whatnot. the first AC was pretty good but ACII and Brotherhood expanded on the core gameplay a thousandfold.
Cool cool.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7098
#32 Posted: 21:01:39 25/05/2015
Quote: pankakesparx456
I wouldn't mind seeing Sonic Heroes get remastered. I think the game had a lot going for it but it was brought down by its seriously long levels, dumb story, and slippery controls, and it's one of the worst Sonic games i've played because of it. If they remade the game with shorter levels, a slightly better story, and a better control scheme, then Sonic Heroes would be solid.

I also wouldn't mind seeing the first Assassin's Creed game be remastered with the franchises' new mechanics and whatnot. the first AC was pretty good but ACII and Brotherhood expanded on the core gameplay a thousandfold.

Long levels wasn't the problem, it's that they just re-used set pieces too often to pad out the levels.

Mystic Mansion was one of my favourite levels in the game despite it's length, as it kept throwing new things at you.

Also Team Rose levels were always short anyway, and Team Sonic wasn't too bad. Just Team Dark and Team Chaotix over do it.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
DummyZ Gold Sparx Gems: 2844
#33 Posted: 21:21:56 25/05/2015
A bit of a biased answer from me: Skies of Arcadia.

I am enjoying this game like no other. I love it. Perhaps it's not that great of a game to get fully remastered, but I would love to see it happen and it could do pretty well. The game has a nice story in a pretty cool enviroment which I personally think it makes it a great RPG.
Sonic and All Stars Racing Transformed gave a short new life to the main character of this game, Vyse. It was just a character, but it demonstrated the potential the characters of the game could have if they were to make a come back.
As a plus, seeing how SEGA is doing right now, making a remaster of this game could serve as a last ditch effort for SEGA to get back in the game. I can picture some good sales just from nostalgic players.

[User Posted Image]
I must see this in HD one day. I really must.
pankakesparx456 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7795
#34 Posted: 22:04:31 25/05/2015
Quote: sonicbrawler182
Quote: pankakesparx456
I wouldn't mind seeing Sonic Heroes get remastered. I think the game had a lot going for it but it was brought down by its seriously long levels, dumb story, and slippery controls, and it's one of the worst Sonic games i've played because of it. If they remade the game with shorter levels, a slightly better story, and a better control scheme, then Sonic Heroes would be solid.

I also wouldn't mind seeing the first Assassin's Creed game be remastered with the franchises' new mechanics and whatnot. the first AC was pretty good but ACII and Brotherhood expanded on the core gameplay a thousandfold.

Long levels wasn't the problem, it's that they just re-used set pieces too often to pad out the levels.

Mystic Mansion was one of my favourite levels in the game despite it's length, as it kept throwing new things at you.

Also Team Rose levels were always short anyway, and Team Sonic wasn't too bad. Just Team Dark and Team Chaotix over do it.

True, but I still think Sonic Heroes could benefit from refitted level design in a remake/remaster. Whatever the problem is, these levels drag for a really long time and it would definitely benefit from making the levels typical Sonic length, whether it be from getting rid of the padding or whatnot. IMO the levels as a whole should've taken as long as Team Rose and maybe Team Sonic.
Cool cool.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7098
#35 Posted: 23:27:06 25/05/2015
Honestly I think Sonic Heroes would not benefit from a remaster. I think it would be in my Top 3 "Sonic titles that deserve a number 2", though.

Sonic Unleashed should get an optimised re-release for PC, though. I'd want that as much as Sonic Colours Wii U. Yeah, we have the Unleashed Project Mod for Sonic Generations PC, but I adore Sonic Unleashed for more than just it's day stages, and think the whole game should just be on PC (especially since it technically had better graphics than Generations as it was).

Also I think the mod scene would be amazing for it too since the experience is there from Generations and a lot of it carries over to Unleashed since it's the same engine. I know modders have already ported stages from Generations into the Xbox 360 version of Unleashed (along with some other mods like character replacements - Melpontro did a whole playthrough of the game with Sonic replaced by Knuckles, and the Werehog replaced by Boom!Knuckles, and many other humorous changes):

Now imagine if we could design our own Werehog levels too, and if we could use the hub world system to have huge interconnecting, Zelda-like/Sonic Adventure-like worlds, for PC.

So yeah, Unleashed deserves a PC port JUST for the extreme mod potential.

EDIT: Example of what Unleashed might actually look like on PC (footage is from the Unleashed Project for Generations, along with Unleashed Shaders, Unleashed Sonic Model, and post-edit motion blur effects):

"My memories will be part of the sky."
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 23:40:28 25/05/2015 by sonicbrawler182
TacoMakerSkys Platinum Sparx Gems: 5652
#36 Posted: 23:40:53 25/05/2015
Quote: Sleepy0429
Quote: TacoMakerSkys
Quote: Sleepy0429
Sonic Adventure duo due to there amazing fandom. Would be nice to see some of the most popular Sonic games get remastered.

Yeah we have HD Remasters of them already.

Those area ustylus the the gam,cube models with a bit higher graphics.

So then are the Jak and Daxter/Zelda Wind Waker/Sly Cooper/Okami/etc remasters not remasters either?
words. letters. filler.
TacoMakerSkys Platinum Sparx Gems: 5652
#37 Posted: 23:43:18 25/05/2015
Quote: skylandersspyro
Quote: sonicbrawler182

Theres a rumor that Sonic colors is getting a remaster for Wii U

theres also a rumor that sonic the hedgehog 1-3 is getting a ps4 hd openworld remake!!!
words. letters. filler.
Camo22 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3501
#38 Posted: 02:08:53 26/05/2015
Need Crash Bandicoot Remakes!
=Fixing Theories since Sep, 2015 / Deviant Art =
TacoMakerSkys Platinum Sparx Gems: 5652
#39 Posted: 02:34:06 26/05/2015
Quote: Camo22
Need Crash Bandicoot Remakes!

Reasoning? (other than they're great)
words. letters. filler.
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#40 Posted: 04:07:28 26/05/2015
A remaster of the first Spyro trilogy would be pretty epic. <3
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Kiroq Gold Sparx Gems: 2328
#41 Posted: 04:38:10 26/05/2015
I'd like to see Dark Cloud, Dark Chronicles, Rouge Galaxy and Radiata Stories be Remastered
smilie Fools! I've had it up to here with your incompetence! Actually no, even higher..up to HERE!
OnionCakes Yellow Sparx Gems: 1810
#42 Posted: 15:57:56 26/05/2015
[User Posted Image]

I'd love a Remastered version of .hack//G.U.

It was a decent action/R.P.G and the story we very cool. I honestly thought it was beautiful on the PS2, but would love all three games rolled into one even if it has to be on the PS3.

Same with Shadow Hearts. Some JRPGS that aren't Final Fantasy and had pretty cool premises/stories and shouldn't be forgotten.

Check out my boyfriends Skylander ARTWORK
Oborabora Green Sparx Gems: 241
#43 Posted: 21:59:51 27/05/2015
Quote: TacoMakerSkys
Quote: skylandersspyro
Quote: sonicbrawler182

Theres a rumor that Sonic colors is getting a remaster for Wii U

theres also a rumor that sonic the hedgehog 1-3 is getting a ps4 hd openworld remake!!!


[User Posted Image]
Wreckingball13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#44 Posted: 22:45:02 27/05/2015
Quote: Oborabora
Quote: TacoMakerSkys
Quote: skylandersspyro

Theres a rumor that Sonic colors is getting a remaster for Wii U

theres also a rumor that sonic the hedgehog 1-3 is getting a ps4 hd openworld remake!!!


[User Posted Image]

That was sarcasm mate.
Badwolfmichael Gold Sparx Gems: 2511
#45 Posted: 00:04:29 28/05/2015
cod black ops 2
zer0dch Ripto Gems: 1916
#46 Posted: 05:14:54 28/05/2015 | Topic Creator
Quote: Badwolfmichael
cod black ops 2

**** no i hope you're joking
TacoMakerSkys Platinum Sparx Gems: 5652
#47 Posted: 05:37:52 28/05/2015
Quote: Badwolfmichael
cod black ops 2

get out
words. letters. filler.
Knight Wolf Emerald Sparx Gems: 4336
#48 Posted: 05:43:56 28/05/2015
They both look good, but the Overlord game series. Best damn games out der.
Your messing with my Zen thing people. @Hawksider
zer0dch Ripto Gems: 1916
#49 Posted: 05:57:38 28/05/2015 | Topic Creator
Quote: Knight Wolf
They both look good, but the Overlord game series. Best damn games out der.

I have never heard of the Overlord series, actually. Are they more recent?
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