Technic wise I don't find neither SWAP Force not Trap Team to be objectively superior.
Physycs, graphics and combact systems are simply different, a developer's choice.
And a matter of tastes.
One thing I simply cannot deny (and wouldn't want to) is that Trap Team has more bugs and glitches with some of them beig truly painful.
That may be enough to make SWAP Force a technically better game.
However I remember having to reset my fully upgraded level 16 Free Ranger because I couldn't complete his personal Quest.
Which was worse than having to load the backup data on my USB when my Trap Team save got corrupted in unusual circumstances (even if this bug is FAR worse but having heard of it, I was prepared

All the other things fall into the "personal tastes" category.
Level lenght, extra content, NPCs, designs, Story.
Even extra modes and such aren't automatically a plus.
Sure, more is usually better... Not always (not saying it's worse just... Well I felt kinda indifferent).
So far no game truly missed one of those aspects.
They are just choices.
That's why it annoys me when I hear that Trap Team is better than SWAP Force or vice versa.
There are
so many things to consider that objectively speaking the differences which still remains are very small.