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The above two avatars are trapped. Who do you save? [CLOSED]
MoonHorizons Gold Sparx Gems: 2826
#851 Posted: 16:51:48 09/04/2015
the more obscure your favorite cartoons are, the more refined your taste is
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#852 Posted: 17:02:51 09/04/2015

I HATE Mixels
Quote: Carmelita Fox
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#853 Posted: 18:50:47 09/04/2015
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
The Bone Chompy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1201
#854 Posted: 18:58:09 09/04/2015
Quote: StormDragon21


*Saves StormDragon21, but smashes Nixel just because.
^This might be sarcasm.
Blisten Ripto Gems: 62
#855 Posted: 19:23:37 09/04/2015
[User Posted Image]

N'uff said.
MoonHorizons Gold Sparx Gems: 2826
#856 Posted: 19:49:24 09/04/2015
The girls.
the more obscure your favorite cartoons are, the more refined your taste is
Wreckingball13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#857 Posted: 19:52:12 09/04/2015
Mabel wearing the Pink Floyd sweater.
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#858 Posted: 19:55:10 09/04/2015
I'll be takeing Mabel since you just asked me if I blew in from stupid town smilie
Quote: Carmelita Fox
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#859 Posted: 20:04:37 09/04/2015

Plus, I used to love Wander over Yonder.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
The Bone Chompy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1201
#860 Posted: 20:14:50 09/04/2015
Not the nixel. *Smashes Major Nixel again*
Let'sgo StormDragon!
^This might be sarcasm.
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#861 Posted: 20:17:30 09/04/2015
Just to toture you, I'm taking you Mixel
Quote: Carmelita Fox
MoonHorizons Gold Sparx Gems: 2826
#862 Posted: 20:23:59 09/04/2015
The Mixel.
the more obscure your favorite cartoons are, the more refined your taste is
Blisten Ripto Gems: 62
#863 Posted: 21:19:11 09/04/2015
[User Posted Image]

How can I not?
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#864 Posted: 23:16:57 09/04/2015
Mabel. How can I not?
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
Wreckingball13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#865 Posted: 23:30:38 09/04/2015
The dragon
The Bone Chompy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1201
#866 Posted: 23:47:02 09/04/2015
Quote: PwnageFTW
Just to toture you, I'm taking you Mixel

Hehe. Too bad Mabel saved me. The orange thing. What is it.
^This might be sarcasm.
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#867 Posted: 00:42:43 10/04/2015
This time I'm taking you again with my whole army of nixels.
Quote: Carmelita Fox
WilltheWizard Yellow Sparx Gems: 1779
#868 Posted: 03:23:46 10/04/2015
Hmmm...the mixel or the creepy thingy. Wait, is that a nixel???? Oh gosh, um. Well, the nixel is bad like me, so I choose the nixel.
Spread those positive vibes
wavesorcerer14 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5229
#869 Posted: 03:25:29 10/04/2015
I'm saving you Bill, Puppet Dipper, and Puppet Mabel!
"altissima quaeque flumina minimo sono labi."
Badwolfmichael Gold Sparx Gems: 2511
#870 Posted: 03:27:32 10/04/2015
As much as I love Hoot Loop, I'll have to save Bipper <3
StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769
#871 Posted: 03:32:12 10/04/2015
Dippin Sauce
WilltheWizard Yellow Sparx Gems: 1779
#872 Posted: 03:32:25 10/04/2015
Don't worry, I possess you. I am not that mean. Besides, I need you kid for my ultimate plan. You know to much...
Spread those positive vibes
Eternal Sunfury Blue Sparx Gems: 664
#873 Posted: 07:10:15 10/04/2015
Bipper, SpiderGwen might try to kill me.
Remember before when I was talking about smelly garbage standing around being useless? That was a metaphor. I was actually talking about you.
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#874 Posted: 10:47:13 10/04/2015
The Mabel Sock Puppet in Wills avatar!
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#875 Posted: 11:12:08 10/04/2015
GLaDOS so it can help me destroy that pesky mixel
Quote: Carmelita Fox
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3498
#876 Posted: 11:12:57 10/04/2015


Get rekt other avatars, I cheated the system.
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
thumper Ripto Gems: 3519
#877 Posted: 12:30:08 10/04/2015
DrobotMewTwo Yellow Sparx Gems: 1852
#878 Posted: 12:45:41 10/04/2015
That Haunter!
" C'mon, Ortensia. Doesn't everybody deserve a second chance? "- Oswald the Lucky Rabbit
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#879 Posted: 13:16:09 10/04/2015
Oswald the Lucky Rabbit
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
Wreckingball13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#880 Posted: 13:18:48 10/04/2015
Eternal Sunfury Blue Sparx Gems: 664
#881 Posted: 16:16:28 10/04/2015
Wander. That hat could be useful for testing.
Remember before when I was talking about smelly garbage standing around being useless? That was a metaphor. I was actually talking about you.
DrobotMewTwo Yellow Sparx Gems: 1852
#882 Posted: 16:27:02 10/04/2015
Glados. She still owes me some cake!
" C'mon, Ortensia. Doesn't everybody deserve a second chance? "- Oswald the Lucky Rabbit
Eternal Sunfury Blue Sparx Gems: 664
#883 Posted: 16:31:10 10/04/2015
Didn't you hear me when I said, "This is your fault. I'm going to kill you. And all the cake is gone. You don't even care, do you?" But I had a new supply recently, but this is better, so you'll have to earn it, as such, you can return to the Facility to complete a few more tests and then I'll get you the Cake.
Remember before when I was talking about smelly garbage standing around being useless? That was a metaphor. I was actually talking about you.
StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769
#884 Posted: 17:35:48 10/04/2015
GLaDOS because she'll kill me otherwise
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8451
#885 Posted: 17:37:00 10/04/2015
the one right above me
Eternal Sunfury Blue Sparx Gems: 664
#886 Posted: 17:37:41 10/04/2015
Spider-Gwen, I don't do GLaDOS imposters.
Remember before when I was talking about smelly garbage standing around being useless? That was a metaphor. I was actually talking about you.
DrobotMewTwo Yellow Sparx Gems: 1852
#887 Posted: 22:54:08 10/04/2015
" C'mon, Ortensia. Doesn't everybody deserve a second chance? "- Oswald the Lucky Rabbit
Eternal Sunfury Blue Sparx Gems: 664
#888 Posted: 22:57:48 10/04/2015
Oswald, because I still owe him cake.

Here, have one made with combustible lemons.
Remember before when I was talking about smelly garbage standing around being useless? That was a metaphor. I was actually talking about you.
MoonHorizons Gold Sparx Gems: 2826
#889 Posted: 23:03:25 10/04/2015
the more obscure your favorite cartoons are, the more refined your taste is
Badwolfmichael Gold Sparx Gems: 2511
#890 Posted: 23:03:44 10/04/2015
Mabel and Waddles~
DrobotMewTwo Yellow Sparx Gems: 1852
#891 Posted: 23:04:33 10/04/2015
Quote: Eternal Sunfury
Oswald, because I still owe him cake.

Here, have one made with combustible lemons.

Also Mabel
" C'mon, Ortensia. Doesn't everybody deserve a second chance? "- Oswald the Lucky Rabbit
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:05:01 10/04/2015 by DrobotMewTwo
I-Brawler Emerald Sparx Gems: 3565
#892 Posted: 23:06:00 10/04/2015
you never saw me
DrobotMewTwo Yellow Sparx Gems: 1852
#893 Posted: 23:07:09 10/04/2015
" C'mon, Ortensia. Doesn't everybody deserve a second chance? "- Oswald the Lucky Rabbit
Eternal Sunfury Blue Sparx Gems: 664
#894 Posted: 23:08:16 10/04/2015
[User Posted Image]

Whatever this is.
Remember before when I was talking about smelly garbage standing around being useless? That was a metaphor. I was actually talking about you.
MoonHorizons Gold Sparx Gems: 2826
#895 Posted: 23:09:53 10/04/2015
Oswald, again.
the more obscure your favorite cartoons are, the more refined your taste is
mega spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3957
#896 Posted: 01:11:57 11/04/2015
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8451
#897 Posted: 01:12:51 11/04/2015
Eternal Sunfury Blue Sparx Gems: 664
#898 Posted: 01:51:28 11/04/2015
Spyro, dogs can't operate portals, Spyro probably has an element for them.
Remember before when I was talking about smelly garbage standing around being useless? That was a metaphor. I was actually talking about you.
I-Brawler Emerald Sparx Gems: 3565
#899 Posted: 01:54:10 11/04/2015
GLaDOS because known reasons
you never saw me
Eternal Sunfury Blue Sparx Gems: 664
#900 Posted: 01:58:31 11/04/2015
I have come to the conclusion it is Mangle I'm saving.
Remember before when I was talking about smelly garbage standing around being useless? That was a metaphor. I was actually talking about you.
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