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Game series people love but you dislike! [CLOSED]
Kiroq Gold Sparx Gems: 2328
#1 Posted: 00:35:00 12/03/2015 | Topic Creator
As the title suggests, what game series that most people like, do you dislike/hate?

For me it's very simple :-
Kingdom Hearts
All FPS/3rdPS games

Don't complain about someone not liking a series you like as its their opinion and they might like games you don't.
smilie Fools! I've had it up to here with your incompetence! Actually no, even higher..up to HERE!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:01:34 12/03/2015 by Kiroq
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#2 Posted: 01:28:50 12/03/2015
Kingdom Hearts
Blizzard titles (Warcraft, Starcraft, etc)
Total War
Rachet & Clank
Jak & Daxter

and I don't really like Final Fantasy, though I'm probably gonna try to get into it again. Same with Rachet and Jak.

That's all I got off the top of my head.

inb4 cod even though I think more people dislike it than love it now
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 01:31:32 12/03/2015 by CAV
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 9117
#3 Posted: 02:28:13 12/03/2015
Five Nights At Freddy's
TacoMakerSkys Platinum Sparx Gems: 5662
#4 Posted: 03:14:37 12/03/2015
Quote: somePerson
Five Nights At Freddy's

- - -
words. letters. filler.
Camo22 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3501
#5 Posted: 03:27:32 12/03/2015
I hate most M-R rated games

Quote: somePerson
Five Nights At Freddy's

and COD I hate the most!
=Fixing Theories since Sep, 2015 / Deviant Art =
StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769
#6 Posted: 03:32:49 12/03/2015
Sonic the Hedgehog
Candy Crush
Any sports games
Mortal Kombat
Angry Birds

That's about all I can think of.
I'm close to saying Assassin's Creed after Unity, AC used to be my favorite game franchise, but Unity just ruined it for me.
Dragon Age is where it's at now.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:56:17 12/03/2015 by StriderSwag
Camo22 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3501
#7 Posted: 03:34:12 12/03/2015
Quote: StriderSwag
Sonic the Hedgehog
Candy Crush

That's about all I can think of.

How dare you hate the hedgehog!
=Fixing Theories since Sep, 2015 / Deviant Art =
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#8 Posted: 09:05:26 12/03/2015
The only overarching franchises I can say I actively dislike are yearly sports titles.

Skylanders too, I guess. But in reality, I just dislike the way the figures are handled. The game itself, I am indifferent to.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
StevemacQ Platinum Sparx Gems: 6533
#9 Posted: 11:19:49 12/03/2015
Call of Duty
Assassin's Creed
FIFA, Madden, pretty much any insanely popular yearly game series based on real life sports.
Zumba Fitness
Watch Dogs (Yes, it's will be a franchise.)
Pretty much every game with Tom Clancy's name on it
Dragon Quest

P.S. I never realised that CAV actually doesn't like Skylanders.
Needz more eh-mo-shuns.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#10 Posted: 11:55:07 12/03/2015
Quote: StevemacQ
P.S. I never realised that CAV actually doesn't like Skylanders.

Admittedly I only ever owned the first game and merely tried Swap Force in store, but while the games are serviceable and decent, they aren't nearly good enough to justify how much you need to spend to really enjoy the game.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 11:56:19 12/03/2015 by CAV
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#11 Posted: 17:32:35 12/03/2015
I can really not stress this enough, but PLEASE, this is my opinion and I am really sick of people feeling like they absolutely HAVE to defend these series every time anyone says anything bad about these franchises, so I please ask that people respect my opinion and not try to defend these games because you are basically telling me I'm not entitled to that opinion, but really I do not like these franchises very much.

Mario (There are SOME Mario games I do like, but most of them I really do not.)
Shooters in general, regardless of classification.
Kid Icarus
Fire Emblem
Monster Hunter

There might be more, but these are the ones that come to mind. And yes, I do like games. I really like most fighting games, and I also like Guitar Hero/Rock Band as well as other games.
Wreckingball13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#12 Posted: 17:50:20 12/03/2015
Five Nights at Freddy's
zer0dch Ripto Gems: 1916
#13 Posted: 20:13:47 12/03/2015
Five Nights at Freddy's
Assassins Creed (It's got to be it's own parody now, right?)
Burnt out on CoD with the last two titles, but I'm definitely excited for Treyarch's next title
Yearly sports titles
Sonic the Hedgehog. There were only a few good titles, and they were the trilogy on Genesis.
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9634
#14 Posted: 20:41:51 12/03/2015
Any fighting/racing/sport game.
LunarDistortion Ripto Gems: 3606
#15 Posted: 21:21:01 12/03/2015
Sonic the Hedgehog is the only major one I can think of at the moment. I just don't like how the games are designed, not to mention all of the really bad games under his belt.
skylandersspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3872
#16 Posted: 21:23:46 12/03/2015
candy crush,COD and fire emblem
Uh Uh Uh! You didn't say the magic word!
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#17 Posted: 21:57:26 12/03/2015
Quote: LunarDistortion
Sonic the Hedgehog is the only major one I can think of at the moment. I just don't like how the games are designed, not to mention all of the really bad games under his belt.

You mean all 5? That's even less than the Mario franchise... :V
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#18 Posted: 21:59:51 12/03/2015
Ehh, I could name quite a few, but I chose Street Fighter.

Overall, the controls just feel very off for me, when I tried the 2nd one on an arcade cabinet. I guess I'm too used to Smash Bros. style controls.

Also, Sonic too, I guess. I grew up with Mario, and I'm staying with him.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
zer0dch Ripto Gems: 1916
#19 Posted: 22:05:31 12/03/2015
Quote: sonicbrawler182
Quote: LunarDistortion
Sonic the Hedgehog is the only major one I can think of at the moment. I just don't like how the games are designed, not to mention all of the really bad games under his belt.

You mean all 5? That's even less than the Mario franchise... :V


Name five bad Mario games. Mainline titles.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#20 Posted: 22:29:47 12/03/2015
Quote: sonicbrawler182
Quote: LunarDistortion
Sonic the Hedgehog is the only major one I can think of at the moment. I just don't like how the games are designed, not to mention all of the really bad games under his belt.

You mean all 5? That's even less than the Mario franchise... :V

To be fair, Mario has a LOT more games under his belt.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#21 Posted: 22:47:09 12/03/2015
Quote: zer0dch
Quote: sonicbrawler182
Quote: LunarDistortion
Sonic the Hedgehog is the only major one I can think of at the moment. I just don't like how the games are designed, not to mention all of the really bad games under his belt.

You mean all 5? That's even less than the Mario franchise... :V


Name five bad Mario games. Mainline titles.

Why do I have to limit it to mainline for Mario when I didn't for Sonic? Sorry, but he doesn't get special treatment based on seniority.

And for the record, Sunshine was quite a poor showing. It has a lot of objectively bad design flaws. At best, it's passable if you play solely to fight Bowser on Corona Mountain (terrible, terrible final level by the way, worse than anything I've seen in a Sonic game). Everything else (which is the meat of the game) is really bad. I legitimately would rather play Shadow the Hedgehog than play Sunshine.

I just get tired of this whole "Sonic has SOOOOO many bad games" shtick when he literally only has 5 or so that could be considered objectively terrible by everyone, including spin-offs (Sonic '06, Rise of Lyric, the 2 Sonic Drift games, and Sonic Schoolhouse). Everything else is mediocre at worst (and Mario certainly has PLENTY of titles like that, see half of the Mario Party series).
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Badwolfmichael Gold Sparx Gems: 2511
#22 Posted: 23:24:35 12/03/2015
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#23 Posted: 23:25:20 12/03/2015
I've always been a huge fan of Sonic, and I am a fan of Mario games too (not as much as Sonic in general, but it does contain 5 of my favourite games of all time, as well as my favourite fictional character who is at least on par with Sonic and other characters I favour, like Professor Layton, to me).

I just don't get A) why they are still considered "rivals" in this day and age, as there is absolutely nothing strange about liking both at this point, especially since they've CROSSED OVER, and B) why Sonic still gets **** for bad games that came out almost a decade ago, yet Mario doesn't.

Both franchises are doing great right now, and I don't get why there is still any tension between their fans.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#24 Posted: 00:30:54 13/03/2015
Quote: MugoUrth

Hold on writing 3 page essay on why Skullgirls is great and why you should convert to the House of Leviathan.

Quote: zer0dch

Name five bad Mario games. Mainline titles.

To be fair there have only been about 9 main series console titles according to Wikipedia (excluding NSMB, Yoshi's Island, and Lost Levels).

Quote: sonicbrawler182
I just get tired of this whole "Sonic has SOOOOO many bad games" shtick when he literally only has 5 or so that could be considered objectively terrible by everyone, including spin-offs (Sonic '06, Rise of Lyric, the 2 Sonic Drift games, and Sonic Schoolhouse).

You forgot Labyrinth, Sonic R (I kinda like it but it's pretty bad objectively), and Free Riders. They were also considered either really bad or outright broken when released by most, if not all people.

If you want to stretch it you can also consider the GBA port of the original game.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#25 Posted: 00:55:31 13/03/2015
Actually most people don't mind R. It's considered mediocre more than anything. It actually has quite a few merits, it's only real problem is the severe lack of content.

Labyrinth actually has it's fans. Most people just can't get over how Sonic RUNS slow in it, and that the game is designed around the Spin Dash. I think it's alright myself. It's really harmless.

I did legit forget about Free Riders, but my main point is that I don't see why people forever hold onto the few really bad games in the Sonic franchise, when Mario has arguably more. Granted, two of Sonic's were higher profile games, but I don't think that should change much. Plus, Sunshine and MKWii are considered bad by a lot of people, and those are high profile too. Not to mention half of the Mario Party games people don't like (and that series is hardly obscure).
"My memories will be part of the sky."
zer0dch Ripto Gems: 1916
#26 Posted: 00:59:18 13/03/2015
Man, you're really butthurt dude. Sonic has far more worse titles than Mario does. Mario doesn't really have any bad titles fact, Sunshine is great.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#27 Posted: 01:21:32 13/03/2015

Sunshine is not great. Like, at all.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Badwolfmichael Gold Sparx Gems: 2511
#28 Posted: 01:27:06 13/03/2015
Quote: zer0dch
Man, you're really butthurt dude. Sonic has far more worse titles than Mario does. Mario doesn't really have any bad titles fact, Sunshine is great.

Even though I don't like Mario, I have to agree on this one~
zer0dch Ripto Gems: 1916
#29 Posted: 01:44:20 13/03/2015
Quote: sonicbrawler182

Sunshine is not great. Like, at all.

Sunshine is no where close to a mediocre game. You just happen to have bad taste.

It may not be the best Mario game, but it sure as hell isn't a bad game. Its great.
LunarDistortion Ripto Gems: 3606
#30 Posted: 04:25:15 13/03/2015
Woah, looks I started a bit of an argument from my post, sorry about that...

Anyways, time to respond with my thoughts...

Quote: sonicbrawler182
Quote: LunarDistortion
Sonic the Hedgehog is the only major one I can think of at the moment. I just don't like how the games are designed, not to mention all of the really bad games under his belt.

You mean all 5? That's even less than the Mario franchise... :V

I never said there were many really bad games, but when 2 of those five are highly promoted, one being the 15th anniversary, and are released unfinished, it doesn't bode well, at least in my opinion...

Quote: sonicbrawler182
Quote: zer0dch
Quote: sonicbrawler182

You mean all 5? That's even less than the Mario franchise... :V


Name five bad Mario games. Mainline titles.

Why do I have to limit it to mainline for Mario when I didn't for Sonic? Sorry, but he doesn't get special treatment based on seniority.

And for the record, Sunshine was quite a poor showing. It has a lot of objectively bad design flaws. At best, it's passable if you play solely to fight Bowser on Corona Mountain (terrible, terrible final level by the way, worse than anything I've seen in a Sonic game). Everything else (which is the meat of the game) is really bad. I legitimately would rather play Shadow the Hedgehog than play Sunshine.

I just get tired of this whole "Sonic has SOOOOO many bad games" shtick when he literally only has 5 or so that could be considered objectively terrible by everyone, including spin-offs (Sonic '06, Rise of Lyric, the 2 Sonic Drift games, and Sonic Schoolhouse). Everything else is mediocre at worst (and Mario certainly has PLENTY of titles like that, see half of the Mario Party series).

I'll talk on Sunshine later below...

Yeah, most of the Mario Party games are bad, but that's one of tons of really good Mario series. Mario Kart, Luigi's Mansion, Mario and Luigi, Paper Mario, and the main line games are plenty fun and pretty well designed games for the most part, despite a few slip ups here and there (Sticker Star, Dark Moon, many consider Mario Kart Wii to be bad but I like it enough) Even then though the the good games balance it out by being really good, titles like Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door and Mario Kart: Double Dash are regarded by many to be wonderful games, and I'd say that the Galaxy games fit your liking pretty well too.

Yeah, Mario isn't invulnerable to a bad game. But compared to a couple really good games for Sonic, Mario has a least twice as many in my opinion.

Quote: sonicbrawler182
I've always been a huge fan of Sonic, and I am a fan of Mario games too (not as much as Sonic in general, but it does contain 5 of my favourite games of all time, as well as my favourite fictional character who is at least on par with Sonic and other characters I favour, like Professor Layton, to me).

I just don't get A) why they are still considered "rivals" in this day and age, as there is absolutely nothing strange about liking both at this point, especially since they've CROSSED OVER, and B) why Sonic still gets **** for bad games that came out almost a decade ago, yet Mario doesn't.

Both franchises are doing great right now, and I don't get why there is still any tension between their fans.

Hey, you're the one who brought Mario into this. People talk more on bad Sonic games more than Mario titles because Mario hasn't had any games below pretty bad, sure some of the Mario Party's and the CDI games are really bad, but compare that to the unfinished Sonic 06 and Boom, which do you think will have more discussion by gamers?

Quote: sonicbrawler182

Sunshine is not great. Like, at all.

And here comes Sunshine...

In my personal opinion, Sunshine is a great game with quite a few flaws. It's rough around the edges, it has quite a few exploits and bugs, and a few of the levels have insane difficulty spikes (Watermelon Festival, Goopy Inferno, the Sandbird, and the Lilypad shine being only a few examples.). Not to mention how difficult it is to 100% with all of the blue coins. However, comparing that with all of the things it does right, the game is great. Mario is a blast to control, he has so many moves and the control you have over him rivals every other Mario game. Alongside the notoriously difficult shines like the Pachinko machine also comes a bunch of really fun levels and worlds to play and explore. The graphics hold up pretty well to this day, despite being slightly dated on some things. The aesthetic's are gorgeous, Sirena Beach looks beautiful, Pinna Park captures the essence of fun, and they hit the ball right out the park with the hub world, Delfino Plaza, to a point where even the Observatory in all of it's nice looking glory couldn't even reach in my opinion. Not to mention the feeling of largeness in the world is just wonderful, the simple idea to be able to see other levels on the island when you're not on them just helps build the world the game set up as an actual living island and not just another level in a Mario game.

Does the game have flaws? Absolutely, it has a ton and I will never deny that fact. However, is it a good game regardless? In my opinion, yes. You can have your own, I'm not going to say that you can't hate Sunshine because that'd just be dumb. I just want to explain my reasoning as to why I really enjoy Super Mario Sunshine, because I do think it gets a pretty bad rap, even if it's grown a lot larger of a fanbase in recent years.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:35:04 13/03/2015 by LunarDistortion
StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769
#31 Posted: 04:59:04 13/03/2015
Quote: zer0dch
Man, you're really butthurt dude. Sonic has far more worse titles than Mario does. Mario doesn't really have any bad titles fact, Sunshine is great.

SONIC and BRAWLER are in his name it's rather obvious.

Quote: sonicbrawler182

Sunshine is not great. Like, at all.

I happened to think Sunshine was pretty good. It was pretty innovative for a Mario game, and it introduced us to a cool new part of his world. I loved the tropical theme of Sunshine, seeing as it isn't really somewhere we've been before.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#32 Posted: 09:09:06 13/03/2015
Quote: Badwolfmichael
Quote: zer0dch
Man, you're really butthurt dude. Sonic has far more worse titles than Mario does. Mario doesn't really have any bad titles fact, Sunshine is great.

Even though I don't like Mario, I have to agree on this one~

I'm not butthurt about anything, I'm pointing out a fallacious statement.

I never said there were many really bad games, but when 2 of those five are highly promoted, one being the 15th anniversary, and are released unfinished, it doesn't bode well, at least in my opinion...

>2 bad games
>Not even 1% of the games in the franchise


And regarding Sunshine, while the controls and visuals are fine, the level design is horrible beyond the first level (and repetitive, since you must go through every level 11 times, and since it never strays from the tropical setting, the variety between levels is extremely lacking), the missions get absurd, blue coin collecting is absolutely tedious and is mandatory for 100%, it has a lot of bugs (y'all won't shut up about Sonic '06 or Rise of Lyric for about that, yet Mario gets a free pass...huh), the attempt at story was ABYSMAL (don't give me "story isn't important", I will **** on Sonic '06's story, so I will do so here, Mario doesn't get a free pass, especially since Galaxy did story really well), pretty much every character is completely unlikable (the Piantas are literally the worst NPCs ever) - I could go on, and these points are far from obscure, they are very front and center.

Oh, and you get jack for completing the game.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 09:11:11 13/03/2015 by sonicbrawler182
zer0dch Ripto Gems: 1916
#33 Posted: 09:29:08 13/03/2015
Sonic Brawler, no matter how you state it...

You're butthurt. Level design in Super Mario Sunshine is bad? It may not be as great as Galaxy, but damn. 100% in Sunshine isn't necessary to unlock anything core to the story. Sunshine has no where near the amount of bugs. Also, none of them are game breaking in comparison to 06 or Rise of Lyric. You're complaining about the NPC's which have very little to no role to the game play in sunshine? Hardly any of them give you missions, none of them look awkward or out of place. You're just looking for points to ***** and prove your point. Yet, you can only try and find one Mario game that is bad? What happened to the "vast array of titles more so broken than sonic games" you were speaking of?

Your post literally made me LOL.
Wild Platinum Sparx Gems: 5045
#34 Posted: 10:02:29 13/03/2015
I can't think of any at all. I'm indifferent to so many franchises. Nothing seems to be a real object of my dislike besides those fleeting moments where I got frustrated over seeing something everywhere, and things like that? I'm not really updated about gaming like I used to be.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#35 Posted: 11:35:06 13/03/2015
Quote: zer0dch
Sonic Brawler, no matter how you state it...

You're butthurt. Level design in Super Mario Sunshine is bad? It may not be as great as Galaxy, but damn. 100% in Sunshine isn't necessary to unlock anything core to the story. Sunshine has no where near the amount of bugs. Also, none of them are game breaking in comparison to 06 or Rise of Lyric. You're complaining about the NPC's which have very little to no role to the game play in sunshine? Hardly any of them give you missions, none of them look awkward or out of place. You're just looking for points to ***** and prove your point. Yet, you can only try and find one Mario game that is bad? What happened to the "vast array of titles more so broken than sonic games" you were speaking of?

Your post literally made me LOL.

I'm pretty sure you haven't played the game with what you're saying. 40 Shine Sprites are on Isle Delfino itself, given to you by by it's residents in most cases, not to mention multiple missions that require you to rely on the Piantas' luck based throwing arm.

And the fact that 100%ing the game gets you nothing is the PROBLEM, whether or not it's related to the story is irrelevant.

I'm not butthurt, as there is no reason to be (certainly not with the kind of fallacious information you're providing - maybe if you focused more on making an actual point rather than spouting fallacious information to try and make yourself sound cool, I could take you more seriously).

I really don't care if people don't like the Sonic franchise, but don't go around saying the entire franchise is bad because of one or two games, and don't go spreading false information about Sunshine to make it sound better than it actually is.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769
#36 Posted: 13:18:54 13/03/2015
Quote: sonicbrawler182

And the fact that 100%ing the game gets you nothing is the PROBLEM, whether or not it's related to the story is irrelevant.

I'm not butthurt, as there is no reason to be (certainly not with the kind of fallacious information you're providing - maybe if you focused more on making an actual point rather than spouting fallacious information to try and make yourself sound cool, I could take you more seriously).

I really don't care if people don't like the Sonic franchise, but don't go around saying the entire franchise is bad because of one or two games, and don't go spreading false information about Sunshine to make it sound better than it actually is.

1. Are you SERIOUSLY complaining about not getting a reward for 100% completing a game made for children? You really expect the developers who made a game, WHO'S PRIMARY AUDIENCE WAS CHILDREN, to give you some reward for that? Kids are most likely going to play it through once, then not touch it again.

2. You are butthurt, or you wouldn't be defending it as ruthlessly as you are now.

3. Sonic doesn't exactly have a track record (ba dum tss) of good games, and it certainly has more than two bad ones. On the top of my head I can think of Sonic '06, Sonic Unleashed, Sonic and the Black Knight, Sonic Colors, and you know what? **** it. Shadow the Hedgehog.
That's 5.

The only GOOD Sonic games I can think of are the originals and Sonic Generations.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#37 Posted: 15:22:21 13/03/2015
I like how because he defends one franchise and claims another isn't as good as people make it out to be everyone's calling him butthurt.

I've known Brawler for years and while he can defend a point to the edge of the Earth he's pretty much never gotten legitimately butthurt about it. Even when arguing with him it's more likely for me to end on that side of things than him. I can assure you he's cool and collected in this debate. He has no reason to actually get worked up or lose sleep about any of this.

That's like if people called me butthurt for defending Call of Duty in the thread (which I really should seeing how many people mention it, despite just how many people hate the series more than they like it at this point). And frankly up until the accusations of butthurt I saw a civilized and healthy debate going on. Let's not ruin it, please?

Now I haven't played Sunshine so I'm not going to comment on anything regarding that game, nor am I picking sides since I was a huge Sonic fan back in the day and I'm a fan of Mario games today. However....

Quote: sonicbrawler182
Actually most people don't mind R. It's considered mediocre more than anything. It actually has quite a few merits, it's only real problem is the severe lack of content.

Labyrinth actually has it's fans. Most people just can't get over how Sonic RUNS slow in it, and that the game is designed around the Spin Dash. I think it's alright myself. It's really harmless.

I did legit forget about Free Riders, but my main point is that I don't see why people forever hold onto the few really bad games in the Sonic franchise, when Mario has arguably more. Granted, two of Sonic's were higher profile games, but I don't think that should change much. Plus, Sunshine and MKWii are considered bad by a lot of people, and those are high profile too. Not to mention half of the Mario Party games people don't like (and that series is hardly obscure).

Sonic R is typically seen as a awfully controlling racing game with a severe lack of content and a soundtrack that, while not terrible on its own, doesn't fit with the game's tone. I'm the only person I know that would in any way enjoy the game and even then I have a hard time trying to come up with objective reasons to like it.

Labyrinth is typically seen as the worst Sonic game of all time. Even in spite of the glitchy messes that 06 and Boom are, most people and Sonic fans tend to agree that Labyrinth is the bottom of the barrel for how slow and bad it is. And up until Boom, it was the only Sonic game where Sonic, the fast hedgehog, didn't go fast.

Sunshine and MK6 are considered bad, but so are Unleashed, Black Knight, Secret Rings, Heroes, and others. I thought we weren't talking about what was considered bad, and what was actually objectively bad.

Quote: zer0dch
Sunshine is no where close to a mediocre game. You just happen to have bad taste.

It may not be the best Mario game, but it sure as hell isn't a bad game. Its great.

Again we're talking objective. There's no need to be making comments like that.

Quote: LunarDistortion
Yeah, most of the Mario Party games are bad, but that's one of tons of really good Mario series...

...Yeah, Mario isn't invulnerable to a bad game. But compared to a couple really good games for Sonic, Mario has a least twice as many in my opinion.

Yeah but that's fairly easy to say when there have been so much more Mario titles than Sonic. Sonic may have had more main series titles on console than Mario. But if Wikipedia is to be believed, Mario has appeared in over 200 titles. Maybe not every last one was with him in the starring role but that's still a huge list and it's bound to happen that there are loads of good Mario games. And you can also say likewise of there possibly being loads of lackluster (or even outright bad) games.

I'm not arguing that one series is better than the other, since I like both of them when they work (Galaxy and Adventure 2 are both among my all time favorites). But it's not difficult to have twice as many good games as a series when you have twice as many games period.

Quote: StriderSwag
1. Are you SERIOUSLY complaining about not getting a reward for 100% completing a game made for children? You really expect the developers who made a game, WHO'S PRIMARY AUDIENCE WAS CHILDREN, to give you some reward for that? Kids are most likely going to play it through once, then not touch it again.

2. You are butthurt, or you wouldn't be defending it as ruthlessly as you are now.

3. Sonic doesn't exactly have a track record (ba dum tss) of good games, and it certainly has more than two bad ones. On the top of my head I can think of Sonic '06, Sonic Unleashed, Sonic and the Black Knight, Sonic Colors, and you know what? **** it. Shadow the Hedgehog.
That's 5.

The only GOOD Sonic games I can think of are the originals and Sonic Generations.

1. Most games, including those that are E for Everyone, have a reward for completing the game 100%. That's why there are collectibles and junk. Also Nintendo games, especially Mario, are often touted as being made for everyone, not just kids.

2. See first statements above.

3. Aside from 06, all of those games are subjectively bad, not objectively. I don't like Unleashed, Black Knight, or Shadow either. But they're not actually broken or unplayable or universally considered awful like 06, Boom, or Labyrinth. I mean, I like Colors. I think Colors was the start of his big comeback (which was partially halted by Boom).
eruptshake137 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1436
#38 Posted: 16:09:32 13/03/2015
Quote: sonicbrawler182

Sunshine is not great. Like, at all.

opinions maaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnn
Prepare for trouble. Make it double.

MoonHorizons Gold Sparx Gems: 2826
#39 Posted: 16:52:30 13/03/2015
Can we please NOT have anymore threads like this anymore?

They always get derailed and major butthurt + arguments happen.
the more obscure your favorite cartoons are, the more refined your taste is
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#40 Posted: 17:27:57 13/03/2015
^What if I made a separate topic for this particular discussion, so that the thread can go back to its original purpose?
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#41 Posted: 17:35:42 13/03/2015
Quote: CAV
^What if I made a separate topic for this particular discussion, so that the thread can go back to its original purpose?

There's no need. I won't be posting more on the subject anyway.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
zer0dch Ripto Gems: 1916
#42 Posted: 17:41:47 13/03/2015
"I'm pretty sure you never played the game"

LOL. Sorry to disappoint you kiddo, but Super Mario Sunshine was a game I was very excited for growing up. It wasn't as great as 64, and both Galaxy and 3D World triumph it....but its still an awesome game. There isn't a reason as to why its bad beside you being butthurt dude.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#43 Posted: 17:57:24 13/03/2015
Honestly, cut Sonicbrawler some slack. I honestly agree with him: Sonic gets too much hate he doesn't deserve, and really a lot of Mario games are not that great. Super Mario Sunshine and the New Super Mario Games in particular were terrible. I think if anyone's being butthurt, it's you guys, being typical Mario fans who absolutely HAVE to defend Mario or they will just die.

Quote: CAV
Quote: MugoUrth

Hold on writing 3 page essay on why Skullgirls is great and why you should convert to the House of Leviathan.

I am sick of this piece of crap getting praise. So many great fighting games out there with addicting gameplay, lots of replay value and charming characters, yet people always dismiss them in favor of Skullgirls, a game with dumb and over-the-top gameplay that gets old fast, ridiculously AWFUL replay value and characters that try to hard. No, I don't like Skullgirls, and I never will!
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 17:59:11 13/03/2015 by MugoUrth
ThroneOfMalefor Platinum Sparx Gems: 5528
#44 Posted: 18:11:20 13/03/2015
mugourth needs a sucker for that tantrum of his
zer0dch Ripto Gems: 1916
#45 Posted: 18:12:27 13/03/2015
Mario sunshine is bad? LOL WHAT? NSMB is bad? LOL. They may not be the best 2D Mario titles, but they're sure as hell not bad. They're incredibly fun.

Sonic certainly deserves the hate. Err, well, I mean Sega does. There hasn't been a good mainline Sonic title in 3D besides Sonic Generations...and the best part about that were the classic segments. Sonic Adventure aged like crap. Sonic Adventure 2's missions all blow besides Sonic/Shadow...but there's are literally super linear and dated now, too. Sonic Heroes is a legitimately flawed game. Shadow the Hedgehog was bad, awful in idea, and broken, Sonic 06...we don't need to go into that, story telling Sonic games were on rails and incredibly short, Sonic Colors did everything right besides the 3D segments, Sonic 4 was way less fun than the genesis titles due to the awful physics (ep. 2 hardly fixed this), sonic lost world didn't know what the hell it wanted to do (awkward mess of a game), and sonic boom is legitimately awful.
If Sonic is going to be 3D, make it a sidescroller similar to generations classic segments. THOSE were very good.

Until Sega can find a right balance between speed and platforming akin to the genesis titles ("push X to boost unleashed" is not similar to old school sonic), then Sonic ultimately does not work in 3D.


If you can explain to me how any of those games are good besides "muh nostalgia", go right ahead.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#46 Posted: 18:18:31 13/03/2015
Quote: zer0dch
"I'm pretty sure you never played the game"

LOL. Sorry to disappoint you kiddo, but Super Mario Sunshine was a game I was very excited for growing up. It wasn't as great as 64, and both Galaxy and 3D World triumph it....but its still an awesome game. There isn't a reason as to why its bad beside you being butthurt dude.

Cut it with the butthurt comments please.

EDIT TO THE POST ABOVE: You're talking with a subjective point of view. Not that many Sonic games are objectively bad or broken, just like how there aren't that many Mario games like that. At this point you're saying "I don't like this game because _____". I'm not a big fan of the Paper Mario or NSMB games but I'm not going to walk in, treat it like objective fact, and claim that the other person is butthurt for saying otherwise.

This can also apply to some of the arguments made against Sunshine.

Quote: MugoUrth
I am sick of this piece of crap getting praise. So many great fighting games out there with addicting gameplay, lots of replay value and charming characters, yet people always dismiss them in favor of Skullgirls, a game with dumb and over-the-top gameplay that gets old fast, ridiculously AWFUL replay value and characters that try to hard. No, I don't like Skullgirls, and I never will!

Ok being serious now.

Honestly I don't see people praising Skullgirls very often. It's treated like a niche game and often gets turned away because of the fanservice. It's not a big thing in the competitive scene like Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat, or even Smash Bros.

The gameplay isn't really dumb. It takes inspiration from MvC and in some ways makes it more complex and challenging. You could probably pick it up and mash your way to victory a few times on the lower difficulties. But once you get to Marie on anything harder than normal you need to know what you're doing.

Replay value could use some work I agree. But if it means anything I've invested over 100 hours into the game on Steam (only 3 other games have that). And the characters aren't that bad. Eliza in particular through her story turns out very interesting.

I'm not saying you should like it. It's not for everyone. But that's what I think.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:22:36 13/03/2015 by CAV
zer0dch Ripto Gems: 1916
#47 Posted: 18:24:54 13/03/2015
"Not that many Sonic games are that bad/broken"

Um, yes, there are indeed that many. I didn't even go into some of the other titles.
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