darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders: Trap Team > Do you think Malefor will be the villain in Sky 5 after his role in the comics?
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Do you think Malefor will be the villain in Sky 5 after his role in the comics?
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8739
#1 Posted: 13:50:23 26/02/2015 | Topic Creator
I'm hoping yes, it's not crazy likely to happen, but it's very possible. The comic seems to be big jump in tone from what we usually used to from the games. Granted the games loves it's dark under tones, but seeing a more serious game would be very welcomed by fans. It'd make sense since Kaos is trapped now.
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#2 Posted: 14:02:58 26/02/2015
Do I hope it?

Absolutely yes.

Do I think it will happen?

Absolutely no.

They comic's staff already said that they personally came up with the idea, and probably quite later, compared to the development of the fifth game.
He might appear in future titles, but I highly doubt he will in Skylanders 5.
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10672
#3 Posted: 14:58:46 26/02/2015
Same as Drek. I'd LOVE if that was true, and maybe it's possible for a VV game because the comics share the writer. But at this point the game must be halfway through the two years of development, and they must have a story of their own already. By the next game he can be a pretty strong candidate,but for the current one it's too late.
(What I need is never what I want)
AdamGregory03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
#4 Posted: 15:08:11 26/02/2015
Yeah, probably not Sky 5. I'd bet maybe Sky 6 or Sky 8.
Golden Queen did nothing wrong and she is best evil waifu.
Check this out! Please?
wild_defender Green Sparx Gems: 465
#5 Posted: 00:33:15 27/02/2015
they really should..
Games either grow and develop with the age of their original fans or stay exactly they same, and i don't think skylanders will survive just staying the same(while they release a new game each year), and i think think the creators know it.

I think something very decent done for the 5th game anniversary. and i dont think it'll be all about the new gimiclanders.

Adding malefor in would appeal to old skool spyro fans and give a refreshing twist on the villain side, hopefully making the game a little cooler. They could even keep kaos in as a side villain e.g. freeing or resurrecting Malefor (from where ever he was?), so he could use him as a weapon, but ultimately lose control.

Burning down Skylanders academy in this pic would just be a pretty neat story. I'm always confused(storywise) why they keep changing home bases, shouldnt they be protecting the core of light still or do they just keep following kaos everywhere ? lol

[User Posted Image]
Anyone else think Short Cut should be making jokes about running with scissors?
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10672
#6 Posted: 00:41:54 27/02/2015
The CURRENT Skylander(s) is in the Academy. Comics and books imply they all chill out in the Citadel when they're not on a mission. Though it's hard to put timelines because the games never really explain how the skylands are staying out of toy form for entire days.
(What I need is never what I want)
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8739
#7 Posted: 00:47:31 27/02/2015 | Topic Creator
Quote: Bifrost
The CURRENT Skylander(s) is in the Academy. Comics and books imply they all chill out in the Citadel when they're not on a mission. Though it's hard to put timelines because the games never really explain how the skylands are staying out of toy form for entire days.

My headcaon is when your first out a new Skylander on the Portal. They perminately return to Skylands and everytime you put the toy on again it just summons them from where ever they are from Skylands. For newer Skylanders, theyre already in Skylands but are summoned when out on the portal.
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#8 Posted: 00:59:42 27/02/2015
Likely Kaos will be the main villain again like always.

Chances of Malefor appearing in Skylanders 5, is if the devs have him as an Adventure Pack villain or a 3DS exclusive villain.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
wild_defender Green Sparx Gems: 465
#9 Posted: 01:14:29 27/02/2015
Quote: Aura24
Likely Kaos will be the main villain again like always.

Chances of Malefor appearing in Skylanders 5, is if the devs have him as an Adventure Pack villain or a 3DS exclusive villain.

I am pretty jealous of the 3DS villains, I have the games but i dont really like playing skylanders on the small screen.
I've never properly finished any of the DS games but the only reason i even get past a couple of levels is coz the different villains entertain me. i kinda need the big theatrics and detail of consoles.
Anyone else think Short Cut should be making jokes about running with scissors?
TheShadowDragon Ripto Gems: 2886
#10 Posted: 01:36:43 27/02/2015
Malefor would definitely make for an awesome final villain, especially if he did something devastating to Kaos like turn him into his undead slave.
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#11 Posted: 02:45:20 27/02/2015
Quote: Drek95
Do I hope it?

Absolutely yes.

Do I think it will happen?

Absolutely no.

They comic's staff already said that they personally came up with the idea, and probably quite later, compared to the development of the fifth game.
He might appear in future titles, but I highly doubt he will in Skylanders 5.

I feel the same. I have faith VV generally brings more seriousness to the game, so I'll just hold out on hope...but a real epic villain is REALLY needed in this game now. Kaos is such a goof. Seeing the Malefor battle in the last Spyro's game on PS3 looked EPIC...if only Skylanders was like THAT.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:46:20 27/02/2015 by GhostRoaster
Insane01 Gold Sparx Gems: 2038
#12 Posted: 03:12:42 27/02/2015
I hope they don't bring back Kaos as the main villain. He's a goof, he's tiresome. Every time he's near to conquering Skylands, his ego gets the best of him, which leads to his defeat by the Skylanders. Malefor would be great for an Undead main boss villain, along with Mesmeralda (Magic), Drill-X (Tech), Baron Von Shellshock (Earth), etc.
Why keep using Kaos over & over? He was trapped in TT, he should stay that way. Maybe introduce a new villain to be the final one you battle.
No one knows how many servants, or allies, the Darkness has.
I would like to see another, more improved, version of the Mirror of Mystery where you can trap the mirror versions of Flynn, Tessa/Whiskers, Cali, etc., instead of lesser villains. And if you can't trap them, at least allow players to battle them (except Flynn, since we fought him briefly in TT. I would like to battle him again like the beginning sequence of Chapter 15- Skyhighlands. Maybe add Tessa/Whiskers, Mags & Cali). I liked MoM, though it was too short. The thought of a mirror universe was a cool idea for TT, but should be more elaborate in future titles. Midnight Museum & Sunscraper Spire were the better expansion packs of the four. The trap and Trap Master made it even better.
" Am I the mad one or are you?"
then, again, "we're all mad here
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#13 Posted: 03:20:08 27/02/2015
Mirror of Mystery looked like a great idea, but it was horribly executed. Why didn't we have battle only levels for the top tier villains? Many of them I'd like to play over, but not if I have to endure playing an entire level to get there. VV's idea of this was spot on.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:21:54 27/02/2015 by GhostRoaster
Greeble Emerald Sparx Gems: 4384
#14 Posted: 13:46:15 27/02/2015
I don't see why not.

We've not had a Dragon villain since SSA, so he's overdue.
^ You all know it's true
sky-dragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3206
#15 Posted: 16:21:48 27/02/2015
If he was the next villian he would be one hardest bosses for younger people like kids of small age and would just stop trying to fight him.
"ryuujin no ken wo kurae!"
boomerfan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1602
#16 Posted: 17:55:10 27/02/2015
Hope so now that kaos is on our side now smilie
smilieBRING THE BOOM!smilie
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10672
#17 Posted: 18:41:04 27/02/2015
Quote: GhostRoaster

I feel the same. I have faith VV generally brings more seriousness to the game, so I'll just hold out on hope...but a real epic villain is REALLY needed in this game now. Kaos is such a goof. Seeing the Malefor battle in the last Spyro's game on PS3 looked EPIC...if only Skylanders was like THAT.

Kaos is a madman that just acts like a goof. But they really don't have anywhere to go from TT without screwing something up, and the ham ought to get stale.
But Malefor in DOTD just LOOKS good. It's a slippery mess where you mash buttons and hope to hit him, plus he's so overly edgy and convoluted Swap Force's worst looks like Shadow of the Colossus in comparison(quite a coincidence that SF's writer is the one reimagining him from scratch,eh?). Music's pretty great though, but EL probably owns its rights so no chance of a remix as his theme.

EDIT:Topic's glitched,gosh darn it.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 18:47:02 27/02/2015 by Bifrost
wild_defender Green Sparx Gems: 465
#18 Posted: 21:42:57 27/02/2015
Quote: sky-dragon
If he was the next villian he would be one hardest bosses for younger people like kids of small age and would just stop trying to fight him.

That's why there's difficulty settings .....
Kaos this game was pretty ridiculously strong on hard/nightmare but thats that's why there's an easy option.

You need to give kids more credit too, they arnt all quitters and a lot of them have incredible attention spans for playing hard levels over again. If someone's gonna stop playing simply because they find it too hard to beat the last level then they were probly gonna stop playing right after beating it anyway.
Anyone else think Short Cut should be making jokes about running with scissors?
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10672
#19 Posted: 22:41:23 27/02/2015
And hard bosses don't make them good. In fact, a kid that you drive away with a frustrating hard boss is probably going to tell more people that it's cheap, and less people play the game, and you got yourself shot in the foot.
Maybe as an extra secret boss the cheapness and difficulty can be justified,but it still doesn't make it a smart thing to do. Bosses are supposed to test your skills, not cause you to ragequit(though ragequits at a fair boss can happen).
(What I need is never what I want)
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#20 Posted: 23:05:25 27/02/2015
Maybe minor, but i doubt it
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#21 Posted: 03:29:58 28/02/2015
Quote: wild_defender
Quote: sky-dragon
If he was the next villian he would be one hardest bosses for younger people like kids of small age and would just stop trying to fight him.

That's why there's difficulty settings .....
Kaos this game was pretty ridiculously strong on hard/nightmare but thats that's why there's an easy option.

You need to give kids more credit too, they arnt all quitters and a lot of them have incredible attention spans for playing hard levels over again. If someone's gonna stop playing simply because they find it too hard to beat the last level then they were probly gonna stop playing right after beating it anyway.

TfB is strange in how they put kid gloves in the main story mode UP TO the final boss, and then TOTALLY KOs the player. It's very lopsided to have it too easy and then too hard. At least VV kept the persistence CONSISTENT based on difficulty. Giants was the only end boss I felt TfB kept consistent with the campaign difficulty wise. SA and TT are insane and time consuming.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
wild_defender Green Sparx Gems: 465
#22 Posted: 12:34:42 28/02/2015
Every time we discuss possible things for skylanders 5 I still can't forget about those domain names ( Swapforce, nano force , super force & Kaos alliance) that they registered before the reveal of Swapforce .

I've always thought Kaos alliance just got redesigned in to Trap team. But maybe not , maybe these names were come up with by VV for their game ideas and T4B's trap team idea was seperate.
Maybe Kaos alliance game was thought up by VV 2 years ago to be the 5th game and trap team was just a lead up to it.

I mean even though Kaos was around during the trap team game "helping" a little , we didn't really get to be his real ally until we captured him at the end of the game. And as long as he doesn't escape the crystal we trapped him in for some reason, it could make sense to have skylanders 5 called" Kaos alliance" as he could be an actual real ally for the next game now.

With Kaos on our side we would have an extra portal masters!!! Im not sure wat that would mean lol but it could open up the gates for him to summon a Cpu controlled skylander alongside you to battle alongside and pull off combos or enable online co op as the skylanders universe acknowledges there is 2 "good" portal masters now.

I got carried away lol.
Anyone else think Short Cut should be making jokes about running with scissors?
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10672
#23 Posted: 12:35:23 28/02/2015
Chef Pepperjack and Wolfgang on Hard and up say hi. There's consistency GR, it's just that they focus on boss difficulty curve instead of enemy difficulty curve - in Giants you just don't see any enemy that isn't incredibly powerful by the end of the game,but in here there the Ultimate Weapon is throwing the first level flytrap guys at you. Feels like they tried to help the player save skylanders for the boss but in the end it's not going to matter, just give us the challenge from the get go.

And wild-defender, pretty sure that as far as we know TT is Kaos Alliance and Nano Force(minis) sorta combined. It'd be redundant to use those names new games,at the least.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:36:31 28/02/2015 by Bifrost
tigerdr Yellow Sparx Gems: 1976
#24 Posted: 10:24:25 08/03/2015
they'd be crazy not to at this point as they're going to need a reason for people to buy the game. the fact that amiibos are doing amazingly well chances are skylander sales must've dropped off pretty hard this year. so they are going to have to add something new without being a complete gimmick and that's scraping some enemies from spyro which more or less pushed skylanders to where it is today
Taking that last ride through the sunset on skylanders. Hopefully a return of more classic spyro gameplay in the horizon.
Insane01 Gold Sparx Gems: 2038
#25 Posted: 01:39:22 09/03/2015
They ought to bring villains back from previous games besides Chompy Mage. Also some of the Spyro villains as well. Like Count Money Bone, Malefor, etc.
" Am I the mad one or are you?"
then, again, "we're all mad here
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10672
#26 Posted: 08:51:17 09/03/2015
Count Moneybone is a Skylander villain. You might be looking for The Sorceress, Gnasty Gnorc, Ripto,Red(though technically by SL he isn't one anymore) and the unnamed Sorcerer from SL instead.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 08:51:48 09/03/2015 by Bifrost
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#27 Posted: 09:19:24 09/03/2015
Quote: Bifrost
Count Moneybone is a Skylander villain. You might be looking for The Sorceress, Gnasty Gnorc, Ripto,Red(though technically by SL he isn't one anymore) and the unnamed Sorcerer from SL instead.

Well, you never know what's in Red's mind... smilie

I would love to see more classic characters.
Particularly, I would really like a Blue Thief-like Skylander.

I think it could make an interesting Air characters.

Oh, and I could also keep throwing myself off the floating islands.
Yeah, that would be... Satisfying. smilie
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#28 Posted: 19:27:07 09/03/2015
But most of us know that Malefor is the darkest Spyro character in the franchise. According to the comic summaries, they have brought over the dark persona over in his Skylanders counterpart. We don't know exactly how dark Malefor will be until we read the comics.

If he is too dark, that his actions will likely frighten young children, then I can see why he's comic-exclusive at the moment.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:40:47 09/03/2015 by Aura24
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#29 Posted: 19:32:22 09/03/2015
Quote: Aura24
But most of us know that Malefor is the darkest Spyro character in the franchise. According to the comic summaries, they have brought over the dark persona over in his Skylanders counterpart. We don't know exactly how dark Malefor will be until we read the comics.

If he is too dark, that his actions will likely frighten young children, then I can why he's comic-exclusive at the moment.

Because only middle aged adults read comics? smilie
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Trix Master 100 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8313
#30 Posted: 19:43:07 09/03/2015
Quote: GhostRoaster
Quote: Aura24
But most of us know that Malefor is the darkest Spyro character in the franchise. According to the comic summaries, they have brought over the dark persona over in his Skylanders counterpart. We don't know exactly how dark Malefor will be until we read the comics.

If he is too dark, that his actions will likely frighten young children, then I can why he's comic-exclusive at the moment.

Because only middle aged adults read comics? ;)

No, kids read comic books often actually. I'm 17 and I read comic books. Heck a holiday was made so people can get their kids into comic books.
If you cannot handle me at my pumpkin spiciest, you do not deserve me at my pumpkin sweetest
icon from Empoh
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10672
#31 Posted: 21:02:07 09/03/2015
To recap, Malefor was banished out of fear and decided he wanted a mountain housing all kinds of freaky undead, which also can be powered by an eclipse to unseal whoever's in it if they're powerful enough. When that worked, he just decided to turn several areas of the world into wastelands and start the apocalypse.

SURE, in the game it's a lot cheesier and dumber, but if you combine that kind of stuff with Skylanders' already really dark and disturbing undertones(genocides, fantastic racism of sorts(the Undead aren't a race but Weather Wizard kinda makes it feel like it exists from both sides of life),and much more) and I could see the writers having a big chance of overdoing it.
(What I need is never what I want)
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#32 Posted: 21:55:12 09/03/2015
Quote: Trix Master 100
Quote: GhostRoaster
Quote: Aura24
But most of us know that Malefor is the darkest Spyro character in the franchise. According to the comic summaries, they have brought over the dark persona over in his Skylanders counterpart. We don't know exactly how dark Malefor will be until we read the comics.

If he is too dark, that his actions will likely frighten young children, then I can why he's comic-exclusive at the moment.

Because only middle aged adults read comics? smilie

No, kids read comic books often actually. I'm 17 and I read comic books. Heck a holiday was made so people can get their kids into comic books.

Hence the previous assertion that it was ok to have Malefor in comics but not in game was perhaps a bit aloof.

Thank you for reading comics. It's going the way of the dinosaur.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Dark fhoenix Emerald Sparx Gems: 3166
#33 Posted: 13:32:41 10/03/2015
The only villain i expect to see in Sky 5 will be Kaos .
Hey Skylander your health is low and we have a chainsaw
Greeble Emerald Sparx Gems: 4384
#34 Posted: 15:18:51 10/03/2015
Quote: Dark fhoenix
The only villain i expect to see in Sky 5 will be Kaos .

Buzzkill much?

It's all out the anticipation, it's highly possible he could team up with Kaos.

Or maybe an expansion villain.
^ You all know it's true
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#35 Posted: 17:11:48 10/03/2015
Quote: Greeble
Quote: Dark fhoenix
The only villain i expect to see in Sky 5 will be Kaos .

Buzzkill much?

It's all out the anticipation, it's highly possible he could team up with Kaos.

Or maybe an expansion villain.

It's a buzzkill that they rely too much on him. Enjoy the voice actor and all, but we're really needing some fresh new dynamics, both in gameplay and story telling. You can do that and still keep a "Skylanders" experience intact.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#36 Posted: 17:30:24 10/03/2015
Honestly, I would like if they could keep Kaos as the main villain.

I enjoy him a lot, and it would be great if they could manage to keep a solid main villain, instead of creating a new one for each game, and then tossing them away when a new title comes out, like the majority of the franchises, especially the more "children-oriented" ones.

Of course, they would have to develop his character more, but it's all already there.
In SA he was actually menacing and threatening, so why don't make him a little more like that?

I get that he has been more like a major-side villain, rather than the main one, in the last games, but he's always the true final boss!

Of course, I wouldn't mind a game where he's not even the major villain, after four where he "starred", but still, don't toss his character away, he has so much potential, and has already shown part of it. smilie
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Tigorus Emerald Sparx Gems: 3589
#37 Posted: 17:33:28 10/03/2015
Quote: GhostRoaster
Quote: Greeble
Quote: Dark fhoenix
The only villain i expect to see in Sky 5 will be Kaos .

Buzzkill much?

It's all out the anticipation, it's highly possible he could team up with Kaos.

Or maybe an expansion villain.

It's a buzzkill that they rely too much on him. Enjoy the voice actor and all, but we're really needing some fresh new dynamics, both in gameplay and story telling. You can do that and still keep a "Skylanders" experience intact.

Totally agree. I'm wondering why they have alternate villains in the 3DS but we never see them on the consoles...it's quite weird actually. As much as I like Kaos, he needs a break. The Doom Raiders proved little more than mini bosses in the grand scheme. Let's see a serious threat to Skylands. One that would make Kaos think twice. I doubt that's ever going to happen since Activision seems to have no desire for the franchise to mature...at all. They don't appear to want to keep their players as they age, only attract new ones.
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#38 Posted: 17:33:57 10/03/2015
They had potential in the first game, where Kaos was an actual villain that actually was both threatening (his awesome floating head and sinister voice) and funny. They had a decent balance in Giants but it all went downhill from there. Now, he's bumbling ranting and antics fall deaf on this player's ears. It's annoying and tiring now. YMMV.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 17:39:15 10/03/2015 by GhostRoaster
Tigorus Emerald Sparx Gems: 3589
#39 Posted: 17:41:19 10/03/2015
SSA Kaos KILLED EON!!!!! That was quite dark and strangely we've seen nothing like it since. Let's see more of that. I am open to a darker new villain as well though.
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#40 Posted: 17:41:22 10/03/2015
There's a reason why some of us doubt Malefor would appear in Sky 5. I mean, all because Malefor is making his debut in a three-part comic that was planned by both IDW Publishing and Activision since likely mid-2014, while Sky 5 was already in development since 2013 after Swap Force, fans immediately assume and have created the rumor that there's a chance Malefor would appear in Sky 5.

If we go by that logic, then the other comic villains, like Iron Nose, Magus, and other future comic villiains before the game release have the possibility of appearing in Sky 5 too.

If Malefor was going to appear in Sky 5 in some form, I'd say he would be set as the main villain of the 3DS version.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#41 Posted: 17:43:45 10/03/2015
Quote: Tigorus
SSA Kaos KILLED EON!!!!! That was quite dark and strangely we've seen nothing like it since. Let's see more of that. I am open to a darker new villain as well though.

I know right? Kaos of today? Not sure the last time he's actually backed up his ridiculous claims to fame. He can't even break people out of prison without causing a mess.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8739
#42 Posted: 18:06:34 10/03/2015 | Topic Creator
Quote: Aura24
There's a reason why some of us doubt Malefor would appear in Sky 5. I mean, all because Malefor is making his debut in a three-part comic that was planned by both IDW Publishing and Activision since likely mid-2014, while Sky 5 was already in development since 2013 after Swap Force, fans immediately assume and have created the rumor that there's a chance Malefor would appear in Sky 5.

If we go by that logic, then the other comic villains, like Iron Nose, Magus, and other future comic villiains before the game release have the possibility of appearing in Sky 5 too.

If Malefor was going to appear in Sky 5 in some form, I'd say he would be set as the main villain of the 3DS version.

First off, if they had enough time to put Malefor in the 3DS version, then they have enough time for him to be in the console version, same goes for him in a Adventure Pack

They easily could have put Malefor in Sky 5 once it started development in '13.
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#43 Posted: 18:13:35 10/03/2015
And what if Malefor hadn't debuted in the comics? The very news that brought you and other fans the idea of him possibly being in Sky 5 so late in development?
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:14:02 10/03/2015 by Aura24
Tigorus Emerald Sparx Gems: 3589
#44 Posted: 18:21:31 10/03/2015
Aura don't hate on me here but, what if Malefor in the comics was a marketing promotion for Sky 5? The development cycles would still fit. Totally spit balling here but it's a fun "what if". It would make a great hype builder. Now that being said I don't think Malefor will be the big bag in Sky 5. That's too dark and mature based on where they keep taking this franchise. It would be awesome...but I doubt it.
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#45 Posted: 18:28:09 10/03/2015
Quote: Tigorus
Aura don't hate on me here but, what if Malefor in the comics was a marketing promotion for Sky 5? The development cycles would still fit. Totally spit balling here but it's a fun "what if". It would make a great hype builder. Now that being said I don't think Malefor will be the big bag in Sky 5. That's too dark and mature based on where they keep taking this franchise. It would be awesome...but I doubt it.

If that was the case, I would be surprised. But then there are the other possible comic story arcs after the Return of the Dragon King trilogy, any of them could be a prequel to Sky 5 or something.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:31:15 10/03/2015 by Aura24
Tigorus Emerald Sparx Gems: 3589
#46 Posted: 18:39:03 10/03/2015
Quote: Aura24
Quote: Tigorus
Aura don't hate on me here but, what if Malefor in the comics was a marketing promotion for Sky 5? The development cycles would still fit. Totally spit balling here but it's a fun "what if". It would make a great hype builder. Now that being said I don't think Malefor will be the big bag in Sky 5. That's too dark and mature based on where they keep taking this franchise. It would be awesome...but I doubt it.

If that was the case, I would be surprised. But then there are the other possible comic story arcs after the Return of the Dragon King trilogy, any of them could be a prequel to Sky 5 or something.

yeah I would be as well and only support the "idea" of something new and the likelihood it will happen. I'd LOVE to see a new in game story revolve around some menacing dragon plot. Maybe Kaos' mom sends him back to Evil Academy and something else takes over. The Darkness possess several elemental dragon skeletons and makes a play using these resurrected dragons since Kaos can't get it done and Malefor is their (The Darkness) "General" and embodiment of the Darkness' will....something along those lines.
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#47 Posted: 19:03:33 10/03/2015
I do think there may be a thread of truth to the comics providing "inspiration" to future game storylines.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10672
#48 Posted: 22:26:53 10/03/2015
As I said a few times already,Kaos really should take a breather from showing up for a bit, not because of the reasons listed by others,but more because his story reached a predicament. He knows and has to try to kill the player from now on unless they pretend he never got interdimensional sight, which would be dumb, but he also is pretty much in existential crisis by the end of the series(was he really almost a creepy clown(can't believe I-Wei's blog post about him was foreshadowing), and is he really at the whims of a bunch of game devs that,if he can miss a single person, probably can't stop either? How is Darkness real if he isn't real etc etc). I'd be much better development if he sat this one out and came back with new hope because the new villain either softened up the Skylanders or offended him so hard(like the Golden Queen) that he just has to put another evil plan in action to feel better.

And Return of the Dragon King being a prequel to SKL5 would have to be a really well planned move, because not only someone outside of the dev team designed him(not I-Wei, Jeff Murchie, or VV's designer, but the comics' artist Fico Ossio), SF's writer mentioned still writing him a few weeks ago, meaning Part 2 and/or 3 are still works in progress. Last year the prequel comics were released just before TT,and even then the last one iirc was released after the game; these will be over by July. I don't have THAT much faith in TFB, let alone VV.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:28:01 10/03/2015 by Bifrost
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#49 Posted: 00:35:30 11/03/2015
Agreed, if one was to follow canon. But as we've already seen, the truth can be easily escaped by selective amnesia. Don't put it past them.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10672
#50 Posted: 01:04:11 11/03/2015
I won't,but the SF writer improved so much in the comics I want to have hope. At least there wasn't any post credits scene for Kaos to conviniently forget about(what do you mean his mom appears in the clan's castle,nope they never see her until SF).
(What I need is never what I want)
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