darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders: Trap Team > What happened to the Dark Element Expansion Pack??
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Blue Sparx
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#1 Posted: 17:09:01 07/03/2015 | Topic Creator
Does anyone know what happened to the dark (and light) expansion packs? I have the light one and really want to the dark but I cant find any anywhere anymore. It's sold out through all of Europe and it doesn't appear to be in any hurry to get in stock again. Does anyone know if Activision is actually planning on releasing them again later? Because I'd really like that level and the figures..
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109 |
#2 Posted: 17:33:45 07/03/2015
The element packs seem to be hard to find ATM. but In the UK, Knight mare is in a single...
Blue Sparx
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#3 Posted: 17:35:58 07/03/2015
Rumor is its been discontinued, who knows what Activision are thinking if so.
Blue Sparx
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#4 Posted: 18:55:07 07/03/2015 | Topic Creator
Why would they discontinue it? There are no problems with it are there?
The single packs are coming ofcourse, but that doesn't unlock the level. And right now I have no way to get the dark expansion level. |
Platinum Sparx
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#5 Posted: 19:50:01 07/03/2015
Quote: Terreneflame
The rumor has been confirmed to be false, please stop spreading it. Shipments are being delayed.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then! |
Blue Sparx
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#6 Posted: 22:03:21 07/03/2015 | Topic Creator
I didn't belive that one anyway.
Still delayed shipments aren't much fun either.. |
Yellow Sparx
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#7 Posted: 23:32:13 07/03/2015
Quote: Matteomax
Confirmed where? I've been asking in about 4 threads and haven't seen any responses.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed. |
Yellow Sparx
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#8 Posted: 02:14:30 08/03/2015
i use to see them often at targets but now they have dried up, alot of places have, im curious if its because of the strike or something else. One thing ive learned from trying to buy figures from past games, you never know whats going to become a dime a dozen or super rare. It makes my wallet hurt sometimes.
Platinum Sparx
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#9 Posted: 02:24:34 08/03/2015
Quote: Alphawolf
i think we can say we all have learned now... adventure packs must be bought straight away when you see them, and not wait for a sale. because when they are gone they are gone.
Ha! HA, sage ich. |
Blue Sparx
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#10 Posted: 12:32:39 08/03/2015
Quote: Matteomax
Id love to see that confirmation, activision don't seem to be saying anything about it, and the packs have vanished from stores... |
mastermc54 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3448 |
#11 Posted: 18:49:06 08/03/2015
I think Activision pumped out a fairly equal amount of wave 3 figures across the board. They've done a good job meeting demand without flooding shelves with wave 3 Trapmasters and cores (most still available on Amazon.com I believe). I do think they vastly underproduced the light and dark packs thinking they'd sell on par with the rest of wave 3. Now they realize that they're much more popular than the initial production order and it may take a while for them to produce more...which is exactly what happened with Nintendo and their Amiibos. Just because they've disappeared from stores doesn't mean they're discontinued...it just means they can't just magically flip a switch and have their factories in China make more right away. They've had many more long-standing complaints about the availability of the Kaos trap and I believe stores are going to be flooded with them in wave 4 between singles and triple trap packs.
Platinum Sparx
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#12 Posted: 19:12:18 08/03/2015
I found some light and dark packs at Walmart today.
My life will not be complete until I own Sun Dragon |
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#13 Posted: 22:16:55 08/03/2015
Here's evidence proving that they have not been discontinued
![]() this was posted 3 hours ago (8th March 2015). |
Platinum Sparx
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#14 Posted: 22:20:04 08/03/2015
^ They're lucky. I've been to two different Gamestops, two different Meijers, two different Sam's Clubs, and a Walmart overflowing with Love Potion Pop Fizz, and I haven't even seen any adventure packs except for a single Nightmare Train.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX |
Yellow Sparx
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#15 Posted: 00:22:07 09/03/2015
Quote: TTD
well they are all light packs, hes looking for the dark, was there any dark expansion pack there? |
Platinum Sparx
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#16 Posted: 00:40:48 09/03/2015
Quote: Alphawolf
Yes they did (I'm skylanders_master_eon)
My life will not be complete until I own Sun Dragon |
Yellow Sparx
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#17 Posted: 02:54:14 09/03/2015
Quote: CountMoneyBone
This is much different. They were NEVER SEEN in my area, unless you were there day of and bought them as they were coming off the trucks. Not lying. I'd agree with you if they were lounging around in stores for at least 2 months...not the case here. Now with scalpers hot on the trail, I bet skylandersfan will find them gone tomorrow scalping them for $60 each before lunch. This has to get very saturated and not just in a place or two to meet the demand (of which I'd say there's plenty of).
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed. |
Edited 5 times - Last edited at 03:00:01 09/03/2015 by GhostRoaster
mastermc54 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3448 |
#18 Posted: 04:48:00 09/03/2015
I've seen a scattering of one or two around Walmarts in my area and plenty of GameStop stores had them right before Skylanders Day in January according to the online tracker availability, but none nowadays. I don't understand the complaints. Just by regularly visiting these forums, I saw when they were on sale on Amazon.com, GameStop.com, and Toysrus.com - it's not like these were completely unacquirable and now's not the time to get all pissy and point fingers at scalpers since the supply has dried up. There was a period last month where both light and dark packs were on sale on Amazon.com for like 12 hours straight. Quite frankly, I'm surprised any true fans who frequent these forums didn't pull the trigger on them previously. Then again, I've realized there's always people who come here asking for stuff once supply has dried up whether it be these expansion packs or the 8-trap packs or figures like Scratch, Magna Charge, & S2 Bash.
Yellow Sparx
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#19 Posted: 14:10:19 09/03/2015
I'm speaking from the standpoint that I've seen three months+ of a ton of the same figures, but the expansion packs don't have NEARLY the same penetration / stock levels. I'm not whining because I need one...it's simply a local observation that appears to be validated by folks in other areas. Considering the "big deal" Activision made of it (and they are very cool characters), why WOULDN'T they make these more available? I mean, I can still get Chopper at the store for crying out loud and he was out day one.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed. |
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 14:11:50 09/03/2015 by GhostRoaster
mastermc54 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3448 |
#20 Posted: 17:03:23 09/03/2015
Quote: GhostRoaster
They can't flip a switch and make more...it doesn't work like that. They vastly underestimated the popularity and now they have to pay the price of the turnaround time for another production order if they choose to produce more and deal with an angry customer base in the meantime. Nintendo did it with their Amiibos as well. It's happened before with toys and it will likely happen again with a future release. Activision should have known better considering these are new elements, but some jerk at a board room meeting probably just thought it would be a good idea to produce equal amounts of all wave 3 stuff across the board. Much like the Kaos traps, it's gonna take a few months to meet demand when/if they bring these back. They might scrap bringing them back altogether if anticipated production cuts release too close to that of items for the next Skylanders game. |
Gold Sparx
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#21 Posted: 22:42:49 09/03/2015
The dark and light expansions packs haven't been avalaible at my area since early January. Not only that but knight light single pack is already becoming out of stock at some stores, while there seems to be no problem with the other wave 4 trap masters. If you want Knightlight or Knight mare be sure you buy it as soon as you see it on the store (and keep the box, just in case).
Life sucks...and then you die. |
Yellow Sparx
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#22 Posted: 23:46:24 09/03/2015
Quote: mastermc54
I totally get that manufacturing isn't a flip switch. If they really underestimated the release of an entirely new element to 3 boxes per store and 1 Kaos trap per box then I'd say we have incompetent management. So I guess we're aligned ![]() And as stupid as this sounds, creating frustration on some items this go round may have been the idea...at least to give the "collectible illusion" before burying us in millions of these things later in the year.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed. |
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 00:20:28 10/03/2015 by GhostRoaster
Swap Force Fan
Emerald Sparx
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#23 Posted: 11:10:35 10/03/2015
The light and dark packs are discontinued. You have to wait for Knight Light and Knight Mare in single packs.
Blue Sparx
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#24 Posted: 12:07:36 10/03/2015
Quote: Swap Force Fan
No, dude, they haven't. This is confirmed false and evidence is posted in this very topic. Back to the topic at hand, I used to see these everywhere in Jan. and Feb., now they are all but gone. I wouldn't jump on the single Knight Mare just yet, though; they are almost certainly going to start showing up again when the port strike's effects wear off. It may be a bit of a wait, but one that will be well worth it over paying some scumbag scalper.
Skylanders Plugs! Pics coming soon! |
BP Blue Sparx Gems: 631 |
#25 Posted: 14:05:24 10/03/2015
I can confirm that the Light and Dark packs are NOT discontinued (at least through March). I have an order placed for them from Activision, and Activision said they will be shipping around the end of the month. The rarity is a supply chain issue at the moment.
BP Blue Sparx Gems: 631 |
#26 Posted: 14:12:13 10/03/2015
Quote: vinzclortho37
In my opinion, it is going to be better to be patient and wait for the expansion packs to be restocked than to buy the Knight Light and Night Mare singles. To my knowledge, the expansions (the only way to trap the light and dark doom raiders) are only going to be released in the packs. If you buy the singles, you are going to have to rebuy the same figures in the expansion packs or you won't be able to get to the light and dark doom raiders. |
Yellow Sparx
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#27 Posted: 14:26:13 10/03/2015
Quote: BP
There are endless supply of SSA characters and adventure packs (minus Dark Light) still available. Why would they have TfB spend the man hours to create two entire additional levels of content only to sell a small number? Doesn't make sense to me. Not sure if it's the labor dispute, or some marketing moves. I will say providing the characters in single form doesn't make much sense, as you cannot obtain their soul gem without unlocking and playing the levels...as noted earlier. I only think they're providing that for folks that won't spend $30 for the levels but can spend half that to get the character.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:28:07 10/03/2015 by GhostRoaster
Emerald Sparx
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#28 Posted: 16:45:08 10/03/2015
Quote: GhostRoaster
It'as a shame that the entire execution of adding two new elements to the game will be remembered with scorn and resentment instead of fondness and nostalgia. Now I was at TRU day one to get these but a lot of others weren't and still haven't been able to pick these up. The other unfortunate part is that these are required if you want access to the entire game. They should have air freighted these in to make sure the coverage was there. I'm sure this franchise has the profit margin to take a few cases in the shorts. I've been fairly vocal about my distaste for the way they released an incomplete game with low availability figures to unlock the "Mystery Gates". This port strike has affected a lot of goods, this being among them, but I would love to know how D.I. has been able to keep up with demand while Skylanders feel on their face. In this regard I doubt Disney/Avalanche has that much more control than Activision did yet their coverage didn't waiver. Also there seemed to be a small relief wave of Light and Dark packs back in January but not nearly enough to cover all those that wanted them. I just hope that A ) they don't gate and release content like this ever again, and B ) if they do decide to do this again, have the lead time to meet the coverage. The port strike was building up from fall 2014 so they can't say they didn't see it coming. I'm also with GhostRoaster in that it would make little to no since for them to invest the production time and resources into those levels and have less than 25% of the player base experience them. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:47:12 10/03/2015 by Tigorus
Gold Sparx
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#29 Posted: 17:52:23 10/03/2015
Quote: Tigorus
I can't speak for everyone's area or experiences, but from what I've seen in my region (and a couple of others I've traveled through in the last couple of months), DI fell on its face as hard as Skylanders did. I haven't seen or heard of any new releases of DI content and figures during the same timeframe that we've seen such a low amount of new Skylanders product available. The shelves have been packed everywhere, but in much the same way that I always see Nintendo's Amiibo displays packed: With the same handful of generic characters that people either already have or nobody wants. It's been months since I've seen any availability on any of the newer Marvel figures or even the newest Disney characters (Aladdin, Donald, etc.). Apparently Disney must flood retailers with tons and tons of stock of filler characters, as I've been able to find pretty much every DI character released since the beginning of the first game save the last wave or two. Not to be punny, but everybody's in the same boat on this one. (insert rimshot) Slightly off topic, but, given the state of things at the moment, the sheer amount of stock that Disney has pushed out smacks of desperation to me. Infinity clearly can't win on gameplay or content, so it appears they're trying to bury Skylanders under an actual mountain of DI and hoping nobody notices what the better series is. -Doug
SSA: Complete, SG: Complete, SSF: Complete, STT: Complete (Save Yawn Traps), SSC: Complete (To Date) + Various Chase/Promotional Variants |
Emerald Sparx
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#30 Posted: 18:27:07 10/03/2015
Quote: darkchylde28
Here in New Mexico we've had no problem with the villain waves, Aladdin and Jasmine as well as Donald, Maleficent, etc. We had a decent showing for Skylanders wave 3 but even that's dried up. We also have plenty of Love Potion Pop Fizz's and that perplexes me for wave 4 and the Light Dark Packs. Unless retailers got Love Potion P.F. way back in December. We even have a fair amount of the new Amiibo's (Mega Man, Sonic, Sheik, etc....Still no Fire Emblem Characters though.) |
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