darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders: Trap Team > All Skylanders can open Gates, only Trap Masters can trap/summon Villains
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All Skylanders can open Gates, only Trap Masters can trap/summon Villains
newkill Emerald Sparx Gems: 4095
#1 Posted: 20:26:03 07/03/2015 | Topic Creator
Some people don't like that only Trap Masters can open Elemental Gates so...

What if all Skylanders could open the gates, but only Trap Masters could trap Villains and summon them? Good or bad idea?
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8603
#2 Posted: 20:54:51 07/03/2015
No, don't think that'd be much better. They should have just left it like Giants replacing the feats of strength with the Traptanium crystals.
Deja Vu Platinum Sparx Gems: 5580
#3 Posted: 21:39:00 07/03/2015
That would've been great! Except for the summoning part
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:39:27 07/03/2015 by Deja Vu
CountMoneyBone Platinum Sparx Gems: 5173
#4 Posted: 21:40:46 07/03/2015
Quote: bionicle2809
No, don't think that'd be much better. They should have just left it like Giants replacing the feats of strength with the Traptanium crystals.

i agree on that one. but what they did was very wrong and looks like a desperate move to cash grab people....
Ha! HA, sage ich.
wild_defender Green Sparx Gems: 465
#5 Posted: 22:33:52 07/03/2015
Quote: newkill
Some people don't like that only Trap Masters can open Elemental Gates so...

What if all Skylanders could open the gates, but only Trap Masters could trap Villains and summon them? Good or bad idea?

I think that's one of the ideas they were planning considering coz it really does seem like they meant the trap masters to be a bigger deal. But then they probably realised any other charscter they released at the same time wouldn't be worth buying.

I always thought everyone should open elemental gates , but then only trap masters could trap villains ( sucked into their traptanium weapon when Hit with the final blow) . But then we could use the traps to have any character utilise a villain.

So if you were playing as a trap master you wouldn't need a crystal trap, as they could be stored in your weapon. Just if you wanted to use villains with other characters you'd need a trap.

I think it Would've worked much better this way, still a big grab for trap money but at least there would be an alternative collection strategy and given trap masters something special but not too special to set them apart from the other figures.
Anyone else think Short Cut should be making jokes about running with scissors?
AdamGregory03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
#6 Posted: 23:21:57 07/03/2015
I was getting ready to type "Ya got dat backwerds mate lol".

While I guess it would make sense, either way it'd be a frustrating gimmick to get people to buy more. Which is pretty much Skylanders in a nutshell when I think about it.
Golden Queen did nothing wrong and she is best evil waifu.
Check this out! Please?
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#7 Posted: 23:31:09 07/03/2015
I think traps should've came with trap masters when you bought them. Then there would be 4 traps from each element that came alone and not with trap masters.
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#8 Posted: 23:48:15 07/03/2015
Quote: CountMoneyBone
Quote: bionicle2809
No, don't think that'd be much better. They should have just left it like Giants replacing the feats of strength with the Traptanium crystals.

i agree on that one. but what they did was very wrong and looks like a desperate move to cash grab people....

Either way is, if you think about it. Most people already have one of each element, so they chose to put the barrier on content without the trap masters. For me they chose the better path because they wanted to make sure ALL skylanders could trap and summon. Thematically though having it so only Trap Masters could trap/summon would've been a better choice for the story though.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Alphawolf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1692
#9 Posted: 02:07:28 08/03/2015
i think maybe something like swap force. portals everyone can open and a few only trap masters can open, but i guess that would be the same as the crystals. I dont know seems fine to me mainly because TT was the first one i played, i though that was a standard.
TheShadowDragon Ripto Gems: 2886
#10 Posted: 02:51:55 08/03/2015
If all Skylanders did have the power to also access through Traptanium Gates, then the Trap Masters wouldn't play a very big role in STT. Also, I don't mind just using Trap Masters to get through crystal gates. I do like some of the new core Skylanders and Minis.
melvimbe Yellow Sparx Gems: 1327
#11 Posted: 13:00:56 08/03/2015
It'd be interesting to see them keep all content open, so that there is no requirement to buy new figures to 100% the game. I personally don't think it would impact sales much. However, I'm sure they will never risk it...not without hard evidence.
GinjaNinja Gold Sparx Gems: 2604
#12 Posted: 14:46:08 08/03/2015
I would have prefered that actually. It would make the Trap Masters actually, you know, Trap Masters. Even if only to trap them, summoning them could be done by whoever. I'd even have been fine if say Trap Masters had been like $20 or so but came with a trap with them of an exclusive mold to that Trap Master. I think that would have been cool.
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