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Light and Dark sets [CLOSED]
Logurdice Blue Sparx Gems: 925
#1 Posted: 19:13:46 17/01/2015 | Topic Creator
I know these had a limited release at TRU (and it sounds like Game Stop) before Christmas. I wasn't able to pick any up at the time. I haven't seen any news about when they will be coming out in a wider release. Does anyone know when they will be available?
There's nothing clever to say here. Move along now...
Kinson420 Blue Sparx Gems: 610
#2 Posted: 19:50:37 17/01/2015
All.other retailers started releasing them around xmas. They've been in each one's ads the last couple weeks
Logurdice Blue Sparx Gems: 925
#3 Posted: 01:14:26 18/01/2015 | Topic Creator
Really? There has been no sign of them in Tulsa since before Christmas. smilie
There's nothing clever to say here. Move along now...
dinoah2005 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3472
#4 Posted: 07:22:01 18/01/2015
You might want to call your TRU on Tuesdays, this is when they get their big shipments in and have a better chance at getting them on that day than any other day. If you wait till the weekend, you might be out of luck. Game Stop has been getting them in consistently (At least the two I check).
fairyland Emerald Sparx Gems: 3800
#5 Posted: 08:23:22 18/01/2015
What sucks is that I saw it for $5.99 on the site but I kept getting a rejected cookie message everytime I tried to put it into my cart. I deleted all my cookies and of course no further cheap Kaos traps all day long. I doubt it was my cookies at all but a massive hit on the site with people trying to buy them. Some day I'll get you Kaos!

You best be worth it too as that dark trap crow is so over powered that I don't really need any other villians to beat the game. To bad they didn't make 3 different molds for Kaos and flood the market like they did with the water traps. Everywhere I look is a sea of blue traps. I honestly had expected Kaos to be that dirt common. Boy was I wrong.
Stay Cool!
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#6 Posted: 08:26:08 18/01/2015
Agreed on the blue traps. I believe we have all six molds now, along with introduction into an eight pack, so folks have had enough of them.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
fairyland Emerald Sparx Gems: 3800
#7 Posted: 08:41:08 18/01/2015
Oh I posted a comment about Kaos traps here in the wrong posting. Sorry! Im rather amazed at how the light and dark sets flew off the shelves and cannot be found. They are double the price online now. I guess it was worth getting there at the store day one at 6 AM to get a pair. They had at least a hundred of each and I thought no way would they sell all those! Wrong again! I really underestimated how popular Skylanders really are.

I'm a little miffed as the two towers are simply worthless...I've unlocked the levels and now they sit untouched for nearly a month and what good are they? A burst weapon for Sky 5 at best, bleh. At least the figures and trapable villians are extra cool to make up for it.
Stay Cool!
TrapShadowFan Emerald Sparx Gems: 3511
#8 Posted: 09:32:30 18/01/2015
Quote: fairyland
What sucks is that I saw it for $5.99 on the site but I kept getting a rejected cookie message everytime I tried to put it into my cart. I deleted all my cookies and of course no further cheap Kaos traps all day long. I doubt it was my cookies at all but a massive hit on the site with people trying to buy them. Some day I'll get you Kaos!

You best be worth it too as that dark trap crow is so over powered that I don't really need any other villians to beat the game. To bad they didn't make 3 different molds for Kaos and flood the market like they did with the water traps. Everywhere I look is a sea of blue traps. I honestly had expected Kaos to be that dirt common. Boy was I wrong.

After all the light and dark packs sold from my toys r us, they made that shelf space an entire shelf dedicated completely to water traps. Of course there were more elements elsewhere, but the water trap selection was even BIGGER.
mastermc54 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3448
#9 Posted: 13:50:21 18/01/2015
Quote: TrapShadowFan
Quote: fairyland
What sucks is that I saw it for $5.99 on the site but I kept getting a rejected cookie message everytime I tried to put it into my cart. I deleted all my cookies and of course no further cheap Kaos traps all day long. I doubt it was my cookies at all but a massive hit on the site with people trying to buy them. Some day I'll get you Kaos!

You best be worth it too as that dark trap crow is so over powered that I don't really need any other villians to beat the game. To bad they didn't make 3 different molds for Kaos and flood the market like they did with the water traps. Everywhere I look is a sea of blue traps. I honestly had expected Kaos to be that dirt common. Boy was I wrong.

After all the light and dark packs sold from my toys r us, they made that shelf space an entire shelf dedicated completely to water traps. Of course there were more elements elsewhere, but the water trap selection was even BIGGER.

They should put the water traps next to Legendary Zoo Lou to keep him company. My TRU has a special end cap of pegs dedicated to him. It seems a lot of the Giants Legendary triple packs are trickling in along with appearances by fellow Legendary Bouncer and Legendary LightCore Chill. The TRU exclusives have all been overproduced with the exception of the SSA triple pack. I went to a much smaller town TRU last month and still saw metallic green Gill Grunt and Shroomboom collecting dust.
sklndrmommy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1508
#10 Posted: 15:58:48 18/01/2015
I only found the dark and light traps at GameStop before skylanders day, but the clerk wouldn't give me the $10 off before event even though the ad didn't specify so I was stubborn and refused to buy them. I work right by TRU and they haven't had them, neither has Target or GameStop since :-(
Trying to keep an updated code trading list in my guestbook for Lost Islands.
Mommy to player JacksonTreeRex.
mastermc54 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3448
#11 Posted: 04:50:26 21/01/2015
Available at for $29.99 each right now!
DobermanOwner Yellow Sparx Gems: 1013
#12 Posted: 12:51:16 21/01/2015
My local Target said they'd be getting a few light and dark sets in Friday.
Collection total: 317/364 figures, 28/31 vehicles, 51/66 traps, 34/35 magic items & bonus levels (not counting Skymiibos)
Kinson420 Blue Sparx Gems: 610
#13 Posted: 13:25:31 21/01/2015
Quote: sklndrmommy
I only found the dark and light traps at GameStop before skylanders day, but the clerk wouldn't give me the $10 off before event even though the ad didn't specify so I was stubborn and refused to buy them. I work right by TRU and they haven't had them, neither has Target or GameStop since :-(

That's messed up considering the $10 off deal was valid from 01/07-01/13 per their Weekly ad
mastermc54 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3448
#14 Posted: 14:41:51 21/01/2015
Midnight Museum has been on sale since midnight east coast time at for $29.99. Sunscraper Spire now out of stock.
SkylanderDude9 Blue Sparx Gems: 828
#15 Posted: 21:47:32 21/01/2015
I got them on jan 7th. at gamestop. gamestop got more but their gone. saw two of each at target the other day but their gone now too.
smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie Forgotten 8 FTW!
sklndrmommy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1508
#16 Posted: 03:18:25 22/01/2015
Quote: Kinson420
Quote: sklndrmommy
I only found the dark and light traps at GameStop before skylanders day, but the clerk wouldn't give me the $10 off before event even though the ad didn't specify so I was stubborn and refused to buy them. I work right by TRU and they haven't had them, neither has Target or GameStop since :-(

That's messed up considering the $10 off deal was valid from 01/07-01/13 per their Weekly ad

I know! That's why I was extra mad about it. I'd rather pay some other store full price than GameStop after that incident.
Trying to keep an updated code trading list in my guestbook for Lost Islands.
Mommy to player JacksonTreeRex.
obidawsn Gold Sparx Gems: 2901
#17 Posted: 17:59:26 22/01/2015
My son found a dark element pack at Walmart. I'm not sure if they had light or not. He just found the dark one and showed it to me. I didn't bother going back to check for anything else.
Rafterman Blue Sparx Gems: 672
#18 Posted: 18:32:19 22/01/2015
They are everywhere around here (North GA) now. I was at Walmart last night and they had virtually no Skylanders, probably 50 water traps, and 6 of each light and dark packs. Best Buy was the same way, cleared out except for the light/dark packs, and even Target, which had a few more figures than the other two stores, had at least 4 of each light and dark packs. They are getting really easy to find. It wouldn't surprise me at all to see these things selling for half price this time next year. I don't expect a Darklight Crypt kind of problem with them.
SkyScratch Blue Sparx Gems: 550
#19 Posted: 20:06:31 22/01/2015
I just saw 3 of each at target yesterday
Petrafire Green Sparx Gems: 440
#20 Posted: 01:24:58 23/01/2015
i still havent seen any and ive gone to 16 different walmarts the money i spent on gas i should have just bought them off ebay smilie
mastermc54 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3448
#21 Posted: 04:06:42 23/01/2015
Quote: Petrafire
i still havent seen any and ive gone to 16 different walmarts the money i spent on gas i should have just bought them off ebay smilie

Or keep checking Amazon. Both light and dark packs have been on sale for $29.99 at various times much of the past 2 days (only 3rd party sellers as of this moment). Why help fund scalpers on EBay?
rfarrell22 Green Sparx Gems: 204
#22 Posted: 15:01:16 28/01/2015

In-stock @ TRU RIGHT NOW
Sboy13 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3339
#23 Posted: 03:16:58 29/01/2015
Quote: Rafterman
They are everywhere around here (North GA) now. I was at Walmart last night and they had virtually no Skylanders, probably 50 water traps, and 6 of each light and dark packs.

Exactly the same situation at my Walmart in East Greenbush, NY. Ever since Xmas the Skylander shelves have been almost empty, but I found 2 dark packs on the shelf on Saturday. What was the absolute luckiest moment ever though, is that when I was taking a dark pack to a scanner (which was in the hardware section) to see if it was still in the system, I also found one light pack, sitting on top of a box right next to the scanner! So I ended up getting both! smilie
Purple dragon.
BeBoss Green Sparx Gems: 443
#24 Posted: 05:10:41 29/01/2015
My target got 3 light and 2 dark packs
My friend code for the 3ds is 3024 - 7878 - 9881. Let's play!
LoveProfusion15 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1701
#25 Posted: 05:15:54 29/01/2015
Ordered mine on Amazon Sunday night at 29.99 each. Got them i today. Its a pretty decent expansion pack. I've only played the Light pack though until it glitched on me towards the end of the level...
trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#26 Posted: 05:29:04 29/01/2015
My Walmart had 6 light packs but zero Dark Packs
Spyro2546 Green Sparx Gems: 189
#27 Posted: 01:55:17 30/01/2015
I actually found the Dark pack on ebay for store price 31.99!
It says you buy it directly from toys r us so maybe that means it still available at toys r us?
Too many smilie smilie and ! We need more smilie and smilie
Alphawolf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1692
#28 Posted: 08:52:07 30/01/2015
today i went into 2 targets, both had 2-3 packs of both light and dark, this is in southern California. May be worth a shot looking at your local target.
GamerDrone Emerald Sparx Gems: 3287
#29 Posted: 14:45:15 30/01/2015
Target is where I've been seeing them too. Everywhere else I've been was sold out of them.
OnionCakes Yellow Sparx Gems: 1810
#30 Posted: 16:00:58 30/01/2015
Quote: Alphawolf
today i went into 2 targets, both had 2-3 packs of both light and dark, this is in southern California. May be worth a shot looking at your local target.

I'm in soCal too and one of the targets i visited a night ago had over 6 Dark packs and one sad lonely light pack.
Check out my boyfriends Skylander ARTWORK
spyroflame0487 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3866
#31 Posted: 17:44:49 30/01/2015
Spotted a Light pack at target the other day and passed on it. Will wait for more sales lol
But yeah, that was the first one I've seen ever in the wild, so it looks like other stores should be getting them.
Why did Uncle Peter have an interdimentional portal in his attic?
Spyro's entire collection! [Updated June 28th 15]
MilesProwerStar Green Sparx Gems: 315
#32 Posted: 23:31:38 30/01/2015
I never saw any of these packs yet around Quebec, unfortunately. Is there anyone which have spotted these somewhere in Canada?
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