

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Shelves © by Uttster13 [CLOSED]
terrafin2299 Ripto Gems: 3418
#1151 Posted: 00:33:58 20/12/2014
no, it's just raining in my room. crying, pssh, nah.
LePickleofDoom Green Sparx Gems: 360
#1152 Posted: 00:56:30 20/12/2014
Ummm... The deaths are starting to go a bit overboard. xD
Oh Actvision, what shall you do when your cash cow is milked dry. If your immediate answer isn't "Rerelease Call of Duty of course!", you have let us down.
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#1153 Posted: 01:28:22 20/12/2014 | Topic Creator
It's just fun to kill off some of our characters, just because I was planning to kill most of the main group about twenty chapters ago. Its sort of because I want to introduce new characters and stories, but also because there were too many characters and not enough space.

Everyone that is left alive from our group will not die within the next ten chapters or so. They are officially what I call Team Shelves 2.0.

Humor: Zoo, Dino, Countdown
Muscle: Shard and Torch
Wisdom/Moral Support: Brutus
Tech and Smarts: Drobot
Group Leaders: Kong and Flameslinger
Main Baddie: Dune Bug

If we can get a discussion going, I'll tell you guys what the group is seeing, and maybe a little more. smilie

BTW, thanks for the 24th page guys!!!
A story.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#1154 Posted: 02:31:01 20/12/2014
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#1155 Posted: 02:57:55 20/12/2014 | Topic Creator

Update on what I've been working on:

I've got a list of characters that will appear with the intro chapters for The Sewers, a thriving land filled with Skylanders.
After five comments, I will give a list of everything I have for it!

Also, I won't be on all weekend, going out of town to my Aunt and Uncle's house to watch Hobbit 3, and the reboot of TMNT, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and more. smilie
A story.
Epic popthorn Emerald Sparx Gems: 3286
#1156 Posted: 03:59:12 20/12/2014
So, is nobody else gonna die?
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#1157 Posted: 04:00:26 20/12/2014 | Topic Creator
A story.
mega spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3847
#1158 Posted: 04:36:12 20/12/2014
Well it had to happen sometime...You killed a human being. Not just a wad of plastic.
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#1159 Posted: 14:46:01 20/12/2014 | Topic Creator
For quite some time, I knew I had to kill something other than a Skylander. My first human was going to be a guy named Larry, and he was the manager of Target. He would eventually see the group running around the store, and encounter them. This was before I started, and before the Village, the Travelers or the Patrol and the whole Highlands were even thought of.

But, of course, the dynamic of the story has changed over this year, and a lot of my plans have been put on hold.
A story.
mega spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3847
#1160 Posted: 14:53:46 20/12/2014
Post. Tah-dah! You gonna reveal something now?
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#1161 Posted: 15:07:58 20/12/2014 | Topic Creator
I guess I should...

The Sewers

Our main group has traveled down into the sewers, a land filled with Skylanders. The sewers include Sewer Central, The Outskirts and District Nine.

Sewer Central - The largest place in the sewers, which is like New York City. It is slightly corrupt, but is still pretty safe. Our group will reside here for a good while.

The Outskirts - A Gotham/Detroit- like area surrounding most of the city. No one (other than Black Hawk) protects the Outskirts, so crime is sky-high throughout the area. Gangs and criminals run wild here.

District Nine - After a big dispute, Mayor Clayton banished all Gill Grunts, Riptides, Punk Shocks and Thumpbacks in Sewer Central, and placed them in District Nine. The leader of the Gillmen is Red, who headed for the sewers after all the Travelers split up. (He heard about it from Jaoke, who hides with him.)

Basically, this new dynamic for the series is life in a big city, where there are all kinds of things going on.
The character I mentioned in The Outskirts is Black Hawk, a legendary hero that few have seen.

There are a good bit of characters, but I'm only going to give you the main group of friends in the city.
Halo - A Spotlight who is obsessed with Black Hawk. Kind and caring, becomes member of main group.
Finn - A Flip Wreck who works at the docks. Friends with Halo. Also nice and caring, hates Clayton.
Blaze - A Trailblazer that knows Halo and Finn. Hauls stuff around town for pay. Is kind, brave, and stands up for his friends and others.
Rocky - Golem part of Rocky Roll. Works in the mines, getting resources out of the ground. Knows the other three.
Secca - A Deja Vu, kind and caring, best friends with Halo, knows the others four. Works in the Data-Block, a storage place for all information in the city.

Hopefully this sounds interesting to you guys!
A story.
FireKracken Blue Sparx Gems: 739
#1162 Posted: 16:04:54 20/12/2014
842 posts to read from this topic...this might take a while!

Edit: Also, congrats on the [STICKY]
come read my fan fic at got a second page!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:07:17 20/12/2014 by FireKracken
terrafin2299 Ripto Gems: 3418
#1163 Posted: 16:18:08 20/12/2014
I didn't even realize I got first post on this page. congrats uts!!!
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#1164 Posted: 16:19:53 20/12/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: FireKracken
842 posts to read from this topic...this might take a while!

Edit: Also, congrats on the [STICKY]

Thanks! You certainly missed a lot! smilie

Quote: terrafin2299
I didn't even realize I got first post on this page. congrats uts!!!

Thanks! Is that your first time having the start of a page? smilie
A story.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#1165 Posted: 16:20:29 20/12/2014
wow... that was intense!
terrafin2299 Ripto Gems: 3418
#1166 Posted: 16:24:09 20/12/2014
I not going to quote that entire thing, but I think it's about my second or third.
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#1167 Posted: 16:28:34 20/12/2014 | Topic Creator
Chapter Eighty-Five:
Journey Into The Sewers (Sewers Part One)

Hello there. Narrator again. Last time we saw our group, they entered the sewers through a grate in the street. Once they got down there, the chapter ended with “You won’t believe what they saw” or something like that. Well, our group saw a giant entrance that leads into Sewer Central, a giant city that is filled with Skylanders. In this chapter, we’ll focus on the residents of this city, while the group will get sorted out in the meantime.

It was just a regular day in Sewer Central. Halo was siting in her apartment, reading about recent news that was centered around Black Hawk, the fabled legend that keeps watch on the city. An article in the paper read “BLACK HAWK SAVES CHILDREN FROM HORRIBLE BUS ACCIDENT”. I must say, Halo’s mind was completely blown. While she continues her reading, let us switch on over to Finn, a Flip Wreck who works at the docks. (The water in the docks is pure sewage! YAY! Luckily, Skylanders don’t have a sense of smell...) Finn was on the docks, carrying boxes of cargo from one of the boats. This cargo was manure, which is used as a cheap, efficient plaster for buildings. “Hey, Finn, you coming to the game tonight?” asked one of his coworkers. “I’ll try! Maybe I can win this time!” yelled Finn back. “In your dreams.” said the guy back. This game the two were talking about was called Ultimate Solitaire. You play a game of Solitaire, and if you lose, the winner gets to torture you for an hour. It’s very...creative. Now that we’ve met Halo and Finn, perhaps we should move on to our next character, Blaze.

Blaze is a Trailblazer. A very poor one, in fact. He doesn’t have a set job, just mainly sticks to hauling. Well, except that one time, when someone payed to him kill someone that they owed money to. Anyway, Blaze was walking down 27th Street, hauling three children to a local chop-shop. It’s worse than it sounds. “What did that man pay you for?” asked one of the kids innocently. It was a Spry. “Oh, uh, he payed me to take you to the playground.” said Blaze. He was nonchalant, and he’s great when he comes to lying. “Yay! Are we going to play on the monkey bars?” asked a Whisper Elf. “Well, there’s this fun game called Hack ‘N Slash. It’s where you lay on a table and get chopped up.” said Blaze. “THIS IS GOING TO BE AWESOME!” yelled and Eye Small. He had the voice of a very, very chubby child. The cart arrived at the shop. “Here you go. Three freshies. That’s two hundred dollars.” said Blaze. “No, I’m only getting three. Ten bucks.” said the owner, a Lob-Star. “I gave you my price before I found these kids. Two hundred.” said Blaze. “Fifteen.” said the guy. “Two hundred, and I don’t call the cops.” said Blaze. “You’re in this too, pal.” said the guy. He was getting impatient. “I cover my tracks well. Plus, I have a nice lawyer...” said Blaze. The Lob-Star handed Blaze two hundred dollars.

“Good job, Blaze.” said a Rider (From Fright Rider). This is Chief Rider, commander of the SCPF. (Sewer Central Police Force). “This is a stick up. Kids, scram.” said Blaze. “No hacking or slashing. Worst day every.” said the Whisper Elf. The Lob-Star tried to run, but Chief Rider threw his spear in the back. A group of officers took him away. (All officers are Riders in NYC police uniforms.) “That would be two hundred dollars.” said Blaze, laughingly. “I’ll do you better.” said Rider, handing him 2K. Blaze stared in awe. “You helped us tracked down one of the most wanted men in our files. Plus, you could use the money.” Rider handed him the cash and made off with his crew. “Slasher, you have the right to sit there and shut up. If you say anything, we will cut your arms off. Capesh?” One of the officers read their short laws to the captured Skylander. “Who’s next on this list, boss?” asked another. “A guy named Waldo.” said Rider. “Well, we can skip him, ‘cause we ain’t gonna find ‘em.” The guys chuckled, even Slasher. “’Member the rules?” Slasher just got his arms cut off.

Let us move to our fourth character, Rocky. Rocky is a short, blue Golem that works in the Sewer Central Mines. He’s just a regular miner, working long labor-intense hours for a pretty hefty pay. As of now, the miners are tasked with collecting stone to build up a wall around the city, to keep people from the Outskirts sifting in. “Guys, I got something!” yelled a Wrecking Ball. His name is Dozer. “What is it?” asked Rocky. “I don’t know, but it looks cool!” yelled another guy. “We should probably take it to Secca. She should know what it is.” said Dozer. “I’ll do it. I’m almost finished with my shift, so I’ll take it to the DB on my way out.” said Rocky. He and the others continued mining, but a couple minutes later, there was a bunch of screaming from Shaft 3C. “RED ALERT! RED ALERT! WE HAVE BEEN BREACHED!” A voice over an intercom yelled. “Another one?!” yelled Rocky. He and his fellow crew members grabbed their pickaxes, and headed for Shaft 3C, to see two giant rats gnawing on a couple Skylanders. “TO BATTLE!” yelled a bunch of the miners. And like a giant, Peter Jackson Hobbit movie battle, the miners and rats were close up, and killing each other. Well, everyone, except for Rocky. He left the battle because his shift was over.

"It's a marble.” said Secca, a Deja Vu that works in the Data-Block, the center of all information in the sewers. “Well, what can it do?” asked Rocky. “Well, for starters,” Secca rolled the marble on the floor. “That’s just about it. But we can give it to the Forges, they might be able to come up with something.” said Secca. Rocky frowned. “The guys won’t be too happy to hear that.” he said. “Hey, it’s not as bad as the time they thought that they could use a Lays Potato Chip bag as a time travel device.” said Secca, tying to cheer him up. She then stamped her card. “C’mon, let’s go to Halo’s.” The two walked out of the DB, and headed for Halo’s apartment, which was a couple blocks away. On the way there, the two saw an elderly lady get jumped by a group of Peebs. (Yep, a bunch of them made there way down here.) Rocky readied his pickaxe, but Secca put it down. “There’s nothing we can do. There are five of them, and two of us.” she said. Rocky didn’t care. He rushed into the fight, completely tuning out Secca, who called the cops. “Oh look, a hero!” yelled one of the attackers mockingly. Rocky hit him in the chest with his tool. He then pulled one off of the lady, and beat in his head. “Leave now, or die!” yelled Rocky. He swung his weapon, but it was caught by a black blur, which then took out the others. “Don’t play hero, kid.” it said. Rocky was amazed, because he just met the Black Hawk.

End of Chapter Eighty-Five

Author’s Log:

We’ve met a slew of new characters, and there are plenty to come! I can’t wait for the next chapter, which will focus on the heads of the city, and some of their plans. And maybe more of the five friends.

Thanks for reading! There won’t be any more chapters today or tomorrow, as I will be out of town. During that, please have a discussion about what you do and don’t like. I want to hear everyone’s opinion! Also, be sure to subscribe, and tell your friends. Thanks!

Well I Guess That - RED ALERT! WE GOT RATS!
A story.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#1168 Posted: 16:31:25 20/12/2014
Rats are cool.
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#1169 Posted: 18:50:53 20/12/2014
What is Black Hawk? A Blackout?
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
mega spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3847
#1170 Posted: 19:15:34 20/12/2014
^Or Knight light
Fryno Forever Yellow Sparx Gems: 1071
#1171 Posted: 19:55:24 20/12/2014
Black Hawk is definitely a Knight Light inspired by Batman. Right, Utts?
Back and Better Than Ever!
Epic popthorn Emerald Sparx Gems: 3286
#1172 Posted: 20:45:18 20/12/2014
A Knight Light painted black?
Fryno Forever Yellow Sparx Gems: 1071
#1173 Posted: 20:49:31 20/12/2014
Sounds about right.
Back and Better Than Ever!
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#1174 Posted: 20:49:26 21/12/2014 | Topic Creator
I'm back!

I'm just going to say that one of the two theories are correct. smilie
A story.
Fryno Forever Yellow Sparx Gems: 1071
#1175 Posted: 20:51:04 21/12/2014
When next chapter? I can't waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait!
Back and Better Than Ever!
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#1176 Posted: 20:55:41 21/12/2014 | Topic Creator
I'll try for sometime in the evening, but it depends if I can get some time. I still have school for tomorrow an Tuesday, but I'm off from Xmas Eve until the 5th of January so there should be plenty of chapters soon. smilie
A story.
mega spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3847
#1177 Posted: 21:26:08 21/12/2014
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#1178 Posted: 21:44:56 21/12/2014
I've been on winter break since Friday. I only had a half day on Friday. I also go until the 5th. smilie
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
Fryno Forever Yellow Sparx Gems: 1071
#1179 Posted: 21:50:12 21/12/2014
Same here, 84. I feel sorry for you Utts.
Back and Better Than Ever!
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#1180 Posted: 22:06:40 21/12/2014 | Topic Creator
Chapter Eighty-Six:
Journey Into the Government (Sewers Part Two)

Ah, it’s good to see you again? Why did I say that like I wasn’t sure if I like you or not? Oh well, let’s move on. Last chapter, we met five friends: Halo, Finn, Blaze, Rocky and Secca. And Rocky got a surprise visit from a mysterious black blur - Black Hawk - because he tried to play vigilante. Now that we’ve met them and others, it’s time to go into the main office of Sewer Central, the Mayor’s Quarters.

Just as last time, it was another nice day in Sewer Central. Mayor Clayton was sitting in his desk, reading over papers about the building of the Wall, which will help keep Sewer Central safe from the Outskirts. “Six weeks?! That’s far too long!” grumbled the Wash Buckler, suited in a fine purple tux. A Roller Brawl walked in. “Sir, Chief Rider would like to speak with you.” she said in a soft voice. “Did he have an appointment scheduled?” asked the mayor in a harsh tone. “N-no.” the girl said, stuttering. Clayton got up and hovered over the girls head. He looked menacingly, but then snapped back to happy. “I’m just messing with you! In my office, we like to have fun! Don’t be afraid, young Janice.” said Clayton. Janice smiled, but then found a knife in her chest. Mayor Clayton hid the body under his desk, and walked out to see Rider. “Good afternoon, Rider. What brings you to my office - without an appointment?” said Clayton. (As you can see, he’s creepy...) “Well, a couple of things. Last night, the blur was spotted, helping an old lady, with that Rocky guy, who jumped in and killed two of the predators.” said Rider. He and Clayton walked into the office, with Clayton slamming the door. “And...?” asked the Mayor. “That shows that others are willing to step up and play vigilante, and that crime is getting worse. We need to work on something to fix-” “DON’T tell me what I need to do. Continue with your other news before I make you bleed. I mean, leave.” Clayton said nervously. Rider furrowed his eyebrows, but continued. “We also have a fairly large group of Skylanders that are outside, and they have quite some interesting stories that you might want to hear.” said the Chief. “I don’t have time for stories. Good day.” said Clayton, showing Rider the door.

Rider walked through the main building, and stopped by Vice’s - the Vice Mayor- office. “Hey, what’s up?” asked Vice. This Jet-Vac seemed pretty chill. “Well, I tried talking to Mayor-” “You don’t have to say anymore. I know how that goes.” said Vice, chuckling. Rider told Vice what he was trying to get Clayton to listen to. “Interesting stories? Of what?” asked Vice. “Well, they started their journey in a truck, got to a store, which a couple of battles and two huge wars took place - the store blew up - and then the survivors ended up in a house which was owned by the guy that is responsible for us being alive, their leader went insane, burnt down the Toys for Bob studio, and hid in the sewers, to find us.” Rider’s words came out of his mouth at a hundred miles a second. “Cool. Let’s go talk to them.” Vice and Rider went out to where they were keeping Kong and the others. “Hey, Rider, while you left, Flameslinger woke up.” said Kong. “I forgot to mention that they’ve lost countless Skylanders and bring death wherever they walk, and that one of the guys were unconscious.” Rider whispered into Vice’s ear. “Well, Rider did the best he could to sum up your journey. I’m Vice, Vice Mayor of Sewer Central. On my behalf, welcome.” said Vice with a smile. “I’m Brutus, that’s Torch, over there is Shard, the three to your left are Zoo, Dino and Countdown, that’s Drobot - he’s upset because his best friend died not too long ago - and you’ve met Flameslinger and Kong. Here’s our story...”

Brutus told Rider and Vice the whole story, starting with the initial delivery. He didn’t miss anything. Overall, the story took four hours. “And now we are here.” finished Brutus. Vice looked at Rider, who nodded. “Well, that was interesting. Really cool, actually.” said Vice, blown away. “And we believe you.” added Rider. “Surprisingly, most do.” chimed in Dino. “Well, I will get you situated, and Rider’s going to take you to my house, where you guys will have to live, due to the limited space, and your high-profile.” said Vice. “Are we legends?” asked Countdown. Brutus said “yes” and patted him on the head. Rider called a bus, and they drove off to Vice’s house.

It was nighttime, and Mayor Clayton sat in his office, twiddling a bloody screwdriver in his hand. He was singing softly. “My blood lust has not been craved, my killing sensations will not be shamed. For I am not evil, just misunderstood. I have to do what is right, to make my city good.”

End of Chapter Eighty-Six

Author’s Log:

That’s one crazy mayor, huh?

Thanks for reading! Spread word and comment, please!

Well I Guess That Wraps It Up!
A story.
Fryno Forever Yellow Sparx Gems: 1071
#1181 Posted: 22:14:12 21/12/2014
Who did he kill with the screwdriver, because it had blood.
Back and Better Than Ever!
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#1182 Posted: 22:15:34 21/12/2014 | Topic Creator
You'll see...
A story.
mega spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3847
#1183 Posted: 22:20:57 21/12/2014
What if everyone in the neighborhood flush the toilets all at once? Does sewer city flood?
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#1184 Posted: 22:23:12 21/12/2014
Where does Secca's name come from?
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
Epic popthorn Emerald Sparx Gems: 3286
#1185 Posted: 22:41:28 21/12/2014
Everybody dies, eh.
Fryno Forever Yellow Sparx Gems: 1071
#1186 Posted: 22:46:20 21/12/2014
You are soulless.
Back and Better Than Ever!
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#1187 Posted: 22:52:11 21/12/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: mega spyro
What if everyone in the neighborhood flush the toilets all at once? Does sewer city flood?

That's something I could use...

Quote: 84skylanderdude
Where does Secca's name come from?

Starts with the general thought of time, then goes to seconds, changing it up to make it Secca, to sound like a girl's name.

Quote: Epic popthorn
Everybody dies, eh.


Quote: Fryno Forever
You are soulless.

Who told you?!
A story.
Fryno Forever Yellow Sparx Gems: 1071
#1188 Posted: 22:54:42 21/12/2014
I'm psychic. Dun-dun-dun.
Back and Better Than Ever!
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#1189 Posted: 23:25:21 21/12/2014 | Topic Creator
I knew something was odd with you...
A story.
Fryno Forever Yellow Sparx Gems: 1071
#1190 Posted: 23:57:26 21/12/2014
And I knew you knew that.
Back and Better Than Ever!
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#1191 Posted: 00:30:30 22/12/2014 | Topic Creator
A story.
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#1192 Posted: 00:35:36 22/12/2014
So what if you're psychic? I'm a time traveler.
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#1193 Posted: 00:40:52 22/12/2014 | Topic Creator
Well, I'm a writer!

Not nearly as cool as Psychic or Time Traveler...
A story.
Medicus Gold Sparx Gems: 2405
#1194 Posted: 01:44:37 22/12/2014
Quote: 84skylanderdude
So what if you're psychic? I'm a time traveler.

And if you to are those things......I AM A GOD. No? Aww.......
Hello There, Old Friends!
Fryno Forever Yellow Sparx Gems: 1071
#1195 Posted: 02:05:21 22/12/2014
I knew you weren't a God.
Back and Better Than Ever!
terrafin2299 Ripto Gems: 3418
#1196 Posted: 03:03:29 22/12/2014
I'm a killjoy. making some noise. (I give a cookie to anyone who understands that reference)
Epic popthorn Emerald Sparx Gems: 3286
#1197 Posted: 04:20:45 22/12/2014
I'm a superhero!
Fryno Forever Yellow Sparx Gems: 1071
#1198 Posted: 04:25:40 22/12/2014
I knew that.
Back and Better Than Ever!
mega spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3847
#1199 Posted: 15:15:15 22/12/2014
I'm a stalker!
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#1200 Posted: 15:19:08 22/12/2014
I could make all of you not exist with my time travel powers. But I won't.
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
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