Quote: chaosworrierQuote: AlexanddanPretty easy way to avoid the scalper tag: make it an auction starting at $0.99.
Yep, or Buy it Now for whatever he paid for it (plus shipping, of course).
Then what would be the point?
I saw someone on Slickdeals saying their son was trying to get them to by one on eBay for $60, but when she went back, they were $90. I'm not sure how much she was really considering spending $60 on it, but I really don't doubt there are those people out there. And since she saw them go up to $90, she'd probably be more likely to pay the high prices if she found it, again, for cheaper. I think that's way too much for the Kaos traps knowing they are going to be readily available. But not everyone knows that. Chase variants are one thing, but something that isn't going to be that rare is ridiculous. I could see maybe double the cost (or a little more to pay for fees, shipping, etc.). I know I've had to do that a couple of times when I've found a rare/hard to find item but didn't have the money to spend. I'd buy an extra one and try to make up some of the cost to pay for the other one so my son would have it. Usually, I would just consider what I paid for both plus a little extra to pay for the fees and shipping. I wouldn't go crazy and buy up a bunch, but an extra one to help pay for my collection. Without that, I would have never been able to afford the Darklight Crypt I found, and I wouldn't have been able to get a Ninjini for my son's birthday. The latter I even had the person who bought is extremely happy as she had a previous purchase canceled and needed it last minute for her son's birthday. She was glad to spend the extra to get it quickly and not have to drive around looking for it. I even honored her by sending a picture of the figure with a Happy Birthday note, so she could show her son if she didn't get it in time. I'm reluctant to even talk about it, here, as people want to jump at judging, but I know I couldn't have had those Skylanders if I didn't do it to make up the costs.