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The Third Singles Bar [CLOSED]
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#251 Posted: 02:45:36 30/11/2014
Eh, okay.
Project_Unnamed Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10869
#252 Posted: 03:08:45 30/11/2014
If the bardtender is awake and ready for service, may I have a grand glass of brandy or fine cognac?
I might give you more opinions... for a small fee of course.
Epic popthorn Emerald Sparx Gems: 3298
#253 Posted: 05:38:33 30/11/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: Project_Unnamed
If the bardtender is awake and ready for service, may I have a grand glass of brandy or fine cognac?

*gives brandy*

is this a fancy bar or a thug tug

i don't really know...
SackBoy01 Gold Sparx Gems: 2327
#254 Posted: 06:11:36 30/11/2014
Why do I hear noises by the Gate of Narnia?????? Anyways can I get another bowl of chicken over here?!
Dark Lord Platinum Sparx Gems: 7372
#255 Posted: 09:29:35 30/11/2014
Hello, I'm 36, single, male- smilie

Wait...I think I'm in the wrong place.
Like fallen snow, I lay on the ground and wait for my turn to fade away, no matter how unique I seem. It's my gift to you... A true sacrifice...
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#256 Posted: 13:17:36 30/11/2014
Yeah, you probably are.
Epic popthorn Emerald Sparx Gems: 3298
#257 Posted: 03:27:12 01/12/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: Dark Lord
Hello, I'm 36, single, male- smilie

Wait...I think I'm in the wrong place.

Yes you are

But you are free to stay, we have alcohol and KFC here.
zer0dch Ripto Gems: 1916
#258 Posted: 03:28:39 01/12/2014
Damn, I would kill for some KFC. I haven't had it in over a year.
Epic popthorn Emerald Sparx Gems: 3298
#259 Posted: 03:30:01 01/12/2014 | Topic Creator
*gives KFC*

KFC is good
zer0dch Ripto Gems: 1916
#260 Posted: 03:35:47 01/12/2014
Aww shiet

/v/ topic shows darkspyro
darkwolf Diamond Sparx Gems: 7605
#261 Posted: 04:12:09 01/12/2014
Quote: Lyveriana
Quote: darkwolf
Well, you've come to the right place. It's never boring around here.

That's great! *Smiles* What 'bout ya?

What 'bout me?

*turns around for a moment*

Hey Epic, could we get some more chicken please?
AmethystRose Yellow Sparx Gems: 1132
#262 Posted: 07:36:13 01/12/2014
So stressed out...
I need to drown my fears with alcohol..
ϟ Break my heart, break me til I fall apart. ϟ
zer0dch Ripto Gems: 1916
#263 Posted: 07:37:15 01/12/2014
Quote: AmethystRose
So stressed out...
I need to drown my fears with alcohol..

If you're serious please don't
AmethystRose Yellow Sparx Gems: 1132
#264 Posted: 07:38:57 01/12/2014
Quote: zer0dch
Quote: AmethystRose
So stressed out...
I need to drown my fears with alcohol..

If you're serious please don't

I can't take this awful knot in my stomach... I can't sleep... I'm shaking..
Damn I need to calm down...
ϟ Break my heart, break me til I fall apart. ϟ
zer0dch Ripto Gems: 1916
#265 Posted: 07:46:15 01/12/2014
Quote: AmethystRose
Quote: zer0dch
Quote: AmethystRose
So stressed out...
I need to drown my fears with alcohol..

If you're serious please don't

I can't take this awful knot in my stomach... I can't sleep... I'm shaking..
Damn I need to calm down...

*hug* talk to Aribear about it c:
xXBeavcoonXx Gold Sparx Gems: 2648
#266 Posted: 13:08:42 01/12/2014
This will be my last post in the Singles Bar. Goodbye every one!
now its time to get funky
darkwolf Diamond Sparx Gems: 7605
#267 Posted: 17:50:16 01/12/2014
Quote: Lyveriana
Quote: darkwolf
Quote: Lyveriana

That's great! *Smiles* What 'bout ya?

What 'bout me?

*turns around for a moment*

Hey Epic, could we get some more chicken please?

Hmm.. Well.. Ehh.. Why have you come here in the first place? I mean.. You seem like a decent person.

Mostly because I was bored, and it seemed like fun here, so I came.
mega spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3957
#268 Posted: 19:50:25 01/12/2014
I'm here! Where are my fire works? BoB did you eat my fire works for my entrance?! *sigh* well, I'm here, and so is BoB.... Oh yeah... BoB says he wants KFC....
darkwolf Diamond Sparx Gems: 7605
#269 Posted: 21:29:36 01/12/2014
So... What has brought you here?

Quote: xXBeavcoonXx
This will be my last post in the Singles Bar. Goodbye every one!

Epic popthorn Emerald Sparx Gems: 3298
#270 Posted: 04:31:51 02/12/2014 | Topic Creator
*walks over and gives darkwolf KFC*

And yeah, this place never gets boring.
AmethystRose Yellow Sparx Gems: 1132
#271 Posted: 06:25:41 02/12/2014
Quote: xXBeavcoonXx
This will be my last post in the Singles Bar. Goodbye every one!

Nah man don't go! You can still be taken and post here! I have a bf and I still hang out here.
ϟ Break my heart, break me til I fall apart. ϟ
zer0dch Ripto Gems: 1916
#272 Posted: 06:27:53 02/12/2014
someone hold me

i am in panic mode
AmethystRose Yellow Sparx Gems: 1132
#273 Posted: 06:43:02 02/12/2014
Quote: zer0dch
someone hold me

i am in panic mode

ϟ Break my heart, break me til I fall apart. ϟ
zer0dch Ripto Gems: 1916
#274 Posted: 06:51:29 02/12/2014
im legit freaking out
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#275 Posted: 06:54:48 02/12/2014
I ain't single anymore.

Later gators.
zer0dch Ripto Gems: 1916
#276 Posted: 06:56:19 02/12/2014
Quote: CAV
I ain't single anymore.

Later gators.


AmethystRose Yellow Sparx Gems: 1132
#277 Posted: 07:12:54 02/12/2014
Man everyone is getting someone lately it seems.
ϟ Break my heart, break me til I fall apart. ϟ
AmethystRose Yellow Sparx Gems: 1132
#278 Posted: 07:15:15 02/12/2014
Quote: Cynderfan507
Quote: AmethystRose
Man everyone is getting someone lately it seems.

I'm like the only person here that's still single.

... Ya know what? **** it, I'll just marry my Miku Figma 2.0.

Miku? I thought it was Maka. Maku!
P.s. yes I know who Miku is. xD
ϟ Break my heart, break me til I fall apart. ϟ
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 07:15:45 02/12/2014 by AmethystRose
AmethystRose Yellow Sparx Gems: 1132
#279 Posted: 07:16:32 02/12/2014
Quote: Cynderfan507
Quote: AmethystRose
Quote: Cynderfan507

I'm like the only person here that's still single.

... Ya know what? **** it, I'll just marry my Miku Figma 2.0.

Miku? I thought it was Maka. Maku!


You have a plushie? That's epic. :3
ϟ Break my heart, break me til I fall apart. ϟ
JCW555 Hunter Gems: 8991
#280 Posted: 07:33:44 02/12/2014
I've been single since forever. It sucks.
You gotta believe! Heh heh.
zer0dch Ripto Gems: 1916
#281 Posted: 07:34:41 02/12/2014
Quote: JCW555
I've been single since forever. It sucks.

Things will look up for you.
Dark Lord Platinum Sparx Gems: 7372
#282 Posted: 08:02:20 02/12/2014
^ A woman who don't need no man

Sorry, couldn't resist making that joke. xD
Like fallen snow, I lay on the ground and wait for my turn to fade away, no matter how unique I seem. It's my gift to you... A true sacrifice...
Dark Lord Platinum Sparx Gems: 7372
#283 Posted: 08:10:08 02/12/2014
I imagine you being the one taking over this bar for some reason now, looking all tough, keeping people in line, slapping the shiznit out of anyone who flirts with you, even if you don't do that stuff...That image just comes to mind for some reason. xD
Like fallen snow, I lay on the ground and wait for my turn to fade away, no matter how unique I seem. It's my gift to you... A true sacrifice...
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#284 Posted: 12:49:06 02/12/2014
Well...if it makes you feel any better, it'll take shy of a miracle for me to get a girlfriend in the next 5 years.
darkwolf Diamond Sparx Gems: 7605
#285 Posted: 19:30:34 02/12/2014
Quote: Lyveriana
Quote: darkwolf
So... What has brought you here?

I don't know.. I walked by, thought I'd take a look. Enjoying it here?

Yeah, I like it here. You?
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