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Trap Team one month in, how do you feel about it?
fairyland Emerald Sparx Gems: 3800
#1 Posted: 13:54:09 05/11/2014 | Topic Creator
The 5th marks one month that Trap Team has been out for the North American game playing region. I'm wondering, what's your opinion now of the game?

I feel that it's a fun game and I like it better than Swap Force but I just cannot really seriously play it unless I know I can 100% beat it. I personally have not returned back for about three weeks now after I beat it. This is mostly because I'm waiting for a Magic and Unknown Trap Masters to be released and my heart is just not into playing a game that is only about 90% open at the moment.

The things that really decreased my enjoyment of the game is not being able to get a Kaos trap and absolutely no word at all about these Unknown elements. The artificial tinkling out of Kaos traps with no set rhyme nor reason only to drive up demand is annoying. I know that's business and it's all marketing ploys to extend product life and create demand but I honestly thought I would have been able to find one in the wild as I'm very diligent about searching for this stuff. It seems my area never got a single one.

Not having any official word about the unknowns one month in is really perplexing in my eyes. Obviously the game has cooled off for the diehards and we want to know. They are now into catering to gift giving crowd and those who are waiting to get it half off for Black Friday. I'm assuming they are just waiting for the right time and will pump up the media machine about these unknowns. I'm assuming that will be a few weeks after Christmas in hopes to sell more product after that cool-off period. I don't really know or understand marketing, but I do understand the complete frustration of seeing these question marks and being told to wait and find out. If it wasn't for darkspyro-leaks, I probably would be very upset at Activision for keeping secrets.

But overall, I had a great time with Trap Team for about 10 days. I typically will play games for several weeks to know every in and out, nook and cranny so it'll probably be sometime this Spring when I'll return to master it. It's a solid entry, better than Swap Force in many ways, but feels like a step sidewards and one back from Giants. I very much so liked the new characters I got (about 8 of them) and I'm looking forward to buying several more in future waves even though they'll probably sit on my shelf unplayed until I can unlock everything properly. It's not a chore to play like Swap Force, but it does have a glitchy side which can be frustrating at times but that's not a game breaker for me. I feel more should have been done in the amount of time they had and it'll be really interesting to see what trick Activision has up their sleeves for Sky5 beyond the obvious integration and expansion on new elements introduced here in Trap Team.
Stay Cool!
skylander_chaos Blue Sparx Gems: 825
#2 Posted: 14:07:53 05/11/2014
For us, we always get so involved in these games, it seems like it's been out for a few months already! We feel it's the best skylanders so far, and wonder how can it possibly get any better, lol!
Our collection : every Skylander, Infinity, Trap and Amiibo to date!
OimakKamio Yellow Sparx Gems: 1643
#3 Posted: 14:08:40 05/11/2014
Honestly i've barely played it, some for time, but mostly cause i'm a completionalist. I want to complete the game, and with the lack of Magic Trap Team players, I can't do that,not to mention the new elements coming out. My kids LOVE it, they think its amazing. I will play it once the 3 missing elements are released, Magic, Dark and Light.
Lioned33 PS4
CyberTails Green Sparx Gems: 484
#4 Posted: 14:21:25 05/11/2014
I have the Dark Edition on Wii and I must say, I'm liking it a lot more than Swap Force, it also gives me an idea to sometime speedrun the game in any% in Nightmare Mode due to Kaos being Overpowered smilie
My Giants smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
RadSpyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2007
#5 Posted: 14:22:53 05/11/2014
I guess for me it's just going the same way as all Skylander games go for me...

I start off playing it for about 2 weeks non-stop, completing everything I can. Then I leave it, but by the time the next wave of figures are released, I've gone on to other games. I do get those figures, but not until much later, once they've been reduced half price.
Visit me and stuff.
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#6 Posted: 14:49:25 05/11/2014
I never play it until Christmas (get everything as it releases)...and then we take our sweet southern time completing it, and then go back and be the compleitonist. I think last year it took about 4-6 weeks to complete story mode (about 2 chapters a week). I wonder since the figure upgrade mechanic is all removed (no quests or heroics) that the amount of time I'll spend on skylanders this year will actually decrease by 70% or more because of this one little fact. Which doesn't make me feel I'm getting a good value from all of the figures.

The game can be the "best thing since sliced bread" but if you're into upgrading skylanders, there's a huge black hole in terms of what you do to your past skylanders. Which has to be a little of a disservice.

Moving forward, they address this gap content or I suspect they're ok with the "figure fanatics" moving on. They are rolling in the dough right? Can't do no wrong?
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 14:54:18 05/11/2014 by GhostRoaster
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158
#7 Posted: 15:11:57 05/11/2014
I feel the same as GhostRoaster, haven't played it yet. I get the stuff as it comes out and sales come up though. Me and my sons take our time, doing a level or two at a time after they get it for Christmas. They get fairly limited video game time anyways during the school year, and they usually get some other games as well. Given this year they will be splitting time with Super Smash Bros., I'm not sure how long it will take us to beat it.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:12:59 05/11/2014 by defpally
xLuckyx Blue Sparx Gems: 812
#8 Posted: 15:17:26 05/11/2014
Its MUCH better then Giants and Swap Force... SF was just awful... Atleast for the Wii
smilie smilie smilie All geared up. smilie smilie smilie
DaMadNes Blue Sparx Gems: 944
#9 Posted: 15:22:15 05/11/2014
Bored. Didn't beat the game, haven't played since the first week I got it.
mega spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3957
#10 Posted: 15:25:26 05/11/2014
Quote: xLuckyx
Its MUCH better then Giants and Swap Force... SF was just awful... Atleast for the Wii
Only played the 3ds version so far, and getting the Wii u version for Christmas, and I beat story mode in 2 days. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, because I basically sat down and played nonstop (I'm also home all day). I loved this game, although I was a little disappointed with the villain trapping. I thought you could actually play the villains like the Wii U and Xbox versions. But it was still fun, and I hope the Wii U version is even more fun (I don't care about bugs unless they are game breaking).
wreckingballbob Emerald Sparx Gems: 4565
#11 Posted: 15:32:24 05/11/2014
It's boring and not fun. I hardly play it.
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8739
#12 Posted: 16:09:21 05/11/2014
Well, I love the game, but at the same time, it makes me appreciate Swap Force so much more. Trap Team has MUCH more creativity, while Swap Force has variety. The levels are more out there and creative than Swap Force's, but I miss Swap Force's level length. Both games have thing I love, but at the same time, they're missing something. The things that Trap Team is missing, Swap Force had, and the things Swap Force is missing, Trap Team has. Right now, I'm just going to copy and paste what I put in another thread. It's going to be a bit clustered since it's from two posts.

No Score or Time attack mode
No Feats of Strength or Swap Zones.
Shorter levels: This one hurts me the most. I LOVED Swap Forces long levels, feels like a real adventure. TT are still great ones though.

Also this game is repetitive, I mean REPETITIVE. They use nearly all the same mechanics from the last two TfB games and you know the crane games in Rainfish Riviera? They used that in the Madagascar game! Skystones, Lock puzzle, Sky stones, lock puzzle, SKY STONES, SKY STONES AAAGAGAHGAH SSSKKYYY STTOOONNESS!!!! I H-----I HATE Sky Stones. I know you can get "cheats" for both but still come on TfB have something new. I know Swap Force used level gimmicks like rail riding in Motleyville and the Musical Bonce pads in Iron Jaw Gulch, but they were quick and easy.

Not a fan of the Trap Masters are the only ones to unlock elemental gates thing either. What's the point of The Crystals then? Now THAT was stupid. And I don't just mean stupid design but really, it's absolutely moronic. I'm suspecting it was Acti's decision, not TfB's.

I like the Minis, but they're unnecessary. I hope we don't get anymore the next game (Though we likely will.).
Why is there more then one of a trappable villain (Like how there are many Scrap Shooters in The Sewer Level, but only one is trappable, which in in the next level) Why not have Scrap Shooter be one of a kind?

There have been some changes in graphics, like Lava Barf Eruptor's Lava Barf 2. It looks so bad now, the lava balls are so small. Zap is another example, while his new jump is awesome, he has that weird left leg thing there it's angle is slightly turned inward to his chest and it's been bothering me since SSA. VV got rid of it and it looked great and TfB (I'm guessing) brought it back. Trap Team is on the SF engine, right? Then why are there changes in some of the graphics and animations? I just want the Zap limp gone! Every time I play as the little guy, as much as I love him, I can't stand that leg! (Sorry about the rant, its just a "thing", I guess. We all have them.)

Another is the hat select screen, when you have a hat on is SF , you could press X to remove it, while in TT you have to go back to the front of the list to the remove button, it's not a big deal, but it's tedious.

And don't get me started on Meditations on Boom. I'm starting to get annoyed with Flynn.

This what they should have in the games from here on out.

Score Mode and Time Attack
Bonus Missions and boost stats of the Skylander that completed it said mission.
Return of PVP.
Ways to make your Skylanders faster.
Reposes of Ghosty, Dino-Rang, Boomer, Voodood and Sunburn.
Levels with the length of Swap Force and the amount similar to SSA and TT.
Giants and Swapper Zones (Not necessary, but appreciated)
Story Scrolls with good lore.
New Trappable Villains and a new main villain (With NO Kaos as the "surprise" villain)
A bigger story with some dark undertones.
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:09:44 05/11/2014 by HeyitsHotDog
sky-dragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3206
#13 Posted: 16:13:12 05/11/2014
I play the game almost everyday
"ryuujin no ken wo kurae!"
TrapShadowFan Emerald Sparx Gems: 3511
#14 Posted: 16:19:33 05/11/2014
It feels like a breath of TFB's fresh air from VV's Bland Force smilie. While Swap Force was bland in terms of character and level design, I loved the bonus missions and all the different modes, and the swapping mechanic was genius. I don't play PvP much though so that loss doesn't affect me much. Trap Team isn't the best in terms of different modes, but Kaos mode is really fun and addicting, and it makes up for all the lost bonus missions with villain quests (except for some where you just talk to someone). To sum it all up, Trap Team is awesome. Boom.
Kiroq Gold Sparx Gems: 2328
#15 Posted: 16:59:12 05/11/2014
It's a good game but much too short and the unknown parts are irritating
smilie Fools! I've had it up to here with your incompetence! Actually no, even higher..up to HERE!
skylander_chaos Blue Sparx Gems: 825
#16 Posted: 17:06:39 05/11/2014
What?? You CANT play as villains in 3ds version?? If so, what a rip off!!
Our collection : every Skylander, Infinity, Trap and Amiibo to date!
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#17 Posted: 17:08:33 05/11/2014
You can only play as the 3DS Nightmare Villains in the Villain Bootcamp levels.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
skylander_chaos Blue Sparx Gems: 825
#18 Posted: 17:13:30 05/11/2014
That sucks, I mean, I know it didn't use traps, nor does it come with any, but damn.. That starter pack should retail for no more that $50 IMO!!
Our collection : every Skylander, Infinity, Trap and Amiibo to date!
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#19 Posted: 17:16:05 05/11/2014
Quote: skylander_chaos
What?? You CANT play as villains in 3ds version?? If so, what a rip off!!

3DS has its own unique villains...and traps don't work. It's a standalone romp.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
skylander_chaos Blue Sparx Gems: 825
#20 Posted: 17:19:42 05/11/2014
That's cool I guess.. I'm just addicted to traps now, and it's funny because I hated them in the start.. Now I want them ALL, lol, every color, shape, size, whatever!!
Our collection : every Skylander, Infinity, Trap and Amiibo to date!
FaboulousFab Yellow Sparx Gems: 1247
#21 Posted: 19:02:46 05/11/2014
The game is indeed very good, but only "very good".
More I play more i've got the feeling of missing parts. (don't speak about glitches smilie )

It's only a guess but toy for bog didn't get enouth time to achieve their work.
The vilain's quests are useless for most of them, cali is waiting in the academy for...nothin'
The lack of pvp or personnal quests or bonus mission is very a lack.

That's quite sad, for me it would have been the incontestable BEST skylander game ever,
but they forgot too much stuff to really say that.

eddit : Oh yes and i didn't mention the adventure packs with very lazy content
Marge: But I thought broccoli was...
Dr. Hibbert: Oh yes. One of the deadliest plants on earth. It tries to warn you itself with its terrible taste.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:04:05 05/11/2014 by FaboulousFab
Snap Shot Gold Sparx Gems: 2672
#22 Posted: 21:16:17 05/11/2014
I enjoy playing it but do it in short spells as I can't unlock all the gates yet . I don't want to be finish story mode than visit all the gates I couldn't unlock before as that will bore me. Other than that I really love the story of tt but just wish there was more content
Croc and Roll smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Luminous35 Gold Sparx Gems: 2457
#23 Posted: 21:34:55 05/11/2014
Im loving it! Of course i still need 9 trap masters to get 100% (Only have Snap Shot and Food Fight)
smilie smilie STARCAST FOR PRESIDENT OF MY SEXUALITY smilie smilie
smilie smilie Professor Jet-Vac? I don’t feel so good. smilie smilie
SlayerX11 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3488
#24 Posted: 22:26:42 05/11/2014
Our 8 yr old beat it on normal already, hasnt played it since then. He's back to disney infinity 2.0 atm. I played part of a level here and there and finally beat swap force for the first time (im working saldy too much to find time for games anymore smilie )
Arc of Archives Yellow Sparx Gems: 1486
#25 Posted: 23:00:06 05/11/2014
I think it's the worst entry yet, even though I like it

Design isn't as good as SF, story/lore isn't as good as SA/Giants, it's really the best at nothing besides the art direction, which has never been bad or needed too much fixing (SF's hideous sheep aside)

Also, baffling lack of bonus modes- including a major one, PVP.

The last time I picked it up after beating it was two days ago and I hadn't touched it for a week or two then.
Only characters I've maxed are Chopper and Blades and Snap Shot, because the rest don't interest me enough (and even Snap Shot, I just got maxed because he got Golden Queen's bounty, and I levelled him through Kaos Mode). I blame TT's simplistic fighting physics for this; SF's were far more deep than that of the other games and I'm disappointed TFB regressed on them.
I feel no compelling reason to upgrade without PVP to compete using maxed Skylanders, no scores to pursue and much less interesting combat than SF. It's to the point I have enough Gold on a couple of characters to finish upgrading them, but I'm just not excited to think about and pick their paths, so I haven't done it.

It gimped almost everything I liked about SF, and the biggest contribution to the series- villains- caused a power creep that lead to frustrating, grindy enemies in parts of the game.

3DS version was extremely average from what I played, basically what I expected- not good, not bad- really really similar to SF 3DS, though the level design is annoyingly slower... Had it since launch and still not beat it.
Granted, Smash has been taking up the overwhelming majority of my 3DS playtime and came out two days later, but I haven't wanted to pick TT 3DS up again
Edited 5 times - Last edited at 23:19:17 05/11/2014 by Arc of Archives
blackout3000 Blue Sparx Gems: 568
#26 Posted: 23:54:39 05/11/2014
Quote: Arc of Archives
I think it's the worst entry yet, even though I like it

Design isn't as good as SF, story/lore isn't as good as SA/Giants, it's really the best at nothing besides the art direction, which has never been bad or needed too much fixing (SF's hideous sheep aside)

Also, baffling lack of bonus modes- including a major one, PVP.

The last time I picked it up after beating it was two days ago and I hadn't touched it for a week or two then.
Only characters I've maxed are Chopper and Blades and Snap Shot, because the rest don't interest me enough (and even Snap Shot, I just got maxed because he got Golden Queen's bounty, and I levelled him through Kaos Mode). I blame TT's simplistic fighting physics for this; SF's were far more deep than that of the other games and I'm disappointed TFB regressed on them.
I feel no compelling reason to upgrade without PVP to compete using maxed Skylanders, no scores to pursue and much less interesting combat than SF. It's to the point I have enough Gold on a couple of characters to finish upgrading them, but I'm just not excited to think about and pick their paths, so I haven't done it.

It gimped almost everything I liked about SF, and the biggest contribution to the series- villains- caused a power creep that lead to frustrating, grindy enemies in parts of the game.

3DS version was extremely average from what I played, basically what I expected- not good, not bad- really really similar to SF 3DS, though the level design is annoyingly slower... Had it since launch and still not beat it.
Granted, Smash has been taking up the overwhelming majority of my 3DS playtime and came out two days later, but I haven't wanted to pick TT 3DS up again

tfb made up for it with light and dark elements (((smilie)))
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#27 Posted: 00:29:14 06/11/2014
Quote: blackout3000
Quote: Arc of Archives
I think it's the worst entry yet, even though I like it

Design isn't as good as SF, story/lore isn't as good as SA/Giants, it's really the best at nothing besides the art direction, which has never been bad or needed too much fixing (SF's hideous sheep aside)

Also, baffling lack of bonus modes- including a major one, PVP.

The last time I picked it up after beating it was two days ago and I hadn't touched it for a week or two then.
Only characters I've maxed are Chopper and Blades and Snap Shot, because the rest don't interest me enough (and even Snap Shot, I just got maxed because he got Golden Queen's bounty, and I levelled him through Kaos Mode). I blame TT's simplistic fighting physics for this; SF's were far more deep than that of the other games and I'm disappointed TFB regressed on them.
I feel no compelling reason to upgrade without PVP to compete using maxed Skylanders, no scores to pursue and much less interesting combat than SF. It's to the point I have enough Gold on a couple of characters to finish upgrading them, but I'm just not excited to think about and pick their paths, so I haven't done it.

It gimped almost everything I liked about SF, and the biggest contribution to the series- villains- caused a power creep that lead to frustrating, grindy enemies in parts of the game.

3DS version was extremely average from what I played, basically what I expected- not good, not bad- really really similar to SF 3DS, though the level design is annoyingly slower... Had it since launch and still not beat it.
Granted, Smash has been taking up the overwhelming majority of my 3DS playtime and came out two days later, but I haven't wanted to pick TT 3DS up again

tfb made up for it with light and dark elements (((smilie)))

Well, as much as I can love this game (and I really love it a lot), Light and Dark Elements just don't make up for the character "customization" aspects, such as Quests, Leveling and Heroics.

I personally don't miss them that much, but still, I can see why some others could see them as a major lack, for Trap Team.

That being said... Can't wait for Blackout. He is just awesome! smilie
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Luminous35 Gold Sparx Gems: 2457
#28 Posted: 00:38:56 06/11/2014
Quote: Drek95
Quote: blackout3000
Quote: Arc of Archives
I think it's the worst entry yet, even though I like it

Design isn't as good as SF, story/lore isn't as good as SA/Giants, it's really the best at nothing besides the art direction, which has never been bad or needed too much fixing (SF's hideous sheep aside)

Also, baffling lack of bonus modes- including a major one, PVP.

The last time I picked it up after beating it was two days ago and I hadn't touched it for a week or two then.
Only characters I've maxed are Chopper and Blades and Snap Shot, because the rest don't interest me enough (and even Snap Shot, I just got maxed because he got Golden Queen's bounty, and I levelled him through Kaos Mode). I blame TT's simplistic fighting physics for this; SF's were far more deep than that of the other games and I'm disappointed TFB regressed on them.
I feel no compelling reason to upgrade without PVP to compete using maxed Skylanders, no scores to pursue and much less interesting combat than SF. It's to the point I have enough Gold on a couple of characters to finish upgrading them, but I'm just not excited to think about and pick their paths, so I haven't done it.

It gimped almost everything I liked about SF, and the biggest contribution to the series- villains- caused a power creep that lead to frustrating, grindy enemies in parts of the game.

3DS version was extremely average from what I played, basically what I expected- not good, not bad- really really similar to SF 3DS, though the level design is annoyingly slower... Had it since launch and still not beat it.
Granted, Smash has been taking up the overwhelming majority of my 3DS playtime and came out two days later, but I haven't wanted to pick TT 3DS up again

tfb made up for it with light and dark elements (((smilie)))

Well, as much as I can love this game (and I really love it a lot), Light and Dark Elements just don't make up for the character "customization" aspects, such as Quests, Leveling and Heroics.

I personally don't miss them that much, but still, I can see why some others could see them as a major lack, for Trap Team.

That being said... Can't wait for Blackout. He is just awesome! smilie

Can't Wait for Blackout and Knight Light! Blackout is my second fav skylander! Can't WAIT to see more of his attacks!
smilie smilie STARCAST FOR PRESIDENT OF MY SEXUALITY smilie smilie
smilie smilie Professor Jet-Vac? I don’t feel so good. smilie smilie
Arc of Archives Yellow Sparx Gems: 1486
#29 Posted: 02:36:20 06/11/2014
Quote: blackout3000
tfb made up for it with light and dark elements (((smilie)))

Yeah, having twelve extra characters and two more adventure packs (which are probably going to be disappointly short like NE/MoM)- most of which could've tied in with other elements such as blackout becoming a Magic shadow-manipulator ala Trap Shadow or Knight Light going into Air- sure makes up for the worse game design, worse physics, complete abscense of even the old Quests/Heroics, no PVP, and severly lowered extra content... Even though the new elements they're in mean you need to spend more if you want 100% on your save... /s
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:38:29 06/11/2014 by Arc of Archives
preciousawaken Yellow Sparx Gems: 1774
#30 Posted: 02:36:34 06/11/2014
I still play Trap Team a couple times per week - which is about the same as a month into Swap Force. For me I think Trap Team is on par with Swap Force. I thought Swap Force was a little harder which kept me interested for longer. As far as the extras....I really love Kaos Mode and think it is way better than the other extras from previous games. My only 2 problems with Trap Team is how easy it is to defeat the villains and the light and dark elements being introduced.
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#31 Posted: 02:38:41 06/11/2014
Quote: Arc of Archives
Quote: blackout3000
tfb made up for it with light and dark elements (((smilie)))

Yeah, having four more new Skylanders sure makes up for the worse game design, worse physics, complete abscense of even the old Quests/Heroics, no PVP, and severly lowered extra content... Even though the new elements they're in mean you need to spend more if you want 100% on your save... /s

Sarcasm / BS detector illuminated...

[User Posted Image]
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Arc of Archives Yellow Sparx Gems: 1486
#32 Posted: 02:40:09 06/11/2014
Quote: GhostRoaster
Quote: Arc of Archives
Quote: blackout3000
tfb made up for it with light and dark elements (((smilie)))

Yeah, having four more new Skylanders sure makes up for the worse game design, worse physics, complete abscense of even the old Quests/Heroics, no PVP, and severly lowered extra content... Even though the new elements they're in mean you need to spend more if you want 100% on your save... /s

Sarcasm / BS detector illuminated...

[User Posted Image]

It isn't needed with my fancy /s (/sarcasm) at the end of that post
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#33 Posted: 02:42:51 06/11/2014
My internet etiquette isn't up to the latest service pack. I thought that was an HTML outlier.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:36:32 06/11/2014 by GhostRoaster
Spinal Yellow Sparx Gems: 1032
#34 Posted: 11:39:44 06/11/2014
to sum it up with one word, disappointed.
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#35 Posted: 12:15:45 06/11/2014
Quote: Arc of Archives
Quote: blackout3000
tfb made up for it with light and dark elements (((smilie)))

Yeah, having twelve extra characters and two more adventure packs (which are probably going to be disappointly short like NE/MoM)- most of which could've tied in with other elements such as blackout becoming a Magic shadow-manipulator ala Trap Shadow or Knight Light going into Air- sure makes up for the worse game design, worse physics, complete abscense of even the old Quests/Heroics, no PVP, and severly lowered extra content... Even though the new elements they're in mean you need to spend more if you want 100% on your save... /s

Agree with the part regarding them fitting in other Elements (with some tweaks, of course, but still).
Don't agree with the worse level design, disappointigly short Adventure Packs and worse physics.

To me, they are just different, not worse or better, but I prefer TfB style.

But... You know, Arc, we can agree to disagree. smilie
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Unreallystic Emerald Sparx Gems: 3054
#36 Posted: 14:57:56 06/11/2014
The timing of this thread really gels as I just beat Kaos mode on normal.

I feel like they weren't able to catch the lightning in a bottle that Giants was, but its as good as I could have hoped. Is it perfect - no. The potential is GREAT though, and I've gotten patches - which make me happy. If only they could be convincd to expand Kaos mode a little more with more variety, it was a great side-game that I didn't rush through, yet still completed within a month of release. MAybe some kind of random stage generator for it with heavier tower defense mechanics. The story length is 'healthy', the level lengths are good and I don't feel like I'm sloshing through repetitive content. I dislike the uneven distribtuion of villains though, I'm greatly irritated by Magic only having THREE villains while tech and Life have what 6 or 7. I'm also a little disappointed with somee of the villains, only one of the magic villains actually attacks with magic, and the non-Doom-Raider villains only having two attack severally hampers there playability.

At this point I'm going to retire the game until the light/dark sets are released - at which point I can *hopefully* by Enigma, the new sets, and then do a nightmare playthrough of everything.
- Unreall
CountMoneyBone Platinum Sparx Gems: 5173
#37 Posted: 15:35:29 06/11/2014
to sum it up short... the game was a huge disappointment. IM DONE WITH THE GAME. i'm looking forward to skylanders5 now. bye and see you next year guys.
Ha! HA, sage ich.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:35:58 06/11/2014 by CountMoneyBone
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#38 Posted: 15:43:13 06/11/2014
Quote: Unreallystic
The timing of this thread really gels as I just beat Kaos mode on normal.

I feel like they weren't able to catch the lightning in a bottle that Giants was, but its as good as I could have hoped. Is it perfect - no. The potential is GREAT though, and I've gotten patches - which make me happy. If only they could be convincd to expand Kaos mode a little more with more variety, it was a great side-game that I didn't rush through, yet still completed within a month of release. MAybe some kind of random stage generator for it with heavier tower defense mechanics. The story length is 'healthy', the level lengths are good and I don't feel like I'm sloshing through repetitive content. I dislike the uneven distribtuion of villains though, I'm greatly irritated by Magic only having THREE villains while tech and Life have what 6 or 7. I'm also a little disappointed with somee of the villains, only one of the magic villains actually attacks with magic, and the non-Doom-Raider villains only having two attack severally hampers there playability.

At this point I'm going to retire the game until the light/dark sets are released - at which point I can *hopefully* by Enigma, the new sets, and then do a nightmare playthrough of everything.
- Unreall

Yeah, the uneven proportion of villains, reposes etc. is unsettling. Everything prior to this has been "even". My problem with ALL of these games is that they expect you to buy figures 6 months after the game has been played and essentially beaten. I'm wondering why we still endeavor to do this, since the content doesn't live up to the toys they throw at us. I guess a small glimmer of light is that they tried to do better with these additional adv packs, but at a cost of ripping apart all of the additional sidebar content that was in previous entries.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:43:56 06/11/2014 by GhostRoaster
DaMadNes Blue Sparx Gems: 944
#39 Posted: 16:47:43 06/11/2014
I just listed my entire collection for sale.

That's how I feel about it.
samuraituretsky Yellow Sparx Gems: 1430
#40 Posted: 18:06:36 06/11/2014
Quote: HeyitsHotDog
Trap Team is on the SF engine, right?

I recall someone saying the two development teams would both be using the engine VV used on Swap Force, but it feels to me like Trap Team is using an updated version of the Giants engine.

My biggest wish would be for the two development teams to keep the character gameplay mechanics consistent between games. I don't care if they tweak numbers with every iteration, but keep the mechanics consistent. Right now it feels like I am going to have a set of favorites for TFB games and a different set of favorites for VV games. So far, they have not been consistent with the character gameplay mechanics. Several of my favorites from Giants were ruined in Swap Force, and now several of my favorites from Swap Force are messed up in Trap Team.
smilie smilie smilie smilie
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#41 Posted: 18:26:31 06/11/2014
Quote: samuraituretsky
I recall someone saying the two development teams would both be using the engine VV used on Swap Force, but it feels to me like Trap Team is using an updated version of the Giants engine.

My biggest wish would be for the two development teams to keep the character gameplay mechanics consistent between games.

Yes and definitely--which is why folks want collaboration AND use of the same engine. Personally, I'm fine with different engines if they can effectively collaborate but that's going to become difficult if not impossible with a roster this size now. Time to double down.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Bouncepad Green Sparx Gems: 132
#42 Posted: 19:14:33 06/11/2014
PROS: Great graphics, excellent play control, cool new characters, and the awesome trap idea.

CONS: Way too short, no multiplayer, reposes add little value, but the BIGGEST issue is.... THERE IS NOTHING TO DO WITH OLD CHARACTERS. No quests, no heroics, no nothing. Basically, any old characters that are already levelled up have ZERO reason to be used. Swap Force was ugly as a mule, but it had SO MUCH MORE replayablity.
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#43 Posted: 20:26:23 06/11/2014
Quote: GhostRoaster
Quote: Unreallystic
The timing of this thread really gels as I just beat Kaos mode on normal.

I feel like they weren't able to catch the lightning in a bottle that Giants was, but its as good as I could have hoped. Is it perfect - no. The potential is GREAT though, and I've gotten patches - which make me happy. If only they could be convincd to expand Kaos mode a little more with more variety, it was a great side-game that I didn't rush through, yet still completed within a month of release. MAybe some kind of random stage generator for it with heavier tower defense mechanics. The story length is 'healthy', the level lengths are good and I don't feel like I'm sloshing through repetitive content. I dislike the uneven distribtuion of villains though, I'm greatly irritated by Magic only having THREE villains while tech and Life have what 6 or 7. I'm also a little disappointed with somee of the villains, only one of the magic villains actually attacks with magic, and the non-Doom-Raider villains only having two attack severally hampers there playability.

At this point I'm going to retire the game until the light/dark sets are released - at which point I can *hopefully* by Enigma, the new sets, and then do a nightmare playthrough of everything.
- Unreall

Yeah, the uneven proportion of villains, reposes etc. is unsettling. Everything prior to this has been "even". My problem with ALL of these games is that they expect you to buy figures 6 months after the game has been played and essentially beaten. I'm wondering why we still endeavor to do this, since the content doesn't live up to the toys they throw at us. I guess a small glimmer of light is that they tried to do better with these additional adv packs, but at a cost of ripping apart all of the additional sidebar content that was in previous entries.

Personally, I still buy new characters, even after finishing the game, because I love to try them out and see what makes them unique. Never really bought them for the sake of "using them for something specific". If that was the case, everyone would have bought only 5 more Skylanders, for Spyro's Adventure. smilie

HOWEVER some more activities for them to do (Quests, Heroics and an higher level cap) would have been a great addiction.
If there's a thing I'm sure V.V. won't miss, in Skylanders 5, is the level cap rised to 25, or even 30.
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Luminous35 Gold Sparx Gems: 2457
#44 Posted: 20:40:25 06/11/2014
And i wish there would be Online Multiplayer and more people to play with such as 4 controllers meaning 4 players can play!
smilie smilie STARCAST FOR PRESIDENT OF MY SEXUALITY smilie smilie
smilie smilie Professor Jet-Vac? I don’t feel so good. smilie smilie
kaosmumishot Emerald Sparx Gems: 3271
#45 Posted: 23:33:58 06/11/2014
The chapters in terms of length and variety
Most of the characters although Buzz is just starting to bug me a bit
The story line
That it reminds me a bit of the first 2 games
Kaos mode

Final Kaos battle
Flynn's scrolls - preferred the story scroll's
How glitchy it is trying to swap villains in traps
No heroic challenges

Just on the point of Heroic Challenges, I get why they can't/don't want to produce a new one for each character given they are starting to release thousands of new characters with each new game (may be a slight exaggeration). But I don't understand why they made them character based in the first place given that every character to complete every other character's challenge. Why don't they just make 20-40 generic challenges that every Skylander could complete? Hell just use the current ones, tweak them a bit and change their names. Problem solved.
davidm4400 Green Sparx Gems: 466
#46 Posted: 23:50:20 06/11/2014
Trappable Villains
New Skylanders
Kaos Mode
The Hub
Story Line
Attacking when jumping
Skystones Smash

No Story Scrolls (plus no rereading them)
No Heroic Challenges
Only Trap Masters can open Elemental Gates
Short Levels
No Giant, Swap Force, or Mini Zones
Characters left for SA, SG, and SW: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie andsmilie
AdamGregory03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
#47 Posted: 00:49:01 07/11/2014
-All characters fun to play as (so far I mean, I don't have everyone)
-Great levels fun to play as
-Skystones Smash
-Good story
-Large hub
-Kaos Mode good for XP and money
-Jump attacks
-Good humor

-Less to do compared to other games
-The "only Trap Masters can only open gates" thing is indeed stupid
Golden Queen did nothing wrong and she is best evil waifu.
Check this out! Please?
Unreallystic Emerald Sparx Gems: 3054
#48 Posted: 16:40:28 07/11/2014
Quote: GhostRoaster
Quote: Unreallystic
The timing of this thread really gels as I just beat Kaos mode on normal.

I feel like they weren't able to catch the lightning in a bottle that Giants was, but its as good as I could have hoped. Is it perfect - no. The potential is GREAT though, and I've gotten patches - which make me happy. If only they could be convincd to expand Kaos mode a little more with more variety, it was a great side-game that I didn't rush through, yet still completed within a month of release. MAybe some kind of random stage generator for it with heavier tower defense mechanics. The story length is 'healthy', the level lengths are good and I don't feel like I'm sloshing through repetitive content. I dislike the uneven distribtuion of villains though, I'm greatly irritated by Magic only having THREE villains while tech and Life have what 6 or 7. I'm also a little disappointed with somee of the villains, only one of the magic villains actually attacks with magic, and the non-Doom-Raider villains only having two attack severally hampers there playability.

At this point I'm going to retire the game until the light/dark sets are released - at which point I can *hopefully* by Enigma, the new sets, and then do a nightmare playthrough of everything.
- Unreall

Yeah, the uneven proportion of villains, reposes etc. is unsettling. Everything prior to this has been "even". My problem with ALL of these games is that they expect you to buy figures 6 months after the game has been played and essentially beaten. I'm wondering why we still endeavor to do this, since the content doesn't live up to the toys they throw at us. I guess a small glimmer of light is that they tried to do better with these additional adv packs, but at a cost of ripping apart all of the additional sidebar content that was in previous entries.

I'm OK with a delay of release of figures...I think it might be a bit 'too' spread out - looking at Swap Force, but if the dark/light set hit sometime this winter, then it would be ok. I think I moved at a fair pace compared to others, so about a month or so to get through most of the content (not get everything, just finish story and/or Arena/Kaos) is OK. I just can't help thinking though that they need something akin to DI's Toybox, something to prop up the replay value during the 'dead times'. Also, some kind of money pit. To me this game is a child's version of Diablo, not in terms of gameplay, but in terms of return on fun. People play Diablo because they can constantly get better or do things differently, there are also money pits built in so that it is rare to just 'sit' on a ton of money with no purpose.

And don't take me the wrong way, I'm not complaining about ANYTHING, just think when it comes to 'a month later', its what sticks out the most, I'm 'mostly' done with figures still left to collect.
- Unreall
Plordigian Blue Sparx Gems: 626
#49 Posted: 08:30:56 10/11/2014
Not much has changed within me regarding Trap Team, except maybe even less interest to get involved than before. It's puzzling, because I'm still deeply enjoying playing the other games, still keeping an eye out for figures to complete my collection for SA, Giants, and SF; I just have zero desire to play Trap Team. All of the disappointing details are a complete turn-off, and only about half-a-dozen of the new figures appeal to me in the slightest. It seems such a hollow, low-quality product. Like the goofy, cheap, knock-off power rangers or g.i. joe action figures you see in import dollar stores; pale shadows of the real deal.

My wallet's sure thankful for the year off.
Luminous35 Gold Sparx Gems: 2457
#50 Posted: 11:31:31 10/11/2014
Quote: kaosmumishot
The chapters in terms of length and variety
Most of the characters although Buzz is just starting to bug me a bit
The story line
That it reminds me a bit of the first 2 games
Kaos mode

Final Kaos battle
Flynn's scrolls - preferred the story scroll's
How glitchy it is trying to swap villains in traps
No heroic challenges

Just on the point of Heroic Challenges, I get why they can't/don't want to produce a new one for each character given they are starting to release thousands of new characters with each new game (may be a slight exaggeration). But I don't understand why they made them character based in the first place given that every character to complete every other character's challenge. Why don't they just make 20-40 generic challenges that every Skylander could complete? Hell just use the current ones, tweak them a bit and change their names. Problem solved.

Ha ha ha! See what you did there smilie
smilie smilie STARCAST FOR PRESIDENT OF MY SEXUALITY smilie smilie
smilie smilie Professor Jet-Vac? I don’t feel so good. smilie smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 11:32:28 10/11/2014 by Luminous35
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