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Trap 8 Pack- includes Life Trap with Steamed Broccoli Guy
TacoMakerSkys Platinum Sparx Gems: 5662
#101 Posted: 00:50:58 03/11/2014
Quote: Matteomax
[User Posted Image]

Looks like Walmart has this available for preorder.


But.. jeez, $40? You can buy a whole new video game for that price.

$40 is still cheaper than buying each one individually for $6 each.
words. letters. filler.
MatthewGlenHill Green Sparx Gems: 189
#102 Posted: 01:06:48 03/11/2014
The only deal I have seen that beat this was TRU's deal of buy one get one for a dollar, so that was $4 a trap but who knows if we will see that again till after Black Friday or Black Friday.
PurpleSnurple Yellow Sparx Gems: 1264
#103 Posted: 05:33:21 03/11/2014
Just FYI, I purchased my 8 pack today at Target. In my area they're putting them out early as soon as they get them in, but each store that got them only got 4.
TrapShadowFan Emerald Sparx Gems: 3511
#104 Posted: 05:44:27 03/11/2014
Does anyone know if these will ship throughout the remainder of the year? I really hope these don't disappear by December, because this was on my Christmas list.
PlayableMoogle Gold Sparx Gems: 2446
#105 Posted: 11:48:17 03/11/2014
Quote: PurpleSnurple
Just FYI, I purchased my 8 pack today at Target. In my area they're putting them out early as soon as they get them in, but each store that got them only got 4.

Nice, that's awesome! Any chance you've got the DPCI on the receipt?
PurpleSnurple Yellow Sparx Gems: 1264
#106 Posted: 12:40:29 03/11/2014
^Someone else already posted the DPCI on here. Oh, and the glue on these particular packages are very poor... most were unsealed and coming open. I think it's cause the box is under significant strain the way they designed it.
Squid7201 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1139
#107 Posted: 15:02:37 03/11/2014
Quote: PurpleSnurple
^Someone else already posted the DPCI on here. Oh, and the glue on these particular packages are very poor... most were unsealed and coming open. I think it's cause the box is under significant strain the way they designed it.

Can you post a pic of Steamed Broccoli Guys? Sorry if someone already posted it.
"Do you see this! I'm bein repressed! The governments repressin me!"
Monty Python and The Holy Grail.
Dsi568 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3173
#108 Posted: 16:02:20 03/11/2014
Quote: PurpleSnurple
Just FYI, I purchased my 8 pack today at Target. In my area they're putting them out early as soon as they get them in, but each store that got them only got 4.

If you don't mind me asking, where are you located?
Instagram: Skymiibomon_U
Twitter: @skymiibomon_U
NNID: dsi568
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:03:25 03/11/2014 by Dsi568
Rom713 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1347
#109 Posted: 19:46:30 03/11/2014
I bought this 8-pack today in Antioch, California.

DPCI # 207-00-3007

P.S. If your Target doesn't have this 8-pack in stock ask nicely employee to check inventory in other Targets around.
PurpleSnurple Yellow Sparx Gems: 1264
#110 Posted: 19:46:32 03/11/2014
Quote: Squid7201
Quote: PurpleSnurple
^Someone else already posted the DPCI on here. Oh, and the glue on these particular packages are very poor... most were unsealed and coming open. I think it's cause the box is under significant strain the way they designed it.

Can you post a pic of Steamed Broccoli Guys? Sorry if someone already posted it.

Sorry... I'm not opening mine til the holidays. smilie Plus, if they're still around next week I wanna go back and try to incorporate it into the buy 2 get 1 sale if it includes Skylanders.

Quote: Dsi568
Quote: PurpleSnurple
Just FYI, I purchased my 8 pack today at Target. In my area they're putting them out early as soon as they get them in, but each store that got them only got 4.

If you don't mind me asking, where are you located?

East Coast. smilie NoVA/DC/MD area.
MatthewGlenHill Green Sparx Gems: 189
#111 Posted: 20:46:31 03/11/2014
Sorry... I'm not opening mine til the holidays. smilie Plus, if they're still around next week I wanna go back and try to incorporate it into the buy 2 get 1 sale if it includes Skylanders.

I am hoping the same thing, I would be stoked if that deal includes skylanders!
TrapShadowFan Emerald Sparx Gems: 3511
#112 Posted: 20:59:04 03/11/2014
Can anyone post some pictures?
MatthewGlenHill Green Sparx Gems: 189
#113 Posted: 23:41:43 03/11/2014
Quote: TrapShadowFan
Can anyone post some pictures?

What pictures are you looking for?
TrapShadowFan Emerald Sparx Gems: 3511
#114 Posted: 01:05:42 04/11/2014
Pictures of the 8 pack in person.
min8or Yellow Sparx Gems: 1030
#115 Posted: 01:14:28 04/11/2014
i'd be interested in a pic of what Steamed Broccoli Guy looks like when he gets evolved, if anyone is game to do it.
271figures+11Vehicles+55Traps(+Outlaw,Riot,Steamed,Rebel,Steampunk)+38Magic Items
TrapTeamNeeded:Life and Water Minis (s2)
MatthewGlenHill Green Sparx Gems: 189
#116 Posted: 02:11:18 04/11/2014
Quote: TrapShadowFan
Pictures of the 8 pack in person.

Quote: min8or
i'd be interested in a pic of what Steamed Broccoli Guy looks like when he gets evolved, if anyone is game to do it.

I will be happy to take pictures as soon as I can get my hands on it. According to my Target store they are set to get another truck tomorrow morning (Tuesday). He told me he would check if it has the 8-packs on board and if so he would set one aside for me to pick up. According to him there is no set release date but rather that they will put them out as soon as they get them.
Dahvoo Emerald Sparx Gems: 3914
#117 Posted: 16:05:28 04/11/2014
Just picked up at Target in Southern California. They weren't out, but the sales clerk looked up the DPCI number (207-00-3007) and found them in the back.

Rang up at register just fine, $39.99 plus tax.

[User Posted Image]

[User Posted Image]

[User Posted Image]
SSA: 37/37; SG: 99/99; SSF: 174/174; STT: 254/254 & 59/59 Traps; SSC: 294/294 & 32/32 Vehicles; SI: 338/339 & 29/34 Crystals. MAX Imaginator Level: 59
Dahvoo Emerald Sparx Gems: 3914
#118 Posted: 16:09:03 04/11/2014
Quote: min8or
i'd be interested in a pic of what Steamed Broccoli Guy looks like when he gets evolved, if anyone is game to do it.

Although I haven't done Steamed Broccolli Guy's quest yet, I do have Riot Shield Shredder and Outlaw Brawl & Chain. Doing their quests gets you the "Evolved" label, but they don't change colors/outfits. They stay the same as they do before evolving. Steamed Broccoli Guy should stay the same as well after doing his quest.
SSA: 37/37; SG: 99/99; SSF: 174/174; STT: 254/254 & 59/59 Traps; SSC: 294/294 & 32/32 Vehicles; SI: 338/339 & 29/34 Crystals. MAX Imaginator Level: 59
MatthewGlenHill Green Sparx Gems: 189
#119 Posted: 16:44:30 04/11/2014
I will have to take that number with me when I go to the store today!
SSj3 Derek Gold Sparx Gems: 2061
#120 Posted: 19:28:17 04/11/2014
Has anyone seen these on the East Coast yet? I checked Target yesterday, but no luck.
Skylands71 Blue Sparx Gems: 650
#121 Posted: 20:14:03 04/11/2014
Picked mine up yesterday at Target. Maryland
Trade/Sell: 2 GITD Sonic Boom, Blue Bash
temperedreason Yellow Sparx Gems: 1351
#122 Posted: 21:16:01 04/11/2014
I think the ad said the 9th of November. Most likely Targets who have this out right now have done so erroneously.
mega spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3957
#123 Posted: 21:39:32 04/11/2014
They didn't have any a target by my house in LV. And the guy said it was online only, and didn't even bother to look in back, even after I showed him the number.
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#124 Posted: 22:36:20 04/11/2014 | Topic Creator
Got mine. They had them in the back stockroom. Had to (ironically) walk to the frozen foods section to get it.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
mega spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3957
#125 Posted: 22:41:54 04/11/2014
Quote: Matteomax
Got mine. They had them in the back stockroom. Had to (ironically) walk to the frozen foods section to get it.
Are you going to have steamed broccoli tonight? smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:14:48 04/11/2014 by mega spyro
SlayerX11 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3488
#126 Posted: 23:14:04 04/11/2014
Quote: Matteomax
Got mine. They had them in the back stockroom. Had to (ironically) walk to the frozen foods section to get it.

LOL What?

I might go look for this tomorrow or wait for sundays ad. Hmm
MatthewGlenHill Green Sparx Gems: 189
#127 Posted: 23:43:25 04/11/2014
If you go bring the DPCI number (207-00-3007) and ask them to look for it. It wasn't out so I asked them to look, they had 4 in stock and went to the back and a minute or two later brought it out for me.
mega spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3957
#128 Posted: 23:49:33 04/11/2014
Quote: MatthewGlenHill
If you go bring the DPCI number (207-00-3007) and ask them to look for it. It wasn't out so I asked them to look, they had 4 in stock and went to the back and a minute or two later brought it out for me.
The idiot working at mine didn't even bother to get up. And I even showed him the number as niceley as I could without shoving the piece of paper up his nose.
mantez Emerald Sparx Gems: 3167
#129 Posted: 00:01:05 05/11/2014
Any chance I could get a clear pic of the barcode?
Gullible is not in the dictionary.
MatthewGlenHill Green Sparx Gems: 189
#130 Posted: 00:05:43 05/11/2014
Quote: mega spyro
Quote: MatthewGlenHill
If you go bring the DPCI number (207-00-3007) and ask them to look for it. It wasn't out so I asked them to look, they had 4 in stock and went to the back and a minute or two later brought it out for me.
The idiot working at mine didn't even bother to get up. And I even showed him the number as niceley as I could without shoving the piece of paper up his nose.

That sucks, I was fortunate to get someone who was quite helpful, maybe try another day/time or another store if there are close ones.

Quote: mantez
Any chance I could get a clear pic of the barcode?

Give me a bit and I will try and get a pic of the barcode.
skylander_chaos Blue Sparx Gems: 825
#131 Posted: 00:21:26 05/11/2014
Is there a register lock for the 9th by chance?
Our collection : every Skylander, Infinity, Trap and Amiibo to date!
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#132 Posted: 00:40:37 05/11/2014 | Topic Creator
If the employees by electronics are giving you a hard time, go to the main Customer Service desk by the entrance. They won't give you any trouble with it.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
MatthewGlenHill Green Sparx Gems: 189
#133 Posted: 00:51:28 05/11/2014
Quote: skylander_chaos
Is there a register lock for the 9th by chance?

I bought one this afternoon so there was no lock for me...

Here's the barcode...

[User Posted Image]
blackout3000 Blue Sparx Gems: 568
#134 Posted: 00:51:43 05/11/2014
Quote: Wikt
Nice, we haven't opened a single pack for Trap Team half of it is for Xmas and we're wrapping up Swap Force anyways so I can return the Fire trap no problem. However I can't pre-order it the Canadian Walmart website is junk and hasn't been updated. It doesn't even have Wave 1 items added.

I know right smilie
gillgrunt32 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3283
#135 Posted: 10:12:01 05/11/2014
Anyone got a pic of Steamed Broccoli Guy's Hud Picture [img]http://i1279.photobucket.com/albums/y540/gillgrunt32/8b00351167_zpsb0797e9f.png[/img] like that
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#136 Posted: 13:18:40 05/11/2014
Kung Fu man did day after release in his reveal thread.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Taronyx Yellow Sparx Gems: 1330
#137 Posted: 16:44:57 05/11/2014
My Target in Overland Park, KS said they have four in stock in the backroom. Said they would get it and hold for me. Hopefully that's the case. I'll let you know if I get it in hand!
I don't want the world, I just want your half
Spybomb Blue Sparx Gems: 636
#138 Posted: 19:42:31 05/11/2014
Picked one up at one of the Targets here wasn't out for sale asked at guest service. They had a total of four on hand they had a drone bring one up. Southern Indiana
Taronyx Yellow Sparx Gems: 1330
#139 Posted: 19:42:44 05/11/2014
I got it!
I don't want the world, I just want your half
MatthewGlenHill Green Sparx Gems: 189
#140 Posted: 21:13:29 05/11/2014
Finally got a minute to put the traps on this afternoon so here are some pics, sorry that they are blurry but they do justice for the purpose.

[User Posted Image]
[User Posted Image]
[User Posted Image]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:16:01 05/11/2014 by MatthewGlenHill
darkrai848 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3096
#141 Posted: 02:53:59 06/11/2014
... got mine today and have to say I'm less then pleased. The life toucan is glued in at an angle, and the soaking staffs top was not glued on... not only that but the soaking staff does not even read in game... gives a broken toy error.
If you like toys to life, you might be interested in Lightseekers!
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#142 Posted: 04:00:45 06/11/2014
Quote: darkrai848
... got mine today and have to say I'm less then pleased. The life toucan is glued in at an angle, and the soaking staffs top was not glued on... not only that but the soaking staff does not even read in game... gives a broken toy error.

Return to store or Acti. Tough break...
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
darkrai848 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3096
#143 Posted: 04:54:43 06/11/2014
Mailing the Soaking staff back to activision, new one should be here about 14 days after they receive mine...
If you like toys to life, you might be interested in Lightseekers!
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#144 Posted: 12:05:48 06/11/2014 | Topic Creator
The Magic Axe (Arcane Axe.. wasn't it?) fell apart when I took it out. Got a good look at the chip inside.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
CountMoneyBone Platinum Sparx Gems: 5173
#145 Posted: 15:39:26 06/11/2014
'made in china'.... top notch quality straight outta the box.
Ha! HA, sage ich.
LordSirrus Green Sparx Gems: 417
#146 Posted: 21:39:42 06/11/2014
Searched the Tampa area Targets... no luck
Threads about moderated messages get moderated. Moderations for everyone, on my tab...
More like closedspyro.net...
skylander_chaos Blue Sparx Gems: 825
#147 Posted: 22:34:47 06/11/2014
Quote: Taronyx
My Target in Overland Park, KS said they have four in stock in the backroom. Said they would get it and hold for me. Hopefully that's the case. I'll let you know if I get it in hand!

Mine said the same..... And they did just that :-)
Our collection : every Skylander, Infinity, Trap and Amiibo to date!
Eggers Yellow Sparx Gems: 1305
#148 Posted: 02:53:37 07/11/2014
I went to Target and didn't see the 8 pack on the shelf. As was suggested here, I went to the customer service desk and gave them the DPCI number that was posted here. They looked it up and found it in the back and brought it out for me to buy.
Rainbows are nature's rainbows!
Luminous35 Gold Sparx Gems: 2457
#149 Posted: 03:03:21 07/11/2014
I will try to get it but all the traps are crappy... Why the heck is that?
smilie smilie STARCAST FOR PRESIDENT OF MY SEXUALITY smilie smilie
smilie smilie Professor Jet-Vac? I don’t feel so good. smilie smilie
SlayerX11 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3488
#150 Posted: 08:48:09 07/11/2014
Im going to just go sunday for the sale. There us 4 targets alk within 30min of me. Im bound to find one.
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