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At Toys For Bob right now... (UPDATE >> NO PVP in Trap Team)
Angry Rage Quit Yellow Sparx Gems: 1512
#101 Posted: 17:55:45 15/09/2014
SkyDad, do you fail the wave in Kaos mode if they break open the doom box? Or does it simply unleash a monstrously powerful villain that you have to deal with on top of everything else?
Whip up a storm!
skylanderkids Yellow Sparx Gems: 1999
#102 Posted: 18:07:55 15/09/2014 | Topic Creator
Here's what it looks like when you fail...
Check out 3:15 for KING Brawl and Chain and 7:00 for a King Troll
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#103 Posted: 18:41:53 15/09/2014
So do they plan on revealing what the two black box question marks are before the game releases, Skylanderdad?

Seems to me the game is very lite on content compared to Swap Force. I wish Score Attack came back at least, but if Brocks Arena in this is like Giants, that mode will be boring. Bonus/Survival in Swap Force were excellent additions that added to the longevity of the game. I like beating the scores of those on my friends list.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
TTD Hunter Gems: 6611
#104 Posted: 18:52:19 15/09/2014
Thanks for the updates, Skydad!
Looking forward to the 3DS information video smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:52:47 15/09/2014 by TTD
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#105 Posted: 19:03:03 15/09/2014
Thanks for the updates, SkylanderDad! smilie

The Kaos Mode looks sweet, even if a reversed game mode where you normally use the villains, and then swap to timed Skylanders would have been great... Oh, well.

The new Skylanders look awesome!
It must have been fun, to play as Lob Star.
Absolutely first buy, for Wave 2. smilie
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
skylanderkids Yellow Sparx Gems: 1999
#106 Posted: 19:22:43 15/09/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: GameMaster78
So do they plan on revealing what the two black box question marks are before the game releases, Skylanderdad?

Seems to me the game is very lite on content compared to Swap Force. I wish Score Attack came back at least, but if Brocks Arena in this is like Giants, that mode will be boring. Bonus/Survival in Swap Force were excellent additions that added to the longevity of the game. I like beating the scores of those on my friends list.

I asked that question and they said "not necessarily" which I am still confused about. I was under the impression it would have been this week from what I was told/hinted. I am going to another event with the family tomorrow, I don't think anything new will come out of it though, we'll see.

Quote: TTD
Thanks for the updates, Skydad!
Looking forward to the 3DS information video smilie

smilie Thanks!

Quote: Drek95
Thanks for the updates, SkylanderDad! smilie

The Kaos Mode looks sweet, even if a reversed game mode where you normally use the villains, and then swap to timed Skylanders would have been great... Oh, well.

The new Skylanders look awesome!
It must have been fun, to play as Lob Star.
Absolutely first buy, for Wave 2. smilie

Lob Star was awesome! smilie Thanks Drek!
Kevinvert Gold Sparx Gems: 2146
#107 Posted: 19:41:40 15/09/2014
What?! No PVP?! Thats like one of the best part of the game. Might not be getting Trap Team. If I don't, It will be the first Skylanders game I skipped. Wow.
Team Hot Dog!
diddy50 Gold Sparx Gems: 2554
#108 Posted: 19:49:03 15/09/2014
I don't mind the lack of PVP since there's no online gameplay, but this, I feel, hinders the chance of ever getting online in the future. Especially with the OP Eons Elite coming as well. At least I don't have to do PVP quests if they return. My wife and I play co op but her skill level is not the best, so PVP was never a thing I could actually play.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:00:10 15/09/2014 by diddy50
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#109 Posted: 19:55:54 15/09/2014
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#110 Posted: 21:34:51 15/09/2014
Skylanderkids, can you possibly ask if every element will have an equal amount of unique traps for unique villains?

In other words, if Magic were to really only have 3 enemies, would there be 3 different Magic Traps available to buy? Thanks if you can get this answered for me. I really want to know why they're hiding what's in those two black boxes.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
Angry Rage Quit Yellow Sparx Gems: 1512
#111 Posted: 21:37:32 15/09/2014
Quote: skylanderkids
Here's what it looks like when you fail...
Check out 3:15 for KING Brawl and Chain and 7:00 for a King Troll

Ah cool. So there's no way to "lose" - unless you run out of Skylanders. I thought if they broke open the box then you had to restart the wave.
Whip up a storm!
ExcitonKnight Gold Sparx Gems: 2870
#112 Posted: 21:49:47 15/09/2014
No PVP angers me immensely
Merry Christmas ya filthy animal
BeBoss Green Sparx Gems: 443
#113 Posted: 21:59:46 15/09/2014
How was your visit at toys for bob, skydad?/ any other information u havent told us yet?
My friend code for the 3ds is 3024 - 7878 - 9881. Let's play!
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10663
#114 Posted: 22:05:27 15/09/2014
Quote: BeBoss
How was your visit at toys for bob, skydad?/ any other information u havent told us yet?

...Watch the video maybe?
(What I need is never what I want)
GhostRoaster617 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3963
#115 Posted: 22:13:06 15/09/2014
Oh man this just made the situation worse than before. Now we won't know who's the best from each element and I lose the fun of others doing pvp matches and Skylander tournaments. Even worse, now I'll never know if Short Cut can beat Krypt King.
Grave Clobber is back to bury you!
Imaginators smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie Villains smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10663
#116 Posted: 22:17:39 15/09/2014
Quote: GhostRoaster617
Oh man this just made the situation worse than before. Now we won't know who's the best from each element and I lose the fun of others doing pvp matches and Skylander tournaments. Even worse, now I'll never know if Short Cut can beat Krypt King.

Damage output, damage per second, comparing stats, fighting enemies with similar styles - which is even easier now with wanted villains. Losing PVP got rid of many stuff but definately not basic tiers(not complex ones like before but you can still tell your Bone Crafter Hex from your Harpooner Gill Grunt).
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:17:59 15/09/2014 by Bifrost
Charlio Green Sparx Gems: 240
#117 Posted: 22:35:02 15/09/2014
Wow, no PVP is disappointing. smilie It was one of my favourite things about the games.

And isn't Kaos mode just replacing Survival from SF? It's an odd thing to say it's replacing Battle, though I guess they don't want to outright admit they cut a kinda major bonus feature from the game. :/

Man, I'm sad now.
I'm making Skylander avatars, free for use: http://sta.sh/2z3bpmz23of
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#118 Posted: 22:39:23 15/09/2014
Quote: gillgrunt32

1) You're way late on that. This has been out for hours.
2) You're advertising your own video, which is not allowed on the site.
A story.
sky-dragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3206
#119 Posted: 22:43:56 15/09/2014
Pvp always freeze on me sometimes so that's too bad no pvp
"ryuujin no ken wo kurae!"
nocturnalnathan Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#120 Posted: 23:45:36 15/09/2014
I can understand people being upset over PvP's removal if they have friends or family that play with them, but since I'm the only Skylander fan I know in person, it doesn't bother me at all. I don't think I've ever even opened the PvP mode once in any game after my first try with it in SSA. I do have one friend that enjoys the game when we hang out, but we just play co-op levels, so it's not like we don't still have a way to play together.
"Chicks dig giant robots"
GhostRoaster617 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3963
#121 Posted: 23:46:14 15/09/2014
Like the thing that really bums me out is that path guides now lost some purpose. Most users like my pals Wdrumz and Malicedoll would have path guides that were good for PvP and Story modes, but it's just which path is good for story mode period. The only good thing is that more Skylanders now have healing upgrades oddly enough like Fist Bump, Deja Vu and even Funny Bone.
Grave Clobber is back to bury you!
Imaginators smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie Villains smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
skylanderkids Yellow Sparx Gems: 1999
#122 Posted: 03:50:39 17/09/2014 | Topic Creator
So, the answer about traps to villains is now answered thanks to the site. The ? boxes is the final poster they told me. That's what will be in the starter pack, I asked two different people, that's insane! We might not find out before launch. smilie
jbkaok Blue Sparx Gems: 635
#123 Posted: 04:24:05 17/09/2014
Quote: skylanderkids
So, the answer about traps to villains is now answered thanks to the site. The ? boxes is the final poster they told me. That's what will be in the starter pack, I asked two different people, that's insane! We might not find out before launch. smilie

Wow. That is on the level of Apple not manufacturing the Watch to avoid leaks. We are going to find out at launch though, right??
A sword of storms! smilie smilie
buzz Blue Sparx Gems: 901
#124 Posted: 04:31:18 17/09/2014
I also confirmed with TFB that the poster with the question marks is in the starter pack. It will be quite some time before all of Trap Team will be revealed i.e. well after launch. I recommend enjoying the game when it comes out and not worrying about what we don't know yet.
Tigorus Emerald Sparx Gems: 3589
#125 Posted: 04:34:18 17/09/2014
Quote: buzz
I also confirmed with TFB that the poster with the question marks is in the starter pack. It will be quite some time before all of Trap Team will be revealed i.e. well after launch. I recommend enjoying the game when it comes out and not worrying about what we don't know yet.

lol clearly you don't know how things work around here lol. I totally agree with you though. There will be plenty to do with what we have at launch. I'm more interested in getting one Trap Master for each Element before we get the mystery figures.
Snap Shot Gold Sparx Gems: 2672
#126 Posted: 05:21:44 17/09/2014
Quote: skylanderkids
So, the answer about traps to villains is now answered thanks to the site. The ? boxes is the final poster they told me. That's what will be in the starter pack, I asked two different people, that's insane! We might not find out before launch. smilie

Wow how odd?
Croc and Roll smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Arc of Archives Yellow Sparx Gems: 1486
#127 Posted: 05:34:55 17/09/2014
Perhaps the mystery figures are actually going to be figures for the next game that work in this one... But it doesn't matter what they are and how they're hidden (unless encrypted very well)- some people will hack into the game and discover what they are, so it's stupid to hide them like this, and having a poster/Trap box with "mystery" slots when I know what goes in them will be annoying. For the record, I'm annoyed about the DI2 poster being incomplete as well, but at least there isn't anything on it hidden behind a question mark so it isn't as grating.
nocturnalnathan Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#128 Posted: 11:30:05 17/09/2014
Yeah, I give it a week after release, tops, before someone hacks the game to find out all of the hidden ? characters and in-game variants.
"Chicks dig giant robots"
TrapShadowFan Emerald Sparx Gems: 3511
#129 Posted: 13:40:44 17/09/2014
Ok, I have no doubt now that these ? mark characters are from Skylanders 5 and are Activision's first attempt at backwards compatibility in Skylanders (not counting reposes and lightcores). While I like the idea, is this much secrecy really necessary? How long after launch do you think they'll keep the secret?

EDIT: Wait, what about Flip Wreck, Bat Spin, and High Five? I'm assuming those marks will be filled in, right?
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 13:41:43 17/09/2014 by TrapShadowFan
ladala Yellow Sparx Gems: 1935
#130 Posted: 14:20:57 17/09/2014
Maybe the question mark characters aren't from Skylanders 5, but from a spinoff? Someone said earlier this year the Skylanders was going to have a spinoff this year, and when I made up a Spinoff Game, I decided a good way to do it was to introduce new characters who aren't on the poster. I would not be surprised at all if TFB actually went this route.
Thank you for releasing me!
buzz Blue Sparx Gems: 901
#131 Posted: 14:22:17 17/09/2014
Quote: Arc of Archives
For the record, I'm annoyed about the DI2 poster being incomplete as well, but at least there isn't anything on it hidden behind a question mark so it isn't as grating.

I've been playing DI2 for nearly a week now (the review embargo lifts later tonight) and they did a good job of hiding who the unannounced figures are. Wherever they appear in either of the two Hall of Heroes (one is Marvel specific -- the Helicarrier bridge) doesn't exist yet.

Anyway, back to Skylanders.
alegeobla Gold Sparx Gems: 2501
#132 Posted: 14:25:56 17/09/2014
Could it possibly be what was theorized months ago? what if the 4 questions marks are karts? the villain question marks could just be for the adventure packs, but the 'new element' questions marks, what if they were karts? not a fan of this idea, but its possible?
100% Character Upgrades: SA 43/43 SG 69/69 SSF 76/76 STT 25/69 SSC 32/34 SI 5/31 SEE 10/14
Currently Working on: Sure Shot smilie
Arc of Archives Yellow Sparx Gems: 1486
#133 Posted: 14:51:22 17/09/2014
By the way, if the question mark characters are from Sky5, it could imply Traps will work with that game because "Captain Falcon" and Eye Five are hidden. I doubt they have to do with the next game, though.

Themed HoH sounds cool, buzz. If it's something you can reveal, do you know if characters from DI1 appear in either DI2 HoH?
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 14:55:57 17/09/2014 by Arc of Archives
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#134 Posted: 15:18:36 17/09/2014
Quote: alegeobla
Could it possibly be what was theorized months ago? what if the 4 questions marks are karts? the villain question marks could just be for the adventure packs, but the 'new element' questions marks, what if they were karts? not a fan of this idea, but its possible?

Not a big fan of it either, but hey, at least the game wouldn't revolve entirely around them.
Moreover, they said they would have two more mechanics, to reveal (and one turned out to be the Minis).

But, that Traptanium Gate in the picture specifically said "Unknown Trap Master", so, it might be the introduction of a new Element, after all.
And I wouldn't be bugged, if they were just 4 early Skylanders of that new Element from the fifth game, as long as they'll release the other 14, to make everything balanced (would be even cooler if they also made a new Giant, two new Swappers and two Trap Masters).
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Unreallystic Emerald Sparx Gems: 3054
#135 Posted: 15:51:59 17/09/2014
Quote: buzz
Quote: Arc of Archives
For the record, I'm annoyed about the DI2 poster being incomplete as well, but at least there isn't anything on it hidden behind a question mark so it isn't as grating.

I've been playing DI2 for nearly a week now (the review embargo lifts later tonight) and they did a good job of hiding who the unannounced figures are. Wherever they appear in either of the two Hall of Heroes (one is Marvel specific -- the Helicarrier bridge) doesn't exist yet.

Anyway, back to Skylanders.

Thank goodness, embargos on games really irk me. I've been going back and forth on this as my son has fallen head over hills with Trap team, so the interest in DI is slowly fading in our house. I need some reviews to make my decision.
- Unreall
jbkaok Blue Sparx Gems: 635
#136 Posted: 15:53:57 17/09/2014
Quote: Drek95

But, that Traptanium Gate in the picture specifically said "Unknown Trap Master", so, it might be the introduction of a new Element, after all.
And I wouldn't be bugged, if they were just 4 early Skylanders of that new Element from the fifth game, as long as they'll release the other 14, to make everything balanced (would be even cooler if they also made a new Giant, two new Swappers and two Trap Masters).

Yeah, I could see the gate remaining as Unknown until the new trap master approaches it. That way they use the figures to unlock content, which is the hallmark of the series.

The villains also don't necessarily need to show up in the vault before you capture them either. In the previous games, figures like variants don't show up greyed out in the collection screen - they just appear once you link them. It is weird though that some of them have been leaked in level videos, which seems inconsistent with no info at all about the mystery figures...
A sword of storms! smilie smilie
buzz Blue Sparx Gems: 901
#137 Posted: 16:35:07 17/09/2014
Quote: Arc of Archives

Themed HoH sounds cool, buzz. If it's something you can reveal, do you know if characters from DI1 appear in either DI2 HoH?

Yes. The original HoH is intact in DI2 (but empty and needing filled in with characters and Power Discs), but now there's a new outdoor garden-like area where the new figures like Donald, Meridia, etc. and their Power Discs will appear. This area is mostly circular with a lower level down some stairs where some of the Power Discs are.

The Marvel HoH is strictly Marvel characters and their Power Discs.

I need to get a video capture device in the worst way, obviously smilie

Such different approaches between the two franchises. Activision adds to an ongoing story with all-new experiences, while Disney Interactive offers a slightly tweaked original game with many new features piled on top of it.
skylandsfan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5657
#138 Posted: 19:14:18 17/09/2014
Quote: buzz
I also confirmed with TFB that the poster with the question marks is in the starter pack. It will be quite some time before all of Trap Team will be revealed i.e. well after launch. I recommend enjoying the game when it comes out and not worrying about what we don't know yet.

So wait, are flip wreck bat spin and high five on the poster or still 3 ?s ?
My life will not be complete until I own Sun Dragon
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#139 Posted: 19:20:20 17/09/2014
Bat Spin's in the game, so I take it as a yes.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Tigorus Emerald Sparx Gems: 3589
#140 Posted: 19:22:35 17/09/2014
Quote: Aura24
Bat Spin's in the game, so I take it as a yes.

Ah but if the Frito Trio weren't on the poster that would account for 3 of the six "?" spots on the poster. Which would leave only 3 mystery Skylanders. I'm calling Cali, Flynn and Tessa...BOOM...as the other 3.


Disregard above. I went and looked at the poster and they already had their own slots as "?"...Oh well.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:26:40 17/09/2014 by Tigorus
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#141 Posted: 02:18:50 18/09/2014
So was the game changer announcement is that we'll be getting less this year in content outside of story mode? They aren't helping their hype factor here.

No news on heroics or quests? I guess since most of the quests take into account PvP I guess these are out too. They are seriously wiping the slate here, but not adding anything new. Now I'm feeling like getting just the starter pack only and a couple of single pack traps for me this year.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:21:30 18/09/2014 by GhostRoaster
GhostRoaster617 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3963
#142 Posted: 02:36:41 18/09/2014
Quote: GhostRoaster
So was the game changer announcement is that we'll be getting less this year in content outside of story mode? They aren't helping their hype factor here.

No news on heroics or quests? I guess since most of the quests take into account PvP I guess these are out too. They are seriously wiping the slate here, but not adding anything new. Now I'm feeling like getting just the starter pack only and a couple of single pack traps for me this year.

Not to worry my friend I'm pretty sure quests are still in the game. I mean after all if the villains each get their own quest, why not keep the quests for Skylanders? Besides I distinctively thought I heard someone already confirm quests are back, but I can't remember where I heard that.
Grave Clobber is back to bury you!
Imaginators smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie Villains smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#143 Posted: 03:47:10 18/09/2014
Two words: show me.

Most of the character menus didn't show quests anywhere, unless they were buried on stat screens. Sorry, not feeling the love from the TfB folks.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:48:20 18/09/2014 by GhostRoaster
Tigorus Emerald Sparx Gems: 3589
#144 Posted: 04:09:21 18/09/2014
I am fearful as well, that this venture will be lacking in content. The core game still looks fun and I do have to admit Kaos mode looks fun as well. I don't know why they didn't just take the easy road here and have the villain give the Skylander a passive buff (kind of like a hat) that you could stack with the hat. At this point villains are just short term changes in play style and then you switch back and things are back to normal...what's special about that? They could have won a few points, with me at least, if there was no timer to switch back. I could play as the villain as long as I wanted. As is they're jipping us out of toys when it comes to the villains (no the traps are not toys, they're just peripherals). I hate to admit this but I'd rather have Heroic Challenges back instead of nothing. Legendary Treasures are just gold now and we don't know if Charms are back yet. What is the point of the villain quests if there play time is temporary?
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#145 Posted: 11:01:27 18/09/2014
Quote: Tigorus
I am fearful as well, that this venture will be lacking in content. The core game still looks fun and I do have to admit Kaos mode looks fun as well. I don't know why they didn't just take the easy road here and have the villain give the Skylander a passive buff (kind of like a hat) that you could stack with the hat. At this point villains are just short term changes in play style and then you switch back and things are back to normal...what's special about that? They could have won a few points, with me at least, if there was no timer to switch back. I could play as the villain as long as I wanted. As is they're jipping us out of toys when it comes to the villains (no the traps are not toys, they're just peripherals). I hate to admit this but I'd rather have Heroic Challenges back instead of nothing. Legendary Treasures are just gold now and we don't know if Charms are back yet. What is the point of the villain quests if there play time is temporary?

Well, some of the villains actually have a strategic gameplay, such as Shield Shredder's sawblades, that acts as shields for the switched Skylander, or Rage Mage's magic orbs, that speed up the switched Skylander for a bit, or even Chill Bill, that can freeze enemy.
If they manage to do a lot of this villain/Skylander interactions, I'm sure the tag-team moments will be really fun. smilie
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
DaMadNes Blue Sparx Gems: 944
#146 Posted: 14:21:42 18/09/2014
Quote: Kevinvert
What?! No PVP?! Thats like one of the best part of the game. Might not be getting Trap Team. If I don't, It will be the first Skylanders game I skipped. Wow.

Agreed. What is the point of having all of these figures if you can't battle them against each other. We certainly don't need 80+ figures to beat the game. This severely hampers my motivation to collect. 90% of why I got skylanders was to play PVP tournaments with the kids. I think it may be time to move on...
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10663
#147 Posted: 14:29:55 18/09/2014
What's the point of collecting? Maybe collecting to begin with? People don't hoard action figures to play with them.
(What I need is never what I want)
Arc of Archives Yellow Sparx Gems: 1486
#148 Posted: 14:54:59 18/09/2014
People do hoard Skylanders to play with them, though. I mean yeah there are other ways to use them, but I can see how some people might see loss of PVP as huge. Imagine someone who liked to keep upgrading new Skylanders to play them against their family and friends. I was playing and upgrading them by myself most of the time anyway, so it doesn't affect me a ton- though I'm definitely very disappointed that TFB sent PVP the OPPOSITE way it should have gone- but for some people it means losing a lot of the incentive to keep replaying the game.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10663
#149 Posted: 17:43:07 18/09/2014
Well, the problem for me is that the PVP was so primitive - it's far from a fighting game, it hardly has any twists, not even 4-player battles after SF even if technically the portal can read 4 characters(two Swappers). Yeah, the story mode is short, but the co-op at least has all the gimmicks of single mode - though it could be from experience because I played with pre-teens rather than little kids; they weren't masters at the game but they knew how to solve puzzles and when to progress. It's weird that it had to be removed when console couldn't possibly have memory issues, but after a while it doesn't feel anymore like a big loss, and specially not something worth cancelling preorders over.
(What I need is never what I want)
Nightmoon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1760
#150 Posted: 18:02:47 18/09/2014
One reason for cutting PVP could be the tablet version. Since there's no online, and no signs of that being added in Trap Team except 3DS Skystones Smash, it would have to be cut from the tablet version anyway, thus PVP was replaced with a single-player compatible mode.
Phoenix Crystal is the best unreleased Crystal.
Skylanders Academy Season 2 was an improvement.
I don't know what to think of Skylanders' future.
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