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serious topic about God [CLOSED]
aran Emerald Sparx Gems: 4040
#1 Posted: 01:39:26 09/09/2014 | Topic Creator
so lets talk, do you think god is real? why do you believe god is real ,or not real?
Dark Bro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4523
#2 Posted: 01:46:41 09/09/2014
I'm a christian.
I believe in my lord and savior.
"The circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are."
Mewtwo - Pokemon:The First Movie
Ninpire Gold Sparx Gems: 2951
#3 Posted: 01:49:30 09/09/2014
yes i believe hes real because whenever i do something jerky to a friend i spill water all over my pants
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:49:47 09/09/2014 by Ninpire
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8741
#4 Posted: 01:52:29 09/09/2014
I don't know.
Big Green Platinum Sparx Gems: 6345
#5 Posted: 01:52:40 09/09/2014
i am an evangelical gokuist

Quote: Cynderfan507
I was a Christian when I was a kid, then I thought that it was all fake and believed in evolution.
Then a friend of mine told me something about a bird turning into a fish or a fish turning int a bird and I realized how little sense that made.
So now I dunno.

you can believe in evolution and be christian at the same time, also i thought that fish turning into birds only happened in wind waker
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:53:14 09/09/2014 by Big Green
Wild Platinum Sparx Gems: 5045
#6 Posted: 01:53:53 09/09/2014
I'd sooner believe in gods than a singular god but my beliefs are still relatively convoluted (to myself, mostly) so /shrug

advice, however: post serious threads in idle chatter (but I know why people post threads here instead)
IsisStormDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 7127
#7 Posted: 02:01:22 09/09/2014
I find it easier to believe in multiple gods than a single god, personally. I do believe in a 'higher power' (for lack of a better term), but I also don't feel like going into specifics there because I'm a bit too tired to really explain all of that at the moment. I believe I did post it on another topic awhile back I guess I could look for it, but only if someone is actually curious.

And if we're talking about the Christian God, well, I'm not even sure if I can say 'I used to be Christian' because even as a child something about it didn't click with me and I only went along with it to make my family happy. :/

I also feel indifferent to evolution, as it neither proves nor disproves the things I believe.

I'm scared of saying anything more because I don't want to accidentally start something.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 02:13:47 09/09/2014 by IsisStormDragon
Thunderdragon14 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8109
#8 Posted: 02:01:28 09/09/2014
i don't believe in god. in my opinion, the whole concept is dumb. i don't have anything against christians or people believing in anyother religion. people are free to believe in whatever they want, i am too.

hope my mom doesn't find out because i live in a christian family and i'm not sure how they'd react
Quote: Alydol
go back to whining about your fish
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6266
#9 Posted: 02:01:30 09/09/2014
No. There's a significant amount of evidence that points to evolution existing, but little to no proof for the creationist theory, or other religious theories relating to our creation and existence.

I appreciate some of the morals and values that religions tend to teach; particularly polytheistic religions that focus more on these values than the obeying of any higher power. But I don't think there's a higher power that exists.
LevanJess Emerald Sparx Gems: 3516
#10 Posted: 02:13:22 09/09/2014
Quote: Pixilism
I constantly switch around between believing and not believing. No deity that I know of has ever shown any shred of evidence to their existence, so why should I believe in something that is written in a man-made book or writing? It just seems very unlikely that such a being(s) exist. I might be open the the belief that god(s) or others exist, but there just haven't been any proof of it, and there probably never will be.

I agree with this. While I do kinda like the idea of a higher power existing, I just find it hard to fully dedicate myself into believing in something that I'm not strongly convinced is true, I guess.
but i love it all smooth
cowpowa23 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4833
#11 Posted: 02:21:30 09/09/2014
I believe in God......
Don't really know what else to say on that. :/
I am a Cow.

AvatariDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 6085
#12 Posted: 02:27:03 09/09/2014
I belieeeeeve~
♥ May 23, 2011 ♥
zer0dch Ripto Gems: 1916
#13 Posted: 02:30:42 09/09/2014
I believe in God, yes.

For some reason that shocks my friends.
Iceclaw Hunter Gems: 10161
#14 Posted: 02:32:33 09/09/2014
There isn't a lot of actual evidence that the Christian God exists but at the same time there's also the slight possibility that he or several Gods might really exist so I just question it all
Twinkies and 2hus
Dark boy Green Sparx Gems: 167
#15 Posted: 04:50:55 09/09/2014
Kinda I mean I'm jewish but I take everything from the Old Testament in a more metaphorical term. It's a interesting topic really but I'm still too young only a tween to fully grasp everything. I really love the Jewish community as a whole though so that's most of my reason for being a Jew.
I'm a free-minded scientific Jew.
Rustling jimmies since 2002
aran Emerald Sparx Gems: 4040
#16 Posted: 06:26:08 09/09/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: Wild
I'd sooner believe in gods than a singular god but my beliefs are still relatively convoluted (to myself, mostly) so smilie

advice, however: post serious threads in idle chatter (but I know why people post threads here instead)

more traffic
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7940
#17 Posted: 07:02:11 09/09/2014
I don't believe in God at all because he has never helped me or my family in any way. Don't give me that "god works in mysterious ways" **** because I just don't believe it. I believe in the Big Bang and evolution.
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
Samius Hunter Gems: 9303
#18 Posted: 07:55:33 09/09/2014
I don't, I am an atheist. I have no reason at all to believe that a god exists. On the contrary, I have quite a few reasons to think that he doesn't.

Quote: Cynderfan507
I was a Christian when I was a kid, then I thought that it was all fake and believed in evolution.
Then a friend of mine told me something about a bird turning into a fish or a fish turning int a bird and I realized how little sense that made.
So now I dunno.

I have to ask, was your friend talking about evolution when he/she told you about a "bird turning into a fish" or vice versa, because that's not at all what evolution is about.

I'd like an answer, but I won't turn this into a conversation if you don't want to. Since people in darkSpyro are so damn sensitive about serious discussions.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 07:59:49 09/09/2014 by Samius
Project_Unnamed Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10455
#19 Posted: 13:33:03 09/09/2014
Existence of God, gods, divine entity and divine entities has been perpetual source of debate for human kind since we randomly became to be. I must admit that I am guilty for having these things in my mind once in a while. My opinion has varied over this matter throughout the years I’ve lived. But let me explain my “own” findings.

In my early years I believed in God. I really thought that up there in the great unknown is an entity that watches over us and cares for us, protecting us. But my views changed radically when I started to develop more analytical view of world and started to find reason and purpose for things that happen. Mainly because of this awakening to the world of science, reason, logic, etc. happening in my puberty years I denied everything that can be considered divine. But come this day, I am not that black and white about this matter.

I do not believe in divine entities that are out of human reason, observation and all in all man-made abstract creations that possess the powers of existence, destiny, and right for ultimate judgment. I understand that people have needed those entities at first to explain the things that cannot be explained. And of course people seem to have a need to feel that this all that is happening right now, the existence, life and the course of the things that have been and are to come mean something and there is a reason and ultimate retribution in a form of ethical financial statement. And this is of course actually understandable thing because we do now know everything and probably will never even know. And if there will be the day when all the secrets of existence will be discovered the existence itself will reorganize into something even more incomprehensible.

The thing that I stated above is strongly connected to an idea of afterlife. The fear of perishing especially without meaning and purpose that would actually matter can be cold and not caring. But I really do not believe in afterlife. This is the one shot we have, this is our existence and that is all. When we go for our final journey we come one with the Earth and integrate our life force and energy with it. So to make most of our time that we can function here we must do something that makes us feel better, which is the eventual point of my current view of divinity.

I believe in a divinity as an idea. Divinity that many personalize as a God or multiple gods is a state of mind and things that are and are to be within every one of us. We have come from the Earth, we are animals, and we are its creations. And to cope and survive as long as possible we should search for clarity and a state of most plausible happiness. Therefore maybe heaven, hell, paradise, perish, enlightenment and divine final judgment are actually already here and it is up to us to create and work for those ideas to come alive.

My point is that I really do not believe in traditional concepts of divinity and its representative entities. I believe that God, gods, divine and holiness is a reality that exists in the world of ideas and non-spoken contract between all the over 7 billion of us. It is certainly not something supernatural and highly abstract. It is eventually real and can be extremely tangible. At least this is what I think right now. Of course I cannot know my certain opinion in the future.
I might give you more opinions... for a small fee of course.
Badwolfmichael Gold Sparx Gems: 2511
#20 Posted: 15:18:42 09/09/2014
I'm what you'd call a Christian. I believe in God. I... just have a lot of questions and is worried about a lot of things and don't make sense to me. But still, Evolution, the whole lightning fish walking ape human-thing, Makes ZERO sense to me. Yet, sometimes I feel compelled to not beleive. But then again, Christianity seems so real, and good. Plus, society is crazy nowadays, and seems to be doing what the bible said.
dinorang67 Gold Sparx Gems: 2409
#21 Posted: 00:13:10 10/09/2014
I do believe in the theory of evolution passionately, but I still respect others' beliefs, because if God is real,

I am screwed.
and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out a
zer0dch Ripto Gems: 1916
#22 Posted: 00:14:11 10/09/2014
Quote: dinorang67
I do believe in the theory of evolution passionately, but I still respect others' beliefs, because if God is real,

I am screwed.

Samius Hunter Gems: 9303
#23 Posted: 05:08:52 10/09/2014
Quote: Cynderfan507
Yeah, she was. Apparently birds became fish (or fish became birds?), hell I dunno.

Well, that's not what happened. Your friend obviously has some misconceptions about evolution, or is deliberately trying to make it sound illogical so that you wouldn't believe it.

I actually have a great video that explains the whole thing very well. You don't have to watch it, but you could learn a lot from it.

Kitty Platinum Sparx Gems: 5106
#24 Posted: 10:22:49 10/09/2014
Years ago, I was a devote Christian. I found it comforting to know there was a deity watching over me, and knowing there was a plan created just for me.
I was a "cherry-picking" Christian, only believing parts of the belief system that I wanted to believe. I believed in evolution and that the big bang occurred. I liked the good, but I ignored the bad, like the idea of innocent people being damned to an afterlife of merciless torture, all because they wouldn't worship said deity.

The more I learned about Christianity, the more twisted and outrageous it sounded. I dwindled out of it and turned into an agnostic, still unsure if there are any types of deities until about a year ago, when I officially labelled myself an atheist.

I want to believe everyone should practice whatever religion they see fit, but then I hear about horrible things like families disowning their children for being gay and going against "God's plan." So clearly, not everyone should be practicing a religion that sends such hateful messages (If you say otherwise, you clearly know nothing about the Bible).

As long as people are going to practice their religion without hurting anyone, then I respect their decision.
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5183
#25 Posted: 10:33:45 10/09/2014
Atheist, and always have been.

my convoluted ideals come across as dickish, so i won't go into detail. i pity the fools that are raised to believe in religion, i really do.
self professed austGAYlian
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#26 Posted: 11:31:08 10/09/2014
I don't really have any religion, but I'm not atheist ether. I've never really believed in God, but it's not to an atheist level, if that makes sense. I just believe whatever I think is believable, like evolution, and that no after-life exists (but I do like reading about the after-life in fiction). If one day someone proves that God exists, then I would be all for it.

And I also believe some religions take it too far, like Jehovah's Witness. I find their concept that you can't celebrate any birthday, including your own, ridiculous.

also, i personally love the idea of reincarnation, and if it existed i would be pretty darn happy
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Phantom Platinum Sparx Gems: 5241
#27 Posted: 14:25:58 10/09/2014
Naw. I don't think there's a god.
Falling Chandeliers
Medicus Gold Sparx Gems: 2405
#28 Posted: 20:04:05 10/09/2014
Personally I think alot of the bible is true but a few things were probably changed when it was written....
Hello There, Old Friends!
LegoLander Yellow Sparx Gems: 1760
#29 Posted: 22:44:10 10/09/2014
I'll see when I die, I guess. smilie
But seriously, why would an omnipotent being be able to overlook the possibility of sociopaths, sadists, corruption, etc.
Just doesn't make sense.
The person who finally changed his Christmas avatar. Give me a cookie.
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#30 Posted: 02:47:25 13/09/2014
Quote: shorty
I don't practice religion, really, but I believe it's possible that a god (or gods, for that matter) exist. I guess the best way to describe it is that I don't really think humans will ever really be able to know if a 'higher power' exists or not so I'm pretty much open-minded about the whole thing? I don't really identify with any religion because of this but I do personally like learning about different religions and I think it would be cool to study religion one day. c:

a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
LunarDistortion Ripto Gems: 3606
#31 Posted: 10:19:29 13/09/2014
Atheist, I used to be a christian as a kid, but as time went on I found more and more problems with the idea of god. I never really did anything as a christian, I prayed once or twice in certain times of need, and went to church once, but nothing long term, it just didn't seem worthwhile to me.

I come from a Christian family, so I haven't told them, I honestly don't know how they'll react. I'm sure it will be fine after a little bit, but i'm going to wait a long while before I say anything.

As a former christian, I don't have anything against anyone practicing any kind of religion. I just don't believe in any religion.
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8741
#32 Posted: 11:10:30 13/09/2014
Quote: Big Green
i am an evangelical gokuist

Quote: Cynderfan507
I was a Christian when I was a kid, then I thought that it was all fake and believed in evolution.
Then a friend of mine told me something about a bird turning into a fish or a fish turning int a bird and I realized how little sense that made.
So now I dunno.

you can believe in evolution and be christian at the same time, also i thought that fish turning into birds only happened in wind waker

Evolution proves that Gokuism is fake.
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8457
#33 Posted: 11:34:28 13/09/2014
I'm VERY liberal with my beliefs. As long no matter what sexuality you are, religion or atheist, as long as your a good person. You'll get into Heavan. There are a lot of inconsistencies in the bible. Like Noah's Ark, THAT is impossible to do, especially back in the day. Two of EVERY Animal? Imagine the size of the ship.

To elaborate more, watch this.

Here's part two (But not the same user)

Part Three (Not same user)

Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 11:36:30 13/09/2014 by HeyitsHotDog
Carmelita Fox Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12375
#34 Posted: 13:19:43 13/09/2014
Quote: CAV
No. There's a significant amount of evidence that points to evolution existing, but little to no proof for the creationist theory, or other religious theories relating to our creation and existence.

I appreciate some of the morals and values that religions tend to teach; particularly polytheistic religions that focus more on these values than the obeying of any higher power. But I don't think there's a higher power that exists.

Pretty much what I was going to say. I don't believe in any gods, but I don't mind people who use their beliefs to motivate them to do good.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 17:08:17 13/09/2014 by Carmelita Fox
Big Green Platinum Sparx Gems: 6345
#35 Posted: 16:11:57 13/09/2014
Quote: somePerson
Quote: Big Green
i am an evangelical gokuist

Quote: Cynderfan507
I was a Christian when I was a kid, then I thought that it was all fake and believed in evolution.
Then a friend of mine told me something about a bird turning into a fish or a fish turning int a bird and I realized how little sense that made.
So now I dunno.

you can believe in evolution and be christian at the same time, also i thought that fish turning into birds only happened in wind waker

Evolution proves that Gokuism is fake.

shut up godless heathen
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#36 Posted: 16:16:35 13/09/2014
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#37 Posted: 16:39:47 13/09/2014
Quote: Thunderdragon14
i don't believe in god. in my opinion, the whole concept is dumb. i don't have anything against christians or people believing in anyother religion. people are free to believe in whatever they want, i am too.

hope my mom doesn't find out because i live in a christian family and i'm not sure how they'd react

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