darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders: Trap Team > Question marks on poster
Snap Shot Gold Sparx Gems: 2672 |
#1 Posted: 22:45:39 25/08/2014 | Topic Creator
Anyone have a clue what these are? New elements?
Croc and Roll |
xXBeavcoonXx Gold Sparx Gems: 2648 |
#2 Posted: 22:49:31 25/08/2014
Matteomax probably does.
But of course, he can't tell us!
now its time to get funky |
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8560 |
#3 Posted: 22:50:05 25/08/2014
No one knows yet, but judging the inclusion of an "unknown element" gate in the first level of the game we're assuming that they're new elements. Except for the one's in Water/Life/Undead, which are the Frito Lay competition Skylanders.
Quote: xXBeavcoonXx
Oh, yes, that too. Lucky sod. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:50:31 25/08/2014 by bionicle2809
xXBeavcoonXx Gold Sparx Gems: 2648 |
#4 Posted: 22:52:01 25/08/2014
Quote: bionicle2809
Of course, he knows that too! ANOTHER thing he can't tell us! Hooray!
now its time to get funky |
RetroMe91 Blue Sparx Gems: 539 |
#5 Posted: 23:45:48 25/08/2014
My guess would be a new element with two new trap masters and two new cores (Obviously no new reposes as its a new element). Each element only got two trap masters and two new cores, so the numbers are correct. On the poster Chaos has his own element. Could correlate with that. I would also go as far as predict one of these four figures to be female (most likely the trap master since there are only three female trap masters as of right now). They said there was a larger amount of females in this game and didn't really show us that much more. So my guess is this Is where we shall find at least one more female.
Technos Green Sparx Gems: 213 |
#6 Posted: 00:20:28 26/08/2014
Well my theory is the four unknown characters are one trap master and three cores. There is an uneven number of characters so far with five on five elements and four on three elements. And things should be balanced when three of these unknowns are cores. The fourth is a trap master obviously because of the unknown trap master gate.
Favorite skylanders of each element: |
loukcas Red Sparx Gems: 50 |
#7 Posted: 01:02:22 26/08/2014
Since the official websit says : 16 trapmasters and 18 new cores , we can concluded that there is no trapmaster and two core skylanders , for the two other questions marks i have no clue. Maybe two reposes or two minis...
Epic popthorn Emerald Sparx Gems: 3298 |
#8 Posted: 01:23:48 26/08/2014
Quote: loukcas
In an interview someone said AT LEAST 16 Trap Masters and 18 cores. |
ToySoldierMafia Blue Sparx Gems: 916 |
#9 Posted: 01:33:37 26/08/2014
Quote: loukcas
This. That's what I've been saying. They are probably Minis for the new core characts since we didn't get a set number of minis promised. Quote: Epic popthorn
The website just says 16 Trap Masters and 18 cores. Was it directly from an exec from Activison? |
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124 |
#10 Posted: 09:23:24 26/08/2014
I think it's either new elements...or secret Trap Masters
allskate03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2915 |
#11 Posted: 19:25:56 26/08/2014
Or it could be the legendary skylanders for trap team
Ssa 44/61, giants 69/87, swap force 79/89, trap team 59/65 traps 56/62. Have all cores and variants just not chase,fuzzy,gid |
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10561 |
#12 Posted: 19:31:08 26/08/2014
Doesn't add up with the lore,however. If there is an Unknown Element, it wouldn't involve the Legendaries - they're made of gold and possibly lapis-lázuli or some metal painted blue, which would make them belong to the Earth Element if they didn't have the powers of their original counterparts.
SO I'LL GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT (What I need is never what I want) |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:31:56 26/08/2014 by Bifrost
SirKev7 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1251 |
#13 Posted: 19:41:28 26/08/2014
I doubt its a new element. Variants possibly? There are also question marks at High Five, Flip Wreck and Bat Spin's spots on the poster (the one with the names underneath each character) and we already know well what they are.
Bionichute Yellow Sparx Gems: 1889 |
#14 Posted: 19:42:33 26/08/2014
Matteomax knows, but he's not telling.
I'M A KAMEN RIDER //forum.darkspyro.net/spyro/viewposts.php?topic=129460 Check out my Skylanders game idea! |
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10561 |
#15 Posted: 19:45:11 26/08/2014
Well he probably can't. If I was Acti, two days after the Smash 4 leak from the guy at Nintendo of America, I'd make Matteomax and any youtubers sign a NDA as soon as they got the slightest hint of what the Unknown Element/Question Mark characters could be.
SO I'LL GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT (What I need is never what I want) |
Epic popthorn Emerald Sparx Gems: 3298 |
#16 Posted: 21:00:11 26/08/2014
Quote: ToySoldierMafia
I remember Lou Studdert saying that. |
allskate03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2915 |
#17 Posted: 21:15:35 26/08/2014
Or it could be the 4 elite ones as well, I know toys r us check list last year for swap force had their legendary skylanders on the poster
Ssa 44/61, giants 69/87, swap force 79/89, trap team 59/65 traps 56/62. Have all cores and variants just not chase,fuzzy,gid |
ToySoldierMafia Blue Sparx Gems: 916 |
#18 Posted: 21:23:58 26/08/2014
Quote: allskate03
That's true, but I find it unlikely since Eon's Elite do not have red bases. I don't think they're really a part of Trap Team, exactly. But even if they are, that still leaves Skylanders unaccounted for. So the question marks could really be anything. |
loukcas Red Sparx Gems: 50 |
#19 Posted: 00:15:43 27/08/2014
The press release said eight elite figures and there is only four "?". I don t believe new element because it would be something "big" ( although would not change much in terms of gameplay) and they would have created more figures in each as they would have a very high potential to sell. A chaos element does not make sense to me because the main character is obviously chaos and we will get a trap, a chaos figure would made this trap useless...
Windumup Emerald Sparx Gems: 3217 |
#20 Posted: 05:33:28 27/08/2014
Quote: loukcas
Learn how to spell the name of the main villain He isn't chaos he is KAOS *enter dramatic effect here* And they mean a character with chaotic qualities (Like maybe one like Eruptquake who is a volcano tiki guy who can make earthquakes)
Ugh I wish my body wasn't a mess |
loukcas Red Sparx Gems: 50 |
#21 Posted: 12:01:03 27/08/2014
Quote: Windumup
This is exactly what I meant when I said that it would not change anything in terms of gameplay. The kind of guy you are talking about could easily be an earth or a fire core... |
xXBeavcoonXx Gold Sparx Gems: 2648 |
#22 Posted: 13:09:50 27/08/2014
I don't think it's a new element. I just don't.
Wouldn't that kind of screw up the Core Of Light in the first game?
now its time to get funky |
wgeorge111 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3774 |
#23 Posted: 14:27:26 27/08/2014
I am thinking new element because not only does the character box have a question mark but the element box has a question mark also. The element question mark is for both characters of the box. So I am thinking two new elements with two characters for each new element.
Image has been reduced in size by 275%. Click here to expand to 179x19. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:47:29 27/08/2014 by wgeorge111
Dark fhoenix Emerald Sparx Gems: 3166 |
#24 Posted: 14:48:31 27/08/2014
Are you sure its a new element ? The 8 elements have polar opposites and they paper rock scissor each other . If they gonna add in more elements it should be at least two extra or it wont fit .
Hey Skylander your health is low and we have a chainsaw |
BP Blue Sparx Gems: 631 |
#25 Posted: 14:48:40 27/08/2014
The question marks at the top could be for the adventure packs. The two big boxes could be for the level pieces, and the two smaller ones under each could be for the powerups.
wgeorge111 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3774 |
#26 Posted: 16:50:31 27/08/2014
Quote: Dark fhoenix
There are two. Image has been reduced in size by 275%. Click here to expand to 179x19. |
wgeorge111 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3774 |
#27 Posted: 16:55:40 27/08/2014
Quote: BP
The smaller boxes underneath are for the characters names. |
JimmyIMMORTAL Blue Sparx Gems: 774 |
#28 Posted: 17:00:55 27/08/2014
I'm thinking 2 new cores one each for earth and undead as this covers the 18 cores that have been stated. Also a repose of trigger happy for tech. That brings all elements to 7 characters each. As for the final one I thought it would be a repose of spyro, yes he has a mini but I just cant see TFB reposing gill grunt and not spyro. It would also make sense as spyro, gg and th were the first ever announced characters for the series.
Collection: 242/254 + 59/60 traps + All Magic Items. Riot Shield Shredder, Outlaw Brawl and Chain, Steamed Broccoli Guy and Rebel Lob Goblin. |
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803 |
#29 Posted: 17:31:28 27/08/2014
I think this is just a marketing gimmick to keep us guessing.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:31:43 27/08/2014 by GhostRoaster
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761 |
#30 Posted: 17:31:59 27/08/2014
Quote: JimmyIMMORTAL
Are you talking about two COMPLETELY new Cores? Because that is not gonna happen. The Elements are already balanced. 2 Trap Masters and 2 Cores for each one. Reposes don't count. They can make 3 S4 for an Element and only one for another. Didn't tought about the Elements rock, paper scissors mechanic. So at least two new Elements...? Mmmh... I was thinking about a Kaos and Glumshanks figurines, but... It doesn't seems fine...
”Gulp, lunch time!” Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154 |
Qcumber Yellow Sparx Gems: 1054 |
#31 Posted: 17:39:39 27/08/2014
I think the new Elements aren't going to be common Elements (e.g. Sound and Light) because they'd have 4 new Skylanders each like the other Elements.
On the achievements list, there's an evil bird with yellow/red eyes and a villain with eyes on his hands that weren't on the poster, so they might be from the new Element/Elements. I think one of the new Elements is going to be Alien/Space because: 1) In one of TheSkylanderBoy AndGirl's videos, there's a space level (it was in Trigger Snappy's trailer). 2) The eye villain looks like an alien. However, if there's a Space Element, there's probably a Time element too. One of the levels is called "Back From the Future", so that might hint towards a Time Element. Or it might just be the Unknown Element, because Aliens can count as "Unknown". However, that's only one Element. I think Space and Time Elements are very likely, and Light and Dark/Good and Evil Elements are the least likely Or maybe Sound and Light. Evil/Dark Element is as impossible as Activision suddenly deciding to cancel Trap Team, because we can already trap 85% of villains we've seen, and how is it even possible to have "Evil" and "Good" Villains? It couldn't just be Skylanders-only either, because we'd probably have a Kaos figure instead of a Trap, and the whole point of STT was to trap villains, not buy figures of them. Basically: Space and Time Elements are most likely, and Light/Dark Elements are least likely.
You can't handle MEMES |
wgeorge111 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3774 |
#32 Posted: 18:10:45 27/08/2014
Quote: GhostRoaster
I agree with you that it is a marketing gimmick, however, I think this is just a marketing gimmick to make more money. If you introduce two new elements what does that extrapolate to for the future games. It means more figures to be able to sell for the new elements. Now everything moves from 8 elements to 10 elements meaning way more figures and way more $$$$$$$$$$$. Also someone on this site is entitled to give his opinion on these posts. Something like that makes no logical point or something like that seems like a logical point. opinion - a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. |
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 18:23:30 27/08/2014 by wgeorge111
nocturnalnathan Gold Sparx Gems: 2137 |
#33 Posted: 18:17:13 27/08/2014
Based on the fact that we saw a question marked Traptanium gate in the gameplay, I'm still betting that these secret characters are going to be classified literally as the "Unknown" element, keeping the question mark as their elemental symbol.
It'll most likely be two more Trap Masters and two more new Core characters. On the rest of the poster the Trap Masters are shown in separate boxes from the rest of the element characters, so that explains why there are two boxes still. Because they won't have any elemental alignment, it won't even interfere with the rock-paper-scissors idea, since they won't be stronger or weaker than any other element.
"Chicks dig giant robots" |
Qcumber Yellow Sparx Gems: 1054 |
#34 Posted: 18:31:17 27/08/2014
Quote: nocturnalnathan
I think the (literally) Unknown Element is the second most likely possibility, but I don't see how the yellow-eyed bird (see my last post on this thread) could be "Unknown". Birds can fly, so he/she/it could easily be in the Air Element. However, the eye villain could easily be Unknown.
You can't handle MEMES |
wgeorge111 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3774 |
#35 Posted: 18:33:04 27/08/2014
Quote: nocturnalnathan
Since these question marks are so hush hush is it possible that the gameplay was demo disc play that blocked the true picture of the element? |
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10561 |
#36 Posted: 18:45:32 27/08/2014
The question mark being the elemental symbol would be probably hilarious but it doesn't fit the style. Maybe if it was more stylized and wasn't taken straight out of the Times New Roman font, since the other elemental symbols are also stuff associated with the element but they all have a thing of other telling them apart from simpler drawings (Undead always has one eye hole being smaller than the other, Magic always has the triangles pointing at specific directions, Fire has that hole in the middle that looks like a 5).
SO I'LL GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT (What I need is never what I want) |
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321 |
#37 Posted: 19:21:48 27/08/2014
Time/Space elements could make some sense.
However, thinking about the two boxes with question marks, makes me think why they've only shown 14 molds for Traps. Perhaps there are 16 molds, but two haven't been revealed due to there MAYBE being two new elements. I don't want to count my chickens before they hatch, but it all certainly falls into place a bit.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28 |
Qcumber Yellow Sparx Gems: 1054 |
#38 Posted: 19:34:02 27/08/2014
Also, it's incredibly unlikely that it's only the Unknown Element, because there are two boxes.
All of the Skylanders' Elements are opposites (e.g. Fire=Water, Earth=Air, etc.) so they're almost certainly going to be opposites. When we first seen the finalized Starter Pack, there was a poster on the side. Someone zoomed in and got a picture of it, and we could see a colour in place of the unknown Elements. I can't find the picture, but if I could, it would give us another (very big) clue to the new Element/Elements. If anyone could find that (and post it here), we'd have another clue.
You can't handle MEMES |
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10561 |
#39 Posted: 19:55:29 27/08/2014
As said before, it could very much be an Unknown Element which doesn't affect either alignment. It can't help the Darkness, it can't help the Core of Light, so it wouldn't break the lore because it's not an element the Skylanders actually need.
Qcumber, I don't have the picture, but if it's grayish blue like the gate and the result screen symbol(and it's not Undead, which every now and then uses that color), then that's the color you need to look for.
SO I'LL GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT (What I need is never what I want) |
nocturnalnathan Gold Sparx Gems: 2137 |
#40 Posted: 21:13:15 27/08/2014
Quote: Qcumber
There being two boxes doesn't necessarily mean two elements. Like I said before, on the character poster the Trap Masters are in their own box separate from the Core characters. It's just as likely that there are two boxes because there will be two Unknown Trap Masters and two Unknown Core figures.
"Chicks dig giant robots" |
HunterYellowstn Green Sparx Gems: 129 |
#41 Posted: 23:53:00 27/08/2014
My guess is for a light and dark element. They have already talked about light and dark in one of the story scrolls(can't remember which one) so it would fit with the cannon. Kaos would dark and Eon would be light. Yes that would mean that there would be a trapable Eon, but it wouldn't be the Eon. It would be one from a different dimension. And there is evidence for that because of the sidekicks being from the miniverse and the larger role that they are playing now. This would mean that the idea of light not being good and dark not being bad being brought up which might not mesh as well. Also, there is the issue with undead sort of being a dark element and magic sort of being light. But what if light and dark are a more concentrated version of it?
One thing which could happen and would help the new elements are skylanders being promoted to the elemnts, like ascended Spyro and fallen Cynder(I can't think of better names right now.) They wouldn't be reposes though, they would have all new movesets and an more drastic change. Yes, this would mean that spyro would have three figures this game, but it happened in the first. I can't see too many other elements that would work because they wouldn't have nice foils. And as for time/space, Deja Vu pretty much ruins that idea. |
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10561 |
#42 Posted: 00:05:14 28/08/2014
Light and Dark elements still break the canon. The Core of Light is made of all elements, not just exactly Light, having it would be reduntant(actually the 'light' part is pretty much the Crystal Eye and the Earth Eternal Source's job). Having a Dark element raises eyebrows when any Skylander can 'convert' into a Dark form if they had some nice serving of Darkness at some point in the series and had Spyro to keep them from going evil. Four characters only for those makes no sense.
SO I'LL GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT (What I need is never what I want) |
Dark fhoenix Emerald Sparx Gems: 3166 |
#43 Posted: 01:01:31 28/08/2014
How about Chaos and Order elements ?
Hey Skylander your health is low and we have a chainsaw |
JimmyIMMORTAL Blue Sparx Gems: 774 |
#44 Posted: 02:41:55 28/08/2014
Quote: Drek95
On the skylanders site and their original announcement they said there would be 18 cores. I don't think it'll be any new elements.
Collection: 242/254 + 59/60 traps + All Magic Items. Riot Shield Shredder, Outlaw Brawl and Chain, Steamed Broccoli Guy and Rebel Lob Goblin. |
Epicscratch42 Green Sparx Gems: 328 |
#45 Posted: 11:01:20 28/08/2014
Another item pertaining to new elements: if they made two new elements (We'll say Light and Dark for an example), they would have to change the Trap Team logo to include these element symbols, wouldn't they? And since there are just 8 element symbols on the logo, the Unknown Skylanders could just be new characters they don't want to reveal yet. I don't think we'll be seeing new elements, as cool as that would be.
Tuff Luck and Scratch are the best Skylanders ever! |
Qcumber Yellow Sparx Gems: 1054 |
#46 Posted: 14:51:08 28/08/2014
Quote: Epicscratch42
I think the logo will (always) only show the original 8 Elements. Besides, there's no other explanation for the yellow-eyed bird and eye villain. If the 4 new Skylanders were in one of the already-existing Elements, the question marks would be in that Element (the Fritolanders' question marks are in their respective Elements). Also (I'd forgotten this), Time Element isn't possible, as Deja Vu is Magic. However, that doesn't mean there's not a Space Element. I think both of the Elements are Space-related. Possibly an "Alien" Element as one of them? IDK what the second could be, though.
You can't handle MEMES |
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761 |
#47 Posted: 15:09:38 28/08/2014
Quote: Qcumber
There is an explanation for those two villains. They could be from one, or two of the already existing Elements (Eye Five is probably the Magic Doom Raider).
”Gulp, lunch time!” Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154 |
Wolfgang Gold Sparx Gems: 2051 |
#48 Posted: 18:02:41 28/08/2014
Honestly, if there were a Light element and trap, I'd love to see Glumshanks as the "Light" villain.
♫Cheap smoke, risin' like a spirit in the- soft glow of a New York street. No glamour or garb can hide the animal heart inside of me.♫ |
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10561 |
#49 Posted: 19:28:37 28/08/2014
Glumshanks is just as evil as most of Kaos' troops,though. He's obviously not a fighter or with any skills with technology like the other Trolls, but the only reason he doesn't do evil things is because he's horribly pessimistic(as demonstrated in SF, which is by far the best moment in that game).
SO I'LL GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT (What I need is never what I want) |
wreckingballbob Emerald Sparx Gems: 4565 |
#50 Posted: 19:29:49 28/08/2014
Skylanders that don't belong to any element.
5.7. |
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