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The Hunted (Sequel to The Missing s) [CLOSED]
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#951 Posted: 20:04:51 18/08/2014 | Topic Creator
Sybil's relief quickly turned into worry.
"What? But how?... Why would Peepers be so close to that monster?" she asked. It was the first thing that came to her mind. Shadow was a reptile that didn't seem like the jumping type, especially with those short paws, so she figured the warbler must have been extremely close to him. But why would he take such a risk? Peepers was not that distracting, and he was the type to always play safe, so Sybil was both worried and confused...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#952 Posted: 20:35:43 18/08/2014
Skaliscin didn't react to the contact with AJ's paws, her demeanor staying the same. "There's been a lot of trouble lately, AJ," she stated bluntly, continuing at his pace. "Have you heard of the infiltration? Dingoes and some giant, drooling lizard have been harassing everyone, particularly Rose."
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#953 Posted: 20:39:38 18/08/2014

I walk through the forest with my snake friend beside me. My deep blue eyes glisten as I look around for food. I like being with my friend, it makes me feel less alone.

"What! No, I haven't. I've been gathering food by myself in the forest for some time. Has anyone alerted Anvor and Bjorn? They're big enough and fierce enough to protect us from anything even humans. Dingoes and a great big lizard will be a treat compared to any humans. They are resting by the usual place we gather on the beach. By the way have you seen Chica? I feel like our past is intertwined with one another, but I need to talk to her. Unfortunately I can't find her anywhere."

Royal stands guard over the Kea tree, helping them gather all their supplies for the long journey home. His golden eyes flash in the light as he scans for danger. His talons glint threateningly in the sunlight.

Jaerl remains at his tree beside Sybil's. He needs to talk to her alone, but she has not returned. Content to wait he start the long and tedious precious of grooming himself.

Anvor and Bjorn, the elephant brothers have since fallen asleep to the gentle lull of the ocean waves and the warm sun. Though if anyone needs them, they will be up in an instant. They are just currently tired and resting.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 20:46:19 18/08/2014 by Wyrstel
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8699
#954 Posted: 20:41:35 18/08/2014
Quote: Felines
Sybil's relief quickly turned into worry.
"What? But how?... Why would Peepers be so close to that monster?" she asked. It was the first thing that came to her mind. Shadow was a reptile that didn't seem like the jumping type, especially with those short paws, so she figured the warbler must have been extremely close to him. But why would he take such a risk? Peepers was not that distracting, and he was the type to always play safe, so Sybil was both worried and confused...

"It was partly my fault.," Sayan spoke up opting to take part of the blame. "Something happened and that lizard ended up on the island before we had a chance to get off. I was serving as an distraction and.. and Peepers here intervened so that I wouldn't get bit.," he said wishing he had seen that coming.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:42:38 18/08/2014 by redwes
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8701
#955 Posted: 00:09:05 19/08/2014
Rose stayed quiet. Her ears were down. "But he's ok. Do you know where we could get him cleaned up?"
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#956 Posted: 01:19:36 20/08/2014 | Topic Creator
OOC: Wrystel, you know the keas already moved, right? No matter, we can say ere are still a few things to pack, so I'll let it be smilie

Quote: redwes
Quote: Felines
Sybil's relief quickly turned into worry.
"What? But how?... Why would Peepers be so close to that monster?" she asked. It was the first thing that came to her mind. Shadow was a reptile that didn't seem like the jumping type, especially with those short paws, so she figured the warbler must have been extremely close to him. But why would he take such a risk? Peepers was not that distracting, and he was the type to always play safe, so Sybil was both worried and confused...

"It was partly my fault.," Sayan spoke up opting to take part of the blame. "Something happened and that lizard ended up on the island before we had a chance to get off. I was serving as an distraction and.. and Peepers here intervened so that I wouldn't get bit.," he said wishing he had seen that coming.

Sybil was not as naive as she appeared to be. Something was very wrong with their testimony, and she wanted to find out;
"Something happened? What was that something Sayan? I know Peepers. He is too coward to risk himself like that, and he's very attentive. He couldn't have been distracted." Sybil pointed out, determined to dig the truth. She wasn't sure if they were lying, but they certainly weren't telling her everything...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8701
#957 Posted: 02:26:44 20/08/2014
"He really did! I didn't want to leave Sayan so Peepers went to distract Shadow and in the process he nearly got eaten." Rose said as her ears went down.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#958 Posted: 04:21:24 21/08/2014 | Topic Creator
"Distract? Him!?" Sybil said its awe, as if that was taboo with a warbler like him. She was convinced now Rose was telling the truth.
"Rose, didn't Peepers told you in time that Cairo was going to pick you up? Why weren't you at the beach as soon as he told you?" Sybil asked, trying not top make it sound like a scold. She assumed Rose was too far from the beach and Peepers had to distract Shadow so she could reach the orca safely. She was completely oblivious that Cairo's humiliating mistake was the one to blame...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8701
#959 Posted: 04:30:42 21/08/2014
"I was on the beach but then somehow that lizard got away from Cairo and waited for me." Rose said. "I had to run back and around so I could get to Cairo."
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#960 Posted: 22:46:18 21/08/2014 | Topic Creator
"Somehow?" Sybil asked, still not convinced.
"Wow, that lizard must be much faster thn I thought, even for such short legs. I have seen Draco run pretty fast for someone with short legs." she said, remembering he saw him get out of the water while hunting.
"Poor Cairo. That thing must have eluded him too fast for him to catch him, but yet again, he should have waited in the water until you appeared. That lizard can swim, but I believe there was no way for him forhim to escape Cairo's element." she cleared up, still oblivious that there was more to the story. Either way, she wasn't asking more about the matter, and was happy and relieved to see Rose okay, and that Peepers was able to escape that horrifying ordeal...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8701
#961 Posted: 01:35:54 22/08/2014
Meanwhile with Cairo.........

"Well, well, well long time no see Cairo. How's the pod?" Jet asked.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#962 Posted: 04:05:21 22/08/2014 | Topic Creator
"Who the heck are you?" Cairo asked, then realized that it was the orca he saw earlier before his hunting. Then in less than a second, he immediately went to some very obscured flashbacks.
"You!? How dare you? I thought I told you once, you not welcome here anymore...Jet." Cairo said with a tone of hate when he mentioned his name, remembering that heated rivalry they had when they were younger, long before he met Sybil...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8701
#963 Posted: 04:08:02 22/08/2014
"Well that's not a way to treat an old pod member." Jet said.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#964 Posted: 05:00:46 22/08/2014 | Topic Creator
Cairo was not amused, and wanted Jet to tell him why he was there or otherwise leave.
"What do you want? If it's a fight you are looking for I promise I won't go easy on you this time." he threatened, believing that Jet's sole intention was to take away his title of leader of the pod again...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8701
#965 Posted: 18:57:35 22/08/2014
"No I am simply passing by and I thought why not visit my old rival?" Jet said. "Which reminds me I should be going I have a special pick up I should be off to pick up." Jet said.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#966 Posted: 00:58:18 23/08/2014 | Topic Creator
Cairo went in front of him and didn't let him proceed any further.
"Hold it there! Pick up what?" he demanded, growing suspicious. What he gonna pick something... or someone? He doubted 100% that the pick up had anything to do with Sybil's Haven, or something good overall.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8701
#967 Posted: 01:20:50 23/08/2014
"Oh don't you worry Cairo. I am simply getting some fruits to bring to the haven." Jet said as he lied.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#968 Posted: 01:22:19 24/08/2014 | Topic Creator
Cairo was not at all convinced.
"Not even your own mother would believe such a lie. How do you know about the Haven anyway? I'll talk to S...the founder and see if she knows you." Cairo said, deciding not to reveal Sybil's name in case Jet meant harm. He decided to put him to the test though.
"You claim that you are going to gather some fruits to the Haven. Well then, may I ask, what is the founder's name?" he asked as he interrogated him. Wether he knew Sybil's name or not, Cairo was very certain that the civet didn't knew that orca at all...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8701
#969 Posted: 01:36:47 24/08/2014
"Well it's Sybil my good friend." Jet said. He only knew the name because of Sadow telling him about his ordeal on the bridge.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#970 Posted: 02:25:31 24/08/2014 | Topic Creator
Cairo was worried about how he knew her name, but he decided to still test him.
"Knowing her name doesn't change anything. She has become quite famous after all. And I doubt you are helping with the Haven if there's nothing in it for you. I'll ask mistress Sybil myself to see if she knows you, and in the meantime, don't even dare to make anything imbecile." Cairo threatened, letting him go but making sure to send a spy later. He then went towards the beach again in hoped that Sybil would still be there and tell her everything...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8701
#971 Posted: 04:48:11 24/08/2014
Jet smirked and headed towards the other island. "Heh! Stupid orca he has a little surprise awaiting his little friends when this 'fruits' are delivered."


Rose looked at the still unconscious Peepers still wet with the slobber of Shadow. "Sybil do you know where we can get Peepers cleaned up and where me and Sayan can watch him in safety?" Rose asked.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#972 Posted: 00:11:56 25/08/2014 | Topic Creator
"He can get cleaned up at the creek near my tree. Those waters are very clean." Sybil remarked, remembering that the fish she get there are pretty big and healthy.
Cairo appeared from the waters behind Sybil, but after seeing how Peepers was still in such a pitiful state, he didn't dare to face her, but he needed to ask her urgently. Instead of calling her, he decided to make little splashes of water to get her attention...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#973 Posted: 00:59:49 25/08/2014
"Yeah, it's been a crazy few days." Skaliscin continued to slither by AJ's side, her expression hollow. "I haven't seen Chica anywhere. She'd be thrilled to hear what happened to Rose. That fat gecko bit her paw and almost killed her with his slobbery filth."
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8701
#974 Posted: 02:15:16 25/08/2014
"Thank you Sybil." She turned to Sayan. "Come on Sayan lets get Peepers cleaned up.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8699
#975 Posted: 03:15:50 25/08/2014
Sayan merely nodded and proceeded towards the creek.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#976 Posted: 03:17:19 25/08/2014 | Topic Creator
Now that the two of them were gone, Sybil could concentrate better and heard the splashes.
"Oh, Cairo, you're here! I can't express my gratitude for bringing them safe here. Sure, poor Peepers went through some horrible ordeal, but he is gonna be fine." Sybil assured, being optimistic.
Cairo lowered his head in shame and embarrassment, but did noticed that Sybil didn't mentioned if he was to blame for that. Either she forgave him fast or Rose and Sayan didn't tell on him. Whatever the case, there were more important matters now.

"Miss Sybil, this is important. Do you know an orca named Jet?" he asked patiently but worried.
"Why, no Cairo. First time I hear that name." she answered, but Cairo did not reply. He instead turned around and went to Jet's direction as fast as he could, with the poor civet wondering what was that all about. A new orca? She was hoping it wouldn't represent a territorial situation for Cairo. There were enough problems already on land to have more on water.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#977 Posted: 16:55:14 25/08/2014

"Well I'm glad Rose is alright at least. I just wish I knew where Chica was? Then I could get some answers about our connection," I say as I walk beside my friend, Skaliscin.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#978 Posted: 02:22:08 26/08/2014 | Topic Creator
Sybil returned to her tree, exhausted about everything. She didn't have stress like other times, and now that Shadow is where she belongs and poor Peepers is being taken care of, she decided that it was best to sleep and recover the precious energy she drained looking after the Komodo dragon problem. She didn't even payed attention to her surroundings...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8701
#979 Posted: 02:27:40 26/08/2014
Soon Rose reached the creek and took Peepers off of her back. "Peepers, Peepers wake up." She said gently.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#980 Posted: 03:39:47 27/08/2014 | Topic Creator
Peepers had it's pupils very dilated, and was mumbling to himself. It wasn't after a while that he recovered just some of his sanity.
"Oh ho, the striped little beauty is safe, Did Mr. shadow developed migraine? Did it hurt?" he said, letting unclear why he mentioned migraine in the first place. He was conscious, but such a close call let him too stirred and babbling to himself occasionally.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8701
#981 Posted: 04:05:21 27/08/2014
"Easy Peepers you're safe." Rose said gently. "Here lets get you cleaned up." She gently helped him into the creek to clean him off.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#982 Posted: 18:17:44 27/08/2014 | Topic Creator
Sybil watched a little from her tree, as she gently submerged into a very deep sleep that almost felt like a coma.

At the waters between the two islands, Cairo was calling violently for Jet. Knowing him in their youth, he knew whatever he was up to, it was no good, and he was determined to find out, even if he had to beat him to near death...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8701
#983 Posted: 19:09:02 27/08/2014
Jet soon reached the other island to pick up the fruits. Shadow was waiting. "Sorry I'm late master. There were complications with Cairo."

Shadow glared at Jet but he steped forward. "You've done well my loyal orca. Just don't let it happen again. Gain Cairo's trust and then at night we shall make our move." He said with a flick of his toung. He then heard Cario's booming voice. He quickly turned away and ran into the jungle.

Jet swam off towards Cairo's voice.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#984 Posted: 00:37:50 28/08/2014 | Topic Creator
Cairo managed to see that Jet was on shore, but was too far away to catch a glimpse of Shadow retreating.
"So then, any idea how you plan to get the fruits if you can't go on land?" Cairo mocked, showing that he had large suspicions of him.
"I talked to miss Sybil, and she hasn't heard of you, not once. And don't tell me you are just some Good Samaritan, cause I wouldn't believe such a stupidity of position from you." Cairo commented very threatening, meaning to make Jet very unease and make him feel threatened enough for him to gave in and reveal whatever sneaky plan he had up his fin...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8701
#985 Posted: 04:00:42 28/08/2014
"Don't you try to intimidate me! I know your tricks and they won't work on me." Jet said. "My business is my business not yours!" He said circling Cairo. "All I wish to do is challenge you for rights of alfa male of the pod!"
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#986 Posted: 15:20:12 29/08/2014 | Topic Creator
Jet didn't even need to explain that. He knew that was his reason alone, just like it was all those years ago.
"So be it. If you think I lost my touch you are mistaken very badly. I will beat you so hard, you will wish you have never returned." Cairo threatened, very determined to hurt Jet and defend his position as the alpha.
"Oh, and one more thing; this issue is between you and me, so don't you even DARE to involve any animal from land or my family." he specified, with a terrifying voice. He knew that Jet would go as far as to target members of his family or even those of the Haven, and maybe even hold them for ransom. He was intending to hurt him, no more, but if threatened any member of his family, or especially Sybil and her guest, he was determined to kill him without remorse.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8701
#987 Posted: 19:08:06 29/08/2014
"You know me I would never do that. " He smirked. "Your move first."
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#988 Posted: 02:20:04 30/08/2014 | Topic Creator
Cairo didn't want to fight now, but he didn't let his guard down.
"You're just obsessed with humiliation, aren't you? You know you can't beat me. I will give you just one chance to swim away and leave these waters, if you don't , then I swear I will beat you to a pulse." he threatened, sounding extremely serious. Cairo was almost two thirds Jet's size, so he was very confident of his power.
"You have one hour. I find you here by that time, and I will show no mercy." he then warned, leaving. He had his back on Jet now, but he was more than prepared to turn around in case he was coward enough to attack him from behind...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8701
#989 Posted: 02:32:53 30/08/2014
"Heheheh, such a coward you are Cairo. Backing down from a fight? Heh! Weakling!" Jet said.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#990 Posted: 02:52:28 30/08/2014 | Topic Creator
Cairo didn't care what Jet said.
"Remember, one hour." he repeated, demonstrating that Jet's words didn't hurt his pride a bit. He knew better, which is why he kept his cool.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8701
#991 Posted: 03:01:32 30/08/2014
"And I'll be waiting." Jet said.


Rose gently put Peepers in the creek to clean him off. "Easy Peepers you're safe."
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#992 Posted: 04:01:04 31/08/2014 | Topic Creator
Cairo couldn't believe it. Jet actually was going to stay there to challenge him later. He decided to still give him an hour, but he didn't trust him, so as soon as he was on the other island, he would send either a seagull or a pelican to spy on him.

Meanwhile, Peepers felt asleep. Not even the sensation of wet feathers was enough to wake him up. Sybil, just a few yards away from them in her tree, was also asleep. It appeared that it was quite a day for the both of them, especially poor Peepers, and they needed to recover their energy. Things were probably going to get worse soon enough...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8699
#993 Posted: 05:19:43 31/08/2014
"After today's events, he'll probably be out for awhile.," Sayan said seeing that the poor thing would certainly need its rest.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:23:41 31/08/2014 by redwes
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8701
#994 Posted: 14:29:03 31/08/2014
"Yah. Lets get him to a sunny spot so he can dry off." Rose said taking Peepers out of the water.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8699
#995 Posted: 06:36:17 01/09/2014
"Over here should work.," Sayan said motioning towards such an spot.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#996 Posted: 13:52:12 01/09/2014 | Topic Creator
Even with all that movement, Peepers was still fast asleep. That day's events was enough to drain anyone.

Pleasant was the dreams of the little warbler and civet, but Cairo wasn't feeling the same. He was beginning to wonder if letting Jet wander by was a good idea. After reaching the shores of the Haven, he was splashing in the water the only way he did when he was calling the marine birds. There weren't many that time, since they were fishing, but solitary Amy was there. Getting the signal, she rushed to Cairo.
"Oh Amy, I got a task for you. Listen carefully..." Amy soared gently on top of his head as she listened carefully.
Please care not to be seen. You may distinguish Jet for his strange-looking dorsal fin and scar on his face." he then specified, and Amy rushed towards the other island to spy on Jet, just as she was instructed...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#997 Posted: 14:54:52 01/09/2014
"Connection?" Skaliscin questioned. "You said you knew each other from before. How's that possible?" She thought back to how she and Voracivenom had spent their days together before being separated. It was a miracle that they managed to find each other again. She wondered if AJ's situation was identical in the matter.


Speckles was lounging on a pebble by the bridge, alone with his thoughts. He was thinking about Skaliscin. She seemed to be acting more of a jerk, but at the same time, less of one. It was like she couldn't decide how she felt about things. This lead him to wonder why she was such a tightly coiled bundle of nerves in the first place. She kind of reminded him of himself in that sense.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8701
#998 Posted: 16:45:38 01/09/2014
Rose gently grabed Peepers by the scruff and gently cared him to the sunny spot.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#999 Posted: 13:23:30 02/09/2014 | Topic Creator
Peepers was in a sleep so deep, practically nothing Rose did was enough to wake him up. He was, however, raising his feather eyebrows in a very disturbing matter, as if he was having a nightmare.

He did actually, and he was not the only one. Sybil managed to get a deep sleep too, but she soon found herself in the middle of a nightmare. What was strange was that it was in black and white, and she could recall there was a lot of water, and that she was both fighting and suffering...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8701
#1000 Posted: 17:59:59 02/09/2014
Rose layed next to Peepers to keep him safe. "Poor Peepers. That lizard butt scared him for life."
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