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Official Assassin's Creed Topic! NOW WITH MORE UNITY [CLOSED]
Templarhunter97 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1362
#51 Posted: 13:32:29 09/05/2014
Quote: StriderSwag
Quote: Templarhunter97
Quote: StriderSwag

I heard that they have a few more ideas to pull out but that Feudal Japan is one they won't be doing for a while, and same with China.

I really wanna see a WWI AC, one in the Wild West, or one all the way back in the First Civilization.

Yeah they sound wicked what about Medival England King,Ireland set in revolution that would totally rock.

There are so many possibilites that are just endless.

But a First Civillzation whoa now that would be EPIC!

I know right. I thought of it after Shaun said something to Desmond about wondering what would happened if they dialed the Animus back to the First Civilization.

And technically if the Animus was real and we had that tech, we'd all be able to access those memories too. Something I read was that something like if you got a group of people of around 1000, every 100 would have the same DNA as one person in the Crusades, so they'd be related.
For all you know, over 100 people could experience Altair's memories.

This game series is so mind blowing up and yet so brilliantly made.

Sometimes I wish the Animus was real and we could reveal what really happened in the past of true history,Instead of what is written in books.

Quote: DarkCynder_543
lol i actually liked lucy despite what she did

but i was never a fan of desmond

I really did not warm up to Lucy but I really loved Desmond he was a lot like Altair.

A misunderstood character.
We work in the dark to serve the light-Nothing is true-Everything is permitted.
And i am still waiting for a sequel to bully smilie
StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769
#52 Posted: 00:42:43 08/06/2014 | Topic Creator
[User Posted Image]

I'm breathing new life into this topic with the E3 banner for Unity.
And I'll honestly be surprised if it isn't Connor to the right there.
Templarhunter97 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1362
#53 Posted: 09:03:05 08/06/2014
Connor where?
We work in the dark to serve the light-Nothing is true-Everything is permitted.
And i am still waiting for a sequel to bully smilie
StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769
#54 Posted: 15:07:45 08/06/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: Templarhunter97
Connor where?

The middle guy. I said the right but I messed up. I think the middle guy is Connor.
Templarhunter97 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1362
#55 Posted: 13:54:46 09/06/2014
Connor I don't know if he will be in this Assassin creed but it will be interesting to see.

I wonder what is happening to Assassin Creed Comet and this New thing that is caught my attention of Assassin Creed Rising Phonix does Rising phonix have something to do with Desmond coming back to life maybe?
We work in the dark to serve the light-Nothing is true-Everything is permitted.
And i am still waiting for a sequel to bully smilie
Templarhunter97 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1362
#56 Posted: 02:26:49 10/06/2014

The trailer is WICKED.

Arno and the other assassin are really in killing style.
We work in the dark to serve the light-Nothing is true-Everything is permitted.
And i am still waiting for a sequel to bully smilie
StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769
#57 Posted: 02:04:52 12/06/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: Templarhunter97

The trailer is WICKED.

Arno and the other assassin are really in killing style.

[User Posted Image]
- - -
Templarhunter97 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1362
#58 Posted: 11:02:50 12/06/2014
Quote: StriderSwag
Quote: Templarhunter97

The trailer is WICKED.

Arno and the other assassin are really in killing style.

[User Posted Image]
- - -

Yeah totally awesome.

The song in AC:Unity trailer is from Lorde Everyboday wants to rule the world.

Now when is Assassin creed Comet be announced for Xbox 360 and PS3.

Some of my mates think Assassin Creed sucks. I tell them go back to their games.

I am a proud Assassin Creed Fan and No one will change that.
We work in the dark to serve the light-Nothing is true-Everything is permitted.
And i am still waiting for a sequel to bully smilie
TTD Hunter Gems: 6591
#59 Posted: 12:21:29 30/07/2014

Templars and Assassins working together in Unity?
Spyro-Fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5325
#60 Posted: 12:29:05 30/07/2014
*hops in*

Hello, another crazy AC fan here.

I saw the latest trailer yesterday, and today I noticed something at the very end of the video (when they zoom out from Arno and Elisa ready to fight). It lasts like... a millisecond but I managed to pause lol.

[User Posted Image]

Arno's watch set to 13:56.

What does it mean.

My first thought was look for it in the Bible and came across this:

Quote: Matthew 13:56
And his sisters, are they not all with us? From where then has this man all these things?
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:36:21 30/07/2014 by Spyro-Fan
TTD Hunter Gems: 6591
#61 Posted: 13:56:04 30/07/2014
Quote: Spyro-Fan
*hops in*

Hello, another crazy AC fan here.

I saw the latest trailer yesterday, and today I noticed something at the very end of the video (when they zoom out from Arno and Elisa ready to fight). It lasts like... a millisecond but I managed to pause lol.

[User Posted Image]

Arno's watch set to 13:56.

What does it mean.

My first thought was look for it in the Bible and came across this:

Quote: Matthew 13:56
And his sisters, are they not all with us? From where then has this man all these things?

Yeah, I saw that. Arno was raised by Templars, so I wonder if that watch was given to him by his Templar father.
Nightmoon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1760
#62 Posted: 20:19:17 31/07/2014
Assassins and templars working together isn't exactly a new concept, but the collaborations have been temporarily honest at best, deception/infiltration at worst (this goes for both sides). And then there are the converts, like Maria (AC1, Bloodlines, Revelations), Haytham and less important characters I forget the names of.
Phoenix Crystal is the best unreleased Crystal.
Skylanders Academy Season 2 was an improvement.
I don't know what to think of Skylanders' future.
Kevinvert Gold Sparx Gems: 2146
#63 Posted: 22:50:40 31/07/2014
Another AC game? I haven't got to play New Leaf yet!
Team Hot Dog!
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