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The Hunted (Sequel to The Missing s) [CLOSED]
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8849
#801 Posted: 19:16:51 02/07/2014
Sayan laid down as well. He tried not to think of the humans, but them and global warming simply went hand-and-hand with the conversation.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 19:47:43 02/07/2014 by redwes
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#802 Posted: 01:25:17 03/07/2014 | Topic Creator
"Oh don't worry. The fog can last for hours sometimes, but the thickness doesn't. It will be clear enough to see in about a few minutes." Nia explained, feeling chilly.

"Though I must tell you, this fog if fun for a while, but you simply get tired of it wonder those black and white whales didn't see our home in such a long time." she then said, finding awesome how a simple civet could befriend such formidable creatures. She was so exited by the subject she didn't even noticed her quiet cousin.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8777
#803 Posted: 01:40:37 03/07/2014
"That's good." Rose said with relief. "Yah Sybil said the orca's just recently found your island and she could come here if only the bridge wasn't out."
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#804 Posted: 04:38:42 04/07/2014 | Topic Creator
"That is no excuse. The orcas could assist her like they did to you two." Angus said, breaking his silence. He knew fully well that the civet could have arrived anytime she would have wanted. He could barely imagine all the responsibilities she had.

This concern was causing him pain. Whoever Sybil was, she was no ordinary stranger. All the great things he has heard from her made him feel the urge to help her, which is why he was planning to do something unbelievable as soon as the fog was clear enough to see...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8849
#805 Posted: 09:21:33 04/07/2014
"I don't think she wants to abandon it just yet.," Sayan commented. He imagined that abandoning the island would probably mean abandoning all hope too.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 09:22:32 04/07/2014 by redwes
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8777
#806 Posted: 20:46:24 04/07/2014
"Especially with that big lizard around the haven." Rose said.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#807 Posted: 04:34:12 05/07/2014 | Topic Creator
When Rose mentioned Shadow, it made Angus more determined. Now the fog was clear enough to see, and without a moment's haste, he flew off towards the Haven. Nia, who was too concentrated on getting some humidity off her feathers, didn't noticed her cousin flew off...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8777
#808 Posted: 15:07:54 05/07/2014
"Hey where are you going Angus?!" Rose called after him as he flew off.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8849
#809 Posted: 07:16:18 06/07/2014
"Probably something really stupid...," Sayan said with a sigh. He hoped that Angus wasn't planning on facing the giant lizard himself.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 07:16:45 06/07/2014 by redwes
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8777
#810 Posted: 15:34:44 06/07/2014
"I hope he doesn't that thing is dangerous. You've seen what it can do. Just look at what it did to my paw." She said showing her still bandage paw.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#811 Posted: 01:56:09 07/07/2014 | Topic Creator
"Wait wait wait, what are you guys talking about? Angus is right he..." Nia stopped as she turned around and discovered that Angus was indeed gone.
"Oh fantastic! I... It's not like him to run off like this! Why didn't you guys stopped him? I gotta go tell dad. You must wait here." she said, as she flew off into the fog, though she really didn't care if the two cats followed her or not.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8777
#812 Posted: 02:17:29 07/07/2014
Rose sat down. "Ditched again."
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#813 Posted: 18:46:31 08/07/2014 | Topic Creator
Meanwhile at the Haven, Sybil was receiving every help she could. With no sign of the elephants or Chica, she could only imagine they have left the Haven since it wasn't safe anymore, or maybe they were in hiding. Thunder couldn't be counted on either. She knew that there must have been some sort of cavity between the forest and the outback that allowed Shadow and the dingoes to enter as they please. If she only could find it...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#814 Posted: 18:11:47 13/07/2014
The medics paid little to no heed to Shadow's warnings.
"Hm, your pads seem a bit cracked," one said, caressing his foot with a paw. "We have a little remedy for that."
"Your scales seem a bit dull; have you been getting enough nutrients in your diet?
"You have such pretty eyes!"
They continued to observe every nook and cranny without fear.


Speckles looked around the waterhole, taking in the morning scent of the dew and exotic flowers. Before he could observe its lush beauty any further, fog collected on the forest floor. "Hey, Whirlpool? Are you out here?"


Voracivenom trailed behind Sybil, trying to help her find out how the dingoes could have been getting in. He showed her slopes in the cliff separating the forest from the Outback. "I'm afraid that dingoes aren't the only problem right now, Mistress. The warblers have been complaining about those weasel-like creatures lately. They seem to be stealing their young, according to them. Skaliscin has been complaining about them too, oddly; she's unnerved by them."
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8777
#815 Posted: 20:23:14 13/07/2014
"Easy now. You guys are getting into places you shouldn't." Shadow hissed but he enjoyed the care and complements. "How much longer is this going to take? I have residents to terrorize places to make my own." He asked.


"Man I want that thing off the island!!" Rose said pacing back and fourth.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8777
#816 Posted: 23:02:38 18/07/2014
ooc: Bump! Come on don't let this RP die!
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#817 Posted: 18:06:28 20/07/2014 | Topic Creator
OOC: No no. Sorry for being inactive. Have been too distracted this summer. Sorry.

"Mr. Shadow... Listen, this has gone too far! Wherever you are, let's make a deal..." Sybil called, high on the trees. This madness was going too far. There must be a way to make the Komodo leave. That was the priority for now. She was hoping he would be proud and decent enough to come alone, without the dingos assisting him...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8777
#818 Posted: 18:19:57 20/07/2014

"I think I'm good for now." Shadow said to the healers. He then went to Jaeger and his small friend. "Well I'll be off. Residents to terrorize places to be." He said with a flick of his tung. "Be sure to keep your part of the deel.....find that tiger and bring her to me." He said before heading off into the forest. He then heard Sybil calling out for him. "Well, well she came to me huh?" He said to himself. He continued to follow Sybil's sent untill he was right behind her. "Well come to me this time huh? This will make catching you even easer."
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#819 Posted: 18:52:22 21/07/2014 | Topic Creator
Sybil didn't allow him to continue any further, since she was a few feet high on a tree.
"So then, you finally...came." Sybil said, stammering a bit. But at least there was no way he could reached her up there, or so she hoped.

"I know it all, you know. You formed an alliance with those outback dogs, and that there is a cavity in the frontier that allows them to enter here. I really will never understand why the hate me so much, and least of all...why are you doing all this? You stupid revenge plan on dear Rose. What is your problem? What she did to you was you fault entirely! Why did you cross the bridge? Why can't you leave us alone!?" Sybil said rather fast. By the sound of her voice,it was almost too obvious that she was trying very hard to hold up the madness contained within her due to the stress the whole situation was causing her...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8777
#820 Posted: 01:02:08 22/07/2014
"Because I've made a deal with them. I said if they bring me Rose alive I would scare the residents enough to make them move or I would eat them. Second That little runt made this scratch on the side of my face." Shadow said.
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#821 Posted: 02:56:50 22/07/2014
OOC: Not sure if you saw my last post, but I'll just assume that the talk between Sybil and Voracivenom will happen after her encounter with Shadow.
Oh, and don't worry about the inactivity. I do that all the time. smilie
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8777
#822 Posted: 03:39:44 22/07/2014
ooc: You should come on more often.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#823 Posted: 03:52:17 22/07/2014 | Topic Creator
OOC: Well to motivate the activity, I finally did the new drawing. All I need to do is color it and submit it. I hope it can be done in the next two days or so smilie

"What are you, deaf? I already said that the scratch was your fault entirely. She was acting in self defense. Of course if you had been in the same position, you would understand! But you're too stupidly stubborn to understand that! And your alliance with the dingos? How coward, and for such a pathetic purpose... And my Haven, don't you see what I am trying to do to protect the animals from those creatures... you... why don't you understand?"
Sybil explained, not stammering this time. She had lost her fear over Shadow. But here eyes were wide and twitching, like somebody who was about to lose it...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8777
#824 Posted: 11:23:42 22/07/2014
"And your alliance with those elephants aren't cowardly?" Shadow said with a slight hiss. "And what's this "YOUR" haven? This was never YOUR haven it was the dingos and original inhabitants. I am merely a mercenary here to get unwanted guests like you and that little runt from taking over the island." He said with a flick of his toung.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#825 Posted: 23:51:10 22/07/2014 | Topic Creator
Sybil didn't let those words intimidate or offend her. She instead, after waiting to be calmed, explained things to him
"Now listen here you ignorant, first of all, the dingos are NOT forest animals. They are more comfortable in the outback. Second of all, I did try to be nice to them, but they don' hear reason. And third, the elephants are not my allies, they are my guests, and if you even had the most remote amount of brain, you would understand the just and noble cause I AM HAVING HERE!"
Sybil explained. Her eyes stopped twitching, but they were still wide. And she was, with no doubt, mad.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8777
#826 Posted: 21:10:46 23/07/2014
"Well that changes everything then." Shadow said. "I'll tell you what if you repair the bridge and keep it open will go back to my island. If not well you know that will happen." Shadow said. "Oh and I am allowed to travel freely between the islands without escort." He said. "This is my only offer and I'd suggest you take it."
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#827 Posted: 03:39:20 24/07/2014 | Topic Creator
Sybil didn't trust him one bit, but yet, she decided to test him.
"How do I know you're not lying? You made it very clear that you mean harm on Rose, and you treated me quite hostile when we first met at that very bridge. Besides, you already made a deal with those dingos, and I am inclining to agree that Rose is not the only one in the bargain..."
Sybil said, not as mad as before, but still openly upset. She knew the dingos hated her, and that she was probably somewhere around that deal...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#828 Posted: 13:24:52 24/07/2014
A voice was heard from not far away, and leaves rustles from under the brushes. "... the warblers looked all around the cliff, but they can't seem to find the gap, Sybil. Maybe there 's a hidden cavern that the dingoes are--" Voracivenom froze at the sight of Shadow. "Shadow... a Komodo Dragon?! How is that..." He slowly slithered backwards.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#829 Posted: 18:32:18 24/07/2014 | Topic Creator
Sybil caught a glimpse of Voracivenom, and discreetly indicated him to stay far away. She didn't want anyone else caught in the middle of her confrontation with the Komodo.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8777
#830 Posted: 20:37:00 24/07/2014
Shadow took a quick glance at Voracivenom then looked at Sybil. "You can stay my scaled friend I want you to hear as well." He said with a flick of his toung. "Now back to my terms. Ah yes Rose will be safe as long as she doesn't encounter me alone." He said. "I still won't drop what she did to my face but as a great Komodo Dragon you have my word that she or you won't come to harm as long as Rose is with someone." He said with a flick of his toung. "If you choose not to accept my only offer'll see."
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8849
#831 Posted: 20:42:25 24/07/2014
Quote: Spyroconvexity

"Man I want that thing off the island!!" Rose said pacing back and fourth.

"Don't worry.," Sayan said comforting Rose. "I'm sure they will figure out something. They'll have to.."
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8777
#832 Posted: 03:50:56 25/07/2014
"I hope they will or I'll go crazy." Rose said.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#833 Posted: 04:32:56 25/07/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: Spyroconvexity
Shadow took a quick glance at Voracivenom then looked at Sybil. "You can stay my scaled friend I want you to hear as well." He said with a flick of his toung. "Now back to my terms. Ah yes Rose will be safe as long as she doesn't encounter me alone." He said. "I still won't drop what she did to my face but as a great Komodo Dragon you have my word that she or you won't come to harm as long as Rose is with someone." He said with a flick of his toung. "If you choose not to accept my only offer'll see."

Sybil still didn't trust him, but since she was there to negotiate in the first place, she decided to give him just one chance.

"Alright, Shadow, was it? I'll hold you to your deal, but only on one condition; you are to return to your original home, leave us alone, and not make any dirty deals with those dingos. The bridge is not ready yet, but I will personally tell the orcas to give you a ride and not hurt you. And I will also make sure that Rose is not alone when she returns here."
Sybil explained, usually sealing deals with a little paw shake, but she was not crazy enough to get in front of someone that with an open of his mouth and it would be all over.

If the Komodo accepted her condition, it would be one less problem. She still had the dingos to deal with, but that will need to come later...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8777
#834 Posted: 00:52:12 26/07/2014
"You have my word." Shadow said but unknown to Sybil he was forming a plan to get Rose. First he was to get Sybil to agree with his agreement and then wait untill the bridge is complete and during the night track Rose down and get his revenge.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#835 Posted: 22:59:02 26/07/2014 | Topic Creator
"Fine, then it's a deal."
Sybil concluded, having plans of her own. She nodded her head to seal the deal, and then ordered Shadow to go far away while she walked towards the beach. She wasn't going to risk herself by going to the ground and let her back to him while she headed towards the beach. She was relieved to have made the deal, but was too worried about one thing; Cairo. She remembered the violent outburst he had due to Shadow. She needed to talk to him, greatly hoping that he was loyal enough to be trusted and not hurt Shadow as she has agreed...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:42:49 28/07/2014 by Felines
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8777
#836 Posted: 14:57:28 27/07/2014
Shadow noded and went back to the outback. But before he left he turned back to Sybil. "You may send someone or yourself to get me in the outback when you get your fat friend to agree not to attack me." He then turned back and went to the outback.
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#837 Posted: 17:29:16 27/07/2014
Voracivenom was taken aback by Sybil's response. She actually trusted this creature? It was pretty clear, by the residents' description, that Shadow's intent was to harm. But maybe he was wrong, and the civet could see that the Komodo dragon had other interests. Either way, he respected the Mistress's orders, and followed her to the beach.
"I'm afraid that the dingoes aren't the only one's causing mischief, Mistress. The warblers have been complaining about those mongooses lately. They seem to be stealing their young, according to them. Skaliscin has been complaining about them too, oddly; she's unnerved by them. Speaking of whom, have you seen her around lately? She hasn't shown up since yesterday afternoon."
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8777
#838 Posted: 18:29:08 27/07/2014
Soon Shadow was near where the Dingos were. "Well that fool Sybil fell right into my plan. Soon that little brat of a tiger will have her just." He said.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#839 Posted: 03:54:32 28/07/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: Waaksian
Voracivenom was taken aback by Sybil's response. She actually trusted this creature? It was pretty clear, by the residents' description, that Shadow's intent was to harm. But maybe he was wrong, and the civet could see that the Komodo dragon had other interests. Either way, he respected the Mistress's orders, and followed her to the beach.
"I'm afraid that the dingoes aren't the only one's causing mischief, Mistress. The warblers have been complaining about those mongooses lately. They seem to be stealing their young, according to them. Skaliscin has been complaining about them too, oddly; she's unnerved by them. Speaking of whom, have you seen her around lately? She hasn't shown up since yesterday afternoon."

Sybil was walking firmly, and after a while, she realized what Voracivenom just said.
"Do you really believe I trust that back-stabbing dragon with no wings? Oh no no. I gave my word that the orcas won't hurt him, nothing more. I am very sure he intends to hurt, or even kill Rose if he gets the chance, which is why I sent her there. She will have to be completely supervised, highly secured. Maybe I should send her to the snowy mountains with Thunder. They seem to like each other." she explained, with a tone of wisdom.

But just a few seconds later, she realized what she heard about the mongooses.
"So...the mongooses are returning. I was afraid that would happen. If the dingos can enter the Haven, I am pretty sure those thieves are taking advantage of that, if only that stupid Shadow didn't showed up..." the civet complained, kinda ready for the mongooses return, but a Komodo dragon entering the Haven was too unexpected, and had her with more work to do to once again ensure the safety if the island she transformed into a Haven...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8777
#840 Posted: 04:35:28 28/07/2014
"I wonder where Angus went Sayan." Rose asked. "Hopefuly he made it to the island and found Sybil."


Meanwhile Shadow decided not to go to the dingos but instead go to the destroyed bridge ramp. "If I am going to get to Rose I should first make sure that fat orca isn't around." He said to himself.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:39:03 28/07/2014 by Spyroconvexity
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8849
#841 Posted: 04:57:14 28/07/2014
"Hopefully and perhaps she will talk some sense into whatever he's planning...," Sayan said with a sigh.
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#842 Posted: 18:30:14 28/07/2014 | Topic Creator
Once Sybil made sure that Shadow was far away, she called for Peepers. He must have been nearby, since he came almost immediately.
"Mistress Sybil, is it true that you stuck a deal with that Komodo dragon?" he asked, with Sybil wondering how he knew so fast, though she figured Yodel was the one to blame.
"Yes Peepers, though he is not worth trusting. We met near the putrid tree. He left quite a trail in the mud. Follow it, and see if you can find out what he's up to. Hopefully, we will know what kind of deal he made with the dingos, and at the same time, find out how they are entering here." Sybil commanded, trusting Peepers.

While he was one of the most loyal birds, he wasn't sure of that plan. Shadow probably knew that Sybil had birds as allies, and the flutter of his wings could give him away, not to mention that if he was in the outback, there were too many little places to hide. He obeyed her nonetheless, vowing to try his best at least, but the civet's new order made him forget to bring the news of a strange looking new bird wandering around the island, looking for something...or someone...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#843 Posted: 20:18:05 28/07/2014
"Mistress, do you think there might be something bigger behind all of this?" Voracivenom asked when Peepers left. "We know that Shadow is in it with the dingos, and that the mongooses are trying to harass the residents, new and original. Could they all be working together?"


Jaeger wasn't around, but his second-in-command noticed Shadow and snarled slightly. "So now she's dropped her guard?"
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#844 Posted: 20:58:00 28/07/2014 | Topic Creator
"No doubt that Shadow is working with the dingos, but I can't say for certain if the mongooses are on this as well. They prefer to work alone, but who knows?" Sybil said with doubt, with a new worry. If the mongooses were indeed working with the dingos too, that would mean one hell of a mutiny. She knows that when she formed the Haven, not only did she made friends, bt also enemies, and now everything was falling down on her and most of her guests...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8777
#845 Posted: 21:50:30 28/07/2014
"So far my plan is fitting right into place. Sybil agreed to my conditions but only if I return to my home. But that isn't going to last. Under the cover of darkness I will cross the bridge when it's completed and gather you guys to get that tigress when she is alone and then I will do my part." Shadow said. "But yes she has dropped her guard but only a little. As for the tigress she won't be easy to get to during the day but at night that may be our only chance."
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#846 Posted: 17:01:24 29/07/2014 | Topic Creator
Sybil reached the beach, and called for Cairo. Voracivenom was a god company, but she still disliked reptiles, especially now since Shadow was a reptile.
"You called Mistress Sybil?" Cairo asked in the most polite of voices. Sybil was trembling, even a little terrified. She knew that Cairo had a rather violent side, but even with that, she proceeded to tell him what deal she made with Shadow.

Cairo remained silent as she was explaining, a silent that made Sybil feel worse. He finally spoke, startling Sybil. "So, let me get this right; you made a deal with that...that...lizard, and neither I nor my family are allowed to harm him, is that correct?" he asked, with a calm yet obviously upset voice. Sybil nodded, but Cairo wasn't convinced.
"Of course miss Sybil, anything for you, but let that drooling worthless demon wrong move and the deal is OFF!" he specified, very clearly, with Sybil agreeing.

"Thank you Cairo. I know you think I'm crazy, but it's only a chance of peace. Don't get me wrong, I still don't trust that thing one bit, so I will only gave him one opportunity." Sybil clarified, not wanting Cairo to be angry with her.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8777
#847 Posted: 04:14:06 30/07/2014
"Well my fine dingo friend, I must go. Be sure to tell Jaeger of the plan and my departure." Shadow said with a evil smile on his face. He then tracked Sybil to the beach where she, Cairo, and Voracivenom were talking. He stayed a distance away to gain their trust. He layed down halfway to them and waited for Sybil to call him.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#848 Posted: 05:44:05 30/07/2014 | Topic Creator
Cairo was going to complain again, until he noticed the bad scent of putrefied meat. The killer whale listed his enormous snout, when he finally found the source of the stench.
"What in the...Why..." he said, deeply enraged.
Sybil didn't know what has gone into him all of the sudden, until she looked behind her, right where the mighty whale was looking.

"What in the..." she said, in a similar matter to Cairo. Was Shadow out of his mind? What was he doing there when she clearly specified for him to remain in the outback?
"What are you doing here? You are not welcome here, you know that." Sybil said, very firmly. She remained by Cairo's side, knowing that he would defend her if Shadow made a wrong move. Plus, if she approached him, Cairo won't be able to do something.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8777
#849 Posted: 21:03:32 30/07/2014
"I am merrily waiting to hitch a ride back home. I won't hurt you especially with your big friend over there. I don't need him yelling and alerting the other inhabitants. I just want to go back home." Shadow said with a flick of his toung.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#850 Posted: 02:35:59 31/07/2014 | Topic Creator
Sybil realized that she indeed said that she was going to arrange his return home, but she never specified the time. She never thought Shadow would want to go there immediately. But she was very, very cautious, and knew that as soon as he went home, he would most certainly search for Rose. The problem wasn't there. Not far away, Peepers came to her, not noticing Shadow.

"Oh miss, I... lost him, but never mind that, I forgot to tell you earlier. The seagulls spotted a strange looking bird coming from the other island. We speculate it's one of the residents the kea allied with." Peppers finished, still not noticing Shadow behind him. Sybil imagined it was one of those cockatoo birds.
"I will look it up. In the meantime, please, I want you to go into the other island and find Rose. Tell her to wait at the beach." she commanded, not giving a clue to the lizard's whereabouts to the jumpy warbler.

Her plan was super risky. If Peepers told Rose to wait while Cairo transported Shadow home, both the feline and the reptile would come face to face on the other island. She wasn't sure of the plan, but she had faith in Cairo, and believed that Shadow wouldn't dare to make a harmful move on Rose as long as Cairo was there. That way, once Shadow was there, Rose would take a ride with Cairo and be in the Haven, far away from least...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
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