Quote: GothamLordWe dont need the same character another x3 the normal power level though. I can find a series 1 and repaint the thing if I want it to look better. We dont need to keep churning out reposes. Let a character hit their max with a S4. Give them some ability that opens up both paths with the S4. Let the character be retired at that point. It finally makes the character rarer because they are done. its not like poor Spyro has been a major plot element since the first game. Let him move on in peace and enjoy his golden years with Cynder on some beach somewhere collecting his royalty checks.
This comes across as nothing more than Skylanders trying to pull a move from online games with the whole "Pay to Win" premise.
You say 'we', and a lot of people share your opinion, but far from unanimously. I imagine the majority of people aren't as inclined to do a custom paint job as you are, nor are they capable of doing it with this kind of quality. I do some customs, and they don't suck, but they aren't great either.
Given the choice of this or no new Spyro, I would have prefered no new Spyro. It is a money grab, but I'm not terribly annoyed with it. They are feeding off people's addictive personalities, like most successful companies do.
As far as pricing goes though, they won't get me to spend a ton on this. I hope it's priced at the usual $10. I might be willing to pay a couple bucks more, since it may come with a case (that I don't want), but I don't want to shell out $20 for retail. I believe we had a thread that are stated what the different pricing was going to be, so I don't think we'll be surprised here. I also assume that they are going to make these in decent quantities, no reason not too.