
Skylanders: Lost Islands


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Lost Legendary Grim Creeper in new update [CLOSED]
Epyon2k4 Green Sparx Gems: 138
#1 Posted: 17:41:24 23/06/2014 | Topic Creator
Today was the Monday update with the new air toy link, etc and I noticed that my level 15 Legendary Grim Creeper is now listed as needing to be purchased. Also, some of my other characters that are level 14-15 are listed as needing to be claimed. They even have the toy link symbol on them. Beware.
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14437
#2 Posted: 17:44:21 23/06/2014
Yeah, same thing has happened to mine.

And using the portal to try to unlock it again just brings up regular Grim Creeper.
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:45:18 23/06/2014 by dark52
Triplestringer Green Sparx Gems: 220
#3 Posted: 17:59:28 23/06/2014
My legendary grim creeper has also disappeared he was max level 15 and linked with the toy, he was in a legendary house now it is showing regular grim creeper in the legendary house, also lots of my linked characters were saying claim, I am now showing 140 skylanders instead of 141, do I spin for him or do I wait to see if they fix it, it is so annoying as he was level 15, and figure now linking regular grim creeper, not happy, my activision name is; skylanderbunny
Activate name: skylanderbunny
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:00:09 23/06/2014 by Triplestringer
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158
#4 Posted: 18:10:31 23/06/2014
They royally screwed something up with this update. You do have to claim pretty much all Swap Force era Skylanders (it says it rewards you with energy, but either it is a pathetic amount or it doesn't). Legendary Grim Creeper definitely became re-locked. Using the portal doesn't unlock him, nor a valid webcode (says it doesn't belong to him). If you spin for him (I did and had the extra gold to experiment), he gets added - but back at level 1. It isn't horrible, but you cannot toy link him at present and to get him you will lose your levels. They need to fix it and link him back to the right codes, give him his levels back and refund the gold from the experimental spins people will make to figure this out. Apparently they are messing with toy claim data and someone messed up his code.

On the good side, you can now get the Air Toy Link Tower, which will give you more gems than you started with assuming you have 3 or more toy linked Air Skylanders and a Air Shrine if you have 7 or more. Also a timed quest for the Windmill and the Air Sanctum. Also, Surfer Slam Bam is 750 gems if you have them to spare (and his hut), but I'd rather wait for him to be put back in the well, I need to save gems for companions and I have a plethora of Water Skylanders anyways.
midas73 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1379
#5 Posted: 19:22:56 23/06/2014
This makes me not want to open my game...
Activate username: "midas73". I am on a gifting hiatus so be warned...
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158
#6 Posted: 19:55:09 23/06/2014
Well, they will have to fix it. Right now there seems to be no way to toy link Legendary Grim Creeper. It will probably be fixed in a day or two and pick up the missing levels. If you did roll for him just to check, I would hope they would refund the gold/gems people might have paid for this character with an invalid toy code. I doubt they make people re-level him up, that's one good way to get people to want to stop playing a Free-to-play game, make them re-do stuff because of bugs. It makes players uncomfortable with continuing to waste time playing if progress can be wiped out and not restored. Bugs are a fact of software development, it is the developer's response that can be make or break.

They need to:
- Re-link people that had Legendary Grim Creeper linked before.
- Restore the levels the figure had previously.
- Restore gold/gems that may have been spent for him since the error, they can likely track this through who is linked to this new invalid Legendary Grim Creeper.
- Put in a toy link quest to reward/apologize to those with a toy linked/previously purchased Legendary Grim Creeper for having to deal with this.

Likelihood of these is from top to bottom. If they do less than the first three (and in a timely manner), they will likely lose players. If they do all four, it might have a positive effect on player retention.

By the way, you want to get in on the rewards from the update - there is an Air Sanctum timed quest and a Windmill timed quest you might want to get started on to meet the deadline.
HappyGamer Yellow Sparx Gems: 1470
#7 Posted: 19:55:22 23/06/2014
Not sure whether to be upset that I had to re-spin for him or happy that it gives me something to do and more gems to earn. At this point, the 5,000,000 coins means nothing to me, but this is horrible for most people who have lost him. Hope they fix it quickly.
Coachjohn2049 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1376
#8 Posted: 20:32:39 23/06/2014
One positive to the errors with this update is that if you were just short of seven life skylanders for the shrine quest with the tower, and claim the ones you have again, it gives you the shrine for completing the quest. I will level up legendary Grim creeper to have a 4th life shrine.
dyannis Red Sparx Gems: 38
#9 Posted: 20:38:29 23/06/2014
I just got LGC back at Level 1 AND I still have GC (which I didn't have before). Both are linked.
Coachjohn2049 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1376
#10 Posted: 20:49:48 23/06/2014
Don't spend the money for a spin to get him back. I spun and got him back to level 3 and now he is listed to buy or spin for again. Wait for a fix.
dyannis Red Sparx Gems: 38
#11 Posted: 20:53:34 23/06/2014
I guess I should clarify - I didn't spin for LGC. He just showed up to claim. The regular one didn't disappear. Sorry about any confusion.
Coachjohn2049 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1376
#12 Posted: 21:00:08 23/06/2014
Happy gamer and I didn't have the option to claim so we both spun for him because we have plenty of gold. I was thinking no big deal I'll just level him up again, but I no longer own him once again. I had gotten him back to level 3 and when I went to send him on his next mission he showed up as buy instead of select.
spicemill Blue Sparx Gems: 519
#13 Posted: 21:41:40 23/06/2014
Lost my LGC too smilie
Activate: Spicemill

Click on my profile on this forum to see which codes I am trading for. I have Springtime Trigger Happy, Kickoff Countdown and more.
Trabban Blue Sparx Gems: 971
#14 Posted: 21:53:14 23/06/2014
Hope they sort this bug out cos I can only see it costing players otherwise. I wasn't fussed about spinning for him again since it gave me something to do again but having got him back to lvl 5 only to lose him again!! With the code not working either this part of the update hasn't been good so far.

Mind you the rest of the update's been good though; air link tower and 2 timed quests give something to do for those of us who've been playing awhile. They just need to sort the LGC bug out!
Ben98gs Green Sparx Gems: 491
#15 Posted: 22:13:30 23/06/2014
Does this only effect LGC? I saw something above about Swap Force characters but did not understand what they were trying to say.
Excelsior Yellow Sparx Gems: 1170
#16 Posted: 22:18:10 23/06/2014
250 energy for linked toys that have missed out in the past.

I think.

I still have LGC and have not lost levels, don't know about everyone else.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:20:01 23/06/2014 by Excelsior
Trabban Blue Sparx Gems: 971
#17 Posted: 22:21:01 23/06/2014
LGC is the only bugged character as far as I can tell. I had to Claim most of the swap force characters again but all remained at lvl 15 so not a biggie.

Don't know whether reclaiming characters gave a bonus or not; expect it to have been 250 energy for each if there was though.
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158
#18 Posted: 22:22:00 23/06/2014
Every swap force (regular and swappers) character you have unlocked now has to be "Claim"ed. It says it gives you energy, but not really - at least they are still their previous level. It is similar to if you entered a code prior to a character being available (happened with Enchanted Star Strike, when she went in if you had already entered the code you could "Claim" her).

Legendary Grim Creeper is the only one that completely got lost. You won't have him anymore upon loading up. No code, nor using the portal with him will work (it thinks the code and figure are regular Grim Creeper). If you spin for him or buy with gems, he comes back at level 1, but apparently goes right back away shortly after. Mine was level 15, I spun for him out of curiosity and got him since he is the only spinnable one I didn't have, but he is level 1 and judging from others will re-disappear again later. It's a pretty bad bug.

Edit: Yep, he went back away - I didn't have to re-spin for him, but he is back to 1. And I had him in a Hall of Legends - which he is no longer in, but REGULAR Grim Creeper is now chilling inside my Hall of Legends to give you an idea how messed up this bug is now.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:27:53 23/06/2014 by defpally
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158
#19 Posted: 22:22:55 23/06/2014
Quote: Excelsior
I still have LGC and have not lost levels, don't know about everyone else.

Playing on Android, maybe?
Wkgrandma Blue Sparx Gems: 596
#20 Posted: 00:23:49 24/06/2014
Legendary Grim Creeper was just free on my account. I am going to try and level him up and see what happens.
LaLaLish Blue Sparx Gems: 586
#21 Posted: 01:02:13 24/06/2014
Quote: Wkgrandma
Legendary Grim Creeper was just free on my account. I am going to try and level him up and see what happens.

Mine too and I never owned him.
Qanai Yellow Sparx Gems: 1327
#22 Posted: 02:14:05 24/06/2014
I haven't updated yet and I'm curious. For those that lost LGC, did you originally spin for him or use a code/portal? Also, as someone else suggested, is it an iOS/Android issue?
bjornolf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1144
#23 Posted: 02:39:51 24/06/2014
They were saying maybe Android DIDN'T lose it. I'm on iOS and lost it.
Coachjohn2049 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1376
#24 Posted: 02:40:20 24/06/2014
Originally spun for him on iPad. I did spin and lose him again today, but tonight he was free when I clicked purchase. Trying again and have gotten him to a higher level than before.
Ben98gs Green Sparx Gems: 491
#25 Posted: 03:09:39 24/06/2014
Never had him, but "100% off" for me too.
Trabban Blue Sparx Gems: 971
#26 Posted: 05:24:47 24/06/2014
Playing on iOS.

Linked him originally; paid gems for him yesterday thinking I could link him again but the codes didn't work. Now been able to claim him for 'free' but have effectively lost 250 gems and 20 levels!? smilie
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158
#27 Posted: 05:25:10 24/06/2014
Well, he is backed to saying he is linked again, but still level 1. Oh well, I'll re-level him. A bit annoying, particularly since you would think data integrity would be more important - but I'll get some free gems on the way back up I guess. They better make it up to us with some freakin' spectacular July 4th offers or link bonus.
Trabban Blue Sparx Gems: 971
#28 Posted: 05:48:26 24/06/2014
So his code now works to link him. And I get a refund of the gems I used to unlock him; oh hold on no I don't because he was free to unlock today so still 250 gems down! smilie could have been tempted by Gem pack 2 at the weekend to get Buttered Pop Thorns hut but def not going to spend any more real money on this franchise when they can screw up like this!

Least levelling him back to 15 gives my OCD something to do until the next Alt!
beatrix71 Blue Sparx Gems: 942
#29 Posted: 07:14:49 24/06/2014
Same here, I just updated and lost Legendary Grim Creeper. I have the toy which I linked through the portal. Now it is not recognised through the portal or with the unique code smilie

I hope they fix this soon!
spicemill Blue Sparx Gems: 519
#30 Posted: 08:18:09 24/06/2014
Just got LGC back at 100% off. I wonder if this is also available for those who didn't have him prior to the update. I have to level him up again but that means getting gems on the way so that's fine with me.

Still confused by the bats thing though but that's another topic...
Activate: Spicemill

Click on my profile on this forum to see which codes I am trading for. I have Springtime Trigger Happy, Kickoff Countdown and more.
Moemoff Green Sparx Gems: 340
#31 Posted: 08:31:40 24/06/2014
I had lgc have to level again but there were 4 others you had to claim whose levels were as before.

On another aspect .. Went to their Facebook page and noticed someone said there was a char called kickoff .. You know soccer type. I don't see him at all in the list. Is he joking?
Candhsmom Green Sparx Gems: 251
#32 Posted: 11:15:14 24/06/2014
Saw all the posts last night so I didn't log in for the update until this morning. Everything seems fine, have lgc, however I did have to reclaim all my swap force guys, which was just a click to do, and I got energy for claiming them each time. They are still at their correct levels so I guess I lucked out.
karo122 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1049
#33 Posted: 12:08:48 24/06/2014
I use the android version of Lost Islands and i had several updates since last night. At least 3.
It is the same bug here.

I need to reclaim some of my skylanders and LGC was back on Level 1.
I still have problems with transparent status boxes as well.
Kalamath Blue Sparx Gems: 561
#34 Posted: 12:21:06 24/06/2014
Same here, on android, lost him, got him back. Not happy at all about having to re-level him since he was one of 4 lvl15 legendaries I used in my 4 houses, bought just for the lvl 15 toons. Not much you can do about it though.

No other problems so far, for me. My son, on iOS had to reclaim a bunch of toons, as others have reported.

@Moemoff - Thats not a joke. It's Kickoff Countdown. His head is soccer ball patterned. It's one you can import via the portal, but not otherwise available.
Activate family - Kalamath, Petra-Kate, Pinjindir (retired)
midas73 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1379
#35 Posted: 13:48:01 24/06/2014
Quote: Candhsmom
Saw all the posts last night so I didn't log in for the update until this morning. Everything seems fine, have lgc, however I did have to reclaim all my swap force guys, which was just a click to do, and I got energy for claiming them each time. They are still at their correct levels so I guess I lucked out.

I'm in the same boat though I logged in late last night for the first time. I'm on an iPad.

I also didn't seem to be getting a special amount of sugar bats this morning.
Activate username: "midas73". I am on a gifting hiatus so be warned...
HappyGamer Yellow Sparx Gems: 1470
#36 Posted: 14:04:18 24/06/2014
Quote: Moemoff
I had lgc have to level again but there were 4 others you had to claim whose levels were as before.

On another aspect .. Went to their Facebook page and noticed someone said there was a char called kickoff .. You know soccer type. I don't see him at all in the list. Is he joking?

No joke. Kickoff Countdown is a soccer variant of Countdown. He's been in stores for a while now.
HappyGamer Yellow Sparx Gems: 1470
#37 Posted: 14:05:48 24/06/2014
Playing on iPod. Originally spun for LGC, lost him, spun again, leveled him up to 4, lost him again, claimed him for free, back up to level 6, but no level 5 quests. Anybody else not getting the quests this time around?
arkhamhorrorfan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1581
#38 Posted: 14:11:24 24/06/2014
I noticed LGC gone last night, but have tons of gold, so simply spun for him again. He's still here today, so hopefully won't disappear again.

I have at least 2 bunches of sugar bats each time I open my islands, so that part is working fine for me.
Coachjohn2049 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1376
#39 Posted: 14:48:29 24/06/2014
LGC back to level 6 and no quests here either.
sklndrmommy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1508
#40 Posted: 15:19:55 24/06/2014
My son and I didn't check LOst Islands until last night on iOS and we both still had LGC that we had originally linked with a portal. Still there and at same levels this morning. Very strange and I hope they make it up to those who have lost gems/coins/etc.
Trying to keep an updated code trading list in my guestbook for Lost Islands.
Mommy to player JacksonTreeRex.
Nroc-Nuika Platinum Sparx Gems: 5410
#41 Posted: 18:14:33 24/06/2014
1: Lose Legendary Grim Creeper in new update
2: Using Gems, buy Legendary Grim Creeper from Skylander Store
3: Using time travel, level up Legendary Grim Creeper to max level, being rewarded gems for every level up and for completing quests
4: Patch update rolls through that fixes bug
5: Claim the code for Legendary Grim Creeper again and receive refund on 300 gems
6: ???
7: Profit
I always forget to check my guestbook
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158
#42 Posted: 18:49:35 24/06/2014
Don't forget:

8: Lose chance at new July alter ego in the wishing well which is a common side effect from time travelling these days.

Hope it works out for you, but time travelling reportedly comes with many potential problems, which they are obviously not interested in fixing (if anything they would want to break it worse).
arkhamhorrorfan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1581
#43 Posted: 19:28:55 24/06/2014
Why would you bother to time travel to level Legendary Grim Creeper back to max? Sanctuaries pay our more for higher levels, so use other skylanders until his back up. Is there any other reason level matters? Sure I'll work on leveling him up to get the gems, but I don't understand the hurry.
Nroc-Nuika Platinum Sparx Gems: 5410
#44 Posted: 19:35:34 24/06/2014
It's a joke.

Also, time traveling done right doesn't pose any threat, and all threats are easily fixed.
I always forget to check my guestbook
obidawsn Gold Sparx Gems: 2901
#45 Posted: 22:53:41 24/06/2014
There's only one way to mess up the alter ego by time traveling. So it's possible, but only if you make the one mistake.
SkyGrand Green Sparx Gems: 499
#46 Posted: 01:09:39 26/06/2014
Lost LGC with update. Got him back free but at Level 1.
obidawsn Gold Sparx Gems: 2901
#47 Posted: 04:14:54 28/06/2014
I havent had much time, this week, to play or post since I've been in the middle of moving, but I wanted to report that I did update on Tuesday and everything was fine. I didnt lose LGC. Sadly, though, since I haven't played all week, I may have missed out on the timed quests. I debated on the windmill, just for the fun of it, and probably would have if the quest reward was sonething better than a tree. I guess the 10%/20% bonus works nicely with the windmill, though. The only way I see it happening, though is through TT.
P024008 Blue Sparx Gems: 659
#48 Posted: 11:38:12 29/06/2014
I lost legendary grim creeper and regular grim creeper in the update. I spun with gold to get them but I didn't realize at the time they were ones I already had. I beielivw I paid gems for both when they were on sale. Perhaps that is one of the variants which explains why some people have them and others don't. They did both go back to level 1.
Ben98gs Green Sparx Gems: 491
#49 Posted: 14:08:50 01/07/2014
Anybody else lose LGC again? I got him when he was free after the update that screwed him up and had him up to level 4 and now he is gone again (I can purchase him for 250 gems). Anybody else have this happen?
Vtown Green Sparx Gems: 397
#50 Posted: 21:49:32 25/07/2014
i lost him now but not sure when, I had a quest 90% done now cant finish it and its asking me to buy him again, not claim him
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