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Just a question to all of you.
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8739
#1 Posted: 14:21:52 15/06/2014 | Topic Creator
Recently, there has been a lot of negative talk about Skylanders: Trap Team. Saying "It's all for money now" and "They running out of ideas!" I just want to know, what DO you want TfB to do with the Skylanders franchise? You realize that this is a KIDS game, right? Skylanders innovates EVERY game. They add new characters, toys, game-play, story and more. Pokemon is more or less the same game every time. All they do is make new Pokemon, a new region to explore and a different story, while the game-play itself almost never changes (And it's still damn good). All Mario does is add in a new power up and some new game mechanics and that's (And it's still great). And don't have me get started on Call Of Duty. So, please tell me, what do you expect?
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
I-Brawler Emerald Sparx Gems: 3565
#2 Posted: 14:26:30 15/06/2014
I'm not one of the people that complain about these things. (I'm talking to you, people who hate Broccoli Guy's name.) All I expect from this franchise is to keep doing what they're doing. One thing I do have a complaint about though is that they used Spyro as a lure. Now they basically don't care about him any more.
you never saw me
Whale117 Green Sparx Gems: 110
#3 Posted: 14:35:46 15/06/2014
I think trap team is a great idea and its not all about money if it was all about money they would discontinue some figures (no longer playable) which the commentary said "we try to keep customers happy" not "we try to get money" and im glad the traps are only 5.99 I was thinking it would be like 7.99. So I am not one of those people who complain about skylanders
"FRUIT PUNCH"-smilie
"ALL WOUND UP"-smilie
FreezeBlade98 Blue Sparx Gems: 938
#4 Posted: 14:44:16 15/06/2014
I love Trap Team and I don't think activision only care about money.
Best Trap Masters: smilie smilie smilie
Best villains: smilie smilie Tae Cwan Crow
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#5 Posted: 16:43:30 15/06/2014
Quote: FreezeBlade98
I love Trap Team and I don't think activision only care about money.

ATVI is a public company, and yes, profits is their ultimate goal. To achieve that they have to keep the franchise fresh and exciting. YMMV if they've accomplished that with Trap Team. Activision feels they've accomplished their goal, a lot of longtime fans do not. You're going to have this on each and every game. I've made it clear what I'd personally like to see in the franchise, but it's ultimately not my game and my franchise to run.

For me, lack online is a huge miss. Incorporating something to buy that has a limited scope in game-play is a miss. Having too many characters in a single release between skylanders and villains relative to content is a miss. Not expanding variable game-play elements to make replay an important feature is a miss. Not expanding character XP levels means things we do with our specific plastic toy is decreasing, which means toys to life in game is minimized---a miss (TfB's arguments is legitimate however, and speaks to the box they've cornered themselves in if they don't add other elements that speak to the toy to life experience moving forward). All my .02.

Very succinctly, making more new flashy things for us to play and see only goes so far...they need to balance it with the game and the toys to life experience. I think instead of copy/paste the previous effort instead of the new "gimmick" should be rethought or rebalanced. Or perhaps I should rethink my participation. Either way, somethings gonna give smilie

To be positive, the game appears basically enjoyable, but seems to suffer from ADD with the sheer number of characters. Odd that they choose to fit in all of these characters into a 10 hour game. When I asked my son, he seemed more apt to simply buy the figure and skip the game. That speaks to how well they've marketed the toys, but the game isn't keeping up. You could argue that is the master marketing plan--produce a minimalist game to promote purchase of all of the toys.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Edited 9 times - Last edited at 16:56:59 15/06/2014 by GhostRoaster
isaac343018s Emerald Sparx Gems: 4478
#6 Posted: 17:15:22 15/06/2014
Quote: HeyitsHotDog
Recently, there has been a lot of negative talk about Skylanders: Trap Team. Saying "It's all for money now" and "They running out of ideas!" I just want to know, what DO you want TfB to do with the Skylanders franchise? You realize that this is a KIDS game, right? Skylanders innovates EVERY game. They add new characters, toys, game-play, story and more. Pokemon is more or less the same game every time. All they do is make new Pokemon, a new region to explore and a different story, while the game-play itself almost never changes (1) (And it's still damn good). All Mario does is add in a new power up and some new game mechanics(2) and that's (And it's still great). And don't have me get started on Call Of Duty. So, please tell me, what do you expect?

1.That's mainly because of Pokemon having a set formula for how its games work. If a Pokemon related game doesnt have that formula, that's why its called a spin off.....

2.New game mechanics every time? Where have I heard that before...

Sorry if I sound rude, im not trying to sound rude, just pointing out the flaws in your examples.....

But about MY opinion...
Its not that I dislike the game, its just that this time it seems very uninteresting (to me at least) compared to the previous 3 games....By E3 I was completly hyped for Giants AND Swap Force and yet for Trap Team, after E3 Im still only going to buy Disney Infinity 2.0 this year.... Im sorry if I've been ruining it for anyone else (I'm not really understanding WHY someone else's opinion affects yours but whatever)
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8739
#7 Posted: 17:31:09 15/06/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: isaac343018s
Quote: HeyitsHotDog
Recently, there has been a lot of negative talk about Skylanders: Trap Team. Saying "It's all for money now" and "They running out of ideas!" I just want to know, what DO you want TfB to do with the Skylanders franchise? You realize that this is a KIDS game, right? Skylanders innovates EVERY game. They add new characters, toys, game-play, story and more. Pokemon is more or less the same game every time. All they do is make new Pokemon, a new region to explore and a different story, while the game-play itself almost never changes (1) (And it's still damn good). All Mario does is add in a new power up and some new game mechanics(2) and that's (And it's still great). And don't have me get started on Call Of Duty. So, please tell me, what do you expect?

1.That's mainly because of Pokemon having a set formula for how its games work. If a Pokemon related game doesnt have that formula, that's why its called a spin off.....

2.New game mechanics every time? Where have I heard that before...

Sorry if I sound rude, im not trying to sound rude, just pointing out the flaws in your examples.....

But about MY opinion...
Its not that I dislike the game, its just that this time it seems very uninteresting (to me at least) compared to the previous 3 games....By E3 I was completly hyped for Giants AND Swap Force and yet for Trap Team, after E3 Im still only going to buy Disney Infinity 2.0 this year.... Im sorry if I've been ruining it for anyone else (I'm not really understanding WHY someone else's opinion affects yours but whatever)

1) Yes, I know Pokemon has a set formula and so does Skylanders. It's just that a lot of Skylander fans have VERY high expectations each game.

2) Sorry, I rushed on that part. While Mario games often do have new mechanics, the game-play is essentially the same, and it's still a good game. Skylanders does this as well, often involving the toys and people say "Oh they're not introducing anything new!" They don't eem to realize that the toys gimmick is what the new game mechanic is.
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10672
#8 Posted: 18:06:27 15/06/2014
People who say Pokémon never changes haven't seen the spinoffs, that's all I'm saying. On the topic of Skylanders, just because this franchise has expensive additional (physical) content doesn't mean it's a special kind of greedy from Activision - outside of here, we call that DLC, and it's not always awesome extra content that makes the game even more fun.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:06:47 15/06/2014 by Bifrost
griswoldthunder Gold Sparx Gems: 2953
#9 Posted: 19:53:13 15/06/2014
The problem is most of the unhappy people are also the ones who are the most vocal. Are there a lot of people that have been complaining about Trap Team? Yes. Are there many more that like what they have seen so far? Probably so. Also, I have noticed that quite a few members on here have been incessant in their complaining. Since I wasn't a member last year at this time, I have no basis to compare from year to year. I would think that if you were unhappy about the upcoming game, that you wouldn't frequent the sight as often nor complain on every single thread whenever any information is announced. It seems that some members are just habitual complainers.
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#10 Posted: 19:55:09 15/06/2014
^ I think the idea behind the board is to let the fans speak their mind, be it good or bad. I'd hate to have to silence feedback simply because someone don't like it. That being said, it's good to bring a balanced approach to criticism, and not "bash" or "slam" it. Advise I can arguably take myself, in all honesty.

Quote: isaac343018s
Its not that I dislike the game, its just that this time it seems very uninteresting (to me at least) compared to the previous 3 games....By E3 I was completly hyped for Giants AND Swap Force and yet for Trap Team, after E3 Im still only going to buy Disney Infinity 2.0 this year.... Im sorry if I've been ruining it for anyone else (I'm not really understanding WHY someone else's opinion affects yours but whatever)

I think we can all take opinions. It's also good for Activision to know IF this one isn't as successful, why it is so. I like the idea of specific fan callouts being added to DI 2.0. I would've liked that more than a skylander naming contest, personally. It would've shown some real fan service.

Looking forward to knowing more about the game. We still have all of summer to get the marketing gears going.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 20:01:03 15/06/2014 by GhostRoaster
spyroflame0487 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3866
#11 Posted: 20:37:25 15/06/2014
Quote: FreezeBlade98
I love Trap Team and I don't think activision only care about money.

Rock Band would like to have a word with you lol

Personally speaking, I feel of what we've seen so far, the game hasn't quite hit the mark where I think it should be. Ghost Roaster has highlighted a few parts; No Online is one of the things that sticks out like a sore thumb, especially in the 4th entry in the series.

They've been very quiet regarding levels and such which always seems to be the biggest thing people take away from the games. I'm actually not even sure if we got any full gameplay videos of levels from E3. (Like an entire level, not just a chunk like the one with the Gillmen in the sewers)

I also don't care much for the price point of the traps; $5.99 each? That's ridiculous. They should be $2.99 or $3.99 to compete with the Infinity magic base things.

It also seems like the villain designs were the main focus of the team this time around; Painyatta and Wolfgang are awesome but they're being regulated to in game unlocks while we get robot guy, and 3 female samefaces. While its good that we get more female characters, they're all just..uninspired I think.

One of the last things that still bothers me is the lack of Giants/Swap areas in the game. What exactly was the point of us buying all of them if we're using them once? What's the point in using the traps, especially if they lose functionality or are completely removed from the next game? Understandably, there probably wont be a ton of those figures (Giants and Swappers I mean) out when the game is launched, but...maybe put those in the repose column that they have such a love for each time around?

I think one of the only good things I've been able to take away so far is that I'll only need to buy traps; unlike with Swap Force where, to unlock everything we needed one of each of the Swap Abilities, we'll only need a trap master and traps and those come with the starter packs (or in the case of the traps, 2 of them do anyways). This was more akin to Giants where we didn't have to obnoxiously hunt down the other abilities to finish the game.

Now of course, this doesn't mean I hate the game and I'm not buying anything; I'll do the same thing as I did this time around- Wait until sales to fill in my collection and buy the stuff I need ASAP (ie, the traps). I'm looking forward to the game, but there's a lot of things that should and need to be criticized with it, especially since they've had 4 years now to perfect this stuff down to a science.
Why did Uncle Peter have an interdimentional portal in his attic?
Spyro's entire collection! [Updated June 28th 15]
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#12 Posted: 22:14:39 15/06/2014
Quote: spyroflame0487
Quote: FreezeBlade98
I love Trap Team and I don't think activision only care about money.

Rock Band would like to have a word with you lol

Personally speaking, I feel of what we've seen so far, the game hasn't quite hit the mark where I think it should be. Ghost Roaster has highlighted a few parts; No Online is one of the things that sticks out like a sore thumb, especially in the 4th entry in the series.

They've been very quiet regarding levels and such which always seems to be the biggest thing people take away from the games. I'm actually not even sure if we got any full gameplay videos of levels from E3. (Like an entire level, not just a chunk like the one with the Gillmen in the sewers)

I also don't care much for the price point of the traps; $5.99 each? That's ridiculous. They should be $2.99 or $3.99 to compete with the Infinity magic base things.

It also seems like the villain designs were the main focus of the team this time around; Painyatta and Wolfgang are awesome but they're being regulated to in game unlocks while we get robot guy, and 3 female samefaces. While its good that we get more female characters, they're all just..uninspired I think.

One of the last things that still bothers me is the lack of Giants/Swap areas in the game. What exactly was the point of us buying all of them if we're using them once? What's the point in using the traps, especially if they lose functionality or are completely removed from the next game? Understandably, there probably wont be a ton of those figures (Giants and Swappers I mean) out when the game is launched, but...maybe put those in the repose column that they have such a love for each time around?

I think one of the only good things I've been able to take away so far is that I'll only need to buy traps; unlike with Swap Force where, to unlock everything we needed one of each of the Swap Abilities, we'll only need a trap master and traps and those come with the starter packs (or in the case of the traps, 2 of them do anyways). This was more akin to Giants where we didn't have to obnoxiously hunt down the other abilities to finish the game.

Now of course, this doesn't mean I hate the game and I'm not buying anything; I'll do the same thing as I did this time around- Wait until sales to fill in my collection and buy the stuff I need ASAP (ie, the traps). I'm looking forward to the game, but there's a lot of things that should and need to be criticized with it, especially since they've had 4 years now to perfect this stuff down to a science.

I will try to make you understand my different point of view, by analizing what you have said.

First of all, online. While I would also like A LOT the possibility to play online with other Portal Masters around the globe (maybe even some darkspyro member smilie ), and battle or just play the main campaign together, I can understand why they are still not implementing it. They probably want it to be sort of like a gimmick, even if this sounds terribly wrong, I know. This year is traps and villains. Next year... Skylanders League? Who knows.

Now, for the levels. They have never, and probably never will, shown a full level at the E3. They only use levels there to let you play some of the new characters, and try out the new gimmick, while explaining the new gameplay mechanics. Why would you want to see an ENTIRE level? I would prefer a surprise, for when the game comes out, thanks.

Trap price isn't that bad, to me. Remember that with a single trap, you can play as ALL the (five?) villains from that specific element. And they are like stronger, but limited versions of the Skylanders, which usually costs around 10$.

Designs are opinable. I like Broccoli Guy, while a lot of people hate him (don't get me wrong, I can see why, but, hey! I'm weird! smilie ). The new female Skylanders look quite unique, even if they are not that creative. Their abilities seems interesting. And yes, the focus this year are the villains. I think we should all deal with it.

The lack of Swap Zones and Giant Areas doesn't mean that you can't still play with your Swap Force and Giants characters. They are just special and stronger characters, now. Trap Master don't have a specific function too, aside from dealing a lot more damages to trappable villains and destroy traptanium crystals.

It's true, now we can access ALL the traptanium-locked areas from the first day of play. But... We won't probably be able to trap all the villains. So it's a mix, between a single character gimmick, and a multiple one. Even if villains won't probably do anything, gameplay wise, aside from act as overpowered Skylanders... smilie

I am really liking the game, so far. The trap mechanic really excite me, the characters look good, and the villains (most of them) are awesome.

But again, this is just my point of view. smilie
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
CountMoneyBone Platinum Sparx Gems: 5173
#13 Posted: 22:25:20 15/06/2014
i cant wait to get my hands on the 'skylanders trap solo' 3ds game smilie
Ha! HA, sage ich.
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8603
#14 Posted: 22:44:06 15/06/2014
Skylanders has always been about the money, every game has always been about the money. Granted, I couldn't care less because I'm not a child and realise how business works. However, I don't like the looks of this game on it's own merits. The idea is quite nice, but what they're doing with the idea doesn't appeal to me at all. What I can't stand even more is that there's little to no chance that you will be able to use traps in future games. Unlike regular characters, who have been reusable in every Skylanders game, these guys... Most likely won't. I don't like the idea of spending such a large amount of money buying a trap of each element just so I can complete this particular game and never use them again in future games.
diddy50 Gold Sparx Gems: 2554
#15 Posted: 23:56:58 15/06/2014
Quote: spyroflame0487
Quote: FreezeBlade98
I love Trap Team and I don't think activision only care about money.

Rock Band would like to have a word with you lol

Personally speaking, I feel of what we've seen so far, the game hasn't quite hit the mark where I think it should be. Ghost Roaster has highlighted a few parts; No Online is one of the things that sticks out like a sore thumb, especially in the 4th entry in the series.

They've been very quiet regarding levels and such which always seems to be the biggest thing people take away from the games. I'm actually not even sure if we got any full gameplay videos of levels from E3. (Like an entire level, not just a chunk like the one with the Gillmen in the sewers)

I also don't care much for the price point of the traps; $5.99 each? That's ridiculous. They should be $2.99 or $3.99 to compete with the Infinity magic base things.

It also seems like the villain designs were the main focus of the team this time around; Painyatta and Wolfgang are awesome but they're being regulated to in game unlocks while we get robot guy, and 3 female samefaces. While its good that we get more female characters, they're all just..uninspired I think.

One of the last things that still bothers me is the lack of Giants/Swap areas in the game. What exactly was the point of us buying all of them if we're using them once? What's the point in using the traps, especially if they lose functionality or are completely removed from the next game? Understandably, there probably wont be a ton of those figures (Giants and Swappers I mean) out when the game is launched, but...maybe put those in the repose column that they have such a love for each time around?

I think one of the only good things I've been able to take away so far is that I'll only need to buy traps; unlike with Swap Force where, to unlock everything we needed one of each of the Swap Abilities, we'll only need a trap master and traps and those come with the starter packs (or in the case of the traps, 2 of them do anyways). This was more akin to Giants where we didn't have to obnoxiously hunt down the other abilities to finish the game.

Now of course, this doesn't mean I hate the game and I'm not buying anything; I'll do the same thing as I did this time around- Wait until sales to fill in my collection and buy the stuff I need ASAP (ie, the traps). I'm looking forward to the game, but there's a lot of things that should and need to be criticized with it, especially since they've had 4 years now to perfect this stuff down to a science.

Rock Band wasn't made by Activision, that was Guitar Hero...
On topic, I think it's great they are making new Skylanders games, so long as EVERY previous figure is compatible with the game. As soon as they negate this feature is when they will be denied any support from me. The fact that they keep making more and more characters each time is going to make this happen too soon. They are really pushing new characters out too quickly, Pretty soon they won't have the time or care to bother coding all "Older" figures into the future games. Old figures will then be useless paperweights, which will really kill this franchise.

PLEASE keep all figures forward compatible!!!!
SennyBonku Blue Sparx Gems: 673
#16 Posted: 13:16:00 17/06/2014
Honestly and all the respect, Skylanders aren't anywhere near Pokemon in the terms of mechanics. In opposite, while Game Freak tries to improve the gaming experience, Activision (in SF at least) nearly shallowed it, focusing on sales of figures. What I mean is that the main story in Pokemon is overall plain and same every time (likewise Skyladners), but it's not really what makes you play this game. It's mostly collecting monsters, trading and battling with others. In terms of that, they've made a huge improvement with each generation, while Skylanders are basically the same all the time, more over, each game is more and more repetitive and jumping feature doesn't bring much difference.

Aside of that, how can you even try to compare a brand which holds on a market for 15+ years with something that's up for 3,5 year and lets be honest - is completly different game in every terms.

Going on, the problem which was only slightly mentioned is compatibility of the old figures, which were so horribly nerfed, that it hurts so much. They almost force you to play with all the new characters and drop the old ones, just because they want to make you buy more and more. And now, to get a gimmick of some boost for 30 second, you need to pay for an extra piece of plastic, which will be usefull only for this game? Seriously, even power discs in DI makes much more sense to me and blind bags aren't problem, assuming you can buy a specific discs on auctions. That's something which might cause bit of ache for people who are completionists, because they will deffinitelly spend plenty of money on traps, while actually max of 9 (assuming that Kaos needs a completly separate one) will be needed.
Kung Fu Man Gold Sparx Gems: 2120
#17 Posted: 13:48:18 17/06/2014
Basically...the gimmick is controlling the game, and not an element of it. The skylander toys themselves are not the 'cool and intriguing' part of it, but the villains are, things we never get to physically see but get to shove into a box. It forces you to buy a new portal, and you have to pay even more to get the privilege to play any of the six elements not included with the game. Not to mention the fact that we'll probably need special ones for Kaos and so forth...and really, this gimmick could've been integrated into the game without needing a new portal, without needing new pieces of plastic, and the swapping effect handled by the controller.

I'd have been happy had they not abandoned the older gimmicks and integrated them in. Give me areas the Giants can access more outright or things they can throw in the scenery. Figure out something for the swappers to utilize. And give us something more to play with our figures we've come to love over the years.
CountMoneyBone Platinum Sparx Gems: 5173
#18 Posted: 13:59:28 17/06/2014
i would have been happy with a new game without any new figurines or gimmicks. a game where i could use my older figurines more.
Ha! HA, sage ich.
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#19 Posted: 14:15:05 17/06/2014
Well, nerfs and buffs are all game bounded.

Since the development is back in Toys for Bob's hands, I have a strong feeling, and a strong hope, that they will know how to take care of their old creatures... smilie
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Dyno-Mite Ripto Gems: 92
#20 Posted: 15:17:18 17/06/2014
I don't want anything from the series, besides a quicker end.
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#21 Posted: 17:01:33 17/06/2014
Quote: Dyno-Mite
I don't want anything from the series, besides a quicker end.

This post doesn't help at all.

You may not like this series, but you didn't explain why, either.

Give your motivations.
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:54:21 17/06/2014 by Drek95
Unreallystic Emerald Sparx Gems: 3054
#22 Posted: 19:49:56 17/06/2014
Quote: HeyitsHotDog
Recently, there has been a lot of negative talk about Skylanders: Trap Team. Saying "It's all for money now" and "They running out of ideas!" I just want to know, what DO you want TfB to do with the Skylanders franchise? You realize that this is a KIDS game, right? Skylanders innovates EVERY game. They add new characters, toys, game-play, story and more. Pokemon is more or less the same game every time. All they do is make new Pokemon, a new region to explore and a different story, while the game-play itself almost never changes (And it's still damn good). All Mario does is add in a new power up and some new game mechanics and that's (And it's still great). And don't have me get started on Call Of Duty. So, please tell me, what do you expect?

People are being too wordy about the obvious sore spots.

It's about profits, no one argues that. But each entry gets more and more pricey.

The First spyro game had 32 characters all at the same price. The only thing 'expensive' really was 'sets' like Pirate Seas, but everything for the most part was the same price, like buying an action figure. As well, to play the whole game only required 8 characters, 3 of which came with the packaging. You literally had ALL unlocks for the game by buying the game and then purchasing 'just' 5 more characters.

The second game, was a little more expensive - adding the 'Giants' in, but you know what? You only needed ONE GIANT, and it came with the stater set. You could buy the starter set and use the figures from the first game and have 100% unlock. In this entry they created a two teir pricing structure of the Giants costing more since they cost Activision maybe 25 cents more in material and paint. But - again, there was no need to buy the giants.

Then came Swap Force. If you wanted ALL unlocks, you needed to purchase 8 Swap Force characters at a minimum - I'm not even sure if that would give you the 'element' requirement. And those Swap force characters were incredibly expensive compared to the core landers. Sure '2' came with the game, but assuming you weren't thrifty, you'd be looking at $18 x 6 = $108 on top of the starter pack JUST for a full unlock. That doesn't even factor in getting characters that you want. Then, what was worse, these unlocks were held ransom to increase for instance I bought StinkBomb so I could have the stealth unlocks, and he was a horrible worthless character.

Now with Trap Force, they've increased the paywall for full unlock even FURTHER. Most likely the Trap Masters will be priced similar to Giants. Thus far to my knowledge you only need 'one' which comes with the starter set...yay a financial regression to Giants! But then we now have overpriced 'crystals' that at $6 a pop with the need to purchase at least 7 for a full release, as well as storage since whatever solution you have for figures most likely won't work with them. Oh and I could easily be wrong about the need for different elemental Trap Masters, which would baloon that price up $15 x 7 = $105 plus the crystals =$105 + ($6 x 7) = $147.

So we've gone from *excluding bonus levels*
SSA = Starter + $50
Giants = Starter +$50
Swap Force = Starter + $108
Trap Team = Starter + $147

AND AND AND that doesn't include getting what you may actually want. Trap Team, there is a good chance you'll want some extra crystals. As mentioned you'll need storage, we havne't gotten into the new cores, and I've heard rumblings that they've got plans to make reposes more desirable.

So it's gone from the range of "hey if its on sale, this would be a cool present for my kids" - I mean conceptually you could have a full SSA unlock for $35 (Starter sale) + $40ish (b2g1) = $75. To now where its simply put AN INVESTMENT ($225). I have to save money up to purchase a full unlock. I mean keeping it 100, my wife and I have been talking about if we are going to get it or not, and while I figure we will - I've already said I'm not collecting everything this go around due to the cost, but I'm not even sure what's reasonable to buy as so much is going to be behind some kind of pay wall.

The greed is too much. Either the Trapmasters should 'hold' the villains they capture, or they should come WITH the crystals if it 'technically' was too difficult.
- Unreall
mantez Emerald Sparx Gems: 3167
#23 Posted: 22:09:19 17/06/2014
The market will decide what happens if people stop buying they will have no choice but to change or the franchise will die.
Gullible is not in the dictionary.
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#24 Posted: 00:52:45 18/06/2014
Quote: mantez
The market will decide what happens if people stop buying they will have no choice but to change or the franchise will die.

You summarized pages of very detailed information in one succinct sentence. Bravo.

I have no problem with a company wanting profits. Greed is good in capitalism---until it no longer is. It's up to them to pace this franchise or burn it out. They've obviously chosen the later.

So, back up your statements with your pocketbook, and maybe they'll listen.

Quote: CountMoneyBone
i would have been happy with a new game without any new figurines or gimmicks. a game where i could use my older figurines more.

I'd like it too, but they're making too much money selling toys. So it won't happen.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:54:15 18/06/2014 by GhostRoaster
Jeriba Yellow Sparx Gems: 1168
#25 Posted: 01:16:45 18/06/2014
If it is veryfied, that we need moore then one Trap Master? Or have read/heard anyone here something about Trap Zones?
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#26 Posted: 01:17:50 18/06/2014
Quote: Jeriba
If it is veryfied, that we need moore then one Trap Master? Or have read/heard anyone here something about Trap Zones?

Nothing yet confirms this, so the current assumption I'm running with is that ANY trap master would do.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
kaosmumishot Emerald Sparx Gems: 3271
#27 Posted: 02:16:50 18/06/2014
Recently, there has been a lot of negative talk about Skylanders: Trap Team. Saying "It's all for money now" and "They running out of ideas!" I just want to know, what DO you want TfB to do with the Skylanders franchise? You realize that this is a KIDS game, right? Skylanders innovates EVERY game. They add new characters, toys, game-play, story and more. Pokemon is more or less the same game every time. All they do is make new Pokemon, a new region to explore and a different story, while the game-play itself almost never changes (And it's still damn good). All Mario does is add in a new power up and some new game mechanics and that's (And it's still great). And don't have me get started on Call Of Duty. So, please tell me, what do you expect?

There are two different questions there.

What I want them to do is stop releasing any new characters for the next 5 games at least. I then want them to make 5 new games with a truckload of levels and different adventures for all the existing characters I already own.

What I expect them to do is milk this franchise until there's nothing left of it. I expect them to squeeze every single penny out of consumers through the release of dozens of new toys and various innovations and gimmicks offering as little game play as they can possibly get away with. Because in my opinion they are ALL about the money.
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#28 Posted: 02:26:47 18/06/2014
Quote: kaosmumishot
Recently, there has been a lot of negative talk about Skylanders: Trap Team. Saying "It's all for money now" and "They running out of ideas!" I just want to know, what DO you want TfB to do with the Skylanders franchise? You realize that this is a KIDS game, right? Skylanders innovates EVERY game. They add new characters, toys, game-play, story and more. Pokemon is more or less the same game every time. All they do is make new Pokemon, a new region to explore and a different story, while the game-play itself almost never changes (And it's still damn good). All Mario does is add in a new power up and some new game mechanics and that's (And it's still great). And don't have me get started on Call Of Duty. So, please tell me, what do you expect?

There are two different questions there.

What I want them to do is stop releasing any new characters for the next 5 games at least. I then want them to make 5 new games with a truckload of levels and different adventures for all the existing characters I already own.

What I expect them to do is milk this franchise until there's nothing left of it. I expect them to squeeze every single penny out of consumers through the release of dozens of new toys and various innovations and gimmicks offering as little game play as they can possibly get away with. Because in my opinion they are ALL about the money.

I'd like for the developers to have a creative license. I think their talent is being limited by their desire to make it "safe". In regards to the above, both are extremes. I'd be happy with 32 characters based on current level of content, which is less than half that what we're currently getting.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
GothamLord Yellow Sparx Gems: 1790
#29 Posted: 02:32:03 18/06/2014
5? As much as I'd like them to stop releasing new characters as fast as they are. I don't see that one being realistic. Every other year is certainly more plausible. If they feel the need to keep new characters every year, cut the number in half for each year. Instead of 16 new corelanders every year, make it 8 with a new game yearly. 8 gimmick characters for whatever game of the year it is, instead of 16. 24+ characters a year is a bit excessive at this point when they are $10 or more a pop plus the price of the initial game. Not even counting reposes or variants.
lcopley98 Blue Sparx Gems: 725
#30 Posted: 03:23:42 18/06/2014
Quote: GothamLord
5? As much as I'd like them to stop releasing new characters as fast as they are. I don't see that one being realistic. Every other year is certainly more plausible. If they feel the need to keep new characters every year, cut the number in half for each year. Instead of 16 new corelanders every year, make it 8 with a new game yearly. 8 gimmick characters for whatever game of the year it is, instead of 16. 24+ characters a year is a bit excessive at this point when they are $10 or more a pop plus the price of the initial game. Not even counting reposes or variants.

As a completist, having less characters would definitely help my wallet. But like you, I do not see this slowing down. They pride themselves on providing a lot of diverse ways to play the game for re-playability. So having 50 characters is their way of doing that.
Casual Skylander Gamer
Nuzlocke Challenge
talon4000 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#31 Posted: 03:53:36 18/06/2014
I'm super stoked for trap team, but I also want some of the disney infinity figures, and some of the nintendo amiibo figures, so my purchasing may go down, but I am still pumped for this game, new innovations every game, so far it's great
GhostRoaster617 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3963
#32 Posted: 04:28:41 18/06/2014
I for one enjoy what they are doing right now. While I'll admit my wallet is unhappy, I love having to play characters I have dreamed of playing and am happy these games are at least fun. I personally think Skyanders is way better than Pokemon and I like both, only because Pokemon has overstayed its welcome honestly and is getting super redundant. No hard feelings to anyone, it's just my opinion is all.
Grave Clobber is back to bury you!
Imaginators smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie Villains smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Jeriba Yellow Sparx Gems: 1168
#33 Posted: 06:31:49 18/06/2014
Activision is on a thin line. Every year a new game and new Skylanders is okay for me. But t's a different, if i can buy some new characters or if i must buy them to complete the game. Or a new portal every year, is this realy necessary?

What is in the next year with the traps or the Trap Masters? Same as last year with the giants or this year with the swap force characters. I like to play with the small core Skylanders, at Swap Force i only use Tree Rex for the giants chests.

Sorry of my englisch, to think german and write englisch is not easy to me.
kaosmumishot Emerald Sparx Gems: 3271
#34 Posted: 10:42:25 18/06/2014
Sorry of my englisch, to think german and write englisch is not easy to me.

I think you're doing a great job.

5? As much as I'd like them to stop releasing new characters as fast as they are. I don't see that one being realistic.

Not at all realistic. I was really just stating what I personally want to see from the franchise. I know it's not going to happen and that many of you like seeing new characters each release, but I would like to see them focus on games for a while. But it won't happen. Personally we have so many characters that have hardly ever been used and many new ones are starting to look the same as earlier figures or at the very least play the same as them. I think they are struggling to come up with fresh ideas for characters and attacks and who can blame them, there are so many now.

I'm super stoked for trap team, but I also want some of the disney infinity figures, and some of the nintendo amiibo figures, so my purchasing may go down, but I am still pumped for this game, new innovations every game, so far it's great

So given the HUGE number of characters they are releasing this year, and the fact that there is so much competition, I wonder what their strategy would be for the next game if a bunch of figures didn't sell? I know some stores were reluctant to stock many Swap Force characters this time around after getting stuck with a bunch of Giant characters. I wonder if lower sales will result in fewer character releases for the following games?
mantez Emerald Sparx Gems: 3167
#35 Posted: 11:17:45 18/06/2014
Ideally, there should be no reposes, no lightcores and only new corelanders and new gimmick landers with all being able to swap paths.
Gullible is not in the dictionary.
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#36 Posted: 17:48:52 18/06/2014
Quote: mantez
Ideally, there should be no reposes, no lightcores and only new corelanders and new gimmick landers with all being able to swap paths.

The DNA of the game simply doesn't allow path switching if it's a series 1; I guess they could say starting this game moving forward any and all characters can switch paths then you'd have even LESS reasons to buy not sure how they will handle.

All I know is, less is more with me at this point...but they are still shoving too much and it's going to backfire on them BIG TIME.

If they want to sell MORE to me, then they better to bring MORE content--which to date--they've consistently ignored.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:49:28 18/06/2014 by GhostRoaster
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#37 Posted: 03:03:43 19/06/2014
Quote: spyroflame0487
Quote: FreezeBlade98
I love Trap Team and I don't think activision only care about money.

Rock Band would like to have a word with you

Rock Band died cause it started to pander to casual gamers.

As for Trap Team, honestly it's not that I want Skylanders to end, but I would like to see it take a break.
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#38 Posted: 03:14:42 19/06/2014
It's like a full court assault on your finances....wweeeee...

Makes the 59.95 with the $20 DLC so so much cheaper now.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#39 Posted: 03:27:40 19/06/2014
This game looks fun... Sort of.
lcopley98 Blue Sparx Gems: 725
#40 Posted: 13:30:48 19/06/2014
Quote: GhostRoaster
It's like a full court assault on your finances....wweeeee...

Makes the 59.95 with the $20 DLC so so much cheaper now.

Ouch. And we thought that they were ripping us off.
Casual Skylander Gamer
Nuzlocke Challenge
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