darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders: Trap Team > Anyone hoping this will be the last Skylanders?
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Anyone hoping this will be the last Skylanders?
Chibilove Green Sparx Gems: 400
#1 Posted: 17:41:20 15/05/2014 | Topic Creator
I know i made a thread some time ago about whether or not this will be the last Skylanders... But is anyone hoping this will be the last?

I know it sounds rude of me. I dont wish for this to be dis-continued, but im feeling stressed with Skylanders coming out once a year. Like, i dont have the time to collect all the ones i want and play with them all. Also, sometimes, its so fun and immersing, that i finish the game before i know it. smilie I love all the ideas they have come out with for each series. But as someone who also collects Monster High, Zelfs, My Little Pony, etc.... My bank account hurts. lmao.

So theres a part of me, that wishes this is the last Skylanders... While they are ahead of the game.
Loneliness is a disease that can lead to death They might as well be the same thing
yelvy Gold Sparx Gems: 2450
#2 Posted: 17:46:58 15/05/2014
I hope this is the last Skylanders game! The gimmicks are just getting silly. (I mean, what would it be for Skylanders 5?) And there are just too many Skylanders now, and with each game less that I like. And, you know, theres only so many times you can defeat Kaos...
Ive already made the decision not to buy Trap team at launch, or maybe not at all. Its just not worth the money anymore... smilie
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 17:49:46 15/05/2014 by yelvy
GothamLord Yellow Sparx Gems: 1790
#3 Posted: 17:48:46 15/05/2014
Its Activision, so the game is going to continue to be produced so long as there is money to be made. Personally I'd be happy as well with at least a every-other year release in terms of actual new figures. Maybe they could stagnate the main game release with a secondary title that still used the current main titles figures but appealed to those that want a racing cart game, or a more elaborate Smash Bros style fighter, other game types.
Cooltonium Blue Sparx Gems: 605
#4 Posted: 18:30:08 15/05/2014
2015 Skylanders Country Squad
2016 Skylanders Space Supremes
2017 Skylanders Wheel Gang
2018 Skylanders New Fortune
2019 Skylanders Final Battle

Spin-Off games

2020 Sky-Kart
2021 Dancelanders
2022 Skylander Party Box

Stealth Elf game series

2023 Stealth Elf - Born Again
2024 Stealth Elf - Assassin Reigning
2025 Stealth Elf - Hollow Shadows
2026 Stealth Elf - Darkness Rising
2027 Stealth Elf - Ending Forever

Spin-Off games

2028 Stealth Elf Cloud9
2029 Stealth Elf Maze Craze

The End
buy dangerous woman on itunes
Chibilove Green Sparx Gems: 400
#5 Posted: 18:39:01 15/05/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: yelvy
I hope this is the last Skylanders game! The gimmicks are just getting silly. (I mean, what would it be for Skylanders 5?) And there are just too many Skylanders now, and with each game less that I like. And, you know, theres only so many times you can defeat Kaos...
Ive already made the decision not to buy Trap team at launch, or maybe not at all. Its just not worth the money anymore... smilie

In reference to that is highlighted.... apparently to get just the basic figures from each series, ssa, giants, sf, itll cost 3k. Im not ready to go down that path.
Loneliness is a disease that can lead to death They might as well be the same thing
alicecarp Prismatic Sparx Gems: 13085
#6 Posted: 19:53:02 15/05/2014
I hope it's the last game too. I'm haven't even decided if I'm gonna buy this game or not (if so, I would wait until the price goes down). I'm starting to run out of storage space for figures even though I don't even buy every character and I'm not willing to spend about £60-£70 on a third portal.
If they released a game that doesn't come with new figures or a new portal or if they released a new game at least once every two years instead of one, then I'd probably buy it.
I'm not saying that I'm starting to hate the Skylanders franchise, but I'm starting to wish that Activision would give Spyro his own games again or sell him to a different company that won't turn him into a cash cow.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:54:40 15/05/2014 by alicecarp
wreckingballbob Emerald Sparx Gems: 4565
#7 Posted: 19:57:41 15/05/2014
I hope this is the final game too. I don't think I have the money to get all the Series 2/3/4/Lightcore this time around. Also it wouldn't make sense if you can capture every villain and they had future games. Wouldn't you be able to capture any new villain as well? This would make a awesome final game were the Skylanders win and Skylands is saved for the last time with no villains left.
Kevin16 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4524
#8 Posted: 20:07:57 15/05/2014
I hope its the final game, they are just overdoing this...
what even is this site anymore lmao
LloydDXZX Yellow Sparx Gems: 1637
#9 Posted: 20:41:52 15/05/2014
Quote: Cooltonium
2015 Skylanders Country Squad
2016 Skylanders Space Supremes
2017 Skylanders Wheel Gang
2018 Skylanders New Fortune
2019 Skylanders Final Battle

Spin-Off games

2020 Sky-Kart
2021 Dancelanders
2022 Skylander Party Box

Stealth Elf game series

2023 Stealth Elf - Born Again
2024 Stealth Elf - Assassin Reigning
2025 Stealth Elf - Hollow Shadows
2026 Stealth Elf - Darkness Rising
2027 Stealth Elf - Ending Forever

Spin-Off games

2028 Stealth Elf Cloud9
2029 Stealth Elf Maze Craze

The End

Wow... Remove the Stealth Elf section and this game list is just perfect! smilie
Imaginators is making it revive.
DaMadNes Blue Sparx Gems: 944
#10 Posted: 20:46:47 15/05/2014
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10672
#11 Posted: 21:21:10 15/05/2014
That's called getting some self control, the devs aren't really obligated to stop making yearly releases just because you can't afford it all.
I'm only hoping the series stops or slows down once the quality starts dropping like a rock or it gets incredibly stale like other yearly franchises, but if they're doing fine,it can stay.
(What I need is never what I want)
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#12 Posted: 21:47:20 15/05/2014
Skylanders is a more successful series than Call of Duty, in a way. Expect it to be around for quite a bit longer.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
GamerDrone Emerald Sparx Gems: 3287
#13 Posted: 21:52:53 15/05/2014
As long is there is money to be made, Skylanders will not stop. It's on the consumer to put a stop to it. If the selling of figures falls enough, Skylanders will not continue. That means consumers have to stop buying them.
MoonlitCynder Gold Sparx Gems: 2589
#14 Posted: 22:00:13 15/05/2014
I've had several parents become angry that they have announced a new game. They're tired of spending money on these figures and now with the new portal again...it'll be a fun holiday
37/37 + BsmilieTF+GITDsmilieRsmilieE3smilieFlockedsmilieGITDsmilieAsmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
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GothamLord Yellow Sparx Gems: 1790
#15 Posted: 22:06:04 15/05/2014
Quote: MoonlitCynder
I've had several parents become angry that they have announced a new game. They're tired of spending money on these figures and now with the new portal again...it'll be a fun holiday

Simple resolution. Stop spending money on it then. Make their kids do odd jobs for money, or learn to save their allowance. Pick Skylanders over a different hobby, as they can't have both. Or just straight up say, no more. Sure it sucks for the kids that still like the game, but it sadly is one of the many cycles of growing up and lessons that one learns.
Riser Yellow Sparx Gems: 1339
#16 Posted: 22:17:09 15/05/2014
My wallet hopes that it is. My gut tells me otherwise.
This is survival of the fittest~
ToySoldierMafia Blue Sparx Gems: 916
#17 Posted: 22:19:57 15/05/2014
I am indifferent, honestly. This will probably be my last game unless they do something to really WOW me. Luckily I'm not one of those that plays Skylanders and Disney Infinity, so I'll likely have the money to keep playing the games as long as they have something to make me willing to pay. I might not even buy any s3 or s4 for TT just out of spite towards the sucky wow-pows we got in SF(not all of them weird bad, but you know the ones I'm talking about).
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#18 Posted: 22:21:30 15/05/2014
Not at all. I only buy regular characters (no reposes, lightcores, variants or Battle Packs, if I can find their specific Skylanders somewhere else), and still have the time to play with all of them.
I need to know more about the trap gimmick, but I'm sure really curious and kinda excited, about it.
The new characters look fun and interesting to play as.
I think people shoud really stop complaining about "Kaos always being the main villain" and start thinking about other franchises, such as Crash, Mario and Sonic... I would really like if this series could be able to keep Kaos, and make him an awesome nemesis for our heroes.
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 9155
#19 Posted: 22:36:24 15/05/2014
It will probably be my last game. Unless they pull off an amazing gimmick next year. >_>
ninja9351 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4924
#20 Posted: 22:55:54 15/05/2014
Why do people complain about their freaking wallets!?! If you don't like spending money on the figure don't! It's as simple as that. You guys sound like freaking drug addicts...
I make Skylanders videos-Go Check em' out! youtube.com/portalmaster9351
GothamLord Yellow Sparx Gems: 1790
#21 Posted: 23:07:44 15/05/2014
One can like something and still be annoyed that it cost as much as it does. I like going to the movies, but the evening prices on the weekends are outrageous. So I try and go to matinees instead.
Gnarly Dune Green Sparx Gems: 125
#22 Posted: 00:12:55 16/05/2014
Honesty, I hope there are many more to come. As far as money goes, this is just a rough prediction. But, to unlock all in game content, it could cost as low as $180.00.

Game package (with black Friday discount) -$45.00 (What I paid for SF)
7 different element Trap masters (Snapshot is included) - $105.00
6 different trap keys (2 are included) - $30.00 (If they are sold individually for $5 a piece)

Now don't get me wrong $180.00 is a lot of money to spend on a game. But for the fun factor, and time spent playing. I would say it's worth the investment. Now for all the collectors out there, who have to have every figure, you have my sympathy.
isaac343018s Emerald Sparx Gems: 4478
#23 Posted: 00:17:00 16/05/2014
I'm hoping this is the last game, but not the end of the series. The series should continue, but at least not for 2-4 years or so... If they spread out the releases over multiple years, it'll give them time to perfect everything. I'll get Trap Team eventually, just maybe not until next year at about this same time.
Windumup Emerald Sparx Gems: 3217
#24 Posted: 00:37:19 16/05/2014
Quote: Chibilove
I know i made a thread some time ago about whether or not this will be the last Skylanders... But is anyone hoping this will be the last?

I know it sounds rude of me. I dont wish for this to be dis-continued, but im feeling stressed with Skylanders coming out once a year. Like, i dont have the time to collect all the ones i want and play with them all. Also, sometimes, its so fun and immersing, that i finish the game before i know it. smilie I love all the ideas they have come out with for each series. But as someone who also collects Monster High, Zelfs, My Little Pony, etc.... My bank account hurts. lmao.

So theres a part of me, that wishes this is the last Skylanders... While they are ahead of the game.

Finally something I can use this video for
Ugh I wish my body wasn't a mess
Kevin16 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4524
#25 Posted: 01:11:16 16/05/2014
Quote: Cooltonium
2015 Skylanders Country Squad
2016 Skylanders Space Supremes
2017 Skylanders Wheel Gang
2018 Skylanders New Fortune
2019 Skylanders Final Battle

Spin-Off games

2020 Sky-Kart
2021 Dancelanders
2022 Skylander Party Box

Stealth Elf game series

2023 Stealth Elf - Born Again
2024 Stealth Elf - Assassin Reigning
2025 Stealth Elf - Hollow Shadows
2026 Stealth Elf - Darkness Rising
2027 Stealth Elf - Ending Forever

Spin-Off games

2028 Stealth Elf Cloud9
2029 Stealth Elf Maze Craze

The End

That made me lol smilie ...the Stealth Elf spinoff series sounds pretty cool actually (if only its without toys)
what even is this site anymore lmao
Bellisald Red Sparx Gems: 38
#26 Posted: 01:26:18 16/05/2014
It might surprise some but it's actually for my wallet I'm hoping there will be more Skylanders games. I wouldn't like to have spent so much money on Skylanders figures just so I won't have any new games to play with them after only 4. Though, based on the little we already know, I'm not very interested in Trap Team at the moment.
I don't think it really matters anyway. We can be almost 100% sure Trap Team won't be the last Skylanders because well, it's Activision we're talking about.
newkill Emerald Sparx Gems: 4095
#27 Posted: 01:49:09 16/05/2014
Logically, when you like something, you don't want it to end unless the series is going really bad (which really isn't the case), so no, I hope it is not the last game.
Arc of Archives Yellow Sparx Gems: 1486
#28 Posted: 02:12:05 16/05/2014
Quote: Bifrost
That's called getting some self control, the devs aren't really obligated to stop making yearly releases just because you can't afford it all.
I'm only hoping the series stops or slows down once the quality starts dropping like a rock or it gets incredibly stale like other yearly franchises, but if they're doing fine,it can stay.

^ ^ ^ I think that TT will be the maker or breaker for me for this reason, if they improve on and fix some of the issues with SF that annoyed me more (lore, mainly) it'll probably make the games for me, but if too many of those issues just go on into it well then... I'll probably just lose faith in the series bringing back some of the stuff that was great about SA, because then I will have been enjoying it less and less three games in a row. It's not totally make-or-break, though, perhaps I'll just enjoy it. And either way, I'm going to be weary of Sky5 because it may just be a thing with VV, and their next game may have some of the issues that SF had again even if TT fixes a lot of them...
Quote: Cooltonium
2015 Skylanders Country Squad
2016 Skylanders Space Supremes
2017 Skylanders Wheel Gang
2018 Skylanders New Fortune
2019 Skylanders Final Battle

Spin-Off games

2020 Sky-Kart
2021 Dancelanders
2022 Skylander Party Box

Stealth Elf game series

2023 Stealth Elf - Born Again
2024 Stealth Elf - Assassin Reigning
2025 Stealth Elf - Hollow Shadows
2026 Stealth Elf - Darkness Rising
2027 Stealth Elf - Ending Forever

Spin-Off games

2028 Stealth Elf Cloud9
2029 Stealth Elf Maze Craze

The End

You forgot "The Destiny of Stealth Elf: LEGEND OF DARK DESTINY", the third and final game in the Stealth Elf spin-off series, The Destiny of Stealth Elf. smilie
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 02:18:40 16/05/2014 by Arc of Archives
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#29 Posted: 02:34:00 16/05/2014
Quote: wreckingballbob
I hope this is the final game too. I don't think I have the money to get all the Series 2/3/4/Lightcore this time around. Also it wouldn't make sense if you can capture every villain and they had future games. Wouldn't you be able to capture any new villain as well? This would make a awesome final game were the Skylanders win and Skylands is saved for the last time with no villains left.

Don't worry...they're hoping to get new blood in the franchise--us old fogie stogies aren't really being considered. smilie
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Jonlander Green Sparx Gems: 433
#30 Posted: 03:48:00 16/05/2014
No! I do not hope it is the last entry. It's fun. And my kid loves it. And I love to see her smile.
Earth-Dragon Blue Sparx Gems: 972
#31 Posted: 04:37:31 16/05/2014
Quote: Jonlander
No! I do not hope it is the last entry. It's fun. And my kid loves it. And I love to see her smile.

Yeah. There is a lot more mileage I would like to get of the figs and I don't understand the concept of this thread.

Too often people act like if they buy a Skylanders game you have to buy ALL the figures with that game's logo on it. Moronic. Show some self-control. With them getting rid of heroics, that was completely unneeded in Swap Force. You only need half the swappers and one giant to activate EVERYTHING in swap force.

If you've spent 3k on these games, that's your bad, not Activision forcing you to do anything. They gave us options and it's your own insecurities that make you feel like you need ALL the options.

I hope they make another half dozen to dozen Skylander games. I hope they move away from gimmick-landers, or at least recycle them. I hope they implement some online options, more to let us get some patches so old adventure and battle items do something (sticky situation with doing content for a limited amount of the playerbase, but just like they do series 2 landers, series 2 Darklight Crypt and the like could be in the cards). I hope they evolve gameplay for different games: 3 landers at a time, 4 landers at a time, 2 core and a Giant with the Giant player filling a different role from the core.

There is no reason to wish the series to end just because YOU are obsessive and think buying Skylanders means buying every Skylander.

When trap team comes, don't buy any more figures, just the game and one trap for element. The next game can be fully enjoyed for less then $100.
Glad heroic challenges are gone. Imagine doing 165 per skylander. That's 27225 challenges. No thank you.
yelvy Gold Sparx Gems: 2450
#32 Posted: 06:22:17 16/05/2014
I understand what you mean, but when you think about it.... If you only buy the starter pack, which say is £50. You get a game that you can finish the story of in a matter of days, but can't really 'complete' anything unless you have loads of figures. In Swap force, I bought just two figures after the starter pack, and was dissatified with what I was getting. Therefore, I will probably not get Trap team, because I still can't justify buying a game for £50 when I could buy a game for £20 less and that game being a lot better and not a total rip off.

Rant over! smilie
alicecarp Prismatic Sparx Gems: 13085
#33 Posted: 09:19:29 16/05/2014
Quote: yelvy
I understand what you mean, but when you think about it.... If you only buy the starter pack, which say is £50. You get a game that you can finish the story of in a matter of days, but can't really 'complete' anything unless you have loads of figures. In Swap force, I bought just two figures after the starter pack, and was dissatified with what I was getting. Therefore, I will probably not get Trap team, because I still can't justify buying a game for £50 when I could buy a game for £20 less and that game being a lot better and not a total rip off.

Rant over! smilie

It's better to buy a £30 game with a longer storyline and the ability to get 100% without paying extra for DLC or toys than to buy a £50-£60 game where you're expected to spend more than that if you want to get 100%. I worked out about how much it costs to buy only 8 Swappable Skylanders that you need to complete the game. Say if the average price for each figure is £15, that means you have to pay around £120 extra if you want to complete every Swap zone in order to get every collectable. I really hope you don't require like 1 one Trap Master of each element or something in order to get 100%.
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#34 Posted: 13:40:03 16/05/2014
Quote: alicecarp
Quote: yelvy
I understand what you mean, but when you think about it.... If you only buy the starter pack, which say is £50. You get a game that you can finish the story of in a matter of days, but can't really 'complete' anything unless you have loads of figures. In Swap force, I bought just two figures after the starter pack, and was dissatified with what I was getting. Therefore, I will probably not get Trap team, because I still can't justify buying a game for £50 when I could buy a game for £20 less and that game being a lot better and not a total rip off.

Rant over! smilie

It's better to buy a £30 game with a longer storyline and the ability to get 100% without paying extra for DLC or toys than to buy a £50-£60 game where you're expected to spend more than that if you want to get 100%. I worked out about how much it costs to buy only 8 Swappable Skylanders that you need to complete the game. Say if the average price for each figure is £15, that means you have to pay around £120 extra if you want to complete every Swap zone in order to get every collectable. I really hope you don't require like 1 one Trap Master of each element or something in order to get 100%.

Count on it. Btw, the reason I'm not so chummy with this game is that the major tenants of content/longevity and playability isn't on their radars...AT ALL. I can only say they are making a decision not to include me in future entries because the costs going in doesn't match the fun I'm getting out of it.

Earthdragon--this franchise has TONS of potential, but when the formula doesn't really change, I have to ask if they even have a plan on harnessing that potential. Right now, I'm not feeling it--so why spend more hundreds/thousands on this franchise? I'd be better served using that money for a great summer vacation.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 13:43:45 16/05/2014 by GhostRoaster
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#35 Posted: 13:47:05 16/05/2014
I don't want it to be the last game, so much as I want it to take a break for a year or two.
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#36 Posted: 13:51:28 16/05/2014
Quote: alicecarp
Quote: yelvy
I understand what you mean, but when you think about it.... If you only buy the starter pack, which say is £50. You get a game that you can finish the story of in a matter of days, but can't really 'complete' anything unless you have loads of figures. In Swap force, I bought just two figures after the starter pack, and was dissatified with what I was getting. Therefore, I will probably not get Trap team, because I still can't justify buying a game for £50 when I could buy a game for £20 less and that game being a lot better and not a total rip off.

Rant over! smilie

It's better to buy a £30 game with a longer storyline and the ability to get 100% without paying extra for DLC or toys than to buy a £50-£60 game where you're expected to spend more than that if you want to get 100%. I worked out about how much it costs to buy only 8 Swappable Skylanders that you need to complete the game. Say if the average price for each figure is £15, that means you have to pay around £120 extra if you want to complete every Swap zone in order to get every collectable. I really hope you don't require like 1 one Trap Master of each element or something in order to get 100%.

You probably won't need a Trap Master for each element, like you didn't need all the 8 Giants to play each Feat of Strengh, in the second game.
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Chibilove Green Sparx Gems: 400
#37 Posted: 13:55:28 16/05/2014 | Topic Creator
I knew about Skylanders since day 1, but i never bought anything til there was pre-orders for Swap Force. I bought, SSA, GIANTS & SWAP FORCE (pre-order) and while i was waiting for Swap Force to come out, i was learning about Skylanders with SSA and Giants, getting figures, playing the game, etc. And when Swap Force came out, i played it for like, 2 hours straight, and reliazed i wanted to beat SSA and giants first, and since those games werent as smooth for me, ive actually only beat both of them roughly 3 months ago. This whole time, i didnt know figures came out in waves, so i didnt suffer from SSA and giants waves, as i could easily find whatever i wanted to play. And when i finally started to play Swap Force, i learned there was things i couldnt do in the game, because those figures werent released yet. so i didnt want to beat the game without having the figures I WANT (NOT ALL THE GOD DAM FIGURES AS YOU PEOPLE ARE POINTING OUT wahhh wahhhh dont buy them all!, IM NOT) so currently, SWAP FORCE is just sitting there, til the last wave is out. (Im also moving currently and i packed my skylanders so i wouldnt have to worry about waiting for waves, even though im still buying the ones i want that come out, i just keep them in their packaging and throw them in my moving bins lol)
Loneliness is a disease that can lead to death They might as well be the same thing
Chibilove Green Sparx Gems: 400
#38 Posted: 13:59:12 16/05/2014 | Topic Creator
Also, im thinking of not pre-ordering Trap Team (unless something FABULOUS comes with it with a specific retailer) and im thinking of actually waiting til they have those sales with getting the starter pack for like 20%-50& off. Also, by then, hopefully all the waves are out. and then ill lose ALL MY MONEY at ONCE. LMAO.
Loneliness is a disease that can lead to death They might as well be the same thing
Cooltonium Blue Sparx Gems: 605
#39 Posted: 15:18:56 16/05/2014
Quote: Kevin16
Quote: Cooltonium
2015 Skylanders Country Squad
2016 Skylanders Space Supremes
2017 Skylanders Wheel Gang
2018 Skylanders New Fortune
2019 Skylanders Final Battle

Spin-Off games

2020 Sky-Kart
2021 Dancelanders
2022 Skylander Party Box

Stealth Elf game series

2023 Stealth Elf - Born Again
2024 Stealth Elf - Assassin Reigning
2025 Stealth Elf - Hollow Shadows
2026 Stealth Elf - Darkness Rising
2027 Stealth Elf - Ending Forever

Spin-Off games

2028 Stealth Elf Cloud9
2029 Stealth Elf Maze Craze

The End

That made me lol smilie ...the Stealth Elf spinoff series sounds pretty cool actually (if only its without toys)

Its without toys! I'm writing about Country Squad on my Guestbook if your interested
buy dangerous woman on itunes
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#40 Posted: 15:26:37 16/05/2014
Quote: Chibilove
Also, im thinking of not pre-ordering Trap Team (unless something FABULOUS comes with it with a specific retailer) and im thinking of actually waiting til they have those sales with getting the starter pack for like 20%-50& off. Also, by then, hopefully all the waves are out. and then ill lose ALL MY MONEY at ONCE. LMAO.

Black Friday timeframe I buy the starter pack for 50% off. That's about as good as it gets.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Chibilove Green Sparx Gems: 400
#41 Posted: 16:32:48 16/05/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: GhostRoaster
Quote: Chibilove
Also, im thinking of not pre-ordering Trap Team (unless something FABULOUS comes with it with a specific retailer) and im thinking of actually waiting til they have those sales with getting the starter pack for like 20%-50& off. Also, by then, hopefully all the waves are out. and then ill lose ALL MY MONEY at ONCE. LMAO.

Black Friday timeframe I buy the starter pack for 50% off. That's about as good as it gets.

Ill do this then! Sounds like a great idea! Do you know if this is for all retailers? Or was it only toys r us , gamestop , etc.
Loneliness is a disease that can lead to death They might as well be the same thing
alicecarp Prismatic Sparx Gems: 13085
#42 Posted: 17:59:35 16/05/2014
Quote: Drek95
You probably won't need a Trap Master for each element, like you didn't need all the 8 Giants to play each Feat of Strengh, in the second game.

That's what I'm hoping for. If that's true, then I'll buy the game and I'll only get the two starter pack characters, S4 Spyro, S4 Sunburn if there'll be one (hopefully), and any trap crystals I need to trap villains I like such as Wolfgang and Chompy Mage.
Chibilove Green Sparx Gems: 400
#43 Posted: 18:49:18 16/05/2014 | Topic Creator
Im hoping with this one, itll make it to where its on the cheaper side to play. But for people who are all about how much money a company is making out of the series, its gonna show that this installment wont make as much as the others. And its all due to them only having to have the crystals, in order to play 100%
Loneliness is a disease that can lead to death They might as well be the same thing
zookinator Platinum Sparx Gems: 5735
#44 Posted: 02:37:53 17/05/2014
I am really hoping that this is the last game. The major villains will all be gone by the time this is over, so unless there are some sort prequels in which you play Skylanders without the figurines, before they were blasted to Earth, then it is nothing more than a cash grab. It is very hard for me to resist buying all of the figures, and for other people as well. So, I do think that we should try to not buy the next installment after Trap Team. That can start the shift to no more games.

But, if they do continue making games, they should either do the above idea, or make spin-offs in which they re-release older figures, so everybody should catch up. And with them, they can release spin-offs. What can I say? In this case, less is more.
Skylanders Colosseum Clash
A Fanmade Skylanders Boardgame
TerraFizz Yellow Sparx Gems: 1484
#45 Posted: 04:45:45 17/05/2014
It's too much of a cash cow franchise for it to be the last game no matter how much you wish for it to be.

The matter of it being the last game is up to you as a personal choice.
smilie Pop Fizz's Theme Song: smilie
gta1134 Blue Sparx Gems: 628
#46 Posted: 05:37:21 17/05/2014
I honestly don't get this line of thinking, you don't enjoy it so you wish no one else can either? That type of thinking is nothing more than being an a**hole. If I were to go by that, because I am a diabetic they should just stop making all products with the slightest amount of sugar in it or because X person has a peanut allergy we should just go out and burn all the peanut trees in the world just so they wouldn't have to worry about it?

To be clear, if you don't like to play... wait for it..... Don't.

I can get the fact that if you have no self control this franchise could be bad because it can add up very fast, however you do not need every single figure the second they come out and if you can't understand that then you will have many money problems heading into the real world. My son loves the franchise so I enjoy it because it brings him that enjoyment. He does not have all the figures yet nor will he by the time Trap Team comes out, but that doesn't stop his enjoyment of the game.

As Terrafizz said the game is a cash cow so it won't stop being made till it isn't profitable anymore, the only way you can show your disapproval is to stop buying it however if you can't help yourself from buying them every time you see one you may need to take that money and instead go see a therapist and talk to them about impulse control.
Have an extra boomer and punch pop fizz that are opened and a darklight crypt that is still sealed for trade.
wreckingballbob Emerald Sparx Gems: 4565
#47 Posted: 08:59:14 17/05/2014
I want to play but it's the money that worries me.
Dark fhoenix Emerald Sparx Gems: 3166
#48 Posted: 10:15:30 17/05/2014
Well i paid full price for the swopforce starter for both console and 3DS . That hurt alot .

To be honest i want to try out some Disney Infinity before i even think of Trap team . Still if TrapTeam has some backward reposes of skylanders i dont have yet , i will buy them .
Hey Skylander your health is low and we have a chainsaw
IceStar Gold Sparx Gems: 2186
#49 Posted: 16:06:21 17/05/2014
I hope it's going to be around for a good while.
Kung Fu Man Gold Sparx Gems: 2120
#50 Posted: 17:11:40 17/05/2014
I'd be fine with this being the last. Right now the fun of collecting them has turned into a waiting game to see when the remaining ones I need for Swap Force pop up at a reasonable price. About the one good thing if this is its last hurrah is knowing that there is a final point where you can say you "have them all" and not have to worry about backtracked variants or employee exclusives.

Only Skylanders games I want to play and haven't yet are going to be the 3DS ones I've msised, and I don't need a bigger collection to try those.
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